Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 50, 21-30 (1992) Meteorolog E and Atmospheric Physics 9 Springer-Verlag 1992 Printed in Austria 551.509.324 Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway Initialization of Cloud Water in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model J. E. Kristjfinsson 1 With 9 Figures Received May 6, 1992 Revised June 30, 1992 Summary 1. Introduction In recent years many studies have shown the importance of treating condensation processes in a consistent manner in numerical weather prediction models. Among emerging improvements is the explicit treatment of cloud water, and in some cases precipitating water. An unresolved problem then is how to initialize the cloud water, especially since this quantity is not treated in the most commonly used analysis schemes. In this study, a method for initializing the cloud water in a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model will be presented and tested. The implications for the model's spin-up are investigated. Information from an earlier run ("first guess fields") is used, together with satellite data. If necessary, humidity enhancement is performed where clouds are indicated by those sources. The results indicate that initialization of the cloud water field by itself does not have a large effect on the spin-up of precipitation and clouds. A much larger effect is obtained when the humidity field is enhanced. The spin-up time for precipitation is then reduced from 12 to 6 hours, while for cloud cover it is reduced to only 1-2 hours. The method is computationally very efficient, and is particularly useful over data-sparse areas, such as the oceans. An investigation of the different terms in the cloud water tendency equation is done and the results interpreted in terms of spin-up of cloud parameters. These tests confirm that the cloud water field only accounts for a small part of the spin-up effect. These also show that the production of cloud water per time step increases throughout the simulation. Cloudiness and precipitation are important output parameters in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, both for their own sake and because they strongly affect other parameters, e.g., surface temperature. In order to improve the treatment of condensation and clouds in N W P models, Sundqvist (1978) introduced cloud water content as a prognostic variable. In this way, an improved consistency between latent heat release and sources and sinks of humidity and cloud water is obtained. Recently, a few model groups have introduced related cloud treatments, e.g., Zhang et al. (1988), Raymond and Olson (1991), Zhao et al. (1991), Sundqvist et al. (1989). The present study is based on the last paper. At every point in the three-dimensional grid, a tendency equation for cloud water is solved at each time step, accounting for condensation, evaporation and precipitation. Also the cloud water is advected by the wind. The "missing link" in this treatment is the cloud water content at the start of integration since cloud water content is not incorporated into the analysis/assimilation system of the applied model. (In the case of a limited area model (LAM), boundary values of cloud water are also missing.) Indeed, the same applies to nearly all N W P models that are currently being used. The simplest procedure is simply to start with zero cloud water 1 Present affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, EES-5, NM 87545, U.S.A. 22 J.E. Kristjfinsson at all points and let the model gradually build up cloud mass. The main disadvantage with this procedure is the occurrence of a "spin-up time" of several hours, during which the model presumably will have unrealistically small amounts of cloud coverage and precipitation. The spin-up problem is a more general problem that arises because of deficiencies in observations, analysis techniques and initialization procedures. Sparse and inaccurate humidity observations cause the humidity analyses to be inaccurate, in particular over the sea. Analysis techniques such as optimal interpolation (0I) tend to smooth the fields too much. Finally, initialization techniques, such as normal-mode initialization give initial fields with too weak divergent circulations. All these effects put together result in a period of a few hours, at the start of integration, during which precipitation will be underestimated. Through non-linear coupling with surface temperature, surface evaporation, etc., this may also affect the results at later stages in the prediction, i.e., beyond the spin-up time. An attempt to reduce the spin-up time was made by Turpeinen et al. (1990), who from satellite data over the sea extracted temperature tendencies corresponding to latent