October 8, 2015, 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Board Room, Building 200
Senate President
Laurie Dockter
Present: Mike Sherburne, Diane Zuliani, Barbara Ogman, Jeff
Drouin, Donna Gibson, Laurie Dockter, Clara McLean, Elaine
Baiardi, Frances Fon, Lisa Ulibarri
Absent: Kim Morrison
Vice President
Diane Zuliani
Visitors: Veronica Martinez, President Sperling
Applied Technology
& Business Mike
Frances Fon
Health, Kinesiology
& Athletics
Elaine Baiardi
Jeff Drouin
Call to Order – 2:45
Public Comments – No Public Comments
Approval of the minutes
Language Arts
Clara McLean(Fall2015)
Michael Langdon(sp 2016)
Kim Morrison
Arts, Humanities &
Social Studies
Barbara Ogman
Science &
Donna Gibson
Ming-Lun Ho
(on leave fall)
ASCC – No Report
Senate Presidents report – Laurie Dockter, President reported:
October 2nd at the DEMC meeting it was decided that we
would be going into Stability mode in 2016-17.
Jeff Drouin explained that what this means is we set a target in
Stability year and if you continue to meet that target then those
are the numbers you need to meet. Summer of 2016 will roll
back into 2015-16. This process is to get us out of rolling
back. Need to work on getting our enrollment up, we have
three years or we will continue to run as a small college.
Jeff Drouin mentioned the group he was in had a discussion
on how we utilize our classrooms and how we hire, no one
seemed to be worried about finding students.
Laurie Dockter mentioned the concerns as to how we are not
using all our resources, we have Degree Works and we are
not using it (helps students know what courses they should be
taking) or R25 (Resource 25) how classrooms are being
utilized. Jeff Drouin mentioned that he heard that district is
looking into using Innovation Funds to get the training going for
Adjunct Faculty
Lisa Ulibarri
FA rep
Jeff Drouin
September 24, 2015 approved with revisions, Barbara Ogman
moved to approve and Jeff Drouin seconded, passed with 3
Associated Students of
Chabot College
the R25 (Resource Program). Degree Works needs to be
utilized, we have it so why not use it.
Donna Gibson suggested to have a college who is currently
using the program to come to Senate and give a presentation.
Laurie Dockter spoke about the interviews she was a part of
with the Accreditation Team of course they asked about
Shared Governance another item they asked about does
curriculum get approved in senate or reviewed. Senate should
know if the changes are going in the right direction. Senate
needs to have an active part in Curriculum Development. The
Accreditation team also asked if we give input into the
professional development needs of the faculty.
Laurie Dockter stated there have been questions about the
Faculty hiring process so she is going to be looking over that
Report President Susan Sperling and Veronica Martinez:
President Sperling presented a timeline of where the planning
and revising of the Shared Governance document. The
timeline is reflecting the work that began in the last academic
year and what will continue in this current academic year.
First and for most looking at this work, the changes and
recommendations in shared governance should not come from
the Office of the President, they should come from the shared
governance community and from the major stakeholders in
that community.
President Sperling made mentioned that while we have
processes that work effectively for some things they certainly
can be improved. We are told we must do continual
assessment and improvement.
President Sperling went over the timeline:
o Fall 2014, Discussions regarding shared governance
revision process/needs
o Fall 2014, October highly organized shared governance
workshops took place
o Fall 2015, Feedback to constituent groups
o Spring 2015, PRBC solicits data from shared
governance and a work committee on recommended
o Spring 2015, Administrative group continues
discussions on “How to Improve Effectiveness of
o Spring 2015, Letter/application to IEPI accepted for Fall
2015 which has been rescheduled for Spring 2016
o Spring 2015, Discussions about Faculty Senate moving
forward with recommendations
o Summer 2015, President Sperling spoke with Faculty,
Classified and Administrative staff best way to co-hear a
document to share with all governing bodies for a first
reading, incorporating the recommendations for a
second reading the same process, approval from the
governance bodies and then to College Council.
Suggestions were made to have a faculty person with
really good skills in writing and articulation be a part of
this process and Veronica Martinez’s name continually
kept coming up.
o Summer 2015, both Veronica and Dr. Sperling read and
reviewed other college models as to how they
structured their document.
o Fall 2015, President Dockter shared that Senate wants
to take an active role in moving forward to develop a
workgroup to prepare a draft recommendation. Dr.
