Academic Faculty Senate Sept 10, 2015 2:30 – 4:30 pm Board Room, Building 200 Minutes Present: OFFICERS Senate President Laurie Dockter Vice President vacant S E N AT O R S Applied Technology & Business Mike Sherburne Counseling Frances Fon Mike Sherburne, Diane Zuliani, Laurie Dockter, Donna Gibson, Frances Fon, Lisa Ulibarri, Barbara Ogman, Clara Mclean, Christine Herrera Absent: Jeff Drouin & Ming-Lun Ho, Kim Morrison, Elaine Baiardi Guests: Deonne Kunkel & Ken Grace 1.0 Health, Kinesiology & Athletics Elaine Baiardi Language Arts Clare McLean(Fall2015) Michael Langdon(sp 2016) GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1.1 Call to Order at 2:45 1.2 Public Comments - None 1.3 Approval of the minutes to approve and Donna Gibson seconded. Library Kim Morrison Arts, Humanities & Social Studies Barbara Ogman Diane Zuliani Science & Mathematics Donna Gibson Ming-Lun Ho (on leave fall) Adjunct Faculty Lisa Ulibarri 2.0 Minutes not available from May 14, 2015 REPORTS 2.1 ASCC – No Report 2.2 President’s Report - Laurie Dockter, President reported: PBRC supported the statement submitted on the Districts Strategic Plan Program review has new forms with additional items that are in the forms to make the process easier. Documents are due to Division Deans by October 26th. EX OFFICIO Associated Students of Chabot College Aug 27, 2015 approved with revisions, Barbara Ogman moved CEMC considering a one-time opportunity to request funds from the state to bring our enrollment back up from 10,911 to 10,930 FTES instead of rolling back FTES, we would ask for assistance through Stability funds. If we maintain the 10,930 that we have budgeted for we will have succeeded and we would be off of stability. If we fail to reach our target and we stay on stability for three years we will be at a lower allocation of FTES. This would mean we would be operating to serve less students. We have been relying on rolling back of the FTES from summer to the previous year in order for the district to make our target which is a difficult way to function. o Comment was made that FTES in some divisions only focus on fill rates and set lecture courses at 24 and not at 44. The enrollment practices of some divisions is not helping the shortage of FTES. Enrollment caps are hurting the FTES. DEMC argument was given once again for the possibility of taking one time funds to bring us back up to a target of 10,930. DEMC developed workgroups to focus on sustainability, ideas for increasing enrollment, providing more serves to students in registration and counseling. The workgroups will report back at next meeting. o Request made from senate to make the DEMC aware of the practices on enrollment caps. o Request that VP Thompson discuss the process of enrollment caps to the senate. o Concerns were raised regarding the “Emergency” faculty new hires, why is this considered an “Emergency?” Donna Gibson explained that there is not enough Math Faculty to support the number of sections needed. The state has funded more money to hire, five positions for Chabot for the Math Division. This is considered an emergency due to the lack of sections we are able to offer to our students. Another reason for the emergency is because the funds need to be used in this fiscal year. o Continued concerns were shared regarding the term “emergency” process and is not agreeable to the senate. Senate does not believe this is what was agreed on in the Process for Prioritization of New and Replacement Full-Time Faculty Positions document. o Diane Zuliani stated that Part 1 was agreed on by all. Diane Zuliani is going to send the document to senate members along with reviewing the document from last year. o More faculty need to be involved in this decision on the hiring process. Tier 2 being put into place. Suggestions: Senates voice needs to be shared at the meeting on Friday. Miss use of emergency issue. The whole process needs to be reviewed. o Discussion item for next meeting: Prioritization process needs to be reviewed. PBC at the September meeting it was decided that the 1.8 million one-time funds would be distributed to all entities Chabot, M&O, Technology, and Las Positas to be used for a plan to increase enrollment. The groups are to report back to PBC. The reporting back was asked to be minimal, this action was against the recommendation of PBC but was decided by the Chancellor. The district is holding onto 6 million dollars and it will not be given to colleges until details of the contract are determined in the budget. There is also funds that have been allocated for full time faculty hires for this year. Chabot will receive funds in the Spring for eight new positions. The imbalance in percentage of FT faculty between the colleges was discussed but no action taken. State promised money for faculty development but took it out at the last minute. Chabot has set aside funds for this purpose. Shared governance document has not been put together. Senate did their work and submitted their recommendations, but nothing has been done. Opportunity for the senate to take the lead and come up with a plan. IEPI group could still come to college but what would we recommend, Dr. Sperling is asking for our recommendations. 3.0 ACTION ITEMS 3.1 Recommendation for IEPI visit Senate needs to research and become more familiar as to the main goal and objective of the IEPI team visit. Action investigate IEPI what they do, 3.2 Recommendation on Shared Governance Plan Message be sent to Dr. Sperling that Senate will be forming workgroups to begin creating the first draft of the Shared Governance documents with the complied documentation Doenne Kunkel has collected and an invitation going out to Veronica Martinez to be part of the workgroup. 3.3 Other possible action items - None 3.4 4.0 Approval of Basic Skills rules of operation - Tabled DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Shared Governance direction Laurie Dockter reported the document has not been completed. Senate frustrated that this process has not begun Mike Sherburne mentioned that LPC has a great packet on their shared governance, he and the whole senate are frustrated that work was done on the shared governance, it was said that the document was going to be done during the summer by the President’s Office. Senate is willing to put together the first draft of the shared governance to get feedback from Chabot Community. Senate frustration that their work was done but nothing else was. Senate has asked to have a message be sent to the President’s office that a Senate workgroup would like to create the first draft of the shared governance for review. Doenne Kunkel has offered to emailed senate a complied list with all suggestions for shared governance document. Invite Veronica to be part of the working group. Senate has agreed to invite Veronica Martinez to their workgroup to get her input into the creation of the first draft of the shared governance document. Thoughts are to meet on the opposite Thursday’s from senate meetings. Suggestion to send a “Doodle” with dates. 4.2 Possible IEPI visit Fall or Spring IEPI not real clear on their purpose, Dr. Sperling will be sharing the required task list which need to be done prior to the team visiting our campus. Laurie Dockter would like to contact other colleges who have been visited by an IEPI team and get more information. Dr. Sperling is asking for Senates recommendation as to when would be a good time for the team to visit. 4.3 Equity Plan Equity meeting the feedback from the state was reviewed. Equity committee will be excepting new proposals for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The job description for the director position was reviewing and suggestions were made. This position will have a heavy load paperwork and reporting to the state. o Question: Equity under a director does this mean they do not fall under Academic Services and the position will be sitting in Student Services. This should be a co-director one side from Student Services and Academics Services side. o This is moving fast because the Equity funds needs to be spent. o Questions was asked where did the job description come from the draft some created by Vp Kritscher and Director Yvonne Wu-Craig, once reviewed the request went to College Council who made final decision and approval to move forward with the director position. 5.0 GOOD OF THE ORDER 6.1 Future Agenda Items 6.2 Adjournment – Next meeting September 24, 2015 Special Meeting on Accreditation Meeting adjourn at 4:39