Journal of Hydrology (2007) 344, 171– 184 available at journal homepage: Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability and their relevance in water resource management in the Hanjiang basin Hua Chen a, Shenglian Guo a,* , Chong-yu Xu b,d , Vijay P. Singh c a State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Donghunanlu 8, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China b Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway c Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, Scoates Hall, 2117 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA d Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden Received 14 January 2006; received in revised form 31 May 2007; accepted 30 June 2007 KEYWORDS Trends analysis; Mann–Kendall; Climate variability; Water balance model; Danjiangkou reservoir; South-to-North Water Diversion Project Summary The Danjiangkou reservoir lies in the upper Hanjiang basin and is the source of water for the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) in China. Any significant change in the magnitude or timing of runoff from the Danjiangkou reservoir induced by changes in climatic variables would have significant implications for the economic prosperity of the area in the Hanjiang basin as well as for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. In this paper the following issues are investigated: (1) Temporal trends of annual and seasonal precipitation and temperature from 1951 to 2003 in the Hanjiang basin are analyzed using the Mann–Kendall and the linear regression methods; spatial distributions of precipitation and temperature are interpolated by the inverse distance weighted interpolation method. (2) Temporal trends of runoff, precipitation and temperature from 1951 to 2003 in the Danjiangkou reservoir, an upper stream basin of the Hanjiang River, are further tested. (3) To assess the impact of climate change on water resources and predict the future runoff change in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, a two-parameter water balance model is used to simulate the hydrological response for the climate change predicted by GCMs for the region for the period of 2021–2050. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 27 68772765; fax: +86 27 68773568. E-mail address: (S. Guo). 0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.06.034 172 H. Chen et al. The results indicate that (1) at the a = 0.05 significance level precipitation in the Hanjiang basin has no trend, but the temperature in the same region has significant upward trends in most parts of the Hanjiang basin. (2) The mean annual, spring, and winter runoffs in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin have decreasing trends. (3) The results simulated for the period 2021–2050 show that runoff of the Danjiangkou reservoir would increase in all the seasons, mainly in response to the predicted precipitation increase in the region. Sensitivity analysis shows that a 1 C and 2 C increase in temperature would reduce the mean annual runoff to about 3.5% and 7%, respectively. A decrease/increase of the mean monthly precipitation of 20% and 10% would decrease/increase the mean annual runoff to about 30% and 15%, respectively. The results of this study provide a scientific reference not only for assessing the impact of the climate change on water resources and the flood prevention in the Hanjiang basin, but also for dimensioning the middle route of the SNWDP in China. ª 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V. Introduction Investigations of regional and global climatic changes and variabilities and their impacts on the society have received considerable attention in recent years. According to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001), the global average surface temperature has increased by about 0.6 ± 0.2 C over the 20th century, and rainfall has decreased over much of the Northern Hemisphere sub-tropical regions by about 0.3% per decade during the 20th century. In some regions, such as parts of Asia and Africa, the frequency and intensity of droughts have been observed to increase in recent decades. Much attention had been paid to analyze climatic changes in China (Guo et al., 2002; Gemmer et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2004; Xiong and Guo, 2004; Guo et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2005; Huang et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2006; Zhou and Yu, 2006). Guo et al. (2002) studied the impact of climate change on water resources of the Hanjiang basin based on a semidistributed monthly water balance model and their results showed that the precipitation change is the main factor for the change in runoff. Wang et al. (2004) demonstrated that an increasing trend in precipitation variations was observed during the second half of the 20th century in West China, but a similar trend was not found in East China, where the 20- to 40-year periodicities were predominant in the precipitation variability. Huang et al. (2005) showed that the temperature rise in winter was shown to be linked to the presence of an anomalously strong zonal circulation in Eurasia and a weak polar vortex since the 1980s. Xu et al. (2006) analyzed the future climate change responses in the time-slice of 2071–2100 (2080s) under SRES B2 scenario over China. According to their results, there would be an obvious surface air temperature increase in the north of China relative to that in the south of China, and there would be an overall increase of the simulated precipitation in the 2080s under SRES B2 scenario over most areas of China. At the same time there would be significant precipitation decreases in South China in winter and obvious