Chabot College Academic Program Review Report Year Three of

Chabot College
Academic Program Review Report
Year Three of
Program Review Cycle
Final Summary Report
Early Childhood Development Program
and Early Childhood Lab School
Submitted on March 4, 2013
Hilal Ozdemir, Edna Rodriggs, Michelle
Sherry and Kathy Kelley
Final Forms, 1/18/13
Table of Contents
Section A: What Have We Accomplished? ................................. 1
Section B: What’s Next? ........................................................... 2
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History .........................................................................................3
B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule .................................4
B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections ...........................................5
C: Program Learning Outcomes....................................................................9
D: A Few Questions ....................................................................................11
E: New Initiatives .......................................................................................12
F1: New Faculty Requests ..........................................................................13
F2: Classified Staffing Requests ..................................................................14
F3: FTEF Requests ......................................................................................15
F4: Academic Learning Support Requests ..................................................16
F5: Supplies and Services Requests ............................................................17
F6: Conference/Travel Requests ................................................................18
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests ........................................19
F8: Facilities Requests ................................................................................20
A. What Have We Accomplished?
Complete Appendices A (Budget History), B1 and B2 (CLO's), C (PLO's), and D (A few questions) prior to
writing your narrative. You should also review your most recent success, equity, course sequence, and
enrollment data at
In year one, you established goals and action plans for program improvement. This section asks
you to reflect on the progress you have made toward those goals. This analysis will be used by
the PRBC and Budget Committee to assess progress toward achievement of our Strategic Plan
and to inform future budget decisions. It will also be used by the SLOAC and Basic Skills
committees as input to their priority-setting process. In your narrative of two or less pages,
address the following questions:
What program improvement goals did you establish?
Did you achieve the goals you established for the three years? Specifically describe your
progress on goals you set for student learning, program learning, and Strategic Plan
What best practices have you developed? Those could include pedagogical methods,
strategies to address Basic Skills needs of our students, methods of working within your
discipline, and more.
Are these best practices replicable in other disciplines or areas?
Improve success rate for ECD students in underperforming courses. We asked for funds to
offer a ½ unit study class for these courses and we were not funded. The budget
constraints of the last few years have impacted the ability to meet our goals which required
additional funding. We are still seeing that the trend is continuing and so for this 3 rd year
of our Review we have asked for student assistants to support a Community Learning group
where students would be able to meet after class and get the support that they need. We
would have support available for daytime and evening students.
Our success rate by ethnic group is generally the same as that for the college. However, the
success rate is higher and the withdrawal rate is lower for Latino students in ECD. This may be
attributed to the fact that we have a Spanish Cohort where course are taught in their home
language as well as tutoring support. African American students withdrew at a higher rate than
that for the college. We have requested funding to hold a focus group for our African American
students who are withdrawing and not succeeding in ECD classes. We did not receive financial
support for this endeavor.
What were your greatest challenges?
Were there institutional barriers to success?
Cite relevant data in your narrative (e.g., efficiency, persistence, success, FT/PT faculty
ratios, CLO/PLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.).
Explain: ECD students are slightly more successful, with fewer withdrawals than Chabot
students overall. Since ECD is an applied discipline and the courses are required by workforce
legislation, students have a stronger motivation to complete the courses. The highest success is
found in ECD 63 and 90 which have prerequisites as well as a LAB requirement. If students are
successful in the “core” classes (ECD 50, 56, 62, 63), the likelihood of success in the more
advanced classes (ECD 65, 68, 83, 90) is great.
ECD is predominantly female (11% male). Female success rate is higher than the college overall;
male success rate fluctuates from F. 2007-Sp. 2010 between 40%-73%. Female success rate
stayed consistent (70%). The challenge is helping male students to commit and feel comfortable
in such predominantly female classes. The pay scale for early childhood educators is historically
among the lowest wages paid for professionals in our country and therefore attracting men to
the field is difficult. We have hired a male part time instructor and look for ways to provide
male role models for students. We also advocate in all our classes on issues of gender equity as
well as low wages.
One of our greatest challenges we have had around our ECD student’s completion rate of the
program is that we have a large evening program because most of our students are working
either part time or full time in the field and so in order to complete their course of study they
need to come to evening or Saturday classes. Because the evening Early Childhood Lab school
was not operating due to severe budget constraints on the EC Lab school, for the school year of
2011-12 students were not able to complete required lab hours for their courses in the evening.
This impacted their ability to complete the program and for Fall 2011 we had 50% drop out
rate. Evening programs do not exist in the community. Not having an evening program
available is a huge barrier to our working students completing their certificate or degree. We
revitalized our evening lab model for the school year 2012-13 as the demand from our working
students is very high. Challenges of the evening program is that it has been difficult to recruit
children because there is no staff member specifically assigned to help prospective families
complete required paperwork etc.. We have requested a 40% observation scheduler who
would be able to serve this function.
We face the continuing challenge of the lab school being considered a tertiary service of the
college. In the past it was housed under Student Services and 3 years ago it finally was
established as part of the Social Sciences Division. It is vitally important for our students that
we have a fully functioning Early Childhood Lab which meets the needs of our students.
Because of the severe budget reductions to the lab and other barriers presented by the district
the ECD faculty along with the Manager of the EC Lab School have been consumed with coming
up with temporary solutions to stabilize the lab instruction under such dire circumstances.
Having an EC Lab school for our students is a primary goal of our faculty. We cannot meet our
employability standards without the college financially supporting the EC Lab school as they do
many other programs such as Dental Hygiene, Welding, auto shop, chemistry etc…
The process of accountability for CLO’s, PLO’s and College Level Learning Outcomes has been
very disjointed with last minute changes to forms and process which has created frustration in
actually completing the work and benefitting from the analysis. Adjunct faculty were not
supported in being a part of the group assessment process and so this in itself presented
another barrier to having reliable results.
In the past year we were one of the first program to be approved for the Early Childhood
Development AS-T degree. This was in part because we had been participating in the state
wide effort of articulating courses Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) and we had already
started the process.
Learning Communities
ECC (Every Child Counts First 5 Alameda County) funded the planning and implementation of
Learning Communities (cohorts). ECC funded 2 Professional Development Coordinator
positions. PDC’s coordinate cohorts and provide academic and professional support to Early
Childhood students who are working in early childhood settings. Support includes recruitment
to ECD cohorts, advise students on their career path in ECD and develop an ECD Educational
Plan, provide information and processing of: college certificates and California Child
Development Permits, overseeing text book loaning program, promoting PDC’s services and
support by visiting ECD classrooms, facilitation of cohort meetings, and aiding students with
issues in Admissions and Records such as: applying for admission, pre-requisite waivers, course
substitutions, late adds, change of grade, registration and securing space in classes through
class holds (this action assures cohort students seamless continuation of required classes). In
addition PDC’s make appropriate referrals to all students services on campus.
During this past year the PDC’’s have formed 5 cohorts of ECD students who meet ECC’s
requirements. In these 5 ECD cohort 32 students are pursuing an AA Degree in Early Childhood
Development; 24 students are pursuing a permit or ECD certificate; and 97 students are in the
ELL Spanish cohort. The PDC’s have also processed 60 CA Child Development permits and
developed 270 ECD Educational plans.
As part of the grant from Every Child Counts Alameda County First 5 they have funded 14
student tutors to support ECD student in their cohorts and funded 3 ECD classes needed by the
students in the cohort.
The funding of the PDC positions is in jeopardy and during the next few months the PDC’s and
Dean of Social Science and School of Arts will be meeting with ECC to determine if there will be
funding for next year. These services provided by ECC are a major factor ink the success rate of
students completing the ECD program.
B. What’s Next?
This section may serve as the foundation for your next Program Review cycle, and will inform the
development of future strategic initiatives for the college. In your narrative of one page or less, address
the following questions. Please complete Appendices E (New Initiatives) and F1-8 (Resources Requested)
to further detail your narrative and to request resources.
1. What goals do you have for future program improvement?
1. Develop cohesive plan which meets the needs of ECD Lab students and the ECD
pedagogical philosophy which includes collaboration with Chabot EC Lab school
2. Develop an internship course for advanced ECD students
3. Analyze CLO data and develop strategies which target at risk students and increase
their success rate
2. What ideas do you have to achieve those goals?
1. Work collaboratively with college administration, manager of Chabot EC Lab School
and ECD faculty to implement the developed EC Lab School proposal.
