Chabot and Las Positas Colleges Number of AA and AS degrees awarded, by academic year 1995-2005 These tables show the number of AA and AS degrees that have been awarded at Chabot or Las Positas College each academic year since 1995-96. On the next page, these degrees are listed for each college by major for these years. The purpose of these tables is to show the relative numbers of AA and AS degrees awarded, the majors that have been designated as AA and/or AS, and the variation between the colleges. AS degrees represent about 10 percent of all degrees at each college. Most majors at each college use primarily either the AA or AS degree. Note that each college may award a different type of degree (AA or AS) for the same major. Only 8 majors at Chabot and one major at Las Positas award substantial numbers of both AA and AS degrees. Of those majors with both kinds of degrees, when three or fewer have been awarded in either AA or AS, it is usually due to the use of individual occupational majors (IOM), which can be assigned either an AA or AS. 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Total: Chabot College Las Positas College AA AS AA AS Degrees Degrees Total Degrees Degrees Degrees Total Degrees 554 34 588 185 12 197 571 79 650 228 26 254 492 59 551 222 32 254 466 80 546 267 34 301 520 69 589 369 37 406 478 53 531 335 35 370 505 57 562 348 40 388 563 60 623 374 36 410 568 72 640 368 28 396 531 62 593 416 33 449 5,248 625 5,873 3,112 313 Chabot College Office of Institutional Research 3,425