Sedimentology (2005) 52, 391–428 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2005.00703.x Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in highfrequency (fourth-order) sequences of the Eocene Central Basin, Spitsbergen PIRET PLINK-BJÖRKLUND Göteborg Dynamic Stratigraphy Group, Department of Earth Sciences: Geology, Göteborg University, Box 460, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden (E-mail: ABSTRACT Eighteen coastal-plain depositional sequences that can be correlated to shallow- to deep-water clinoforms in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen were studied in 1 · 15 km scale mountainside exposures. The overall mud-prone (>300 m thick) coastal-plain succession is divided by prominent fluvial erosion surfaces into vertically stacked depositional sequences, 7–44 m thick. The erosion surfaces are overlain by fluvial conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones. The fluvial deposits show tidal influence at their seaward ends. The fluvial deposits pass upwards into macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine deposits, with coarse-grained riverdominated facies followed further seawards by high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels, upper-flow-regime tidal flats, and tidal sand bar facies associations. Laterally, marginal sandy to muddy tidal flat and marsh deposits occur. The fluvial/estuarine sequences are interpreted as having accumulated as a series of incised valley fills because: (i) the basal fluvial erosion surfaces, with at least 16 m of local erosional relief, are regional incisions; (ii) the basal fluvial deposits exhibit a significant basinward facies shift; (iii) the regional erosion surfaces can be correlated with rooted horizons in the interfluve areas; and (iv) the estuarine deposits onlap the valley walls in a landward direction. The coastal-plain deposits represent the topset to clinoforms that formed during progradational infilling of the Eocene Central Basin. Despite large-scale progradation, the sequences are volumetrically dominated by lowstand fluvial deposits and especially by transgressive estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits are overlain by highstand units in only about 30% of the sequences. The depositional system remained an estuary even during highstand conditions, as evidenced by the continued bedload convergence in the inner-estuarine tidal channels. Keywords Coastal plain, estuarine, fluvial, incised valleys, sediment partitioning, tide-dominated. INTRODUCTION The Aspelintoppen Formation in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen consists of alternating fluvial and estuarine deposits that can be ‘walked out’ downdip into coeval shallow- to deep-marine sequences (Fig. 1) of the Battfjellet Formation. The coastal-plain succession is continuously exposed in 500 · 5000 m scale mountainside exposures (Fig. 2) that are oriented 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists approximately parallel to the depositional dip. The exposures thus provide excellent constraints on downdip facies transitions as well as the vertical stacking of the fluvial/estuarine depositional sequences. There are relatively few places where the relationships between marine and alluvial/coastal plain depositional systems can be examined in continuous exposures like this (Shanley & McCabe, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995; Shanley et al., 1992; Hettinger et al., 1993; 391 392 P. Plink-Björklund Legaretta et al., 1993; Wright & Marriott, 1993; Gibling & Bird, 1994; Gibling & Wightman, 1994; Aitken & Flint, 1995 and Olsen et al., 1995; Plint et al., 2001). Unlike most of the existing sequence stratigraphic models for coastal-plain successions (e.g. Shanley & McCabe, 1991, 1993; Olsen et al., 1995), the Aspelintoppen Formation of the Eocene Central Basin preserves mainly stacked lowstand fluvial and transgressive estuarine deposits. In contrast to current estuarine or valley-fill models of Zaitlin et al. (1994), or most of the coastal-plain models (Shanley & McCabe, 1993; Olsen et al., 1995), little or no sediment accumulated on the coastal plain during highstands of sea-level (see also Plint et al., 2001) despite the overall progradational character of the succession. Estuaries have been generally considered to typify transgressive coastlines (e.g. Boyd et al., 1992), and estuaries that occupy drowned valleys are extremely common along modern transgressive coasts (Dalrymple et al., 1992). However, the Spitsbergen database discussed below shows that estuaries can persist even during the (early) highstand (see also Allen & Posamentier, 1993). Estuaries are defined in this paper according to Dalrymple et al. (1992) as ‘a seaward portion of a drowned valley system which receives sediment from both fluvial and marine sources and which contains facies influenced by tide, wave and fluvial processes’. The estuaries documented in the Eocene Central Basin are interpreted as tidedominated macrotidal estuaries. Despite the Fig. 1. Spitsbergen archipelago is situated in Norwegian Arctic (A). Location of Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen, east of West Spitsbergen Orogenic Belt (B). The basin was infilled with south-eastward-migrating clinothems (C and D). The broken lines represent the shelf-edge position of individual clinothems and the arrows show the general sediment supply direction and clinoform migration path (C). Coastal-plain sequences on Brogniartfjellet are coeval with shallow- to deep-marine clinothems on Storvola, and coastal-plain sequences on Storvola with shallow- to deep-marine clinothems on Hyrnestabben (D and E). 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 393 Fig. 2. Seismic-scale coastal plain, shelf and slope clinoforms on (A) Storvola and (B) Brogniartfjellet. The mountainside exposure on Storvola is ca 5 km long, and on Brogniartfjellt ca 6 km long. Both exposures are northwest–south-east oriented. abundance of modern macrotidal estuaries and the high preservation potential of estuarine deposits (Demarest & Kraft, 1987; Dalrymple et al., 1992), ancient examples are still rare (e.g. Clifton, 1982; Galloway & Hobday, 1983). Studies of modern macrotidal estuaries (Amos & Long, 1980; Lambiase, 1980a,b; Bartsch-Winkler & Ovenshine, 1984; Amos & Zaitlin, 1985; Harris & Collins, 1985; Allen & Rae, 1988; BartschWinkler, 1988; Woodroffe et al., 1989, 1993; Dalrymple et al., 1990) show them to be highly efficient sediment traps, with landward transport of large volumes of sediment. The presence of net landward movement of sediment from outside of the estuary mouth (averaged over a period of several years) is one of the primary features that distinguish estuaries from delta distributaries where the net transport is seaward. The main aims of this paper are: (i) to describe the facies and stratal architecture of the coastal- plain fluvial and tidal estuarine deposits in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen; (ii) to demonstrate that the fluvial/estuarine sequences were deposited in incised valleys, and the coastalplain succession was formed by a series of vertically stacked incised valley fills; and (iii) to show that lowstand, and especially transgressive deposits volumetrically dominate the fourth order (ca 100 000–300 000 years) coastal-plain sequences in this basin. GEOLOGICAL SETTING During the Tertiary, Spitsbergen was situated along a transform fault margin (the Hornsund Fault Zone) separating the North American and Eurasian plates as the Lomonosov Ridge and the Norwegian-Greenland Sea rift began to open (Steel et al., 1981; Steel & Worsley, 1984; Steel 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 394 P. Plink-Björklund et al., 1985; Teyssier et al., 1995; Braathen et al., 1999). Transpression in the Palaeocene to Eocene formed the West Spitsbergen Orogenic Belt with areas of basement uplift, and folding and thrusting along a NNW–SSE trending zone (Fig. 1). Regional flexural subsidence produced by loading from the orogenic belt formed the Central Tertiary Basin (Braathen et al., 1999). This basin was a foreland basin during the initial period of active thrusting, but became a piggy-back basin (Blythe & Kleinspehn, 1998) on account of foreland propagation of thrusting. The Lomfjorden and Billefjorden fault zones east of the Central Basin probably represent late stage reactivation of deepseated reverse faults (Braathen et al., 1999). The Eocene Central Basin was asymmetrically infilled by rivers draining a rising and eastwardmigrating Western Spitsbergen fold-and-thrust belt (Harland, 1969; Eldholm et al., 1984). The eastward and south-eastward migration of the basin depocentre, driven by tectonic loading, created an asymmetric sedimentary succession (Helland-Hansen, 1990) that is more than 1Æ5 km thick in the west, thinning to <600 m in the east. The basin is one of the few basins in the world that preserves shallow to deepwater clinoforms at a seismic scale in large mountainside exposures (Kellogg, 1975; Helland-Hansen, 1992). The clinoforms, and their equivalent ‘rock units’ referred to as clinothems (Rich, 1951) reflect the outgrowth of the basin margin driven by sediment supply from the fold-and-thrust belt to the west (Fig. 1). Each clinoform surface is a time line and represents the morphologic profile extending from the coastal plain to the marine shelf and down into the deeper water slope and basin-floor environments. The term ‘clinoform’ is used here in a broader sense than first defined by Rich (1951), i.e. for the entire length of the time line. The topset of the clinoforms (coastal-plain facies belt) belongs to the Aspelintoppen Formation, and the foreset and bottomset (shelf, slope and basin-floor facies belts) to the Battfjellet Formation (Fig. 3). The Battfjellet clinoforms sharply overlie the Gilsonryggen Member shales (Fig. 3). The characteristics of some of these clinoforms have been discussed by Steel et al. (2000), a classification of clinoform types was outlined by Mellere et al. (2002), and characteristics of some shelf-margin delta types documented by Plink-Björklund & Steel (2005). The slope reaches of the clinoforms have been discussed in Plink-Björklund et al. (2001) and Plink-Björklund & Steel (2002), and initiation of turbidites by river effluent in PlinkBjörklund & Steel (2004). Fig. 3. Palaeocene and Eocene stratigraphy in Tertiary Central Basin of Spitsbergen (Steel et al., 1985). The Aspelintoppen Formation thus constitutes the continental counterpart of a thick overall regressive shelf, slope and basin-floor succession (Kellogg, 1975; Steel et al., 1981; Steel & Worsley, 1984; Steel et al., 1985). It is >500 m thick in places, has an abrupt and/or interfingering relationship with the shelf, slope and basin-floor parts of the clinoforms belonging to the Battfjellet Formation. The Aspelintoppen Formation is generally aggradational and mud-prone, with a sand/ mud ratio of ca 0Æ25. It comprises fresh/brackishwater shales, alternating with non-marine and marine brackish-water sandstones, coals and siltstones (Steel et al., 1981). FACIES ASSOCIATIONS The sedimentology of the Aspelintoppen Formation coastal-plain deposits was documented on two mountainsides, Brogniartfjellet and Storvola, along northern shores of Van Keulenfjorden (Fig. 1). The mountainsides have a northwest to southeast orientation, and provide a roughly dip-orientated section. Each of the 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Fig. 4. Thin sand-prone erosionally based levels that can be followed across the coastal-plain facies belt, divide the coastal-plain succession into depositional sequences. Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 395 396 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 5. A representative measured section through fluvial deposits of FA 1, and palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). (A) Channel fills commonly have multiple erosion surfaces (dashed lines). (B and E) Coarse-grained, cross-stratified sandstones erosionally overlie very-fine-grained muddy tidal sandstones. Fluvial channels are typically filled with (C) cross-stratified coarse- to medium-grained sandstones and conglomerates rich in lithic fragments (D). Coal fragments are common (F). Lowangle-cross-stratification occurs in places (G) and soft-sediment deformation is common (H). Coal horizons (I) and plant roots (J) are common at the top of channel-fill units. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 397 Fig. 6. Measured sections and palaeocurrent measurements from a fluvial channel fill, ‘walked out’ in a dip-parallel section on Brogniartfjellet. Dashed lines identify erosion surfaces. Fig. 7. Fluvial channel fills can be ‘walked out’ into coeval tidally influenced deposits further seawards (southeast). Example from Storvola. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 398 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 8. A representative measured section through tidally influenced fluvial deposits of FA 2. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Tidal influence is marked by subordinate landward-oriented palaeocurrent directions. The medium- to fine-grained sandstones contain bimodal cross-strata (A), a variety of high- and low-angle compound cross-strata (B and E). Tidally influenced fluvial deposits occur as channel-fill units and have multiple erosion surfaces (dashed lines in C). Sigmoidal cross-strata or mud drapes are rare (D). Coal horizons (F) are rather common at the top of channel-fill unit. mountainsides exposes coastal-plain deposits in upper parts of the mountains (Fig. 2). The coastal-plain deposits on Brogniartfjellet are time-equivalent to shelf and slope deposits on Storvola, and coastal-plain deposits on Storvola have their contemporary shelf succession on the 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences next mountain to the southeast, Hyrnestabben (Fig. 1D and E). Viewed from a distance, the coastal-plain facies belt on Brogniartfjellet and Storvola is aggradational and mud-prone, although the whole basin infill progrades to the south-east/east (Fig. 1). The only obvious stratigraphic markers are thin sandprone, erosionally based levels that can be ‘walked out’ in a downdip direction across the coastal-plain facies belt (Fig. 4). Sedimentary facies were studied by using measured vertical sections, ‘walking out’ stratigraphic levels downdip, and interpretation of photomosaics taken from a helicopter. The documented sedimentary facies are grouped into seven facies associations based on textures, sedimentary structures, geometry, palaeocurrent indicators, lateral facies transitions and position of the facies on the dip-orientated transect. The individual sedimentary facies are summarized in Table 1, and Figs 5–19. Facies Association 1: fluvial deposits Facies Association (FA) 1 consists of lenticular sandbodies that are 2–16 m thick and that can be traced for up to 6–7 km across the NW–SEoriented mountainside outcrops (Fig. 4). The sandbodies are dominated by granule conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones (Fig. 5C, D). These lenticular sandbodies typically have multiple basal and internal erosion surfaces, and the amount of downcutting is in most cases equal to the thickness of the sandbody itself, i.e. 2–16 m (Figs 5A,B and 6). The sandbodies are volumetrically dominated by trough-cross-stratified, coarse-grained, lithic sandstones (Facies 3), and in most places based by crudely bedded (Facies 2) and trough-cross-stratified (Facies 1) lithic conglomerates, coal fragments (up to 5 cm in diameter), and occasional clay chips (Figs 5 and 6, Table 1). The conglomerates and coal fragments typically occur above the internal erosion surfaces. The cross-set thickness varies from 0Æ1 to 0Æ9 m, but is most commonly 0Æ20 to 0Æ35 m. The trough-cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 3) are interbedded with planar cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 4), low-angle cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 5), and plane parallel-laminated sandstones with parting lineations (Facies 6). Most of the channel fills do not fine upwards significantly, but are capped by 0Æ01–0Æ5 m thick very fine- to fine-grained rippled sandstones (Facies 13), and plane parallel-laminated sandstones and mudstones (Facies 17). In some places, 399 fine-grained rippled sandstones (Facies 13), and plane parallel-laminated sandstones and mudstones (Facies 16) occur adjacent to the lenticular sandbodies. Palaeocurrent directions derived from crossstrata and ripples vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 90, but generally only 40– 50. The mean palaeocurrent direction varies between 100SE and 170SE, and most of the currents are in the range 90E to 180S (Figs 5 and 6). Water-escape structures, soft-sediment deformations and overturned cross-beds are common in thicker units (Fig. 5H). Leaves, wood and other plant fragments, rooted horizons or coal layers occur occasionally at the top of, and adjacent to the channel-shaped units (Fig. 5I and J). Interpretation The lithic conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones, the extensive unidirectional (towards the SE) cross-stratification, together with the channelshape, significant basal erosion, wood and plant fragments, coal and root horizons, and lack of marine trace fossils suggest deposition in fluvial channels. The trough-cross-stratified conglomerates and sandstones (Facies 1 and 3) were deposited in 3D dunes and in bars. The associated crudely bedded conglomerates represent lag deposits related to the migration of the channel thalweg and dunes (Kleinhans et al., 2002). The planar cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 4), lowangle cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 5), and plane parallel-laminated sandstones with parting lineations (Facies 6) were formed as 2D dunes, scour fills, and upper flow-regime plane beds respectively. The ripple-laminated sandstones (Facies 13), and plane-parallel-laminated sandstones and mudstones (Facies 17) were deposited on adjacent floodplains or mark abandonment of channels. The multiple erosion surfaces indicate repeated episodes of channel incision and infill. The lack of lateral accretion beds, the coarse grain size of the channel fills, the low abundance of overbank deposits and relatively low palaeocurrent variability suggest that the channels had relatively low sinuosity (Bridge et al., 2000). The abundant water escape structures and associated soft-sediment deformation indicate high rates of deposition, consequent water escape and bed collapse, or frequent slumping of channel banks (Owen, 1996). The overturned cross-strata mark high bedshear stresses, suggesting high river-current shear strengths (Owen, 1996). 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 400 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 9. Depositional sequences 12–15 on the western side of Brogniartfjellet. See Fig. 3 for location. Arrows on the right side indicate landward stepping facies shifts. The photo is a helicopter-taken photomosaic. Facies Association 2: tidally influenced fluvial deposits Facies Association 1 can be walked-out into FA 2, by following the channel-shaped units towards the south-east along the mountainsides (Fig. 7). FA 2 consists of lenticular coarse- to fine-grained sandbodies, 1Æ5–15Æ0 m thick, with multiple internal erosion surfaces. The amount of erosion is similar to the thickness of the sandbodies. The sandbodies contain upwardsfining successions of bipolar cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7), compound cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 9), low-angle bipolar crossstratified sandstones (Facies 8), plane-parallellaminated sandstones with parting lineations (Facies 6), and rare sigmoidal cross-stratification (Facies 10; Fig. 8 and Table 1). Cross-set thicknesses in simple cross-strata vary between 0Æ2 and 0Æ4 m, whereas in compound cross-strata between 0Æ3 and 1Æ0 m. Bipolar ripple-laminated very-fine-grained sandstones (Facies 14) cap the lenticular sandbodies. There is a wide range of compound (or inclined) cross-stratification in sandstones of FA 2 (Fig. 8B and E). In places the cross-strata are steeply dipping (25–30) with reactivation surfaces, occasional mud drapes, or ripples climbing up the inclined surfaces. In other places, compound cross-strata are characterized by low-angle (5–15) dipping surfaces with decimetre-scale cross-strata climbing up or down these surfaces. Occasionally, the decimetre-scale cross-sets may be overlain by asymmetric ripples or mud drapes. The high-angle compound cross-stratification is more common than the low-angle compound cross-stratification in FA 2. Mud drapes or organic debris drapes are rare. The sigmoidal 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 401 Fig. 10. Depositional sequences 13–19 on eastern side of Brogniartfjellet. See Fig. 3 for location. Arrows on the right side mark landward- and seaward-stepping facies shifts. See Fig. 9 for key. cross-stratification is rare, and recognized by downcurrent transitions in foreset angle from gently dipping to more steeply dipping and back to gently dipping, accompanied by increasing to decreasing cross-strata thickness within the sets, bounded by reactivation surfaces (Fig. 8D). Palaeocurrent directions derived from crossstrata and ripples group into two sectors, northwest and southeast directions. The south-easterly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 90, but generally only 40–50 (Figs 7 and 8). The mean south-easterly palaeocurrent direction varies between 124 and 152SE, and most of the currents are in the range 110 to 170SE. The north-westerly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 100, but generally only 30–40 (Figs 7 and 8). Mean north-westerly palaeocurrent direction 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 402 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 11. Depositional sequences 20–29 on Storvola. See Fig. 3 for location. Arrows on the right side mark landwardand seaward-stepping facies shifts. varies between 260 and 330WNW, and most of the currents are in the range 260 to 350WNW. The palaeocurrent directions derived from plane parallel-laminated intervals vary between 120 and 170SE. Water-escape structures, soft-sediment deformations and overturned cross-beds are common in thicker units. In places leaves and wood fragments, rooted horizons or coal seams occur at the top of the lenticular units (Fig. 8F). Interpretation The channel shape, extensive trough-crossstratification, coarse grain size, bipolar, but 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 403 Fig. 12. Lateral relationship between tidally influenced fluvial deposits and high-sinuosity tidal channel deposits on mountainside outcrop. Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, whereas the dipdirection of master surfaces (lateral accretion surfaces) is shown in grey. dominantly south-eastwards palaeocurrents, compound cross-strata, occasional mud drapes, together with the walked-out transition from fluvial channels, presence of plant roots and lack of marine fossils suggest deposition in tidally influenced fluvial channels (e.g. Allen, 1991), where the fluvial channel changes into a tidal– fluvial channel below the upstream tidal limit (Dalrymple et al., 1992). The bipolar cross-strata (Facies 7 and Facies 8) indicate reversing currents of approximately equal strength, whereas the compound crossstrata (Facies 9) reflect a dominant south-eastward current and a subordinate north-westward current. The reactivation surfaces on steeply dipping cross-strata indicate that a bedform leeside is changed into the stoss-side by reversals in flow direction (e.g. Boersma, 1969; Boersma & Terwindt, 1981a,b; Allen & Homewood, 1984; Shanley et al., 1992), or migration of superimposed bedforms (McCabe & Jones, 1977; Dalrymple, 1984; Shanley et al., 1992). The compound cross-stratification with asymmetric ripples climbing up the lee faces of high-angle cross-strata indicate a much stronger dominant current (e.g. Allen, 1980). The decimetre-scale cross-strata separated by lowangle inclined set boundaries show that the dominant and subordinate currents did not differ that greatly in strength (see Allen, 1980). The low abundance of the low-angle compound crossstrata indicates that the subordinate (i.e. northwesterly) current rarely achieved high velocity, and the depositional environment was dominated by the south-easterly river current. The occasional mud drapes were deposited during slackwater periods. Individual cross-sets in these facies are interpreted as tidal bundles, deposited and modified in response to neap–spring–neap tide fluctuations (e.g. Allen, 1980; Boersma & Terwindt, 1981a,b; Dalrymple, 1984). The sigmoidal beds with increasing to decreasing foreset angle and cross-strata thickness are interpreted as representing as acceleration changing to full vortex flow conditions, followed by deceleration within a single ebb tide (sigmoidal beds in Shanley et al., 1992; see also Boersma & Terwindt, 1981b; Allen & Homewood, 1984; Kreisa & Moiola, 1986; Uhlir et al., 1988). The reactivation surfaces bounding the sigmoidal beds have also here been interpreted as resulting from reversals of flow directions (Boersma, 1969; Boersma & Terwindt, 1981a,b; Allen & Homewood, 1984; Shanley et al., 1992). The reactivation surfaces within the individual sigmoidal beds have been attributed to the migration of 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 404 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 13. A representative measured section through high-sinuosity tidal channel deposits of FA 3. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, whereas the dip-direction of master surfaces (lateral accretion surfaces) is shown in grey. Low-angle compound cross-strata (A and F) and lateral accretion sets (B and C) dominate the facies association. Bimodal cross-strata (D) occur in places. Organic debris drapes and mud drapes (E, H and I) are ubiquitous. Individual beds in accretion sets are rippled, plane-parallel laminated or structureless (G). Small-scale soft sediment deformation is common (J). Both, plant roots (H and L) and marine/brackish trace fossils (escape burrows on the photo K) occur in FA 3. superimposed bedforms (McCabe & Jones, 1977; Dalrymple, 1984; Shanley et al., 1992). The plane parallel-laminated sandstones (Facies 6) were deposited during upper-flow-regime conditions when south-easterly directed river currents dominated. The bipolar ripple-laminated sandstones (Facies 10) represent abandonment of channels or were deposited in interchannel areas. Fluvial deposits: lateral and vertical transitions Fluvial deposits of FA 1 comprise laterally continuous units of relatively thin fluvial conglomerates and coarse sandstones above regional erosion surfaces (Figs 9–11). Most of the fluvial channel fills are 4–5 m thick, whereas some reach 16 m locally (sequence 14 in Fig. 9; sequences 14 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 405 Fig. 14. Lateral relationship between high-sinuosity tidal channel deposits and coeval low-sinuosity tidal channel deposits further to the southeast (seawards). The latter can be ‘walked out’ into upper-flow-regime tidal flats and tidal sand bars even further to the south-east. Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, and the dip direction of inclined master surfaces and lateral accretion surfaces in grey. Fig. 15. A representative measured section through low-sinuosity tidal channel deposits of FA 4. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Low-angle compound cross-stratification (A, E and F) dominates, but high-angle compound cross-stratification (B), low-angle cross-stratification (C), and bipolar cross-strata (D) also occur in these erosionally based (H), very-fine grained sandstones. Both plant fragments and marine/brackish trace fossils occur (G and I). Pl – Planolites, Sk – Skolithos, Te – Teichichnus. and 19 in Fig. 10; sequence 29 in Fig. 11). Individual fluvial channels can be ‘walked out’ across the whole coastal-plain length, i.e. for 6–7 km along the individual mountainsides (Fig. 3), and they occur with vertical spacing of 7–44 m (Figs 9–11). 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 406 P. Plink-Björklund 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 407 Fig. 16. A representative measured section through upper-flow-regime tidal flat deposits of FA 5. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Plane-parallel lamination with current lineations (D) dominates, but occasional trough-cross-stratification (A, B and C), and occasional sigmoidal stratification (A) also occur. Erosion surfaces with several tens of centimetres of erosion are rather common (E). Fig. 17. Tidal sand bars are large elongate bedforms that can be ‘walked out’ for several kilometres along dipdirection mountainside exposures. Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, whereas dip-direction of master surfaces (where measured) is shown in grey. Tidally influenced fluvial deposits of FA 2 occur at the south-eastward (seaward) ends of the fluvial channels (sequences 19, 20 in Fig. 11), or where the tops of the fluvial channel fills grade into tidally influenced fluvial deposits (sequences 14 and 15 in Fig. 9; sequence 14 in Fig. 10; sequences 23, and 29 in Fig. 11). The vertical change into tidally influenced deposits marks the landward migration of the bayline, and occurred when fluvial channels were submerged below the mean tidal limit. Besides the described fluvial intervals, the FA 1 and 2 also occur, at the landward end of the tidaldominated intervals that are discussed in more detail below (sequence 16 in Fig. 10; sequences 20, 21, 23, 27 in Fig. 11). Facies Association 3: high-sinuosity tidal channels Facies Association 2 can be walked out into FA 3, by following the channel-shaped units towards the south-east along the mountainsides (Fig. 12). FA 3 consists of lenticular sand-prone bodies, 0Æ6–4 m thick and 8–25 m wide. The association typically has a basal erosion surface, but the amount of erosion is only 0Æ6–1Æ0 m (in rare cases up to 1Æ5 m). The lenticular bodies consist of compound cross-stratified fine-grained sandstones with bipolar dip directions in adjacent sets (Facies 9), inclined heterolithic strata (Facies 12), and bipolar cross-stratified fine-grained sandstones (Facies 7; Table 1; Fig. 13). Grain size in FA 3 does not exceed fine sand. Mud drapes are ubiquitous through the FA 3. A wide range of compound (or inclined) crossstratification (Facies 9) occurs in FA 3, similar to FA 2. However, in FA 3 the compound-crossstrata are dominated by broad, low-angle (5–15) dipping surfaces with smaller sets of cross-stratification or ripple cross-lamination dipping up or down the bedding surfaces (Fig. 13A and F). The smaller sets of cross-strata are in many places overlain by asymmetric ripples and/or mud drapes. Cross-stratification with reactivation surfaces is also common, and the reactivation surfaces are typically covered with single or double mud drapes or coal drapes (Fig. 13E, H, and I). The inclined heterolithic strata (Facies 12) in 0Æ4–1Æ0 m thick sets, consist of low-angle (5–10) inclined or sinusoidal beds, 1–5 cm thick. The individual sinusoidal beds consist of sandstonemudstone couplets. The sandstone intervals are structureless, plane parallel- or ripple-laminated. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 408 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 18. A representative measured section through tidal sand bar deposits of FA 6. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, and dip direction of inclined master surfaces in grey. Trough-cross-stratified sandstone sets with bimodal palaeocurrent directions in adjacent depositional units (A, E and F) dominate. Occasional sigmoids (A and B), and high-angle compound cross-strata (C) occur. In seaward reaches of the outcrop belts the tidal sand bar deposits erosionally cover wave-reworked intensively bioturbated sandstones (A and D). 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 409 Fig. 18. Continued. The sandstone intervals are in places erosionally based (2–10 cm of erosion). The mudstone intervals drape the sandstone intervals (Fig. 13B and G). The sandstone–mudstone couplets can be traced from the upper parts of the inclined strata to the basal portions. The dip of the inclined heterolithic strata is oriented in a direction normal to the palaeocurrent indicators derived from cross-stratification (see below). Bipolar cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7) are finegrained and their foresets and bottomsets are commonly draped with single or double mudstone or coal drapes (Fig. 13D). The cross-sets are only 0Æ1–0Æ2 m thick, and in places climbing at the top of the inclined heterolithic sets. Palaeocurrent directions derived from crossstrata and ripples group into two modes, northwest and southeast. The south-easterly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 110, but generally up to 80 (Figs 12–14). Mean south-easterly palaeocurrent directions vary between 100 and 170SE, and most of the currents are in the range 90E to 180S. The northwesterly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 130, but generally up to 80 (Fig. 13). Mean north-westerly palaeocurrent directions vary between 280 and 345NW, and most of the currents are in the range 270 to 350NW. Most of the inclined heterolithic sets dip towards 10–90NE and 180–270SW. Water-escape structures, and decimetre-scale soft-sediment deformation are common (Fig. 13J). In places plant and wood fragments, rooted horizons or coal layers occur at the top of the lenticular units (Fig. 13H and L). In other places Skolithos, Planolites, rare Teichichnus burrows, or escape burrows are found (Fig. 13K). Interpretation The channel-shape, extensive bipolar compoundcross-stratification, ubiquitous single and double mud drapes, and marine/brackish trace fossils suggest deposition in tidal channels. The inclined heterolithic strata are interpreted as lateral accretion deposits on tidal point bar surfaces, and indicate that FA 3 was deposited in high-sinuosity tidal channels. Rooted horizons and coal layers mark abandonment of the channels. The bipolar cross-strata (Facies 7) indicate reversing currents of approximately equal 