Document 11478686

2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, TAIPEI, TAIWAN
Photo: The splendid Taroko National Park
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan SPONSORED BY
INFORMS Service Science Section
Center for Excellence in Service, University of Maryland, USA
National Science Council, Taiwan
The conference is held outside the United States every third year (in recent years the
conference has been held in Sweden, Australia and the Netherlands). The conference has
never been in Asian countries before and this is the first time that Taipei has been chosen
to host the conference.
National Taiwan University
Founded in 1992 by Roland Rust, the Frontiers in Service Conference is the world's leading
annual conference on service research. The conference has a very global nature. This year
we draw attendees from 28 countries around the world, including a lively mix of both
academics and practitioners, from a variety of backgrounds and functional disciplines.
American Marketing Association
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan THE CONFERENCE
The conference is sponsored annually by the American Marketing Association, INFORMS,
and the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland, and is hosted by
various organizations worldwide. The 2013 conference is also sponsored by the National
Science Council, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, and IBM.
Map of Area Surrounding National Taiwan University
National Taiwan University Campus Map
Conference Venue Floor Layout
PLENARY SPEAKERS (in Presentation Order)
PLENARY PANELISTS (in Session Order)
The Frontiers in Service Conference features a unique international mix of business people
and academics, and a cross-functional list of topics, including service science, service
marketing, service operations, service human resources, service information technology,
e-service, service innovation, and customer relationship management. Speakers at the
conference include many of the leading service experts, including high-ranking executives
and prominent academics from around the world. Just prior to the conference is the
annual service Doctoral Consortium, organized by the Services Special Interest Group of
the American Marketing Association.
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan PLENARY SPEAKERS (in Presentation Order)
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan PLENARY SPEAKERS (in Presentation Order)
PLENARY SPEAKERS (in Presentation Order)
Jerry Smith
Regional President, Asia Pacific
Ogilvy One Worldwide, Hong Kong
A. Parasuraman, Ph.D.
James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing
Professor of Marketing
School of Business Administration
University of Miami, USA
Marketing to the Connected Consumer
Customer Delight—More Confusion than Clarity?
We have all heard the expression "the customer is king". Many marketers especially those practicing CRM have known this for years and
have developed a repertoire of communications, enable by technology to find, keep and grow the value of their customers. However we are
now in a new era in marketing, where the battle cry is "the customer is now in charge". Significant developments in technology, especially
smartphones and social networks have changed human behavior forever. Consumers now have a relationship with brands mainly on their
terms. This new era in marketing is that of CUSTOMER ENGAGEMNT, where brands have to create a value exchange with their prospects
and customers to be relevant. This presentation will show how data and technology can enable marketers to create valuable relationships that
unlock individual as well network value.
"Customer delight" is a buzzword being heard with increasing frequency in business circles as well as in academic forums. It is believed
to be a cornerstone of effective “customer experience management” and a pre-requisite for fostering true customer loyalty that mere
satisfaction cannot deliver. At the same time, questions have been raised about its merits, most notably in a 201 0 HBR article
provocatively titled, "Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers." Based on a synthesis of evidence in and insights from the current
literature, this talk will raise critical issues concerning customer delight, its determinants, and its consequences that are still unclear and,
therefore, need to be addressed by researchers and considered carefully by managers.
Roland T. Rust, Ph.D.
Distinguished University Professor
David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing
Robert H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland, USA
The Service Revolution AND the Transformation of Business
The nature of business is changing in a systematic, predictable and irrevocable way. As information and communications technologies
become increasingly powerful, the fundamental nature of the company's connection to the customer changes, increasing the importance of
customer relationships, expanding the service sector, and growing the influence of service within the goods sector. Business is becoming
more personalized, and data analysis techniques that exploit customer heterogeneity are becoming more important. Information technology
improvements also guarantee the increasing importance and usage of computationally-intensive data processing and "big data." Most
importantly, these trends are over a century in duration already, and will become even more pronounced in the coming years, due to the
monotonic nature of technology improvement. These changes imply a transformation of business and of business research. Increasingly and
inevitably, all of business will come to resemble the formerly specialized area of service management, only with an increased emphasis on
business analytics.
Dr. Henry Chang
Collaboratory Director
IBM Intelligent Living Services Research in Taiwan
Enabling Smarter Patient Engagement Services for Integrated, Accountable Health Systems
Chronic diseases such as diabetics have become one of the top cost categories of healthcare payers today. Therefore, controlling the
progression of chronic diseases is a key service system challenges to bend the cost curve of healthcare in a rapidly aging society. Despite
clear evidence that engaging in core lifestyle changes in medicine prescription adherence, nutrition, and exercise would result in
significantly better outcome with reduced cost to chronic disease management, very few few people adhere to such advises. We
hypothesize that increased personalization of engagement in prescribed exercise regimen and health literacy in self-care plans as part of
overall care management and constant feedback will improve the adherence. By focusing on innovating the care service models in the
context of personal sensor devices, better prescription personalization techniques, finer disease risk stratification using big data, and
coordinated care and health promotion actions, we present an assessment of the impact of a service platform to engage patients.
Steven M. Shugan, Ph.D.
Dr. Yuan-Kuang Tu
President, Northern Taiwan Business Group
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan
McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar Chair and Professor
Depar tment of Marketing
Warrington College of Business Administration
University of Florida, USA
A Theory of Mature Market Growth
Telcos – Enabler of Digital Life
Telecommunications services have evolved greatly over the last decade and become much more sophisticated as new digital life style is the
key trend affecting the business of operators. In such transformation, Telco's platform plays an important role in enabling the connectivity
between users and digital contents. In this speech, the pivot role of Telco's platform to facilitate the transformation of digital life is addressed.
Especially the innovative ICT services that are created via this platform are demonstrated.
The service sector continues to grow but there are few theories to explain why markets grow and predict their growth. This talk
develops a general theory for the growth of markets, which potentially explains growth consisting of intermittent rises, declines or
stagnation. Our theory suggests that successful and unsuccessful experimentation, in every period, causes numerous changes among
market participants. The environment sorts through those changes determining winners and losers. Growth requires a sufficient number
of large changes that cause displacement in market positions, as different market participants become winners and losers. So one nonobvious falsifiable implication of this theory is that displacement precedes growth and stability precedes decline.
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan PLENARY PANELISTS
PLENARY PANELISTS (in Session Order)
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE COMMITTEE
Joey F. George
The John D.
