MENA 9510 FME Course, 26-28 OCT 2015 Glossary Photo-excitation process in which light is absorbed and imparts excess energy into the material electrons within the material move into permissible excited states Recombination return to equilibrium state by releasing excess energy in radiative (photon emission) or/and nonradiative (phonon emission) processes Photoluminescence (PL) spontaneous emission of light from a material under optical excitation Augustinas Galeckas Photoluminescence spectroscopy contactless, nondestructive method of probing the electronic structure of materials LENS, Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway Lecture Background Optical characterization methods Interaction of light with semiconductor material Scope To integrate and improve knowledge on luminescence spectroscopy To motivate and promote interdisciplinary approach in your studies hν By exposing both high-potential and limitations of the photoluminescence techniques By introducing one of “less-typical” PL methods - imaging spectroscopy of defects EMISSION REFLECTION Photoluminescence Raman Spectroscopy Photoelectron Spectroscopy Optical Microscopy Ellipsometry Reflection Spectroscopy Form Overview of key features of the photoluminescence setup at MinaLab PL Tutorial /”crash-course”/ based on the examples from ZnO studies ABSORPTION TRANSMISSION Photoconductivity Photoelectron Spectroscopy Absorption coefficient Infrared Spectroscopy Outline Background Photoluminescence spectroscopy I. Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. IV. EXCITATION •By optical radiation PHOTOLUMINESCENCE Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) •By electron beams CATHODOLUMINESCENCE Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy •By fast particles (γγ-, x-rays) RADIOLUMINESCENCE V. Summary: Pros and Cons VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures •By AC or DC electric fields ELECTROLUMINESCENCE LUMINESCENCE 1 DIRECT SEMICONDUCTOR Glossary Background Radiative transitions Emission spectrum INDIRECT SEMICONDUCTOR E E ? Eg Eg RADIATIVE TRANSITION PROBABILITY hν ν hν ν ? PDIR >> PIND ? Ep 0 k k BUT EMISSION SPECTRUM EMISSION SPECTRUM I(ν ν) = B(hν ν - Eg)1/2 I(ν ν) = B(hν ν- Eg + Ep)2 ‘WHAT IS WHAT’ IN EMISSION SPECTRUM ? WHAT IF THERE IS NO LUMINESCENCE ? Background η hν ν Pnr VB COMPETITION OF RADIATIVE AND NONRADIATIVE RECOMBINATION Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy V. Summary: Pros and Cons VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap structures = Pr / (Pr + Pnr) Pr - probability of radiative transitions Pnr - probability of nonradiative transitions Eg I. Quantum Efficiency CB Pr Outline Pnr = Pnr0 exp(-E*/kT) Thermal Quenching η = [1 + C exp(-E*/kT )]-1 where C = Pnr / Pr = τr / τnr Background Motivation Recombination radiation Optical characterization techniques at Minalab CB ED Eg EA hν ν • “Why” hν ν * - spanning the range from wide-bandgap semiconductors (ZnO, SiC>) to nanostructures (Er-doped Si/Ge, etc.) hν ν Other potential applications: Time-of-Flight, Transient-Absorption, etc. VB • “How” EXCITATION •BOUND EXCITON BE-A) DONOR-TO-ACCEPTOR RECOMBINATION BAND-TO-BAND RECOMBINATION FREE(BE-D, EXCITON (FE) ANIHILATION •Photo generation •FREE-TO-BOUND (FB-D, FB-A) (DAP) RECOMBINATION RECOMBINATION •Electrical injection hν νhole = E- gneutral - nEPdonor hν ν/ Free = Egelectron - EX - nE P (Free - neutral acceptor) Need for universal characterization tool for Temporal, Spatial and Spectral analysis of a broad variety of luminescent materials * Time-resolved imaging spectroscopy technique with a single-photon sensitivity and diffractionlimited resolution hν ν = Eg - (EA+ED) + q2/εεr hν ν = Eg - EX - EA,D 2 Experimental considerations Experimental considerations Single-Photon Detectors Concept: Becker&Hickl GmbH PMC-100-4 TE-Cooled High Speed PMT Detector Head for Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) •Spectral response 185-820 nm •Transit Time Spread 180 ps Low-intensity optical excitation combined with a highly-sensitive signal registration provided by single photon counting techniques* * - offers the best price/performance value (i.e. the cheapest solution ☺) Andor DL-658M-TIL LucaEM 14-bit TE-cooled camera uses the latest Electron Multiplying CCD (EMCCD) Technology providing single photon detection sensitivity. •Active Pixels 658X496 •Pixel Well Depth (e-) 25000/100000 •Spectral