precipitation decreases in Northeast China and North China in summer with high surface air temperature increases. Zhou and Yu (2006) examined variations of the surface air temperature over China and the globe in the 20th century simulated by 19 coupled climate models driven by historical natural and anthropogenic forcings. These studies will be very helpful to analyze and assess the impact of climatic change on the water resources in China. Observational and historical hydro-climatic data are generally used for planning and designing water resources projects. There is an implicit assumption of so-called stationarity, implying time-invariant statistical characteristics of the time series under consideration, in virtually all water resources engineering works. Such an assumption can no longer be valid if the global climate changes as a result of the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This, of course, results in major problems (e.g., dislocation and inefficiencies) in regional water resources management (Kahya and Kalaycı, 2004). Therefore, the need to study the climatic change trends in the Hanjiang basin, such as precipitation, temperature and runoff, is urgent. There are many parametric and non-parametric methods that have been applied for detection of trends (Zhang et al., 2006). Parametric trend tests are more powerful than non-parametric ones, but they require data to be independent and normally distributed. On the other hand, non-parametric trend tests only require the data be independent and can tolerate outliers in the data. One of the widely used non-parametric tests for detecting a trend in hydro-climatic time series is the Mann–Kendall (MK) test (Hirsch et al., 1982; van Belle and Hughes, 1984; Zetterqvist, 1991; Zhang et al., 2001; Burn and Elnur, 2002; Yue et al., 2002; Yue and Wang, 2002; Yue and Pilon, 2004; Burn et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005; Arora et al., 2005; Aziz and Burn, 2006; Gemmer et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2006; Zhu and Day, 2005). Burn and Elnur (2002) developed a trend detection framework which utilized the MK test to identify trends in hydrological variables. Kundzewicz and Robson (2004) outlined and presented a brief overview of trend detection tests. Yue and Pilon (2004) applied Monte Carlo simulation to compare the power of the statistical tests: the parametric t-test, the non-parametric MK, bootstrap-based slope, and bootstrap-based MK tests to assess the significance of monotonic trends. Their simulation results indicate that the t-test and the BS-slope test (slope-based tests) have the same power and the MK and BS-based MK tests (rank based tests) have the same power. For normally distrib- Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability uted data, the power of the slope-based tests is slightly higher than that of the rank-based tests, and vice versa. Zhang et al. (2005) applied the MK test to examine trends in the precipitation and temperature data in the Yangtze River basin and detected significant positive and negative trends at the a = 0.1 significance level. Becker et al. (2006) analyzed precipitation trends in the Yangtze River basin for the past 50 years by applying the MK trend test and geospatial analyses. Significant positive trends at many stations were observed for summer months, which naturally show precipitation maxima. Zhang et al. (2006) detected the temporal trends and frequency changes at three major hydrological stations at Yangtze River, i.e., Yichang, Hankou and Datong, representing the upper, middle and lower reaches, respectively, with the help of parametric t-test, MK analysis and wavelet transform methods. The MK test has been approved as a powerful tool to detect trends of the hydro-meteorological time series. Using both statistical methods and a well-tested hydrological model, this study examines both the historical variations and the future changes in the hydro-climatic variables in the Hanjiang River basin and sub-basins thereof. More specifically, the objectives of the study are threefold: (1) to examine temporal trends and their spatial distribution of historical annual and seasonal precipitation and temperature series in the Hanjiang basin, (2) to detect temporal trends of precipitation, temperature, and runoff in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, an upstream sub-basin of the Hanjinag, and analyze mutual relationships between the three factors in order to clarify the impact of climatic change on water resources, and (3) to predict future runoff changes based on future scenarios obtained from GCMs as input to a two-parameter water balance model. Figure 1 173 The Hanjiang basin and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project The Hanjiang basin The Hanjiang River, located between 106–114 E and 30–34 N and shown in Fig. 1, is the biggest tributary of the Yangtze River. It passes through the provinces of Shanxi, Sichuan, Henan and Hubei; and merges into the Yangtze River at Wuhan. The river’s length is 1570 km and the basin area is 170,400 km2. The basin has a sub-tropical monsoon climate and has, as a result, dramatic diversity in its water resources. Since there are many high and large mountains in the basin, the study further divides the basin into different climatic zones, i.e., sub-tropical, warm temperate, mountainous temperate and mountainous sub-temperate zones, etc. For this study, the whole Hanjiang basin is divided into three regions, as shown in Fig. 2: the Danjiangkou reservoir sub-basin (upper sub-basin), the middle and the lower subbasins according to the differences in longitude and altitude, which give rise to sharp changes in precipitation and temperature within the region. The basin’s annual precipitation is about 700–1000 mm, which gradually increases from the upper to the lower basin and decreases from the south to the north in the upper basin. The Danjiangkou reservoir is the source of water for the middle route of the well-known South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) in China. The drainage area of the reservoir is 96,000 km2. As the Danjiangkou reservoir will transfer part of its water for the SNWDP, which will alter the reservoir’s discharge and its distribution. This will have an impact on the socio-economic development and the environment in the middle and lower sub-basins which are the bases of agriculture and industry in the Hubei province. Location of the Hanjiang basin and the middle route of the SNWDP in China. 