DeVries Endowed Chair in Business,
Iowa State University, USA
Walter Ganz
Director of Fraunhofer Institut für
Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO,
Bo Edvardsson
Professor and Director,
CTF-Service Research Center and vice
Rector, Karlstad University, Sweden
Co-Chair – Ming-Hui Huang
Distinguished Professor
Department of Information Management
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Doctoral Consortium Chair – Mark S. Rosenbaum
Chair, AMA Services Special Interest Group
Kohl’s Corp. Professor of Retail Marketing
Northern Illinois University, USA
Raymond P. Fisk
Professor and Chair,
Department of Marketing,
Texas State University, USA
Gregory Heim
INFORMS Service Science Section Chair,
Associate Professor, Mays Business School
at Texas A&M University, USA
Timothy Keiningham
Global Chief Strategy Officer and EVP,
Ipsos Loyalty, USA
Co-Chair – A. Parasuraman
Professor and James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing
Professor of Marketing
School of Business Administration
University of Miami, USA
Gregory R. Heim
Chair, INFORMS Service Science Section
Associate Professor
Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, USA
Jochen Wirtz
Professor and Academic Director,
National University of Singapore,
P.K. Kannan
Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science,
Chair of Department of Marketing,
University of Maryland, USA
Rod Brodie
Head of Department and Professor,
Department of Marketing, University of
Auckland, New Zealand
Co-Chair – Katherine N. Lemon
Accenture Professor
Marketing Department
Boston College, USA
Anthony J. T. Lee
Professor and Chair
Department of Information Management
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Program Chair – Roland T. Rust
Distinguished University Professor
David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing
Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Service
University of Maryland, USA
J. Chris Lin
Department of International Business
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Debanjan Mitra
City Furniture Professor,
Warrington College of Business Administration,
University of Florida, USA
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
The first two digits of the session number denote the time and date, the three digits after the "-" denote the room number, and the letter "M" denotes mini-presentation.
17:00 – 18:00 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM Welcome Reception
B2, Howard Plaza Hotel
08:30 – 16:00 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM Research Sessions
2F, Chong Guang Lecture Hall, Building I
16:00 – 17:00 DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM Breakout Sessions
3F, E. Sun Hall Breakout Rooms, Building I
18:00 – 20:00 CONFERENCE Welcome Reception
Transportation from Hotels to Living One Restaurant at
Transportation from Living One Restaurant to Hotels at
FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2013
08:30 – 09:00 Introductory Ceremony and Welcoming
Transportation from Hotels to Building I at 08:00
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
09:00 – 09:45 Marketing to the Connected Consumer”
Jerry Smith, Regional President, Asia Pacific, OgilvyOne
Worldwide, Hong Kong
09:45 – 10:30 Panel Discussion
Joey George, the John D. DeVries Endowed Chair in
Business, Iowa State University, USA
Jerry Smith, Regional President, Asia Pacific, OgilvyOne
Worldwide, Hong Kong
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
1F-3F, Building II
11:00 – 11:25SESSION
01-102 “Consumer Engagement in Virtual Communities:
Implications for Service Pricing”
Sally Rao Hill, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Jodie Conduit, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Vinh Lu, Australian National University, Australia
Long Nguyen, The University of Adelaide, Australia
01-103 “Analysis and Visualization of Inpatient Flow at the
University of Tsukuba Hospital”
Hideaki Takagi, University of Tsukuba, JapanYuta Kanai, University
of Tsukuba, Japan Yongbing Zhang, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Kazuo Misue, University of Tsukuba, Japan
01-104 “Perceptions Are Relative: An Examination of the
Relationship between Relative Satisfaction Metrics
and Share of Wallet”
Lerzan Aksoy, Fordham University, USA Alexander Buoye, Ipsos
Loyalty, USA
Bruce Cooil, Vanderbilt University, USA
Arne De Keyser, Ghent University, Belgium
Timothy Keiningham, Ipsos Loyalty, USA
Bart Larivière, Ghent University, Belgium
Edward C. Malthouse, Northwestern University, USA
01-201 “The Language Backfire Effect: Do Consumers Always
Prefer to be Served in Their Strongest Language?”
Jonas Holmqvist, BEM Bordeaux School of Management, France
Yves Van Vaerenbergh, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Ghent
University, Belgium
Micael Dahlèn, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
01-202 “Perceived Fairness of Preferential Treatment: The
Social Comparison Process”
Lan Xia, Bentley University, USA
Monika Kukar-Kinney, University of Richmond, USA
01-205 “Investing in Electronic B2B Relationships: A
Predictive Model for Targeting the Right Customers”
Johannes Kunze von Bischhoffshausen, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany
Hansjoerg Fromm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Thomas Dekle, IBM, USA
01-206 “Business Driven IT Cost Driver Analysis”
Susanne M. Glissmann, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Heiko Ludwig, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
01-301 “Stimulating Service Innovation – The Neglected
Outcome of Customer Complaints”
Sechan Oh, IBM Research, USA
Julia Meik, Zeppelin University, Germany
Christian Brock, Zeppelin University, Germany
01-302 “The Role of Communication Styles in the Customer
Selection Process: The Case of Train Versus
Traditional Sushi Bars”
Satoko Suzuki, Kyoto University, Japan
Kosuke Takemura, Kyoto University, Japan 01-303 “Examining Factors Affecting Intentions to Use Mobile
Social Location Based Services by Consumers in Realtime Service Encounters”
Ben Lucas, University of Newcastle, Australia
Jamie Carlson, University of Newcastle, Australia
01-304M “Agent-Based Modeling of Value Co-Creation
Processes in Future Tourism Service Markets through
Kauffman's NKCS Architecture”
Chathura Rajapakse, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Takao Terano, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
01-305 “Mediating Role of Perceived Risk in New HighTechnology Service Development: An Empirical
Investigation in the Business-to-Business Context”
Shashi Shekhar Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Saji K.B., Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
11:30 – 11:55 SESSION
02-102 “Fear of Loss or Aspiration for Gain? Regulatory Focus
and Affect in Service Encounters”
Tali Seger-Guttmann, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Iris Vilnai-Yavetz, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
02-103 “Linking Organizational Behaviors and Employee Job
Performance: The Moderating Role of CSR and
Cultural Values”
IpKin Anthony Wong, Institute for Tourism Studies, China
Jennifer Hong Gao, Macau Polytechnic Institute, China
02-104 “Forecasting profit from service delivery plans”
Ray Strong, IBM Research, USA
Jeanette Blomberg, IBM Research, USA
Neil Boyette, IBM Research, USA
Anca Chandra, IBM Research, USA
02-201 “Modeling Habit Formation in a Self-Service
Technology (SST) Usage Context”
Cheng Wang, Newcastle University, UK
Jennifer Harris, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Paul Patterson, The University of New South Wales, Australia
02-202 “Retaining Talents for Knowledge-intensive Services:
