Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II 2009-11 Program Review & Unit Planning Years 2 or 3 Unit/Area: Performing Arts Center Division/Area to Which You Report: SOTA Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Kari McAllister Today’s Date: 3/10/11 School Year Program Review Completed: N/A Audience: IPBC; Program Review Committee; Deans/Unit Administrators; Budget Committee Purpose: To provide evidence of progress on from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent years. Instructions: If you have completed your first year of program review, please answer the questions below. If you are updating/changing your timeline, list the appropriate year in which revisions were made. 1A. Problem Statement: Summarize your original (Y1) Program Review conclusions. 1B. Analysis: What was the basis for these conclusions? The PAC, as an auxiliary unit of the college, does not do a formal Program Review as defined in the academic departments. We are an operations center rather than an academic unit. We have recently moved to the business model of being a “Self-supporting Revenue Center.” We are continually observing ourselves, seeking ways in which we can support the college mission in a more effective way while being concious of cost, as to not be a burden on the general fund. 2. What have you been able to accomplish this year? How are these accomplishments related to your previous program review and unit planning work? Reporting. -We have continued in our development of spreadsheet and dat-base systems for better and more accurate estimating our events. When coupled with our very developed reporting system it allows for a figuring of actual costs post event and the ability to capture revenues effectively in the areas of labor, facility and equipment uses. This system also allows us an event by event P&L (profit and loss) accounting which is utilized to better maximize profits and costs. -Rates – after a very thorough look at our actual and direct costs we have adjusted our rates to better our net profitability at all levels while keeping in mind the cost center for the majority our community based users. -Security improvements. -We have continued integrating campus Safety into more of our events to provide security as well as an extension of our hospitality. This service also results in added revenue to Campus Safety who provides the labor force. -Continued Training. -Our staff training has been kept at normal levels, with at least two special, all-staff meetings per year. -Scheduling with College units. -Ongoing successful efforts have been made to work more closely with Music and Theater Arts to streamline event scheduling and find synergy where applicable. This more important in the 2011/2012 Acdemic year as the 1200 wing is be rennovated and the PAC area is being used as more of a classroom space. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Equipment added – We continue to strive and build on profitabilty by listening to the needs of our clients and accomodating them so they do not have to go outside for their majority of needs. Video services – By adding equipment being surplused from the TV station along with our own recent purchases we now are offering at a reasonable fee video recording and projection services to our clients. Marketing- We are now using projection screens that we leave permanently on disply in the house that list upcoming events. This drives more clients to the shows, that drives more dollars to the client, that drives more dollars and secure bookings to the PAC. -Moving to Green. We continue to raise consciousness re-cycling. We are pro-active on obtaining separate dumpsters for materials. We have one for metal, and one for "clean cardboard". WE now ban the use of Styrofoam by food vendors or charge them a large disposal fee. 3. What are your new or continuing unit goals? What do you plan on accomplishing? Please detail how you will accomplish these goals in the timeline on the next page. -Improve 1300 corp. parking lot security and management -Training. Improve it and increase numbers of sessions. This increases safety and security consciousness. -Bond management. Besides the yearly equipment requests of which we are strategic in requesting, we have recenly stepped out of the measure B renovation project to allow the Music Dept. and Theater Arts Dept. /bldg 1200 to fully realize their goals of growth in a comprehensive and program building manner. The PAC hopes to be a priority in any future bond project. -Improve service to all users and clients of the PAC. 4. How do these goals support the college Strategic Plan goals? By improving safety, security, scheduling efficiency, communication amongst all our stake holders and striving for a greener operation we support the college Mission. By striving to be a Self-Supporting Enterprise we will put no strain on the general fund for support while we continue to serve the college and outside community. 5. Solution: How will you accomplish your goals? Unit Action Plan Timeline Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II No. Timeline Milestone Activity Person(s) Responsible Accomplished? Yes/No/ In Progress* Revised? Yes / No If yes, list revision year Do you need additional funds to support this activity? Yes/No If, yes, what type?** SORRY, THIS SPEADSHEET IS NOT EFFECTIVE FOR ME IN TRYING TO REACH OUR ON-GOING GOALS. * Note: As you may be carrying over or planning new activities for this planning cycle, this column should list that all activities are “In Progress.” ** List types such as “equipment,” “supplies,” “staffing,” “contractual services,” etc…