174 H. Chen et al. Figure 2 The locations of the meteorological stations in the Hanjiang basin. The South-to-North Water Diversion Project In North China, economic growth and population increase have principally been responsible for excessive extraction of groundwater as well as utilization of untreated urban sewage water. This situation is to be improved by implementing, step by step, the long distance SNWDP, together with intensive water conversion, pollution control and the rational use of local water resources. As its importance to the Chinese economic and societal development, the project has attracted more and more attention and has therefore been a subject of significant discussion (Wang and Ma, 1999; Chen et al., 2002; Liu and Zheng, 2002; Shao et al., 2003; Yang and Zehnder, 2005). Wang and Ma (1999) pointed out that the middle route would be affected by several environmental–geological problems, such as the slope stability of swelling clay and rock, soil salinization as a result of the rise of the groundwater table due to channel leakage, the settlement of ground surface in the coal mining area, liquefaction of sand, drainage through the left bank of the canal and frozen heave problems. The south-to-north water transfer schemes are considered and discussed by Liu and Zheng (2002) in the context of resolving water shortage problems in the north of China. As a substantial amount of water will be diverted from the Hanjiang River in the Middle Route Project, causing reductions of runoff in the downstream, which may lead to the worsening of existing eutrophication problem there. Shao et al. (2003) argued for a detailed study and precautions must be made to prevent the environmental and ecological problems on the downstream of the Hanjiang. Yang and Zehnder (2005) examined the decision-making process of the project from the viewpoint of the country’s transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, rapid economic development, and severe environmental degradation; and suggested a high degree of uncertainty in the future water demand. With Beijing city as its uppermost destination, the middle route of SNWDP will supply water for North China, including the Tangbaihe plain and the middle and western parts of the Huang–Huai–Hai plain with a total area of about 155,000 km2, as shown in Fig. 1. The first task of the middle route of SNWDP is to heighten the dam of the Danjiangkou reservoir from 157 m3 to 170 m to enlarge the storage capacity to 29.05 billion m3 from the current level of 11.6 billion m3. Based on the completion of Danjiangkou reservoir extension project, the reservoir area will then extend by another 324 km2, affecting more than 250,000 people in Shiyan of Hubei Province and Xichuan County in Henan Province. The expanded Danjiangkou Reservoir will provide 9.5 billion m3 of water annually to Beijing, Tianjin, and cities in Hebei, Henan and Hubei provinces. It will be able to provide 13–14 billion m3 by 2030. The water transfer project, after being diverted to the North, will impact on the water utilization along the middle and lower reaches of Hangjiang River. In accordance with the development level in 2020, some compensatory projects will be built on the middle and lower Hanjiang to ensure the development of industry and agriculture, and navigation and preservation of the environment of the water exporting region. The project will be an important and a basic facility for mitigating the existing crisis of water resources in North China. The advantages of this project lie mainly in the good quality of water to be diverted and greater water-supply coverage available, and that the water can be conveyed by gravity through canals to be built along Funiu and Taihang Mountains. The undesirable point of the middle route is that the amount of water allowable for diversion from the Danjiangkou reservoir would be subject to certain limitations. If successive dry years occur, the water available for diversion would be insufficient. It is therefore of vital importance to study the variability of discharge in the basin in relation to the climate variability in the region. Data and methodology Data The following hydro-meteorological data are used in the analysis. Daily precipitation and temperature data (1951– 2003) from 14 National Meteorological Observatory (NMO) Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability Table 1 The latitude and longitude of the meteorological stations in the Hanjiang basin No. Station name Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Elevation (m a.s.l) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Hanzhong Foping Shangzhou Xixia Nanyang Shiquan Ankang Yunxian Fangxian Laohekou Zaoyang Zhongxiang Tianmen Wuhan 33.04 33.32 33.52 33.18 33.02 33.03 32.43 32.51 32.03 32.23 32.09 31.10 30.40 30.37 107.02 107.59 109.58 111.30 112.35 108.16 109.02 110.49 110.44 111.40 112.45 112.34 113.10 114.08 508.4 1087.7 742.2 250.3 