Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 DOI 10.1007/s00477-009-0308-0 ORIGINAL PAPER Regional flood frequency and spatial patterns analysis in the Pearl River Delta region using L-moments approach Tao Yang Æ Chong-Yu Xu Æ Quan-Xi Shao Æ Xi Chen Published online: 5 March 2009 Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract The Pearl River Delta (PRD) has one of the most complicated deltaic drainage systems with probably the highest density of crisscross-river network in the world. This article presents a regional flood frequency analysis and recognition of spatial patterns for flood-frequency variations in the PRD region using the well-known index flood L-moments approach together with some advanced statistical test and spatial analysis methods. Results indicate that: (1) the whole PRD region is definitely heterogeneous according to the heterogeneity test and can be divided into three homogeneous regions; (2) the spatial maps for annual maximum flood stage corresponding to different return periods in the PRD region suggest that the flood stage decreases gradually from the riverine system to the tide dominated costal areas; (3) from a regional perspective, the spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations T. Yang (&) X. Chen State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulics Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, The People’s Republic of China e-mail: T. Yang State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China C.-Y. Xu Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Q.-X. Shao Mathematical & Information Sciences, CSIRO, Private Bag 5, PO Wembley, WA 6913, Australia T. Yang The Institute of Hydraulic Engineering of Yellow River, Zhengzhou 450003, China demonstrate the most serious flood-risk in the coastal region because it is extremely prone to the emerging flood hazards, typhoons, storm surges and well-evidenced sealevel rising. Excessive rainfall in the upstream basins will lead to moderate floods in the upper and middle PRD region. The flood risks of rest parts are identified as the lowest in entire PRD. In order to obtain more reliable estimates, the stationarity and serial-independence are tested prior to frequency analysis. The characterization of the spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations is conducted to reveal the potential influences of climate change and intensified human activities. These findings will definitely contribute to formulating the regional development strategies for policymakers and stakeholders in water resource management against the menaces of frequently emerged floods and well-evidenced sea level rising. Keywords Regional flood frequency analysis Trend test Serial-independence check L-moments Flood-stage variations Spatial patterns The Pearl River Delta (PRD) 1 Introduction Public awareness of extreme climatic and hydrological events has increased sharply in tropical and sub-tropical river deltas recently, especially the tremendous concerns on the catastrophic floods, storms, typhoons and the sea-level rising (e.g. Beniston and Stephenson 2004). After long term human settlements, nowadays many large cities are distributed in river deltas and a large proportion of the global economic productivity derive from the river deltas. Nevertheless, the global sea level has risen at the rate of about 2 mm per year over the past century. Moreover, 123 166 throughout the next century the rate of the sea level rise is expected to increase induced by the currently well-evidenced global warming (IPCC 2007). By 2100, the global average sea level will be expected to rise at the rate ranged from 18–38 to 26–59 cm depending upon the greenhouse gas emission scenarios. The rising sea level with associated frequent floods, storm surges and typhoon events will undoubtedly intensify the flood risk existing in the river deltas. Therefore, it is urgent to conduct the regional flood frequency estimation and assess the potential flood risk in order to meet the increasing demands in ensuring the security of human lives and large variety of properties in low-elevation river deltas. Regional flood frequency analysis enables estimation of flood magnitude in different return periods at any stream location within a region (Solana and Solana 2001; Atiem and Harmancioglu 2006) to improve the at-site estimates by using the available flood data within a region and attempt to respond to the need of flood estimation in ungauged basins. Thus, it allows flood quantile estimation for any site in a region to be expressed in terms of flood data recorded at all gauging sites in the same region, including those at the specific site (Atiem and Harmancioglu 2006). The U.S. Geological Survey index flood method proposed by Dalrymple (1960) is one of the most widely used regional flood frequency analysis procedures. The index flood method assumes that a region is a set of gauging sites whose flood frequency behavior is homogeneous in some quantifiable manner. It is expected that the more homogeneous a region is, the greater the gain will be in using regional than at-site estimation. Hosking et al. (1985), Lettenmaier and Potter (1985) have demonstrated that index flood procedures provide suitable robust and accurate quantile estimates. Hosking and Wallis (1993) suggested an index flood procedure by assuming that the flood distributions at all sites within a homogeneous region are identical except for the scale or index-flood parameter and using L-moments to undertake regional flood frequency analysis. L-moment ratios are superior to the product moment ratios in the sense that the former are more robust in the presence of outliers and do not suffer from sample size related bounds (Chen et al. 2006). L-moment diagrams and related goodness-of-fit procedures are useful for selecting various distributional alternatives in a region (Hosking and Wallis 1997; Hosking 1990). The method of L-moments has been used widely by hydrologists in regional flood analysis nowadays. Parida et al. (1998) carried out a regional flood frequency analysis for Mahi-Sabarmati basin in India using the L-moments and index flood procedure and found that the three-parameter lognormal distribution (LN3) is an appropriate distribution for modelling floods in this region. Daviau et al. (2000) used spatially explicit kriging techniques to diagnose hierarchical spatial models for each L-moment ratio and obtain 123 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 spatial estimates of parameters in central and eastern Canada. Kumar et al. (2003) conducted a regional flood frequency analysis for the Middle Ganga Plains sub-zone in India using the L-moment ratios diagram and the goodnessof-fit statistical criterion of Hosking and Wallis and concluded that the generalized extreme value distribution (GEV) is a robust distribution for the study area. Using an index flood estimation procedure based on L-moments, Lim and Lye (2003) found that both the generalized extreme value and generalized logistic distributions are appropriate for the distribution of extreme flood events in the Sarawak region of Malaysia. Atiem and Harmancioglu (2006) used the index flood L-moments approach to perform the regional flood frequency analysis with annual maximum stream flood records at 14 gauged sites on the Nile River tributaries. Wallis et al. (2007) greatly improved the spatial mapping of precipitation and increased the reliability of frequency estimates of precipitation in the broad areas of Washington State between precipitation measurement stations using PRISM mapping and L-Moments method. The results identify the GEV distribution as statistically acceptable distribution for all regions up to 1 in 500 recurrence intervals. So far, a variety of L-moments based methods were extensively reviewed and investigated in regional flood frequency analysis across the world to obtain more reliable estimates (e.g. Daniele et al. 2007; Chebana and Ouarda 2008; Rosbjerg and Madsen 2008; Kumar and Chatterjee 2008; Meshgi and Khalili 2009a, b). However, most of above-mentioned