Administrative Services Program Review Summary

Chabot College Program Review
Administrative Services Program Review Summary
Unit/Area: Grant Development Office
Division/Area to Which You Report: President’s Office – Office of Institutional Research and Grants
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Yvonne Wu Craig
Today’s Date: April 26, 2011
School Year Program Review Completed: 2010-11
Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee
Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years.
Instructions: If you have completed your unit plan last year, please update your timeline and answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing
your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made.
1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original Program Review conclusions (or if this was done in last year’s unit plan, please update).
1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these new and/or continuing conclusions?
Previous program reviews discussed the importance of collaboration with the Chabot College Foundation fundraising activities. Due to the uncertainty of the
fate of the Foundation, the Grant Development Office (GDO) will need to re-examine its grant writing priorities in order to compensate for the loss of
fundraising opportunities provided by the Foundation. This may include facilitating more individual faculty and smaller program requests for funding.
Previously, the GDO focused primarily on large, institutional grants. This will impact staff time and the need for more outreach and education in the college
[2010-11 conclusions that still apply to 2011-12]
With the increasing amount of grant awards made to the college, there will be a greater need to increase the capacity of the GDO to include some postaward management functions. As more grants are awarded and then subsequently managed by deans and other area administrators, there will come a point
in the future where the additional workload will make pursuing future grants unattractive to area administrators. Thus, making it more difficult for them to
support grant projects initiated and led by faculty. Perhaps exploring the option of claiming indirect costs on grant awards or a district one-time investment in
the GDO could help support increasing the GDO’s future capacity. The GDO could also support more internal training opportunities to support current project
directors as well.
Finally, as the strategic planning process becomes well developed and targeted, it will require targeted grants research which will help with improving the
efficiency of the Grants Development Office (GDO). Presently, the GDO scans for federal and state grant opportunities in general yet does not fully capitalize
on soliciting specific funding from foundations. With more targeted needs assessment and identification of funding priorities, the GDO will be more effective
in targeting letters of intent to specific foundations in order to forward college initiatives.
Chabot College Program Review
2. List your accomplishments. How do they relate to your program review and previous unit planning? Please cite any relevant data
elements (e.g., efficiency, productivity, survey results, etc.).
The GDO was able to accomplish many of the goals set out in the previous program review and unit planning work while also accomplishing some new goals.
The GDO developed and submitted over 39 proposals since 2006
As of May 2010, 49% of GDO proposals (19 of 29) funded. There are still 2 proposals where we are awaiting notification and 2 proposals where the
funding was rescinded by the funding agency.
Updated and maintained the grants website
Integrated proposing grant ideas into program planning
Published a Year-End Grants Newsletter (done annually)
Worked with the District Budget Office Director, Judy Hutchinson, to develop a Grants and Contracts Master List
Continuing to work with District Budget Office, Judy Hutchinson, to develop a grants management handbook or policy manual and assist with
facilitating the negotiation of an federally negotiated indirect cost rate
Developed and submitted two successful U.S. Department of Education TRIO grants and workforce development contracts
Developed math-science teacher pipeline project for National Science Foundation and other grant opportunities
Continue to develop a Early Childhood Education collaborative planning grant with multiple partners
Worked with CSUEB to submit a successful U.S. Dept. of Education Promise Neighborhoods grant proposal
Served as a member on Promise Neighborhoods Education Work Group meetings
Facilitated several Hispanic-serving Institutions Title V grant development meetings to develop HSI initiatives in preparation for 2012 HSI grants
Attended several regional and national resource development conferences to support the Grant Developer/Writer’s professional development
66% of college administrators, faculty and staff who responded to the Spring 2008 Faculty/Staff Accreditation Survey strongly agreed or agreed that
the Grant Development Office writes grant proposals to support major college priorities
83% of college personnel who used the GDO were very satisfied or satisfied with the services that the GDO provided. Sixty-seven percent indicated
that they had never used it.
