Student Services Program Review Summary

Chabot College Program Review
Student Services Program Review Summary
Unit/Area: ETS Educational Talent Search
Division/Area to Which You Report: Special Programs
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Roberto Mendez
Today’s Date:3/07/2011
School Year Program Review Completed: 2010-2011
Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee
Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years.
Instructions: If you have completed your unit plan last year, please update your timeline and answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing
your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made.
1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original Program Review conclusions (or if this was done in last year’s unit plan, please update).
1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these new and/or continuing conclusions?
The program is in its last year of five-year grant. We accomplished all objectiveives for the 09-10 academic years.
2. Student Learning Outcomes Inventory
a. What percentage of courses in your discipline have Student Learning Outcomes developed? _____
b. How many Student Learning Outcomes are there on average per course? _____
c. What percentage of course SLOs in your discipline have been assessed? _____
d. What percentage of courses in your discipline have had the assessments reflected upon, or discussed with colleagues, or discussed with the
college at large? _____
e. Has your discipline determined any actions that might be taken as a result of this data, or insights?
If your area does not use SLOs, please use data from Service Area Outcomes.
Chabot College Program Review
3. List your accomplishments. How do they relate to your program review, unit planning and SAO/SLO work? Please cite any relevant data
elements (e.g., efficiency, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SAO/SLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.).
from last year’s Unit
Activities Undertaken to Achieve the
Priority Objectiveive
Strategic Plan Goal
Yes / No /
In Process
Did you receive
additional funds
to support this
93% of non-senior
secondary school
participants served
during each project
period will be promoted
to the next grade level at
the end of each
academic school year.
93% of high school
seniors (and their
equivalents in
alternative education
programs) will graduate
from secondary school
or receive a certificate
of high school
equivalency during each
project period.
Assist students in selecting appropriate
courses and loads based on academic goals
and plan
Do periodic check-ins with students to
monitor their academic progress (MTPR,
Complete a student education plan
Objective Met for the 09-10 School
Goal A3 , C2
In Process
Program is
funded by a
Federal TRIO
Assist students in selecting appropriate
courses and loads based on academic goals
and plan
Do periodic check-ins with students to
monitor their academic progress (MTPR,
Provide resources for student to achieve
better in class.
Communicate with instructors to assist
student improvement and success rate.
Objective Met for the 09-10 School
Goal A3 , C2
In Process
Program is
funded by a
Federal TRIO
Provide financial aid workshop for students
and family members
Assist family in filling out the application
Provide follow-up and review SAR Student
Aid Report and assist with corrections.
Review Financial Aid packets from colleges
to make sure that all information is
Assist student with CSU and UC
application process.
Personal Statement workshop
Work in conjunction with programs at fouryear colleges to schedule college specific
advising appointments
Plan and implement campus visits and
college information workshops
Help students explore career and major
Objective Met for the 09-10 School
Goal A3 , C2
In Process
Program is
funded by a
Federal TRIO
Goal A3 , C2
In Process
Program is
funded by a
Federal TRIO
99% of “college ready” 
project participants will
apply for financial aid
during each project
99% of “college ready” 
participants will apply
for postsecondary
school admission during 
each project period.
Current Data not available
Current Data not available
Current Data not available
Objective Met for the 09-10 School
Current Data not available
Chabot College Program Review
93% of “college ready”
participants will enroll
in a program of
postsecondary education
during each project
period (or during the
next fall term)
Support students in exploring options for
how to stay in school when they do not
have adequate financial support
Objective Met for the 09-10 School
Assist with CSU and UC application
Assist with Community College
Current Data Not available
College ready workshops
Plan and implement campus visits and
college information workshops
Work in conjunction with programs at fouryear colleges to schedule college specific
advising appointments
Goal A3 , C2
In process
Program is
funded by a
Federal TRIO
4. List your new and continuing unit goals. Based upon what you accomplished, do you have any changes you are
making to your goals or timeline? Please make any revisions to the timeline on the next page.
Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box):
The program has completed all goals for last year 2009-2010 academic year.
New goals:
Awareness & Access
 Increase familiarity of Chabot and its programs throughout the community.
 Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education.
 Promote early awareness and college readiness to youth and families.
Community partnership
 Initiate and expand partnerships among the college, businesses, and community organizations.
 Engage the community in campus programs and events.
Vision & leadership innovation
 Support effective communication both in the college and the community.
Chabot College Program Review
5. Discuss how these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals and/or strategies.
Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box):
The ETS Program completely supports Chabot’s Strategic Plan Goals, Strategies and Objectives, through Awareness & Access, Student
Success, Community Partnerships, and Vision Leadership & Innovation.
Goal A: Awareness & Access
Outreach and marketing materials of the program are supplied throughout community. We also encourage students in ETS to make use of Chabot’s
programs and resources on campus.
Goal C: Community Partnerships
ETS collaborates with APIRE Program, EOPS program Community School district to encourage participation in the workshops and events that promote major
exploration, financial assistance, career development, cultural enrichment, etc. The ETS Program hosts field trips every year free of charge for students to
learn about Chabot college and other four year institutions.
Goal D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation
The ETS Program will continue to work with and collaborate with Chabot to be included in the Vision, Leadership and Innovation projects on campus. ETS
participates in Program Review to be included in institutional planning, evaluation and budget processes, as well as to collaborate between academic and
student services to in order to streamline academic and student support services.
New goals:
6. Solution: Cut and paste your previous timeline and update the “Accomplished?” column, if necessary. Detail the plan for accomplish
your goals. If you are making revisions to your activities or timeline, please indicate that in the “Revised?” column.
Chabot College Program Review
Unit Action Plan Timeline
Milestone Activity
Person(s) Responsible
In Progress*
Yes / No
If yes, list
revision year
Do you need
funds to
support this
If, yes, what
Years Two – five
September – May
Years Two – five
September – May
Serve 600 Middle School and High School student per academic
Grant year
93% of non-senior secondary school participants served during
each project period will be promoted to the nest grade level at
the end of each academic school year
Years Two – five
September – May
In Progress
93% of high school seniors (and their equivalents in alternative Program Director
Academic Advisor
education programs) will graduate from secondary school or
receive a certificate of high school equivalency during each
project period
In Progress
Years Two – five
September – May
99% of “college ready” project participants will apply for
Program Director
Academic Advisor
Years Two – five
September – May
93% of “college ready” participants will enroll in a program of
postsecondary Education during each project period(or during
the next fall term)
Program Director
Academic Advisor
In Progress
Years Two – five
September – May
99% of “college ready” participants will apply for
postsecondary school admission during each project period
Program Director
Academic Advisor
financial aid during each project period
Program Director
Academic Advisor
Program Director
Academic Advisor
* Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.”
** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…
Chabot College Program Review