
Academic Faculty Senate Meeting
January 28, 2016, 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Board Room, Building 200
Kim Morrison, Jeff Drouin, Ming-Lun Ho, Donna Gibson,
Senate President
Laurie Dockter
Vice President
Applied Technology
& Business Mike
Laurie Dockter, Lisa Ulibarri, Frances Fon, Barbara Ogman
Hye Yoon Shin, President SSCC
Mike Sherburne, Elaine Baiardi, Michael Langdon
Minute Taker:
Frances Fon
Health, Kinesiology
& Athletics
Elaine Baiardi
Jeff Drouin
Language Arts
Michael Langdon(sp 2016)
Kim Morrison
Christine Herrera
Call to Order – 2:35 p.m.
Public Comments – No Public Comments
Approval of the minutes- December 10,2015
Arts, Humanities &
Social Studies
Barbara Ogman
Science &
Donna Gibson
Ming-Lun Ho
Adjunct Faculty
Lisa Ulibarri
FA rep
Jeff Drouin
SSCC - President Shin
Reported on updates from December 2015 objectives and focus for Spring
Reviewed and revised Student Senate Bylaws
Fall Co-Curricular funding about $17,000 was distributed for campus
activities, for fall the total was about $35,000. Applications will be
available for spring in March.
At the end of fall senate evaluated themselves and found they are
not doing everything they are supposed to be doing as a senate
Student Senate of
Chabot College
Donna Gibson moved to approve the December 10, 2015 minutes
with recommended changes Barbara Ogman seconded, all
approved with one abstention
Shared Governance senators find it difficult to participate
18 senators have to cover 6 internal SSCC
committees, 15 plus Shared Governance
Committees, Board of Trustee meetings and SSCCC
Hard to follow up with all the details
Advocacy Coordinating Committee
Purpose of this committee to set priorities among
various advocacy efforts, track advocacy efforts and
recommend/decide who will work on what, when, and
More Communications with students
Advocacy Office will be in Building 2300, 1st floor
SSCC website update
Social media, Chabot website, and email blasts
Bulletin Board in front of Advocacy office – place for
Senate Presidents report – President Dockter
IEPI initiative from the State, the visit is tentatively scheduled for February
the team will come to talk to campus representatives. They will be focusing
how to connect our planning and budget and professional development,
they are aware of the work that is being done on the Shared Governance
They are asking who they should talk to, to get valuable information.
President Dockter to send an email to the IEPI representative get more
information as to what information they are looking for to determine the best
faculty members for them to meet with.
The proposed PRBC chair split is 2 CAH Program Review and 4 CAH to
chair PRBC. President Dockter suggested that Faculty Senate should be
looking for someone to chair PRBC.
Concerns on hiring procedures
President Dockter reported that we are going to be hiring a lot of people and
requests that Faculty Senate should look at the hiring policies and how
people are selected to be on the hiring committees and how does it differ
from one position to another. Senate needs to give our input on what we
think the right procedure for hiring should be district-wide.
Vice President Ho shared that the hiring policies/procedures are currently
difficult to find. On the website you will find board policies are separated in
two columns new and old. Policy 4312 Faculty Hiring Procedure was
approved by district in 2009 which is the same as the policy approved in
1991 just with added language on equal opportunity. On July 15, 2015
board policy revisions were sent out for review but there was no faculty
hiring policy. To find AP 7120 HR policies the board policy that refers to
faculty hiring is under HR but there is no link to board policy approvals.
Reorganizing policies, not changing policies and HR is maintaining, just
seems a little deceitful. Hiring committee cannot locate the policies and
procedures. Current policy states how candidates move from first level to
second level and how committee members are selected but now rules are
being changed and set by HR that are not in the policy.
During the HR training for the hiring committee there was no reference to
the hiring policy and procedures.
Vice President Ho suggests that both Faculty Senate Presidents should ask
to have HR submit procedures with any revisions to be reviewed and
approved by Chabot and LPC senates.