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 410 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 19. A representative measured section through marginal tidal mixed- to mud-flat and marsh deposits of FA 7. Numbers by the measured section refer to facies (see Table 1). Flaser, wavy and lenticular bedding (A, B, C, E and G) dominate the locally bioturbated (F) marginal tidal flat deposits that represent an inter-tidal succession of decreasing current energy. Coaly mudstones and coals (B) rich in plant fragments, roots, stems in growth position, in places reworked by pedogenic processes (C, H, I and J) are interpreted as the uppermost, supratidal parts of tidal mud flats and marshes. Pl – Planolites, Sk – Skolithos, Te – Teichichnus. strength, whereas the compound cross-strata (Facies 9) reflect the existence of a dominant and a subordinate current. Compared to the high-angle compound-cross-strata in FA 2, the low-angle compound-cross-strata indicate that the dominant and subordinate currents did not differ that greatly in strength (see Allen, 1980). The lowangle ‘master’ bedding surfaces are formed by more intense reworking of the dominant-current bedforms by the subordinate current. The reworking is directly proportional to the strength of the subordinate current (Dalrymple et al., 1990). The transition from low-angle compound cross-strata into smaller sets of cross-strata, into current ripples and mud drapes reflects decelerating current velocity (e.g. Shanley et al., 1992), and is interpreted as reflecting a tidal cycle. The persistent mud drapes that can be traced from the upper surface of the lateral accretion sets into the deepest parts of the channel, combined with inclined sandstone beds that are ripplelaminated or plane-parallel-laminated through- 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Unimodal: 80–180 Unimodal: 80–180 Crudely normally graded, structureless, or imbricated Trough-cross-stratified, in places overturned cross-strata and soft sediment deformation. Multiple erosion surfaces lined with coal clasts or clay chips Planar-cross-stratified, in places soft-sediment deformed Low-angle (<10) cross-stratification, in places soft-sediment deformed Plane-parallel lamination, parting lineations Trough- or planar-cross-stratified, in places overturned cross-strata and soft sediment deformation. Multiple erosion surfaces lined with coal clasts or clay chips Granules and occasional pebbles, coal clasts (<5 cm), clay chips Fine- to coarse-grained sandstones, coal clasts (< 4 cm), occasional clay chips Fine- to coarse-grained sandstones, coal clasts (<4 cm), occasional clay chips Fine- to medium-grained sandstones, coal clasts and clay chips Fine-grained sandstones, coal clasts and clay chips Fine- to coarse-grained sandstones, occasional mud drapes, coal clasts and occasional clay chips 2: Crudely bedded conglomerate 3: Trough cross-stratified sandstone 4: Planar cross-stratified sandstone 5: Low-angle cross-stratified sandstone 6: Plane-parallel laminated sandstone 7: Bipolar cross-stratified sandstone Bimodal: 80–180 and 250–350 Unimodal: 80–180 Trough-cross-stratified, in places soft-sediment deformed Granules and occasional pebble, coal clasts (<5 cm), clay chips 1: Trough cross-stratified conglomerate 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 In places wood and plant fragments, occasional roots and coal layers at the top. In other places Skolithos, Planolites, rare Teichichnus, or escape burrows In places wood and plant fragments. Occasional roots and coal layers at the top Wood, leaves, rooted horizons (up to 1 m long roots). Occasional coal layers at the top Wood, leaves, rooted horizons (up to 1 m long roots). Occasional coal layers at the top Wood Wood Palaeocurrent directions Trace fossils and biota Structures Textures Facies Table 1. Sedimentary facies. 0Æ2–0Æ4 m thick crosssets close to the base of erosionally based lenticular units, and above internal erosion surfaces 0Æ05–0Æ2 m thick, at the base of erosionally based lenticular units, line internal erosion surfaces 0Æ1–0Æ9 m thick, most commonly 0Æ20–0Æ35 m thick cross-sets in erosionally based lenticular units 0Æ6–15Æ5 m thick 0Æ2–0Æ9 m thick cross-sets in erosionally based lenticular units 0Æ6–15Æ5 m thick 0Æ2–0Æ3 m thick cross-sets interbedded with high-angle crossstrata, in erosionally based, lenticular units in FA 1 0Æ2–0Æ3 m thick beds interbedded with high-angle crossstrata, in erosionally based, lenticular units or in 0Æ5–1Æ5 m thick tabular units 0Æ1–0Æ4 m thick crosssets in erosionally based 0Æ3–5Æ0 m thick lenticular units Occurrence Migration of 3D dunes in channels, bidirectional currents of equal strength Upper-flow-regime plane beds Downstream migration of 2D dunes, oblique migration of bars in channels, unidirectional current Scour fills, or washedout dunes, unidirectional current Downstream migration of 3D dunes, oblique migration of longitudinal bars in channels, unidirectional current Lag deposits, longitudinal bars, unidirectional current Migration of 3D dunes in channels, unidirectional current Interpretation Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 411 15: Bimodal rippled sandstone beds with mud drapes Very fine- to fine-grained sandstones separated by mud drapes Bimodal 80–180 and 250–350 Bimodal Bipolar dip directions in adjacent ripple sets, separated by mud drapes; in places convoluted and soft sediment deformed Unimodal: 80–180 Bimodal, cross-strata 280–360 150–180, master surfaces 70–140 220–280 Bimodal 110–170 and 240–350 Asymmetrical ripples Fine- and very-fine-grained Inclined (at angles between 10–15), internally structureless, plane-parallel sandstones bounded by laminated or ripple-laminated mudstone laminae sandstone strata, separated by mud drapes Very fine- to fine-grained Asymmetrical ripples sandstone, and siltstones 14: Bimodal ripple- Very fine- to fine-grained sandstone, and laminated siltstones, occasional sandstone mud drapes 13: Ripplelaminated sandstone 12: Inclined heterolithic strata Medium- to coarse11: Trough-crossstrata on inclined grained sandstones master surfaces Fine- to mediumgrained sandstones 10: Sigmoidal cross-stratified sandstone Bimodal 80–180 and 250–350 Very-fine- to coarse-grained sandstones, in places mud drapes or organic debris drapes 9: Compound cross-stratified sandstone (1) high-angle (25–30) cross-strata with reactivation surfaces and mud drapes, (2) high-angle (25–30) cross-strata with smaller sets of cross-strata or ripples climbing up or down the surfaces (3) low-angle (5–15) cross-strata with smaller sets of cross-strata or ripples climbing up or down the surfaces Downcurrent transition in foreset angle from gently dipping to more steeply dipping and back to gently dipping, accompanied by increasing to decreasing cross-strata thickness within the sets, bounded by reactivation surfaces. Inclined master surfaces with superimposed cross-strata Bimodal Low-angle (< 10) cross-stratification, in places soft-sediment deformed, in places ubiquitous reactivation surfaces Fine- to medium-grained sandstones, occasional mud drapes, coal clasts and clay chips 8: Low-angle bipolar crossstratified sandstone Occurrence Interpretation Acceleration changing to full vortex flow conditions, followed by deceleration within a single tide Unimodal current ripples deposited during abandonment of channels, or in overbank environment Bimodal current ripples deposited during abandonment of channels, or in overbank environment Migration of ripples from bidirectional currents with muddraping during ensuing slack-water periods Tidal bundles in lateral accretion sets (point bars) Cross-sets: 0Æ05–0Æ5 m, Migration of 3D dunes on laterally depositional units: accreting bar surfaces 5–15 m 0Æ2–0Æ4 m thick sets in erosionally based 1Æ5–5Æ0 m thick lenticular units Sandstones: 0Æ01–0Æ1 m; mudstones: to 0Æ005 m in 0Æ3–3Æ0 thick units 0Æ001–0Æ05 m thick Wood, leaves, rooted ripple sets, in flathorizons (up to 1 m long roots). Occasional coal layers based tabular units that cap lenticular units 0Æ001–0Æ05 m In places wood and plant thick ripple sets, fragments. Occasional roots in flat-based tabular and coal layers at the top units that cap lenticular units Flat-based sheet-like In places Skolithos, units 0Æ3–3Æ0 m thick. Planolites, in other Ripple sets: a few cm places plant roots, a few tens of cm long Skolithos, Planolites, rare Teichichnus, or escape burrows In places wood and plant fragments, or occasional roots and coal layers at the top In places wood and plant fragments, or occasional roots and coal layers at the top 0Æ1–0Æ3 m thick cross- Scour fills, or washed-out dunes, sets, in erosionally based lenticular units reworking by subordinate current, bidirectional current 0Æ3–1Æ0 m thick cross- Downcurrent In places wood and plant migration of 3D sets in erosionally fragments, or occasional dunes and oblique based 0Æ6–5Æ0 m roots and coal layers thick lenticular units migration of bars in at the top. In other channels, places Skolithos, bidirectional current, Planolites, rare Teichichnus, mud drapes from or escape burrows slack-water periods Palaeocurrent directions Trace fossils and biota Structures Textures Facies Table 1. Sedimentary facies. 412 P. Plink-Björklund 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Flat-based sheet-like units 0Æ2–1Æ0 m thick. Laminae: a few mm 0Æ005–0Æ1 m thick beds, in flat-based, sheet-like about 0Æ5 m thick units, that cap lenticular units Flat-based units 0Æ1–9Æ0 m thick, Coal layers: 0Æ02–0Æ2 m In places Skolithos, Panolites, In other places plant roots, a few tens of cm long Wood, leaves, rooted horizons (up to 1 m long roots), occasional coal layers. Leaves, stems in growth position, plant roots a few tens of cm to 1 m long Very low-amplitude sinusoidal lamination, in places convoluted, soft sediment deformed Parallel stratification, occasional ripples Laminated or structureless mudstones with coal layers Very fine- and fine-grained sandstones and mudstones Very fine- to fine-grained sandstones alternating with mudstone Mudstones, organic debris, coal 16: Sinusoidally laminated beds 17: Plane-parallel laminated heterolithics 18: Organic-rich mudstones and coals Migration of ripples at angles exceeding the stoss slope angles, mud-draping during ensuing slack-water periods Alternating deposition from traction currents and suspension, channel abandonment, or overbank Mudstones deposited from suspension; coals formed by rapid accumulation of plant fragments and peats Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 413 out, suggest a relatively even shear velocity distribution within the channel (Shanley et al., 1992). Such a velocity distribution is markedly different from that normally encountered in fluvial systems (see also Thomas et al., 1987; Rahmani, 1988; Smith, 1988; Nio & Yang, 1991). The fine interlamination of sandstones and mudstones in tidal point bars is interpreted as reflecting deposition during single tidal cycles (Bridges & Leeder, 1976). The ubiquitous occurrence of mud drapes reflects deposition within the turbidity maximum zone (McCave, 1979; Jouanneau & Latouche, 1981; Dalrymple et al., 1990; Allen, 1991; Dalrymple, 1992). Deposition of fine-grained sediment occurs due to abrupt changes in shear velocity and is promoted by flocculation of clay particles due to salinity mixing of fluvial fresh water and marine waters (Nichols & Biggs, 1985). Facies Association 4: low-sinuosity tidal channels Facies Association 3 can be walked out