literatures conducted the regional flood frequency analysis without testing stationarity and serial correlation in the samples to guarantee reliable estimates. Both stationarity and serial uncorrelation are two important underlying assumptions inherent in frequency analysis. As a result, the analysis without stationarity and serial correlation tests may lead to incorrect results and conclusions. Therefore, it is beneficial to draw sufficient concerns on stationarity and serial correlation test prior to the regional flood frequency analysis. Furthermore, characterization of the spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations is essential to reveal the potential influences of climate change and human activities, hence will be carried out in the current study to support flood risk assessment and water resources management for gauged/ungauged regions. Although the L-moments method is being increasingly used to identify the probability distribution function for regional frequency analysis, the Pearson-III distribution is still widely used as the official recommendation in flood risk analysis across China (MWR 1999), and the L-moments method has not become a popular tool in this country. Zhang and Hall (2004) used Ward’s cluster, fuzzy c-means and artificial neural networks method together with L-moments method to conduct a regional flood Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 frequency analysis for the Gan-Ming River basin in China. Application demonstrates that estimates with lower standard errors of estimate can be produced using an artificial neural network (ANN). Chen et al. (2006) use L-moments method to analyse the regional frequency of low flows for Dongjiang basin, South China. Both studies took advantages of L-moments method and launched useful initiates of regional analysis in China. To our best knowledge, the regional flood frequency analysis with the state-of-art L-moments techniques has not been conducted in the Pear River Delta region, South China, which has one of the most complicated deltaic drainage systems with probably the highest-density of crisscross-river network in the world. PRD is also the most developed region in mainland China. Therefore, extensive efforts should be enforced to conduct the regional flood frequency in the light of above-mentioned improvement in this important region. The objectives of the paper are to: (1) examine the stationarity and serial correlation of annual maximum flood-stage series and identify the hydrological homogeneous sub-regions; (2) determine the best probability distribution for annual maximum flood stage for each sub-region and perform regional flood frequency analysis with uncertainty assessment including the corresponding error bounds and root mean squared error (RMSE) in the L-moments based index flood method to support flood risk management; (3) quantify and map the spatial flood frequency of maximum annual flood stage served as a potential indicator of flood-risk management in the PRD region, and characterize the spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations in order to reveal the underlying spatial patterns of flood risk dominating the PRD region. 2 Methodology The methods used in calculating the stationarity test, serial independence check, L-moments approach, spatial mapping are presented in the following contents. 2.1 Stationarity test Trend test is one of the most important methods in examining the stationarity of hydrological series. The rank-based Mann–Kendall method (MK) (Mann 1945; Kendall 1975) is highly recommended by the World Meteorological Organization to assess the significance of monotonic trends in hydrological series, for it has an advantage of not assuming any distribution form for the data and has the same power as its parametric competitors. In the test, the null hypothesis Ho is that the deseasonalized data (x1,…, xn) are a sample of n independent and identically distributed random variables. The alternative hypothesis H1 of a 167 two-sided test is that the distribution of xk and xj are not identical for all k, j B n with k = j (Kahya and Kalayci 2004). The test statistic S is computed with Eqs. 1 and 2 as: S¼ n1 X n X sgnðxj xk Þ ð1Þ k¼1 j¼kþ1 With 8 < þ1 0 sgnðxj xk Þ ¼ : 1 if if if ðxj xk Þ [ 0 ðxj xk Þ ¼ 0 ðxj xk Þ\0 ð2Þ The statistics S is approximately normally distributed when n C 8, with the mean and the variance as follows: EðSÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ VarðSÞ ¼ nðn 1Þð2n þ 5Þ Pn i¼1 ti iði 18 1Þð2i þ 5Þ ð4Þ where ti is the number of ties of extent i. The standardized statistics (Z) is formulated as: 8 S1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi if S [ 0 > < VarðSÞ 0 if S ¼ 0 ð5Þ Z¼ > : pSþ1 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi if S\0 VarðSÞ In a two-sided test for trend, the H0 of no trend should be rejected if |z| [ Za/2 at the a level of significance. A positive Z indicates an upward trend and vice versa (Kahya and Kalayci 2004). The effect of the serial correlation on the Mann–Kendall (MK) test was eliminated using a prewhitening technique (e.g. Yang et al. 2008). 2.2 Serial independence check The serial correlation check was carried out mainly by examining the autocorrelation coefficients of the time series. When the absolute values of the autocorrelation coefficients of different lag times calculated for a time series consisting of n observations are not larger than the pffiffiffi typical critical value, i.e. 1:96= n corresponding to the 5% significance level (Douglas et al. 2000), the observations in this time series can be accepted as being independent from each other. According to the calculated autocorrelation coefficients of lag-1, lag-5 and lag-10 for each annual series, the observations in that series can be accepted as being independent at the 5% significance level. 2.3 L-moments approach 2.3.1 Basic theory It is reported by Hosking and Wallis (1997) that conventional moment are not always satisfactory because of two 123 168 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 major reasons: they do not always reveal easily interpreted information about the shape of a distribution, and parameter estimates of distributions fitted by the moments are often less accurate than those obtained by other methods, such as the maximum likelihood estimation. Instead, L-moments constitute an alternative to conventional moments and can be estimated by linear combinations of order statistics. L-moments have the theoretical advantages over conventional moments of being able to characterize a wider range of distributions and, when estimated from a sample, of being more robust to the presence of outliers in the data. Comparing with conventional moments, L-moments are less subject to bias in estimation and can approximate their asymptotic normal distribution more closely in finite samples (Hosking 1990). The L-moments approach covers the characterization of probability distributions, the summary of observed data samples, the fitting of probability distributions to data, and testing the hypothesis about the distributional form. The mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis are defined in terms of moments as: L-mean, L-scale, L-skewness and L-kurtosis, respectively (Hosking and Wallis 1997; Atiem and Harmancioglu 2006). More details about the method of L-moments can be found in Hosking and Wallis (1997). The ‘‘L’’ in L-moments emphasizes the linearity in forming the moments by linear combinations of the probability-weighted moments as given by krþ1 ¼ Z1 xðFÞPr ðFÞdF ¼ 0 r X ð1Þrk ðr þ KÞ! k¼0 ðk!Þ2 ðr KÞ! bk ð6Þ rk R1 P ðrþkÞ! k with Pr ðFÞ ¼ rk¼0 ð1Þ F and br ¼ 0 xðFÞF r dF ðk!Þ2 ðrkÞ! where F(x) is a cumulative distribution function (cdf) and x(F) the quantile function. L-moment ratios are the quantities s ¼ k2 =k1 and sr ¼ kr =k2 ; r ¼ 3; 4; . . . lrþ1 where bk is an unbiased estimator of bk with n X ði 1Þði 2Þ ðr kÞ xi:n : bk ¼ n1 ðn 1Þðn 2Þ ðn kÞ i¼Kþ1 123 t ¼ l2 =l1 and tr ¼ lr =l2 ; ð8Þ r ¼ 3; 4; . . . ð9Þ which will be used for homogeneity analysis in the regional frequency analysis. 