UNRTF(GNU UnRTF 0.19.2) UNRTF(GNU UnRTF 0.19.2) NAME UnRTF − converts document in RTF format to other formats SYNOPSIS unrtf [options] [ file...] Options: [−−nopict] [−−html] [−−text] [−−vt] [−−latex] [−−ps] [−−wpml] [−−help] [−−version] DESCRIPTION The program unrtf is a converter from Rich Text Format (RTF) to a growing number of document formats. At present it supports Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), plain text, text with VT100 codes, LaTeX, and PostScript. All output formats except HTML are "alpha" i.e. limited and development has just begun. However with HTML, the program supports tables, fonts, embedded images, hyperlinks, and paragraph alignment. Font support includes face and size changes, as well as typical attributes such as italic, bold, underlining, strikethrough, smallcaps, allcaps, expand, compress and both foreground and background colors. Images are always stored to separate files in the current directory, or they can be ignored. OPTIONS −−nopict disables the automatic storing of embedded pictures to the current directory. −−html selects HTML output (default). −−text selects plain ASCII text output. −−vt selects text output with VT100 escape codes. −−latex selects output of a LaTeX document. −−ps selects PostScript output. −−wpml selects WPML output. −−version prints the program version. WEBSITE http://www.gnu.org/software/unrtf/unrtf.html NOTES Report bugs in the program to unrtf@gnu.ai.mit.edu. 1