129.2 484.9 290.8 201.9 434.4 90.0 125.5 65.8 34.1 23.3 stations were provided by the National Climatic Centre of China. The location of the stations in the basin is shown in Fig. 2, and their altitudes and longitudes are listed in Table 1. The monthly runoff (1951–2003) of the Danjiangkou reservoir was provided by the Bureau of Hydrology of the Changjiang Water Resources Commission. The series of the annual temperature, precipitation and runoff are tested to be normally distributed by using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method with the only exception being of the precipitation series of the Nanyang at the a = 0.1 significance level. The monthly precipitation and temperature data of the GCMs were downloaded from the website of the IPCC Data Distribute Center ( Lying in a sub-tropical monsoon climate zone, the basin climate has dramatic diversity. The mean annual temperature is about 15–17 C, the maximum mean monthly temperature is about 22–24 C in July. The extreme maximum temperature in July and the extreme minimum temperature in January are 43.4 C and 20 C, respectively. Both precipitation and runoff have strong inter-annual and intra-annual variabilities. The mean annual precipitation is about 700–1100 mm and 80% of it happens in the period between May and October. The seasonal variation of runoff is similar to that of precipitation. The runoff between July and October is 65% of the annual runoff. The mean runoff coefficient of the basin is 0.48. The long-term mean runoff of the Danjiangkou reservoir basin is 1200 m3/s and the maximum runoff is about six times the minimum runoff in one year. The coefficient of variation of annual runoff is 0.4 Hydrological water balance model Hydrologic models provide a framework in which to conceptualize and investigate the relationship between climate and water resources. The scientific literature of the past two decades contains a large number of reports dealing with the application of hydrologic models to the assessment of potential effects of climate change on a variety of water resource issues (Xu, 1999). The choice 175 of a model for a particular case study depends on many factors (Gleick, 1986), amongst which the study purpose, model and data availability have been the dominant ones (Ng and Marsalek, 1992; Xu, 1999). For example, for assessing water resources management on a regional scale, monthly rainfall-runoff (water balance) models were found useful for identifying hydrologic consequences of changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climatic variables (e.g., Gleick, 1986; Schaake and Liu, 1989; Mimikou et al., 1991; Arnell, 1992; Xu and Halldin, 1997; Xu and Singh, 1998; Guo et al., 2002). The hydrological model used in this study is a twoparameter monthly water balance model developed by Xiong and Guo (1999) for simulating the hydrological impact of the changing climate. The model has only two parameters to be calibrated and requires as input the monthly areal precipitation, pan evaporation, air temperature and streamflow (for calibration only). The model outputs include monthly streamflow, actual evapotranspiration and soil moisture content index. The model has been tested in more than 100 catchments with different climates and sizes in China and has, with its simple structure, proved to be quite efficient for simulating monthly runoff. The two-parameter monthly water balance model can be easily and efficiently incorporated in the water resources planning program and study of climate change impacts due to its simplicity and high efficiency of performance. This model has been used as a standard tool for simulating climate change impacts by different institutions in China, including the National Climate Centre. Guo et al. (2002) applied this model to simulate climate change impacts in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. They had done the calibration and evaluation of the model and got very good simulation results of monthly runoff in Hanjiang basin. Based on their work, the two-parameter water balance model was selected to use in this study. The parameter values of the model which had been well calibrated and tested by Guo et al. (2002) for the same basin are directly used in this study. Methods Four statistical methods are used in this study to analyze the spatial variations and temporal trends of the hydro-climatic series: (1) A simple linear regression method, which is a parametric t-test method, is used to test the long-term linear trend. (2) The Mann–Kendall test, which was originally devised by Mann (1945) as a non-parametric test for detecting trends and the distribution of the test statistic, derived by Kendall (1975), is used to test the non-linear trend as well as the turning point. (3) The Kendall s method, which is a non-parametric method for testing the correlation (Kendall, 1938; Sprent, 1990), is used to test the correlation between runoff, precipitation and temperature. (4) An inverse distance weighted interpolation method (IDW), which is based on the assumption that the interpolating surface should be influenced most by nearby points and less by more distant points (Gemmer et al., 2004), is used to map the regional distribution of the test statistics. To predict the hydrological impact of precipitation and temperature changes in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, the delta change method (Hay et al., 2000) and the 176 H. Chen et al. two-parameter water balance model (Xiong and Guo, 1999; Guo et al., 2002), which have been tested in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, are used. The delta change method calculates the difference between GCMs simulated current and future climate conditions and adds to