HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) Published online 11 March 2008 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6993 A spatial assessment of hydrologic alteration caused by dam construction in the middle and lower Yellow River, China Tao Yang,1,5 Qiang Zhang,1,2 * Yongqin David Chen,1 Xin Tao,3 Chong-yu Xu,4 and Xi Chen5 1 Department of Geography and Resources Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, 100081, China 3 Hydrology Bureau, Yellow River Conservancy Commission, Zhengzhou, 450004, China 4 Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulics Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China 2 5 Abstract: The ‘range of variability approach’ (RVA) and mapping technique are used to investigate the spatial variability of hydrologic alterations (HA) due to dam construction along the middle and lower Yellow River, China, over the past five decades. The impacts of climate variability on hydrological process have been removed during wet and dry periods and the focus is on the impacts of human activities, such as dam construction, on hydrological processes. Results indicate the following: (1) The impacts of the Sanmenxia reservoir on the hydrologic alteration are relatively slight with a mean HA value of 0Ð48, ranking in the last place among the four large reservoirs. (2) Xiaolangdi reservoir has significantly changed the natural flow regime downstream with mean HA value of 0Ð56, ranking it in first place among the large reservoirs. (3) The results of ranked median degrees of 33 hydrologic alteration indicators for 10 stations in the Yellow River show that the hydrologic alteration of Huayuankou ranks the highest among 10 stream gauges. (4) Impacts of reservoirs on hydrological processes downstream of the dams are closely associated with the regulating activities of the reservoirs. At the same time, alterations of streamflow regimes resulting from climatic changes (e.g. precipitation variability) make the situation more complicated and more hydrological observations will be necessary for further analysis. The results of the current study will be greatly beneficial to the regional water resources management and restoration of eco-environmental systems in the middle and lower Yellow River characterized by intensified dam construction under a changing environment. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS spatial assessment; range of variability approach (RVA); indicators of hydrologic alteration (iha); dam construction; eco-environmental system; the Yellow River Received 17 December 2006; Accepted 15 December 2007 INTRODUCTION The growing municipal, industrial and agricultural demands for water have raised the need for further understanding of the impacts of hydraulic structures, such as impoundments, dams and reservoirs, on hydrological processes over the past five decades in China (MWR, 2002). These structures facilitate water and electric-power supplies but also alter the natural hydrologic regimes of rivers (Cardwell et al., 1996; Benjamin and VanKrik, 1999; Flug et al., 2000; Smith et al., 2000; Cowell and Scoudt, 2002; Ren et al., 2002; Sung-UK et al., 2005; Timme et al., 2005; Armando et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2006a, 2006b; Wouter et al., 2006; He et al., 2007). The structure and persistence of aquatic communities have been strongly affected by both spatial and temporal variation within hydrologic regimes (Poff et al., 1997; SungUK et al., 2005; Timme et al., 2005). Several instream flow methods based on historic flow regime, hydraulics and habitat have been reviewed comparatively and evaluated by Jowett (1997) after application to ecosystemoriented water allocation planning. Pegg et al. (2003) * Correspondence to: Qiang Zhang, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong. E-mail: zhangqiang@nju.org.cn Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. analysed daily mean flow data from locations along the mainstem Missouri River and described human impacts on the natural flow regime of the Missouri River, particularly the middle Missouri River, which was strongly affected by impoundments and channelization. Sung et al. (2005) investigated the effect of flow regime changes on the fluvial morphology and vegetation cover downstream of the dam, suggesting that construction of the dams resulted in a stream length of approximately 25 km in the river reach downstream of the dams. Song et al. (2007) estimated the ecological and environmental instream flow requirements for improvement of the ecological and environmental condition of Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River, the results indicating that the Ecological and environmental instream flow requirements (EEIFR) for the Wei River include instream flow requirements for self-purification and sediment transportation in each typical year. Many researchers have developed indices to quantify the flow characteristics that are believed to be sensitive to various human perturbations. Early studies focused on individual indices, e.g. the average flow, mean daily flow variability, predictability of streamflow, skewness of streamflow and peak discharge, flood frequency, slope of flood–frequency curves, seasonal distribution 3830 T. YANG ET AL. of monthly streamflow, flow and flood frequency duration curves, and annual discharge series analysis. More recent investigations have tended to use a multivariable approach to quantify hydrologic alterations (Hughes and James, 1989; Richter et al., 1996, 1997, 1998; Clausen and Biggs, 2000; Puckridge et al., 1998; Extence et al., 1999; Pettit et al., 2001) The multivariable approach enables one to investigate the multi-impacts of hydrological changes on the structuring of biotic diversity within the river channel, the floodplain, and hyporheic (stream-influenced ground water) ecosystems concerning measures of availability, suitability, life-cycle and stranding of habitat, which are difficult using a single variable approach (Richter et al., 1996; 1998; Shiau et al., 2004). Improved quantitative evaluations of human-induced hydrological changes were adopted to describe biotic implications of hydrologic alteration and to support ecosystem management. Richter et al. (1996) developed a method to assess the degree to which human disturbance impacts the hydrologic regimes within an ecosystem. This method, referred to as the ‘Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration’, is based on either hydrologic data available within an ecosystem or on model-generated data. Extensive research results indicated that the range of the streamflow regime is a major driving force for the river ecosystem (Stanford and Ward, 1996; Poff et al., 1997) and is one of the key factors sustaining aquatic environments (NRC, 1992). Richter et al. (1997) proposed the Range of Variability Approach (RVA) as the river management eco-targets, in which 33 hydrologic parameters (IHA, Richter et al., 1995, 1996) were used to assess hydrologic alterations in terms of streamflow magnitude, timing, frequency, duration and rate of change. The application of RVA in assessing and mapping hydrologic alteration from a river basin perspective is demonstrated by evaluating the impacts of dam construction on hydrologic variability of two major rivers in the upper Colorado River Basin in Colorado and Utah, USA (Richter et al., 1998). Galat and Lipkin (2000) studied the hydrological alterations