2.3.2 The regional frequency analysis based on L-moments method The following general notations are used for the regional frequency analysis. Suppose that there are N sites in the region with sample size n1, n2,…, nN, respectively. The sample L-moment ratios at site i are denoted by t(i), t(i) 3 and t(i) 4 etc. The regional weighted average L-moment ratios are given by: , , N N N N X X X X t ¼ ni tðiÞ ni and tr ¼ ni trðiÞ ni ; ð10Þ i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 r ¼ 3; 4; . . . The regional frequency analysis using L-moments consists of four steps (Hosking and Wallis 1993, 1997): (1) screening the data using the discordancy measure Di, (2) homogeneity testing using the heterogeneity measure H; (3) distribution selection using the goodness-of-fit measure Z; and (4) regional estimation using the indexflood procedure. These four steps were followed to conduct a regional frequency analysis for the Pearl River Delta region and the statistical methods employed are discussed below. 2.3.3 Screening the data using the discordancy measure (i) T Let ui = [t(i), t(i) 3 , t4 ] be the vector containing the t, t3 and t4 values for site i where the superscript T denotes transposition of a vector or matrix. Let ð7Þ which are analogous to the traditional ratios, i.e. s is the coefficient of variation (L-CV); s3 the L-skewness and s4 the L-kurtosis. The distributional parameters are estimated by equating the sample L-moments with the distribution L-moments. In practice, the L-moments must be estimated from a finite sample. Let x1:n B x2:n B _ B xn:n be the ordered sample of size n. The unbiased sample L-moments are given by r X ð1Þrk ðr þ kÞ! ¼ bk 2 k¼0 ðk!Þ ðr kÞ! The sample L-moment ratios are defined as: u ¼ N X ui =N ð11Þ i¼1 be the (unweighted) regional average. The discordancy measure for site i is then defined as 1 Di ¼ Nðui uÞT A1 ðui uÞ 3 N X with A ¼ ðui uÞðui uÞT : ð12Þ i¼1 Obviously, a large value of Di indicates the discordancy of site i with other sites. Hosking and Wallis (1997) found that there is no fixed number which is considered to be a ‘‘large’’ Di value and suggested some critical values for discordancy test which are dependent on the number of sites in the study region (see Table 2). Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 2.3.4 Homogeneity testing using the heterogeneity measure Suppose that the region to be tested for homogeneity has N sites, with site i having record length of peak flows ni. (i) Further, let t(i), t(i) 3 and t4 denote L-CV, L-skewness and L-kurtosis, respectively, at site i. The regional average L-CV, L-skewness and L-kurtosis, represented by tR, tR3 and tR4 , respectively, are computed as: , 9 N N X X > R ðiÞ > t ¼ ni t ni > > > > > i¼1 i¼1 > > , = N N X ðiÞ X > R ð13Þ t3 ¼ ni t3 ni > > i¼1 i¼1 > > , > > N N > X X > ðiÞ R > t4 ¼ ni t4 ni > ; i¼1 i¼1 PN where ni i¼1 ni denotes the weight applied to sample L-Moment Ratios at site i, which is proportional to the record length of the site. The regional average mean lR1 is set to 1. Heterogeneity measures used in this study are based on three measures of dispersion: (i) weighted standard deviation of the at-site sample L-CVs (V); (ii) weighted average distance from the site to the group weighted mean in the two-dimensional space of L-CV and L-skewness (V2); (iii) weighted average distance from the site to the group weighted mean in the two-dimensional space of L-skewness and L-kurtosis (V3). ( , )12 9 N N > h i2 X X > > V1 ¼ ni tðiÞ tR ni > > > > > i¼1 i¼1 > > , > = N N n o12 X X ðiÞ ðiÞ R 2 R 2 V2 ¼ ni ðt t Þ þ ðt3 t3 Þ ni > ð14Þ > > i¼1 i¼1 > > , > > N N 1 n o X X > 2 > ðiÞ ðiÞ R 2 R 2 V3 ¼ ni ðt3 t3 Þ þ ðt4 t4 Þ ni > > ; i¼1 i¼1 In these dispersion measures, the distance of sample L-Moment Ratios for site i from the regional average L-Moment Ratios is weighted proportionally to the record length of the site, thus allowing greater variability of L-Moment Ratios for sites having small sample size in a region. A large number of realizations of the region are simulated from kappa distribution fitted to regional average L-Moment Ratios: lR1 , tR, tR3 and tR4 . Each realization constitutes a homogeneous region, with N sites having same record length as their real-world counterparts. Further, in each realization, the data simulated at any site in the region is serially independent and the data simulated at different sites in the region are not cross-correlated. For each simulated realization, V, V2 and V3 are computed. 169 Let lv, lv2and lv3 denote the mean and rv, rv2 and rv3 the standard deviation of the Nsim values of V, V2 and V3, respectively. These statistics are used to estimate the following three heterogeneity measures 9 vÞ > H1 ¼ ðVl > rv = v2 Þ ð15Þ H2 ¼ ðV2rl v2 > ðV3 lv3 Þ > ; H ¼ 3 rv3 In order to obtain reliable values of lv and rv, the number Nsim of simulations needs to be large and Nsim = 1,000 was used in this study. The region is regarded to be ‘‘acceptably homogeneous’’ if H \ 1, ‘‘possibly heterogeneous’’ if 1 B H \ 2, and ‘‘definitely heterogeneous’’ if H C 2. Furthermore, Hosking and Wallis (1993) and Atiem and Harmancioglu (2006) stated that a large positive value of H1 indicates that the observed L-moments are more dispersed than what is consistent with the hypothesis of homogeneity. H2 measure indicates whether the at-site and regional estimates are close to each other. A large value of H2 indicates that a large deviation between regional and at-site estimates, while H3 indicates whether the at-site and the regional estimate will agree. Large values of H3 indicate a large deviation between at-site estimates and observed data. Following the method by Daniele et al. (2007), heterogeneity hereby is tested using H1 and H2 because the L-CV and L-skewness are required for fitting pooled growth curves with a GEV or GLO. Note, however, that Hosking and Wallis (1997) found that H2 is a weaker test of heterogeneity than H1. 2.3.5 Distribution selection using the goodness-of-fit measure After confirming the homogeneity of the study region, an appropriate distribution needs to be selected for the regional frequency analysis. The selection was carried out by comparing the moments of the candidate distributions to the average moments statistics derived from the regional data. The best fit to the observed data will indicate the most appropriate distribution. For each candidate distribution, the goodness-of-fit is measured by Z DIST ¼ ðsDIST t4 þ b4 Þ=r4 4 ð16Þ (Hosking and Wallis 1993, 1997), where sDIST is the 4 L-kurtosis of the fitted distribution to the data using the candidate distribution, and the bias is measured by b4 ¼ Nsim X ðt4 ðmÞ t4 Þ=Nsim ð17Þ m¼1 123 170 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 where t4 is estimated using the simulation technique as before with t4 ðmÞ being the sample L-kurtosis of the mth simulation, and ( " #)12 Nsim X 1 2 ðmÞ 2 r4 ¼ ðNsim 1Þ ðt4 t4 Þ Nsim b4 ð18Þ AR ðFÞ ¼ N 1 The fit is considered to be adequate if |Z | is sufficiently close to zero, and a reasonable criterion being |ZDIST| B 1.64. If more than one candidate distribution is acceptable, the one with the lowest |ZDIST| is regarded as the most appropriate distribution. Furthermore, the L-moment ratio diagram is also used to identify the distribution by comparing its closeness to the L-skewness and L-kurtosis combination in the L-moment ratio diagram. 