Student Services Program Review Summary

Chabot College Program Review
Student Services Program Review Summary
Unit/Area: Library
Division/Area to Which You Report: Language Arts
Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Kim Morrison, Pedro Reynoso, Debbie Buti, Norman Buchwald, Jim Matthews
Today’s Date: 2/9/11
School Year Program Review Completed: Spring 2010
Audience: PRBC; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee
Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years.
Instructions: If you have completed your unit plan last year, please update your timeline and answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing
your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made.
1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original Program Review conclusions (or if this was done in last year’s unit plan, please update).
1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these new and/or continuing conclusions?
The library’s conclusions concern access issues, collection building, instruction and services evaluation (SLOs and SAOs), outreach initiatives, and budget.
Access issues are being addressed through headcounts taken during the open hours of the library and through analysis of data from our computer records.
Using these data points, the library, based on budget realities, has instead of pursuing added open hours, cut weekly open library hours by 10% in total by
cutting hours in the evenings. However, Online Access has improved by use of chat, the new website, new e-books. The efficacy of these modalities needs
more research
Collection building issues have been addressed though ongoing development and discussion of the collection development policy. The policy and in particular,
the purchase of fiction and the purchase of online resources has been the focus of the discussion. The library has determined that given improved interfaces
for e-books, that the library will pursue more e-book purchases, particularly in reference but also in heavily used materials. Collection budget issues continue
to haunt the library given the precarious nature of the budget. The college has moved all of the material budgets (Books, AV, Databases and Periodicals) to
the bond which while a good alternative today, will be an issue tomorrow.
Instructional improvements include the creation of the new 2 unit Library Skills II course. The library has now offered the Library Skills II course in place of
the Library Skills 1 (one unit course) for 2 semesters. One librarian has been approved to offer the Library Skills II course in a hybrid format. The re-working
of the old one unit Library Skills I course is in process. Instruction evaluation using SLOs is a work in progress. The SLOs for the Library Skills II course were
developed in Spring 2010. An assessment tool for these SLOs is being developed for use this Spring, 2011. SLOs for orientations has also been developed and
the library will adapt the current library survey for use as the assessment tool for orientations this Spring. The library will be using the adapted tool in
identified courses throughout the Spring semester.
Services area Outcomes (SAOs) were developed in Spring 2010. A circulation assessment tool was created and the first assessment was done in Fall 2010. A
second assessment with different questions will be done in Spring 2011. Evaluations of the assessments will be done during the Spring flex days by the
classified staff.
Outreach: The library continues to offer book reads, the wine and weed collection development activity for faculty, the monthly themed book displays, the
blog, and the library thing. In Spring, 2010, the library started to offer term paper workshops held during the weeks near the end of the semester.
Chabot College Program Review
Budgets continue to be an issue as the college reduces its budget. The library has reduced its hours, the expenditures for student assistants, the library’s
catalog system Sirsi (done with LPC), and supply accounts. The college has moved all material budgets to the bond. The library is looking at ways to reduce
its budget further by cutting Summer hours, reducing librarian adjuncts and even eliminating all student assistants.
2. Student Learning Outcomes Inventory
a. What percentage of courses in your discipline have Student Learning Outcomes developed? ___100__
b. How many Student Learning Outcomes are there on average per course? _____
c. What percentage of course SLOs in your discipline have been assessed? _____
d. What percentage of courses in your discipline have had the assessments reflected upon, or discussed with colleagues, or discussed with the
college at large? _____
e. Has your discipline determined any actions that might be taken as a result of this data, or insights?
If your area does not use SLOs, please use data from Service Area Outcomes. No new insights have been gained so far. The instruction area
assessments have not been done while the preliminary assessment of the SAOs don’t show anything new about our students or our
services. However, the library did change the process for checking out reserve and circulating materials based on the staff discussion of
3. List your accomplishments. How do they relate to your program review, unit planning and SAO/SLO work? Please cite any relevant data
elements (e.g., efficiency, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SAO/SLO assessment results, external accreditation demands, etc.).
1. Spring 2011 library hours have been reduced based on budget reductions. Evening hours were targeted for reduction based on a headcount process
which showed the relatively few students use the library after 730pm. Therefore we can not address our goal to increase open hours as planned.
2. Material budgets have been cut, frozen and then moved to the bond. No increase in material budgets as mentioned in the program review is
anticipated in the next few years. In fact, these budgets are vulnerable to being eliminated when the bond funds are exhausted and the library has
no way to replace these funds. This issue will be part of our unit plan until a reliable funding source can be found for these materials.
