Main·cenance and Operations 11/14/14 History/ Current Information Square Footage 2002 District Sq. Footage Increase/Decrease 2014 808,123 1,119,896 +311,773 % Chanqe +38.6% M&O Staffing 2014 2002 %Change -5 -13.8% 13,678 +62% 9 -3 -25% 13 +1 +7.7% 9 7 -2 -22% 69 60 -9 -13% Custodia l (FTE) 36 Custodial (S.F. / FTE) 22,448 Grounds (FTE) 12 Maintenance {FTE) 12 Supervision (FTE) Total Increase/Decrease 31 ~· ~ 36,126 Note- additional custodial FTE needed to be at the same l evel as 2002 (19} - APPA Staffing Recommendation Chabot/Las Positas Cleanable Square Footage 866,893 (Updated 5/5/14) APPA Cleaning Levels : ",~ fuleveL'@ ~--'""- Cleaning Time in Minutes =--= --illevel3 - - ~ - -_ I!leve1'4 -:::- ~ lneveH -.--= --- 23,971 17,889 14,430 12,989 Cleaning Time in Hours 400 298 241 216 Requit-ed Custodial FTE 57 43 34 31 Current Custodial FTE Average daily absences Average Daily FTE f(ev-Clerming Levels Level 2- Orderly Tidiness Level 3-Casual Inattention Level 4-Moderate Dinginess Level 5-Unkempt Neglect 31 5 26 Appearance Factors and the Five Levels of Clean Level 1 - Orderly Spotlessness Floors and base moldings shine and/or are bright and clean; colors are fresh. There is no buildup in corners or along walls. All veriical and horizontal smfaces have a freshly cleaned or polished appearance and have no accumulation of dust, dirt, marks, streaks, smudges, or fingerprints. Lights all work and fixtures are clean. Washroom and shower fixtures and tile gleam, and are odor-free. Supplies are adequate. Trash containers and pencil sharpeners hold only daily waste, are clean and odor-fi·ee. Level 2 - Ordinmy Tidiness • Floors and base moldings shine and/or are bright and cleAn. There is no buildup in corners or along walls, but there can be up to two days worih of dust, dirt, stains) or streaks. All vertical and horizontal surfAces arc clean, but marks, dust, smudges, and fingerprints are noticeable upon close observation. Lights all work and fixtures are clean. Washroom and shower tixtures and tile gleam, and are odor-free. Supplies are adequate. Trash containers and pencil sharpeners hold only daily waste, are clean and odor-free. Level 3 - Casual Inattention • Floors are swept or vacuumed clean, but upon close observation there can be stains. A buildup of diri and/ or floor finish in corners and along walls can be seen. There are dull spots and/or matted carpet in walking lanes. There are streaks or splashes on base molding. All vertical and horizontal surfaces have obvious dust, dirt, marks, smudges, and fingerprints. Lamps all work and fixtures are clean. Trash containers and pencil sharpeners hold only daily waste, are clean and odor-free. Level 4 - Moderate Dinginess Floors are swept or vacuumed clean, but are dull, dingy, and stained. There is an obvious buildup of dirt and/ or floor finish in corners and along walls. There is a dull path and/or obviously matted carpet in the walking lanes. Base molding is dull and dingy with streaks or splashes. All vertical and horizontal surf\rces have conspicuous dust, diri, smudges, fingerprints, and marks. Lamp fixtures are dirty and some (up to 5 percent} lamps are burned out. Trash containers and pencil sharpeners have old trash and shavings. They are stained and marked. Trash containers smell sour. Level 5 - Unkempt Neglect Floors and carpets are dull, dirty, dingy, scuffed, and/or matted. There is a conspicuous buildup of old ditt and/ or floor finish in comers and along walls. Base molding is ditty, stained, and streaked. Gum, stains, dirt, dust balls, and trash are broadcast. All vertical and horizontal surfaces have major accumulations of dustl dirt, smudges, and fingerprints, all of which will be difficult to remove. Lack of attention is obvious. Light fixtures are dirty with dust balls and flies. Many lamps (more than 5 percent) are burned out. Trash containers and pencil shmveners overflow. They are stained and marked. '}'rash containers smell sour. 4 ' Staffing ~i!Jme ! S1offing Service lP.vel> APPA Standard Space Love/ til Classroom with Hord floor Entronmway lockev'Chonging Room- No Shower Office with Carpet floor · Public (Circulation) vritlr Hard floor Research lob w~h·llazardous Waste Research lob .Vilthout Hazardous Waste Stoinvei/ Storeroom Nosh room Shower Room Public (Orw/otion) wiih Carpet Floor Office \0th Hord floor Classroom with Carpel floor llossroom wah Carpet Floor-High Use Classroom with Hard Floor-High Use Woshroom·High Use llti/ily Vending Dormitortlouoge Cafeter/n 1•Mh Carpet Cafeteria with Hord floor libra~ywith Carpet Librai'f vAth Hard Floor Auditonum Seating &Foyer Auditorium Stuge &Wings Gymnasium (Wood floor) Dormito'Y Washroom Dormito'Y Sleep/Study Patient Canforence Room Patient Treatment Area- Carpeted Patient Treatment Area- Hard floor Nursing Stalion- Hard floor 8,500 4,300 11,800 9,600 7,509 5,200 6,900 7,500 77,000 2,000 5,200 l7,700 8,400 9,700 5,100 4,700 1,000 4,100 4,800 5,200 . 