response 350 - 1100 nm •Peak Q.E. 52% Techniques of choice: TCSPC - Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting for high-resolution lifetime measurements in the ps- to µs-range MCS - Multichannel Scaler for lower resolution lifetime measurements ranging up to seconds Hamamatsu H10330-75 TE-Cooled High Speed Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Module for NIR Photon Counting •Spectral response 950 - 1700 nm •Transit Time Spread 300 ps EMCCD - Electron Multiplying Charge-Coupled Device for imaging spectroscopy with a single-photon detection sensitivity Experimental considerations Experimental considerations Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) Excitation Sources PicoQuant LDH-375B picosecond diode laser •Repetition rate: single shot to 40 MHz •Pulse FWHM <70 ps •Output power (average @40MHz) 0.3 mW •Emission wavelength 372 nm • Detection of single photons and the measurement of their arrival times in respect to a reference signal, usually the light pulse • TCSPC is a statistical method and a high repetitive light source is needed to accumulate sufficient number of photon events • For statistical reasons the detection of no more than one single photon event per light pulse must be ensured KOHERAS SuperK™ 1.3 ns-pulsed super-continuum white light source: • 500 nm to 1750 nm ultra broad flat spectrum • Output power 134 mW • Repetition rate 3 - 26 kHz Melles Griot air-cooled Argon ion cw-laser • Output power 5 mW • Emission wavelength 488 nm Kimmon single-mode HeCd cw-laser • Output power 10 mW • Emission wavelength 325 nm TCSPC Experimental considerations Experimental considerations Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) versus Multichannel Scaling (MCS) Mainframe Components TCSPC works best for • High repetition rate signals (80 MHz) • Wavelength from 160 nm to 1000 nm • JobinYvonHoriba H10 High throughput fiber optic excitation monochromator •Spectral resolution 1 nm TCSPC yields Ultra-high time resolution (25 ps using deconvolution) TTS* – Transit Time Spread MCS JobinYvonHoriba iHR320 Imaging Spectrograph • • • • • Ultra-high sensitivity - down to the single photon level High dynamic range - high linearity Excellent Signal-to-Noise Ratio Useful Count Rate > 5 MHz Short measurement times • • • MCS is a technique of choice in all other cases, i.e. at low repetition rates, strong signals, long lifetimes, etc. Ultra-high count rate (up to 1GHz electronically) Many photons per shot No dead times between bins and sweeps Ocean Optics HR4000 High-resolution fiber optic USB spectrometer •Spectral resolution 0.2 nm Janis CCS-450 Closed-Cycle Refrigerator system •Optical cryostat is mounted on a XYZ micro-positioner stage •Nominal temperature range: 10–500K 3 Experimental WHAT IF THERE IS NO LUMINESCENCE? Time-resolved imaging spectroscopy setup Time-resolved / Imaging / Steady-state PL Spectral range: 330nm-1800nm PL decay time range: 100ps-100ms Complementary methods Transmittance / Diffuse-Reflectance Diffuse reflectance spectra differ from transmission equivalents in terms of stronger than expected absorption from weak IR bands Kubelka-Munk conversion compensates for these differences System provides: f(R) = (1-R)2 / 2R = K/S Time resolved emission spectra (PL, EL) and excitation (PLE) spectra Spectrally-selective imaging of luminescence morphology (2D PL patterns) Temperature controlled measurements in the range 10K-500K R - absolute reflectance K – absorption coefficient S - scattering coefficient WO3 Measurement Time-resolved PL Steady-state PL Excitation 372nm picosecond laser diode LDH375B (PicoQuant GmbH) Pulse FWHM <70ps, average power 2mW@40MHz 325nm line of a single-mode HeCd cw-laser with output power 10mW (Kimmon, Inc.) Registration Imaging spectrograph (iHR320, Horiba Jobin-Yvon) and combined TCSPC/MCS photon-counting system (timeHARP / nanoHARP, PicoQuant GmbH) Temperature 8K-300K using closed-cycle He-refrigerator (CCS450, Janis Inc.) WO3 Fiberoptic spectrometers with 0.2nm/2nm resolution (HR4000/ usb4000/ NIRQ512, Ocean Optics, Inc.) Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLab/UiO Complementary methods WHAT IF THERE IS NO LUMINESCENCE? Free Carrier Absorption (FCA) technique Time-resolved imaging-spectroscopy setup with single-photon sensitivity (TCSPC/MCS, EMCCD) Time-integrated (fiberoptic and lock-in) low-temperature (3K-300K) UV-VISNIR (330nm-2200nm) photoluminescence setups UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer: Evolution600 Diffuse-reflectance / transmittance range: 190nm – 900nm High Temperature and Pressure Reaction Chamber: in-situ UV-VIS measurements under controlled atmosphere or reaction conditions up to 910°C and 34 bar Outline Complementary methods WHAT IF THERE IS NO LUMINESCENCE? I. Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy V. Summary: Pros and Cons VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures Free Carrier Absorption (FCA) technique Detector hω probe Probe Pump Sample Probe Carrier lifetimes (2D mapping) Surface (interface) recombination Carrier diffusion and mobility (TG) Pump EG hω pump ∆α FCA (hω probe ) = σ eh (hω probe )∆n ∆n(t ) = ∆α FCA (t ) σ FCA = I 1 ln 0 dσ FCA I (t ) 4 Outline Background Exciton bound to Ionized Donor (D+X) I. Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy V. Summary: Pros and Cons System is similar to H2+ molecule, if σ = me/mh → 0 (D+X) exciton binding (localization) energy EB versus donor binding energy ED (Effective Mass Theory): Excitons bound to ionized donors show up ~10-20 meV below the free exciton line Three-particle complex collapses, if σ = me/mh >> 1 Theory: σcritical ~ 0.45 Ionized acceptor bound excitons (A-X) do not exist in ZnO VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures σ = mh*/me* ~ 2.1 > σcritical Energetically more favorable are neutral acceptor Ao and free electron Background Background Exciton bound to Neutral Donor (DoX) ‘WHAT IS WHAT’ IN EMISSION SPECTRUM “Traditional” luminescence spectroscopy System is similar to H2 molecule, if σ = me/mh → 0 (DOX) exciton binding (localization) energy EB versus donor binding energy ED : Near-Band-Edge (NBE) emission Deep-Level related Emission (DLE) Haynes rule: EB(D0X) = b ED Linear relation of donor binding energies ED with bound exciton localization energies EB EB = ( EFX – E DoX ) → PL(T): Intrinsic properties (free excitons) – NBE region Impurities/dopants (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Point defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Extended/structural defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Background Background Two-electron satellites (TES) of DOX Free Exciton (FX) During recombination of exciton bound to neutral donor, the final state of donor can be 1s state (normal DoX line) or the 2s/2p state (TES line). Hydrogen model Hydrogen-like states due to Coulomb interaction between electron and hole: Exciton binding energy: Energetic distance between the DoX and its TES equals to distance between the ground (1s) and first excited (2p) states, which is 3/4 of the donor binding energy (ED) in the effective-mass approximation (EMA). ZnO: - wurzite structure - anisotropy - three valence bands Donor binding energy ED can be obtained by determining position of the related TES line: EDoX – ETES = ¾ ED Exciton radius: 5 Background Background Donor-Acceptor Pair recombination (DAP) Deep-Level Emission (DLE) PL of semiconductors containing substantial amounts of both donors and acceptors can be dominated by radiative recombination processes associated with donor-acceptor pairs (DAP). Deep impurities/dopants (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Intrinsic point defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE If a donor and an acceptor are separated by a reasonably short distance, R, they can recombine by emitting a photon with energy: Extended/structural defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE hv(R) = EG - ( ED + EA ) + ( e2 / ε )( a5 / R 6 ) EG – bandgap energy ED , EA - isolated donor and acceptor binding energies ε – static dielectric constant a – van der Waals coefficient for neutral donor-acceptor interaction R – separation between donor and acceptor Recombination Photoexcitation Photons For R much larger than the lattice constant (distant pairs) the discrete emission peaks coalesce into a broad band with the peak position determined largely by the distribution of DAP distances: hv = EG - ( ED + EA ) + ( e2 / ε R ) Stronger Coulomb interaction of the closer pairs results in: 10-10 s Blue-shift of DAP band with increasing excitation intensity Narrowing and red-shift of DAP band with time delay after photo excitation 10-12 s Capture + Broadening of emission B. K. Meyer et al. phys. stat. sol. (b) 241, No. 2 (2004) Background Background