2.3.6 Assessment of regional flood frequency analysis Hosking and Wallis (1997) recommended an effective tool for establishing the properties of complex statistical procedures, such as the regional L-moment algorithm, through Monte Carlo simulation. In the course of simulations, quantile estimates for various nonexceedance probabilities are to be calculated. In the mth simulation, let the estimated regional growth curve and the site-i quantile estimate for nonexceedance probability F be q^m ðFÞ and Q^m ðFÞ;, respectively. Then, at site i, the relative error of the estimated regional growth curve as an estimator of the at-site growth curve qi(F) is f^ qm ðFÞ qi ðFÞg=qi ðFÞ and the relative error of the quantile estimate for nonexceedance probability F is: fQ^m i ðFÞ Qi ðFÞg=Qi ðFÞ: To approximate the bias and RMSE of the estimators, these quantiles can be averaged over all M simulations. Thus, the relative bias and relative RMSE can be expressed as percentages of the site-i quantile estimator by Bi ðFÞ ¼ M 1 M ^m X Q ðFÞ Qi ðFÞ i m¼1 ð19Þ Qi ðFÞ and Ri ðFÞ ¼ M 1 M X Q^m i ðFÞ Qi ðFÞ Qi ðFÞ m¼1 !1=2 : ð20Þ A summary of the performance of an estimation procedure over all of the sites in the region is obtained through computing the regional average relative bias of the estimated quantile (Hosking and Wallis 1997) as BR ðFÞ ¼ N 1 N X Bi ðFÞ ð21Þ i¼1 and the regional average absolute relative bias of the estimated quantile as 123 Bi ðFÞ ð22Þ i¼1 Furthermore, the regional average relative RMSE of the estimated quantile is obtained as m¼1 DIST N X RR ðFÞ ¼ N 1 N X Ri ðFÞ ð23Þ i¼1 The regional average relative bias measures the tendency of quantile estimates to be uniformly too high or too low across the whole region. This tendency is apparent, for example, when a distribution with a heavy upper tail is fitted to a region where the true frequency distributions have relatively light upper tails, or vice versa. The regional average absolute relative bias measures the tendency of quantile estimates to be consistently high at some sites and low at others. This occurs in a heterogeneous region where the estimated regional growth curve tends to overestimate the true at-site growth curve at some sites and to underestimate it at others. Thus, in a homogeneous region, the bias is expected to be the same at each site, and, thus, AR(F) and BR(F) should be the same (Bobée and Rasmussen 1995; Hosking and Wallis 1997). The regional average relative RMSE measures the overall deviation of estimated quantiles from true quantiles and thus is frequently used as the criterion to weight one’s judgement on whether one estimation procedure is superior to another. In addition, to the overall accuracy measures of quantile estimates, the corresponding quantities for each site’s growth curve estimate can also be defined. Comparison of the accuracy of the estimated growth curve with the estimated quantiles facilitates judgment of the relative importance of errors in estimating the index flood and the regional growth curve. Accuracy measures for the growth curve are also relevant when only the growth curve estimate is of interest. The number of simulation M needs be large enough so that the bias and RMSE measures, Bi(F) and Ri(F), are close to the true bias and RMSE, ensuring reliable comparisons between the performance measures for different regions. 2.4 Spatial interpolation To understand the spatial patterns of statistical characteristics of flood-frequency variations across the study region, the geostatistical or stochastic methods are used because they capture the spatial correlation between neighboring observations to predict attributed values at unsampled locations (e.g., Goovaerts 1999; Desbarats 1996; Daviau et al. 2000; Wallis et al. 2007). Geostatistics incorporate classic regression techniques to deal with Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 171 113 E Sa ns 113 30' E o La 8 ui an yag g Huangpu eng1 sh Da 7 M ou nd an 12 S uo 11 80 E 100 E 120 E kou Nan ua 16 3 zui Hengmen ate ng me an ao od gsh M lon ng De ate in ng uy me Zh iti jin J ng en ua H utiaom a H Se gate ao 2 ga te en III 18 gm an Hu Ya m ot ai Huangchong 4 Xi pa 20 N 22 N sha 17 S hi 14 500 m gqi en II 22 30'N nh Ron ate te te ga ga ng e en e m at om qi n g Jia ng me Ho eng H gm an Ji 40 N 9 en m Hu Na 15 Sishengwei 140 E 7 30 N sha Se a Sa di ng I ak 23 N Li ng 13 5 Gauging station Fig. 1 Location of the Pearl River Delta in South China and gauging stations. The river channels denoted with numbers are where the gauging stations located. The names of the river channels are listed as following: 1: North mainstem East River; 2: Modaomen channel; 3: Hengmen channel; 4: Yamen channel; 5: Jitimen channel; 6: Mainstem Zhujiang River; 7: Mainstem West River; 8: Xi’nanyong channel; 9: Ronggui channel; 10: Jiaomen channel; 11: Shunde channel; 12: Shawan channel; 13: Mainstem North River; 14: Tanjiang channel; 15: South mainstem East River; 16: Hongqili channel; 17: Xiaolan channel; 18: Hutiaomen channel; 19: Dongping channel. The Pearl River Delta is divided into three parts based on its geomorphology as: I: the upper Pearl River Delta; II: the middle Pearl River Delta and III: the lower Pearl River Delta. Region I, region II and region III divided by dashed lines are the upper, middle and lower PRD spatially continuous or ‘regionalized’ variables—the values of which change with spatial location and the behavior of which is somewhere between a deterministic and a random variable. It includes techniques to quantify spatial autocorrelation using variograms; to model parameter surfaces with or without dependent variables (kriging); to assess the variance of estimates; and to investigate the theoretical properties of data using stochastic simulation (Desbarats 1996). Techniques such as indicator kriging can also model spatially discontinuous hydrological variables such as proximity to water bodies, drainage density, escarpment and lake effect, etc. Many of these topological and directional (azimuth) variables also can be handled using GIS methods (Daviau et al. 2000; Wallis et al. 2007). Goovaerts (1999) indicated that the major advantage of the Kriging method over other simple interpolation methods is that sparsely sampled observations of the primary attribute can be complemented by secondary attributes that are more densely sampled. Therefore, the Kriging interpolation method was used to characterize the spatial patterns of flood-frequency changes within the study region. 3 The study domain and data 3.1 The study domain The Pearl River, which consists of West, North and East Rivers, is the third largest river system after the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in China. Before entering to the South China Sea, the three rivers join together and form the Pearl River Delta (PRD; including Hong Kong and Macao). Figure 1 shows a general layout of the PRD basin: the basin location, the main river sources and tributaries, topographical features of the basin, and the 19 selected gauging stations. The area of PRD is about 9,750 km2, wherein the West River delta and the North River delta account for about 93.7% of the total area of PRD, and the East River delta accounts for 6.6% (PRWRC 2006). The PRD is dominated by a sub-tropical monsoon climate with abundant precipitation. The long term annual mean precipitation is 1,470 mm and most precipitation occurs in April–September. The topography of the PRD has mixed features of crisscross river-network, channels, shoals and river mouths (gates). The depth of the whole estuary varies 123 172 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 Table 1 The flood-stage gauges in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region (source of data: the Guangdong provincial bureau of Hydrology) No. Station Longtitude Lantitude Region Channel or river Gate Length Missing data 1. Makou 112480 23070 Upper PRD West River – 1958– 2005 1959.9–12, 1966, 1968, 1969.10–12 2. Sanshui 112500 23100 Upper PRD North River – 1958– 2005 1959.9–12, 1960 3. Jiangmen 113070 22360 Middle PRD West River – 1958– 2005 2000 4. Laoyagang 113120 23140 Middle PRD Xinanyong – 1958– 2005 1959.12 5. Nanhua 113050 22480 Middle PRD Donghai channel – 1958– 2005 6. Rongqi 113160 22470 Middle PRD Ronggui channel – 1958– 2005 7. Sanduo 112590 22590 Middle PRD Shunde channel – 1958– 2005 8. Shizui 112540 22280 Middle PRD Tan river – 1959– 2005 1968.11–12, 2000 9. Dasheng 113320 23030 Lower PRD East river – 1958– 2005 1963.6–12 10. Denglongshan 113240 22140 Lower PRD Modaomen channel Modaomen gate 1959– 2005 11. Hengmen 113310 22350 Lower PRD Hengmen channel Hengmen gate 1959– 2005 12. Huangchong 113040 22180 Lower PRD Yamen channel Yamen gate 1961– 2000 13. Huangjin 113170 22080 Lower PRD Jitimen channel Jitimen