of the Missouri River flows using the Index of Hydrological Alteration (IHA), indicating that the river flows were heavily influenced by the reservoirs. Shiau et al. (2004) applied the Range of Variability Approach (RVA) to investigate the hydrologic conditions before and after the construction of a diversion weir on Chou-Shui Creek, Taiwan, suggesting that restoration of the natural flow is expected to promote the natural stream biota. The RVA has proved to be a practical and effective approach facilitating river restoration planning. However, there are some defects in previous reports on hydrologic alteration assessment. (1) The validity of hydrologic alteration assessment must be carefully considered when flow records for pre- or post-impact periods or both are insufficient. (2) Since there is usually more than one dam on a river, it is hard to distinguish which dam plays the major role in influencing the degree of hydrologic alteration downstream. The Yellow River basin is characterized by serious water deficit. Increasingly intensified human activities, e.g. construction of water reservoirs Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. along the mainstem Yellow River, further altered the spatial and temporal distribution of water resource across the Yellow River basin. To a certain degree, the impacts of human activities on hydrological processes are even more serious than the impacts of climatic change in the lower Yellow River. Exploring the extent to which human interventions affected the hydrological regimes and related hydrological alterations is crucial for better understanding of human-induced hydrological alterations, and will aid water resources management within the Yellow River basin. Unfortunately, however, few reports addressing this scientific problem are available in the literature. The objectives of this work were: (1) to identify and evaluate the impacts of dams (e.g. Sanmenxia, Xiaolangdi, Guxian and Luhun reservoirs) on the hydrologic regimes of the river networks in the middle and lower Yellow River, China after excluding the impacts of climate variability and change during wet and dry periods; (2) to quantify and characterize flow variations in the mainstream and tributaries of the Yellow River before and after dam construction; (3) to map the degree of hydrologic alteration at and between stream gauge stations to assess flow variations. The implications of spatio-temporal hydrologic alteration for the downstream environment and ecosystem are addressed as an important part of this investigation, which will contribute to regional eco-hydrological system management and planning. STUDY REGION The Yellow River is the second longest river in China (Ren and Walker, 1998; Ongley et al., 2000; YRCC, 2001, 2002; MWR, 2002; Figure 1). Frequent floods and droughts have devastated the economy and caused much loss of human lives in the Yellow River basin. The construction of large dams along the mainstream and major tributaries has very significantly changed the natural flow regime of the river. In recent years, zero flow conditions have occurred in the lower Yellow River because of rapidly increasing water consumption. The Sanhuajian area (the area between Sanmenxia Dam and Huayuankou, Figure 1) is located in the middle and lower Yellow River, and with a drainage area of 41 615 km2 , plays a vital role in flood control as well as reduction of sediment deposition in the downstream area (YRCC, 2001; 2002). Large numbers of dams and reservoirs were built in the Sanhuajian region between 1950 and 2000 aiming to control floods and to reduce sediment deposition downstream. The major dams and reservoirs in the middle and lower Yellow River are the Sanmenxia, Xiaolangdi, Guxian and Luhun reservoirs (Figure 1 and Table II). Outflow from the Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdi dam and the confluence of the three downstream tributaries, Qin, Yi and Luo River, form the streamflow for the Huayuankou. Sanmenxia dam, located about 60 km downstream of Tongguan, was finished in April,1957 to control floods in the downstream part of the Yellow River, and is the Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3831 HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION Longtitude°(E) 37° 00’ 110°00’ 80 E 50 N 110°30’ 111°00’ 111°30’ 112°00’ 112°30’ 113°00’ 113°30’ 114°00’ 114°30’ 120 E 100 E 36° 40’ 36° 40’ 36° 20’ 30 N 36° 00’ 36° 00’ 35° 40’ 35° 40’ Xia Re olang ser d vio i r 35° 00’ Tonggu an 34° 40’ 34° 20’ Xinxiang W ul i on zh gk Huayuankou Wu ou Xiaolangdi R Qin River ashi River Baim Sa nlu pin g 35° 20’ n xxiaia x i a Saa nnm meen en S Yellow nm vior a S ser Re n een Sanmenxia zzhh eenn ui m r h ggm Rive gs o nn Luo an LLo Ch er r n n or Riv ia vio hu rvi Yi u ux er e L es G es R R He ish ig ua n Latitude°(N) 36° 20’ 37° 00’ Low alternation 35° Medium alternation 00’ High alternation Kaifeng 34° Streamflow gauges Zhengzhou 40’ Cities N Rivers W 34° 00’ E 34° 20’ Middle reserviors 34° Large reserviors 00’ S 0 33° 40’ 35° 20’ 110°00’ 110°30’ 111°00’ 111°30’ 112°00’ 112°30’ 5 113°00’ 10 15 113°30’ 20 Basin boundary 114°00’ 114°30’ 33° 40’ Figure 1. Location map of Sanhuajian area on the middle and lower Yellow River major multifunctional hydro-project on the mainstem Yellow River. Owing to the tremendous sediment deposition, the reservoir has lost much of its capacity and associated operational function. Hence, the recent operational scheme of Sanmenxia is to store clear water in the nonflood season from November until June of the next year for the sake of various water usages downstream. Water is released during the flood season and the large amounts of sediment deposited during the non-flood period is taken away by the excess water. The Xiaolangdi project, located 130 km downstream from Sanmenxia dam and 128 km upstream from Huayuankou, is an important dam project in the Yellow River basin and was constructed during the period 1991–1997. It aims to reduce the flood risk, decrease sediment deposition in downstream river channels and is also used for irrigation and electricity generation. The main tributaries between Xiaolangdi and Huayuankou are the Yi, Luo and Qin rivers (Figure 1). The tributaries have a maximum streamflow of 200–300 m3 s1 and do not significantly influence the peak flood discharge. The discharge of these tributaries during the year is very uneven. Most of the year, the discharge is less than 200 m3 s1 . During July and August the discharge can increase to 3500 m3 s1 and even higher. The Guxian and Luhun reservoirs were built in the 1950s and completed in 1992 on the Luohe and the Yihe River to control flooding from tributaries and to provide water for agricultural irrigation (YRCC, 2001, 2002). Other mid-size and small reservoirs were built, mostly in the 1950s, along the Qinhe River to mitigate Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. flood hazards and for hydropower and irrigation (more detailed information on the above-mentioned dams and reservoirs can be found in Tables II and IV). The Yellow River is an important source ofr water supply in north-western and northern China; however, it is also characterized by shortage of water (Wang et al., 2001). Since 1986, owing to climate change and human activities, runoff from the lower Yellow River has significantly decreased (Xu, 2002). Annual precipitation over the Yellow River basin has exhibited a decreasing tendency since the 1970s, which, together