Near-Band-Edge Emission (NBE) Deep-Level Emission (DLE) Free-to-bound transitions (eA, Dh) Free- and bound-exciton annihilation (FX, DX, AX) Donor-to-Acceptor Pair recombination (DAP) Deep impurities/dopants (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Intrinsic point defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Extended/structural defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Thermalization Recombination 10-12 s Photoexcitation Photons 10-5 s Phonons 10-10 s 10-12 s Capture + Broadening of emission B. K. Meyer et al. phys. stat. sol. (b) 241, No. 2 (2004) Background Background Deep-Level Emission (DLE) Key elements of PL analysis Temperature dependent luminescence Bandgap narrowing (BGN) with temperature Deep impurities/dopants (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Intrinsic point defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE semi empirical Varshni Extended/structural defects (bound-excitons, DAP) - NBE and DLE Manoogian - Woolley model EC Recombination Photoexcitation D DAP eA Dh FX AX DX Bandgap narrowing parameters (EGX, α, β, θ) Type of transitions (eA , Dh, AX, DX, DAP) Photons A Defect energy levels in ZnO according to different literature sources + Capture / Re-excitation EV 6 Background Background Key elements of PL analysis Key elements of PL analysis Temperature dependent luminescence Time-resolved luminescence Free-carrier or exciton lifetime is a key parameter defining material quality and device performance Exciton lifetimes strongly depend on crystallinity and increase as the quality of material improves TRPL is a contactless and nondestructive method offering : Thermal quenching of PL intensity with T Measured lifetime Carrier lifetime parameters Recombination mechanisms Carrier capture cross sections* Crystallinity assessment Thermal activation parameters (EBX EX EA ED ) Recombination EC Photoexcitation D FX AX DX DAP eA NR Photons Capture / Re-excitation EV Dh A + Background Outline Key elements of PL analysis Temperature dependent luminescence I. Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy V. Summary: Pros and Cons VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures Line-width broadening with temperature Line-width parameters of excitonic emission (Γ0, γ): Qualitative crystallinity assessment Dominant mechanism of scattering Background Background Key elements of PL analysis “Less traditional” spectroscopy Excitation dependent luminescence Spatially-resolved luminescence techniques IPL = (Iex)k k < 1: 1 < k < 2: 3C-SiC Scanning spectroscopy (µPL, CL) intensity as a function of excitation Imaging spectroscopy (PL, PLE, EL) free-to-bound (Dh, eA) and DAP excitonic transitions (FX, DX, AX) Both approaches are capable of mapping extended (structural) defect and carrier lifetime distributions Important difference: Imaging spectroscopy also allows to study in situ the dynamics of structural instabilities* Photoluminescence yield versus excitation intensity: 4H-SiC Type of transition (eA, Dh, DAP vs FX, AX, DX) Concentration of defects (via saturation curves) 7 Background Background Spatially-resolved CL Imaging spectroscopy of structural defects in 4H-SiC Localized recombination at extended defects such as dislocation loops Dislocations may act as radiative and non-radiative recombination centers Excitons bound at structural defects Stacking faults (SF) Bounding partial dislocations Screw and Edge threading dislocations Defect visualization by spectrally filtrated EL/PL Secondary electron microscopy (SEM) and cathodoluminescence (CL) cross section images of bulk ZnO B. K. Meyer et al. phys. stat. sol. (b) 241, No. 2 (2004) Background Imaging PL spectroscopy of structural defects PL(3K) morphology of epitaxial ZnO layers grown on different ZnO substrates: Background Note on comparability of PL results and possible data misinterpretation PL measurement results strongly depend on experimental conditions Often underestimated influence of probe beam size and excitation intensity i. Small probe area, i.e. tightly focused excitation beam, provide local instead of statistically average properties of the material due to possible onset of: extended defects, grain boundaries, etc. (ZnO) microscopic potential fluctuations (MgxZnO, CdxZnO) modification of material properties by excitation beam itself: charging, annealing, structural degradation (SiC) ii. Spectral shape