2. Studying other internship community college models in the state in order to develop
the internship course at Chabot.
3. Add one unit laboratory to those classes that are prerequisites and create study
groups for higher student/faculty contact
4. Faculty mentoring -via TBA units supervised by faculty
5. Develop Community Learning groups for at risk students.
3. What must change about the institution to enable you to make greater progress in
improving student learning and overall student success?
1. Laboratory school must be recognized and treated as an integral part of ECD
2. Allocation of some additional FTEF resources to implement the above proposals in
order to increase success rates and student retention.
4. What recommendations do you have to improve the Program Review process?
1. Make it less cumbersome
2. Reduce amount of required documentation in order to make positive changes
3. Forms and reports seem to be in a constant stage of revision and sometimes with
minimum number of weeks before deadline.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
2011-12 Budget Requested
Classified Staffing
(# of positions)
Supplies &
2012-13 Budget Requested
Replace computer and LCD
projector in student classroom
1. Refurbishing student
classroom room 3521
(replace tables chairs,
2. Request $5000 for ECD
faculty to review, revise and
align 3 courses with the CAP
project and meet all of their
3. Financial support for
developing FIG focusing
on ECD 56 success rate
compared to other courses
1. Refurbishing student
classroom room 3521
(replace tables chairs,
2. Request $2500 for
Financial support for
developing FIG focusing on
ECD 56 success rate compared
ECD faculty to review,
revise and align 3
courses with the CAP
project and meet all of
their guidelines
to other courses. We request
We request $3,000.
4. Funding for a focus group
to look at success rate of
ECD African American
4.Funding for a focus
group to look at
success rate of ECD
African American
5. Lab student assistants to
support ECD faculty and
lab students.
4. Lab student
assistants to
support ECD
faculty and lab
$122, 000.
$ 22, 600.00
1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improve student learning? When
you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the anticipated
positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
Projector and computer enhanced teaching and student learning since the new one is reliable and
working properly.
Received partial lab student assistant funding which enhances student’s ability to integrate theory and
practice and get immediate feedback in the Chabot EC Lab. They worked collaboratively with the ECD
faculty Lab instructor to provide one on one support to lab students as needed. ECD Lab students have
expressed appreciation for the extra support that enables them to have a more successful experience in
this complex environment. Comments from ECD Lab students: “gives me feedback on my interactions
with children”, “ give advice when I encounter situations with children” , “preschool teachers need to
give their top priority to the children and the lab student assistant can answer my question on the spot
in a teachable moment” and “periodically checks in with me, which gives me comfort”. This has been
a very successful model to use for the success of our ECD lab students and we observed measurable
competencies that students developed which has increased their success. This model has become vital
since the EC lab school’s budget has been reduced significantly and the EC Specialist teacher in the
classroom has multiple tasks and this significantly reduced their ability to assist and guide lab students in
the EC Lab.
2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has student
learning been impacted, or safety compromised, or enrollment or retention negatively impacted?
We still need to study and assess why students are having a lower success rate in some of the ECD
courses. It is important that we understand why students are unsuccessful so that we can support
students and they can be successful. It is also required by state regulatory agencies for employment and
the California Child Development permit for specific courses to be completed in order to be employable.
Another issue to study is why our African American student success rate is lower than other ethnic
students in ECD. We have proposed funding to support a focus group on each of these issues and have
not received support from the college budget committee. These issues are still vital to our program and
the success of our students and to meet one of the Chabot College mission statements of Workforce
Appendix B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule
All courses must be assessed at least once every three years. Please complete this chart that
defines your assessment schedule.
Group 1:
ECD 40
ECD 52
ECD 50
ECD 68
Results For
ECD 54
ECD 87
ECD 56
ECD 88
ECD 60
ECD 89
ECD 61
ECD 91
ECD 62
ECD 63
ECD 65
ECD 67
ECD 69
ECD 83
Results For
Fall 2013
ECD 90
ECD 95/96
Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections
Form Instructions:
 Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all
sections assessed in eLumen.
Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual
Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as
a whole.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Students will be able to analyze the importance
of the early years and the effects of interaction between
maturational processes and social factors on social and
emotional development
(CLO) 2: Students will be able to describe the influences
on early brain development
(CLO) 3:Students will be able to analyze how differences
in temperaments impact social-emotional development
ECD 40
Fall, 2011
Spring, 2012
Michelle Sherry
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% of the class
over 3 or 4
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
78.2% achieved
over 3 or 4
75% of students
score 3 or 4
78.1% of students
scored 3 or 4
75% of students
score 3 or 4
84.3% of students
scored 3 or 4
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
ECD 50
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Barbara Ogman, Edna Rodriggs
(CLO) 1:Student will be able to analyze an Early Childhood
Environment Based on Specific Standards(such as DAP)
(CLO) 2:Student will be able to identify the development stage
of a child
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
70% of class
scored 3 or 4
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
82.4 % scored
with a 3 or 4
76.5 % scored a
3 or 4.
76.5 % scored a 3
or 4.
ECD 52
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2011
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Hilal Ozdemir
(CLO) 1: Analyze major developmental milestones for
children from 8-18 years of age in areas of physical,
psychosocial, cognitive and language development.
(CLO) 2: Explain how human development occurs as a
result of the interaction of the physical, social, emotional,
and cognitive systems.
(CLO) 3: Synthesize material to allow for critical thinking
regarding contemporary issues impacting middle
childhood and adolescence.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Evaluate regulations, standards, policies and
procedures related to health, safety and nutrition in support of
young children, teachers and families.
(CLO) 2: Identify and plan nutritionally balanced meals and
snacks with consideration to cultural and special nutritional
dietary needs.
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
70% scored either
3 or 4
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
77% scored
either 3 or 4
70% scored either
3 or 4
90 % scored
either 3 or 4
70% scored either
3 or 4
90 % scored
either 3 or 4
ECD 54
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Edna Rodriggs
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% scored
either a 3 or 4
75% scored
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
70% scored a 3 or
54% scored a 3 or
either a 3 or 4
(CLO) 3: Demonstrate basic skills of first aid and responding to
common emergencies encountered in early childhood settings.
75% scored
either a 3 or 4
78 % + scored a 3
or 4
(CLO) 4: Apply knowledge of research and community
75% scored
either a 3 or 4
61% scored a 3 or
resources to address the specific health needs of all children,
including those with special needs.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: The student will be able to analyze development
as a result of the influences of nature and nurture.
(CLO) 2: Student will describe current trends in research
about early childhood.
(CLO) 3: Student will be able to identify techniques for
studying children.
ECD 56
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
Diana McGregor &Hilal H. Ozdemir
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
60% score either
3 or 4.
75% scored a 3
or 4
60% score either
3 or 4.
71% scored a 3
or 4
60% score either
3 or 4.
63% scored a 3
or 4
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Lisa Long
(CLO) 1: Demonstrate ability to compare and contrast
typical and atypical development of young children and
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
70 % of the a 3
or 4
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
71% scored a 3 or
the implications for adaptation.
(CLO) 2: Appraise the identification, screen and
assessment processes for children with exceptional
(CLO) 3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
disabilities that affect children and community resources
(CLO) 4: Understand and can apply laws protecting
children with exceptional needs including Individual
Development Education Act (IDEA) and use of Individual
Education Plan (IEP) and Individual Family Service Plan
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Evaluate criteria for children's picture books,
fiction and nonfiction.
(CLO) 2: Demonstrate an ability to read aloud both prose
and poetry in an engaging fashion and to develop
storytelling techniques.
(CLO) 3: Understand developmental stages and types of
books appropriate to use within each stage.
70 % of the a 3
or 4
72% scored a 3 or
70 % of the a 3
or 4
69 % scored a 3 or
70 % of the a 3
or 4
61% scored 3 or 4
ECD 61
Fall 2012
Spring 2012
Diana McGregor & HilalOzdemir
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
84.7 % scored
with a 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
94.7% scored with
a 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
94.7% scored a 3
or 4.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
ECD 62
Fall 11
Spring 2012
Barbara Ogman
Defined Target
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(CLO) 1: Student shall be able to analyze and compare
how services offered to families and children are
determined by political influences
(CLO) 2:Student shall be able to identify the impact of
culture on children and families
(CLO) 3: Student shall be able to identify and describe
different parenting styles
(CLO) 4: Student will analyze their own values, goals and
sense of self as it relates to family history and life
experiences and assess how this impacts relationships with
children and families
(CLO Goal)
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
(eLumen data)
39.4 % scored a 3 or 4
37.5% scored a 3 or 4
48.4 % scored a 3 or
48.4 % scored a 3 or 4
ECD 63
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 201
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2011
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Hilal Ozdemir & Michelle Sherry
(CLO) 1: Observe, plan, assess and evaluate an EC
(CLO) 2: Student shall be able to discuss the learning
process in early childhood as it relates to play.