the current observed time series of climate variables in the Danjiangkou basin as input to the two-parameter water balance model to simulate future runoff. In order to study the decadal variation of historical annual and seasonal precipitation, temperature and runoff, the b Temperature vatiations (0C) 400 Upper 200 0 -200 1960 Precipitation variation (mm) Decadal variations of annual and seasonal precipitation, temperature and runoff in Hanjiang basin 1980 T(year) 0.8 Upper 0.4 0 -0.4 -0.8 1960 2000 Temperature vatiations (0C) Precipitation variation (mm) a Results and discussion 400 Middle 200 0 -200 1980 T(year) 2000 1 Middle 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 1960 1980 T(year) 1960 2000 1980 T(year) 2000 Temperature vatiations ( C) Lower 0 Precipitation variation (mm) 1.5 Lower 400 0 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -400 -1 1960 Runoff (108m3) c 1980 T(year) 2000 1960 1980 T(year) 2000 400 Precipitation , Temperature or Runoff Variations Mean Differences of Decadal Values to the Longterm Mean Base line 200 0 -200 1960 1980 T(year) 2000 Figure 3 The annual precipitation (a), temperature (b) and runoff (c) variations and their mean differences of decadal values to the long-term mean in the upper, middle and lower Hanjiang basin. Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability mean annual and seasonal values for the whole study period (1951–2003) and for each decade (1951–1960, 1961– 1970, 1971–1980, 1981–1990, and 1991–2003) were calculated and compared. These results were plotted in Fig. 3 and shown in Tables 2 and 3. It is observed that: (1) For the upper basin a wet period (1981–1990) and a dry (1991–2003) period are clearly seen which have a mean annual precipitation of 76.11 mm (73.93 mm) higher (lower) and a mean annual runoff of 67.36 · 108 m3 (81.30 · 108 m3) higher (lower) than the long-term average, respectively. (2) The periods (1951–1960, 1961– 1970 and 1991–2003) are warmer than the long-term average, while the period (1981–1990) is cooler than the long-term average. The results reveal that the seasonal variations of the decadal values are much larger than those of annual differences, especially for precipitation. During the period of 1991–2003 precipitation and runoff in autumn are 32.08 mm and 36.10 · 108 m3 lower than their long-term average values, respectively. (3) For the middle basin the mean decadal changes are not remarkable, the biggest difference is found for the period (1991–2003) which has a mean precipitation of 27.03 mm lower than the long-term average and the period 177 (1991–2003) is 0.417 C warmer than the long-term average, and before the 1980s the decadal variations of temperature are lower than the long-term average. For seasonal variations, precipitation in autumn has a larger difference than that of precipitation in other seasons. (4) For the lower basin, a dry period (1971–1980) and a wet period (1991–2003) are found which have a mean annual value of 108.53 mm (46.36 mm) lower (higher) than the long-term average, respectively. The period (1991– 2003) is warmer, while the rest of the periods are cooler than the long-term average. For the period (1991–2003), temperature in winter is 1.094 C higher than the longterm average and runoff is much lower than the long-term average (Fig. 3c). The above discussion shows that when entering the 1990s there is a very dry period in the Hanjiang basin. If this situation does not alter in the 21st century it will have serious implications for agriculture, industry and drinking water supply in the middle China region. More importantly, this decrease in runoff will have a direct impact on the very viability of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) in China. Table 2 Decadal variations of the precipitation (mm) and temperature (C) as compared with the long-term average in the upper, middle and lower Hanjiang basin 1951–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 P T P T P T 1981–1990 1991–2003 P T P T Upper basin Annual Spring Summer Autumn Winter 15.73 11.37 40.78 19.45 3.64 0.066 0.043 0.193 0.110 0.235 20.47 29.74 41.35 36.32 2.68 0.023 0.102 0.615 0.095 0.221 15.96 0.97 19.80 3.21 1.03 0.027 0.039 0.169 0.061 0.047 76.11 10.84 41.68 21.61 1.24 0.300 0.197 0.702 0.115 0.175 73.93 23.22 16.39 32.08 2.48 0.148 0.167 0.211 0.030 0.449 Middle basin Annual Spring Summer Autumn Winter 14.02 9.99 35.75 31.85 7.03 0.065 0.352 0.003 0.060 0.451 7.89 25.28 27.29 24.11 7.47 0.110 0.196 0.392 0.205 0.381 11.15 13.85 5.87 10.46 3.53 0.188 0.203 0.002 0.107 0.172 1.94 16.98 2.38 21.52 3.70 0.179 0.041 0.241 0.074 0.098 27.03 9.35 0.16 18.65 0.22 0.417 0.546 0.120 0.344 0.853 Lower basin Annual Spring Summer Autumn Winter 29.72 43.59 26.75 36.72 2.44 0.226 0.453 0.035 0.021 0.353 43.52 29.64 2.34 0.22 4.37 0.207 0.259 0.138 0.235 0.564 108.53 2.81 80.07 13.56 10.03 0.218 0.264 0.148 0.351 0.280 62.05 37.73 27.22 77.48 0.31 0.168 0.001 0.312 0.208 0.225 46.36 16.13 30.03 20.76 9.44 0.630 0.750 0.221 0.626 1.094 Note: P – precipitation; T – temperature. Table 3 Annual Spring Summer Autumn Winter Decadal variations of the runoff (108 m3) of the Danjiangkou reservoir as compared with the long-term average 1951–1960 1961–1970 1971–1980 1981–1990 1991–2003 27.32 2.56 37.39 9.99 2.47 35.61 27.00 28.79 34.03 3.36 24.50 5.69 15.12 2.92 0.77 67.36 6.33 33.58 25.78 1.65 81.30 19.27 20.81 36.10 5.17 178 Spatial distribution of temporal trend in annual and seasonal precipitation and temperature as detected by the Mann–Kendall statistics and a linear regression method Applying the Mann–Kendall statistics and a linear regression method to each station in the Hanjiang basin, temporal trends of annual and seasonal precipitation and temperature