Professional Development Meeting November 5, 2015 Minutes


Professional Development Meeting

November 5, 2015


I. Members in attendance: Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Ken Grace, Cynthia Stubblebine,

Michael Lai, Maria Ochoa, Sheila Mayorga, Jas Bhangal

Call to Order 2:10 pm

II. Introductions

III. Review current committee charge (attached)


The Staff Development Committee currently has two different charges, one from the 2006 Shared Governance document, and a revised charge from last year. Although the 14-15 Staff Development Committee did approve the revised charge, the charge was never brought to College Council or formally approved. The changes are related to membership, but the committee will need to decide what to do about the two charges, although this means the

2006 version is our current official charge. Given the committee’s more pressing needs of developing the funding request process and planning for

January’s Flex Day, we will table the charge issues for now and revisit them during the Spring 2016 semester.

IV. January 19 th Flex Day


Request for sessions – so far we’ve received three submissions. Ken will resend link to campus with deadline.


Mindset Works – Maria has not had any luck connecting with Carol Dweck, but found a group called Mindset Works that focuses on similar material’

Carol Dweck is on their Board. Maria shared some information from the group’s website,

, and the committee discussed their work and whether we might be interested in having them come speak to the campus as part of January’s Flex Day. Overall, the committee liked the idea of having this kind of keynote presentation. Concerns about the group included that their work seems to be primarily focused on middle/early high school students. We want to make sure that if they come to Chabot, they present material that is relevant to our student population and work. Committee agreed we would like Maria to continue to explore further the possibility of a keynote presentation on 1/19.


Other session ideas: a.

Paulette Lino – A&R presentation (rosters, census, etc.) b.

CurricUNET/SLO’s – Rob & Jane? c.

Craig Shira – what the Print Center can do for faculty d.

Active shooter or other emergency preparedness? e.

Counseling – Mental Health Counseling

VI. Process and application to request PD funds - continued


Shared revised funding request form and initial draft of evaluation rubric per

Stacy and Rachael


Due to pressing timeline, it was suggested that a few members of the committee form a work group to finish creating request form and evaluation rubric to present to the full committee on 11/19. a.

Rachael will send both draft documents to the committee with a request to join the work group.


Process – include conference request form with funding request form so that for approved requests, the committee can add in account # and bring to dean/area manager for signature.

Meeting adjourned 3:07 pm.
