Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015

Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
Welcome/Call to Order
o 12:15 pm
President's Report
o Board Meeting – 11-17-15
 Dave Fouquet presented a recommendation from IPBM
Facilities Committee to the Board of Trustees.
• Recommendation: “The IPBM Facilities Committee
reports that major educational and seismic/safety
needs will continue to exist after all the Measure B
funds are depleted. As such, the committee
recommends that the Chabot-Las Positas Committee
College District seek supplemental funding through
General Obligation Bonds by way of a ballot measure
during the 2016 election cycle.”
 The Board accepted Chabot and LPC’s Educational Master
Plans and the District-wide Strategic Plan.
 Yvonne Wu Craig, Barry Russell, and Julia Dozier gave
presentations on 2015-2016 grants.
o Chancellor’s Council – 11-10-15
 Chancellor Jackson reported that the senior leadership
team (Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Presidents, and ITO)
and the VPs of Student Services and Academic Services set
the FTES target for 2016-17 at 16,867. In a letter to
DEMC, the Chancellor stated that “this number is subject
to change based upon the Spring 2016 Census Report, and
reflects a 1.01% increase from the projected 16,700 goal.”
Senior leadership also accepted DEMC’s recommendation
that we go on stability for 2016-17.
o PBC – 11-6-15
 The 2014-2015 budget true up was $1,566,428.
 The committee passed a motion to recommend (to the
Chancellor) that the 2014-2015 true up of $1,566,428 be
utilized primarily for enrollment growth in 2016-2017 at
the colleges.
Vice President's Report
o No report
Secretary’s Report
o Reviewed meeting minutes from October and special November
meeting, but not enough voting members present to vote.
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
Treasurer's Report
o $187 has been added since last meeting
o Reviewed possibility of fundraisers
SEIU Report
o Basic Shop Steward Training is coming to Chabot College! The
training will be December 2 in room 405 from 5:30-8:00 pm.
 This is the first training
 There are plans to have another training in the New Year,
possibly on a Friday afternoon
o There is a monthly Labor Management Meeting at the district
office with SEIU Chapter leadership and HR. If you have any
concerns that you feel need to be addressed, contact K Metcalf
Outreach Committee
o Penny war
 Going OK
 People are removing dollar bills from the jar
 People are hiding the jars
o Cookies and cider for Classified Senate
 To be held December 14 or 17
 To be held in room 405 or room 108 or the Board Room
(to be decided)
 A sign-up sheet for pot luck items and decorations will be
sent out
 Possibility of a photo booth
o Toys for Tots
 Proposal to have Classified Senate pay $200 from cocurricular fund to purchase toys
 No quorum, vote to be held via e-mail
o Interest in creating a January newsletter
Classified Prioritization
o Faculty
 PRBC reviewed Program Reviews and issued a statement
to Faculty Senate
 Question from Classified Senate: Why do the faculty have
reassign time when the jobs being done are jobs intended
for administrative personnel or classified staff
o Classified
 Working on clarifying this year’s process and making it
more inclusive
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
Working on a feedback form to be released in January
December 18 – PRBC will read their statement to Classified
Student Senate of Chabot College
o December 2 from 4 – 7 pm there will be a banquet at the Event
Center, the final fall semester event and all are welcome
o Discussing the possibility of a movie night
Budget Committee
o See addendum one
Committee for Online Learning
o Moving to instructor demos after Thanksgiving
o Looking to get a standard format and interaction between online
o Covered in Classified Senate President’s Report
o Question from Classified Senate: can we not cancel classes
before they start to see if they will fill?
o GSA discussed all gender bathrooms and committee requested
more information
 Faculty response to the idea? Student response to the
 Funding to make changes?
 How to implement?
o Budget items
o Front landscaping will be done by January
o Signage program is going forward
o Building 2100 is going forward with a new 2 story building going
in where C lot is located
Working on revision of their charge
Examining how they can have potential impact
Will review Learning Connection support at next meeting
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
o Planning for electric car charging stations in D, G, and possibly B
o Trying to put money into maintenance instead of something new
for building 1600
o 2300 Veteran’s Center coming along with walls, data, and
o Building 100’s final phase to be completed over Christmas break
Health & Safety
o Want SIMS/NIMS emergency safety training offered to staff
o SSCC brought up issue of cleanliness in bathrooms
o 2338 microwave questions
 Who cleans them?
 Who is liable for having them?
o Covered in prioritization discussion
o Working on prioritization presentation
Professional Development
o Debriefed October
o Planning for January
o Funds from President from Chancellor’s Innovation Funds are
available and now accepting requests to use it
o Campus
 Innovation funds used toward buildings 200, 1000, 1600,
2000, 2100, 2300
 ITS is working with Cisco to improve wifi
• No wifi in parking lots or after 10:30 pm
 Want a staff technology center
• Where?
• Who will staff it?
o District
 Three new work groups
• For faculty move from Blackboard to Canvas
• Content management for websites
• Forms generation and forms management
Good of the Order
o Building 1300 replaced house lights with LEDs—huge success
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
In Attendance:
o Catherine Powell
o Cheryl Sannebeck
o Craig Shira
o Debra Kling
o Gordon Watt
o Nate Moore
o Rachael Tupper-Eoff
o Rozen Bondoc
o Catherine Gentiluomo
o Christie Verarde
o Yvonne Vanni
o Chasity Whiteside
o A.J. Assef
o Eugene Hale
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Classified Senate Minutes – 20 November 2015
Addendum One
Budget Committee Report
Submitted by Heather Hernandez
The College Budget Committee last met on November 10, 2015. There was
discussion around the membership of the committee and when the
membership was last approved. The last approved committee membership
and charge that was approved by the college was in 2006. There seems to
have been a revision around 2009, but an official document has not been
found. From that 2009 revision the current membership of the committee is:
4 Administrators, 6 Academic Senate representatives, 2 Classified Senate
representatives, 1 each Faculty Association and SEIU representatives, and 1
Associated Students representative. The committee has made a
recommendation to College Council and PRBC to keep the membership the
same for all other groups and add one more seat for a Classified Senate
representative. We would be going from two seats to three if approved by
College Council and the President. President Sperling also forwarded our
request to the Faculty Senate as the senate is currently reviewing shared
governance structure and process at the college and will be submitting their
recommendations shortly.
VP Willis reported on budget meetings happening at the district level. There
is $4 Million dollars that the district has not run through the budget
allocation model. No decision on how that money will be spent or divided
between the colleges has been made. We received mid- year funding from
the state to hire new full-time faculty.
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