with increasing human withdrawal of water from the Yellow River, has led to frequent desiccation (dry up) events (Xu, 2001). Climatic changes and human activities have combined to reduce runoff over the Yellow River basin. Different driving forces and consequent impacts have been observed in different parts of the Yellow River. The hydrological regime in the source region of the Yellow River is dominated by natural forces, whereas, human interference, including dams, reservoirs, water and soil conservation measures, water withdrawal and diversion, are identified as the primary driving forces on the hydrological processes of the middle and low Yellow River (Wang et al., 2004). The runoff processes in the Yellow River basin have suffered tremendous hydrological changes. With the river’s unique natural heavy sediment load, a large quantity of river water is required to flush the sediments (YRCC 2001; 2002). In the more traditional sense of ecological use, hydrologists usually recognize the value of maintaining dry-season flows for bio-diversity protection and sustenance of Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3832 T. YANG ET AL. grass, wetlands, and fisheries in the Yellow River delta. However, with the current rapid industrial development, thriving urbanization and agriculture, increasing human demand for water resource is further intensifying the dilemma that the Yellow River basin needs enough water to maintain the ecological environment. Therefore, it is important to detect the spatio-temporal hydrologic alterations and associated impacts on water resources and eco-environmental systems. It is well identified that human activities in the study region, Sanhuajian area, include intensive dam or reservoir construction (Gao et al., 2004; Liu and Zhang, 2003; Ye et al., 2006), thus it is of importance scientifically and of tremendous practical significance to investigate and evaluate the hydrologic alterations induced by dam construction, which is in close association with water resource management. This work thus aims to: (1) assess the impacts of reservoirs on the hydrological regime and related impacts on environment and ecosystem; (2) determine and map the degree of hydrological alterations in different river reaches. The current study will be helpful for water resources management in the middle and lower Yellow River basin under the changing environment. DATA Daily streamflow and precipitation data from 10 gauging stations in the middle and lower Yellow River basin were analysed in the current study (Figure 1, Table I). These records were provided by the Hydrology Bureau, Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC), China, and were divided into pre- and post-alteration periods based on the timing of the water reservoir construction. The length of the daily mean streamflow record of the pre- and post-dam period varied among gauging stations. For the convenience of comparison, most series are processed as similar data lengths. Detailed information about the data is given in Table I, and the location of the gauging stations are detailed in Figure 1. The primary design indexes of the dam projects in the study region are listed in Table II. METHOD Range of variability approach The ‘range of vriability approach’ (RVA) uses 33 hydrological parameters to evaluate the hydrologic alterations (Richter et al., 1997), which are categorized into five groups addressing the magnitude, timing, frequency, duration, and rate of change (Table III). Group 1. 12-monthly mean flows describe the normal flow condition. The magnitude of monthly water conditions at any given time is a measure of availability or suitability of habitat and defines such habitat attributes as wetted area or habitat volume, or the position of the water table relative to wetland or riparian plant rooting zones. Group 2. 10 parameters describe the magnitude and duration of annual extreme flows, including 1-, 3-, 7-, 30, and 90-day annual maxima and minima encompassing the daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal cycles. The mean magnitudes of high and low water extremes of various durations provide measures of environmental stress and disturbance during the year; conversely, such extremes may be necessary precursors or triggers for the reproduction of certain species. The inter-annual variation in the magnitude of these extremes provides another expression of contingency. Table I. Detailed information on the stream flow and precipitation gauging stations No. Stations Location 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sanmenxia Xiaolangdi Huayuankou Changshui Baimashi Longmenzhen Heishiguan Wulongkou Sanlupin Wuzhi 111° 220 E 112° 300 E 113° 400 E 111° 260 E 112° 350 E 112° 280 E 112° 560 E 112° 410 E 112° 590 E 113° 160 E 34° 490 N 34° 530 N 34° 540 N 34° 190 N 34° 430 N 34° 330 N 34° 430 N 35° 090 N 35° 140 N 35° 040 N River Drainage area(km2 ) Sequences length Yellow River Yellow River Yellow River Luo River Luo River Yi River Yiluo River Qin River Qin River Qin River 688,421 694,155 730,036 6,244 11,891 5,318 18,563 9,245 3,049 12,880 1952–2001 1955–2006 1957–2006 1951–2001 1952–2001 1952–2001 1950–2003 1954–2002 1954–2002 1954–2002 Table II. Primary design indexes of dam projects on the middle and lower Yellow River Dam project Sanmenxia Xiaolangdi Luhun Guxian Max. Height (m) Normal level (m) Storage capacity (million m3 ) Regulation storage (million m3 ) Installed capacity (million KWh) 106 173 55 125 335 275 319Ð5 534Ð8 964 1265 132 117Ð5 570 405 57Ð6 70Ð8 0Ð4 1Ð8 0Ð001045 0Ð06 Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION 3833 Table III. Summary of hydrologic parameters used in the RVA, and their features General group Group 1: Magnitude of monthly water conditions Group 2: Magnitude and duration of annual extreme conditions Group 3: Timing of annual extreme water conditions Group 4: Frequency and duration of high and low pulses Group 5: Rate and frequency of water condition changes Regime features Magnitude, timing Mean value for each calendar month Magnitude, duration Annual minimum 1-day means Timing Magnitude, frequency duration Frequency, rate of change Group 3. Julian dates for 1-day annual maximum and minimum indicate the timing of annual extreme flows. The timing of these occurrences of particular water conditions can determine whether certain life-cycle requirements are met or can influence the degree of stress or mortality associated with extreme water conditions, such as floods or droughts. Group 4. Four parameters refer to the frequency and duration of the high and low pulses. The high pulses are periods within a year when the daily flows are above the 75th percentile of the pre-dam period. The low pulses are periods within a year when the daily flows are below the 25th percentile of the pre-dam period. The frequency of specific water conditions, such as droughts or floods, may be tied to reproduction or mortality events for various species, thereby influencing population dynamics. The duration of time over which a specific water condition exists may determine whether a particular life-cycle phase can be completed or the degree to which stressful effects such as inundation or desiccation can accumulate. Group 5. Four parameters (fall rate, rise rate, fall count, rise count) indicate the numbers and mean rates of both positive and negative changes of flow on two consecutive days. The rate of change in water condition