(CLO) 3: student shall be able to plan curriculum that
reflects an understanding of cultural diversity.
(CLO) 4: student shall be able to evaluate teacher
practices for best practices reflecting current research.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% scored either
3 or 4.
89.75% scored
with a 3 or 4.
75% scored either
3 or 4
85.7% scored
with a 3 or 4.
75 % scored
either 3 or 4
100 % scored
with a 3 or 4.
75 % scored
either 3 or 4
79.1 % scored
with a 3 or 4.
ECD 65
Fall 2011
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Student will analyze the responsibilities and
tasks with administrating an Early Childhood
Development Program
(CLO) 2: Student will identify and describe
responsibilities and tasks associated with administering
and ECE program.
(CLO) 3: Student will develop and implement operating
policies and procedures in child care programs.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1:Analyze skills of infants/toddlers in physical
cognitive, social emotional domains as well as key
elements of language development
(CLO) 2:Apply the principles of infant/toddler
development to create safe and healthy environments
which meet licensing requirements and are responsive to
the needs of individual infants and toddlers.
(CLO) 3:Analyze qualities of team approach,
collaboration, communication, professional and ethical
behaviors in infant/toddler care environments
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Spring 2012
Carol Barton
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75 % of the
class scored
either 3 or 4
79% scored
either a 3 or 4
75 % of the
class scored
either 3 or 4
78.9 % scored
either a 3 or 4
75 % of the
class scored
either 3 or 4
68.4% scored
either a 3 or 4
ECD 67
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Mitchell Ha &Hilal Ozdemir
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% of the class
scored either 3
or 4.
75% of the class
scored either 3
or 4.
75% of the class
scored either 3
or 4.
ECD 68
Spring 2012
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
82% scored a 3 or
82% scored a 3 or
82% scored a 3 or
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
(CLO) 1: Student will be able to examine and compare
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
52% scored a 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
52% scored a 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4.
52% scored a 3 or 4
management styles in Early Care and Educational settings.
(CLO) 2: Student will be able to enumerate the legal and
ethical aspects of directing a staff.
(CLO) 3: Student will be able to evaluate methods and
compare principles of group dynamics from a leadership
(CLO) 4: Student will be able to define the role of
supervisor in directing a staff in ECD settings.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Apply child development principles across all
domains using authentic assessment, quantitative and
observational skills to the preparation of a child’s
developmental profile and portfolio.
(CLO) 2: Demonstrate the use of observation and
assessment to implement curriculum and environmental
changes in support of child’s individual needs.
(CLO) 3: Compare and analyze current assessment tools
used in early care and education.
52% scored a 3 or 4
ECD 69
Fall 2011
Spring 2012
Francesca Conterno
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% scored
either 3 or 4
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
94.5% scored 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4
86.1% either a 3 or
75% scored
either 3 or 4
75% of the class
scored 3 or 4
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Kathy Kelley and Mireille Giovanola
(CLO) 1: Critique theories and review the multiple
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75% at least 2.
impacts on young children’s social identity.
(CLO) 2: Identify and analyze personal cultural
80% of the
students scored
2 or higher.
75% at least 2.
80% of the
students scored
2 or higher.
75% at least 2.
80.5% of the
students scored
at least 2.
childrearing practices, attitudes towards play and
education in order to work more effectively with
children, families and co-workers.
(CLO) 4: Apply the principles of developmentally
appropriate practice and of anti-bias pedagogy to
develop environments and curriculum which are
linguistically appropriate and support diversity, inclusion
and a multiethnic perspective.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
ECD 83
Fall 11
Spring 12
Defined Target
80% of the
students scored
2 or higher.
75% at least 2.
backgrounds and contrast and compare their cultural
identity to those of other groups. Recognized groups
include but are not limited to African American, Asian
American, Chicano/Latino, European Americans,
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and Americans of
Middle Eastern origin
(CLO) 3: Compare and contrast diverse cultural values,
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
(CLO) 1: Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to
use the Environmental Ratings Scale
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO Goal)
75% scored either
3 or 4.
80% scored with
a 3 or 4.
ECD 87
Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Mitchell Ha
infant/toddlers environmental rating scale rating scale.
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75 % scored
either 3 or 4.
83% scored a 3 or
(CLO) 2: Develop learning experiences that support
childrens optimal development.
(CLO) 3: Develop strategies that are effective in creating
partnerships with families.
76 % scored
either 3 or 4.
76 % scored
either 3 or 4.
83% scored a 3 or
83% scored a 3 or
(CLO) 1: Analyze infant/toddler classrooms using the
ECD 88
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Student will be able to demonstrate the ability
to use the Environmental Ratings Scale.
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
75 % scored
either 3 or 4.
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
80% scored a 3 or
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Students will analyze and apply information
gained from the specific topic of this session in their
everyday interactions with young children and professional
(CLO) 2: Student will explain ways that early childhood
educators can care for children in a culturally responsive
(CLO) 3: Students will develop strategies that are
effective in working with children and families in a diverse
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
ECD 89
Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Michelle Sherry
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
80 % scored a 3 or
Over 90% of
class scored 3 or
80 % scored a 3 or
Over 90% of
class scored 3 or
ECD 90
Fall 2011
Spring 12
Ozdemir, Ogman
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
(CLO) 1: Critically assess one's own teaching experience to 75% scored
either 3 or 4
guide and inform practice.
Over 90% of
class scored 3 or
80 % scored a 3 or
(CLO) 2: Demonstrate knowledge of current research and
understanding of how young children learn by way of
planning and implementing developmentally appropriate
practices that emerge from observation.
(CLO) 3: Demonstrate ability to use feedback,
constructive criticism and reflection to improve teaching
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
86% scored a 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4
86% scored a 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4
75 % scored a 3 or
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
(CLO) 1: Analyze and adopt curriculum using
observations and assessments across developmental
domains, content areas and routines.
(CLO) 2: Demonstrate the ability to meet the needs of
individual children within an early childhood setting.
(CLO) 3: Demonstrate ability to observe, document and
evaluate specific occurrences within an early childhood
ECD 91
Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Lisa Long
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
40 % scored
either a 3 or 4.
40 % scored either
a 3 or 4.
75% scored
either 3 or 4
75% scored
either 3 or 4
80 % scored either
3 or 4
80 % scored either
3 or 4
ECD 96
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Edna Rodriggs
(CLO) 1:
Apply concepts encountered in ECD instruction to
problems and situations occurring in early care and education.
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
70% scored a 3
or 4.