gate 1965– 2005 14. Huangpu 113280 23060 Lower PRD Qianhangxian channel – 1958– 2005 15. Nansha 113340 22450 Lower PRD Jiaomen channel Jiaomen gate 1963– 2005 16. Sanshakou 113300 22540 Lower PRD Shawan channel Humen gate 1958– 2005 1959 17. Sishengwei 113360 22550 Lower PRD East river – 1964 18. Xipaotai 113070 22130 Lower PRD Hutiaomen channel Hutiaomen gate 1958– 2005 1958– 2005 19. Zhuyin 113170 22220 Lower PRD Modaomen channel Modaomen gate 1959– 2005 from 0 to 30 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.). Freshwater discharges from the eight river mouths (gates) located in the lower PRD where water depths are between 2 and 5 m.a.s.l. These geographic and topographic features exert dynamic influences on tidal cycles, water circulation and water column structure, and consequently affect hydrological regimes, water quality and estuarine eco-environmental systems (Mao et al. 2004). The tides in the PRD mainly come from the Pacific oceanic tidal propagation through the Luzon Strait (Ye and Preiffer 1990) with a mean tidal range between 1.0 and 1.7 m. The tidal influences in the PRD can reach to Sanshui and Makou gauges in the upper 123 1958.1–9 1968–1973 PRD, above which the hydrological regimes are separately dominated by fluvial processes of the West and North River together. Similarly, the Boluo gauge is considered as the last tide-affected gauge of the East River in the upper PRD (Luo et al. 2002). Represented as the ‘‘Golden Triangle’’ by GuangzhouHong Kong-Macau, the PRD has a highly dense agglomeration of over 100 towns and cities. It has been the fastest developing region in China since the country adopted the ‘‘open door and reform’’ policy in the late 1970s. On less than 0.5% of the country’s territory, the PRD region produces about 20% of the national GDP, attracts about 30% Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 173 Table 2 Trend test (P-values) of the flood-stage for gauges in the Pearl River Delta using MK test (Indexed alphabetically on site name) No. Site name ni P-value Table 3 Independence test for flood-stage gauges in the Pearl River Delta (Indexed alphabetically on site name) pffiffiffi r1 r5 r10 Di 1:96= n No. Site name ni 1 Dasheng 48 0.13 (?) 1 Dasheng 2 Denglongshan 48 0.13 (?) 2 3 Hengmen 48 0.06 (?) 3 4 Huangchong 40 0.28 (?) 5 Huangjin 41 6 Huangpu 48 7 8 Jiangmen Laoyagang 9 10 48 -0.21 0.15 0.16 0.28 Denglongshan 48 -0.27 0.01 0.16 0.28 Hengmen 48 -0.13 0.06 0.25 0.28 4 Huangchong 40 -0.18 0.07 -0.16 0.31 0.07 (?) 5 Huangjin 41 0.01 0.15 0.17 0.31 0.29 (?) 6 Huangpu 48 -0.13 0.13 0.17 0.28 46 48 0.68 (?) 0.36 (-) 7 8 Jiangmen Laoyagang 46 48 0.01 -0.18 -0.22 0.02 0.14 -0.15 0.29 0.28 Makou 47 0.58 (?) 9 Makou 47 0.19 0.01 0.19 0.29 Nanhua 48 0.93 (-) 10 Nanhua 48 0.07 -0.18 -0.18 0.28 11 Nansha 43 0.58 (-) 11 Nansha 43 -0.28 -0.08 0.20 0.30 12 Rongqi 48 0.80 (?) 12 Rongqi 48 0.04 -0.16 -0.17 0.28 13 Sanduo 48 0.44 (-) 13 Sanduo 48 0.10 -0.21 -0.13 0.28 14 Sanshakou 47 0.25 (-) 14 Sanshakou 47 -0.23 0.23 0.17 0.29 15 Sanshui 47 0.45 (-) 15 Sanshui 47 0.08 -0.20 -0.16 0.29 16 Shizui 46 0.12 (?) 16 Shizui 46 -0.15 -0.11 -0.18 0.29 17 Sishengwei 47 0.07 (?) 17 Sishengwei 47 -0.04 0.11 0.16 0.29 18 Xipaotai 42 0.10 (?) 18 Xipaotai 42 -0.20 0.15 0.17 0.30 19 Zhuyin 48 0.38 (?) 19 Zhuyin 48 -0.14 -0.01 0.02 0.28 Note: The ‘(?)’ sign means an upward trend, and the ‘(-)’ sign means a downward trend of Foreign Direct Investment, and contributes about 40% of export (therefore called ‘‘World Factory’’). Highly developed social economy puts enormous pressures on the local environment, and makes the PRD vulnerable to flood, storm surge and other natural hazards (Luo et al. 2000, 2002). Since 1980s, intensive channel dredging (Luo et al. 2000), sand mining, levee construction and other human activities, together with climatic changes, including precipitation changes and sea level changes, have forced flood stages upward and led to ‘‘man-made’’ increase in flood stage and experienced frequent flood hazards within the PRD river network. The floods occurred in 1994, 1997 and 1998 caused extensive losses (Liu et al. 2003). Huang et al. (2000) examined the impacts of global warming on wellevidenced sea level rising in PRD region identified to about 1.5–2 mm per year over the past century. More seriously, throughout the next century, the rate of the sea level rise is expected to increase. Chen et al. (2004) and Yang et al. (2002) studied the spatial variability and long-term trends of water levels in river network of PRD using co-kriging simulations and Mann–Kendall trend test methods. In the past literatures on the flood-related analysis by a number of hydrologists, the Pearson-III, Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Gumbel distribution are usually the widely used to detect the governing behaviors of flood magnitudes for such region (e.g. Luo et al. 2000, 2002; Liu et al. 2003). However, satisfactory estimates of these parameters within these distributions is highly depending on a number of long-term historical observations and these theories have some theoretical and practical drawbacks compared with L-moments theory (Hosking and Wallis 1993). Till far, there is no systematic study on the flood frequency analysis with the state-of-art L-moments techniques performed in such region. Thus, it is extremely necessary to perform regional flood analysis using L-moments techniques in PRD region to meet the widely recognized requirements of flood risk management. 3.2 Data The annual extreme flood stage records of 19 tidal gauges with sufficient length in the Pearl River delta region during 1958–2005 were collected and compiled. These hydrological data were obtained from the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Hydrology (GPBH), which is officially in charge of monitoring, collecting, compiling and publishing highquality hydrological data for Guangdong province. Thus the quality of hydrological data can be guaranteed in this study. Detailed information of the tidal level data used in the current research and the location of the tidal gauges are listed in Table 1 and Fig. 1. 123 174 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 Table 4 Critical values of Di for discordancy test (Hosking and Wallis 1997) Number of sites 5 6 7 8 9 Critical value 1.333 1.648 1.917 2.140 2.329 Table 5 Results of L-moment ratios and discordancy test, Di for annual maximum of flood stage in the Pearl River Delta (Indexed alphabetically on site name) l1 (m) tðiÞ ¼ ui t(i) 3 t(i) 4 Di No. Site name ni 1 Dasheng 48 1.93 0.1338 0.0605 0.2147 1.13 2 Denglongshan 48 1.65 0.1611 0.2604 0.2395 0.78 3 4 Hengmen Huangchong 48 1.86 40 1.78 0.1384 0.1277 0.2407 0.2182 0.46 0.2462 0.2451 0.62 5 Huangjin 41 1.63 0.1623 0.1952 0.2218 0.21 6 Huangpu 48 1.96 0.1352 0.0882 0.1499 0.85 7 Jiangmen 46 3.47 0.4676 0.0602 0.0891 0.87 8 Laoyagang 48 2.12 0.1776 0.0789 0.2146 0.71 9 Makou 47 7.07 0.9162 -0.0326 0.1174 1.94 10 Nanhua 48 4.23 0.5563 0.0118 0.083 11 Nansha 43 1.91 0.1382 0.2975 0.2341 1.19 12 Rongqi 48 2.71 0.3134 0.1607 0.1257 0.82 13 Sanduo 48 4.86 0.7326 0.0161 0.0703 1.20 14 Sanshakou 47 1.81 0.1295 0.1101 0.1623 0.57 15 Sanshui 47 7.26 0.9442 -0.0319 0.1356 2.50 16 Shizui 46 1.85 0.1356 0.1305 0.1685 0.39 17 Sishengwei 47 1.87 0.1465 0.0636 0.2704 2.46 18 19 Xipaotai Zhuyin 42 1.78 48 1.90 0.1367 0.1437 0.2846 0.2456 1.05 0.1176 0.1701 0.38 0.86 4 Results and discussions 4.1 Stationarity and serial correlation tests The Mann–Kendall test is conducted for flood-stage of annual-maximum over the entire period (1958–2005) in the PRD. The results are shown in Table 2. It is seen from 10 2.491 11 12 2.632 13 2.757 2.869 14 C15 2.971 3.000 Table 2 that for maximum annual flood-stage, 13 of 19 sites show slightly increasing trends and the rest 6 show slightly decreasing trends. However, none of these trends are significant at 5% of the confidence level. The results suggest the flood-stage series of annual-maximum employed in this investigation have no trends (significant at the 5% confidence level) and they can be treated as stationary series. The results of autocorrelation test are given in Table 3 form which it can be seen that all of the autocorrelation coefficients of lag-1, lag-5 and lag-10 for annual maximum pffiffiffi series of each site are smaller than 1:96= n. Hence, the observations in that series can be accepted as being independent at the 5% significance level. Therefore, all series can be accepted as being stationary and without serial correlation. It means that the flood frequency analysis can be applied to the hydrological series for all sites. 