may be tied to the stranding of certain organisms along the water edge or in pond depressions, or the ability of plant roots to maintain contact with phreatic water supplies. The mean, standard deviation, and range of these parameters are computed with the pre-dam daily flows. The RVA target range of each hydrologic parameter is decided by selected percentile thresholds or a simple Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Streamflow parameters used in the RVA Annual maximum 1-day means Annual minimum 3-day means Annual maximum 3-day means Annual minimum 7-day means Annual maximum 7-day means Annual minimum 30-day means Annual maximum 30-day means Annual minimum 90-day means Annual maximum 90-day means Julian date of each annual 1-day maximum Julian date of each annual 1-day minimum Number of high pulses each year Number of low pulses each year Mean duration of high pulses within each year Mean duration of low pulses within each year Means of all positive differences between consecutive daily values Means of all negative differences between consecutive daily values Number of rises Number of falls multiple of the parameter standard derivations for the natural or pre-dam streamflow regime. The management objective is not to have the river attain the target range every year; rather, it is to attain the range at the same frequency as occurred in the natural or pre-development flow regime. For example, attainment of RVA target range defined by the 25th and 75th percentile values of a particular parameter would be expected in only 50% of years. The degree to which the RVA target range is not attained is a measure of hydrologic alteration. This measure of hydrologic alteration, expressed as a percentage, can be calculated as: Observed frequency Expected frequency/ Expected frequency ð 100 1 Hydrologic alteration is equal to zero when the observed frequency of post-development annual values falling within the RVA target range equals the expected frequency. A positive deviation indicates that annual parameter values fell inside the RVA target window more often than expected; negative values indicate that annual values fell within the RVA target window less often than expected. Removal of potential impacts of climate varibility on hydrological process It is essential to address the problem that the two periods separated by the dam construction period may be characterized by different hydro-climatological properties. Therefore, potential impacts of climate variability on hydrological series in the study region should be removed Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3834 T. YANG ET AL. before RVA analysis. Generally, the wet and dry years characterized by high and low flow can be regarded as the main consequence of climate variability and can be considered. Chulsang (2006) recommended that the proper periods in which annual basin precipitation is more than PmeanC0Ð75stdv (P ½ PmeanC0Ð75stdv ) can be decided as the wet years, whereas, periods with annual basin precipitation less than Pmean0Ð75stdv are decided as the dry years (P ½ Pmean0Ð75stdv ). Periods with annual basin precipitation more than Pmean0Ð75stdv but less than PmeanC0Ð75stdv can be considered as the normal years (Pmean0Ð75stdv P PmeanC0Ð75stdv ). Thus, only the streamflow records corresponding to the normal years, i.e. Pmean0Ð75stdv P PmeanC0Ð75stdv are considered in the RVA hydrological alteration assessment. Figure 2 demonstrates streamflow time-series corresponding to the water years such as wet, normal and dry years for the Sanhuajian area in the middle and Lower Yellow River. The normal water year and associated time of dam construction used in the current study are listed in Tables IV and V. Evaluation of hydrologic alteration with different lengths for pre- and post-dam period Generally, evaluation of hydrologic alteration requires adequate streamflow records representing natural conditions. In many situations, it is hard to obtain adequate or relatively equivalent lengths of hydro-data record for both post- and pre-impact periods in hydrologic alteration assessment. Initially, ‘observed’ is the count of years in which the observed value of the hydrologic parameter fell within the targeted range; ‘expected’ is the count of the years for which the value is expected to fall within the targeted range. Hydrological alteration is equal to zero when the observed frequency of post-development annual values falling within the RVA target range equals the expected frequency (The Nature Conservancy, 2001). Table IV. The middle-flow years in Sanhuajian area of the middle and lower Yellow River NO. Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1952 1953 1955 1956 1957 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1966 1968 1970 1971 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Mean NO. Year Mean precipitation (mm) precipitation (mm) 547Ð1 626Ð3 576Ð5 753Ð2 626Ð8 527Ð7 523Ð4 720Ð6 655Ð1 707Ð7 567Ð7 591Ð9 579Ð0 653Ð9 685Ð0 681Ð4 553Ð1 586Ð3 525Ð1 15Ð 16Ð 17Ð 18Ð 19Ð 20Ð 21Ð 22Ð 23Ð 24Ð 25Ð 26Ð 27Ð 28Ð 29Ð 30Ð 31Ð 32Ð 33Ð 1979 1980 1982 1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1996 1998 1999 2000 2002 2004 2005 2006 618Ð7 640Ð6 757Ð5 633Ð3 608Ð7 650Ð8 591Ð7 641Ð3 597Ð3 621Ð3 610Ð1 750Ð1 718Ð7 527Ð4 663Ð3 521Ð4 626Ð0 682Ð1 580Ð8 Threshold: PmeanC0Ð75stdv D 759Ð2 mm, Pmean0Ð75stdv D 492Ð0 mm The measure of Hydrologic Alteration Factor, kept as the same calculation method, will be more practicable in hydrologic alteration assessment after taking into account the ratio of sufficient or deficient records of both preimpact and post-impact period. IHA factors used in the yellow river Considering the influences of most IHA indicators contributing to the total degree of hydrologic alterations with percentile value <67% in the basin, it is not necessary to determine the degree of hydrological changes for all 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1100 Average basin precipitation(mm) 1000 900 Wet year Wet year threshold: Pmean+0.75stdv =759.2(mm) 800 700 Normal year 600 500 400 300 Dry year Dry year threshold: Pmean-0.75stdv =492.0(mm) 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Water year Figure 2. Water year separation of the streamflow time-series for Sanhuajian area in the middle and lower Yellow River (in terms of the results and recommendation for threshold of wet/dry year by Chulsang, 2006) Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3835 HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION Table V. The middle flow water year (Table IV) of stream flow records which are excluded the high-flow year (P Pmean0Ð75stdv , 492Ð0 mm) and the low-flow year (P ½ PmeanC0Ð75stdv , 759Ð2 mm) to remove the impact of climate variability and changes. Cross-hatched bars represent the pre-dam period, shades bars represent the post-dam period. The total number of years of record available for these pre- and post-impact periods are specified in parentheses within each bar. The construction dates for each reservoir are identified within each interlude between pre- and post-dam periods No. Dam or reservoir River Construction period 1. Sanmenxia Dam Mainstem of Yellow River 2. Xiaolangdi Dam Mainstem of Yellow River 3. Guxian Dam Luo River, tributary of Yellow River 1952-58 5 years 4. Luhun Dam Yi River, tributary of Yellow River 1952-59 6 years 1960-64 5. 