in general is intensity-dependent due to saturation effects of different recombination channels iii. Unaccounted PL measurement artifacts (optical interference effects, parasitic signal from surface, etc.) . Things to remember: i. ii. Note bright-line character of dislocation network Note dark-line character of dislocation network Only statistically-validated measurement results matter (one probe position is usually not enough) Crystal quality assessment requires identical experimental conditions throughout all measurements (intensity, incident angle, temperature, etc.) Background Background Imaging spectroscopy of structural defects in ZnO Beam interaction with matter: optically induced structural defects in SiC Stacking Faults in 4H-SiC and 3C-SiC Spatially-resolved PL(10K) spectra from dislocation in ZnO 8 Background Summary Spectral shape deviation Photoluminescence (PL) is a spontaneous emission of light from a material under optical excitation. PL spectroscopy is a selective and extremely sensitive probe of discrete electronic states. Analysis of emission spectra allows to identify surface, interface and impurity levels and to estimate crystallinity of the material. PROS: PL analysis is nondestructive: technique requires very little sample manipulation or environmental control. Optical excitation makes electrical contacts and junctions unnecessary, high-resistivity of materials pose no practical difficulty. Thermally activated processes can be characterized via corresponding changes in PL intensity with temperature. Time-resolved PL can be very fast, making it useful for characterizing the most rapid processes in a material. CONS: Fundamental limitation of PL analysis is its reliance on radiative events: materials with poor radiative efficiency, such as low-quality indirect bandgap semiconductors, are difficult to study via ordinary PL techniques. Identification of impurity and defect states is dependent on their optical activity. In order to conclusively identify the nature of defects, PL studies usually have to be combined with other experimental techniques: Carrier-concentration measurements (Hall) Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) Positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Saturation of deep-level recombination with increase of excitation/injection Outline Outline I. Glossary and Background I. Glossary and Background II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup II. Experimental considerations Optical characterization facilities at MinaLaB/UiO Generic time-resolved PL Imaging Spectroscopy setup III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) III. Complementary methods Transmittance / diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) Transient Free-Carrier Absorption (FCA) IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy IV. Photoluminescence methods in brief Key elements of photoluminescence analysis “Less traditional” techniques of luminescence spectroscopy V. Summary: Pros and Cons V. Summary: Pros and Cons VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures VI. Highlights Engineering of material properties by nanostructuring and alloying Carrier dynamics in graded bandgap ZnCdxO structures Compendium MENA 9510 FME-Course, 26-28 OCT- 2015 Luminescence spectroscopy Universal tool for: Fundamental studies of material properties Application-driven characterization of semiconductors Assessment of crystallinity Identification/monitoring of defects and impurities Allows characterization of : Intrinsic properties (free excitons) Impurities/dopants (bound-excitons, DAP) Point defects (1D: interstitials, vacancies, complexes) Extended/structural defects (2D, 3D: dislocations, stacking faults, etc.) Key elements of luminescence analysis: Quantum efficiency of luminescence Excitation intensity dependent luminescence Identification of optical transition types (DX, AX, FX, eA, Dh, DAP) Time resolved luminescence Carrier lifetime parameters Recombination mechanisms Thank you for attention! Temperature dependent luminescence Thermal activation parameters (EBX EX EA ED ) Bandgap narrowing parameters (EGX, α, β, θ) Line-width (Γ0) and broadening parameters Common forms of implementation: Steady-state luminescence (PL, CL) Time-resolved luminescence (PL, CL) Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy (PLE) Spatially and depth-resolved luminescence (PL, CL) 9