Front. Earth Sci. China 2009, 3(4): 381–388 DOI 10.1007/s11707-009-0050-4 RESEARCH ARTICLE Variability and stability of water resource in the arid regions of China: a case study of the Tarim River basin Qiang ZHANG (✉)1, Chong-Yu XU2, Hui TAO3 1 Department of Water Resources and Environment, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China 2 Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo N-0316, Norway 3 State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract In this study, we analyzed two long term streamflow records of the Aksu River basin, the main water source of the Tarim River basin, using multiscale t-test and F-test with the aim to understand the changing characteristics of hydrological regimes in terms of the first moment (mean or average) and the second moment (variance). The results indicate the following: 1) In general, increasing streamflow was observed in two periods: 1965–1970 and 1980–1985. Since 1986, the streamflow of the Aksu River has been persistently increasing. 2) Synchronous variations can be found between the subseries variance and the subseries mean, i.e., an increase in the subseries mean is usually consistent with an increase in the subseries variance, and vice versa. Therefore, streamflow changes of the Aksu River tend to be unsteady, although streamflow is persistently increasing since 1986. 3) The streamflow changes of the Aksu River are heavily dependent on precipitation and ice melting. Increase of precipitation and more ice melting in recent decades, particularly after the 1980s, are the major causes of streamflow changes of the Aksu River basin. Keywords multiscale variations, streamflow variations, scanning t-test, scanning F-test, Aksu River, Tarim River basin 1 Introduction Global warming has the potential to accelerate hydrological cycle and increase hydrological variability spatially and temporally (Zhang et al., 2008a). As a result of altered Received May 13, 2009; accepted June 26, 2009 E-mail: river flow regimes, e.g., duration, changing magnitude, and frequency of high or low flows would also be changed. Climate change, resulting from global warming, might increase and intensify extreme events (WMO, 2003). Many studies indicate that the global warming has led to the changes in global hydrological cycle and to the increase in global and continental runoff (e.g., Semenov and Bengtsson, 2002; Labat et al., 2004). Garcia and Mechoso (2005) have observed increasing trends in streamflow of the South American rivers starting during the 1970s. Higher frequency of high and low flows occurring during certain periods has also been detected in Swedish rivers (Lindström and Bergström, 2004). In the Yangtze River basin, more hydrological extremes, represented by the increasing trend of annual maximum water level and streamflow have been observed (Zhang et al., 2006). On the other hand, in northern China, serious water problems, such as streamflow cessation and water curtailment, have become more frequent in some rivers, such as the Yellow River, in recent decades (Xu, 2001, 2002; Xu et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2008b). This indicates that the availability of water resources is different from region to region (Xu, 2000). More attention, therefore, should be paid to the variability and availability of regional water resources under current climate change (e.g., Xu, 2002; Kundzewicz, 2004). This is because rational water resource management hinges on better understanding of changing properties of hydrological regimes. This study examines streamflow of the Tarim River, the longest inland river in China with an annual flow of 4–6 billion cubic meters. The past couple of decades have witnessed considerable regulation of river flows, with an aim of satisfying the water needs of the booming economy in western China, particularly the development of agriculture. However, hydrological regulation gives rise to detrimental effects, such as desertification and soil 382 Front. Earth Sci. China 2009, 3(4): 381–388 salinity, particularly the water desiccation (dry up) in the lower Tarim River basin, which, in turn, have inflicted significant negative effects on the basin’s ecosystem. This increases the current concerns to water resource problems linking to climate change in the Tarim River basin (e.g., Xu et al., 2004; Chen et al., 2006). The Tarim River basin is located in the arid area of the northwestern China. Little is known about decadal changes of hydrological characteristics in the river basins, particularly the water resources of the headstream. Also, little has been given to the analysis of long-term variations in hydrologic regimes, including abrupt shifts of means (the first central moment) and variances (the second central moment) of streamflow (Aizen et al., 1997). This constitutes the main objectives of the present study: 1) to investigate shifts of the first and the second central moment of the streamflow series at different time scales and 2) to discuss implications of streamflow changes at different time scales. 