4.2 Discordancy measure test The discordancy measure test is considered as a mean of screen analysis aiming to identify those sites that are grossly discordant with the group as a whole. The results of discordancy measure test together with the L-moment ratios for the 19 sites in the Pearl River delta region are given in Tables 4 and 5, together with other statistics including record lengths, L-moment ratios and D-statistic values. Di are compared with the critical discordancy Dcritical = 3.00. The larger Di are 2.50 and 2.46 for sites Sanshui and Sishengwei, and there is no site at which Di value exceeds the critical value (3.00). Therefore, the entire sites in the criss-cross network of PRD pass the discordancy measure test. Table 6 Results of heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit tests for annual maximum flood stage in PRD region No. Region Region type Containing sites Heterogeneity measure H1 1 Upper & middle PRD1 2 Lower PRD2 3 3 Lower PRD 4 Entire PRD HOM HER 1 Sanshui, Makou, Sanduo, Nanhua, Jiangmen H2 H3 Goodness of fit |Z| B 1.64 Distribution function 0.65 0.64 -1.26 0.50 Huangpu, Dasheng, Sishengwei -0.96 -1.54 -0.91 [1.64 WAK Denglongshan, Hengmen, Huangchong, Huangjin, Xipaotai -0.68 -1.69 -2.06 -1.11 GLO All of 19 sites in PRD 36.18* 15.35* 0.01 GLO 1.27* 2 GEV Note: (1) Upper & middle PRD encompasses five sites in the upper and middle PRD area, Lower PRD represents the lower Dongjiang river region which is subjected to the part of lower PRD, and Lower PRD3 is the part of lower PRD region near the outside South-sea, (2) HOM denote a homogeneous region, and HER denote a definitely heterogeneous region, (3) * failed in the heterogeneity test, (4) GLO generalized logistic, GEV generalized extreme-value, WAK wakeby distribution 123 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 113 E 113 30' E g Sa ns L ui n aga aoy Huangpu eng1 sh Da ak M ou Sa nd sh San uo 120 E N an 140 E nh R on gq i ua en zui Hengmen Shi u Zh te ga en Xi p in RMSE q^ðFÞ (%) No. Region F 1 0.900 0.330 1.245 0.981 1.218 0.990 0.461 1.535 0.988 1.404 0.999 0.521 0.900 0.222 1.834 1.007 1.586 1.245 0.943 1.423 0.990 0.265 1.535 1.077 1.847 0.999 0.291 1.834 1.236 2.290 0.900 0.023 1.245 1.202 1.289 0.990 0.055 1.535 1.402 1.668 0.999 0.088 1.834 1.584 2.083 0.900 0.144 1.245 1.155 1.271 0.990 0.231 1.535 1.233 1.648 0.999 0.291 1.834 1.307 2.100 2 3 4 1 Upper & middle PRD Lower PRD2 3 Lower PRD Error bounds 4.3 Tests for heterogeneity and goodness-of-fit measures Identification of the homogeneous region(s) of PRD is performed following the steps suggested by Hosking and Wallis (1997): (a) removing some sites from the region and trying a completely different assignment of sites to region(s) by re-adding site(s) to identify the homogeneous subregion(s); and (b) adding a cluster feature to the regional sites. In the second step different clusters are formulated based on different attributes (geographical and te ga en im Jit Table 7 Simulation results for the estimated regional quantiles, their corresponding error bounds, and RMSE values ate ng me ao od M n 22 N n gj Ya m an e u H iaom a Hut Se gate ao gm an Hu a gsh lon ng Huangchong De ao ta i yin (3) 20 N ate te te ga ga ng e en e m at om qi n g Jia ng me Ho eng H gm an 22 30'N 30 N 500 m Entire PRD sha en m Hu Na 40 N (2) Se a 100 E u Sishengwei (1) 80 E ako Li ng di ng 23 N Ji Fig. 2 Three homogeneous regions HOM detected in the Pearl River Delta region after heterogeneity test. In which, (1) represents the upper and middle PRD1 region containing five sites in mainstem West and North River primarily dominated by fluvial processes; (2) represents the lower PRD2 region containing three sites in lower East River primarily dominated by tidal processes; (3) represents the lower PRD3 region containing five sites closing to the South Huangmaosea completely dominated by tidal processes 175 Gauging station statistical), and different weights are assigned to attributes. In both steps, a site or sites are assigned to selected homogeneous region(s), and the effect of including a site or sites in a homogeneous region or regions is investigated. The regional analysis comprising of 19 sites and values of 36.18, 15.35 and 1.27 are obtained for the three H measures (Table 6), respectively. Therefore, the whole PRD region is considered to be definitely heterogeneous. We identify three homogenous sub-regions (HOM) (Upper and middle PRD1 consists of five sites which are primarily dominated by fluvial processes; Lower PRD2 consists of three sites which are subjected to the downstream of Dongjiang basin; Lower PRD3 consists of five sites closing to the China outside sea). The rest sites form a heterogeneous region (HER). The results for heterogeneity test and goodness-of-fit measures are listed in Table 6 and Fig. 2. Most results of goodness-of-fit test indicated that they are satisfactory with |Z| B 1.64 (Hosking and Wallis 1993, 1997). In the goodness-of-fit test, which is the final step of the regionalization process, six distributions (GLO: Generalized Logistic, GEV: Generalized Extreme-value, GNO: Generalized Normal, GPA: Generalized Pareto, PE3: Pearson type III and WAK: Wakeby) are investigated. For each homogenous sub-region, the best distribution identified is used in the study. It is interesting to see that the GLO distribution fits best for the entire region with a Z value of 0.01 compared to |Zcrit| B 1.64. This might be due to the application of the regional Kappa distribution, which becomes the Generalized Logistic when the parameter h = -1, i.e., the 123 176 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 Table 8 Final results of water-levels (m) corresponding to different quantiles for the entire PRD region Site number Site name Quantiles/frequency (P) 0.1000 0.2000 0.5000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9500 0.9800 0.9900 0.9990 0.9999 P = 90% P = 80% P = 50% P = 20% P = 10% P = 5% P = 2% P = 1% P = 0.1% P = 0.01% 1 Dasheng 1.65 1.76 1.90 2.11 2.26 2.39 2.55 2.66 2.96 3.19 2 Denglongshan 1.39 1.45 1.60 1.81 1.97 2.14 2.42 2.67 3.88 6.01 3 4 Hengmen Huangchong 1.56 1.49 1.63 1.56 1.80 1.72 2.03 1.94 2.21 2.11 2.41 2.31 2.72 2.60 3.00 2.87 4.36 4.18 6.75 6.47 5 Huangjin 1.37 1.43 1.58 1.78 1.94 2.11 2.39 2.63 3.83 5.93 6 Huangpu 1.68 1.80 1.93 2.15 2.30 2.43 2.60 2.71 3.02 3.25 7 Jiangmen 2.40 2.76 3.47 4.19 4.56 4.86 5.15 5.33 5.73 5.94 8 Laoyagang 1.70 1.83 2.08 2.38 2.57 2.78 3.06 3.29 4.21 5.41 9 Makou 4.89 5.61 7.05 8.53 9.28 9.88 10.48 10.85 11.66 12.08 10 Nanhua 2.93 3.36 4.22 5.11 5.56 5.91 6.28 6.49 6.98 7.23 11 Nansha 1.53 1.65 1.87 2.14 2.32 2.50 2.76 2.97 3.79 4.88 12 Rongqi 2.17 2.34 2.66 3.04 3.30 3.55 3.91 4.21 5.38 6.93 13 Sanduo 3.36 3.86 4.85 5.86 6.38 6.79 7.21 7.46 8.01 8.31 14 Sanshakou 1.45 1.56 1.78 2.03 2.20 2.37 2.61 2.81 3.59 4.63 15 Sanshui 5.02 5.76 7.24 8.76 9.54 10.15 10.77 11.15 11.98 12.42 16 Shizui 1.48 1.59 1.81 2.07 2.25 2.42 2.67 2.87 3.67 4.72 17 Sishengwei 1.60 1.71 1.84 2.04 2.19 2.31 2.47 2.58 2.87 3.09 18 19 Xipaotai Zhuyin 1.49 1.53 1.56 1.64 1.72 1.87 1.95 2.13 2.12 2.31 2.31 2.49 2.61 2.75 2.88 2.96 4.18 3.78 6.48 4.86 calculated h value for the regional Kappa distribution is h = -0.7778 & -1. 