The Critical Role of Training and Development”
Regina-Viola Frey, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Steffen Pietsch, IB Solution, Germany
Marion Büttgen, University of Hohnheim, Germany
02-205 “Service Employee Influence on Consumers' Socially
Responsible Behaviors: Insights from Alcohol
Wei Wei Chery Leo, Griffith University, Australia
02-206 “Researchers without Borders – Insights from Global
Collaboration Pattern within the Service Marketing
Research Community”
Werner Kunz, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Claudia Simoes, Open University, UK
Cristiana Lages, University of Loughborough, UK
Raymond Fisk, Texas State University, USA
02-301 “Increasing Productivity of End-User Support Services
using Crowdsourcing”
Maja Vukovic, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Ravi Mani, IBM Global Technology Services, USA
02-302 “New Service Development: A Meta-Analysis of
Success Factors”
Chris Storey, City University London, UK
02-303 “Servicescape Remodeling and Customer Reactions:
The Influence of the Transition Period and the
Congruence between Customer and Remodeling
Freek Van Baelen, Carrefour Gavere, Belgium
Bart Larivière, Ghent University, Belgium
Griet Van Der Vurst, Ghent University, Belgium
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
02-304M “Environmental Determinants of Contract
Manufacturing Services Marketing Effectiveness:
Empirical Evidences from Taiwanese Semiconductor
Chengter Ted Ho, National Kaohsiung University of Applied
Sciences, Taiwan
Saji K. B., Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Uma Nair S., Indian Institute of Technology, India
Hsi-Che Teng, Taiwan IC Packing Company, Taiwan
Ying-Fang Huang, Fortune Institute of Technology, Taiwan
02-304M “Outsourcing of Professional Services in the United
Paul Sergius Koku, Florida Atlantic University, USA
02-305 “Understanding the Role of Consumer Healthcare Apps
in Promoting Behavioral Change”
Sandy Ng, RMIT University, Australia
12:00 – 12:25 SESSION
03-102 “The Long-Term Impact of Ambient Scents in the
Servicescape on Customers”
Anna Girard, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
Marc Girard, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany
Anton Meyer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
03-103 “Service Productivity – Measuring and Improving the
Value Created through Services”
Sabine Janeschek, EBS Business School, Germany
Marc Kohler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Andrea Roessner, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Peter Hottum, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
03-104 “B2C Service Innovation Creating the Second Business
Growth: A Case Study of the 7-Eleven in Taiwan”
Chung-Cheng Tu, Uni-President Enterprise Corp., Taiwan
Chun-Fang Li, President Chain Store Corp., Taiwan
Huei-Mei Liang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Chih-Hung Yuan, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
03-201 “Impact of Service Outsourcing on Information
Intensive Services: Moderating Effect of Customer
Traffic in Service Triads”
Olga Perdikaki, Texas A&M University, USA
David Xiaosong Peng, University of Houston, USA
Gregory R. Heim, Texas A&M University, USA
03-202 “Fostering Service Innovation: A Case Study in the
Luxury and Cosmetic Domain”
Florie Bugeaud, Nekoe, France
Victor Liger, Nekoé, France
03-205 “Can Service Overcome Scale at Retail?”
Charles Ingene, University of Mississippi, USA
Mark Parry, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Zibin Xu, University of Southern California, USA
03-305 “It's Just Not Fair: Exploring Customers' Unfairness
Perceptions of Customized Offers and Their Influence
on Loyalty”
Bang Nguyen, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Phil Klaus, ESCE International Business School, France
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
B1, Lobby, Building I
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
03-206 “Selling Solutions More Effectively – A Configurational
Marcus Zimmer, Technische Universität München, Germany
Florian von Wangenheim, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
Zürich, Switzerland
13:30 – 14:15 “The Service Revolution and the Transformation
of Business”
Roland T. Rust, Distinguished University Professor and
David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing, University of
Maryland, USA
03-301 “Measurement of Service Request Effort and Its
Application in AMS”
Ying Li, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Kaan Katircioglu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
14:15 – 15:00 Panel Discussion
Walter Ganz, Director of Fraunhofer Institut für
Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO, Germany
Bo Edvardsson, Professor and Director, CTF-Service
Research Center and vice Rector, Karlstad University,
Roland T. Rust, Distinguished University Professor and
David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing, University of
Maryland, USA
03-302 “What Sparks Quality-Driven Change Programmes in
Not-For-Profit Service Sector? Some Evidence from
the Voluntary Sector”
Ebrahim Soltani, Hamdan Ben Mohammed e-University, UAE
Ying Ying Liao, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
03-303 “Designing Service Platforms for Open Service
Lia Patricio, University of Porto, Portugal
Raymond P. Fisk, Texas State University, USA
03-304M “Personality Traits of Chief Executive Officers in
Service Firms”
Christian Mai, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Regina-Viola Frey, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Marion Büttgen, University of Hohenheim, Germany
03-304M “Implementing Service Software for Smart
Communications between the Board and the
Kazuhiro Hashimoto, Yamaguchi University, Japan
Rie Takanami, University of Occupational and Environmental
Health, Japan
Masakazu Takahashi, Yamaguchi University, Japan
15:00 – 15:30 Afternoon Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
1F-3F, Building II
15:30 – 15:55 SESSION
04-102 “Status, National Culture and Customer Propensities
for Complaining”
Gil Luria, University of Haifa, Israel
Asaf Levanon, University of Haifa, Israel
Dana Yagil, University of Haifa, Israel
Iddo Gal, University of Hafia, Israel
04-103 “Location Environment: Its Dimensions and Effect”
Hyunjeong Koo, Yonsei University, Korea
Sunmee Choi, Yonsei University, Korea
Sooyun Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
04-104 “Cost-effective Service Excellence”
Jochen Wirtz, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Valarie Zeithaml, University of North Carolina, USA
04-201 “Boosting or Attenuating? The Linguistic Features of
Sentiment Strength in UGC”
Francisco Villarroel, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Ko de Ruyter, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Martin Wetzels, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Dhruv Grewal, Babson College, USA
Stephan Ludwig, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
04-202 “Challenges of Retained Organizations in IT
Outsourcing an Explorative Study”
Hansjoerg Fromm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Marius Goldberg, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Axel Kieninger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
04-205 “Service Employees as Brand Champions: The Effects
of Service Employee Behaviors on Brand Perceptions
and Outcomes”
Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Cheng-Yu Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
En-Yi Chou, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
04-206 “How Customers React to Service Unfairness?