In light of these results, it is evident that the more needs to be done about communicating the grant initiation and development office processes and
services. Some faculty and staff may be unaware of how or even when to come seek GDO services. They may also be unclear of what services the GDO
provides. Additionally, efforts should be made to maintain the large number of proposals submitted and funded. Without building upon the internal capacity
of the college to develop, submit and write proposals, the outcomes for the GDO will remain plateau and remain stagnant. This leads to the increased focus
on particular goals this upcoming year as detailed below.
3. List your new and continuing unit goals. Based upon what you accomplished, do you have any changes you are making to your goals or
timeline? Please make any revisions to the timeline on the next page.
Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box):
Goal 1: Identify college needs and funding priorities as guided by strategic plan
Goal 2: Research grant opportunities from federal, state, and foundation sources
Goal 3: Increase funding to support college programs and initiatives
Goal 4: Support faculty and staff to apply for grants
Goal 5: Increase the efficiency and efficacy of the Grants Office
Goal 6: Increased coordination with the Chabot College Foundation
Chabot College Program Review
Goal 7: Increase knowledge and awareness of fundraising processes to the college
Goal 8: Continue to develop Hispanic-serving institution grant efforts.
New goals:
The GDO would like to focus on Goals 4, 5, & 7 in the upcoming year to increase the internal capacity of the college for developing and submitting proposals
thus reducing the reliance upon the GDO to develop and write proposals. This will result in a larger number of proposals being submitted and hopefully
awarded each year.
The focus of 2012 grant writing activities will focus on developing and writing successful HSI grants for the HSI STEM grant, NSF grants and a Title V grant.
4. Discuss how these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals and/or strategies.
Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box):
The Grants Development Office mission, by definition, supports all Strategic Plan goals. Grant-seeking initiatives are guided by the Strategic Plan goals,
strategies and objectives and the Grants Subcommittee prioritizes grant writing activities according to the Strategic Plan. Therefore, the entire mission of the
GDO supports the advancement of the entire Strategic Plan.
New goals:
5. Solution: Cut and paste your previous timeline and update the “Accomplished?” column, if necessary. Detail the plan for accomplish
your goals. If you are making revisions to your activities or timeline, please indicate that in the “Revised?” column.
Milestone Activity
Accomplished? Revised?
Yes / No
In Progress*
If yes, list
revision year
Do you need
additional funds
to support this
If, yes, what
Facilitate process to identify college needs and funding priorities
based on strategic plan.
Current identified priorities:
Grant writing priorities: HSI proposals, workforce development,
strategic plan initiatives
In Progress
Chabot College Program Review
Milestone Activity
Accomplished? Revised?
Yes / No
In Progress*
If yes, list
revision year
Do you need
additional funds
to support this
If, yes, what
Summer 2011
Create and maintain a database that lists state, federal, and
foundation funding opportunities and campus funding requests
GDO, Chabot
Business Office,
District Office
In Progress
Yes (201112)
Yes (student
Increase the number of Grant Alerts sent to the college
Yes (student
Develop and write major college grant proposals: TRIO ETS
(submitted) & HSI grants
Yes and In
Yes (201112)
Oct, Nov, Feb,
March and April
Campus Inreach Campaign: Sponsor annual grant writing and
fundraising workshops/webinars in coordination with the Chabot
College Foundation targeting discipline-specific grants
In Progress
Yes (201112)
May 1, 2010-June
30, 2011
Project Director’s Grant Start-up Manual to assist project directors GDO
with faster start-up upon grant award
In progress
Increase the successful grant proposal funding rate from 49% to
Attend the CRD national conference
In Progress
Yes (201112)
Work with the Chabot and District Business Offices to develop a
more comprehensive post-award management and tracking
system of funded grants
GDO, Chabot and In Progress
District Business
New (201112)
Yes (student
May 1, 2011
Publish a Year-End Grants Newsletter
In Progress
Yes (student
Campus Inreach Campaign: Increase knowledge and awareness
of fundraising processes to the college by conducting a “How to
Access Fundraising” workshop in conjunction with sponsored
webinars (see #4)
In Progress
Yes (201112)
May 1, 2012
Oct, Nov, Feb,
March and April
Fall 2011 - April
Submit a HSI STEM proposal and continue developing the Title V GDO
In Progress
New (2011- No
* Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.”
** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…