heating within the observed clouds. At the same time the humidity field was enhanced. As a result, simulations of precipitation were improved and the spin-up time reduced. This was based on earlier work by, e.g., Perkey (1976) and Danard (1985) who also demonstrated the potential improvement in cyclone simulation resulting from humidity enhancement. In this study, a combination of cloud water data from "first guess" and from satellite will be combined to yield an initial cloud water field. This field will also be used as a basis for humidity enhancement. The effects on spin-up of clouds and precipitation will be investigated. Next section describes the model features. The proposed method is explained in section 3, while section 4 gives the main results. In section 5, the results are interpreted in terms of the cloud water budget. Finally, a summary follows in section 6. sophisticated condensation scheme explained by Sundqvist et al. (1989). A brief outline of the scheme is given below. The horizontal grid distance is 50 km. In the vertical there are 18 sigma-levels and a "lid" at 100 hPa. Analyses are used both as initial and boundary data. For two of the cases (AUG-case and SEP-case) analysis data have been interpolated from 150 km analysis, while the other (JUL-case) is based on a 50 km analysis. The analysis scheme of the model, described by Gr0nSs and Midtb0 (1986) is based on successive corrections, but can be shown to converge to 0I. The model uses a dynamical initialization scheme, which yields an efficient damping of the gravity modes (Bratseth, 1982). Only two vertical modes are treated by this scheme. The basic equations of the "Sundqvist scheme" are the following: gt -A,,+Q-P-Ec ~=Aq- Q + E r + Ec ~ T = A r + --L (Q - Er -ec). ~t Cp (1) (2) (3) Here, and in the following, T denotes temperature, q specific humidity, m cloud water mixing ratio, Q condensation rate, P rate of release of precipitation, Er evaporation of cloud water, Er evaporation from precipitation. L is latent heat of condensation while c, is the specific heat capacity at constant pressure. The A-terms denote effects of advection, diffusion and radiation. In the case of cloud water vertical advection is omitted, since it is assumed that the fall speed of the cloud droplets is balanced by the updraft wind speed. Furthermore, turbulent difussion of cloud water and droplet evaporation due to solar heating are ignored so that: A,, = v.Vm (4) where vis the horizontal wind vector. The advection of cloud water is treated by the upstream scheme, assuring that negative values cannot occur. 2. Model Description The N W P model used in this study is a modified version of the Norwegian operational model, described by Nordeng and Rasmussen (1992). The modification consists of the introduction of a 3. Methodology As mentioned in the Introduction, cloud water content is not given by the analysis schemes of most models. A possible way of obtaining an Initialization of Cloud Water in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model initial field is to use the "first guess" directly as initial field. This may, however, be inconsistent with the humidity field. Better cloud information is obtained if satellite data are available. Unfortunately, there are no available satellite data that can give a vertical distribution of cloud water content. However, there are two types of satellite information on the vertical integral of this quantity. They are microwave data as given by the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), and a combination of information from infrared and nearinfrared channels obtained by the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). Both data types were described and compared by Raustein et al. (1991). Here it is proposed to combine the satellite information with the model's cloud parameterization scheme, since this would seem to be a good way of obtaining consistent cloud and moisture fields. F o r this purpose, the AVHRR-data, interpolated by a navigation method onto model gridpoints and then averaged, were used. The m e t h o d proposed here can be described by the following 4 steps, assuming that a satellite measurement of vertically integrated cloud water content is available, otherwise steps (i)-(iii) are dropped. (i) F r o m the "first guess" 3-dimensional cloud water field, m'j, k, compute the vertical integral at all points; (mlg)i,j (Here and subsequently, indices i, j refer to horizontal grid positions while index k refers to vertical level): ( m f o ) i , j = ~m*~,k'(Ps - Pt) dak + e ,) 9 (5) Here p~ and Pt are respectively, surface pressure and pressure at the "lid", g is gravity, and e is a small number (10- lo) included to avoid singularity in (6). (ii) Defining the satellite estimate as (m~)i,j, obtain a "corrected" cloud water field as: m** = m* . (ms)id . i,j,k i,j,k ( m f g ) i , j (6) (iii) The result is limited such that: mij,k = m i n ( 2 . 