Recombination and lifetime 26.10.2015 Main question Will this wafer make a good solar cell? 26.10.2015 Where are we? dV Jn(x) Gn(x) Un(x) dx 26.10.2015 Jn(x+dx) Continuity equation • Assuming uniform generation and no net charge transport (disregarding surface recombination) within the semiconductor: • Solving for τeff yields: 26.10.2015 More generally, see: Nagel et al, “Generalized analysis of quasi-steadystate…”, JAP, 1999 Continuity equation – steady state • The photoluminescence intensity is detected with constant excitation over a long time, so we can assume steady state • In steady state (dΔn/dt=0), the generation rate G and recombination rate U are balanced: • Need to know Δn and G to determine the effective lifetime 26.10.2015 Recombination processes Un(x) RADIATIVE (BAND-TO-BAND) 26.10.2015 SHOCKLEY-REEDHALL AUGER Bulk recombination – simplified equations 26.10.2015 Urad UAug USRH Up,rad = Δn/τp,rad Up,Aug = Δn/τp,Aug Up,SRH = Δn/τp,SRH τp,rad = 1/(Brad · Na) τp,Aug = 1/(Ap · Na2) τp,SRH = 1/(Bp,SRH · Nt) Effective lifetime • Several recombination mechanisms will occur simultaneously in any given material • The total effective lifetime is given by the inverse sum of the separate lifetime contributions (τeff)-1 = (τmech1)-1 + (τmech2)-1 + (τmech3)-1 + … • Mostly, one or a few recombination processes with low associated lifetimes will dominate 26.10.2015 Bulk lifetime in silicon Bentzen: PhD thesis 26.10.2015 Surface recombination • A surface is an extended defect • Introduces states in the band gap • Dangling bonds • Impurities • • 26.10.2015 Most often described using a surface recombination velocity (S) and a recombination flux Formalism analogous to SRH Surface recombination Usurf nsurfpsurf – ni2 Usurf · δx = (1/Sn)(psurf + pt) + (1/Sp)(nsurf + nt) δx 26.10.2015 Surface recombination Usurf Nt Up,surf · δx = Sp · Δn Sp = Bn · Nt 26.10.2015 δx x Surface recombination current • Surface recombination will contribute to the current densities at the surface Jp,surf = q · ∫ Up,surf · dx = q · Sp · Δn Jn,surf = -q · ∫ Un,surf · dx = q · Sn · Δn δx 26.10.2015 Surface recombination and lifetime • Surface recombination must be considered when measuring lifetime (1/τeff) = (1/τbulk) + (1/τsurf) • If S is too high compared with τbulk, τeff will be determined only by the surface recombination 26.10.2015 Surface recombination and lifetime S Dn 26.10.2015 Surface recombination and lifetime • For high values of S (S · d/Dn > 100) S (1/τeff) = (1/τbulk) + Dn(π/d)2 • All charge reaching the surface recombines • Validity of equation: Dn • • Exact value of S no longer important Diffusion towards surface becomes limiting factor • • • Diffusion constant (Dn) ≈ 30 cm2/s Wafer thickness (d) ≈ 300 µm Equation valid within ~ 5% as long as S > 100 000 cm/s Rein: “Lifetime spectroscopy” 26.10.2015 Surface recombination and lifetime • For low values of S (S · d/Dn < ¼) (1/τeff) = (1/τbulk) + (2 · S/d) S Dn • Limited by recombination at surface • Validity of equation: • Diffusion constant (Dn) ≈ 30 cm2/s • Wafer thickness (d) ≈ 300 µm • Equation valid within ~ 5% as long as S < 250 cm/s Rein: “Lifetime spectroscopy” 26.10.2015 Surface passivation • • Abrupt semiconductor surfaces: large S For lifetime measurements, low S is required • • High quality bulk material Recipe • Remove surface damage • Clean surface thoroughly • Apply a suitable passivating film SiO2, a-SiNx:H, a-Si:H, a-AlxO:H… • Measure the lifetime IFE 26.10.2015 Diffusion length and lifetime • The diffusion length (L) is defined as follows: L = (D · τ)1/2 • L is a measure of the average distance a minority charge carrier is able to move without recombining • L is important in determining which solar cell structures can be realized from a given material 26.10.2015 Diffusion length and solar cell performance Ln ≥ W 26.10.2015 Ln < W Ln << W The Einstein relation • The Einstein relation relates minority carrier mobilities and diffusitivities kT/q = D/µ • Electrons • µ = 1450 cm2/V · s • D = 37,7 cm2/s • Holes • µ = 500 cm2/V · s • D = 13,0 cm2/s 26.10.2015 Diffusion length and lifetime Diffusion length versus lifetime Diffusion length [um] 1,00E+04 1,00E+03 Measured Dn Measured Dp Calculated Dn Calculated Dp 1,00E+02 1,00E+01 1,00E+00 1,00E+01 1,00E+02 1,00E+03 Lifetime [us] 26.10.2015 1,00E+04 1,00E+05 Measured data from Wacker Siltronics Lifetime measurements • How do we measure the lifetime? • • • • 26.10.2015 Photoconductance Photoconductance decay Radiative recombination IR-absorption by excited charge (σ ~ Δn) (dσ/dt ~ d(Δn)/dt) (IPL ~ Δn) (Ifca ~ Δn) Lifetime measurements • Which methods do we use to measure the lifetime? • • • • Quasi-steady state photoconductance (QSSPC/«Sinton») Microwave detected photoconductance decay (μ-PCD) Photoluminescence imaging (PL) Carrier density imaging (CDI) • Artifacts of lifetime measurements • Trapping • Applications of lifetime measurements 26.10.2015 Quasi-Steady State PhotoConductance d∆n(t ) ∆n = G (t ) − U eff = G (t ) − =0 dt τ eff τ eff = G (t ) / ∆n 26.10.2015 QSSPC • Quasi-steady state: flash decay slow compared to lifetime • Lifetime determined from excess carrier density in quasi-steady state Flash lamp Reference cell Sample Inductive coil τeff,QSSPC = Δn/gE • Excess carrier density linked to conductivity Δn = Δσ(t)/q(µn + µp)W 26.10.2015 Computer RF bridge QSSPC Bentzen: PhD thesis 26.10.2015 QSSPC • Advantage • Measures lifetime as a function of injection level • Robust physical models • True lifetimes can be extracted • Disadvantage • Usually measures across large area Bentzen: PhD thesis 26.10.2015 Microwave photoconducance decay ∆n d∆n(t ) = G (t ) − U eff = G (t ) − τ eff dt τ eff = 26.10.2015 ∆n ∆n = d∆n(t ) d∆n(t ) − G (t )) ( ( ) dt dt μ-PCD • Very short pulse applied to sample • Measures dΔn(t) /dt, not the steady state generation rate gE τeff,u-PCD = Δn/(dΔn(t)/dt) • Change in photoconductivity measured as microwave reflection Δn/(dΔn(t)/dt) = Δσ(t) /(q(µn + µp)WdΔn(t)/dt) 26.10.2015 Microwave antenna Electronics Laser diode Sample u-PCD – measurement examples • • • 26.10.2015 When measuring thick samples, such as blocks, a long wavelength can be used Photogeneration far from surface Surface passivation not critical • • • On wafers, surfaces are always close at hand A surface passivation is required Without passivation, the maximal measured lifetime only is a few µs u-PCD • Advantage • High spatial resolution obtainable • Disadvantages • No implicit knowledge of injection level • Lifetime versus injection level requires adjustments of bias light 26.10.2015 PhotoLuminescence imaging d∆n(t ) ∆n = G (t ) − U eff = G (t ) − =0 dt τ eff τ eff = G (t ) / ∆n 26.10.2015 PL imaging • Method • Relate measured luminescence signal from radiative recombination to ∆𝑛 • Extract effective lifetime from ratio of ∆𝑛 to generation rate G U𝑟𝑟𝑟 = 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵(𝑛𝑛 − 𝑛𝑛2) ~ 𝐵𝑟𝑟𝑟 ∆𝑛(∆𝑛 + 𝑁𝑁) 26.10.2015 τeff = ∆𝑛/G Angelskår Generation rate • Simple! • Assume all photons entering the wafer are absorbed, and create an electron-hole-pair: Photon flux 1017cm-2s-1 Reflectance at excitation wavelength Thickness of wafer, assumed uniform distribution 26.10.2015 Relation to excess charge carrier density • Radiative recombination in (p-type) silicon: Silicon wafer • 26.10.2015 Including Brad, the effect of camera, filters, surface morphology in a calibration factor C: Luminescence spectrum of silicon • • • • 26.10.2015 Band to band luminescence around 10001100nm Radiative (and non-radiative) defects yield dark signal since luminescence is outside detection limit (long-wavelength IR) High band-to-band luminescence signal means defects do not dominate Camera filters designed to filter out reflected laser light (~800 nm), and detect only band-toband luminescence Quasi-steady-state photoconductance Bentzen: PhD thesis 26.10.2015 Calibration of luminescence intensity to excess carrier density • • • QSSPC measures conductivity and yields free carrier density given a mobility model Intensity vs. free carrier density Determines calibration constant C Low injection, high doping • 26.10.2015 Now we can measure the PL intensity to get a map of Δn! Herlufsen et al., 24th EUPVSEC, 2009 Complications • Need to know doping – preferably have uniform doping… • • Inhomogeneously doped wafers can show large variations in luminescence intensity Minor effect on the conversion from conductivity to excess carrier density, due to mobility model • QSSPC calibration over large area • Mobility models – compensated silicon • Need to take care for mc-silicon, averaged intensity • Compensated silicon • Mobility model (as far as I know…) for QSSPC measurements still under discussion • Net doping variations will dominate the image 26.10.2015 Complications • • Luminescence from emitters is usually neglected Reabsorption of luminescence photons • • Uniformity of reflectance • • • 26.10.2015 Lifetime scales with reflectance Blurring if diffusion length is much longer than a pixel size (160 um) • • weak effect in the detected spectral range Small effect in solar grade silicon, limited to a few pixels Radiative recombination coefficient decreases at high injection level, screening effect Diffuse surfaces cause blurring Effect of reflectance 120 us 5 us Lifetime map • • • 26.10.2015 28 38% %Reflectance map The generation rate G is not constant over the wafer Misinterpreted as lower lifetime, but also an actual decrease in passivation quality? Thickness? Partly corrected by having a laterally varying generation rate G High-resolution PL of multicrystalline silicon 20 mm Intensity As-cut wafer • • 26.10.2015 Intensity Passivated wafer Same surface treatment (except for a-Si deposition) Blurring due to longer diffusion length? Electrons: D = 37,7 cm2/s τ~15 us L~ 200 um Slip lines in monocrystalline silicon • Slip lines • Crystal defects during growth • Can lead to breakage during wafering 26.10.2015 Compensated silicon • • • UMG material See large effects of doping, also an issue for QSSPC calibration Research ongoing to adapt technique for compensated material Haunschild et al., 35th PVSEC, 20 26.10.2015 The effect of non-recombinative traps • Charge neutrality requires that Δn = Δp • Certain traps only store charge carriers for some time before rereleasing them to the nearest energy band • With a number of electron traps (nt), the conductivity becomes Δσ(t) = q(µnΔn + µpΔp)W + qntµnW • This effect will lead to an apparent increase in lifetime 26.10.2015 Trapping – calculated example Auger Fei Totalmeasured FeB Emitter Totalno trappning Bentzen: PhD thesis 26.10.2015 Case 1: Counting dissolved impurities • A lifetime determined by dissolved impurities can be described as follows: 1/τ = σtvthNt • Scattering cross section (σt) • Thermal velocity of electrons (vth) • Concentration of defects (Nt) • If the lifetime is dominated by one defect with a known σt, the defect concentration can be estimated 26.10.2015 Case 2: Counting precipitates • A lifetime determined by precipitates can be described by the following empirical equation: L = 0.7 · (Np) -1/3 • Precipitate density (Np) • Hard in principle, lifetime usually limited by other factors Luque & Hegedus: “PV Handbook” 26.10.2015 Case 3: Determining Fei concentration in Si • Fe is an important defect in mc-Si technology • The concentration of Fe in B-doped Si can be determined by lifetime measurements • Interstitially dissolved Fe (Fei+) is a common “lifetime killer” in Si • In p-Si, Fei+ tends to pair up with B acceptors (Bs-) forming socalled Fe-B pairs (FeB) • FeB pairs can be split up by illumination into Bs- and Fei+ 26.10.2015 Case 3: Determining Fei concentration in Si • Before illumination (τbefore) -1 = (τsurf) -1 + (τFeB) -1 • After illumination and pair separation (τafter) -1 = (τsurf) -1 + (τFe_i) -1 • Difference (τafter) -1 - (τbefore) -1 = (τFe_i) -1 - (τFeB) -1 26.10.2015