are tested at the a = 0.05 significance level. These temporal trends are then interpolated by using the IDW method to show their spatial distributions. H. Chen et al. The spatial distributions of temporal trend in annual and seasonal precipitation are shown in Fig. 4. It is seen that the results of both methods are similar and there is no trend in precipitation in most parts of the Hanjiang basin at the a = 0.05 significance level. Fig. 5 demonstrates the spatial distribution of annual and seasonal trends in temperature in the Hanjiang basin. It is seen that the results between the two methods are almost the same and the temporal trend of temperature has rich spatial patterns as compared with those of precipitation. The annual temperature has significant upward trends in Figure 4 Spatial distribution of the temporal trends of annual and seasonal precipitation as measured by the Mann–Kendall statistics (a) and linear regression (b) at the a = 0.05 significance levels in the Hanjiang basin. Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability 179 Figure 5 Spatial distribution of the temporal trends of annual and seasonal temperature as measured by the Mann–Kendall statistics (a) and linear regression (b) at the a = 0.05 significance levels in the Hanjiang basin. the middle and lower Hanjiang basin and in the upper part of the upper basin, while significant downward trends exist in the lower region of the upper basin. Spring temperature shows significant upward trends in the middle and lower basin and no trend in the upper basin. In summer there is no trend in the middle and lower basin and significant downward trends in most parts of the upper basin. In autumn there are significant upward trends in the lower basin, the lower part of the middle basin and a small part of the upper basin; a downward trend is found in a small area near the Yunxian station. In winter temperature shows significant upward trends in most parts of the basin. The above discussion shows that temperature has increased dramatically in the middle and lower basins in all the seasons except for summer which is a rainy season. The significant increase in air temperature has resulted in a dramatic decrease in runoff through increased evaporation (refer to Fig. 3c). The middle and lower basins of the Hanjiang River is the economic center of Hubei Province and rapid economic development experienced during last decades has increased air pollution in the region, which, in turn, has partly caused temperature increase and runoff decrease. The increasing trend in air temperature over the past decades in the region is consis- H. Chen et al. 0.001 0.115 0.909 0.42 0.02 2.48 0.02 2.32 0.003 0.49 0.629 0.20 0.001 0.27 0.787 0.04 0.07 0.49 0.624 0.81 0.59 0.75 0.46 1.09 Note: Ann. = Annual, Sp. = Spring, Su. = Summer, Au. = Autumn, Wi. = Winter. b B ¼ slope of linear regression, T = statistic of t-test, Zmk = statistic of Mann–Kendall. The critical value Ta/2,n2 = T0.05/2,532 = 2.009. The critical value Z1a/2 = Z10.05/2 = 1.64. Significant trends are shown with bold italic values. 0.42 0.47 0.64 0.38 0.45 1.03 0.31 1.11 1.54 1.14 0.26 1.14 0.18 3.54 0.00 3.01 0.87 1.18 0.25 1.62 0.68 1.15 0.26 0.94 Wi. Au. Su. Sp. 0.56 2.13 0.04 2.32 2.3 1.94 0.06 2.03 Wi. Su. Temperature Sp. Ann. Wi. Au. Su. Precipitation Sp. Ann. Ann. Runoff The availability and variation of runoff in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin in the future would be a key to the success of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. It is therefore necessary to analyze the impact of climate change on the water resources in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. To assess the impact of global warming on water resources and simulate runoff changes in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, monthly precipitation and temperature series are obtained from different GCMs (HadCM3, CCSRNIES, CSRIO and GFDL) grids which are nearest to the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. The predicted precipitation and temperature anomalies from the 1961–1990 average in the Danjiangkou Results of the trend test for the series of annual runoff, precipitation and temperature in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin Impact of climate change on water resources in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin Table 4 Long-term trends in the runoff of the Danjiangkou reservoir basin are tested by linear regression and Mann–Kendall methods. To analyze the relationships among runoff, precipitation and temperature in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin, Kendall’s s is applied to evaluate correlations among the annual runoff, precipitation and temperature series and the long-term trends of the area–mean precipitation and temperature in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin are also tested. ^ the test statistics T, the The values of the regression slope b, p-value of statistics T and the Mann–Kendall statistics Zmk are given in Table 4. At the a = 0.05 significance level there are significant downward trends for annual runoff as seen by applying the Mann–Kendall statistics: the jZmkj value = 2.03 > Z1a/2 = Z10.05/2 = 1.96, but no trend is detected by the linear regression as the jTj values 1.94 < Ta/2,n2 = T0.05/2,532 = 2.009 and the p-value 0.06 > 0.05, with the test statistic lying close to the limit of the critical region. Both testing methods show that runoff in spring and winter show significant downward trends at the a = 0.05 significance le^ values for annual and vel. Although the regression slope b seasonal precipitation are all negative, indicating a linear downward tendency, significant downward trends are not detected by