into FA 4 by following the lenticular bodies towards the south-east along the mountainsides (Fig. 14). FA 4 consists of lenticular sand-prone bodies, 0Æ6–4 m thick and 10–15 m wide. The association is typically erosionally based, but the amount of erosion is only 0Æ6–1Æ0 m (in rare cases up to 1Æ8 m, Fig. 15H). The lenticular bodies consist of compound cross-stratified fine-grained sandstones with bipolar dip directions in adjacent sets (Facies 9), bi-directional cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7), and low-angle cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 8; Table 1; Fig. 15). Mud drapes are ubiquitous, but somewhat less abundant than in the FA 3. Grain size does not exceed fine sand. The compound cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 9) are in most places fine grained. In places the cross-strata are steeply dipping (25–30) with reactivation surfaces and mud drapes, or smaller cross-strata or ripples climbing up the inclined surfaces. In most places, the compound crossstrata are characterized by low-angle (5–15) dipping surfaces with smaller sets of cross-stratification or ripple cross-lamination climbing up or down the bedding surfaces (Fig. 15A–C, E and F). The bipolar cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7) are fine grained (Fig. 15D). Cross-sets are typically 0Æ1–0Æ2 m thick. The low-angle (<10) crossstrata (Facies 8) display reactivation surfaces and a slightly sigmoidal shape, but lack mud drapes. Palaeocurrent directions derived from crossstrata and ripples group into two modes, north- 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 414 P. Plink-Björklund west and south-east directions. The variation of palaeocurrent directions within individual lenticular bodies is less compared with FA 3. The south-easterly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 70, but generally only 40–50. Mean south-easterly palaeocurrent directions vary between 105 and 150SE, and most of the currents are in the range 100 to 160SE. The north-westerly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 80, but generally only 40–50. Mean northwesterly palaeocurrent directions vary between 270 and 310NW, and most of the currents are in the range 280 to 310NW (Figs 14 and 15). Water-escape structures, and decimetre-scale soft-sediment deformation are common. In places plant and wood fragments, rooted horizons or coal layers occur at the top of the lenticular units (Figs 14 and 15). In other places, Skolithos, Planolites, rare Teichichnus burrows, or escape burrows are found (Fig. 15). Facies Association 4 has many similarities with FA 3, as both associations are characterized by a dominance of very fine- to fine-grained sandstones with bipolar palaeocurrent indicators, ubiquitous mud drapes, occurrence of roots as well as marine trace fossils. The difference is that FA 4 lacks inclined heterolithic strata, has a narrower distribution of palaeocurrents, and mud drapes are somewhat less common. Interpretation The channel-shape, extensive bipolar compoundcross-stratification, ubiquitous single and double mud drapes, and marine/brackish trace fossils suggest deposition in tidal channels. Rooted horizons and coal layers mark abandonment of the channels. The lack of lateral accretion beds, together with lower variability of palaeocurrent directions suggests lower sinuosity of tidal channels in FA 4 compared to otherwise very similar FA 3. The bipolar cross-strata (Facies 7) and compound cross-strata (Facies 9) are interpreted similarly to FA 3. The low-angle cross-strata (8) are interpreted as reflecting intense reworking by the subordinate current similar to low-angle compound-cross-strata. The intense reworking may have removed the mud drapes. Facies Association 5: upper-flow-regime tidal flats Facies Association 4 can be walked out into FA 5 by following the lenticular bodies to the southeast along the mountainside (Fig. 14). FA 5 consists of plane parallel-laminated sandstones (Facies 6), and occasional trough cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7) and sigmoidal cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 10; Fig. 16, Table 1). The plane parallel-laminated sandstones (Facies 6) show parting lineations, and consist of fine-grained sandstones. Individual beds, 0Æ2– 0Æ4 m thick, are sandy throughout, and in places erosionally based (Fig. 16A, B, C and D). In other places, the beds are composed of a lower set or two of trough cross-stratified sandstones, or are capped by a set of sigmoidal beds (Fig. 16E). The beds are grouped into 0Æ5–1Æ2 m thick depositional units that can be followed for more than a kilometre along the mountainside exposures (Fig. 17). The 0Æ1–0Æ2 m thick sets of trough cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 7) are fine to medium grained, and have occasional coal fragments in foresets. The sigmoidal cross-strata (Facies 10) display reactivation surfaces, but lack mud drapes. Individual sets are up to 0Æ3 m thick, and consist of fine- to medium-grained sandstones. Palaeocurrent indicators derived from parting lineations, sigmoidal beds and cross-strata are towards the north-west. The palaeocurrent directions vary within individual sandstone bodies by only up to 20, and the mean palaeocurrent direction varies between 260SW and 350NW, and most of the directions are in the range 240SW to 350NW. The south-easterly palaeocurrents from cross-strata are in the range of 110SE to 190SW. Palaeocurrent directions show reversals in adjacent units (1–3 m thick), rather than in adjacent sets. Interpretation Plane parallel-laminated fine-grained sandstones with parting lineations and strongly dominant north-westerly palaeocurrent directions, together with sand-prone cross-strata, indicate upper flow regime traction deposition by flood currents. The plane parallel-laminated intervals formed in maximum tidal flow velocities, whereas the cross-strata at the base or top developed during accelerating or waning flow conditions (e.g. Kreisa & Moiola, 1986). Upper flow regime (UFR) tidal sand flats have been considered diagnostic for macrotidal estuarine environments, as they have only been reported from the axial portions of modern tidedominated macrotidal estuaries (Hamilton, 1979; Lambiase, 1980a,b; Dalrymple et al., 1990; Dalrymple, 1992). Current speeds that exceed 2 m s)1, and water depths <2–3 m have been 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences measured in modern environments, where upper flow regime plane beds form in fine sand (Dalrymple et al., 1990). Most of the cross-stratified sandstones were deposited by slower ebb currents, whereas the sigmoidal beds show landwards palaeocurrent directions. The reversal of palaeocurrent directions in adjacent depositional units (several metres thick) rather than in adjacent cross-sets suggests that flood and ebb currents used slightly different paths for several tidal cycles. Facies Association 6: tidal sand bars Facies Association 5 can be walked out into FA 6 by following the plane-parallel laminated sandbodies to the southeast along the mountainsides (Figs 14 and 17). FA 6 consists of quartz-rich, well-sorted, medium- to coarse-grained sandstones. FA 6 is dominated by about 5–15 m thick inclined master surfaces with superimposed decimetre-scale cross-strata (Facies 11). In places, sigmoidal beds (Facies 10) and compound-crossstrata (Facies 9) occur (Figs 17 and 18, Table 1). The dip of the inclined master surfaces is oriented in a direction at 40 to 60 to the palaeocurrent indicators derived from superimposed cross-stratification. These large inclined beds are erosionally based. The amount of erosion varies from a few decimetres to several metres, and in rare cases up to 10 m. The erosionally based inclined beds are organized into depositional units that thin updip and downdip, and they can be walked out on mountainside exposures for 1–2 km (Fig. 17). The superimposed cross-sets are 0Æ05–0Æ5 m thick and display bipolar palaeocurrent directions in adjacent depositional units, a few decimetres to a few metres thick (Fig. 18). This is in contrast to FA 2, 3 and 4 where the palaeocurrent directions are bipolar in adjacent sets. Grain-size tends to vary together with the palaeocurrent reversals in the depositional units. Sigmoidal beds (Facies 10) are more common in FA 6 than in other facies associations. Compound-cross-strata (Facies 9) are less common, and represented by high-angle cross-strata with reactivation surfaces, or high-angle cross-strata with smaller sets of cross-strata or asymmetric ripples dipping up the inclined surfaces. Palaeocurrent directions derived from crossstrata group into two sectors, north-west and south-east. The north-westerly currents dominate over the south-easterly currents. The northwesterly palaeocurrents vary within individual 415 sandstone bodies by up to 50, but generally only 30 (Figs 17 and 18). Mean north-westerly palaeocurrent directions vary between 280 and 350NW, and most of the currents are in the range 280NW to 360N. The south-easterly palaeocurrents vary within individual sandstone bodies by up to 30 (Figs 16 and 18). Mean south-easterly palaeocurrent directions vary between 150 and 170SE, and most of the currents are in the range 150SE to 180S. Palaeocurrent directions from the inclined master surfaces dip towards 70NE–140SE and 220SW–280NW (Figs 17 and 18). When walked out further southeast, FA 6 cuts into wave-reworked and heavily bioturbated deposits (Fig. 18). The wave-reworked deposits are characterized by wave ripples, low-angle (<5) cross-strata, swaley cross-strata, and very intensive bioturbation (including Ophiomorpha, Terebellina). When walked out towards the northwest, upper-flow-regime tidal flats (FA 5) overlie FA 6 (Fig. 17). In other places, FA 6 is covered by coal layers, coaly mudstones or by FA 7. Facies Association 6 has been documented only in some of the sequences (sequences 13, 15, 16 and 18 on Brogniartfjellet, and sequences 20, 21 and 24 on Storvola, Figs 10 and 11), as they occur in the most south-eastward (seaward) end of the coastal-plain exposures. Interpretation The erosional base, extensive trough-cross-stratification, lateral accretion, coarse grain-size, bipolar palaeocurrent directions in adjacent depositional units, together with the significant height and length of the sandbodies suggests deposition as tidal sand bars in a subtidal environment. Such large tidal bars are characteristic of the seaward portions of most macrotidal environments (Hayes, 1975; Harris, 1988; Dalrymple & Zaitlin, 1989; Dalrymple et al., 1990). Tidal sand bars have been described from estuaries, tidedominated delta fronts and tide-dominated shallow-marine settings (sand ridges; Swift, 1975; Dalrymple et al., 1990). A lack of bioturbation and mud drapes in the tidal bars is most probably due to the rapid migration of these large bedforms (Amos et al., 1980; Yeo & Risk, 1981). The reversals of palaeocurrents in adjacent sets indicate that flood and ebb currents used slightly different paths (see also Dalrymple et al., 1990; Dalrymple, 1992). The more quartz-rich and better-sorted character of the sandstones indicates an active marine sediment supply by flood currents. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 416 P. Plink-Björklund Facies Association 7: mixed to muddy tidal flats and marshes Facies Association 7 occurs lateral to the described FA 2–6. FA 7 is volumetrically dominated by heterolithic beds of ripple-cross-laminated fine- to very fine-grained sandstones, separated by mud drapes (Facies 15). In some places the asymmetrical ripples have opposite dip directions in adjacent sets (Table 1, Fig. 19A, B, C, E and G). In other places the ripples are unidirectional. The mud drapes vary in thickness from a millimetre to 0Æ5 cm. In places the rippled heterolithic beds are dominated by sandstone, or the sandstone-mudstone content is equal, and in other places the mudstone dominates the heterolithic beds. Sandstone-prone beds with aggradational asymmetric ripples (Facies 16) are also common. These beds vary from climbing ripples to vertically aggrading ripples, separated by thin mud drapes (Fig. 19H). Small-scale deformation is common in both types of rippled beds (Fig. 19D). In places the rippled beds are bioturbated (Skolithos, Planolites, Fig. 19F), in other places they are intensively rooted or reworked by pedogenic processes. Locally, whole tree leaves (Fig. 19J) occur and fragments of plant stems are found in the growth position (Fig. 19H and I). Facies 15 and Facies 16 grade laterally and vertically into 0Æ3–9 m thick organic-rich mudstones (Facies 18). The mudstones commonly contain root traces, and are rich in tree leaves, plant stems in growth position and up to 20 cm thick coal layers (Fig. 19B). Characteristically, the rippled beds of Facies 15 and Facies 16 become finer-grained upwards and grade into organic-rich mudstones, or they become coarser-grained upwards and are cut by tidal channels or bars. In places lenticular sandstone-prone bodies (Facies 9), 0Æ5–1 m thick occur. These lenticular bodies are typically based by a lag of mud clasts and consist of compound-cross-stratified fine-grained sandstones. Palaeocurrent directions derived from ripplecross-lamination are very widely spread. Although there are two dominant groups (towards 280NW and towards 110SE), the directions vary by almost 360 (Fig. 19). Interpretation The succession of bipolar rippled heterolithic beds with mud drapes (Facies 15) is interpreted as flaser, wavy and lenticular bedding, according to the sandstone/mudstone ratio (see Reineck & Wunderlich, 1968). Flaser, wavy and lenticular bedding with marine/brackish trace fossils typically indicates deposition from reversing tidal currents (Reineck & Wunderlich, 1968; Reineck & Singh, 1980) and represents an inter-tidal succession of decreasing current energy (Dalrymple, 1992). Rippled sands are deposited during maximum tidal flow, whereas mud drapes form during ensuing slack-water periods. Low-angle sinusoidal lamination (Facies 16) has been documented as formed by ripples that climb at angles exceeding the stoss slope angles of ripples (Allen, 1968; Yokokawa et al., 1995). This type of lamination has also been called ‘sinusoidal ripple-lamination’ (Jopling & Walker, 1968) or ‘draped lamination’ (Ashley et al., 1982). Increasing angles of climb in this type of ripple lamination indicate that the ratio of the vertical bed aggradation rate to the downstream ripple migration rate increases (Ashley et al., 1982), i.e. the ratio of deposition between suspended bed material and traction bed load increases (Jopling & Walker, 1968), compared to flaser and wavy lamination beds. Organic-rich mudstone and coals (Facies 18), rich in plant fragments and roots and in places reworked by pedogenic processes are interpreted as the uppermost, supratidal parts of tidal mud flats and marshes. The small-scale channelled units of compound cross-stratified sandstones (Facies 9) indicate deposition in tidal gullies that crossed the tidal flats (Dalrymple et al., 1991). The great variability of palaeocurrents suggests that the tidal currents tend to become shorelineperpendicular in FA 7. FA 7 is interpreted as intertidal to supratidal mixed to mud flats and marshes that rim the margins of the higher energy tidal environments described in FA 2–6. Tidal deposits: lateral and vertical transitions Tidal deposits (FA 4–7) stratigraphically overlie the basal fluvial channels, and form the bulk volume of the coastal-plain depositional sequences in the Eocene Central Basin. The fluvial and tidally influenced fluvial deposits (FA 1 and 2) are restricted to the most north-westward (landward) portions of the tidally dominated intervals (Fig. 20). They pass to the south-east into high- (FA 3) and low-sinuosity (FA 4) tidal channel deposits, and then into upper flow-regime tidal flat deposits (FA 5) and at the seaward end of the profile into tidal sand bars (FA 6). The low-energy tidal mixed to mud flats (FA 7) occur lateral (marginal) to the described axial succession (Fig. 20). 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 417 Fig. 20. Seaward facies transitions, grain-size trends and palaeocurrent directions indicate deposition in a tidedominated estuary. The estuary model is redrawn after Dalrymple et al. (1992). Palaeocurrent measurements derived from cross-strata are shown in black, and dip direction of inclined master surfaces in grey. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 418 P. Plink-Björklund Grain-size decreases along the described axial profile towards the south-east, from conglomerates and coarse-grained fluvial sandstones (FA 1) to medium- and fine-grained tidally influenced fluvial sandstones (FA 2), and into fine- to very fine-grained sandstones with ubiquitous mud drapes in high-sinuosity tidal channels (FA 3; Fig. 20). Grain size also decreases towards the northwest from the seaward end of the profile, from coarse- to medium-grained tidal sand bars (FA 6), to medium- and fine-grained UFR tidal flats (FA 5), and into fine- to very fine-grained and mud-drape-rich low- and high-sinuosity tidal channels (FA 4 and 3). These grain-size trends indicate bedload convergence in the high-sinuosity tidal channel setting (Fig. 20). Along with this central bedload-transport convergence, large quantities of suspended load fines also accumulated in the form of ubiquitous mud drapes. Alternative depocentres for the suspended load are the inter- to supra-tidal marginal tidal flats and marshes (FA 7; Fig. 20), where significant volumes of mud also accumulated (Figs 9–11). Palaeocurrent indicators show a dominant south-eastward (seaward) directed current in the tidally influenced fluvial channels (FA 2), currents of equal strength in the high- and lowsinuosity tidal channel (FA 3 and 4), and a dominantly north-westward (landward) directed current on the UFR tidal flats (FA 5) and in tidal sand bars (FA 6; Fig. 20). The described facies transitions, together with grain-size and palaeocurrent trends indicate deposition in tide-dominated estuaries (Dalrymple et al., 1992). Modern examples of tidedominated estuaries include Cobequid Bay and the Salmon River (Dalrymple & Zaitlin, 1989; Dalrymple et al., 1990, 1991), the Severn River, England (Hamilton, 1979; Harris & Collins, 1985), and the South Alligator River, northern Australia (Woodroffe et al., 1989, 1993). Most modern tidedominated estuaries are macrotidal, although tidal-dominance can occur at much smaller tidal ranges if wave action is limited or the tidal prism is large (Hayes, 1979; Davis & Hayes, 1984). The presence of UFR tidal flats (FA 5), however strongly suggests macrotidal (i.e. tidal range is higher than 4 m, Davies 1964) conditions (Dalrymple et al., 1992) in the Spitsbergen estuaries. Tide-dominated estuaries are characteristically comprised of: (1) river-dominated headward channels (FA 1 and 2 in this paper), (2) a mixed energy middle portion within a tidal channel (FA 3 and 4 in this paper), (3) a tide-dominated outer portion with UFR tidal flats and tidal sand bars (FA 5 and 6 in this paper), and (4) marginal tidal flats and marshes (FA 7 in this paper). The tidally influenced fluvial deposits (FA 2) indicate that rivers became tidally influenced below the mean high tide, but the net sediment transport was still seawards due to the long-term dominance of river flow over tidal currents. This portion is in a setting analogous to the ‘inner straight’ portions of tidal channels in Dalrymple et al. (1992); Fig. 20). The sediment is further transported into the meandering portion of the tidal channel (FA 3), where the highest frequency of mud drapes together with high sinuosity indicate that in this location the total energy minimum occurs, and tidal and fluvial energy is approximately equal (Ashley & Renwick, 1983; Dalrymple & Zaitlin, 1989; Woodroffe et al., 1989, 1993; Dalrymple et al., 1992). This setting is similar to the ‘meandering’ portion of a tidal channel of Dalrymple et al. (1992), where deposition of fine-grained populations of both fluvialand marine-derived sediment occurs. Basinwards from the meandering tidal channel, in the lowsinuosity tidal channel (FA 4) the tidal energy is slightly higher, as witnessed by the lower frequency of mud drapes. This setting is similar to the ‘outer straight’ portion of the tidal channel in Dalrymple et al. (1992). Further seawards, the tidal channel broadens into a funnel, and marinederived sediments are deposited in UFR tidal flats (FA 5) and in tidal sand bars (FA 6). The UFR tidal flats (FA 5) indicate that the flood-tidal energy maximum lies landward from the tidal sand bars (FA 6) (Harris, 1988; Dalrymple & Zaitlin, 1989; Dalrymple et al., 1990, 1992). The tidal maximum occurs in this headward portion of the estuarine funnel, because the incoming tide is progressively funnelled into a smaller crosssectional area (Myrick & Leopold, 1963; Wright et al., 1975; ‘hypersynchronous’ behaviour of Nichols & Biggs, 1985). The mixed- to muddytidal flats and marshes (FA 7) reflect gradually decreasing tidal energy and gradually shallowing depositional environment away from the axis of the estuary (Fig. 20). COASTAL PLAIN RESPONSE TO SEA-LEVEL CHANGES The Eocene Central Basin infill is overall progradational and consists of clinoforms that migrated to the south-east (Fig. 1). The coastal-plain facies belt, however, is very aggradational and mudprone (Fig. 2), except for the fluvial channels 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 419 Fig. 21. Basal erosion surfaces (dashed lines), overlain by fluvial deposits, cut more than 16 m (A) into tidal deposits of previous sequences. Lateral to fluvial incisions, palaeosols occur (B). Fluvial deposits that overlie outer estuarine tidal sand bar deposits (C), or tidal flat deposits (D) mark a significant seaward shift of depositional facies. associated with regional erosion surfaces. These erosion surfaces that cut across the whole coastal plain (Fig. 4) are used to divide the coastal-plain succession into a series of depositional sequences that are 7–44 m thick. Eighteen depositional sequences were studied along the Van Keulenfjorden transect on two different mountainsides over a distance of some 15–20 km. The coastalplain succession on Brogniartfjellet (sequences 12–19; Figs 9 and 10) is broadly time-equivalent with shelf to slope clinothems on Storvola and basin-floor clinothems on Hyrnestabben. The coastal-plain succession on Storvola (sequences 20–29; Fig. 11) is broadly time equivalent with shelf to slope clinothems on Hyrnestabben (Fig. 1). Each of the stratigraphic sequences consists of (1) lowstand deposits (FA 1 and 2) just above the major erosion surface, (2) transgressive deposits with landward-stepping, estuarine deposits (FA 1–7), and (3) highstand deposits with aggradational to seaward-stepping, estuarine deposits (FA 1–4, 7). The third segment has been documented in only about 30% of the