Sperling applauds this plan. How can President’s Office
and anyone else assistance in presenting to the
senates, PRBC and College Council with the most well
co-herd set of recommendations. Suggestion is to
establish and try to keep to a timeline that brings at
least a draft at the end of the semester.
o Veronica Martinez explained what she sees her role to
be in this process which is “clarifier”. She does not
mind being the middle person between groups as the
oral communicator. She reviewed all the documents so
she would know what is going. She is just clarifying the
work that has been done. Veronica is offering her help
as little or as much as is needed. Veronica did create a
structure as to what our document might look like, a
visual tool.
o Veronica’s research of other colleges documents she
discovered there was climate around decision making,
we need to figure out what kind of tone should our
document have. Want to present our document in a
way that is more inviting, clarify the charges of each
committee and definitions, diagrams, match to website,
agendas/minutes, allocations, transparency key, future
communication open forums around the document,
electronic. A final document should be created as soon
as possible, dynamic document and continually grows
and ongoing training and there should be payback for
committee members.
o Donna Gibson asked is it better or worse to offer
options? Veronica suggested that there has been so
much work already done by so many that at this time
giving as close to a final document would be the best
route to go.
o Clara McLean suggested there be an ongoing timeline
to revisit document yearly.
o Veronica will send electronic version to senate
o Agreement Senate needs to come up with a document
and review the committees and how many need to be
on committees. The charges will be challenging they
need to give them meaning. There needs to be a
function list or a general statement.
Recommendation strategic master plan district
 Diane Zuliani will summarize edits and send to Laurie
Dockter with recommendations from senate
Recommendation on shared governance
 Workgroup to continue the work started last Thursday to
produce as much of a final document as possible.
Recommendations Faculty Prioritization
District Strategic Master Plan
Feedback needs to be to district by October 16th
Red flags no longer there, different tone, more about
supporting, assisting the colleges and support efforts
E5 clarify roles, responsibilities and lines of authority for critical
decision making with respect to accepted shared governance
structures at the colleges
District cannot control curriculum, cannot ensure, the goal of
the district is to support. To support colleges in ensuring
students benefit from innovative curriculum
Diane will summarize the edits and send to Laurie Dockter with
recommendations from senate
Shared Governance work
Review LPC and Chabot documents and the feedback put the
good stuff together as our next steps and to come out with a
basic committee structure. Need to have as much input and
as close to a final document as soon as possible. Meeting next
Thursday at 2:30-4:30, room 1506.
Faculty Prioritization-for 2015-2016-Proposal Robert Yest
Where do to you get the college wide vision
Suggestion better room for presentation, suggestion to move
to the Event Center
Think about the highest priorities, more than one group the
highest number
Presentations - 28 requests most give 6 points, top 5-6 points,
next 5 get 5 points and so on, break into three groups
Suggestion to do a mock process, Robert should be part of the
process, ringmaster directing traffic with the whole process
Does this ensure that the discussions center on a “college
lens” and the needs of the student.
Does not speak to Maintenance of Effect.
Improving the success rate for math, the problem is all math
teachers are working overload. Overloaded by want to prevent
classes from being canceled.
Barbara Ogman asked if the college puts the number one
priority improving the success rate for math in order to help
students to get their degree, then are the needs hiring ten
more faculty to have smaller classes and study halls so the
efforts can be made. What is the mission or goal of the
Jeff Drouin expressed the frustration that this is not a math
institution and other areas have needs and his department has
been ignored for five years for hiring new faculty.
Diane Zuliani stated that if the Faculty Prioritization process
was too really work it would only work if the whole college was
truly prioritizing its positions based on the highest quality of
information. Diane likes how Robert’s proposal is looking at
just the dynamics in the room and seeing how this process is
not working. College wide lens is the piece that is missing.
Donna Gibson suggests that within the criteria something like
“how many years you have been ranked where” need to be
added. This will add points.
Jeff Drouin is asking for support from Faculty Senate a
discussion needs to be had with the committee on
Maintenance of Effort.
Barbara Ogman suggests the Faculty Prioritization process
should be done by a rubric. She feels the hiring process works
but the Faculty Prioritization process does not.
Jeff Drouin says everyone tries to engineer integrity in the
room with the process. Need to get people to sit and speak
with their heart, their truth and their head.
Suggestion engineering integrity in this process needs to be
part of the discussion.
Laurie Dockter stated they are looking at the committee will be
assembled in November.
Donna Gibson mentioned that she was told that no faculty are
ever on Level 2 hiring committees for a Dean hiring. The
language states that for Level 2 it is the President’s
determination of appropriate members for Level 2. It does not
specifically say faculty need to be there or not.
Basic Skills
o Diane Zuliani read a statement regarding the concern of
the suggested language change from Faculty Senate.
o Asking Faculty Senate to suggest alternate language
that reflects the concern in the Basic Skills charge.
o Laurie Dockter was requested to sign a report in a rush,
but her concern is that the committee should be
bringing the report to senate. If a report needs to be
signed by Faculty Senate from any committee they
need to know it needs to be presented at a Senate
o Clara McLean expressed a real concern with this report,
new wording was already given to them, but if they want
to have further wording then the suggestion would be to
put, “seeking out constructive exchange of ideas with
departments engaged in institutionalizing. Clara asked
if Laura could request a copy of the report and if she
could look at it. Senate needs to stand by what we said
and if we have the right to suggest a revision to their
charge we should. Diane Zuliani stated that the Basic
Skills Committee is part of shared governance because
they receive large amounts of funding that the spending
of the Basic Skills funds could be considered across the
o Diane Zuliani reported the Basic Skills Committee was
created because there was a closed system that funds
were being funneled to particular people and
5.0 GOOD OF THE ORDERAdjournment @ 4:40 – Next meeting October 22, 2015