1 0 - 3, mij,k)" (7) (iv) Perform humidity enhancement in the following manner: The specific humidity in those points that contain cloud water is raised, so that 23 the conditions for cloud formation in the condensation scheme of the model are satisfied. At present, the humidity is enhanced to 95% in those cases, but this figure may be modified (see section 5). The humidity is not allowed to increase by more than a factor 2 through this procedure. The following relation is hence used: mi,j, k > 10-6, q < 0.95*qs = > qi,j,k = min(0.95, qs, 2.0. q) (8) where qs is the saturated mixing ratio at the actual temperature and pressure. An obvious weakness with this simple formulation is that if the first guess and satellite cloud water fields are entirely out of phase, the product in (6) will be zero. Provided that the first guess is reasonably accurate, this should not be a big problem. Otherwise, it might be necessary to add a small n u m b e r to m'j, k in (6), so that mi,j, k can never become zero as long as (ms)i,j is different from zero. The vertical distribution could then be obtained, e.g., from satellite information on cloud top height and cloud thickness. The above equations contain several empirical constants. In (7), the value 2"10 -3 as an upper b o u n d on cloud water is empirical and may need to be modified. Equation (8) contains 3 empirical constants that may need tuning, as will be discussed in section 5. Finally, it should be noted that the computational cost of the m e t h o d is negligible. 4. Results So far, three cases have been run. We shall mainly concentrate on one case here, namely 15 August 1989 (AUG-case). For this case an AVHRRanalysis, based on the m e t h o d of Raustein et al. (1991) is available at 12 G M T . We will use this analysis to initialize the cloud water field in the model, as explained below. Figure 1 shows the synoptic situation at the start of the integrations with an extensive cyclone over the N o r t h Atlantic. Associated with it there is frontal precipitation along the occluded front that bends from Iceland into southern Scandinavia, Figs. 1 and 2, and convective precipitation in the unstable air mass behind the front, e.g., over and west of the British Isles. The model's integration area normally covers 120 x 100 points, but has in this case been reduced to a smaller area of 60 x 50 points, since the satellite data only cover about half of that area. 24 J.E. Kristjfinsson 200 150 100 50 0 Fig. 1. First-guess sea-level pressure (isolines, mb) and vertically integrated cloud water content (shading, intervals: 0.05, 0.20, 0.50,1.0,1.5 kg m - 2) at 12 UTC 15 August 1989 \ r ~ "" ~ iiiii i : Y ......... 0 I I I I I 6 12 18 24 30 HUM -E~ CLW --+-- CTRL --O- F U L L ---X-- ENH --A- OLD :i:i ii:::i Fig. 2. Vertically integrated cloud water content (intervals as in Fig. 1) from AVHRR-data at 12 UTC 15 August 1989. Note that the analysis only applies to the subarea marked by solid lines. Also shown are surface fronts based on synoptic data Some results will also be shown for another case, an explosive cyclone that hit Scandinavia on 5-6 September 1985 (SEP-case). This case has been studied extensively by Sundqvist et al. (1989) and Lynch and Huang (1992). Here, as well as in the JUL-case, no satellite information was available, so the cloud water was initialized using only "first guess" cloud water from an earlier run. Six different runs will be compared: 1) Control run, starting without cloud water and with analyzed humidity (CTRL); 2) Cloud water initial- Fig. 3. Area-averaged precipitation rates (units of 10-3 ram/h) from experiments CTRL, CLW, HUM, ENH, FULL, OLD; -see text; 15 August 1989 case ization from "first guess" only (CLW); 3) As in control, but with humidity enhancement based on "first guess" only (HUM); 4) Combination of 2 and 3 (ENH); 5) As in 4, but with cloud water from a combination of satellite data and "first guess" run, as explained by Eqs. (5)-(8) (FULL); 6) Cloud water and humidity fields taken directly from "first guess" (OLD). Assuming that the area-averaged precipitation rate is fairly constant in this mature cyclone, we see from Fig. 3 that runs 1) through 5) all underestimate precipitation during the first few hours of the simulations. Cloud water initialization alone (CLW) only increases precipitation by 20% during the first hour, and after this the effect almost vanishes. A similar result is valid for cloud cover and cloud water content, Figs. 4-5. Tests not shown reveal that a larger effect on precipitation is found if the first guess is out of phase with the observations, since the condensation scheme will dump out as precipitation all cloud water that does not coincide with condensation. This is understood from the equation describing precipitation release: " c~ ex ( m 2 Initialization of C l o u d W a t e r in a Numerical W e a t h e r Prediction M o d e l 40 30 - ~ ' 20 - / ........................................................................................................... 