5 Middle reservoirs Qin River, tributary of Yellow River 1954-59 4 years 1959-63 5 years 1952-57 1956-91 2.5 2.0 1961-2001 1992-97 24 years 1959-91 1965-01 27 years 1998-2006 7 years 1992-2001 7 years 24 years 1964-2002 25 years Evaluating flow alteration at a stream network scale The RVA is based on hydrologic data collected at a point (stream gauge), and therefore only measures hydrologic alteration in a temporal (rather than a spatial) dimension at that point. However, such point-based data and evaluations usually reflect hydrologic conditions over a wider area of the river. For instance, hydrologic conditions evaluated at a gauge station should strongly reflect conditions in the lateral (river-floodplain) dimension as well as in the channel-hyporheric dimension, unless barriers to natural hydrologic connectivity, such as levees or drainage ditches, have been constructed. Stream gauge data also provide information on hydrologic conditions extending upstream and downstream of the gauge location. Using point-based data to assess hydrological conditions upstream and downstream of gauge stations requires Jan Fe uary b Ma ruary Ap rch Maril Juny Jul e y Au g Se ust p Oc temb t No ober er De vemb cem er ber 1-d 3-day m i 7-day m nimu i m 30 ay m nimu i m 90 day mnimu 1-dday minimm 3-day m inimum a 7-day m ximuum a 30 ay m ximum a 90 day mximum Nu day maximm Ba mber aximum se of um flo ze w i ro Da nd day te o ex s Da f m te o in f m imu axi m Lo mu w Lo pul m w p se Hi ul cou gh se nt Hi pul dur gh se ati pu cou on lse nt Ris du rat Fa e rate ion ll r a Nu te mb er of rev ers als 33 IHA indicators. Herein, the ranked median absolutedegrees and percentile value of 33 indicators of hydrologic alteration for 10 stream gauges in the study region (Figure 3) are provided to detect statistically significant contributions to IHA factors. Thereafter, the hydrologic alteration factors are singled out according to the mean value of the IHA factors exceeding the 67th percentile (IHA D 0Ð52), which are different from those factors used by Richter (1998) in the Upper Colorado river basin, USA, wherein, six IHA factors (i.e. annual maxima, 30-day low flows, high pulse durations, date of annual maximum and minimum and number of reversals) were accepted to decide hydrological alterations in that investigation. The factors used in the current study are fall rate, June, number of reversals, April, March, February, 7-day minimum, July, September and October (Figure 4). 1958-60 Degree of IHA 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 Figure 3. Degree of indicators of hydrologic alteration at Huayuankou gauge in the middle and lower Yellow River Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3836 T. YANG ET AL. rules to determine the distance upstream or downstream where the applicability of the stream gauge based data or measure of alteration is guaranteed. Once point-based data have been analysed and their spatial applicability determined, mapping of hydrologic alteration can provide a visual portrayal of the spatial extent of hydrologic alteration. A number of different strategies for mapping hydrologic alteration could be employed using the results of the RVA analysis at each stream gauge station. One strategy is to categorize the numerical measures of hydrologic alteration into a few qualitative classes, assigning a different mapping pattern to each alteration class and displaying each mapped river segment with appropriate pattern based on the level of hydrologic alteration detected within that river segment. Ideally, the definitions of qualitative classes, e.g. highly or moderately altered, should correspond to differing degrees of ecological impact associated with hydrologic alterations. For example, if the dependence or tolerance of a particular species relative to specific values of each hydrologic parameter were known, the classes of hydrologic alteration could be scaled and defined accordingly. However, such tolerances or dependencies are seldom known for more than one species within an ecosystem, and for these species such knowledge is nearly always limited to just a few hydrologic parameters (Richter et al., 1996, 1997). Without compelling ecological justification, and unless policy or regulatory constraints dictate a narrow focus, it is recommended that qualitative classes of hydrologic alteration are not based on the needs of one or a small set of individual species. Rather, simply sub-dividing the range of possible alteration values into a small set of arbitrarily-defined classes may adequately describe relative degrees of hydrologic alteration at certain river network scales. To map hydrologic alteration, Richter et al. (1998) divided the ranges of hydrologic alteration (0–100%) into three classes of equal range and assigned each class a distinct pattern: (1) 0–33% (light grey) represents little or no alteration; (2) 34–67% (medium grey) represents moderate alteration; (3) 68–100% (dark grey) represents a high degree of alteration. Because the measurement of hydrologic alteration is point based, i.e. measured at the stream gauge station, mapping conventions are necessary for characterizing whole stream reaches based on point source data. When the measure of hydrologic alteration at a particular stream gauge site is greater than 67%, it is assumed that the high level of alteration should extend upstream to the location of the first upstream dam. The highly altered zone is also extended downstream from the stream gauge to the first confluence with a major tributary. Minimally or moderately altered zones (hydrologic alteration of 0–33% and 34–67%, respectively) are handled in a similar fashion to highly altered zones downstream of stream gauges, but may extend upstream to either the location of the first dam, to the location of the first dammed major tributary, or Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. to a contact with a highly altered zone. The method was applied to spatial mapping the degree of hydrologic alteration for river reaches at and between stream gauge sites on two major rivers in the upper Colorado River Basin in Colorado and Utah, USA by Richter (1998). RESULTS Hydrologic Impacts Of Sanmenxia Dam The medians, coefficients of dispersion, RVA targets and hydrologic alteration factors for pre- and post-impact periods are listed in Table VI, and can be summarized as follows: 1) Median of monthly flow throughout the post-impact period indicates a decreasing trend compared with that in the pre-impact period. The dispersion coefficients for the post-impact period (ranging from 0Ð42 to 1Ð33) are mostly lower than those for the pre-impact period (ranging form 0Ð40 to 1Ð16), indicating the lower monthly flow fluctuations in the post-impact period due to the regulation of reservoir operation. 2) The medians of annual 1-, 3-, 7-, 30-, 90-day minimum and 1-, 3-, 7-, 30- and 90-day maximum for the postimpact period decrease significantly. Results indicate that the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly maximum/minimum flow cycles are negatively influenced by reservoir regulation. 3) The median Julian dates of each annual 1-day minimum move forward from the 41st day in the preimpact period to the 28th day in the post-impact period; the median Julian dates of each annual 1-day maximum move forward from the 244th day in the pre-impact period to the 205th day in the post-impact period. 