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
80.9 % of a 3 or 4
ECD 40
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall, 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring, 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Michelle Sherry
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Students will be able to analyze the importance of the early years and the effects of
interaction between maturational processes and social factors on social and emotional
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class over 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
78.2% achieved over 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Assignments are meeting learning outcome goals.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Assignments are meeting learning outcome goals.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue with current assignments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Students will be able to describe the influences on early brain development
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of students score 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
78.1% of students scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Materials are presented in a way that support students’ learning.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Materials are presented in a way that support students’ learning.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Faculty continuing to stay current on brain research and implications
Continuing to provide resources in class to support new research (up to date dvds, other media
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Students will be able to analyze how differences in temperaments impact socialemotional development
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of students scored 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
84.3% of students scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students have demonstrated an understanding of this important developmental concept
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Media materials, class discussions, textbook, and current assignments are proving to be successful
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue sharing successful assignments with all faculty who teach this course at different times
ECD 50
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Barbara Ogman, Edna Rodriggs
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student will be able to analyze an Early Childhood Environment Based on Specific Standards(such
as DAP)
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of class scored 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
82.4 % scored with a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students are able to reflect on information that they have gained in the class and an
observation of a EC program and apply it to a set of quality standards for an Early Childhood
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We feel that at this time the outcome and assessment of that outcome are meeting the standards
that we have determined and no action is necessary.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will be able to identify the development stage of a child
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70 % of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Our scores were 76.5 % of students scored a 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We felt that this outcome is not indicative of the major focus of the course.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students are meeting the outcome at a desirable percentage of success.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We are in the process of changing the outcome to a more relevant outcome for this course and
which has a more definitive assessment.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
X Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 52
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2011
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Hilal Ozdemir
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Analyze major developmental milestones for children from 8-18 years of age in areas of
physical, psychosocial, cognitive and language development.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
77% of the class scored either 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course works well.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue the course as taught.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Explain how human development occurs as a result of the interaction of the physical,
social, emotional, and cognitive systems.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
90 % of the class scored either 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Assignments might need some modification. Adding a little more challenge and specification
might allow students apply concepts in a more meaningful way.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students did well.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Modify assignment.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Synthesize material to allow for critical thinking regarding contemporary issues
impacting middle childhood and adolescence.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
90 % of the class scored either 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Assignments might need some modification. Adding a little more challenge and specification
might allow students apply concepts in a more meaningful way.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students did well.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Modify assignments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 54
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Edna Rodriggs
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Evaluate regulations, standards, policies and procedures related to health, safety and nutrition in
support of young children, teachers and families.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% scored either a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
70% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We will be looking at the assignment used to assess this SLO and consider having a sequence of
assignments that will help students capture the information.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
We are close in meeting our goals.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Relooking at assignments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Identify and plan nutritionally balanced meals and snacks with consideration to cultural and
special nutritional dietary needs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
This was the lowest scored SLO. However if we added in a 2 then we would have reached it.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Planning meals which are nutritionally sound for children is not an easy task because students
tend to reflect their own eating habits.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Our unit on nutrition needs to be reviewed.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will look at our total unit on nutrition.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Demonstrate basic skills of first aid and responding to common emergencies encountered in early
childhood settings.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
In this SLO our scores were 78%+
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This is a successful unit
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students are learning first aid procedures
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Apply knowledge of research and community resources to address the specific health needs of all
children, including those with special needs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
The score is 61%
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students can use more exposure to community resources that specialize in health, safety and
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students can use more exposure to community resources that specialize in health, safety and
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Look at the assignment for this assessment and consider having the students research community
resources and bring in speakers.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: __________________________________________________________________
ECD 56
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Diana McGregor, Hilal Ozdemir
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: The student will be able to analyze development as a result of the influences of nature
and nurture.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
60% of the class score either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Students in both sections did better than the expectation.
In one section (face-to-face) 62.1% of the students received either 3 or 4.
In the other section (online) 87.7% of the students received either 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Overall the majority of students were successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will describe current trends in research about early childhood.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
60% of the class score either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
In one section (face-to-face) 59.4 % of the students received either 3 or 4.
In the other section (online) 82.1% of the students received either 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
For face-to-face section will adapt more examples of current trends in research about early
childhood could.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Online students (due to nature of the course) are required to complete many research assignments.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
(Face-to-face) More examples of current trends in research about early childhood could be
presented to expand understanding.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Student will be able to identify techniques for studying children.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
60% of the class score either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Students in both sections did better than the expectation.
In one section (face-to-face) 62.1% of the students received either 3 or 4.
In the other section (online) 64.3% of the students received either 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The observation assignment was challenging for a number of students. In class practice might give
the students more comfort in the process before they actually observe children in a care setting.
Online teaching/learning could be particularly challenging for this outcome. Next year, I would
consider giving extra points to those students who meet me face-to-face to discuss this
assignment or phone me during my office hours so I can provide them much needed
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
More practice and individual scaffolding. We consider creating 0.5 unit lab for this particular class.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Lisa Long
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Demonstrate ability to compare and contrast typical and atypical development of
young children and the implications for adaptation.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70 % of the class scored a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
71% of the class have expressed a willingness and desire to work with a child with special needs
using adaptations that can be created
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
I think it is altering students’ perceptions of working with children with special needs. Other
faculty members have mentioned that my subject matter is being discussed in their classes by our
shared students
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students are able to compare and contrast children with and without special needs and
implications of how to adapt curriculum
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Appraise the identification, screen and assessment processes for children with
exceptional needs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of the students will score a 2, 3, or 4 score
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
72 % of my students’ scores matched my definition of success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Many of the students understand basic milestones of development but require more time to
observe experience and really know children’s average development.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
My students are in various stages of emerging skills and awareness of child development
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
My students need to experience and apply their knowledge of child development beyond the
standard scales of development
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of disabilities that affect children and
community resources
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of my students will score a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
69% of my students match this goal
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
My students have a learned how the affects of a disability can alter their learning pattern and
have gained a beginning base of community resources that are available locally, state and at
federal levels.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students feel more comfortable in working with children with disabilities knowing there are
resources that they can research and seek help from. They will not be alone.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time. Just keep building their list of resources
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Understand and can apply laws protecting children with exceptional needs including
Individual Development Education Act (IDEA) and use of Individual Education Plan (IEP) and
Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
60 % of my students will score 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
61% of my students scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
All of my students are more aware that there are laws concerning people with special needs.
However, only some of the students actually practice the laws and others are still reeling from the
ramifications of the laws as it pertains to their lives and jobs.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students have learned that there exist laws for children with disabilities and the important
elements of the IEP or IFSP.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Perhaps providing them with actual cases in law that have used these special laws to defend
those with special needs
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 61
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Diana McGregor & HilalOzdemir
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Evaluate criteria for children's picture books, fiction and nonfiction.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
84.7 % scored with a 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Assignments were thoughtfully conceived and the delivery content was well received. The
instructor in this particular area has particular knowledge and expertise in this area.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Nothing at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Demonstrate an ability to read aloud both prose and poetry in an engaging fashion and
to develop storytelling techniques.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
All of the students received a score of 3 or 4. 94.7% received the highest score of 4. This success far
exceeded expectations.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Assignments were thoughtfully conceived and the delivery content was well received. The
instructor in this particular area has particular knowledge and expertise in this area.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Nothing at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Understand developmental stages and types of books appropriate to use within each
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
All of the students received a score of 3 or 4.
94.7% received the highest score of 4. This success far exceeded expectations.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Assignments were thoughtfully conceived and the delivery content was well received. The
instructor in this particular area has particular knowledge and expertise in this area.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Nothing at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 62
Semester assessment data gathered
F 11
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Sp 12
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student shall be able to analyze and compare how services offered to families and
children are determined by political influences
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
39.4 % achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We are wondering about the assignments/assessments that were developed for the SLO
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student shall be able to identify the impact of culture on children and families
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
37.5% achieved success
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We are wondering about the assignments/assessments that were developed for the SLO
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Student shall be able to identify and describe different parenting styles
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
48.4 % achieve success
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We are wondering about the assignments/assessments that were developed for the SLO
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Student will analyze their own values, goals and sense of self as it relates to family
history and life experiences and assess how this impacts relationships with children and families
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
48.4 % achieved success
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
We are wondering about the assignments/assessments that were developed for the SLO
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
Other: ______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 63
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2011
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Hilal Ozdemir & Michelle Sherry
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Observe, plan, assess and evaluate an EC environment.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
89.75% scored with a 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students are able to reflect on information that they have gained in the class through an
observation of an EC program and apply that to creating a developmentally appropriate
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
To continue with the success rate.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student shall be able to discuss the learning process in early childhood as it relates to
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
85.7% scored with a 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The statistics show that our students are grasping the content of this outcome and are successful.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students are able to reflect on information that they have gained in the class and to be able
to articulate the importance of play in young children’s development.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
To continue with the current assignments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: student shall be able to plan curriculum that reflects an understanding of cultural
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
100 % scored with a 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
As a department we make this a high teaching priority.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
As a department we make this a high teaching priority.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
To continue with the current assignments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: student shall be able to evaluate teacher practices for best practices reflecting current
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
79.1 % scored with a 3 or 4. We scored a little lower here because of the challenges that we had
providing ongoing scaffolding to student teacher in their placements due to diminished access to
the ECD Lab.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Although we exceeded predicted percentage rate we are hoping our student assistants help us
reach to 100% success goal.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Request for the student assistants was a timely endeavor.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Find ways to include “Student assistants” in our Lab teaching.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 65
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop”
Carol Barton
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student will analyze the responsibilities and tasks with administrating an Early
Childhood Development Program
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
68% of the students match the above definition
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students were successful
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The assessment strengths are that they measure learning/outcomes in a variety of ways.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Maintain rigorous expectations and diverse opportunities for students to demonstrate
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will be able to discuss legal and ethical aspects of operating early Care and
Education Programs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75 % of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
79% of the class scored either a 3 or 4 and exceeded expectations
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
None at this time
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Appropriate emphasis on SLO
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continued emphasis
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Student will identify and describe responsibilities and tasks associated with
administering and ECE program.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% will score either a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
78.9% of the class scored either a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Appropriate emphasis on this SLO
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
appropriate emphasis on this SLO
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue to develop instructional focus in this area
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Student will develop and implement operating policies and procedures in child
care programs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
68.4% scored either a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
More emphasis on this SLO is suggested
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Not enough emphasis on this SLO
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Review materials, text and lecture notes to see how course can be enhanced in the future.