0 i 6 i 12 4 18 i 24 .L_ 30 HUM ~ CTRL ~ ENH CLW ~ FULL ~ OLD Fig. 4. AsFig. 3, b u t ~ r c l o u d c o v e r ( % , m a x i m u m o v e r l a p ) 140: becomes efficient. As Eq. (9) shows precipitation increases monotonically with increasing cloud water content. The reason why the effect of CLW vanishes after approximately 3 hours is obvious, namely that unless the humidity is enhanced, the inserted cloud water will simply evaporate or fall out as precipitation. Berge and Kristj~nsson (1992) estimated the lifetime of cloud water in this model to be of the order 1-2 hours, agreeing well with this argument. Humidity enhancement, (HUM and ENH) reduces the spin-up time considerably, particularly for cloud cover, Fig. 4. Defining the spin-up time as the time it takes for precipitation and cloud cover to reach a "semi-steady" state, we find a reduction from about 12 hours to 6 hours for precipitation and cloud water content, while the corresponding figures for cloud cover are 6 hours and 2 hours, respectively. Note also that the total precipitation remains higher in ENH than in CTRL throughout the whole 24 hour forecast. Including the satellite data; FULL; improves the positioning of the precipitation. This is seen at 65 ~N, 0 ~E in Figs. 6a, b, where the front has been shifted northwards, in accordance with Figs. 1 and 2. The effect of humidity enhancement on the model fields is demonstrated in Fig. 7, which shows the enhancement of the 700 hPa equivalent potential temperature as well as analyzed frontal positions. The enhancement is greatest in the frontal zone over southern Scandinavia and in a developing trough in the North Sea, which caused heavy rainshowers and thunderstorms along the Norwegian west coast around 00 UTC 16 August. The OLD run has no spin-up, but instead displays a large degree of overshooting (Fig. 3), which is persumably caused by it being incompatible with the other model fields, that have been modified against observations and subjected to initialization. The OLD run gives up to 50 mm in 6 h over parts of Scandinavia (Fig. 6c), which is not supported by observations of precipitation (Fig. 6d; 12 h precip.). The observations also seem to indicate that FULL (Fig. 6b) yields more realistic precipitation during the first 6 hours than CTRL (Fig. 6a), especially over Scotland and England. Turning to the SEP-case, the initial state has a developing wave over the British Isles and the North Sea (see Sundqvist et al. (1989) for details). The geographical distribution of the differences ,0011 .Ii.i .ii..................................... 40 I ............................................................................................................................. 20 ........................................................................................................... 0 0 I i ~ i t 6 12 18 24 30 HUM -4~ CLW ~ CTRL --,g-- ENH "-0- FULL --A- OLD Fig. 5. As Fig. 3, b u t for vertically integrated cloud water c o n t e n t (10 -3 k g m -2) Here c o is an inverse time scale for conversion of cloud water to precipitation, b is the cloud cover and mr is a "threshold value" which the cloud water content must exceed before precipitation 25 26 J.E. Kristj~nsson , . c . . . . . . . . / . d Fig. 6. Accumulated precipitation between 12 and 18 UTC 15 August (a) CTRL, (b) FULL, (c) OLD. Isolines are: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0 mm. (d) Observed (subjective analysis) precipitation between 06 and 18 UTC 15 August for the intervals 0.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0mm between CTRL and ENH indicate that the humidity field becomes most enhanced along the warm front over the North Sea (not shown). This has an effect not only on initial precipitation but also on the dynamics through production of potential vorticity by latent heat release. To see the magnitude of this effect, Fig. 8 displays the surface pressure at + 2 4 hours in runs with and without the ENH formalism for the SEP-case. The cyclone is deepened by just over 1 hPa, giving an improved position and central pressure as compared to observations (cf. Sundqvist et al., 1989). In the AUG-case, the cyclone had a much broader structure and therefore there was a general deepening of 0.5-1.0 hPa over a large area. Comparison with observations (not shown) indicates an