July 6, 2006 ASSESSMENTS OF STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Departmental Compliance Report

July 6, 2006
Departmental Compliance Report
Theatre and Dance___
Table 1. Documentation that learning outcomes are incorporated into the curriculum for all undergraduate and graduate
In the table below, state the expected learning outcomes from the Program-Level Assessment Plans and then list the course or courses,
including prefix, number, and title, in the Relevant Courses column that address that expected outcome. If 3 or more courses address
an expected learning outcome, list only 3 courses that are most important for students to achieve the expected outcome.
Degree Program: PhD in Fine Arts in Theatre _
Expected Learning Outcomes
Students will articulate key principles of western art
and aesthetics.
Students will demonstrate scholarly competence in
organization, evaluation, and interpretation of
Students will demonstrate ability to identify a thesis in
response to question(s), to provide and explain
evidence in support of that thesis, and to respond
intelligently to questions about the thesis.
Students will demonstrate professional competence in
dissemination of knowledge, including logical, clear
oral and verbal presentation of ideas in teaching and in
other contexts.
Relevant Courses
TH A 5325, 5326, 5329, 5331, 5333, 5318, 5320, 5303, 5304,
5305, 5323, 5309, 5313, 5300, 5341, 5301, 5302, 5321, 5306, 5315
TH A 8000, 5306, 5350, 5309, 5313, 5331
Students will demonstrate advanced development of
scholarly, and if appropriate, performative talents,
interests, and philosophies used creatively to expand
and preserve the cultural heritage of the arts.
TH A 5318, 8000,
TH A 8000, 5350
TH A 5312, 5316, 5317, 5318, 5320, 5323, 5303, 5304, 5305,
July 6, 2006
Theatre and Dance___
Table 2. Discussion of the methods used to assess the learning outcomes as well as the instruments used to assess the
attainment of learning outcome goals by undergraduate and graduate programs.
For each degree program, provide a brief discussion of the methods, including specific instruments, used to assess student learning
outcomes. The Program-Level Assessment Plans, submitted in December 2005, list the methods of assessment for each expected
outcome. In the boxes below describe those methods of assessment. If national standardized exams are used state the name of the
exam. The information in Table 2 should be an overview description of the methods used. If specific assessment instruments (or
assessment rubrics) need to be developed to conduct an assessment, then clearly indicate what is still needed and when those
instruments will be used (which should be Fall Semester 2006). The boxes will expand as information is added to the box.
Degree Program: PhD in Fine Arts in Theatre _
Successful completion of TH A 5325, 5326, 5329, 5331, 5333, 5318, 5320, 5303, 5304, 5305, 5323, 5309, 5313, 5300, 5341,
5301, 5302, 5321, 5306, 5315 courses in each discipline; core qualifying examination; 85% will pass core exam on first
Projects completed in TH A 8000, 5306, 5350, 5309, 5313, 53315310 and 5314 courses; projects completed in courses for the
major; core qualifying examination; dissertation, and dissertation defense (final exam). 85%
Projects completed in TH A 8000, 5350 courses; projects completed in courses for the major; core qualifying examination;
departmental qualifying exam, dissertation, and dissertation defense (final exam). 85%
Projects completed in courses for the major; TA mentorship (if appropriate), departmental qualifying exam, courses at 7000
and 8000 levels, dissertation, and dissertation defense (final exam). 85%
Projects completed in courses for the major; courses in major; departmental qualifying exam, courses at 7000 and 8000 levels,
dissertation, and dissertation defense (final exam). 85%
July 6, 2006
Theatre and Dance
Table 3. Summarize the data collected and evidence of the use of results of those data
For each degree program, describe the data that has been collected to date and indicate how the results of the data analysis have been
used. It should be noted that in some cases, the results will indicate that at this time the expected learning outcomes are being achieved
and there is not a need to change or improve a program. However, it is unlikely that all data for all programs indicate that no
improvements are needed. If no data has been collected for a degree program assessment, indicate that is the case and provide a
justification for the lack of data and a detailed discussion of how data collection will begin in the Fall Semester 2006 and be reported
in the next Annual Assessment Report.
Degree Program: PhD in Fine Arts in Theatre _
Use of Data
100% passed the core exam
100% passed dissertation defense on 1st attempt.
No change necessary. A new rubric may be introduced to use as an
evaluation tool for the core exam.
No change necessary.
60% passed departmental qualifying exams on 1st
attempt. (Students have since all passed on repeated
100% of the Teaching Assistants or Graduate Part-time
Instructors excelled in their examinations on the first
100% made progress on their dissertations. 1 student
matriculated with the PhD.
Play Reading course has been developed and instituted. Students
need to thoroughly prepare for the Play Exam. We are instituting a
grading matrix which students will have access to for evaluation
purposes. This is also used by the instructors as a more efficient
method of grading the oral exams.
This process continues to be effective. The student instructors are
disseminating and reviewing knowledge for future reference on their
Each spring, the entire faculty continues to review progress of each
student. Dissertation chairs need to continue to encourage the
completion of each student’s program and dissertation document in
a timely manner.