Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016


Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016

• Welcome/Call to Order o

12:06 pm

• President's Report o

During College Council (January 27 th ), Donna Gibson was approved to join College Council as a voting member. Does

Classified Senate want to explore adding an additional member?

Perhaps we can discuss this in a future meeting.

Student Senate has updated their bylaws. A draft will be forthcoming, and President Shin requests that folks review it and provide feedback if anything conflicts with regulations.

Scott Hildreth gave an update on the campus signage project, which has been two years in the making. Sixty-six signs will be produced and placed around campus within the next few months

(hopefully). Phase two of the sign project, which will require another bond, is to put signs on and inside campus buildings. o

During Chancellor’s Council meeting (February 9 th ), it was shared that the hiring committee for the VC ESSS is aiming to forward a name to the BOT for the March meeting.

VC Fong shared that his department is currently developing a list that reflects the status of all recruitments in the pipeline. This list will be shared with the college presidents. o

Dr. Walter has formed an ad hoc Institutional Effectiveness

Partnership Initiative (IEPI) workgroup, which Catherine Powell and I have joined. Our first meeting was February 10 th stated in Dr. Walter’s email:

. As

Our campus is scheduled for an initial site visit from our IEPI

Team on March 24 th […] They will be meeting with several folks on campus, including the president, the vice presidents, representatives from the faculty, classified, and student senates,

PRBC members, and budget committee members. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss how we will partner with the team to address our focus areas, which include:

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Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016

Budget and resource allocation and linkages to strategic, technological, and educational master planning.

Shared Governance Process.

Design and implementation of a continuous improve process that facilitate achievement of our mission once these structures are in place.


On Wednesday (2/17), Dr. Thompson and Jim Matthews, cochairs of the Accreditation Committee, held a meeting, which I attended, to address the issues presented by ACCJC that must be corrected by March 2017 to become fully affirmed. During the meeting, we discussed the visiting team’s concern that while the College has devised a survey method of assessing

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ILOs), there does not appear to be broad dialog about assessment results across the

College. We started brainstorming ways to start that campuswide dialog and methods of documenting our dialog.


Dr. Walter will be joining us at our next meeting (March 18) to share more about IEPI and other initiatives on her radar.

• Vice President's Report o

No report

• Secretary’s Report

 Don’t have January minutes to review yet.

• Treasurer's Report o

$4,659.89 in the account after paying out

• SEIU Report o

The Me-Too clause was approved with a 4% increase o

A site meeting is scheduled in March


• Prioritization List o

48 positions were prioritized by the committee o

21 positions were viewed as priority: 14 full-time & 7 part-time o

Classified Senate reviewed positions labeled as 1 priority, and 3 rd priority st priority, 2 nd

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Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016 o

Motion made to approve prioritization list with a suggested change

 13 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain

• CLI Attendees, June 16 - 18 o

Noell Adams going to represent Classified Senate o

Classified Senate can fund three people (including Noell) total

 Volunteers include K Metcalf and Angela Villasana o

There is the potential for one more, but uncertain

• Classified Appreciation Week o

7, 8, and 9 of June suggested

• Election Committee o

Electing six people to Classified Senate o

Committee: Debra Kling, Gordon Watt, Craig Shira, Yvonne


• Representatives needed to attend shared governance meetings o

COOL – Angela Villasana will attend o

Student Equity – no one is attending o

EEO Advisory – Christine Herrera will attend o

Catalog Committee – Rozen Bondoc and Angela Villasana will attend


• Student Senate of Chabot College o

No report

• Basic Skills o

Opportunity to apply for additional basic skills funds and we will apply

• Budget Committee o


 Presentations from data from program review to come soon

 Presentations from Yvonne Wu Craig and María Ochoa o


 No report

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Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016

• Committee for Online Learning o

No report


College Enrollment Management

 Meeting cancelled o

District Enrollment Management

 District FTE are up and Chancellor will fund us for them


• Facilities o

Draft proposal for “small projects” and non DSA projects o

Business Services is moving office areas o

Veterans Resource Center now open

• Health & Safety o

Reviewed data from GSA for gender neutral bathrooms

• PRBC o

Status of where they are with General Plan and a chair

• Professional Development o

Applications going out for second round of funds due Monday o

Suggestion for ITS summer classes for Classified Professionals

• Technology o

Committee lost minutes from previous meetings o

Increasing wireless access across campus o

Questions regarding new hire e-mails and services offered by


• Curriculum Committee o

The committee finalized the balance of courses for approval from the Fall 2016 listing. They are working to establish a catalog committee through Stacy Thompson office. The schedule is posted for Spring to Spring presentations on the Curriculum website.

• Good of the Order o

Attending the HR class on serving on a hiring committee doesn’t require someone to serve on a committee

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Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016 o

Training from HR for ePaf being brainstormed o

Under Classified Outreach committee, $100 will be donated to

John Sims’ retirement party o

Penny War update: need pennies rolled o

Lisa Carlson needs conference help

• Adjournment

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Classified Senate Minutes – 19 February 2016

• In Attendance: o

Katrin Field o

Debra Kling o

Steve Stevenson o

Gordon Watt o

Trish Avila o

Yvonne Vanni o

Angela Villasana o

Craig Shira o

Rozen Bondoc o

Chasity Whiteside o

Lisa Carlsen o

Rachael Tupper-Eoff o

Nate Moore o

K Metcalf o

Catherine Powell o

Cheryl Sannebeck o

Steve Lowery o

Gene Hale

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