Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015

Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
Welcome/Call to Order
o 12:10 pm
Vote to approve September minutes
o 10 Yes; 0 No; 2 Abstain
o August minutes approved
President's Report
o Meeting with President Sperling 14 Oct 2015
 Campus priority for more safety training
 Pressure on District to hire Emergency Services
Management Coordinator
o Thanks to fundraiser/outreach committee
o Suggestion for a board near the Board Room for the Classified
Senate to post notices
o Accreditation update
Vice President's Report
o No report
Secretary’s Report
o No report
Treasurer's Report
o $3,687.14 in co-curricular account, includes reimbursements for
community outreach and travel
o President’s Office is providing travel and conference budget of
approximately $6875 for 2015-2016
SEIU Report
o Site meeting on Thursday to discuss class/comp & faculty
o Labor management meeting on Wednesday
o Concern over re-classification with class/comp
 Questions and answers
Classified Prioritization
o Committee has begun meeting to work on classified prioritization
process for 2016/2017 fiscal year
o It is their understanding that all general fund positions approved
for this year will be funded and advertised soon. The delay was
likely caused by the class/comp study
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
o Requests for positions will be submitted through program
review, which has a new form regarding requesting positions.
o A question was raised regarding priority two positions that were
not funded this year and how they will be addressed during the
following year’s prioritization process at the last College Council
meeting. At the most recent Classified Prioritization committee
meeting, the committee came to a consensus that positions
identified as a “priority one” by Classified Senate in the previous
year’s prioritization process that were then unfunded and
designated as priority two by management will be given
additional weight in the current year’s Classified Senate
prioritization process if requested again.
o Motion to favorably weight “priority one” positions that were not
hired in the previous year’s prioritization process if they are
requested again in the current cycle.
 14 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain
Community College League of CA (CCLC) Annual Conference
o K Metcalf (SEIU), Angela Villasana (Academic Services), Katrin
Field (Staff Development), Noell (Classified Senate) expressed
interest in attending
o Motion to fund attendance for extra persons in the event
alternate funding to send representatives is unavailable
 14 yes; 0 no; 0 abstain
Recommendation on Budget Committee
o People have expressed concerns regarding this committee
o Discussion about what the budget committee should be doing
and how it is not meeting those criteria
o A proposed letter has been drafted with recommendations to
address the problems addressed in the discussion
o Motion to share these recommendations with President Sperling,
Faculty Senate, PRBC, and the Budget Committee
 11 yes; 0 no; 3 abstain
Leadership Development for Classified Professionals
o Results of our development survey to be seen in Addendum One
o Met at District – Notes from meeting in Addendum Two
o Classified want to advance within District
o Chancellor will support a classified development program
o Chancellor taking Senate presidents and VPs to Fresno to discuss
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
o Still developing a survey and we should say in the survey what
we want specifically to get out of the program
Classified Senate Constitution
o Reviewed updates and what the goal of the updates are.
Facilities Committee
o Need a Classified co-chair on facilities committee
Basic Skills
o Two meetings held
 Review logic model
 Discussed revised charge given to faculty senate and
Bookstore Advisory
o Not being held
Bookstore Contract Committee (Ad Hoc)
o Committee is reviewing contract with Follet as the contract
comes to an end
o Questions being asked:
 Go back to in-house bookstore?
 Continue with Follet?
 Pick another vendor?
o College
 See Addendum Three
o District
 $4 million hasn’t gone through budget allocation model
 Meeting upcoming to show where money plans to be spent
 The money is coming as general fund and CC and LPC
wants to know why it hasn’t gone through BAM yet
Committee for Online Learning
o COOL Committee has not meet since last meeting. They are
moving forward using the online submission through Google
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
Docs. Presentations from new instructors will begin this month
for those teaching in the spring.
o Committee approved Math/Science request for updates. They
have agreed to begin a Spring to Spring approval level for
Spring/Summer coursework. This will reduce the time needs to
approve a spring/summer course by ½ a year. Grant earned in
business asked for an exception for coursework approval for this
summer in 2 unit Math/English courses to meet the grant with
BART requirements. Committee are still working on the
approvals for ‘exception’ courses from last summer and at this
time will not ‘rush’ other coursework through.
o New co-chairs are Dr. Matt Kritscher and Mark Stephens.
Classified co-chair is needed
o Fire Technology wants to add roof equipment
o Building 1600 updates
o Work has started on veteran’s center in room 2351
o District Facility maintenance budgets were reviewed
o Roofs are #1 on budget agenda
o Voted on covered walkway around college and the decision is to
perform a seismic retrofitting on it
Good of the Order
o We want to reschedule President Sperling’s visit to Senate and
will likely schedule a special Senate meeting to ensure a more
timely visit
o Classified Appreciation in November was suggested by
o Fundraiser update provided
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
In Attendance:
o Angela Villasana
o Catherine Powell
o Cheryl Sannebeck
o Craig Shira
o Debra Kling
o Gordon Watt
o K Metcalf
o Katrin Field
o Nate Moore
o Noell Adams
o Rachael Tupper-Eoff
o Rozen Bondoc
o Steve Lowery
o Trisha Avila
o Christie Verarde
o Heather Hernandez
o JoAnn Cerefice
o Lisa Carlson
o Rhiz Aacaoili
o Osibisa Roseby
o Christine Herrera
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
Addendum One
Leadership Development for Classified Professionals
Results of Classified Senate development survey
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
Addendum Two
Leadership Development for Classified Professionals
Met at District – Notes from meeting in Addendum Two
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Classified Senate Minutes – 16 October 2015
Addendum Three
College Budget Committee Report
Heather Hernandez
The College Budget Committee last met on October September 22, 2015.
The October 13 meeting was cancelled. Tim Dave shared that the program
review spreadsheets for budget requests have been updated and the new
forms should be posted on the college website. Forms are due to area
deans/managers on October 26. There was discussion about small dollar
items and how the vendor or model number may change from the time an
item was requested to the time when the order is actually placed. Small
equipment purchases, such a digital cameras for example, should be able to
be changed as long as the dollar amount of the item is not increased. The
Library discussed and issue they were having with prepayment of library
subscriptions and how prepayment causes funds to be paid from the wrong
fiscal year. Future agenda items include: electing a new faculty co-chair,
reviewing the charge and membership of the committee, meeting dates in
relation to the master calendar, approval process for small dollar items, and
a more efficient feedback gathering process when questions arise on
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