Moderating Roles of Interpersonal Similarities on
Experience of Envy and Benign Envy”
Kimmy Wa Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim, University of Hong Kong, China
04-301 “How Online Seller's Service Evaluation Help Attain
and Retain Customers through Its Favored Count – A
Case Study of Taobao”
Chin-Yuan Ho, National Central University, Taiwan
Yen-Te Lu, Comwave International Ltd., Taiwan
Wen-Chin Hsu, National Central University, Taiwan
04-302 “A Permanent Trip: The Impact of Travel Agent's Blog
on Customer's Experience and Loyalty”
George C. Shen, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Jyh-Shen Chiou, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Chih-Hui Hsiao, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
04-303 “Making you Feel Close to the Firm: The Dual Role of
Disclosure Closeness”
Laszlo Sajtos, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Chadwick Miller, Arizona State University, USA
04-304M “Understanding the Role of Marketing in Today's
Enterprises: A Cross-Cultural, Multi-Industry
Sven Tuzovic, Pacific Lutheran University, USA
Jochen Wirtz, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Volker Kuppelwieser, Rouen Business School, France
04-304M “Market-Oriented Chance Discovery toward Service
Value Creation”
Pin-Hsun Shen, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Soe-Tsyr Yuan, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
04-305 “Evolution, Development and Future Research on
Services at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP)”
Heiko Gebauer, Eawag- Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science
and Technology, Switzerland
Javier Reynoso, EGADE Business School - ITESM, Mexico
16:00 – 16:25 SESSION
05-102 “The Impact of Overcompensation on Service Failure
Attribution: An Examination of Self-perception
Chia-Chi Chang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Chia-Yi Chen, National Pingtung University of Science and
Technology, Taiwan
Po-Yu Chen, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Michael J. Dorsch, Clemson University, USA
05-201 “Social Web for Next Generation Public Sector Services
in Emerging Economies”
Maja Vukovic, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Osamuyimen Stewart, IBM Africa Research Lab, Kenya
05-202 “Service Globalization: Measuring Cultural Context,
Contextualization Capabilities, and Knowledge
Transfer in Value Co-creation”
Yoshinori Fujikawa, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Joji Ono, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Mayomi Haga, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Satoshi Akutsu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
05-205 “Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy: A
Theory of Latent Demand”
Irene C.L. Ng, University of Warwick, UK
05-206 “The Concept of Service Configuration for a Service
Delivery System”
Vikram Jamwal, TCS Innovation Labs, India
Hema Meda, TCS Innovation Labs, India
05-301 “Current Marketing Practices and Market Orientation
in the Tourism Sector: An Evolutionary Approach to
the Uruguayan Case”
Nora Lado, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Daniel Alvarez, Catholic University of Uruguay, Uruguay
Lola Duque, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
05-302 “The Impact of Problem Types on Knowledge Intensive
Magnus Richter, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany
05-103 “To Post or Not to Post: The Role of Power on
Consumer's Propensity to Post Online Reviews”
Luorong (Laurie) Wu, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Anna Mattila, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Lydia Hanks, Florida State University, USA
Chenya Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
05-303 “Effect of Calorie Menu Labelling on Consumer Choice:
A Preliminary Study in Santiago (Chile)”
Isidora Vicente, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
Claudia Perez, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
Javier Enrione, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
María Cecilia Rossi, Universidad de los Andes, Chile
05-104 “Shared Aesthetics of Service Design: A Global
Perspective on Co-Creating Service Experiences”
Raymond P. Fisk, Texas State University, USA
Kunio Shirahada, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Japan
Stephen J. Grove, Clemson University, USA
05-304M “The Impact of Motivational Types on Consumer
Word of Mouth Formation”
Christopher White, RMIT University, Australia
05-304M “Workscape: Its Determinants and Effects on
Miri Lee, Yonsei University, South Korea
Sunmee Choi, Yonsei University, South Korea
Shinyoung Kim, Yonsei University, South Korea
05-305 “Brand Meaning Co-Creation across Service Systems
Levels: Findings from the Vietnamese Retail Banking
Kieran Tierney, RMIT University, Vietnam
Ingo O. Karpen, RMIT University, Australia
Kate Westberg, RMIT University, Australia
16:30 – 16:55 SESSION
06-102 “The Impact of Survey Mode on Customer Satisfaction
Marcus T. H. Lee, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Caroline Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Bin Xu, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Yonghui Zhang, Singapore Management University, Singapore
06-103 “The Short-Run and Long-Run Value of Service
Xueming Luo, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Laura Marie Schons, Ruhr-University of Bochum, USA
06-104 “Effects of Perceived Justice and Switching Barriers on
Loyalty Behavior: An Empirical Comparison between
B2B and B2C Customers”
Narjes Haj-Salem, HEC Montréal, Canada
Yany Gregoire, HEC Montréal, Canada
Jean Charles Chebat, HEC Montréal, Canada
Michel Sauliner, Bell, Canada
06-201 “Social Encounters – How to Manage Co-Experiences
in Service Design”
Ko-Hsun Huang, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Jorge Grenha Teixeira, University of Porto, Portugal
Yi-Shin Deng, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Lia Patricio, University of Porto, Portugal
Leonel Nobrega, University of Madeira, Portugal
Larry Constantine, University of Madeira, Portugal
06-202 “Value Co-Creation Characteristics and CreativityOriented Customer Citizenship Behavior”
Taeshik Gong, University of Strathclyde, UK
Jin Nam Choi, Seoul National University, South Korea
Alan Wilson, University of Strathclyde, UK
06-205 “The Moderating Role of Industry- and Firm
Characteristics on the Effects of Customer Equity
Drivers on Loyalty”
Yi-Chun Ou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Thorsten Wiesel, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster,
Peter Verhoef, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
06-206 “IT Framework to Enhance Patient-Provider
Interactions through Patient Readiness Evaluations”
Vincent Deng, IBM Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Gilbert Liao, IBM Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Roger Hsu, IBM Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Ya-Fan Yeh, IBM Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Xinxin Zhu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Sreeram Ramakrishnan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
06-301 “Are Institutions Perceived to Be Safer After a Hack
Hsiao-Ching Kuo, University of South Florida, USA
Sajeev Varki, University of South Florida, USA
06-302 “Market Mindset and Organizational Openness
Depend on Your Business Model”
Paulo Rocha e Oliveira, IESE Business School, Spain
