Chapter 16. Client Workstation Basics

Chapter 16. Client Workstation Basics
For the projects in this chapter, ensure you log on to the computer with a user account
that has sufficient rights to accomplish the assigned tasks. Consider using an account that
is a member of the Administrators group, as that group contains full rights to the system.
Project 16A: Install a Network Interface Card
Follow the procedures outlined in the workbook to accomplish this project. In the event
problems are encountered, use the troubleshooting tips in the textbook to determine
where the problem lies. Hardware resource settings will vary from computer to computer.
Project 16B: Install the Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks
To install this client software, follow these steps:
1. Open the Network Properties dialog box and click the Install button.
2. When the Select Network Component Type dialog box appears, select Client and
press the Add button.
3. A list of available clients will appear. Select the client you wish to install and
press the OK button.
4. You will be prompted for the source installation files. Type in the path to the
source files.
Project 16C: Configure the Client for Microsoft Networks to Log on to a
To configure a computer to participate in a Windows domain, follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel and locate the System icon. Double-click the icon.
When the System Properties sheet appears, select the Computer Name tab.
At the Computer Name property sheet, locate and click the Network ID button.
The Network Identification Wizard appears. Press Next. The first Connecting to
the Network screen appears. Select the option stating This computer is part of a
business network, and I use it to connect to the other computers at work. Click
At the next Connecting to the Network screen, select My company uses a network
with a domain. Click Next.
The Network Information window provides the information you need to add a
computer to the domain. Ensure you have this information before proceeding.
Press Next.
The User Account and Domain Information dialog box appears. Enter the user
name, password, and domain in the appropriate boxes. Press Next.
The computer will attempt to contact a server operating as a domain controller
and negotiate to join the domain. When the process has completed, a window will
appear stating that the computer has successfully joined the domain and that you
must restart the computer for the change to be effective.
Project 16D: Configure the Client for Microsoft Networks to Log on to a
To join or create a workgroup with Windows XP, follow these steps:
Open the Control Panel and locate and double-click the System icon.
When the System Properties dialog box appears, select the Computer Name tab.
At the Computer Name dialog box, locate and click the Network ID button.
The Network Identification Wizard appears.
Press Next. The first Connecting to the Network window appears. Select the
option stating This computer is part of a business network, and I use it to connect
to the other computers at work. Click Next.
At the next Connecting to the Network window, select My company uses a
network without a domain. Click Next.
The Workgroup identification dialog box appears. Insert the name of your
workgroup and press next.
When the process has completed, a dialog box appears stating that the computer
has successfully joined the workgroup and that you must restart the computer for
the change to be effective.
Restart the computer.
Project 16E: Install and Configure the Novell Client for NetWare Networks
1. Locate the Setupnw.exe file, which will be located in the Temp directory. When
you double-click Setupnw.exe, the client installation process will begin.
2. At the initial screen, press the Yes button, accepting the terms and conditions.
Press Next.
3. At the Installation Option screen, select Typical Installation. Press the Install
button. The setup process will begin copying files. When it is completed, you will
be prompted to restart the computer.
4. Once the computer restarts, you will be prompted for the following information:
a. User name
b. Password
c. Novell Directory Services tree and context
d. Server name
5. This information can be obtained from your network administrator.
Project 16F: Install and Configure the TCP/IP Protocol
To install a new protocol with Windows XP, follow these steps.
1. Open the Network property sheet. Once opened, click the Install button.
2. When the Select Network Component Type dialog box appears, select Protocol
and press the Add button.
3. A list of available protocols will appear. Select the protocol you wish to install
and press the OK button.
4. You will be prompted for the source installation files. Type in the path to the
source files.
5. Enter the requested information.
Project 16G: Edit and Test the LMHosts File
Follow the procedures outlined in the workbook to accomplish this project. In the event
problems are encountered, use the troubleshooting tips in the textbook to identify and
correct the problem.
Project 16H: Edit the Hosts File
Follow the procedures outlined in the workbook to accomplish this project. In the event
problems are encountered, use the troubleshooting tips in the textbook to identify and
correct the problem.