4.4 Estimation of regional flood frequency, error bounds and root mean squared error (RMSE) in PRD Using the simulation program, error bounds and RMSE of the quantile estimates for each subregion and the accuracies of the estimated quantiles are determined by relative bias and relative RMSE. These results compare the simulated and observed estimates, and the accuracy of the estimated quantiles are obtained. Table 7 presents the simulation results for the estimated quantiles and RMSE values of the four sub-regions. The results show that the RMSE values of the estimated quantiles for one heterogeneous region (Entire PRD) are always greater than those for three homogeneous regions (Upper and middle PRD1, Lower PRD2, and Lower PRD3). This is because the RMSEs of the growth curve contain the contribution from the variability of the estimated growth curve only, while the RMSEs of the quantiles contain a further contribution by the variability of the estimated index flood (Atiem and Harmancioglu 2006). Additionally, it demonstrates that quantile estimates become less accurate at larger return periods. 123 To reduce the bias and uncertainties of regional flood estimation, the final results of regional flood estimation for the PRD region are incorporated with those of the one heterogeneous region and the three homogeneous regions. For the sites belong to the three homogeneous regions, the simulation results of these regions are considered to be the final results of these sites; whilst the other sites which are excluded from the three homogeneous regions and belonging to the one heterogeneous region, whose regional flood frequencies are determined through the GLO distribution recommended by the heterogeneity and goodnessof-fit tests (Table 6). Thus, the final regional flood-stage corresponding to different quantiles or return periods of 19 sites in the PRD region can be obtained eventually (Table 8). 4.5 Spatial mapping of annual maximum flood-stage with different return periods for the PRD Flood stage in the crisscross river network, serving as one of the most important environment indicator for regional flood risk and water resources management, is a spatially continuous variable. Thus we can quantify spatial associations of flood stages between sites and map flood-stage with different return periods for the PRD region by kriging simulations. Figure 3 provides the resulted flood risk Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 113 E 113 30' E 113 E g gan oya La Sa ns ui ou ak M ou ak nd uo g en sh Da Huangpu 23 N kou sha San Sa 113 30' E g gan oya La Sa ns ui Huangpu ng e sh Da M 23 N 177 kou sha San Sa nd uo Sishengwei en ng S di ng Li gm an 22 N S ao te ga en im Jit ate ng me ao od Hu M Ya m ea Xi pa ot ai in gS ea Li ng d Huangchong ga te ot ai pa Xi an g sh lon ng ate Hengmen in en g zui Shi te te te ga ga ga en en e en om qim gat m n Jia ng me Ho eng H De j ng Ya m Hu in uy en ua H iaom a Hut Se gate ao gm an Hu 22 N 22 30'N ate ng me an ao od gsh M lon ng De te in ga uy en Zh im jin Jit ng en ua H utiaom ea H gate Zh Huangchong gqi Ron Nan sha en m ng en gm Hengmen J ia an zui Shi ate te te g ga ga n e en e en om qim gat m n Jia ng me Ho eng H Ji 22 30'N Na nh ua Hu gqi Ron Na nh ua Sishengwei Nan sha Gauging station Gauging station (A) 113 E 113 30' E g gan oya La Sa ns ui ou ak M Sa nd 23 N k ou sha Sa n uo kou sha San Sa nd uo Sishengwei Sishengwei gm en 22 30'N zui Hengmen Shi di ng S Ya m ot en g Li ate ng Xi pa ea i pa ot a Xi ate en g Ya m Huangchong 22 N Gauging station (C) gm an Hu gm an Hu 22 N ate ng me an ao od gsh M lon ng De ate in ng uy me Zh i jin Jit ng en ua H utiaom a H Se gate ao ate ng me an ao od gsh M lon ng De ate in ng uy me Zh iti jin J ng en ua H utiaom a H Se gate ao Huangchong gqi Ron te te te ga ga ga en en e en m at om m qi n g Jia ng me Ho eng H an en Hengmen Ji gm zui Shi te te te ga ga ga n e en e en m at om m qi n g Jia ng m e Ho eng H an 22 30'N Na nh ua ai gqi sha Hu Ro n Hu Ji Na nh ua Nan Nan sha Se a 23 N g en sh Da Huangpu ou ak M Huangpu ng e sh Da ng ui di ns ng Sa 113 30' E g gan oya La Li 113 E (B) Gauging station (D) Fig. 3 Mapping (P = 2, 1, 0.1 and 0.01%) of annual maximum flood-stage in the PRD region in which (a) P = 2%; (b) P = 1%; (c) P = 0.1%; (d) P = 0.01%. Note: the stage interval in the contour is 1 m (P = 2, 1, 0.1 and 0.01%) map of annual maximum flood stage in the PRD region. Generally, flood stage of Fig. 3a–d indicate that flood frequency decreases gradually from the riverine system to the tide controlled coastal areas. Besides, Fig. 3a and b demonstrate similarities in the spatial distribution of flood frequency for the PRD region except the magnitude of Fig. 3a (P = 2%, ranging from 3 to 10 m) is slightly smaller than that of Fig. 3b (P = 1%, 123 178 Table 9 Flood-stage variations (DH: m) corresponding to different increments of flood frequency in the PRD region Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 Site number Site name I: DP = (5–2%) II: DP = (2–1%) III: DP = (1–0.1%) IV: DP = (0.1–0.01%) 1 Dasheng 0.16 0.11 0.30 0.23 2 Denglongshan 0.28 0.25 1.21 2.13 3 Hengmen 0.31 0.28 1.36 2.39 4 Huangchong 0.29 0.27 1.31 2.29 5 Huangjin 0.28 0.24 1.20 2.10 6 Huangpu 0.17 0.11 0.31 0.23 7 8 Jiangmen Laoyagang 0.29 0.28 0.18 0.23 0.40 0.92 0.21 1.20 9 Makou 0.60 0.37 0.81 0.42 10 Nanhua 0.37 0.21 0.49 0.25 11 Nansha 0.26 0.21 0.82 1.09 12 Rongqi 0.36 0.30 1.17 1.55 13 Sanduo 0.42 0.25 0.55 0.30 14 Sanshakou 0.24 0.20 0.78 1.04 15 Sanshui 0.62 0.38 0.83 0.44 16 Shizui 0.25 0.20 0.80 1.05 17 Sishengwei 0.16 0.11 0.29 0.22 18 Xipaotai 0.30 0.27 1.30 2.30 19 Zhuyin 0.26 0.21 0.82 1.08 ranging from 3 to 11 m). The results can be observed in Fig. 3c (P = 0.1%, ranging from 4 to 11 m) and 3D (P = 0.01%, ranging from 4 to 12 m) similarly. The resulting maps are extremely valuable in supporting flood risk assessment and water resources management in ungauged regions. 4.6 Characterization of spatial patterns for flood-frequency variations in PRD The flood-stage increment corresponding to different increments of flood periods (Table 9 and Fig. 4) revealing the underlying flood risk in the PRD region can serve as another important indicator in supporting the regional flood risk and water resources management. The results of column I and II (DP ranges from 5% to 1%) suggest that the flood-stage increments in all 19 sites are not obvious compared with those of column III and IV (DP ranges from 1% to 0.01%), in which the increments of stage are mostly larger than column 1 and II. From a regional perspective, Regional curve of flood-stage increments (Fig. 5) for three homogenous sub-regions indicates that the lower PRD3 near the coast comprising of five sites (Denglongshan, Hengmen, Huangchong, Huangjin and Xipaotai) holds the highest flood stage increment among the 19 sites in the PRD region. This is primarily induced by the incorporated influences of emerging extraordinary floods, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis and well-evidenced sea-level rising 123 DH (m) in the PRD3 region. While, the regimes of flood-stage variations for the upper and middle PRD region (e.g. PRD1 and PRD2) are only dominated by streamflow processes in flood seasons and human activities in such regions. The upper and middle PRD1 comprising of two sites (Rongqi and Sanduo) follows the lower PRD in the flood stage increment. The stage increment of the lower PRD2 comprising of three sites (Huangpu, Dasheng and Sishengwei), which belongs to the downstream of Dongjiang river, is the lowest among 19 sites of the PRD. The spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations addressed above demonstrate the most serious flood-risk in the coastal region (i.e. the PRD3 region) because it is extremely prone to the emerging extraordinary floods, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis and well-evidenced sealevel rising. While excessive rainfalls in the upstream basins may lead to modest flood risks in upper and middle PRD region (i.e. the PRD1 and PRD2 region). The flood risks of rest parts (e.g. Shizui, Hengmen, Nansha, and Laoyagang) are identified as the lowest in entire PRD. As far as concerned, the underlying flood governing behaviors of PRD region driven by a range of natural forces and human activities are very complicated. For instance, the changes of flood-stages across the PRD are the results of such factors as streamflow variations, human interferences and sea level