Place more emphasis on this area.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 67
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Mitchell Ha & Hilal Ozdemir
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Analyze skills of infants/toddlers in physical cognitive, social emotional domains as well
as key elements of language development
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
82% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Apply the principles of infant/toddler development to create safe and healthy
environments which meet licensing requirements and are responsive to the needs of individual
infants and toddlers.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
82% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Analyze qualities of team approach, collaboration, communication, professional and
ethical behaviors in infant/toddler care environments
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
82% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 68
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student will be able to examine and compare management styles in Early Care and
Educational settings.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
52% scored achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This class requires students to “assume” the role of administrator, which can be challenging for
those students who are teachers.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will look at assignments and in class activities to better help the students understand this new
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will be able to enumerate the legal and ethical aspects of directing a staff.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
52% scored achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
This class requires students to “assume” the role of administrator, which can be challenging for
those students who are teachers.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will look at assignments and in class activities to better help the students understand this new
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Student will be able to evaluate methods and compare principles of group dynamics
from a leadership perspective
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
52% scored achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
This class requires students to “assume” the role of administrator, which can be challenging for
those students who are teachers.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will look at assignments and in class activities to better help the students understand this new
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Student will be able to define the role of supervisor in directing a staff in ECD settings.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
52% scored achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
This class requires students to “assume” the role of administrator, which can be challenging for
those students who are teachers.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will look at assignments and in class activities to better help the students understand this new
What is the nature of the planned actions?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 69
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Francesca Conterno
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Apply child development principles across all domains using authentic assessment,
quantitative and observational skills to the preparation of a child’s developmental profile and
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
94.5% scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The students were very successful in meeting this outcome
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students were given the tools to meet successfully meet this outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Demonstrate the use of observation and assessment to implement curriculum and
environmental changes in support of child’s individual needs.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either a 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
86.1% of the class scored either a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The students were very successful in meeting this outcome
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students received the information needed in order to successfully meet this outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Compare and analyze current assessment tools used in early care and education.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
88.9% of the class scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The students successfully meet the outcomes
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students received the information needed to successfully complete the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Kathy Kelley and Mireille Giovanola
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Critique theories and review the multiple impacts on young children’s social identity.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the students score 2 or higher.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80.5% of the students scored 2 or higher.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students struggle to identify their own “culture”, and although they become aware of other
students’ culture, they have difficulty thinking critically about it.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
All students grew in their personal awareness and sensitivity.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue to explore and modify ways to help students become comfortable with the concept of
differences in social groups.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Identify and analyze personal cultural backgrounds and contrast and compare their
cultural identity to those of other groups. Recognized groups include but are not limited to
African American, Asian American, Chicano/Latino, European Americans, Indigenous Peoples of
the Americas and Americans of Middle Eastern origin.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the students score 2 or higher.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80.5% of the students scored 2 or higher.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students were made aware of, and explored openly all cultures present in the classroom, and
reached a level of comfort in discussion and interaction.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The experiential nature of assignments helps students become comfortable with difference and to
identify similarities.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue to offer a range or experiences in class, both experiential and academic.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Compare and contrast diverse cultural values, childrearing practices, attitudes towards
play and education in order to work more effectively with children, families and co-workers.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the students score at least 2.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80% of the students scored 2 or higher.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students achieved a level of awareness and acceptance of new and different modes of child rearing.
They continue to struggle with how they will deal with diverse populations when they become
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Many students achieved grades of A and most passed the class, and completed stringent
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Instructor should continue to seek out creative ways to open students to diverse practices and
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 4:
Outcome: Apply the principles of developmentally appropriate practice and of anti-bias
pedagogy to develop environments and curriculum which are linguistically appropriate and
support diversity, inclusion and a multiethnic perspective.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the students score at least 2.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80.5% of the students scored at least 2.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This course is not on an application level, but is an exploration of concepts and experiences related
to diversity.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
While students become aware of differences and similarities, most do not have the opportunity
during the semester to apply what they have learned in a practical setting.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Recommend that this CLO be revised or removed, and moved to the practicum/laboratory
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
 Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
Other: ________________________________________________
ECD 83
Semester assessment data gathered
F 11
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Sp 12
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student will identify and support developmental stages of adults.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
61.5 % scored 3or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This course is required for students who want to move up in the Child Development Permit level.
But the content of the course is at a more advanced level than students are perhaps prepared for.
It might be more appropriate to have “lower” levels for success.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
More discussion is needed about what are appropriate expectations for student success in this
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will maintain a safe and developmentally appropriate environment for young
children while fostering growth of adults.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
61.5% achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This course is required for students who want to move up in the Child Development Permit level.
But the content of the course is at a more advanced level than students are perhaps prepared for.
It might be more appropriate to have “lower” levels for success.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
More discussion is needed about what are appropriate expectations for student success in this
course. Additionally, this SLO should be changed to more clearly reflect the course content and
expected outcomes.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
X Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 87
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Mitchell Ha
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Analyze infant/toddler classrooms using the infant/toddlers environmental rating scale
rating scale.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
76% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
83% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Analyze infant/toddler classrooms using the infant/toddlers environmental rating scale.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
76% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
83% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Analyze infant/toddler classrooms using the infant toddlers environmental rating scale.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
76% of the class scored either 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
83% scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students exceeded the 75% goal set – they were successfully meeting this outcome.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to successfully
meeting the outcome.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 88
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Student will be able to demonstrate the ability to use the Environmental Ratings Scale
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80% of students achieved success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The course works well.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
Continue the course as taught.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 89
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Fall 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Michelle Sherry
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Students will analyze and apply information gained from the specific topic of this session
in their everyday interactions with young children and professional colleagues
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
80% of the class score either 3 or 4 would be considered as success.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Over 90% received either 3 or 4.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This short term intensive class built community
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Material was meaningful and relevant
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Student will explain ways that early childhood educators can care for children in a
culturally responsive environment.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
80% would score 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Over 90% match
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The class developed community and were able to share perspectives
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
All ECD courses stress this competence and mastery is gained
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Students will develop strategies that are effective in working with children and families
in a diverse society.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
80% of students will score either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
Over 90% of class scored 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
This concept is stressed in all ECD courses
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Depth of understanding is being gained
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 90
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 12
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Ozdemir, Ogman
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Critically assess one's own teaching experience to guide and inform practice
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
On average, students achieved 86% success. The lower rate of achievement was in the evening Lab.
The Evening Lab experienced enormous budgetary and staffing issues. As a result, the students did
not receive the needed one-one guidance and mentoring.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
If we offer an Evening Lab, it needs to be fully staffed and funded.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students who get one-one guidance, they are quite successful.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will continue to provide access to Lab experience that is of high quality to meet student
What is the nature of the planned actions?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
X Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Demonstrate knowledge of current research and understanding of how young children
learn by way of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate practices that emerge
from observation.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
On average, students achieved 86% success. The lower rate of achievement was in the evening Lab.