9,900 11,200 17,900 !0,900 5,700 J8,600 17,300 1,500 3,900 8,300 3,300 2,900 5,700 Level #2 16)00 7,500 12,100 18,200 20,500 . 7,000 10,600 15,100 210,000 2,600 5,200 40,400 14,600 21,700 12,700 9,600 1,300 5,500 ll, I00 8,700 15,400 16,400 36,900 20,200 14,000 27,500 36,500 1,800 4,100 8,300 3,300 2,900 ?,700 . Level #3 26,500 12,300 level #4 39,500 20,700 Level #5 45,600 35,000 • lOXil lOXil lOXil 32,000 30 500 8,200 I 3,500 17,400 395,300 53,000 38 400 11,400 25,000 24,500 1,832,700 87,000 4l.BOD 28,200 87,200 75,300 3,360,000 lOXil lXIO( lOXil lOXil lXIO( lXIO( 53,500 25,100 24,000 13,400 10,100 80,900 36,000 34,700 17,900 21,000 93,600 49,500 37,200 18,800 22,900 xxxx 45,700 19,500 136,500 lOXil lOXil 9,800 16,000 17,800 17,700 17,700 42,900 lOXil xxxx lXIO( lOXil lOXil xxxx 126,800 57,000 40B,OOP 72,600 23,500 32,600 82,800 80,700 106,400 47,000 67,200 239,500 : 257,400 = 1,108,200 JOX;I. lOXil 8,000 18,700 24,700 xxxx lOXil lOXil )))C( lOXil lXIO( xxxx xxxx lOXil lOXil xxxx lXIO( lOXil Bui!dina 200 Room/Area 200 Boardroom 203 Reception Room 204 Office 204A Supply Room 204B Office 205 Office 206 Office 207 Office 208 Office 208A Office 210 Office 5 Offices 10 X 12 212 Office 213 Office 214 Office 217 Office 219 Office 2 Offices 9 X 12 223 Office 224 Material Prod. 231 Office 233 Office 235 Office 229 Staff Loun<:Je 254 Office Lobbv Corridor PBX Restrooms MailRoom Size/Sq. ft. Code 1,200 Class w/H.F. 185 Office w/Carp_et 392 Office w/Carpet 116 Utility 394 Office w/Carpet 196 Office w/Carpet 240 Office w/Carpet 221 Office w/Carpet 243 Office w/Carpet 243 Office wiCarpet 818 Office w/Carpet 600 Office w/Carpet 152 Office w/Carpet 90 Office w/Carpet 235 Office w/Carpet 90 Office w/Carpet 90 Office w/Carpet 216 Office w/Caroet 132 Office w/Carpet 189 Class w/H.F. 132 Office w/Carpet 97 Office w/Carpet 105 Office w/Carpet 391 Class w/H.F. 1,248 Office w/Caroet 3,123 Class w/H.F. 391 Class w/H.F. 240 Class w/H.F. 411 Washroom 405 Class w/H.F. Level 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 Minutes Cleaning Time APPAsq. Ft. Per Shift Minutes 26,500 420 19.0 2.4 420 32,000 420 5.1 32,000 9,800 420 5.0 420 32,000 5.2 420 32,000 2.6 420 32,000 3.2 420 32,000 2.9 420 32,000 3.2 420 32,000 3.2 420 32,000 10.7 420 32,000 7.9 420 32,000 2.0 420 32,000 1.2 420 32,000 3.1 420 32,000 1.2 420 1.2 32,000 420 32,000 2.8 420 32,000 1.7 420 26,500 3.0 420 32,000 1.7 420 32,000 1.3 420 32,000 1.4 26,500 420 6.2 32,000 420 16.4 420 26,500 49.5 26,500 420 6.2 420 26,500 3.8 2,600 420 66.4 26,500 _ _ 4~ L _ _ _ _6.4 Total Sq. ft.Cleaning Time in Minutes= Total Cleaning Hours= 12,585 245.8 4.1 Hours 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 1."1 0.1 ---- Revised Maintenance and Operations Staffing Pian U/14/2014 Integrated Planning & Budget Model (IPBM) Facilities Committee Recommendation Listed in priority order are recommendations to restore personnel as funding becomes available. Total - Priority One - FTE Compensation • Fill vacant Custodial Supervisor position at Chabot Colleae I $95,136 • Fill vacant Grounds Supervisor position at Las Posil:as College J $95,136 • Fill 4 vacant custodial positions (this will meet APP A level 4 cleaning standard) 4 $249,412 $439,684 Priority Two • Hire 4 custodial positions 4 $249,412 • Hire 2 grounds workers 2 $124.706 $374,118 Priority Three • Hire 4 custodial positions (this will meet APPA level 3 cleanina standard) 4 $249,412 • Fill vacant Maintenance Worker position l $68,918 ·Establish Custodial and Operations Manager Positions at each campus (SSC recommendation) 2 $209.874 $528,204 Note: Total Compensation is based on step 1 salary range, including benefits at 49%