either of the methods at the a = 0.05 significance level. Both methods find that temperature has significant downward trends in summer and upward trends in winter at the a = 0.05 significance level. The Kendall s for these series are calculated and runoff is more closely correlated with precipitation (s = 0.746) than with temperature (s = 0.4) in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. The results show that at the a = 0.05 significance level the annual runoff has a significant downward trend in the period of 1953–2003. If the dry years are successive, there will be insufficient water for the receiving areas of the middle route of the SNWDP. It is therefore of interest to study how the changes will continue in the future and predict the impacts of climate changes of the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. Au. Trends of runoff of Danjiangkou reservoir basin detected by linear regression and Mann–Kendall statistics b B T p-Value Zmk tent with global warming as reported across most of the globe. 0.017 2.691 0.01 2.25 180 Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability reservoir basin are calculated and smoothed with a 11-year low-pass filter and plotted in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In the 21st century, temperature in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin would rise and the results of different GCMs are coincident as shown in Fig. 6. However, precipitation trends of different GCMs are discordant, as shown in Fig. 7. To test the relationships between GCMs raw data and observed data, the coefficient of determination R2 is calculated and its values are given in Table 5. As the coefficient of determination R2 for the precipitation of the GFDL model is 0.43, only the HadCM3, CCSRNIES, CSRIO are selected for simulating future climate change in Danjiangkou reservoir basin. The data of the predicted temperature and precipitation changes are recalculated by using the delta change Anomaly relative to 1961-1990 mean(°C) 8 CCSRNIES HadCM3 GFDL CSRIO Observed 6 4 2 0 -2 1951 1971 1991 2011 2031 T(year) 2051 2071 Figure 6 The GCMs predicted temperature anomalies from the 1961 to 1990 average in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin from 1951 to 2100 smoothed with a 11-year low-pass filter. CCSRNIE HadCM3 GFDL CSRIO Observed anomaly relative to the 19611990 mean(mm) 1.5 1 0.5 181 method (Hay et al., 2000) as input to the two-parameter water balance model which had been used in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin and had simulated runoff well (Xiong and Guo, 1999; Guo et al., 2002). The GCMs climate variables for the period of 1961–1990 with GCMs simulated future values from 2021 to 2050 are compared and the differences are added to the observed series from 1961 to 1990 to represent the future climate variables for the period 2021–2050 as input to the two-parameter water balance model. The runoff from the Danjiangkou reservoir basin is predicted for 2021–2050 and the prediction results of mean monthly runoff are plotted in Fig. 8 and the relative mean change in the results are given in Table 6. It is seen from Fig. 8 that the predicted monthly runoff will increase in almost all the seasons, except in autumn for the CCSRNIES predicted scenarios. This is mainly due to the predicted increase in monthly precipitation by GCMs (see Table 6). The mean annual changes in runoff are 8.18%, 7.78% and 2.14%, respectively, when the scenarios predicted by HadCM3, CSRIO and CCSRNIES are used as input to the water balance model. These runoff changes are the result of the combined effects of the predicted precipitation and temperature changes. The mean annual temperature increases by 1.29 C (HadCM3), 0.99 C (CSRIO) and 1.87 C (CCSRNIES) in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin which reduces runoff by a certain percentage due to the resulting increase in evapotranspiration. But the reduction in runoff caused by the increase in temperature cannot compensate for the increase in precipitation. In order to evaluate the effect of precipitation and temperature separate on runoff and examine the sensitivity of the hydrological system to the climate change in the region, a sensitivity analysis is carried out by using six hypothetical climate change scenarios (DT = 0 combined with DP = ±20%, ±10%; DP = 0 combined with DT = 1 and 2 C) as input to the water balance model. The results of sensitivity analysis are plotted in Fig. 9. It is seen that (1) 1 C and 2 C increases in temperature reduce the mean annual runoff by about 3.5% and 7%, respectively. (2) A decrease/increase of mean monthly precipitation 0 100 -0.5 -1 1951 HadCM3 CSRIO CCSRNIES Current 80 1971 1991 2011 2031 2051 2071 Figure 7 The GCMs predicted precipitation anomalies from the 1961 to 1990 average in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin from 1951 to 2100 smoothed with a 11-year low-pass filter. Table 5 The determinations coefficient R2 between the GCMs raw data series and the observed data series from 1951 to 2003 in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin Precipitation Temperature HadCM3 CCSRNIES CSRIO GFDL 0.69 0.98 0.70 0.98 0.65 0.97 0.43 0.98 Runoff(108m3) T(year) 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T (Month) 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 8 Predicted results of mean monthly runoff from 2021 to 2050 in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. 