4) The medians of low and high pulse counts in the postimpact period are higher than those in the pre-impact period, which may be a result of inadequate records in the pre-impact period. The medians of low and high pulse durations in the post-impact period are almost the same as those in the pre-impact period, which indicates only a small hydrologic alteration of low and high pulse durations because of the rapidly shrinking storage capacity of Sanmenxia reservoir. 5) The medians of rise rate and fall rate decreased except for the number of reversals. The coefficients of dispersion of rise rate, fall rate and number of reversals are higher than in the earlier period. 6) The highest hydrologic alteration factors of Sanmenxia reservoir are low pulse count (0Ð79), high pulse duration (0Ð73), fall rate (0Ð69), March (0Ð69), September (0Ð69), and 1-, 3-, 30-, 90-day minimum (0Ð69) when considering all 33 parameters. Generally, results indicate that the impacts of Sanmenxia reservoir on the hydrologic alteration are relatively small because of the decreasing storage capacity caused by sediment deposition. Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3837 HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION Table VI. IHA non-parametric RVA scorecard results for Sanmenxia gauge 5 group IHA Group 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December IHA Group 2 1-day minimum 3-day minimum 7-day minimum 30-day minimum 90-day minimum 1-day maximum 3-day maximum 7-day maximum 30-day maximum 90-day maximum Number of zero days Base flow index IHA Group 3 Date of minimum Date of maximum IHA Group 4 Low pulse count Low pulse duration High pulse count High pulse duration IHA Group 5 Rise rate Fall rate Number of reversals Pre-impact period: 1952–1957 (5 years) Post-impact period: 1961–2001 (27 years) RVA targets Hydrologic Alteration Factor Medians Coeff. Of Dispersion Medians Coeff. Of Dispersion Lower Upper 1145Ð0 794Ð0 580Ð0 484Ð5 474Ð6 832Ð5 846Ð5 742Ð5 670Ð0 976Ð0 1590Ð0 1390Ð0 1Ð17 0Ð67 0Ð46 0Ð40 0Ð56 0Ð62 0Ð47 0Ð63 0Ð69 0Ð92 1Ð06 1Ð02 352Ð0 305Ð0 424Ð0 328Ð0 424Ð5 765Ð0 708Ð0 450Ð0 612Ð5 732Ð0 641Ð0 462Ð5 0Ð89 1Ð33 0Ð69 0Ð72 0Ð42 0Ð45 0Ð40 0Ð56 0Ð45 0Ð72 0Ð76 0Ð82 724Ð8 655Ð4 487Ð5 446Ð3 403Ð5 599Ð8 691Ð4 681Ð5 519Ð3 660Ð2 820Ð0 820Ð3 2013Ð0 941Ð0 714Ð8 538Ð8 513Ð3 984Ð5 931Ð1 868Ð9 818Ð9 1409Ð0 2205Ð0 2316Ð0 0Ð37 0Ð37 0Ð69 — 0Ð26 0Ð57 0Ð26 0Ð37 0Ð69 0Ð57 0Ð26 0Ð37 237Ð0 265Ð2 301Ð1 380Ð2 485Ð4 4730Ð0 4160Ð0 3961Ð0 2921Ð0 1868Ð0 — 0Ð3 0Ð86 0Ð78 0Ð77 0Ð43 0Ð37 0Ð53 0Ð55 0Ð51 0Ð48 0Ð58 — 1Ð31 157Ð0 169Ð0 182Ð4 214Ð7 305Ð2 2580Ð0 2347Ð0 2257Ð0 1306Ð0 977Ð8 — 0Ð3 0Ð83 0Ð78 0Ð74 0Ð63 0Ð57 0Ð84 0Ð82 0Ð80 0Ð84 0Ð51 — 0Ð55 154Ð0 160Ð8 184Ð7 338Ð1 433Ð9 3669Ð0 3297Ð0 3222Ð0 2525Ð0 1508Ð0 — 0Ð2 285Ð5 303Ð8 341Ð4 426Ð8 549Ð9 5272Ð0 4935Ð0 4337Ð0 3172Ð0 2123Ð0 — 0Ð4 0Ð26 0Ð26 0Ð26 0Ð69 0Ð69 0Ð69 0Ð69 — — — — 0Ð06 41 244 0Ð46 0Ð18 28 205 0Ð35 0Ð27 48Ð6 216Ð7 234Ð1 271Ð2 0Ð37 0Ð69 5Ð0 5Ð5 5Ð0 4Ð0 1Ð00 2Ð34 1Ð65 0Ð91 8Ð0 5Ð6 6Ð0 4Ð2 0Ð63 2Ð00 1Ð17 0Ð71 2Ð0 3Ð9 4Ð0 3Ð0 6Ð5 12Ð1 8Ð5 5Ð1 0Ð79 0Ð57 0Ð50 0Ð73 54Ð5 58Ð8 103Ð0 0Ð68 0Ð55 0Ð88 30Ð0 28Ð0 146Ð0 0Ð86 0Ð99 0Ð76 41Ð3 67Ð3 66Ð1 60Ð5 40Ð3 131Ð5 0Ð37 0Ð69 — Hydrologic Impacts Of Xiaolangdi Dam Xiaolangdi dam significantly altered the natural flow regime of the downstream river reach after its construction in 1997. The medians, coefficients of dispersion, RVA targets and hydrologic alteration factors for pre- and post-impact periods of the Xiaolangdi dam are listed in Table VII. The results can be summarized as follows: 1) The median of monthly flow of Xiaolangdi reservoir in the post-impact period decreases due to the reservoir flood mitigation operation, irrigation and electricity generation. The median of October flow decreased from 2495Ð0 m3 s1 to 728Ð5 m3 s1 to guarantee the security of the downstream area. The dispersion coefficients of monthly flow in the post-impact period (ranging from 0Ð55 to 2Ð08) are generally higher than those in the pre-impact period (ranging form 0Ð23 to 1Ð74), indicating the higher fluctuation of monthly flow of the post-impact period due to regulation by the reservoir. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 2) The medians of annual 1-, 3-, 7-, 30-, 90-day minimum and 1-, 3-, 7-, 30- and 90-day maximum for the post-impact period decreases significantly. The results indicate that the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly maximal/minimal flow cycles are negatively influenced by reservoir regulation. 3) The median Julian dates of each annual 1-day minimum move backward from the 14th day in the preimpact period to the 327th day in the post-impact period. The median Julian dates of each annual 1-day maximum move backward from the 232nd day in the pre-impact period to the 242nd day in the post-impact period. 4) The medians of the low pulse and high pulse count in the post-impact period are higher than those in the pre-impact period, which may be the result of the relatively short post-impact period hydrological records (only 7 years). Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3838 T. YANG ET AL. Table VII. IHA non-parametric RVA scorecard results for Xiaolangdi gauge 5 group IHA Group 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December IHA Group 2 1-day minimum 3-day minimum 7-day minimum 30-day minimum 90-day minimum 1-day maximum 3-day maximum 7-day maximum 30-day maximum 90-day maximum Number of zero days Base flow index IHA Group 3 Date of minimum Date of maximum IHA Group 4 Low pulse count Low pulse duration High pulse count High pulse duration IHA Group 5 Rise rate Fall rate Number of reversals Pre-impact period: 1956–1991 (24 years) Post-impact period: 1998–2006 (7 years) RVA targets Hydrologic Alteration Factor Medians Coeff. Of Dispersion Medians Coeff. Of Dispersion Lower Upper 1120Ð0 725Ð8 494Ð5 445Ð5 589Ð0 733Ð5 899Ð5 828Ð5 936Ð5 2495Ð0 2075Ð0 1383Ð0 1Ð74 1Ð22 0Ð45 0Ð23 0Ð47 0Ð54 0Ð42 0Ð62 0Ð65 0Ð69 1Ð08 1Ð70 740Ð0 683Ð8 555Ð5 487Ð5 468Ð8 864Ð5 773Ð5 709Ð5 558Ð5 728Ð5 1295Ð0 1193Ð0 2Ð08 0Ð70 0Ð56 0Ð42 0Ð41 0Ð65 0Ð55 0Ð60 0Ð73 0Ð85 1Ð09 1Ð48 877Ð6 641Ð4 440Ð6 420Ð0 472Ð4 602Ð4 727Ð8 595Ð9 711Ð5 1727Ð0 1077Ð0 1038c 1849 1086 591Ð9 494Ð2 696Ð0 824Ð1 912Ð1 982Ð1 1068Ð0 2599Ð0 2808Ð0 2146Ð0 0Ð63 0Ð37 0Ð53 0Ð68 0Ð26 0Ð63 0Ð63 0Ð21 0Ð53 0Ð84 0Ð16 0Ð42 277Ð0 298Ð8 345Ð5 447Ð3 481Ð9 6180Ð0 5365Ð0 4309Ð0 3078Ð0 2273Ð0 — 0Ð28 0Ð31 0Ð24 0Ð24 0Ð24 0Ð33 0Ð58 0Ð59 0Ð59 0Ð59 0Ð82 — 1Ð12 166Ð5 192Ð3 226Ð9 334Ð0 445Ð3 4080Ð0 3528Ð0 3269Ð0 2230Ð0 1513Ð0 — 0Ð25 0Ð96 0Ð93 0Ð85 0Ð53 0Ð55 0Ð46 0Ð51 0Ð61 0Ð76 0Ð72 — 1Ð32 237Ð9 266Ð6 312Ð1 397Ð1 430Ð2 4552Ð0 3970Ð0 3190Ð0 2310Ð0 1477Ð0 — 0Ð26 301Ð8 318Ð9 363Ð5 493Ð7 550Ð8 6286Ð0 5583Ð0 4653Ð0 3356Ð0 2834Ð0 — 0Ð41 0Ð79 0Ð79 0Ð84 0Ð53 0Ð42 0Ð32 0Ð42 0Ð16 0Ð32 0Ð11 — 0Ð63 0Ð41 0Ð18 14Ð0 193Ð0 136Ð4 268Ð0 0Ð61 0Ð11 14 232 3Ð5 6Ð25 4Ð0 4Ð5 58Ð5 59Ð0 123Ð5 0Ð05 0Ð25 327 242 1Ð79 0Ð98 2Ð44 1Ð33 5Ð0 4Ð0 5Ð5 3Ð5 1Ð05 2Ð43 1Ð27 0Ð86 2Ð3 4Ð0 2Ð6 2Ð8 5Ð8 8Ð7 7Ð2 6Ð9 0Ð37 0Ð53 0Ð11 0Ð68 0Ð61 0Ð33 0Ð79 54Ð0 58Ð3 114Ð0 0Ð40 0Ð57 0Ð97 41Ð4 62Ð4 77Ð3 69Ð2 51Ð1 149Ð1 0Ð22 0Ð53 0Ð32 5) The medians of fall rate, rise rate and number of reversals decrease, however, the dispersion coefficients of fall rate and number of reversals are higher in the later period than the earlier period, indicating higher fluctuations. 