Student EquityCoordinating Council

Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
Review Notes
Review Proposal Table Draft
Thinking FY 14-15, 15-16, 16-17
• Matt shared discussion with Pres./VP’s on recommendations
• Also about concern of so much toward admin and support
• Marcia believes support and assigned admin. Needed
• Vanessa concurs to get started, put into conversation firm
footing, position assign 12-18 months then determine
• Patricia understands concern of support; however, Title III
was “supposed to be” 30% of VPAS, but was not realistic
even though support was attempted and could consider .5
time, but would be detrimental
• Carolyn – are we revisiting?
o Prepared a list of all groups under-represented
• Deonne – did FYE proposal for entry to exit
o Feels $225k is too much and that the funding is not for
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
o Would not have HS outreach specialist
Tim – clarifying what is concern/type of position
o Person who has responsibility for equity
o Depends on how defined and role; ongoing program
Vanessa & Patricia – remember have half to 9/30/14 this
year left
Deonne – have experience for admin. Delegated to others
Carla – we talked about 2 levels/roles – person to set-up and
take responsibility for the structure and the support for that
o Do it right from the beginning and accomplish
Stacy – feels administrator role is needed
Matt – we still have some time to define the exact position
$250 is the absolute highest, more like $175-$200k; 25-30%
of budget
Art – need person to define and promote equity for college
and community
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
• Patricia – revisiting issue of addressing needs in unstainable
o Need sustainable structure/leader
• Tim – need leader with expertise in area; find this out there
and empower
• Matt suggesting: Spr./Sum. 15 Fac. Coor + Temp. Admin.
Assist +PT HS Outreach specialists +
books/supplies/transportation + tutors + PT Instr. Assist.’s
• Math Jam Faculty Coor. 3 CAH
• Carla suggested more than one of the above
• Marcia - Also concurrently advertising for Fall 2015
Coor/Director & Admin. Assist.
• Kristin - What about the other proposals?
• Pool of current faculty coordinators to organize equity
infrastructure for learning communities (FYE, CIN, ECD,
• Carolyn – concerned process is popcorning; should
reference proposal solutions such as Math Learning
Connection tutoring for AA students
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
• Tim – not sure how division is going to approach math
o Need tutors in other subjects
• Motion to approve professional development, curriculum
development, temporary staff and student assistants/tutors,
supplies, books, transportation, stipends, experts,
workshops, found in temporary 2000’s, 4000’s, 5000’s in
addition to what was already approved color coded by year
– 2nded and approved
• Will collate and send out on email
• Will plan 15-16 in subsequent meetings
11/20/14 Notes
• Reviewed proposed budget; need to make adjustments as
we go
• Need to request Dean’s to initiate paperwork after funds
set up by Org.s to get things started – will transition to
Equity Dir./Coor.
• Outreach can be linked to SSSP/Orientation
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
• Move Black Latino fig to Fac. Stipends
• Outreach STEM from SSSP same for FYE
• Evaluation Plans:
o Outputs from treatments leading toward more distal
o E.g. looking at how prof. dev. Is incorporated in
subsequent terms by trained faculty
o Process outputs to start, toward more data driven
o FYE started with college day orientation, followed up
on SSSP components that can be measured for
students in the pathways/cohorts; outcomes related to
Basic Skills Completion and Course Completion,
ultimately Degree/Transfer Completion
o A.A. student success rates in Math; math lab support,
but also need pedagogical change to improve success
rates more comprehensively
o Send Matt again proposal with any further evaluative
detail on data collection method and interim/shortterm outputs; Goal, Activity, Outcome for each
Student EquityCoordinating Council
Meeting Agenda
November 20, 2014
3:00 – 4:30 PM
Room 758
Success Indicator should be one liners
o Next Steps: Looking at next year during next
semester; February
o CUE or NAPE, Nat. Equity Proj. consultancy
§ Start with committee, then study campus, then
prof. dev. For whole college?
§ See what they do; discuss options on 12/4/14
§ Address the issue of “change”