2 Study region: Tarim River basin Located in the arid region of NW China, the Tarim River is 1321 km long, running from west to east along the northern edge of the Taklimakan Desert. The drainage area of the Tarim River is 1.02106 km2, being the largest continental river in China and highly dependent on the meltwater supplied by the Tien Shan, Kunlun, Eastern Pamir, and Karakorum high mountains that surround the basin. Altogether, there are 114 rivers in the Tarim River basin, which form nine drainage systems, i.e., Aksu, Hotan, Yarkant, Qarqan, Keriya, Dina, Kaxgar, Kaidu–Konqi, and Cheerchen rivers (Fig. 1). The Tarim River is formed by the confluence of the Kaxgar and Yarkand rivers in the far west, flowing northeastward, and then converge the Aksu and the Hotan rivers. Only the Aksu River is the eternal river, being the Tarim’s most important tributary, supplying 70%–80% of the total water discharge of the Tarim River (Yang and He, 2003). Due to its exceptional role in the ecological environment and the economic development, the Aksu River is of great importance for investigating the changing properties of the hydrological series of the Tarim basin. 3 Data and methodology Long series covering 1956–2006 of monthly streamflow from two hydrological stations, i.e., Shaliguilanke and Xiehela, as shown in Fig. 1, were used in this study. Drainage areas of Shaliguilanke station and Xiehela station are 19166 km2 and 12816 km2, respectively. These two hydrological stations are located in the upper Aksu River. Just as what is aforementioned, Aksu River supplies 70%– 80% of the total water discharge of the Tarim River, being the most important tributary of the Tarim River basin. These two hydrological stations can well represent the water variation of the Aksu River in history and, hence, can help address the variability and availability of water resources of the Tarim River basin. Jiang et al. (2002) grafted the wavelet technique (Kumar and Foufoula-Georgiou, 1994) onto the Student t-test and the F-test (Cramer, 1946) to develop algorithms for scanning t-test and scanning F-test, respectively. Wavelet transform technique mainly aims at detecting periodicity properties of the time series at different time scale. Hydrological processes are usually influenced by various factors at different time scales. Therefore, the methods used in the present study have the potential to differentiate external factors influencing the hydrological system. The scanning t-test attempts to detect significant changes in the Fig. 1 Location of the Tarim River basin and hydrological stations Qiang ZHANG et al. Variability and stability of water resource in the arid regions of China first moment (subseries means or averages) for each time period at different time scales within a long time series, while the scanning F-test helps examine significant changes in the subseries variance (the second moment) (Jiang et al., 2007).. The scanning t-test defines the statistic t(n, j) as the difference of subsample averages between every two adjoining subseries with equal subseries size (n), i.e., tðn, jÞ ¼ ðxj2 – xj1 Þ n1=2 ðs2j2 þ s2j1 Þ – 1=2 , (1) where xj1 ¼ j–1 jþn – 1 1 X 1 X xðiÞ, xj2 ¼ xðiÞ, n i¼j – n n i¼j s2j1 ¼ j–1 1 X xðiÞ – xj1 Þ2 , n – 1 i¼j – n s2j2 ¼ jþn – 1 1 X xðiÞ – xj2 Þ2 , n – 1 i¼j where subsample size n may vary as n = 2, 3,..., < N/2, or may be selected at suitable intervals. j = n + 1, n + 2..., N – n + 1 are the reference time point. The Table-Look-Up Test (Von Storch and Zwiers, 1999) was adopted to correct the significance criterion of statistic t(n, j) based on lag-1 autocorrelation coefficients of the pooled subsample and the subsample of size n since hydrological series are usually autocorrelated. Criterion t0.05 for the correction of the dependence is adopted to determine significant changes at time scales longer than 30 years. For shorter subsample sizes, the critical values usually are overly restrictive. Since the significance level varies with n and j, to make values comparable, the test statistic was normalized as tr ðn,jÞ ¼ tðn,jÞ=t0:05 (2) When |tr(n, j)| > 1.0, the change is significant at the 95% confidence level. tr(n, j) < – 1.0 denotes a significant decrease, and tr(n, j) > 1.0 denotes a significant increase. Significant changes of subseries variances can be defined as 8 – ðSj12 =Sj22 Þ=Fα , f or Sj2 < Sj1 > > < Fr ðn, jÞ ¼ 0, f or Sj2 ¼ Sj1 or Sj1 ¼ 0, Sj2 ¼ 0, (3) > > : 2 2 ðSj2 =Sj1 Þ=Fα , f or Sj2 > Sj1 where the subsample standard deviations Sj1 and Sj2 are calculated in the same way as in Eq.(1). Fα is a threshold value for the effective degree of freedom after the correction of dependence and in a normalized distribution for the time series. The effective degree of freedom for the correction of dependence can be estimated as (Hammersley, 1946): Ef ðnÞ ¼ f ðnÞ hXk i–1 2 r ðτÞ , rðkÞ ! 0 τ¼0 383 (4) where f(n) is the degree of freedom listed in the F form. A local minimum in Fr(n, j) < – 1.0 denotes a significant change toward a smaller variance, i.e., the record becomes much steadier, whereas a local maximum in Fr (n, j) > 1.0 indicates a significant change towards a larger variance, i.e., the records become more unsteady (Jiang et al., 2007). The computation procedure was performed by writing computer program with Matlab software package. The results are three columns of data. The first column denotes time interval, i.e., from 1950 to 2005; the second column is the time scales; and the third column is tr(n, j) values. The contours were made by using Surfer software package. 