Chabot College November 1993 42 - Vocal Repertoire

Chabot College
November 1993
Removed Fall 2006
Course Outline for Music 42
Catalog Description:
42 - Vocal Repertoire
May be repeated 3 times
1 unit
Vocal repertoire with emphasis on solo performance. Includes vocal solo literature of the Baroque,
Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods in French, German, English, Italian, and Spanish.
Prerequisite: Music 23B or Music 33 (may be taken concurrently). 2 hours.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of this course, the student should:
1. value music as a means of self-expression;
2. develop an understanding of linguistic ramifications on the solo voice;
3. develop an acute awareness of diction in many languages and its effect on the jaw, teeth, tongue,
and lips;
4. appreciate and recognize style, be it popular or classics, as well as stylistic technique;
5. comprehend stylistic complexities of various periods.
Course Content:
1. Language and period variables as related to:
a. Phrasing:
1) basic communication
2)vocal limitations
b. Diction:
1) tone placement
2) articulations
3) pitfalls
c. Nuance:
1) ornaments
2) breathing
3) breaking
4) attacks and releases
5) accents
d. Tone Production:
1) color and timbre
2) vibrato
3) historical attributes
e. Stage Presence:
1) dress
2) bearing
3) blocking
4) action
5) speaking
6) bowing
Chabot College
Course Outline for Music 42Page 2
November 1993
1) art song
2) opera
3) oratorio/cantata
4) Broadway
5) folk
6) popular
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lecture series with student participation
2. Variety of literature to be performed by students
3. Songs in to be performed by students in unison and as solos
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Written exams
2. Performance by students
Textbook(s) Typical:
1. Twenty-Four Italian Art Songs; G. Schirmer
2. Anthology of Modern French Song; Max Spicker, G. Schirmer
Special Student Materials:
Student-owned tape recorder and cassette.
JH:kh Music42.30 Revised: 11/4/93