Carlos Garcia Pont, IESE Business School, Spain
06-304M “Towards an Explanatory Model of Approaching
Critical Mass on eMarketplaces: An Empirical
Worldwide Study”
Fahad Algarni, Monash University, Australia
Yen Cheung, Monash University, Australia
Jay Bal, the University of Warwick, UK
Vincent Lee, Monash University, Australia
06-304M “An Empirical Evidence of the Network Externality
between Mobile Apps and Digital Television
Ling-Jing Kao, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Fu-Han Chang, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Hsien-Tang Ko, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
06-305 “Global Business Services: Integrating Multiple
Service Delivery Models”
Vipin K. Suri, Shared Services International Inc., Canada
Kuldeep Kumar, City University of Hong Kong, China
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
19:00 – 22:00 Awards Dinner
Silks Palace, National Palace Museum
Transportation from Building I to Silks Palace at 17:30
Transportation from Silks Palace to Hotels at 21:00
Transportation from Hotels to Building I at 08:30
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
09:00 – 09:45 “Telcos – Enabler of Digital Life”
Yuan-Kuang Tu, President, Northern Taiwan Business
Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan
09:45 – 10:30 Panel Discussion
Raymond P. Fisk, Professor and Chair, Department of
Marketing, Texas State University, USA
Gregory Heim, INFORMS Service Science Section Chair,
Associate Professor, Mays Business School at Texas A&M
University, USA
Yuan-Kuang Tu, President, Northern Taiwan Business
Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
1F-3F, Building II
11:00 – 11:25 SESSION
07-102 “Financial Insight and Financial Behavior of the
Hans Kasper, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Josee Bloemer, Radbound University, The Netherlands
07-103 “The Relationship between Partner Selection and the
Feedback Effects of Service Failures in Co-branding”
Chia-Lin Lee, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
07-104 “Breaking Market Dominance from Multi-sided Market
Strategy: The Case of Adobe”
Glen Yang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ming-Hui Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
07-201 “How Much Is Too Much? Using Non-linear Modeling
to Identify Saturation Effects and Optimal Zones of
Jan Müller, Ipsos Loyalty, Germany
Tatiana Mochalova, Ipsos Loyalty, Germany
Gabriele Eckstein, Ipsos Loyalty, Germany
07-202 “Chinese Service Quality: Developing a Construct and
Its Interpretation”
James Stanworth, National Changhua University of Education,
Ryan Shuwei Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Huo-Tsan Chang, National Changhua University of Education,
07-205 “Data-Driven Decision Making in Asset-Intensive
Service Businesses”
Ying Tat Leung, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Hyung-il Ahn, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Matthew Denesuk, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Axel Hochstein, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
07-301 “Web Site Engagement: Behavioural or Attitudinal?”
Enrique Bigné, University of Valencia, Spain
Antonio Hyder, Toulouse Business School, Spain
07-305 “The Effects of a Service Avatar on Online Consumers'
Service Quality and Shopping Efficiency”
Liz C. Wang, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA
Julie Baker, Texas Christian University, USA
Judy A. Wagner, East Carolina University, USA
11:30 – 11:55 SESSION
08-102 “Personal Life Repository for Consumer-Initiative
Kôiti Hasida, AIST, Japan
08-103 “Effects of Cultural Orientation on Customer Goals: A
Dynamic Analysis”
Mayomi Haga, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Satoshi Akutsu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Joji Ono, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Yoshinori Fujikawa, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
08-104 “Measuring the Liability Side of Service Businesses”
Caroline Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Marcus T. H. Lee, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Bin Xu, Singapore Management University, Singapore
07-302 “A Cross-cultural Study on Customer Delight in After
Sales Services: Findings from the Automotive
Nadine Ludwig, EBS Business School, Germany
Mattias Gouthier, EBS Business School, Germany
08-201 “The Transformative Effect of Reiki, Yoga, and
Massage Services on Cancer Patient Well-Being”
Mark S. Rosenbaum, Northern Illinois University, USA
Marianne Cirone, LivingWell Cancer Resource Center, USA
Jill Smallwood, LivingWell Cancer Resource Center, USA
Jane Van De Velde, The Reiki Share Project, USA
07-303M “I Can't Give You Up! The Interrelation between
Negative Online Product Reviews and Brand Loyalty
on Consumer-Brand Relationship”
Mihyun Kang, Eastern Connecticut State University, USA
08-202 “Gamification as a Service for Improving Healthcare
Raymund J. Lin, IBM Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Joe C.H. Lu, IBM Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
07-303M “Understanding Online Recommendation Techniques
in Social Media Marketing: A Genre Analysis”
Shirley Ou Yang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
08-205 “Service Design Method Applied to the Design of
Complex Electronic Health Records”
Nelson Pinho, University of Porto, Portugal
Lia Patrício, University of Porto, Portugal
Raymond Fisk, Texas State University, USA
07-304M “Value Communication of Industrial Services – The
Importance of Key Performance Indicators”
Sabine Janeschek, EBS Business School, Germany
Mattias Gouthier, EBS Business School, Germany
07-304M “Value-Added Service in Manufacturing Industries
for Establishing and Enhancing Brands”
Pei-Hsuan Hsieh, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
08-206 “More Is Not Always Better; The Pivotal Role of Desire
for Control in Affecting Service Attitudes and
Herm Joosten, Radbound University, The Netherlands
Josée M.M. Bloemer, Radbound University, The Netherlands
Bas Hillebrand, Radbound University, The Netherlands
08-301 “Service Innovation as Consumer Experienced
Phenomenon: A Service Experience Investigation of
Smartphone Apps”
Apramey Dube, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
08-302 “The Influences of Emotional Styles on Consumers'
Responses to Services Advertising”
Jin Sun, University of International Business and Economics, China
Hongxia Zhang, Peking University, China
Fang Liu, University of Western Australia, Australia
08-303M “iSamsara: An Original Approach to Represent
Servicial Agencements”
Florie Bugeaud, Nekoe, France
Eddie Soulier, University of Technology of Troyes, France
08-303M “Value Constellation: A Perspective Based on Patent
Strategy and Patent Litigation”
Hsin-Fang Lavender Chang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
08-304M “Different Effect of Personalized Messages on EService Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Category
Knowledge, Product Type”
Eun-Jung Lee, Kent State University, USA
08-304M “Cultural Awareness: The Route to Cresting Superior
Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction”
Ying Ying Liao, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Ebrahim Soltani, Hamdan Ben Mohammed e-University, UAE
08-305 “Twenty Years of Service Recovery Paradox Research –
A critical Review”
Christian Brock, Zeppelin University, Germany