6) The highest hydrologic alteration factors of Xiaolangdi reservoir are 7-day minimum (0Ð84), median October (0Ð84), 1-day minimum (0Ð79), 3-day minimum (0Ð79), April (0Ð68), High-pulse duration (0Ð68), June (0Ð63), July (0Ð63), base-flow index (0Ð63), January (0Ð63), Date of minimum (0Ð61), fall rate (0Ð53), March (0Ð53), September (0Ð53) and 3-day minimum (0Ð53) considering all 33 parameters. Causally, hydrological alterations downstream of the Xiaolangdi reservoir have been seriously affected by reservoir regulation activities, namely the flood-control regulation, ice-run control regulation and pre-flooding Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. joint regulation of Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdi. Since the closure of the Xialangdi dam in 1997, decreasing streamflow downstream of the Xiaolangdi makes the factors influencing the hydrological alterations downstream of the Xiaolangdi more complicated. Non-Parametric Analysis Of Hydrologic Alteration The 33 hydrologic alteration values for the 10 hydrological stations on the middle and lower Yellow River (Table VIII and Figure 4) were analysed to investigate the order of indicators of hydrologic alteration caused by the reservoirs using a non-parametric statistical method. The degree of indicators of hydrologic alteration at Huayuankou stream gauge (Figure 3) is accepted as a Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 0Ð37 0Ð37 0Ð69 — 0Ð26 0Ð57 0Ð26 0Ð37 0Ð69 0Ð57 0Ð26 0Ð37 0Ð26 0Ð26 0Ð26 0Ð69 0Ð69 0Ð69 0Ð69 — — — — 0Ð06 0Ð37 0Ð69 0Ð79 0Ð57 0Ð50 0Ð73 0Ð37 0Ð69 — Sanmenxia 0Ð63 0Ð37 0Ð53 0Ð68 0Ð26 0Ð63 0Ð63 0Ð21 0Ð53 0Ð84 0Ð16 0Ð42 0Ð79 0Ð79 0Ð84 0Ð53 0Ð42 0Ð32 0Ð42 0Ð16 0Ð32 0Ð11 — 0Ð63 0Ð61 0Ð11 0Ð37 0Ð53 0Ð11 0Ð68 0Ð21 0Ð53 0Ð32 Xiaolangdi 0Ð11 0Ð41 0Ð70 0Ð41 0Ð78 0Ð78 0Ð48 0Ð41 0Ð70 0Ð48 0Ð19 0Ð41 0Ð78 0Ð48 1Ð07 0Ð41 — 0Ð70 0Ð70 — — — — 1Ð07 0Ð11 0Ð70 0Ð41 0Ð70 0Ð11 0Ð11 0Ð73 — 0Ð70 Huayuankou — — — — — — 0Ð80 0Ð60 0Ð80 0Ð60 0Ð80 — — — — — — 0Ð60 0Ð60 0Ð40 0Ð40 0Ð80 — 0Ð60 — 0Ð80 0Ð68 0Ð20 0Ð68 0Ð80 0Ð00 0Ð84 0Ð40 Changshui 0Ð60 0Ð80 — — — 0Ð80 0Ð60 0Ð60 0Ð20 0Ð20 0Ð00 0Ð20 0Ð80 0Ð80 0Ð80 — 0Ð60 0Ð20 0Ð20 0Ð40 0Ð60 0Ð80 — 0Ð40 0Ð60 0Ð20 0Ð60 0Ð60 0Ð80 0Ð80 0Ð80 0Ð80 0Ð40 Baimashi 0Ð76 0Ð88 0Ð94 0Ð88 0Ð71 0Ð94 0Ð82 0Ð65 0Ð59 0Ð47 0Ð41 0Ð71 0Ð00 0Ð59 0Ð65 0Ð65 — 0Ð18 0Ð18 0Ð24 0Ð29 0Ð00 — 0Ð59 — 0Ð53 0Ð15 0Ð12 0Ð65 0Ð29 0Ð47 0Ð59 0Ð71 Longmenzhen 0Ð50 0Ð75 0Ð75 0Ð75 0Ð75 0Ð75 0Ð50 0Ð25 0Ð50 0Ð12 0Ð25 0Ð50 0Ð75 0Ð50 0Ð50 0Ð50 0Ð75 0Ð25 0Ð25 0Ð25 0Ð50 0Ð00 — 0Ð25 0Ð75 0Ð40 0Ð25 0Ð50 0Ð25 0Ð75 0Ð75 0Ð25 0Ð75 Heishiguan Note: Dashes denote that the expected or observed frequency of specific IHA item is zero, thus the calculation results of hydrologic alteration are invalid. 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 13. 1-day minimum 14. 3-day minimum 15. 7-day minimum 16. 30-day minimum 17. 90-day minimum 18. 1-day maximum 19. 3-day maximum 20. 7-day maximum 21. 30-day maximum 22. 90-day maximum 23. Number of zero days 24. Base flow index 25. Date of minimum 26. Date of maximum 27. Low pulse count 28. Low pulse duration 29. High pulse count 30. High pulse duration 31. Rise rate 32. Fall rate 33. Number of reversals IHA factor 0Ð03 0Ð25 0Ð25 0Ð66 0Ð40 0Ð36 0Ð66 0Ð17 0Ð30 0Ð37 0Ð17 0Ð11 0Ð40 0Ð40 0Ð40 0Ð45 0Ð31 0Ð24 0Ð24 0Ð17 0Ð18 0Ð11 — 0Ð36 0Ð11 0Ð44 0Ð11 0Ð69 0Ð79 0Ð38 0Ð18 0Ð90 0Ð93 Wuzhi 0Ð16 0Ð50 0Ð46 0Ð50 0Ð58 0Ð54 0Ð29 0Ð71 0Ð79 0Ð83 0Ð92 0Ð96 0Ð19 0Ð19 0Ð19 0Ð19 0Ð13 0Ð67 0Ð83 0Ð83 0Ð79 0Ð96 0Ð25 0Ð19 0Ð44 0Ð25 0Ð75 — 0Ð83 0Ð29 0Ð75 0Ð81 0Ð96 Sanluping Table VIII. Statistic for 33 indicators of hydrologic alteration for 10 stream gauges on the middle and lower Yellow River 0Ð67 0Ð65 0Ð58 0Ð51 0Ð79 0Ð79 0Ð26 0Ð02 0Ð16 0Ð58 0Ð51 0Ð79 0Ð30 0Ð23 0Ð23 0Ð05 0Ð65 0Ð37 0Ð44 0Ð30 0Ð30 0Ð23 0Ð40 0Ð53 0Ð63 0Ð23 0Ð72 0Ð74 0Ð40 0Ð23 0Ð86 0Ð77 — Wulongkou 0Ð43 0Ð55 0Ð61 0Ð63 0Ð57 0Ð68 0Ð53 0Ð40 0Ð53 0Ð52 0Ð37 0Ð50 0Ð47 0Ð47 0Ð55 0Ð43 0Ð51 0Ð42 0Ð46 0Ð34 0Ð42 0Ð38 0Ð33 0Ð47 0Ð45 0Ð44 0Ð48 0Ð52 0Ð51 0Ð51 0Ð51 0Ð69 0Ð65 Mean HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION 3839 Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3840 T. YANG ET AL. Figure 4. Ranked median absolute degrees and percentile value of 33 indicators of hydrologic alteration for 10 stream gauges on the Yellow River paradigm to demonstrate the changes of each hydrological indicator at Huayunkou, which suffers the greatest hydrological alteration among the 10 gauges across the study region (Table VIII). The results show that fall rate ranks first in all hydrologic alteration values followed by June, number of reversals, April, March, May, February, 7-day minimum, July, September, October and low pulse duration, all with IHA percentiles exceeding 67% (½0Ð52). Similarly, 33rd and 67th percentiles were computed for all 33 hydrologic alteration indicators as the lower and upper limits of the RVA target range for the 10 stations. Items higher than the 67th percentile (½0Ð52), namely fall rate, June, number of reversals, April, March, May, February, 7-day minimum, July, September, October and low pulse duration, are singled out for spatial assessment of hydrologic alteration in the middle and lower Yellow River. They are assumed to be strongly affected by construction and operation of the reservoirs located upstream. Spatial Variation Mapping Of Hydrologic Alteration At A Stream-Network Scale Using the mapping method described by Richter et al. (1998), the average hydrologic alteration in the ‘Sanhuajian’ area was determined, based on 10 average hydrologic alteration values (see Table IX and Figure 5). The decreasing median of the monthly flow in flooding seasons, e.g. July, August and October, is the result of flood-control activity, which reduced the peak flood. The 30-day minimum and maximum identifies the lowest and Table IX. Degrees of hydrologic alteration at eight stream gauges on the middle and lower stream network of the Yellow River. Location of the stream gauges is shown on Figure 1 No. Streamgauge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sanmenxia gauge Xiaolangdi gauge Huanyuankou gauge Changshui gauge Baimashi gauge Longmenzhen gauge Heishiguan gauge Wuzhi gauge Sanluping gauge Wulongkou gauge Fall June Number April March May February 7-day July September October Mean rate of minimum absolute reversals value 0Ð69 0Ð53 — 0Ð84 0Ð80 0Ð59 0Ð25 0Ð90 0Ð81 0Ð77 0Ð57 0Ð63 0Ð78 — 0Ð80 0Ð94 0Ð75 0Ð36 0Ð54 0Ð79 — 0Ð32 0Ð70 0Ð40 0Ð40 0Ð71 0Ð75 0Ð93 0Ð96 — — 0Ð68 0Ð41 — — 0Ð88 0Ð75 0Ð66 0Ð50 0Ð51 0Ð69 0Ð53 0Ð70 — — 0Ð94 0Ð75 0Ð25 0Ð46 0Ð58 0Ð26 0Ð26 0Ð78 — — 0Ð71 0Ð75 0Ð40 0Ð58 0Ð79 0Ð37 0Ð37 0Ð41 — 0Ð80 0Ð88 0Ð75 0Ð25 0Ð50 0Ð65 0Ð26 0Ð84 1Ð07 — 0Ð80 0Ð65 0Ð50 0Ð40 0Ð19 0Ð23 0Ð26 0Ð63 0Ð48 0Ð80 0Ð60 0Ð82 0Ð50 0Ð66 0Ð29 0Ð26 0Ð69 0Ð53 0Ð70 0Ð80 0Ð20 0Ð59 0Ð50 0Ð30 0Ð79 0Ð16 0Ð57 0Ð84 0Ð48 0Ð60 0Ð20 0Ð47 0Ð12 0Ð37 0Ð81 0Ð58 0.48(L) 0.56(M) 0.65(H) 0.69(H) 0.58(M) 0.74(H) 0.58(M) 0.50(L) 0.58(M) 0.53(L) Degrees of hydrologic alteration are assigned based on distinct patterns of equal range: (1)0–33% (L, low) represents little or no alteration; (2) 34–67% (M, medium) represents moderate alteration; (3) 68–100% (H, high) represents a high degree of alteration. Average values are based upon absolute values of each item. Threshold: IHA67% D 0Ð59, IHA33% D 0Ð56. Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3841 HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION CAUSED BY DAM CONSTRUCTION Longtitude°(E) 110°00’ 80°E 50°N 110°30’ 100°E 111°00’ 111°30’ 112°00’ 112°30’ 113°00’ 113°30’ 114°00’ 114°30’ 120°E 37° 00’ 36° 40’ 36° 40’ 36° 20’ 30°N 36° 20’ 36° 00’ 36° 00’ 35° 40’ 35° 40’ 34° 40’ nen hzeh nezn i err me hu RRiivve onognmg gs o n u L a LL Ch r r n ior ive u an vio i h erv i R x r u u e Y L s 34° 20’ G es R Qin River Xiaolangdi ashi Baim Low alternation 35° Medium alternation River 00’ High alternation 34° Streamflow gauges 40’ Zhengzhou Cities N Re W 34° 00’ Rivers E 34° 20’ Middle reserviors 34° Large reserviors 00’ S 0 33° 40’ 35° 20’ Huayuankou n Yellow z Wu ua an a a nxi me or S Sanservi e R Sanmenxia nggk okuo u Xinxiang hi ig Tonggu uul olon ish 35° 00’ W W Sa nlu pin g XXiaia o RReess olalannggd eervrvi di i ioor r ia x n nme 35° 20’ He Latitude°(N) 37° 00’ 110°00’ 110°30’ 111°00’ 111°30’ 112°00’ 112°30’ 5 113°00’ 10 15 113°30’ 20 114°00’ Basin boundary 114°30’ 33° 40’ Figure 5. Spatial distribution of mean hydrologic alteration degree for Sanhuajian area in the middle and lower stream network of the Yellow River, China. (1) Light grey zones represent little or no alteration, 0–33% (L, low); (2) medium grey zones represent moderate alteration, 34–67% (M, medium); (3) dark grey zones represent a high degree of alteration 68–100% (H, high) highest monthly median discharge of each year. The number of reversals counts the frequency at which the hydrograph switches from a rising to a falling period in each year (Richter et al., 1998). Regulation of Sanmenxia dam strongly affected the low pulse count, high pulse duration, fall rate, March, September, and 1-, 3-, 30-, 90-day minimum; the Heishiguan gauge was influenced greatly by median runoff in February, March, April, May, June, 1-, 90-day minimum runoff, date of minimum, high pulse duration, rise rate and number of reversals for runoff. Results for Wuzhi gauge indicate the influences of dams on the number of reversals, fall rate, low pulse duration, high pulse count and runoff of April, July. Xiaolangdi reservoir is ranked in first place among the mainstem reservoirs in influencing hydrological alterations in the middle and lower Yellow River. The next most important reservoirs altering the hydrologic regimes in branches of the Yellow River are the Guxian reservoir in the Luo River and the Luhun reservoir in the Yi River (Table IX). Relatively high hydrological alteration can be identified at the Sanluping gauge when compared to that at the Wulongkou gauge as s result of regulation by many middle- and small-size reservoirs in the Qin River. Wuzhi gauge accepts streamflow from Wulongkou and Sanluping, which makes the hydrological alteration at the Wuzhi gauge less obvious. Dam constructions upstream of the Huayuankou gauge collectively result in a remarkable hydrological alteration detected at the Huayuankou gauge Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (Table IX, Figure 5), at which the following components are seriously influenced: 7-day minimum (1Ð07), baseflow index (1Ð07), median streamflow of May (0Ð78), 7day minimum (0Ð78), median streamflow of June (0Ð78), rise rate (0Ð73), number of reversals (0Ð70), low pulse duration (0Ð70), date of maximum (0Ð70), September (0Ð70), March (0Ð70) and 1-, 3-day maximum (0Ð70). CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION The influences of dam construction on hydrological regimes in the middle and lower Yellow River were systematically studied using a RVA method. Some interesting conclusions can be summarized as follows: 1) The impact of Sanmenxia Dam on the hydrological regime is relatively small, with a mean absolute HA value of 0Ð48, ranking lowest among the four large reservoirs (Sanmenxia, Xiaolangdi, Guxian and Luhun), which might result from the enormous sediment deposition and shrinking storage capacity. 2) Xiaolangdi reservoir, a major hydro-project for flood control, agricultural irrigation and sediment deposition in the middle and lower Yellow River basin, significantly changed the natural flow regimes in the downstream river reach after its enclosure in 1997. The mean HA value is 0Ð56, ranking highest among the large reservoirs in the middle and lower mainstem Yellow River. The median of the monthly river flow Hydrol. Process. 22, 3829– 3843 (2008) DOI: 10.1002/hyp 3842 T. YANG ET AL. of Xiaolangdi reservoir (in July, August and September of the post-impact period) has decreased due to reservoir regulation for flood reduction, irrigation and electricity generation. The high-pulse duration, medians of June, July and September for the post-impact period have decreased significantly because of flood prevention activities. 3) The results of ranked median degrees of the 33 hydrologic alteration indicators for the 10 stations on the Yellow River indicate that the hydrologic alteration of Huayuankou ranks highest position among the 10 stream gauges, as a result of intensified dam construction in both mainstem and branches of the upstream Yellow River. Construction and operation of the reservoirs, aiming to reduce flood disaster and sediment deposition, inevitably induced high hydrologic alteration, which has severely changed the natural balance of eco-flow regimes, with substantial threats to wild species and consequently has resulted in undesirable ecological effects, such as the disturbances of the habitat of river aquatic organisms, excessive sediment deposition in the rivers (Song et al., 2007), alteration of fish migrating routes (Moog, 1993) and drastic reduction of wild species (Zincone and Rulifson, 1991). The spatial patterns of the hydrologic alterations caused by dam construction in the middle and lower Yellow River during the recent five decades were assessed using RVA method. It should be noted here that an attempt was made to remove possible impacts of climatic change on hydrological processes, with the aim of focusing attention on the influence of dam regulation on streamflow regimes. However, it is almost impossible to exactly differentiate individual roles of climatic change and human activities in hydrological alterations, therefore complicated climatic changes along with intensive human activities (e.g. water and soil conservation measures, irrigation engineering, dam or reservoir construction, groundwater extraction, water withdraw and diversion) have the potential to affect the hydrological regimes, which introduces uncertainties into assessments of hydrologic changes. Therefore, it is necessary to further quantify and address these uncertainties in ongoing research. The current research has shed light on the impacts of reservoirs and dams on hydrological regimes, and regional water resources management will greatly benefit from the research results. Further investigations of the negative responses of the eco-environmental system to hydrological regimes alteration resulting from intensified dam construction in the middle and lower Yellow River are warranted. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work described in this paper was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project No. CUHK4627/05H), a direct Grant from the Faculty of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Copyright 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Kong (Project No. 4450183), the Laboratory for Climate Studies, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, China (Grant No.: CCSF2007-35), the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholars Fund from CAS (The Chinese Academy of Sciences) and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.: 40701015). Cordial thanks should be extended to the Nature Conservancy, USA for the ‘Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration’ (IHA) software used in RVA computation and the Hydrology Bureau and also to Yellow River Conservancy Commission for providing hydrologic data. 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