182 H. Chen et al. Table 6 Future mean runoff change from 2021 to 2050 simulated by the two-parameter water balance model based on the future climate change scenarios predicted by GCMs HadCM3 January February March April May June July August September October November December Ann. CSRIO DP (%) DT (C) DQ (%) DP (%) DT (C) DQ (%) DP (%) DT (C) DQ (%) 42.22 18.20 10.70 0.42 5.18 14.33 6.83 6.61 12.87 1.77 15.60 4.20 10.48 1.02 0.64 0.77 1.42 1.40 1.27 1.17 1.83 1.70 1.60 1.41 1.24 1.29 13.12 10.96 20.07 7.49 11.54 9.38 13.17 5.15 9.25 3.54 7.04 4.86 8.18 1.89 6.33 10.37 21.44 4.42 0.42 5.74 0.09 10.69 0.41 3.48 3.37 5.39 0.94 1.32 1.42 1.81 1.11 0.70 0.63 0.62 0.32 0.44 1.30 1.21 0.99 0.18 0.06 5.93 20.62 14.07 9.53 14.79 8.41 12.7 4.53 1.53 1.06 7.78 1.38 14.83 19.34 13.56 9.47 0.41 3.47 7.96 9.09 16.38 12.75 22.58 6.08 2.59 1.49 2.81 1.60 1.32 1.73 1.56 1.56 1.82 1.69 2.06 2.25 1.87 4.85 1.64 4.72 16.57 18.29 4.18 3.25 1.86 7.75 10.77 7.74 5.98 2.14 Changes in runoff (%) 40 30 20 10 0 -10 1 2 CCSRNIES 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -20 -30 -40 Months DP=-20%, DT=0 DP=-10%, DT=0 DP=10%, DT=0 DP=20%, DT=0 DP=0%, DT=1 DP=0%, DT=2 Figure 9 Response of the mean monthly runoff to the changes in precipitation and temperature in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. of 20 and 10% decreases/increases the mean annual runoff by about 30% and 15%, respectively. (3) For both changes in precipitation and temperature the monthly changes of runoff are quite constant over the year in this study region. The previous results and discussion show that although the period of 1990–2003 was a very dry period compared with the long-term average (Fig. 3c), runoff in 2021–2050 will increase relative to the mean of 1961– 1990 based on the climate scenarios (Fig. 8 and Table 6). This is advantageous, especially for the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) in China. Conclusions In this study, temporal trends of precipitation, temperature as well as their spatial distributions in the Hanjiang basin were examined. The temporal trends of runoff and the impact of climate change on runoff in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin were also analyzed. The following main conclusions are drawn: (1) Historical data show no trend for precipitation in most parts of the Hanjiang basin at the a = 0.05 significance level. (2) Temperature trends indicate a large scale climate warming, especially during winter when entering the 1990s. Temperature in winter has significantly increased in the Hanjiang basin since 1991 and the extent of the increase reaches to 1.09 C in the lower basin. The spatial distribution patterns of temperature trends vary seasonally. The temperature trends in the middle and lower basins are similar and are significant at the a = 0.05 significance level; however the upper basin behaves differently. (3) The temporal trends of runoff are the result of the combined effect of precipitation and temperature. Significant decreasing trends are found for mean annual, spring and winter runoff at the a = 0.05 significance level. (4) Climate change has posed a huge challenge to the existing water resources management practices. Although the projected changes in precipitation and runoff through GCMs are scenario- and model-dependent and full of uncertainty, these climate impact studies are necessary and useful for the final success in achieving the satisfactory results in assessing the impacts of climate change on water resources in Hanjiang basin. Potential future climate changes predicted by GCMs in the 21st century for the period of 2021– 2050 show that both temperature and precipitation will increase in the Danjiangkou reservoir basin. Simulated results indicate that during 2021–2050 annual runoff will increase by 8.18%, 7.78% and 2.14%, respectively, when the scenarios predicted by HadCM3, CSRIO and CCSRNIES are used as input to the water balance model. Sensitivity analysis shows that 1 C and 2 C increase in temperature reduce mean annual runoff by about 3.5% and 7%, respectively. A decrease/ increase of mean monthly precipitation by 20 and 10% decreases/increases mean annual runoff by about 30% and 15%, respectively. Historical temporal trends of hydro-climatic variables and runoff response to climate variability (5) In 2010 the expanded Danjiangkou reservoir will provide 9.5 billion m3 of water annually to Beijing, Tianjin, and cities in Hebei, Henan and Hubei provinces. It will be able to provide 13–14 billion m3 by 2030. However the period of 1990–2003 was a very dry period compared with the long-term and in future the demand for water utilization in Hanjiang basin will be more than before. The situation of the water resources in Hanjiang basin would be critical in future if the dry phenomenon as experienced in the period of 1990–2003 persists. The results of this study show that during 2021–2050 annual runoff will increase relative to the period 1960–1990. Engineering measures will be taken to transfer a certain amount of water from the Yangtze River to the Hanjiang River to keep an adequate discharge during the dry period. Thus, there will be adequate water resources to keep the sustainable development of Hanjiang basin and satisfy the water demand of the middle route of SNWDP. The results of this study will provide a scientific reference for the water allocation of the middle route of SNWDP in China. Acknowledgements The study is financially supported by the National Natural Science Fund of China (50679063), International Cooperation Research Fund of China (2005DFA20520) and the Ministry of Education of China (104204). The authors are very grateful to the National Climate Centre, the Bureau of Hydrology of the Changjiang Water Resources Commission and the IPCC for providing valuable climatic and hydrological data. The authors thanks for the very valuable comments from reviewers which greatly improved the quality of the paper. 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