Markus Blut, Newcastle University, UK
Clay M. Voorhees, Michigan State University, USA
Heiner Evanschitzky, University of Aston, UK
12:00 – 12:25 SESSION
09-102 “Satisfying Customers through Satisfied Service
Employees: A Perspective of Emotional Labor and
Emotional Contagion Theories”
Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
En-Yi Chou, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Cheng-Yu Lin, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
09-201 “Personalized Compliance Feedback via Intelligent
Sensing and Social Interactive Exercises”
Jen-Hao Hsiao, IBM Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
09-202 “Co-creation Orientation: The Construct, Antecedents,
and Consequences”
Joji Ono, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan”
Yoshinori Fujikawa, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Satoshi Akutsu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Mayomi Haga, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
09-205 “Inductee Participation in Referral Reward Programs”
B. Ramaseshan, Curtin University, Australia
Jochen Wirtz, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dominik Georgi, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management,
09-301 “Investigating Service Productivity in a Cross-Industry
Setting: Linking Customer and Operational Metrics to
Firm Performance”
Marcus F. Demmelmair, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich,
Jochen Wirtz, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Anton Meyer, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
09-302 “Organizing for Solution Business: Redefining Firm
Anna Salonen, Aalto University, Finland
Elina Jaakkola, Turku University, Finland
09-303M “Using DEMATEL Method to Identify Key Success
Factors of Hospital Service Quality from Patients'
Points of View”
Jiunn-I Shieh, Asia University, Taiwan
Hsin-Hung Wu, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Kuan-Kai Huang, Asia University, Taiwan
09-303M “Personalized Health Service Design to Improve
Patient Engagement”
Ya-Fan Yeh, IBM,Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Wen-Ya Ma, Cardinal Tien Hospital, Taiwan
Dyna Chao, IBM,Taiwan Research Collaboratory, Taiwan
Xinxin Zhu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Sreeram Ramakrishnan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
09-304M “What does Competition Matter in the Moments of
Truth? A Dyadic View”
Shu-Ching Chen, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
09-304M “Will Easy Access Increase Public Transport Use? A
Study of Singapore Commuters' Travel Choices”
Lei Guo, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Virginia Cha, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Pallab Saha, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Whitney Wai Nei Cheung, National University of Singapore,
Dickson Chi Ching Tsui, National University of Singapore, Singapore
09-305 “Value Initiation and Its Ownership: Where All Cocreation Starts and Why”
Tom Chen, The University of Newcastle, Australia
12:30 – 13:25 Lunch
B1, Lobby, Building I
12:30 – 13:25 Journal of Service Research Editorial Review
Board Meeting
B1, VIP Meeting Room, Building I
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
13:30 – 14:15 “Customer Delight—More Confusion than
A. Parasuraman, Professor of Marketing & The James W.
McLamore Chair, School of Business Administration,
University of Miami, USA
14:15 – 15:00 Panel Discussion
Timothy Keiningham, Global Chief Strategy Officer and EVP,
Ipsos Loyalty, USA
Jochen Wirtz, Professor and Academic Director, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
A. Parasuraman, Professor of Marketing & The James W.
McLamore Chair, School of Business Administration,
University of Miami, USA
15:00 – 15:30 Afternoon Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
1F-3F, Building II
15:30 – 15:55 SESSION
10-102 “Measuring Customer Experiences and Value-incontext through Service-Dominant-Logic”
Phil Klaus, ESCE International Business School, France
Bo Edvardsson, CTF Service Research Center, Sweden
Per Kristensson, CTF Service Research Center, Sweden
10-103 “Good Firm Gone Bad: Moderating Role of Customer
Responses to Service Failure and Service Recovery via
Customer Lifetime Value”
Teegan Green, The University of Queensland, Australia
Nicole Hartley, The University of Queensland, Australia
10-104 “Do Media Engagement Strategies Matter in Forming
Service Brand Preferences?”
Terri H. Chan, The University of Hong Kong, China
Kineta Hung, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Caleb H. Tse, The University of Hong Kong, China
David K. Tse, The University of Hong Kong, China
10-202 “A Framework for IT Enabled Mass Customization of
Rajesh Radhakrishnan, IBM Global Technology Services, USA
P.K. Kannan, University of Maryland, USA
10-205 “How do Health Care Customers Value 'Cure' and
'Care' Online? A Marketing and Text Mining Approach
Towards Scale Development”
Sarah Van Oerle, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Annouk Lievens, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Dominik Mahr, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
10-206 “Cultural Differences in Customer Participation:
Impacts on Customer Purchase and Consumption
Satoshi Akutsu, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Mayomi Haga, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Yoshinori Fujikawa, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
Joji Ono, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
10-301 “Influences of Transitive Trust on Decision Making”
Jyun-Cheng Wang, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
Ching-Hui Chang, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
10-302 “Factors Influencing Multichannel Consumers'
Intention to Use Online Order/In-store Pickup
Lih-Bin Oh, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Yong Su, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
10-303M “Service Productivity Enhancement – A Behavioral
Approach “
Tilo Bellm, University of Leipzig, Germany
10-304M “Revealing the Desired Qualities and Behaviors of
Students during Classroom Service Encounters: A
Chilean Perspective”
Pablo Escarate-Sanchez, Pontificia Universidad Catolica De
Valparaiso, Chile
Thorsten Gruber, Loughborough University, UK
10-304M “Attitudes of Chinese Service Workers: Antecedents
of Empowerment and Quality Initiatives”
Kathryn King-Metters, Texas A&M University, USA
Rich Metters, Texas A&M University, USA
16:00 – 16:25 SESSION
11-103 “Business Insights via Machine Learning for IT Service
Ea-Ee Jan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Larisa Shwartz, IBM T. J Watson Research Center, USA
Naga Ayachitula, IBM T. J Watson Research Center, USA
11-104 “Next Generation Service Interfaces: Designing
Dynamic Multi-Interface Services”
Jorge Grenha Teixeira, University of Porto, Portugal
Lia Patricio, University of Porto, Portugal
Leonel Nobrega, University of Porto, Portugal
Larry Constantine, University of Porto, Portugal
Raymond P. Fisk, Texas State University, USA
11-201 “Two Decades of Service Marketing Researching:
Mapping the New Frontiers of the Discipline”
Olivier Furrer, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Cécile Delcourt, University of Liège, Belgium
Dwayne D. Gremler, Bowling Green State University, USA
11-202 “How do Multinational Corporations Transmit Service
Brands to the Local Employees of the Host Country?