The Evening Lab experienced enormous budgetary and staffing issues. As a result, the students did
not receive the needed one-one guidance and mentoring.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
If we offer an Evening Lab, it needs to be fully staffed and funded.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students who get one-one guidance, they are quite successful.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
We will continue to provide access to Lab experience that is of high quality to meet student
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Demonstrate ability to use feedback, constructive criticism and reflection to improve
teaching skills.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
75% of the class scored either 3 or 4
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
On average 78% of the students were successful.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
If we offer an Evening Lab, it needs to be fully staffed and funded.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Students who get one-one guidance, they are quite successful.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
If we offer an Evening Lab, it needs to be fully staffed and funded.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 91
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Lisa Long
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Analyze and adopt curriculum using observations and assessments across
developmental domains, content areas and routines.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
40% of the class scored an average score of 2 and another 40 % scored either a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
I consider this to be an average definition of success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
I think that there are many factors that must be considered in this outcomes’ “success” that need
to be considered such as the previous experiences of the students in regards to child
development, experiences with children typical and atypical in addition to knowing what is the
grade level curriculum of the class they are working in. ( not all of them were preschools)
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
I think that the assessment showed that many of the students acquired some of the skills and rose
to the challenge
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
I feel that I need to prepare them better before they are ready to work in a classroom of children
with special needs. What to expect, how to focus and observe.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 2:
Outcome: Demonstrate the ability to meet the needs of individual children within an early
childhood setting.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
80% of the class scored either a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
I feel that this is an excellent indication of success for this challenging outcome.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
I believed the students were able to hone in on the children’s needs and became better planners
of activities using some of the adaptations discussed in my class so that all children could
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
I think that it has build the confidence of my students that they only need to make small
adaptations in their activities and that they can work successfully with children who have special
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 3:
Outcome: Demonstrate ability to observe, document and evaluate specific occurrences within
an early childhood setting.
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
80% of the class scored 3 or 4 with the other 20 % scoring an average 2.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
I feel elated that the scores are high and it indicates my definition of success.
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The value of continual experiences with those who have disabilities humanizes them to my
students and overcomes the fear of incompetency as well as regarding them as just people too.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
That inclusion can work but it takes time and encouragement to help my students to understand
disabilities and develop the desire to create and make small changes so that all children can
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
To continue to nurture and open doors for my students to learn how they can accommodate
children with disabilities in their environments.
What is the nature of the planned actions?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
ECD 96
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Spring 2012
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
Edna Rodriggs
Course-Level Outcome (CLO) 1:
Outcome: Apply concepts encountered in ECD instruction to problems and situations occurring in early care
and education
In the context of the course as a whole, what scores for your CLOs would indicate success for you?
(Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4.)
70% of class scored a 3 or 4.
How do your current scores match with your above definition of success?
80.9 % of class scored a 3 or 4
Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with
other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Students were very successful in meeting this outcome. The students are able to tackle serious
ethical situations that come up on a job and use the professional NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
to plan a course of action.
What course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The students are receiving the information that they need to make ethical decisions and are able
to be reflective on their own professional behavior.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections,
discussions, and insights?
None at this time.
ECD 40
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
Faculty appears to be capably presenting issues and concepts in ways that students have
been able to absorb and apply. The pedagogy, resources and teaching styles mesh with
formulated CLO requirements.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: Not at this moment
Semester assessment data gathered
ECD 50
Fall 2011
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the
prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data shows that over 75% of students taking this class were successful and received
either a 3 or 4. However the course instructors thought that the formulated CLOs for this
course and the selected assignments did not match well.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
Even though the students were successful, faculty members want to revisit and
modify/rewrite the CLOs. We will visit this particular course CLOs before our next
assessment cycle.
What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 52
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2011
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 75+ % of students taking this class completed the class as taught.
We have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 54
Semester assessment data gathered
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle,
the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data shows that one of the CLO assessment result indicated that over 78% of students
taking this class were successful and received either a 3 or 4.
However other three CLOs assessment results were short of the targeted percentile. The
course instructor thought that the formulated CLOs for this course and the selected
assignments did not match well.
b. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your
discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and
Faculty member wants to revisit and modify/rewrite the assignments. We will visit this
particular course CLOs and assessment techniques before our next t cycle.
What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 56
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2012
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
We assessed one online and one face-to –face section. Student exceeded the expectation
for the first CLO. However there was a significant difference between online and face-toface section. Online students showed higher success rate.
In one of the sections (face-to-face) students almost reached to target percentile. Online
students exceeded the target. Students barely reached the target for CLO 3. This last CLO is
to measure students’ objective observation skills. Teaching these skills can be particularly
for online teaching. This was our first assessment cycle. The insight we gained will
determine adjusting our assessment techniques.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
Faculty members want to revisit and modify/rewrite the assignments. We will visit this
particular course CLOs and assessment techniques before our next t cycle.
Online teaching/learning could be particularly challenging for observation assignments.
Next year, teaching faculty will consider giving extra points to those students who meet
with her face-to-face to discuss this particular assignment or via Skype so the students can
be provided much needed support/scaffolding. Also faculty will view each others’
assignments and exchange ideas.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
X Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show 70% + of students taking this class completed the class as taught. One of the
CLOs result was a little lower than the identified target. This course introduces IDEA, ADA
related Law/regulations. The course faculty is planning to provide actual case studies that
would help students develop understanding of that particular regulation/Law. This was
our first assessment cycle. The insight we gained will determine adjusting our assessment
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
Course instructor is planning to introduce concrete examples, case studies. Also
assignment that would help students become familiar with community resources will be
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 61
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2012
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 85% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
Faculty appears to be capably presenting issues and concepts in ways that students have
been able to absorb and apply. The pedagogy, resources and teaching styles mesh with
formulated CLO requirements.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 62
Semester assessment data gathered
F 11
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
All three CLOs assessment results fell short of the targeted percentile. The course instructor
thought that the formulated CLOs for this course and the selected assignments did not
match well. This was our first assessment cycle. Based on the gathered information we will
revise our assignments.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 63
Semester assessment data gathered
F 11
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that average 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught.
We have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes. However providing quality lab
experience is still a challenge.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other: Looking for ways to provide permanent quality Lab experience.
ECD 65
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Four CLOS assessed. Two of them exceeded the targeted level.
Two of the CLO outcomes fell a little below the identified target.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO. We are planning
to revise and put more emphasis on these particular CLOs.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 67
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 68
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
All CLOs assessment results fell short of the targeted level. The course instructor thought
that the formulated CLOs for this course and the selected assignments did not match well.
This was our first assessment cycle. Based on the gathered information we will revise our
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 69
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
6. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 83
Semester assessment data gathered
F 11
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
All CLOs assessment results fell short of the targeted level. The course instructor thought
that the formulated CLOs for this course and the selected assignments did not match well.
This was our first assessment cycle. Based on the gathered information we will revise our
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
This course is required for students who want to move up in the Child Development
Permit level. But the content of the course is at a more advanced level than students are
perhaps prepared for. It might be more appropriate to have “lower” levels for success.
More discussion is needed about what are appropriate expectations for student success in
this course.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:________________________________________________________________
ECD 87
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
ECD 88
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 80% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
9. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 89
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 85% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
Resource based
Change to CLO or rubric
Change to assessment methods
ECD 90
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that average 75% of students taking this class completed the class as taught.
We have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes. However providing quality lab
experience is still a challenge.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
X Other: Looking for ways to provide permanent quality Lab experience
ECD 91
Semester assessment data gathered
Spring 2012
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Three CLOS assessed. Two of them exceeded the targeted level.
One of the CLO outcomes fell a little below the identified target.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
We will examine whether our assessments were appropriate for the SLO. We are planning
to revise and put more emphasis on these particular CLOs. Also there will be
comprehensive orientation before the students start with student teaching.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
X Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
X Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
ECD 96
Semester assessment data gathered
Fall 2011
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
Our data show that over 85% of students taking this class completed the class as taught. We
have determined on that basis, that the way this course was taught met the CLO
requirements. Therefore we have no recommended changes.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
The course objectives give the students the information and support they need to
successfully meeting the outcome.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
 Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes
Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level
discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes.
Program: ECD (AA)
Contributing Members: Barbara Ogman, HilalOzdemir, and Edna Rodriggs
PLO #1:Apply ethical standards and professional behaviors that demonstrate understanding of
the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children birth to age
eight as related to high quality care and education of young children.
PLO #2:Design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive,
developmental play and learning outcomes for all children.
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Explain: ECD students have been very successful in meeting program expectations. Ethics and
professional behavior in early childhood settings is introduced in the early core classes and are
emphasized in the advanced classes. Students apply ethical standards and apply knowledge of
professional behavior in several courses as they begin their Lab courses or work experience.
Our analysis of the CLOs indicates that students are able to demonstrate their ability to design,
implement and evaluate activities in early care and education environments. The students are able to
connect theory to practice through their highly supervised Lab experiences on campus
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed: The on-campus Lab experience allows students to learn and develop their skills
over time and through the progression of ECD courses. Students get constant, real-time feedback on
their work in a classroom. Their Lab instructor is available to answer questions and model appropriate
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of
students completing your program?