3. As mentioned above, the library adjunct budgets may be reduced or even eliminated due to budget. The impact of elimination may be to close the
library during the Summer sessions (which would have to coupled with the closure of the college summer session). The library may be forced to
reduce open library hours further as well as time to work on other planning initiatives.
4. The library did create a lengthy program review document in Spring 2010 which does answer a accreditation recommendation to assess library
programs and services.
4. List your new and continuing unit goals. Based upon what you accomplished, do you have any changes you are making to your goals or
timeline? Please make any revisions to the timeline on the next page.
Increase Library Open hours: Hours were cut instead.
Explore concept and limitations on providing more online services to Students: Webpage redesigned; Changes to OPAC discussed with LPC with implementation planne
Chabot College Program Review
Make the library a more inviting place: More study table areas have been set up. Work on the remodel continues.
4 Work with more learning communities on providing library information competency skills to students.
5. Develop new instruments for measuring information competency skills across the disciplines
6. Expand the Library Instruction Room. Remodel the library for efficiency: Work with the architect continues as we wait to see if the project will be funded.
7. Update Collection development budget: Budget for the database and periodical budgets have been reduced. The book and AV budgets have remained the same this year.
8. Provide more work stations for students: This is a ongoing issue which may be addressed in the remodel project.
9. Increase reliability of the online catalog: A Sirsi upgrade is planned. Work with LPC continues to address interface issues we share with LPC.
10. Increase usage of online services: New E-Book collections have been purchased. A new library home page has been created.
11. Offer at least 2 sections of library skills courses: No new sections has been approved
12. Get stable funding for current and new electronic resources: No new funding sources have been identified.
New goals:
1. Find ways to streamline and cut budgets in ways to lessen the impact on students.
5. Discuss how these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals and/or strategies.
Continuing goals (if you did not do a unit plan, skip to the next box): See below # 6
6. Solution: Cut and paste your previous timeline and update the “Accomplished?” column, if necessary. Detail the plan for accomplish
your goals. If you are making revisions to your activities or timeline, please indicate that in the “Revised?” column.
Unit Action Plan Timeline
* Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.”
** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…
Milestone Activity
Do you need
additional funds
Yes / No
to support
Chabot College Program
In Progress*
If yes, list
revision year
If, yes, what
1. Open
Explore concept and limitations on providing more online services
to Students
Make the library a more inviting place
In Progress
Yes 2011
In Progress
Yes 2011
Work with more learning communities on providing library
information competency skills to students. Expand the mastery of
information literacy as a college outcome for students and not just
as a outcome of the library.
Expand the Library instruction room.
In Progress
Yes 2011
Staff and Dean
In Progress
Yes, 2011
Remodel the library for efficiency (Circulation and Reference
areas) Re-design Reading areas. Re-design Periodical and AudioVisual Areas. Augment Power capabilities for student electronics.
Request new painting, furniture and carpets. Renovate staff work
Develop new instruments for measuring information competency
skills across the disciplines
Develop and implement an outcomes assessment plan linked to the
evaluation of student needs.
Increase access to quality online information resources (ie.
Ssubscription databases, customized library guides, reference
assistance and e-books) on and off campus via the library
Update Collection development budget. Pursue the acquisition of
non-print, digital collections (ie. E-books) to expand and provide
greater access to the campus community, particularly remote users
Provide more work stations for students
Staff and Dean
In Progress
Yes, 2011
In Progress
In Progress
Yes 2011
In Progress
Yes 2011
In Progress
Yes 2011
Increase reliability of the online catalog
In Progress
Yes 2011
12. Open
Increase usage of online services
In Progress
Yes 2011
13. Open
14. Open
Offer at least 2 sections of library skills courses
Librarians and
In Progress
Yes, Staffing
Establish stable and dedicated funding sources for materials
budgets including electronic and print resources
In Progress
2. Open
3. Open
4. Open
5. Open
6. 2011
7. 2011
8. Open
9. Open
10. Open
11. Open
15. Open
Lessen budget impacts on students
Staff and Dean
Chabot College Program Review
In Progress
16. Open
Expand library outreach, marketing, exhibits, and book displays in
collaboration with other college divisions, institutions and libraries
Establish library outreach and services to satellite campuses (Ie.
San Leandro)
In Progress
Yes 2011
Staff and dean
In progress
Yes 2011