An Internal Marketing Mechanism Approach”
Chan Hsiao, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Yi-Hsuan Lee, National Central University, Taiwan
Yuh-Ting Chih, National Central University, Taiwan
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan CONFERENCE PROGRAM
11-205 “Facebook and Evolutionary Psychology: Implications
for Service Firms”
Iris Vilnai-Yavetz, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Sigal Tifferet, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
11-206 “Linking Customer Engagement Value and Service
Dominant Logic: A Mobile Service Study“
Chianghui Wang, Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan
11-301 “Relationship Termination in Services Marketing”
Ting Yu, University of Newcastle, UK
11-302 “Service-Dominant Orientation: An Organizational
Perspective and Nomological Network”
Ingo O. Karpen, RMIT University, Australia
Alexander Josiassen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
11-303M “Mining Service Brands: Evolution of Customer
Wei-Lun Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Carol W. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hui-Chi Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan
11-303M “Forgiving Brand Failures: The Role of Brand
Relationship Commitment”
Jhih-Syuan Lin, University of Georgia, USA
Kuan-Ju Chen, University of Georgia, USA
Yongjun Sung, Southern Methodist University, USA
11-304M “The Development of Web Questionnaire with
Business Process Modeling for Service Evaluation”
Hisashi Masuda, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Japan
Wilfrid Utz, University of Vienna, Austria
Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna, Austria
Yoshinori Hara, Kyoto University, Japan
11-304M “Antecedents and Consequence to Consumer
Adoption of TFS: A Conceptual Framework and
Research Propositions”
Neha Sadhotra, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Saji K. B., Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
11-305 “Clear Thinking about Cloud(y) Services”
James Moore, IBM Global Technology Services, USA
Rajesh Radhakrishnan, IBM Global Technology Services, USA
16:30 – 16:55 SESSION
12-102 “How to Increase Patronage Intention by Increasing EService Quality? The Use of a Virtual Agent”
Reza Etemad-Sajadi, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland
12-201 “Engagement, Reciprocal Behaviour and Value CoCreation in Social Media”
Roderick J. Brodie, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Andrew Zhu, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Laszlo Sajtos, University of Auckland, New Zealand
12-202 “Deployment of Service Innovations”
Chris Voss, Warwick Business School, UK
Wang Qiang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School,
Zhao Xiande, China-Europe International Business School, China
12-205 “Optimal Pricing and Capacity Planning for
Information Technology Service Provider under
Service-Level Agreement”
Xiao Zou, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ke-Wei Huang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
12-206 “Antecedents to Creativity of Frontline Employees: A
Cross-cultural Comparison”
Chen-Ya Wang, National TsingHua University, Taiwan
Yang-Chih Fu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Priyanko Guchait, University of Houston, USA
12-301 “Optimizing the Offline Marketing Expenditures for
Different Segments of Online Consumers”
Arne De Keyser, Ghent University, Belgium
Bart Larivière, Ghent University, Belgium
Jochen Becker, The German Graduate School of Management &
Law, Germany
Josip Medjedovic, The German Graduate School for Management
and Law, Germany
12-302 “Can We Forget about Surveys to Measure Service
Innovation? A Trademark Approach for Knowledge
Intensive Business Services”
Matthias Gotsch, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
Christiane Hipp, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus,
12-303M “Effect of Customer Knowledge on Service
Improvement, Frontline Employee Performance And
Customer Relationship Performance”
Leslie Yip, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Jia Shi, Mercedes-Benz China Ltd., China
Ben S. Liu, Quinnipiac University, USA
12-303M “Linking Perceived Risk and Technology Adaptation
with CRM Implementation in Services Marketing
firms: An Exploratory Study”
Saji K. B., Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Divya J. Rastogi, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India
Uma Nair S., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
12-304M “Case Meets Agent-Simulation: Toward ModelBased Case Development in a Service Domain”
Takao Terano, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Tomomi Kobayashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Satoshi Takahashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Masaaki Kunigami, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Atsushi Yoshikawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
12-304M “Service Evaluation, Consumption Emotions and
Marketing Outcomes
LuJun Su, Central South University, China
Maxwell K. Hsu, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Roger Yin, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
12-305 “Forgiveness Following Service Failure: The Role of
Service Recovery”
Tom DeWitt, University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA
Charla Izuno, University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA
19:00 – 22:00 Networking Event
Xiao Shan Tang (TMSK) at Songshan Cultural Park
Transportation from Building I to TMSK at 17:30
Transportation from TMSK to Hotels at 21:00
SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2013
Transportation from Hotels to Building I at 08:30
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
09:00 – 09:45 “Enabling Smarter Patient Engagement
Services for Integrated, Accountable Health
Henry Chang, IBM Research Collaboratory in Taiwan,
09:45 – 10:30 Panel Discussion
P.K. Kannan, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science,
Chair of Department of Marketing, University of Maryland,
Rod Brodie, Head of Department and Professor, Department
of Marketing, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Henry Chang, IBM Research Collaboratory in Taiwan,
10:30 – 11:00 Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
11:00 – 11:45 “A Theory of Mature Market Growth”
Steven M. Shugan, McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar,
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
11:45 – 12:30 Panel Discussion
Debanjan Mitra, City Furniture Professor, Warrington
College of Business Administration, University of Florida,
Steven M. Shugan, McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar,
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
12:30 – 12:45 Conference Closing
B1, Sungreat International Hall, Building I
Transportation from Building I to Hotels at 13:00
13:00 – 17:00 Taipei City Tour
Pick up your lunch box at B1, Lobby, Building I
Spring 2013
National Science Council,
2-year impact factor of 2.732
2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2011)
Widely considered the world’s leading service research journal, the
Journal of Service Research (JSR) is a must-read to keep up with the
latest in service research. Practical and readable, JSR offers the
necessary knowledge and tools to cope with an increasingly service
based economy. JSR features articles by the world’s leading service
experts, from both academia and the business world.
The Journal of Service Research offers an international and
multidisciplinary perspective on the best management practices in:
¥ Service marketing
¥ Service operations
¥ Service human resources
¥ E-Service
¥ Economics of service
National Science Council, TAIWAN
Established on February 1, 1959, the National Science Council (NSC) of the Executive Yuan (executive branch of
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Tel: +886-2-2737-7595 Fax: +886-2-2737-7248
¥ Service information systems
¥ Customer Satisfaction and service quality
¥ Global issues in service
Mary Jo Bitner
Arizona State University
Be on the lookout for
JSR special issues:
IT-Related Service:
A Multidisciplinary Perspective
(August 2013)
Ming-Hui Huang & Roland T. Rust
Transformative Service
A Multidisciplinary Perspective
on Service and Well-Being
(November 2014)
Co editors:
Laurel Anderson & Amy L. Ostrom
For more information, including manuscript submission guidelines and subscription information,
visit JSR’s website:
The American Marketing Association
The University of Maryland's Center for Excellence in Service is one of the
world's premier service research centers. Founded by executive director Roland
Rust in 2000, and directed by Janet Wagner, the Center sponsors some of the
leading institutions in the service field, including the Frontiers in Service
Conference, the world's leading annual service research conference, and the
Journal of Service Research, the world's leading service research journal. The
Center also collaborates with companies and government organizations
worldwide on executive programs.