4 Results 4.1 Detection of stream flow change with scanning t-test The result of the scanning t-test for the streamflow series at the Shaliguilanke station was illustrated in Fig. 2 and that of the Xiehela station was shown in Fig. 3. In terms of changes in streamflow at the Shaliguilanke station, based on the local maxima and minima of t-test values, six positive (significant increase in streamflow) and three negative (significant decrease in streamflow) centers were identified in the streamflow series (at 95% confidence level) Fig. 2(a). The first statistically significant change point toward a decrease in the streamflow was detected with a negative center of the contours in 1962 at a 38month time scale. This negative center was followed by the positive center in 1966 at a 53-month time scale. This increase in streamflow extended to 1978, and then, the streamflow declined. After 1981, another increase in streamflow occurred and was followed by a reduction between 1981 and 1983 (Fig. 2(b)). This reduction occurred at a time scale of 152 months (Fig. 2(a)). After 1985, three significant changes in increasing streamflow were identified at all time scales, i.e., from 32 months to 256 months (Fig. 2(a)). The Fig. 2(a) also indicates that two decreases of streamflow can also be detected at a time scale of 32 months, centered in 1990 and 1997. In general, there were two episodes of increase and one episode of decrease detected at time scales longer than 64 months; five episodes of decrease and five episodes of increase were identified at time scales shorter than 45 months. Fig. 2(b) further illustrates significant changes in the mean streamflow. The streamflow series of Xiehela station showed a significant increase in the year of 1966, 1978, 1990, and 2002. At time scales longer than 128 months, streamflow at Xiehela station increased greatly with the change point in 1978 (Fig. 3(a)). At time scales of 46–128 months, four episodes of increase and two episodes of decrease were 384 Front. Earth Sci. China 2009, 3(4): 381–388 Fig. 2 (a) Contours of the normalized scanning t-test standardized by the “Table-Look-up” critical value t0.05 for the standardized streamflow series at the Shaliguilanke station (Contour interval is 0.2, and the zero-contour is hidden; solid lines denote positive values, and dashed lines negative values.); (b) Change points and episode averages (thick solid line) resulted from (a) (The thin solid line indicates Gaussian filtering of the standardized streamflow series.) detected. At time scales shorter than 46 months, however, six episodes of increase and six episodes of decrease were identified. The first change point was characterized by a decrease in streamflow in 1962, and this decrease extended till 1966. A significant increase of streamflow was distinguished by a positive center in 1966 at a time scale of 32–45 months. The period between 1966 and 2006 was divided into four periods characterized by an increase in streamflow, and three episodes dominated by a decrease in streamflow. It can be seen in Fig. 3(b) that the mean streamflow of the decrease episode between 1999 and 2002 is larger than that of the decrease episode between 1984 and 1990. 4.2 Detection of streamflow variation change with scanning F-test The scanning F-test of the streamflow series of the Shaliguilanke station was calculated at the same time scales, as in Fig. 2. At time scales longer than 64 months, two positive (increases of subseries variances) and one negative (decrease in subseries variances) significant changes were detected with local maxima and minima in the contours (Fig. 4). More variations of significant changes were detected at shorter time scales. At time scales shorter than 64 months, six positive significant changes were identified in the streamflow series of the Shaliguilanke station. Comparison between Fig. 4 and Fig. 2(a) shows that the time when the changes of the second moment (subseries variances) start is similar to those of the first moment (subseries means), particularly at longer time scales. Substantial differences between change years of subseries variances and subseries means can be distinguished at shorter time scales. More frequent variations of significant changes in subseries variances can be observed in the streamflow series of the Xiehela station (Fig. 5) than those in the streamflow series of the Shaliguilanke station (Fig. 4). Taking time scales of 64 months as a threshold value, six episodes of decrease and five episodes of increase of subseries variances were observed at time scales longer than 64 months; six episodes of decrease and five episodes of increase in subseries variances were detected at time scales shorter than 64 months. Comparison between Fig. 5 and Fig. 3(a) indicates that the years with significant change in subseries means are similar to those of subseries Qiang ZHANG et al. Variability and stability of water resource in the arid regions of China 385 Fig. 3 (a) Contours of the normalized scanning t-test for the