sequences (Figs 9–11). Sequence boundaries The basal erosion surface of each sequence erodes into older estuarine deposits with local erosional relief of up to 16 m (Fig. 21A). In places, where the erosion surfaces are exposed in a more oblique view, abundant rooted horizons and horizons intensively reworked by pedogenic processes (e.g. ferruginous features, very intensive bioturbation by roots and loss of all sedimentary structures, Fig. 19B) occur lateral to the deepest incisions (sequence 22 in Fig. 11; Fig. 21B). The full lateral extent of the erosion surfaces is unknown. Interpretation The prominent and widespread erosion surfaces that are overlain by coarse-grained fluvial channel deposits, are interpreted as sequence boundaries, because (1) these erosion surfaces are traceable in a dip-direction across the whole coastal-plain facies belt, (2) the depth of incision is significant (local erosional relief up to 16 m), and (3) these erosion surfaces are overlain by fluvial deposits that mark a significant seaward facies shift (Fig. 21C and D). Sequence boundaries formed during the fall of relative sea-level to its lowest position. Extensive rooting and pedogenesis occurred in time-equivalent interfluve segments adjacent to the deeper incisions. Lowstand deposits The most prominent, more-or-less continuous sandstone levels that stand out on the photomosaics (Fig. 21A) are the levels where fluvial (FA 1) and tidally influenced fluvial (FA 2) channels occur across the entire coastal plain (Figs 9–11). The fluvial channels (FA 1) grade seawards and upwards into tidally influenced fluvial deposits (FA 2, Figs 7 and 9–11). The fluvial units are in some sequences up to 16 m thick, but in most sequences 3–5 m thick. Fine-grained overbank deposits adjacent to the fluvial channels are documented only in a few places (sequence 12 in Fig. 9, sequence 17 in 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 420 P. Plink-Björklund Fig. 10, sequences 20, 27 and 28 in Fig. 11), and are characterized by thin-bedded, ripple-laminated very-fine- to fine-grained sandstones, and plane-parallel-laminated sandstones and mudstones. Rooted horizons and coals commonly occur at the tops of fluvial channel fills. In strike-oriented outcrops, multiple soils and root horizons occur lateral to the channel margins (Fig. 21B). Most of the documented rooted horizons in the coastalplain succession are limited to the lowstand deposits, especially where the fluvial channels grade upwards into tidally influenced fluvial channels. At the base of some sequences, there is a single fluvial or tidally influenced fluvial channel (sequences 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Fig. 9; sequences 13, 14, 15 and 18 in Fig. 10; and sequences 21, 25, 26, 27 and 28 in Fig. 11). In other sequences, multiple vertically stacked fluvial or tidally influenced fluvial channels occur, separated by an aggradational muddy interval or flooding surface (sequence 16 in Fig. 10; and sequences 20, 22, 23, 24 and 28 in Fig. 11). Fig. 22. During lowstand fluvial deposits accumulated on the coastal plain (A), in incised valleys eroded during sea-level falls. River channels were tidally influenced in their seaward ends. Rising relative sealevel drowned the valleys and landward-stepping estuarine deposits accumulated (B and C). The transgressive estuarine deposits young landwards as they onlap. During HST the inner parts of the valleys started filling ‘in situ’ (D), and marshes developed over larger areas, as rate of sea-level rise decreased. Gradually the inner estuarine deposits shifted seawards, and the youngest HST deposits covered the oldest transgressive deposits. Interpretation The fluvial and tidally influenced fluvial channels reflect deposition in rivers that became tidally influenced at their the river mouths, below the mean high tide (Fig. 22A). The successions of coarse-grained fluvial and tidally influenced fluvial deposits that shift abruptly seawards across older inner- and outer-estuarine deposits of previous sequences are interpreted as lowstand deposits. The upwards transition from fluvial to tidally influenced fluvial deposits indicates deposition during the initial relative sea-level rise. Associated rooted horizons and pedogenically reworked levels suggest that areas between the active channel belts, underwent prolonged subaerial exposure. (Figs 9–11). In those sequences that show vertically stacked fluvial or tidally influenced fluvial channels, separated by mud-prone flooding intervals, the basal channel fill is represented as early lowstand fill, whereas the upper channel deposits belong to late lowstand. This kind of intra-lowstand flooding surface has been described also from contemporaneous shallow- to deep-marine portions of the Eocene clinoforms. Such intra-lowstand flooding is hitherto not widely recognized, but it has been suggested that it marks the sea-level rise back above the shelf-edge (Plink-Björklund & 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences 421 Fig. 23. Estuarine deposits of the landward-stepping facies onlap (white arrow) the basal fluvial deposits in a landwards direction (A). In some sequences the landward-stepping deposits have a basal by tidal ravinement surface that cuts through the underlying estuarine deposits (B and C). In places the tidal ravinement surface merges with the sequence boundary. In other sequences, and dominantly in more landward reaches of the sequences, the tidal ravinement surface occurs higher up in the sequence, and inner-estuarine or marginal facies occur above the fluvial deposits and below the outer-estuarine deposits (D). Steel, 2005). The rising sea-level would have drowned incised river mouths or distributary channels (at the shelf edge), and caused temporary sand storage in the fluvial system, until the fluvial systems aggraded, and deltaic systems prograded back to the shelf edge again to form the late lowstand deltas (Plink-Björklund & Steel, 2005). Similar drowning of river mouths, that causes temporary sand storage within the fluvial system, has been described from modern rivers. Transgressive surface At the top of the fluvial channel deposits there is a marked transgressive surface that signifies valley drowning and the landward migration of the bayline, separating the fluvial lowstand deposits from the estuarine transgressive deposits. The transgressive surface separates fluvial aggradation from landward-stepping estuarine deposition in seaward portions of the coastal plain. On the more landward reaches of the coastal plain, fluvial aggradation may continue across the transgressive surface. In these cases the transgressive surface separates amalgamated, lowstand fluvial deposits from more aggradational fluvial deposits, interbedded with floodplain, marsh or tidal flat deposits (sequences 13, 14 in Fig. 9; sequences 25, 27, 28 in Fig. 11). Transgressive deposits The fluvial channels are generally overlain by tide-dominated estuarine deposits (Figs 9–11). These tidally dominated estuarine deposits have a landward-stepping character as they can be seen to onlap the basal fluvial deposits in a landward direction (Fig. 23A; sequence 16 in Fig. 10). At the landward ends of the exposed estuaries (i.e. inner estuarine segments), the landward-stepping is implied by a landward shift of the tidally influenced fluvial channels, and high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels, i.e. the tidally influenced fluvial channels are replaced by the high-sinuosity tidal channels, and the high-sinuosity tidal channels are replaced by the lowsinuosity tidal channels at gradually higher stratigraphic levels (Figs 9–11). At the seaward 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 422 P. Plink-Björklund end of the exposed estuaries (outer estuarine segment), the landward stepping is implied by the landward shift of UFR tidal flats and tidal sand bars. The tidal sand-bar deposits rest on highly erosional basal tidal ravinement surfaces that in some cases cut through the whole underlying estuarine and fluvial deposits, and merge with the sequence-bounding erosion surface (sequence 13 in Fig. 10, and sequence 21 in Figs 11, 23B and C). In most sequences the tidal ravinement surfaces occur within the landward-stepping estuarine deposits, some distance above the basal fluvial segment (Fig. 23D). In some sequences the tidal ravinement occurs on several stratigraphic levels (sequence 20 in Fig. 11). In most cases, the tops of the tidal sand bars mark the landward- to seaward-stepping turnaround, i.e. the most landward position of outer-estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits volumetrically dominate the depositional sequences. In contrast to the lower, fluvial segments, the middle transgressive segments are mud-prone, and the only thick and prominent sands are those that occur as tidal sand bars (Fig. 17). The high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels are also sandy, but the sands are rather thin (0Æ6–1Æ5 m thick) and discontinuous. The majority of the mudstones were deposited on marginal tidal flats and marshes. The fluvial overbank deposits grade seawards and upwards into tidal sand to mud flats. This gradual vertical transition from unipolar rippled and plane parallel-laminated beds into more rhythmically bedded ripple-laminated beds with mud drapes, and finally into bipolar lenticular, wavy or flaser bedded units is especially well seen in sequence 28 on Storvola (Fig. 11). Depositional units of the marginal sand to mud flats and marshes have a coarsening-up character in the transgressive segment, as gradually higher energy parts of the marginal tidal flats cover the lower-energy areas. Tidal-flat deposits in seaward portions of the estuaries (outer estuarine segment) tend to be more bioturbated that those in more landward portions (inner estuarine segment). The latter are more rich in coal layers, rooted horizons, and plant debris. Coal layers are more abundant in the lowest parts of the landward-stepping segments. Interpretation The landward-stepping estuarine succession that accumulated above the lowstand deposits is interpreted as transgressive estuarine deposits. A relative sea-level rise is indicated by a landward shift of all depositional environments, a landward onlap, and the development of tidal ravinement surfaces (Fig. 22B and C). Maximum flooding surface The maximum flooding surface is recognized by the turnaround from landward-stepping to seaward-stepping successions in the seaward reaches of the coastal plain. In sequences where the outer estuarine tidal sand bars are present, the maximum flooding surface coincides with the top of the tidal bar deposits (sequences 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 in Fig. 10; sequences 20, 21 and 24 in Fig. 11). In the landward reaches of the coastal plain, the highstand deposits are missing or the maximum flooding surfaces have not been recognized. Highstand deposits The highstand deposits, where present (sequences 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 in Fig. 10, sequences 20, 21 and 24 in Fig. 11), comprise sedimentary facies similar to those in the underlying transgressive deposits. The highstand segment differs from the transgressive segment by (1) a seaward-shift of inner-estuarine facies, (2) more extensive root horizons and coal layers, and (3) a higher proportion of marsh deposits. The seaward shift is mainly indicated by replacement of outer-estuarine facies with innerestuarine facies (sequences 15 and 18 in Fig. 10, sequences 20 and 21 in Fig. 11), or low-sinuosity tidal channels by high-sinuosity tidal channels (sequences 16 and 18 in Fig. 10, sequence 20 in Fig. 11) in successive vertically stacked deposits. The coaly mudstones and coal layers of marshes are volumetrically more significant in the seaward-stepping segments compared to the landward-stepping segments. Coal layers become more abundant towards the top of the seawardstepping segments. The presence of high-sinuosity tidal channels, where fluvial-derived and marine-derived deposits converge, indicates continued bedload convergence into the inner estuary, and strongly indicates that deposition still occurred in an estuarine environment, rather than on a tidedominated delta plain. Dalrymple et al. (1992) argued that the presence of net landward movement of sediment derived from outside the estuary mouth (averaged over a period of several years) is one of the primary features that distinguish estuaries from delta distributaries, where the net sediment transport is seawards. Similar 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences seaward-stepping of facies in tide-dominated estuaries, with the relative distribution of facies remaining essentially constant has been documented from the South Alligator River estuary (Woodroffe et al., 1989, 1993; see also Harris, 1988) and the Gironde Estuary (Allen & Posamentier, 1993) since the end of the Holocene transgression. In a tidally influenced delta, sands fine seawards unidirectionally, in contrast to the estuaries where sands are coarsest at the head and mouth (see Harris, 1988; Dalrymple et al., 1991). Interpretation The seaward-stepping estuarine successions indicate decreasing rates of sea-level rise, and are assigned to the highstand systems tract (Fig. 22D). The higher abundance of coals and coaly mudstones together with the seaward-shift of inner-estuarine facies strongly suggest that accommodation in the inner portions of the estuaries was infilled, and marshes developed over larger areas. Similar regressive phases of estuary development in the Gironde Estuary (Allen & Posamentier, 1993), and the South Alligator River estuary (Woodroffe et al., 1989, 1993; see also Harris, 1988) occurred during highstand of sea-level. Highstand estuaries were also predicted from conceptual models (Dalrymple et al., 1992). INCISED VALLEYS? The estimation of the total depth of erosion, i.e. eventual incised valley depth, is not completely clear, because the outcrops are dominantly dipparallel. The database, however, strongly suggests 423 that the estuarine deposits backfilled incised valleys, eroded during the preceding sea-level falls. The criteria for recognizing incised valleys outlined by Zaitlin et al. (1994) can be recognized here: (i) the basal erosion surfaces are regional incisions; (ii) the basal fluvial deposits exhibit a significant basinward facies shift; (iii) the base of the incised valleys can be correlated with rooted horizons in the interfluve areas; and (iv) the estuarine infills onlap landwards the valley walls. Moreover, tide-dominated estuaries require confinement in a narrow, funnel-shaped geometry (see Dalrymple et al., 1992; Zaitlin et al., 1994), suggesting that the whole thickness of the individual depositional sequences may have been confined within the valleys. This gives an approximate estimate for the minimal valley depth for individual sequences, assuming that the valley fills were simple, i.e. each valley was filled completely during one lowstand-transgressive-highstand sequence (see Rahmani, 1988; Wood & Hopkins, 1989; Zaitlin et al., 1994). The thickness of the depositional sequences varies from 7 to 44 m. The database also shows that the thickest sequences tend to be associated with sequence boundaries with the most local erosional relief (Fig. 24). Correlation with shallow- and deep-marine portions of the same clinoforms shows that such thick coastal-plain sequences with high local erosional relief produced coeval slope or basin-floor sandstone bodies (e.g. sequence 14). Thin sequences with little basal erosional relief, on the other hand, generally did not produce sands beyond the shelf edge. This implies that the incised valleys of the Eocene Central Basin coastal-plain were at least 7 to 44 m deep, as it is not known if the valleys Fig. 24. The thickest sequences tend to be associated with the sequence boundaries that have most local erosional relief. Such coastalplain sequences (e.g. sequence 14) were more likely to produce during falling stage and lowstand coeval slope or basin-floor sandstone bodies. 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 424 P. Plink-Björklund were filled completely by each of the depositional sequences. The sequences that have highstand systems tracts, were obviously filled at least in their landward reaches, whereas the sequences that lack highstand deposits may not have been filled during a single sea-level fall-to-rise cycle, unless their highstand portions were eroded during following sea-level fall, or the highstand deposits are located further seawards (see below). SEDIMENT PARTITIONING ON THE COASTAL PLAIN Falling-stage deposits have not been clearly identified in the coastal-plain deposits of the Aspelintoppen Formation; although they could be locally present but difficult to differentiate from lowstand deposits. The fluvial deposits are assigned to the lowstand, rather than to the falling stage, because they become characteristically tidally influenced upwards, indicating a baselevel rise and bayline migration up the valley. Assigning the amalgamated fluvial channel-fill deposits to the lowstand systems tract is consistent with existing stratigraphic practice (e.g. Shanley & McCabe, 1993; Zaitlin et al., 1994; Olsen et al., 1995), although the recognition of the intra-lowstand flooding in some of the sequences is unusual. The lowstand was the main phase of fluvial deposition in the Eocene Central Basin. As the bayline moved significantly up the valley during the early transgressive time, the clearly identifiable transgressive surface formed that separates fluvial deposits from overlying estuarine deposits (Fig. 22A). However, in landward reaches of the coastal plain, the transgressive surface occurs within the fluvial succession, separating amalgamated channels below from more aggradational channels above (see also Shanley & McCabe, 1993; Olsen et al., 1995; Plint et al., 2001), as seen in sequence 14 (Figs 9 and 10), where early transgressive tidally influenced fluvial deposits in Fig. 9 correlate into estuarine deposits in Fig. 10. By the time of the late transgressive systems tract, the estuaries had migrated further up-valley, leaving behind a landwards onlapping and landwards younging transgressive succession (Fig. 22C). This implies that the oldest transgressive estuarine deposits are found close to the incised valley mouth, whereas in the landward reaches of an incised valley the estuarine deposits belong to the late transgressive systems tract. The transgressive systems tract was the main phase of coastal-plain aggradation in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen. During early stages of highstand time, when sea-level rise rate decreased, the estuaries stopped migrating landward, and started filling in situ (see Dalrymple et al., 1992). The earliest highstand deposits are found in the inner parts of the incised valleys, and the highstand deposits gradually prograded seawards (Fig. 22D). Highstand deposits, where present, are documented only in the outer-estuarine reaches of the sequences, as inner estuarine reaches of sequences 13 and 14 in Fig. 9 consist of lowstand and transgressive tracts, whereas outer-estuarine reaches of the same sequences in Fig. 10 also contain highstand deposits. This probably reflects a lack of accommodation in the inner-estuarine reaches (see Plint et al., 2001). The maximum flooding surface is easy to identify in outer estuarine reaches, where it separates early transgressive deposits from highstand deposits and thus the seaward facies shift is clear, as opposed to the inner estuarine reaches, where the maximum flooding surface separates the latest transgressive deposits from the earliest highstand deposits. CORRELATION TO MARINE SEQUENCES The detailed correlation of coastal-plain sequences to their shallow- and deep-marine counterparts is not the objective of this paper. However, it should be mentioned that the depocentre shifted along the coastal-plain to deepwater clinoforms during the relative sea-level cycles. As explained above, the falling-stage deposits are insignificant on the coastal plain, whereas on the contemporary shelf and slope falling stage deltas accumulated, as the sediment was fed through the incising valleys. Lowstand deposits were also mainly partitioned beyond the shelf edge in lowstand deltas, although aggradation of fluvial deposits within incised valleys also occurred. The intra-lowstand flooding surface is traceable across the shelf edge and onto the slope, where it separates the falling-stage and early lowstand deposits from the prograding late lowstand wedge (Plink-Björklund & Steel, 2005). During the transgression, however, the depocentre was on the coastal plain and inner shelf, as sediments were fed into the estuaries both from the fluvial and marine sources. Earliest highstand deposits were partitioned on the coastal plain, but the depocentre moved out onto the shelf, as highstand deltas occur within the shelf segments of some of the clinoforms. These shelf deltas are 2005 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 52, 391–428 Stacked fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine deposits in high-frequency sequences slightly younger than the highstand deposits in the described estuaries. CONCLUSIONS Eighteen, fourth-order coastal-plain depositional sequences, 7–44 m thick, were documented in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen. The depositional sequences consist of basal fluvial deposits, covered by tide-dominated estuarine deposits. Coastal-plain aggradation occurred due to estuarine infilling of incised valleys, cut during relative sea-level falls. The incised valleys were filled with: (1) lowstand fluvial deposits, (2) transgressive estuarine deposits, and (3) highstand estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits volumetrically dominate the coastal-plain succession, as transgressive times were the main phase of coastal plain aggradation. The transgressive estuarine deposits are oldest in seaward reaches of the incised valleys, and young and onlap landwards. The highstand deposits, preserved on the coastal plain, are interpreted as estuarine rather than deltaic, because of continued bedload convergence in the inner-estuarine environment. Highstand deltas developed further seawards, and were slightly younger compared to the coastal-plain estuaries. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conoco, Mobil, Norsk Hydro, PDVSA, Phillips, Shell, Statoil and UPRC have financed this work as a part of the Wyoming Consortium on Linkage of Facies Tracts (WOLF). The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) provided a postdoctoral research stipend for Piret Plink-Björklund. Brian Zaitlin and Robert Brenner reviewed an earlier version of the manuscript and are gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES Aitken, J.F. and Flint, S.S. 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