Center researchers have been honored numerous times for their research,
including such honors as the MSI/Paul Root Award at the Journal of Marketing,
the Berry/AMA book prize, the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing
Award, and the IBM Best Article Award from the Journal of Service
Research. Center researchers have also won many of the leading
career honors from such organizations as INFORMS and the
American Marketing Association.
For more information about the Center please visit or contact
director Janet Wagner at
The INFORMS Service Science Section
is very proud to co-sponsor
and participate in the
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference.
The Service Science Section mission is to promote and disseminate
research and applications among professionals interested in theory,
methodologies, and applications in Service Science. The Section
provides a forum to exchange new ideas in Service Science, cutting
across fields of service strategy, operations research, information
technologies, industrial engineering, social and cognitive science,
workforce management, and legal science.
Please submit your best service research to the Section's journal
Service Science, now in its fifth volume and its second year as an
INFORMS journal. More information about Service Science is
available at:
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
17:00 – 18:00
Welcome Reception
B2, Howard Plaza
14:15 – 15:00
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
08:30 – 16:00
Research Sessions
2F, Chong Guang
Lecture Hall, Building I
Panel Discussion
Walter Ganz, Director of Fraunhofer Institut für
Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO, Germany
Bo Edvardsson, Professor and Director, CTF-Service Research
Center and vice Rector, Karlstad University, Sweden
Roland T. Rust , Distinguished University Professor and David
Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing, University of Maryland, USA
16:00 – 17:00
Breakout Session
3F, E. Sun Hall
Breakout rooms,
Building I
15:00 – 15:30
Afternoon Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
15:30 – 15:55
1F-3F, Building II
16:00 – 16:25
1F-3F, Building II
Welcome Reception
Living One, Ming-Da
Building, NTU
16:30 – 16:55
1F-3F, Building II
19:00 – 22:00
Awards Dinner
Silks Palace, National
Palace Museum
Introductory Ceremony and Welcoming Remarks
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
09:00 – 09:45
“Telcos – Enabler of Digital Life”
Yuan-Kuang Tu, President, Northern Taiwan Business Group,
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
09:45 – 10:30
Panel Discussion
Raymond P. Fisk, Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing,
Texas State University, USA
Gregory Heim, INFORMS Service Science Section Chair, Associate
Professor, Mays Business School at Texas A&M University, USA
Yuan-Kuang Tu, President, Northern Taiwan Business Group,
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
10:30 – 11:00
Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
18:00 – 20:00
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 09:45
“Marketing to the Connected Consumer”
Jerry Smith, Regional President, Asia Pacific, OgilvyOne
Worldwide, Hong Kong
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
Panel Discussion
Joey George, the John D. DeVries Endowed Chair in Business,
Iowa State University, USA
Jerry Smith, Regional President, Asia Pacific, OgilvyOne
Worldwide, Hong Kong
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
10:30 – 11:00
Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
11:00 – 11:25
1F-3F, Building II
11:00 – 11:25
1F-3F, Building II
11:30 – 11:55
1F-3F, Building II
11:30 – 11:55
1F-3F, Building II
12:00 – 12:25
1F-3F, Building II
12:30 – 13:30
B1, Lobby, Building I
12:00 – 12:25
1F-3F, Building II
12:30 – 13:30
JSR Editorial Review Board Meeting
12:30 – 13:30
B1, Lobby, Building I
B1, VIP Meeting
Room, Building I
13:30 – 14:15
“The Service Revolution and the Transformation of Business”
Roland T. Rust , Distinguished University Professor and David
Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing, University of Maryland, USA
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
13:30 – 14:15
“Customer Delight—More Confusion than Clarity?”
A. Parasuraman, Professor of Marketing & The James W.
McLamore Chair, School of Business Administration, University of
Miami, USA
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
09:45 – 10:30
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan SCHEDULE OF EVENTS
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
14:15 – 15:00
Panel Discussion
Timothy Keiningham, Global Chief Strategy Officer and EVP,
Ipsos Loyalty, USA
Jochen Wirtz, Professor and Academic Director, National
University of Singapore, Singapore
A. Parasuraman, Professor of Marketing & The James W.
McLamore Chair, School of Business Administration, University of
Miami, USA
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
15:00 – 15:30
Afternoon Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
15:30 – 15:55
1F-3F, Building II
16:00 – 16:25
1F-3F, Building II
16:30 – 16:55
1F-3F, Building II
19:00 – 22:00
Networking Event
Xiao Shan Tang
(TMSK) at Songshan
Cultural Park
“Enabling Smarter Patient Engagement Services for Integrated,
Accountable Health Systems”
Henry Chang, IBM Research Collaboratory in Taiwan, Taiwan
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
09:45 – 10:30
Panel Discussion
P.K. Kannan , Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing Science, Chair
of Department of Marketing, University of Maryland, USA
Rod Brodie, Head of Department and Professor, Department of
Marketing, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Henry Chang, IBM Research Collaboratory in Taiwan, Tai wan
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
10:30 – 11:00
Morning Break
B1, Lobby, Building I
11:00 – 11:45
“A Theory of Mature Market Growth”
Steven M. Shugan, McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar,
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
11:45 – 12:30
Debanjan Mitra, City Furniture Professor, Warrington College of
Business Administration, University of Florida, USA
Steven M. Shugan, McKethan-Matherly Eminent Scholar,
Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
B1, Sungreat
International Hall,
Building I
12:30 – 12:45
Conference Closing
13:00 – 17:00
Taipei City Tour
09:00 – 09:45
College of Management, National Taiwan University
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan Conference Venue Floor Layout
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan Conference Venue Floor Layout
Conference Venue Floor Layout
College of Management, Building I
College of Management, Building II
Lobby/1st Floor
B1 Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
Map of Area Surrounding
National Taiwan University
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan National Taiwan University Campus Map
National Taiwan
University Campus Map
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan Map of Area Surrounding National Taiwan University
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
National Science Council,
2013 Frontiers in Service Conference TAIWAN
National Science Council, TAIWAN
Established on February 1, 1959, the National Science Council (NSC) of the Executive Yuan (executive branch of
the Republic of China) is the highest government agency in Taiwan responsible for promoting the development of
science and technology. Over the years, the NSC has evolved and adapted its structure to meet the needs of
changing times, but it has always retained its fundamental character as a funding organization.
Promotion of national Science and Technology development
Support for academic research
Development of science parks
106 Ho-ping East Road, Section 2, Taipei 10622, Taiwan
Tel: +886-2-2737-7595 Fax: +886-2-2737-7248
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