
Academic Faculty Senate
September 24, 2015
Present: Laurie Dockter, Mike Sherburne, Diane Zuliani, Kim Morrison, Jeff
Drouin, Clara McLean, Donna Gibson, Lisa Ulibarri, Christine Herrera
Absent: Frances Fon, Barbara Ogman and Elaine Baiardi
Visitor: Carolyn Arnold
Senate President
Laurie Dockter
Vice President
Call to Order – 2:45
Public Comments
Applied Technology
& Business
Mike Sherburne
Health, Kinesiology
& Athletics
Elaine Baiardi
Language Arts
Approval of the minutes- September 10, 2015
Frances Fon
Free time after meeting Art Gallery Visual Arts Faculty Show
Diane Zuliani motioned to approve the amended minutes and Donna
Gibson seconded. Passed
SSCC - No Student Senate Report
Report President- No President’s Report
Clara McLean(Fall 2015)
Michael Langdon
(Spring 2016)
Kim Morrison
Recommendation strategic master plan district
 Agreement to have senate read plan and send by email to Laurie
Dockter any language changes or comments by October 7th
Recommendation on shared governance
 Agreement senate to meet on October 1st to begin the work on crafting
the first draft of the shared governance document
Recommendations Faculty Prioritization
 Agreement senate would review the process and decide if process needs
to be revised
Arts, Humanities &
Social Studies
Barbara Ogman
Diane Zuliani
Science &
Donna Gibson
Ming-Lun Ho
(on leave fall)
Adjunct Faculty
Lisa Ulibarri
Associated Students of
Chabot College
3.3 Other possible action items-IEPI visit
 Agreement made to have visit early in the spring
Vice President office approval
 Jeff Drouin nominated Diane Zuliani to be Vice President for Academic
Faculty Senate, Mike Sherburne second. Passed
 Agreement to keep two CAH assign time Vice President
 Diane Zuliani will be Vice President for the fall semester only will be
on sabbatical for spring semester
Approval of Basic Skills rules of operations
 Institutionalized wording is not favored, how can a committee direct a
 Move decisions back to the disciplines
 Recommendation made by senate to remove “institutionalized” and
recommending using “seeking out and presenting findings”
 Membership - Add Institutional Research Representative
District-wide Strategic Plan
Laurie Dockter reported that by October 16th final changes need to be
brought back to the district. Senate to review the statement and
submit feedback to Laurie. Language has been changed to supporting
and improving.
Educational Support Services – both campus’s meeting to discuss
what type of support is needed from district to work together better.
Agreement to have senate read the plan and send email with language
change if any to Laurie Dockter. Comments on the district-wide
Strategic plan due to Laurie on October 7th.
Shared Governance direction
Laurie sent information to senate from Deonne Kunkel to review.
Go back to what senate put together and then review what others
have submitted.
Suggestion need to have an over-arching organizational chart to be
the starting point, go through and figure out how, who and what the
committees should be doing.
Budget Committee and Planning should be separate, too much work
for one committee. Budget Committee’s responsibility should be to
make sure they get the money we need to finance where our planning
Budget Committee is disorganized and is currently not a budget
committee but an equipment allocation committee, we are a
recommended allocation committee. No actual budget discussions
are taking place in either committee PRBC or Budget. A true Budget
Committee there should be transparency of every dollar that flows
through the budget.
Reps need to be from all divisions for Budget Committee.
PRBC and the Budget Committee should meet once or twice a year.
All proposals should go to the Planning committee and the Budget
Committee should make decisions on how to move the funds around.
Frustration expressed with the lack of information and discussion
being allowed at the Budget Committee.
All monies coming mid-year are being classified as one time monies,
only monies coming through Budget Committee is one-time monies
for equipment. Hiring might be flowing through Budget Committee,
conversation needs to be had. What is always said is submit your
requests but there is no discussion of the funds, just that there is
Reps need to be from every division, VP Thompson and President
Sperling would like to see the make-up of the Budget Committee to
be reorganized. Faculty members need to be recruited for Budget
Committee, meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday
from 2:00-4:00 in Boardroom, next meeting is on October 13th.
Current make-up of committee is three VPs, one foundation director,
faculty union rep, two classified senate, one classified union rep. No
Deans they were removed from Budget Committee. There are too
many challenges to not have representation from all divisions.
Voices need to be heard.
First workgroup will be Thursday, October 1st @ 2:30-4:30
Homework -Review LPC’s and other Shared Governance documents
from other colleges and come prepared with comments. Laurie to
email confirmation on date - Location with computer, room 1506,
Lisa to reserve room
Possible IEPI visit Fall or Spring
Carolyn Arnold gave a brief description of the process for IEPI, the
team is to offer technical assistance with planning and budget. Teams
are structured, there will be three visits a lot of documentation and
interviews a lot of give and take, consultant working with college.
The evaluations Carolyn looked at the overall seemed positive, there
needs to be more communication between college and team.
Agreement to have visit in Spring
Faculty Prioritization-for 2015-2016
There is a proposal on how the process should be done better. No
maintenance of effort in current process.
Suggestion was made to review the prioritization process document
possibly before the shared governance work takes place.
Agreement to review over email Faculty prioritization process
document and decide if next Thursday needs to be spent working on
revising the process, since this will be take place soon.
Equity Plan – No Discussion
Faculty Handbook revisions, any questions Board policies-review each
Board meeting
 Faculty Handbook needs to be reviewed the last version found is
from 2013-14, half of the handbook is part of the shared governance
Laurie to get a copy from Charlotte for senate to review
Future Agenda Items –
CAH reassign time discussion, there is a discrepancy throughout the
Adjournment at 4:33
Next meeting October 8, 2015