Actions planned: Faculty has made efforts to support student learning in the Lab by finding funds for
student Lab assistants. This enhances the program and the learning for students in this climate of
diminishing resources. We will explore the creation of an Internship in ECD to help develop leadership
skills and provide professional development for advanced students as they mentor beginning ECD
Program: ECD (C)
Contributing Members: Barbara Ogman, HilalOzdemir, and Edna Rodriggs
PLO #1:Student will be able to observe, reflect, develop and carry out an activity that is
developmentally appropriate for a group of young children.
 PLO #2:Student will be able to demonstrate their understanding of children’s development
through documentation of their skills.
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Explain: Students at this level have completed 24 ECD units. Based on CLO data, at this level students
are competent to observe, reflect and implement appropriate activities under the direct supervision of a
Lab instructor. Students need more specialization to continue in the ECD career ladder. The California
Child Development Permit requires students to pursue higher academic levels. Because of budget cuts,
we have been limited in our ability to offer any but the most basic ECD courses. Students need electives
in order to meet their educational and professional goals.
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed: Students at this level have completed 24 ECD units. Based on CLO data, at these
level students are competent to observe, reflect and implement appropriate activities under the direct
supervision of a Lab instructor.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of
students completing your program?
Actions planned: Reinstate when possible, advanced and elective and specialization ECD courses.
Program: ECD (P)
Contributing Members: Barbara Ogman, HilalOzdemir, and Edna Rodriggs
PLO #1: Student will be able to use their understanding of young children’s characteristics and
needs and multiple interacting influences on young children’s development and learning to
create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive and challenging for all children.
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Explain: At this level, we consider them to be still beginning level ECD students. They have basic skills in
observing children to plan appropriate activities.
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed: Since the courses in this certificate are required by regulatory agencies, the ECD
faculty collaborates with faculty, child care programs and other agencies (local and statewide) to help
students become members of the workforce in a seamless way.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students
completing your program?
Actions planned: ECD faculty will be involved with statewide efforts to create levels of competencies for
this specific certificate.
Program: ECD Intervention (AA)
Contributing Members: Barbara Ogman, HilalOzdemir, and Edna Rodriggs
PLO #1: Design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive,
developmental play and learning outcomes for children with special needs.
PLO #2: Develop strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families
and their communities to meet the needs of children with special needs and their families.
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Explain: Based on the CLO data for courses required for this AA, students are successful. However, this is
due to the student’s’ previous Lab experience with typically and atypically developing children.
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed: Students who enrolled in this advanced practicum had been given a strong
foundation in Lab opportunities so that they could be successful when placed in community settings
with atypically developing children. In the community based student teaching environments, strong
relationships were built with a variety of partners. Faculty will continue to build alliances with
community based programs in which atypically developing children go to school. As with the ECD AA,
courses have been offered in a sequence to meet the developmental nature of learning: from the
concrete to putting theory onto practice in a Lab experience.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students
completing your program?
Actions planned: The ECD Intervention AA was approved for fall 2010. As of fall 2012, there have been
no students who have applied for or received an AA Intervention. Our goal is to promote this Program
so that more students will be able to attain the AA Intervention.
The Lab has continued to be an obstacle for students who are working. To earn this degree, three Lab
courses are required. Faculty will continue to look for creative/alternative student teaching experiences
with children with disabilities.
Program: ECD Intervention (C)
Contributing Members: Barbara Ogman, HilalOzdemir, and Edna Rodriggs
PLO #1:Student will demonstrate an understanding of atypical development in children birth
through age 8 by designing an environment and planning curriculum that meets the diverse
needs and learning styles of all children.
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Explain: Based on the CLO data for courses required for this AA, students are successful. However, this
is due to the student’s’ previous Lab experience with typically and atypically developing children.
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
Strengths revealed: Students who enrolled in this advanced practicum had been given a strong
foundation in Lab opportunities so that they could be successful when placed in community settings
with atypically developing children. In the community based student teaching environments, strong
relationships were built with a variety of partners. Faculty will continue to build alliances with
community based programs in which atypically developing children go to school.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students
completing your program?
Actions planned: The ECD Intervention AA was approved for fall 2010. As of fall 2012, there have been
no students who have applied for or received an AA Intervention. Our goal is to promote this Program
so that more students will be able to attain the AA Intervention.
Appendix D: A Few Questions
Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no". For any questions answered "no",
please provide an explanation. No explanation is required for "yes" answers :-)
1. Have all of your course outlines been updated within the past five years? If no, identify the
course outlines you will update in the next curriculum cycle. Ed Code requires all course
outlines to be updated every six years.
All course outlines are updated other than EDC 91 which is due this spring (Spring 2013).
2. Have all of your courses been offered within the past five years? If no, why should those
courses remain in our college catalog? Yes
3. Do all of your courses have the required number of CLOs completed, with corresponding
rubrics? If no, identify the CLO work you still need to complete, and your timeline for
completing that work this semester. Yes
4. Have you assessed all of your courses and completed "closing the loop" forms for all of your
courses within the past three years? If no, identify which courses still require this work, and
your timeline for completing that work this semester. Yes
5. Have you developed and assessed PLOs for all of your programs? If no, identify programs which
still require this work, and your timeline to complete that work this semester. Yes
6. If you have course sequences, is success in the first course a good predictor of success in the
subsequent course(s)? Yes
7. Does successful completion of College-level Math and/or English correlate positively with
success in your courses? If not, explain why you think this may be. Since we are approved for
an AS-T Degree it is necessary that those students who are seeking this degree have college level
English and Math. However we are one of the highest programs for students to attain
certificates. And for our certificate programs it is important that they have college level English
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Initiative #1
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
“Increase the number of students that achieve their educational goal within a reasonable time by
clarifying pathways and providing more information and support.”
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
Increase student success rate for students who are at risk of not succeeding in ECD classes. Help
students to gain competent skills, complete coursework with success and therefore be employable.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Develop Community Learning groups for specific courses
which have higher withdrawal rates and low success rates in
which a Student Assistant supports student learning.
2013 Fall
Required Budget (Split out
personnel, supplies, other
2 Student Assistants (10
hours a week one
designated for day students
and 1 for evening students)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
X New Hires: Student Assistant
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
X Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): Fall 2014 & 2015
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
X No
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
X Yes Career Technical funds VTEA Grant for Student Assistants
Appendix E: Proposal for New Initiatives (Complete for each new initiative)
Initiative #2
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee
Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports our Strategic
Plan. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you
provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding both internal and
external funding.
How does your initiative address the college's Strategic Plan goal, or significantly improve student
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome?
Students will gain competent skills and improve their performance as an Early Childhood teacher in the
Early Childhood Lab school at Chabot as they complete their lab hours and successfully complete the
program and therefore become more employable. ECD students will have the skills required to make
them more employable.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
An ECD Lab instructor will be given reassigned time to support Fall 2013
the EC Lab and collaborate with the EC specialist and EC Lab
manager to ensure that the Early Childhood teaching
pedagogical theory is put into practice in addition to teaching
the 2 Lab courses ECD 63 Early Childhood Curriculum and ECD
90 Practicum: Supervised Experience.
Support the ECD Lab Instructor/faculty in the Early Childhood Fall 2013
Lab to give feedback and support ECD lab students as they are
doing their required lab hours .
Re-instate infant and toddler programs in order to provide
Fall 2014
appropriate laboratory experiences and settings for students
which will make them more employable. Head Start requires
their Infant Toddler teachers to have 6 units of specific Infant
Toddler courses. Meet employability requirements. Chabot
ECD students have a deficit in their training by not having the
infant toddler program. WE have the classrooms, we need the
Early Childhood Specialist to staff the rooms.
Activity (brief description)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
X New Hires: Student Assistants X 3.75 CAH Faculty positions
Required Budget (Split out
personnel, supplies, other
Additional CAH 3.75 per
6 student Assistant ( 12 hrs
per week ) for 2 semesters
Employ 3 Early Childhood
Specialist ($300,00
approximately) and secure
funding from Head Start for
qualified children which
will offset some of the
X Classified staff
# 3 positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
X Other, explain Additional CAH for ECD Lab Instructor/Faculty
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
X Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): Fall 2014 & 2015
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
X Yes, explain: Addition to Head Start contract
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes X list potential funding sources: Career Technical funds VTEA Grant for Student
Appendix F1: Full-Time Faculty/Adjunct Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]
Audience: Faculty Prioritization Committee and Administrators
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time faculty
and adjuncts
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Cite evidence and data to support your request,
including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years, student
success and retention data , and any other pertinent information. Data is available at
1. Number of new faculty requested in this discipline: N/A
2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
3. Rationale for your proposal. Please use the enrollment management data. Additional data that will
strengthen your rationale include FTES trends over the last 5 years, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios,
CLO and PLO assessment results and external accreditation demands.
4. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and your student learning goals are
required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews
that is pertinent to the proposal.
Appendix F2: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct.
Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement
positions).Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, accreditation issues. Please cite
any evidence or data to support your request. If this position is categorically funded, include and
designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent
upon available funding.
1. Number of positions requested: 1
2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
1. (1) One 40% classified (18 hours)
Observation Scheduler—managing, directing
observation for ECD department students and
to ensure security by being at the front desk
during operating hours.
2. (3) Early Childhood Specialist for Infant & 3 Qualified PITC-trained teachers for infants and
Toddler Programs.
3. Rationale for your proposal.
Observation Scheduler: ECD department students are required to do observation of children for the
following classes ECD 40, 50, 56, 69, 90, 63, 87, 95/96 61 and 64 Based on enrollment potential of 620
students per semester doing minimum of 1 hour observation. In addition other programs also use the
EC Lab school for observations.
RESTORATION of Infant and Toddler programs not only to serve student needs but as ‘feeders’ to
existing preschool classrooms. It is required by licensing and Head Start to have 3-6 units specifically in
a course of Infant/Toddlers to be employable
4. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate
here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to
the proposal.
Employability Requirement: Since ECD program is a Career Technical course we also need to meet
employability standards.
California Community Care Licensing requires 3 units and Head Start requires 6 Infant Toddler units:
ECD 67 infant Toddler and Caregiving & ECD 87 Quality Environments Infant and Toddler to qualify as
infant or toddler teacher. Students must complete observations and assignments in all classes as well as
have opportunities to observe and participate in a quality program which model best practices for
infants and toddlers, in order to gain employable skills.
The California Child Development Permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing also has a
Master Teacher Permit which includes the 6 Infant Toddler units. The advisory committee for the ECD
department on more than one occasion has recommended that students have opportunity to observe
Infants and Toddlers so they would be more employable.
Appendix F3: FTEF Requests
Audience: Administrators, CEMC, PRBC
Purpose: To recommend changes in FTEF allocations for subsequent academic year and guide Deans and
CEMC in the allocation of FTEF to disciplines. For more information, see Article 29 (CEMC) of the Faculty
Instructions: In the area below, please list your requested changes in course offerings (and
corresponding request in FTEF) and provide your rationale for these changes. Be sure to analyze
enrollment trends and other relevant data
We request at this time 4, 3-unit classes : We want to offer more sections of our 4 ECD courses which
have waiting lists and also are part of Curriculum Alignment Project, AS-T degree, meet GE requirement ,
are also pre requisites to more advance courses in the ECD program which is the internal bottle neck
and are required by California Community Care Licensing regulations. The courses which we want to
add are ECD 56 Child Growth and Development, ECD 52 Childhood Adolescence Development; ECD 54
Healthy Safety and Nutrition of Young Child; ECD 50 Principles and Practices.
Appendix F4: Academic Learning Support Requests [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Learning Connection
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement student assistants (tutors,
learning assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.).
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Please cite any evidence or data to support your
request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new
categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding.
1. Number of positions requested: ____8__
2. If you are requesting more than one position, please rank order the positions.
1. (6) Student Lab Assistants
Assist Lab Instructors in Lab Teaching/Preparation.
The on-campus Lab experience allows students to
learn and develop their skills over time and
through the progression of ECD courses however
due to diminishing resources; we have been
experiencing difficulty in providing exemplary
learning Lab experience for ECD Lab students.
Having Student Assistants help ECD lab students in
numerous ways such as getting constant, real-time
feedback on their work in a classroom.
2. (2) Student assistants who have
Assist with Community Learning groups to target
completed at least 12 units of ECD
low achieving students and ESL students.
classes and recommended by ECD
3. Rationale for your proposal based on your program review conclusions. Include anticipated impact
on student learning outcomes and alignment with the strategic plan goal. Indicate if this request is
for the same, more, or fewer academic learning support positions.
Student learning outcomes depend on adequate opportunities to observe, analyze and incorporate
information discussed in classes. For this reason, we have and widely use our Laboratory setting, to
allow students to observe children in a highly functioning Early Childhood Lab experience which models
best practices. While in laboratory settings, students also have opportunities to practice the application
of theoretical concepts presented in class and to practice their skills
Having the Community Learning groups will support students who are at risk of failing or where English
is not their first language and they are struggling to understand the concepts.
Appendix F5: Supplies & Services Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation of
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your current and requested budgets for categories 4000
and 5000 in priority order. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
M6. Justify your request and explain in detail any requested funds beyond those you received this year.
Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are very limited.
Project or Items
Subscription for online
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
$ 500
2013-14 Request
$ Subscription for
Enhance teaching
Appendix F6: Conference and Travel Requests [ Acct. Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for conference attendance, and to guide the Budget and Staff Development
Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Note that the Staff Development Committee currently has no
budget, so this data is primarily intended to identify areas of need that could perhaps be fulfilled on
campus, and to establish a historical record of need. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals
and/or connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
Higher Education
Colloquium for Early Care
and Education
2013-14 Request
$ 2000
Child development and early education faculty
throughout the state (both two and 4 year
institutions) will work together in a joint effort to
inform and shape professional preparation in ealy
care and education. Main focus of these
colloborative efforst to streamline trantion/transfer
from two year instituions to four years.
California Association of Education of Young
Children-biggest organization in ECD field.
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom
technology, see for the
brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment,
please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are
less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as
Project or Items
Electronic time card for
students attending Lab
and observing
Elmo for projection of
written material on
screen for viewing
2012-13 Budget
Requested Received
To be able to accurately clock in
students who are doing their lab
hours as required. (3) one in each
Lab classroom
We currently are not a smart
classroom in 3521 and do not have
this technology.
* Rationale should include discussion of impact on student learning, connection to our strategic plan
goal, impact on student enrollment, safety improvements, whether the equipment is new or
replacement, potential ongoing cost savings that the equipment may provide, ongoing costs of
equipment maintenance, associated training costs, and any other relevant information that you believe
the Budget Committee should consider.
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Following the completion of the 2012 Chabot College Facility Master Plan, the Facilities
Committee (FC) has begun the task of re-prioritizing Measure B Bond budgets to better align with current
needs. The FC has identified approximately $18M in budgets to be used to meet capital improvement
needs on the Chabot College campus. Discussion in the FC includes holding some funds for a year or two
to be used as match if and when the State again funds capital projects, and to fund smaller projects that
will directly assist our strategic goal. The FC has determined that although some of the college's greatest
needs involving new facilities cannot be met with this limited amount of funding, there are many smaller
pressing needs that could be addressed. The kinds of projects that can be legally funded with bond
dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities."
Do NOT use this form for equipment or supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Safety of Building 3500 and Refurbish Classroom 3521
Building/Location: 3500/3521
Description of the facility project. Please be as specific as possible.
1. Serious Safety issue:
Child Development Laboratory must be safe, such that only parents, teachers and enrolled students
have access with some kind of technological access code which can also serve to ‘take roll’ of students
attending and doing observations and other assignments at the Center. Currently anyone can walk into
the EC Lab school and go into the children’s classrooms. This is a serious safety issue.
In the past there was a full time staff member who was at the front desk and could screen people as
they came in and also assist students in scheduling observations. Currently there is no front desk
scheduler or anyone to screen people who come into the building.
2. Room 3521 is ‘our’ ECD instructional classroom. This room is out of date, shabby, has torn and soiled
carpeting (which creates a safety hazard all of its own) and needs a physical update: new chairs, tables
and carpeting, sunscreen shade( The wall of windows creates a glare and makes showing videos and
use of computer/projection impossible). In addition ECD Instructor must stare into high-glare windows
when teaching. We have been asking for the last 5 years for refurbishment to our classroom and it is
always either VTEA funds does not support your request or you are not on the list prepared by
facilities committee. It is time for our request to be seriously considered.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support?
Described within last paragraph. This facility project supports the ECD program and any other
programs that use our building for meetings, classes, conferences, workshops etc..
Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Strategic Plan Goal and to
enhancing student learning?
Students need to be in a classroom environment which is safe, equipped with high technology and which meets
their needs.