Faculty Senators should bring back to your divisions that all hiring
committee members should print the policies and procedures from HR’s
website. Members should be proactive and review the policy. As a senate
we want input in the training, we need to make a strong statement from
senate on the training, policies and procedures for hiring.
The policy is believed to state that the level one committee can send
forward candidates ranked or unranked and it does not specify how many to
move forward, but the practice is that you need to send three unranked to
level two.
In the board policy from 1991 refers to the levels as “stages one through
four” and our level two is the same as stages two and three so policies are
being followed it is just referred to differently by levels verses stages.
Request for senators to read the policy and if there are questions bring back
to senate to be discussed and clarified.
Shared Governance
The workgroup is ready to present what they have in draft form and has
requested to meet with President Sperling to present to her what has been
Lisa Ulibarri went over the few changes that were suggested for the
organizational chart and the flow chart, stated Mike Sherburne made those
The flow chart was created from the feedback from the last meeting,
reflecting students are at the top of the chart. Question about Program
Review Committee, should it be labeled committee? Program review
seems to be more clerical duties with faculty input. Program Review
Committee seems to be more of a process then a committee. No problem
to change it from workgroup to committee. Does make sense to change it
to a process. The flow should be changed to be faculty, staff and
administrators to program review and move program review committee out
to the side.
Budget Committee
Jeff Drouin shared that it was nice to have Deans be a part of the Budget
Committee meeting again. One of the requests the committee asked Jeff to
bring to senate is regarding Tim Dave continuing to represent the faculty
side as co-chair while being the interim dean, he is not recognized as a
faculty member. If removing Tim Dave as co-chair we need to get faculty
bodies on this committee. Faculty has six seats, if we can’t get by division
then just need to get representatives there. Classified are attending and
administrative, faculty needs to fill three seats with faculty that will be there
to have a voice. The budget committee is supposed to be transparent and
a flow through committee not a yes or no committee.
There needs to be a Measure B Allocation committee and knowledge about
supplies verses equipment what is the determination.
Divisions not represented are Counseling, Language Arts, AHSS and
Request made to have senator’s go to their next division meeting and ask to
get a representative for the budget committee and if they do not submit a
name of a representative by February 11th the President of Faculty Senate
will appoint a representative.
Kim Morrison mentioned that there is a need for a Catalog committee in the
past executive assistant in Academic Services was the one putting the
catalog together there is now currently no one or no committee to do this.
Kim Morrison raised a question and concern regarding courses that are in
the catalog, once curriculum is approved how does it get into the catalog?
Who audits the catalog? There is some type of disconnect. Once
curriculum is approved by the state it is then entered into Curricunet.
Curriculum Committee needs to bring this concern to the VP of Academic
Services. Request made to have courses that are in the catalog that have
not been approved be sent to President Dockter to begin the conversation.
Kim Morrison said she will ask Jane Church to send.
Evaluation of administrators – What is Process
People chosen received an email with a link to survey monkey, pretty easy
process. What happens after the survey is completed?
President Dockter would like to know more about the process and what is
done with the information.
3.1 Recommendations on shared governance
Recommendation: Senate has reviewed shared governance draft and
are in full support of the work done and ready to present to President
Recommendation Vice President Faculty Senate
 Donna Gibson nominated Ming-Lun Ho to be Vice President of Faculty
Senate, Jeff Drouin seconded the nomination, vote all approved.
Recommendations on hiring procedures
Suggestion to send an informative email to all faculty including a link
and attachment with the hiring policy and procedures.
President Dockter to talk to LPC Faculty Senate President to have both
presidents request HR to incorporate current policy in the hiring
process training. The two presidents will be a stronger voice.
Recommendations Co-Chair on Budget Committee/Faculty Representation
Faculty Senate resolves to fill seats on budget committee by February
12th and if divisions do not submit a representative then Senate
President will appointment for the duration of the spring semester.
Ming-Lun Ho motioned to approve the recommendation, Donna Gibson
seconded, voted all approved.
5.0 GOOD OF THE ORDERAdjournment – 4:40