fluctuations (Chen et al. 2008). These factors interact on each other and give rise to alterations of floodstage components as mentioned above via dynamical Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 113 E 179 113 30' Sa an yag 113 E E g ns o ns La ui e sh San uo sha Huangpu 23 N kou E ng ng ou nd ga oya Da ou ak M ak M Da Sa La ui Huangpu 23 N 113 30' Sa Sa nd San uo sha sh en g kou Sishengwei Sishengwei Nan gqi sha Shi 22 30'N zu i Hengmen uy te ga en Se a Xi pa te ga en im Jit te ga Gauging station ng di ng a Se Ya m ate ng me ao od M en en im Jit 22 N Li i ta Xi pa o Li ng di ng n in ga te sha gj en g lon ng De ot ai in Huangchong an en ate ng me ao od M Ya m ua u H iaom a Hut Se gate ao gm an Hu an gsh lon ng De in gj an u H iaom a Hut Se gate ao gm an Hu 22 N sha Zh in uy Zh Huangchong gqi en Hengmen Ron gm zui Sh i nh ate te te g ga ga n e en e en m at om m qi n g Jia Hu ng me Ho eng H ua Na an Ji en gm an Ji 22 30'N nh R on ate te te g ga ga n e en e en m at om um qi n g Jia H ng me Ho eng H Na Na n Gauging station (B) (A) 113 E 113 30' Sa ns L ui ao an y ag E 113 E Sa ns ga oya ng Huangpu Da ak M sh en g ou ou ak M Da La ui g en sh Huangpu 23 N Sa nd San uo sha kou Sishengwei N an R on gqi zui Hengmen ai Ya m ot en ga Li te Xi pa Se ng di n g pa Xi te ga Ya m en a ot ai Shi Huangchong (C) gm m ng 22 N Gauging station ua te te te ga ga ga en en e m at om qi n g Jia ng me Ho eng H 22 30'N an Hu a Hu 22 N sha ate ng me an ao od gs h M lon ng De ate in ng uy me Zh iti jin J ng en ua H utiaom a H Se gate ao ate ng me an ao od gsh M lon ng De te in ga uy en Zh im jin Jit ng en ua H utiaom a H Se gate ao Huangchong gqi en Hengmen R on m zu i te te te ga ga ga en en e m at om qi n g Jia ng me Ho eng H en S hi nh en m Hu ua m g an 22 30'N Na g an Ji Ji nh en m Hu Na Sishengwei Nan sha a kou Se sh a ng San uo di nd ng Sa Li 23 N 113 30' E g Gauging station (D) Fig. 4 Mapping of flood stage variation (m) corresponding to different increments of flood frequency, in which (a) DP = (5–2%); (b) DP = (2– 1%); (c) DP = (1–0.1%); (d) DP = (0.1–0.01%) mechanisms still remain unknown to us. Generally, streamflow changes in flood seasons and human activities such as intensive in-channel dredging can be regarded as major causes for flood-stage alterations in the upper and middle PRD region. In particular, the spatial pattern of flood-stage variations will be influenced by different intensities of the in-channel dredging and sand mining. Chen et al. (2007) indicates that increasing water level is usually identified in the channel featured by moderate and low intensity of the dredging. River channels featured by high intensity in-channel dredging are usually dominated by significant decreasing water levels. The different roles 123 180 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 (3) (4) Fig. 5 Regional curve of flood stage increments corresponding to different increments for flood frequency in the PRD region, of which: DP1 = (5–2%), DP2 = (2–1%), DP3 = (1–0.1%) and DP4 = (0.1– 0.01%) of the sand dredging in water-level alterations within the river channels in the PRD are necessary for further research in the future. However, the emerging flood hazards, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis and well-evidenced sealevel rising are collectively recognized as the major driving forces for the coastal region. 5 Conclusions Regional frequency analysis on annual maximum flood has scientific and practical values in the context of regional water resource management. L-moments based regional frequency analysis technique, which has definite advantages over conventional moment parameters and have no serious drawbacks, provides promising insights into regional flood frequency analysis and is used widely by hydrologists across the world nowadays. The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study. (1) (2) The whole PRD region is considered to be definitely heterogeneous according to the heterogeneity test. In the PRD region, three homogenous sub-regions (HOM) are defined and evaluated: Upper & middle PRD1, Lower PRD2 and Lower PRD3. The RMSE values (%) of simulation results (Ranging from 0.023% to 0.291% when F is between (0.900– 0.999)) for the sites in the three homogeneous regions show that they are accurate enough to be applied in supporting the flood risk management. Those for the other sites belonging to the heterogeneous region are below 0.521% when F = 0.999 and can be used to estimate the regional flood frequency in these regions. Therefore, the final regional flood-stage corresponding to different quantiles or return periods of 19 sites 123 in the PRD region can be obtained from the results of three homogeneous regions and one heterogeneous region. The resulted flood maps of annual maximum flood stage in the PRD region suggests that the frequency of flood-stage decreases gradually from the riverine system to the tide controlled coastal areas. Besides, the results show that similarities in the spatial distribution of flood stage of the PRD except for the magnitude. The resulting maps are extremely valuable in supporting flood risk assessment and water resources management in ungauged regions. The results imply that the stage increments in all 19 sites when P ranges from 5% to 1% are not obvious compared with those when P ranges from 1% to 0.01%, and in the latter case the increment of stage are often larger than 1 m. From a regional perspective, the lower PRD3 near the coast comprising of five sites has the highest flood stage increment among 19 sites in the PRD region. The upper and middle PRD1 comprising of five sites follows the lower PRD3 in the flood stage increment. The stage increment of the lower PRD2 comprising of three sites, which is subject to the downstream of Dongjiang basin, is the lowest among the 19 sites of the PRD. The spatial patterns of flood-frequency variations demonstrate the most serious flood-risk in the coastal region (i.e. the PRD3 region) because it is extremely prone to the emerging extraordinary floods, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis and well-evidenced sea-level rising. While excessive rainfalls in the upstream basins may lead to modest flood risks in upper and middle PRD region (i.e. the PRD1 and PRD2 region). The flood risks of rest parts (e.g. Shizui, Hengmen, Nansha, and Laoyagang) are identified as the lowest in entire PRD. Generally, streamflow changes and human activities such as in-channel dredging can be regarded as major causes for water level alterations in the upper and middle PRD region. However, the emerging flood hazards, typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis and wellevidenced sea-level rising are collectively recognized as the major driving forces for the coastal region. These findings will contribute to understanding the unique features of extreme flood hazards in PRD and be beneficial to formulating the regional development strategies for policymakers and stakeholders in water resource management against the menaces of frequently emerged floods and well-evidenced sea level rising. Acknowledgments The work was financially supported by a key grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40830639), State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science (2008B041), open Research Grant from the Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2010) 24:165–182 Key Sediment Lab of the Ministry for Water Resources (2008001), key Research Grant from Chinese Ministry of Education (308012), National Key Technology R&D Program (2007BAC03A060301), and a grant from Ministry of Water Resources (200701039), and the Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities—the 111 Project of Hohai University (B08048). We would like to appreciate the editor, associate editor and three anonymous referees for their constructive comments, which greatly improve the quality of this paper. References Atiem IA, Harmancioglu N (2006) Assessment of regional floods using L-moments approach: the case of the River Nile. 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