standardized streamflow series at the Xiehela station at 95% confidence level (Contour interval is 0.2, and the zero-contour is hidden; solid lines denote positive values, and dashed lines negative values.); (b) change points and episode averages (thick solid line) indicated from (a) (The thin solid line indicates Gaussian filtering of the standardized streamflow series.) Fig. 4 Contours of the scanning F-test on standardized streamflow series at the Shaliguilanke station at 95% confidence level (Contour interval is 0.2 with the zero-contour lines hidden, solid lines denote positive values, and dashed lines negative values) variances. A smaller standard deviation means a steadier hydrological changes, and vice versa. These results imply synchronous variability of significant changes of subseries means and variances. To further clarify these assumptions, changes in subseries variances and subseries means were placed in the same plot for studying connections between changes in subseries variances and subseries means (Figs. 6 and 7). It can be observed that a decrease in the mean streamflow is usually accompanied by a decrease in subseries variance. Therefore, an increase in streamflow usually means unsteady changes in streamflow. 5 Discussion and conclusions In this study, the statistical properties, particularly the changes in subseries means and variances, were analyzed using multiscale t-test and F-test techniques. Two long 386 Front. Earth Sci. China 2009, 3(4): 381–388 Fig. 5 Contours of the scanning F-test on standardized streamflow series at the Xiehela station at 95% confidence level (Contour interval is 0.2 with the zero-contour lines hidden, solid lines denote positive values, and dashed lines negative values) Fig. 6 Episode averages (b) and standard deviations (a) of standardized streamflow series at the Shaliguilanke station Fig. 7 Episode averages (b) and standard deviations (a) of standardized streamflow series at the Xiehela station Qiang ZHANG et al. Variability and stability of water resource in the arid regions of China monthly streamflow series derived from two hydrological stations located in the main headstream, the Aksu River, were analyzed. The Aksu River provides more than 70% of streamflow for the Tarim River basin; therefore, statistical properties of the streamflow series of the Aksu River reflect the main changing properties of the surface water resources of the Tarim River basin. Multiscale t-test indicates that the streamflow changes of Shaliguilanke and Xiehela station present similar statistical properties. The streamflow increased before 1960s, which was followed by a decreasing trend. Increased streamflow also occurred in the year of 1965, 1970, 1980, and 1985. After 1985, the streamflow of the Aksu River persistently increased. Comparison of changing properties of streamflow of the Shaliguilanke station and the Xiehela station indicates subtle differences in that there are two episodes dominated by decreasing mean streamflow at the Xiehela station. Actually, increasing streamflow can reflect major changing properties of streamflow of the Xiehela station after 1978, although two episodes of decrease in streamflow can be identified after 1978. These two decreases in mean streamflow of the Shaliguilanke station are not obvious when compared to those of the Xiehela station. Multiscale F-test indicates that more frequent variations in subseries variances can be observed in the streamflow series at the time scales of < 64 months at the Xiehela station when compared to those at the Shaliguilanke station. This result evidences more frequent shifts in subseries variances from one time interval to another, reflecting unsteady streamflow changes at the Xiehela station than those at the Shaliguilanke station with time scales of < 64 months. Comparison of multiscale t-test and F-test results illustrates nearly synchronous occurrence of subseries means and variances, implying that increasing streamflow usually gives rise to unsteady streamflow variability. In the Tarim River basin, precipitation experienced a significant decrease in the 1970s, followed by an increase in the 1980s and the 1990s (Chen et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2009). Changing properties of streamflow were in good agreement with those of precipitation changes, i.e., a decrease in streamflow in the 1970s and an increase in streamflow in the 1980s, particularly a persistent increase in streamflow after the 1990s. The results on the changing properties of streamflow in the Tarim River basin achieved in this study is of practical significance in regional water resource management and ecological environmental conservations under changing climate in the Tarim River basin. Acknowledgements The research was financially supported by the ‘985’ project (No. 37000-3171315), innovative project from Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS (No. CXNIGLAS200814; 08SL141001280052) and by the 111 Project under B08048, Ministry of Education and State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of China. Prof. Zhongyuan Chen kindly helped to improve the language of this paper. 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