improved pressure pattern over Scandinavia, while over Scotland the pressure is 1 - 2 h P a too tow. This may be due to other effects, such as incorrect cyclone position in the analysis, but may also indicate an exaggerated effect of the humidity enhancement in the convective region, cf. discussion in section 5. In the JUL-case, the reduction of spin-up in the ENH-run was somewhat smaller than for the other cases (not shown). This is probably because Initialization of Cloud Water in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model 27 the first-guess in this case was more similar to the analysis, since the analysis was done at 5 0 k m resolution (see section 2). It remains to be investigated how this result would be affected by using satellite data, as in the AUG-case. 5. Discussion Fig. 7. Differences in equivalent potential temperature (2 K intervals) at 700 hPa between runs FULL and CTRL at + 6h in AUG-case. Also shown are surface fronts based on synoptic data at the same time \ ~U ~ I~ I S L ~ ~ 9 8 ~ ~ J ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ .... / a In this section possible improvements of the proposed m e t h o d will be discussed. This will be followed by some considerations of the different terms in the cloud water tendency equation with respect to the above results. Returning to the question of empirical constants in Eqs. (5)-(8), it may be desirable to modify the 95% figure in convective areas. This is because convective condensation may occur at relative humidities m u c h lower than stratiform condensation, due to the larger subgrid-scale variation in those cases. For instance, the cloudy points in the first guess field can be "masked", according to whether they exhibit stratiform condensation or convective condensation. The humidity enhancement would then only be performed on those points that belong to the "stratiform category". The other constants, especially the 2.0 in Eq. (8), also need further testing. A possible extension of the m e t h o d is to derive temperature tendencies from the cloud water data and use these as a forcing term during the initialization (diabatic initialization). This was tested but turned out to have a small effect on the simulations presented here. The reason is probably that the heating has a relatively shallow structure, at the same time as the initialization scheme of Bratseth (1982) only takes into account the first two vertical modes. Therefore, the heating will have very little impact in the initialization, and since the heating would have occurred during the first time-steps of integration anyway, very little has been gained. We shall look back at the tendency equation for cloud water, (1), which after integration (using centered time differencing, r denoting time-step) becomes: m~+ I = m ~ - 1 + 2 A t ' ( A ~ b Fig. 8. Sea-level pressure (hPa) at +24 h in SEP-case. (a) CTRL, (b) ENH + Q~ - P~ - E~). (10) Physically, the five terms on the right hand side represent respectively, existing cloud water mass (m~- 1); transport of cloud water by advection (Am); source by condensation (Q); sink by precipitation release (P); sink by evaporation of cloud mass (Ec). 28 J.E. Kristjfinsson To understand better the role of the different terms a few test runs have been made: We can dump out all the cloud water at every time-step by setting the "threshold value" mr (see Eq. (9)) to 0 and the inverse time scale c o t o 1/Atphys, where A tphysis the length of the physics time-step (900 s). Thus all excessive cloud water will fall out through the term P, and me§ 1 will always be close to zero. We call this experiment D U M P . Another experiment was made where the threshold value was unchanged, while instead the term m~-1 was omitted from the equation, meaning that only cloud water produced at the time-step in question was stored. We shall refer to this experiment as NOSTORE. Finally, a run where the advection of cloud water, A,, was omitted, has been run and termed NOADV. A comparison of precipitation between CTRL, NOSTORE, NOADV and D U M P is shown in Fig. 9a. Apart from the first 2 hours we see that the advection and microphysics have a fairly small effect on the precipitation. The NOSTORE-curve can be seen as a measure of the production of cloud water per time-step. This is seen to increase steadily during the first 6 hours and continues to increase later, although there are some oscillations also. After 30 hours, the N O S T O R E run gives 6 0 ~ of the precipitation in CONTROL. Apparently the humidity field has now become so "sharp" that the cloud water production per time step, given by Q~, can account for more than half of the production of precipitation. Conversely, during the initial stages, the production per time step was small, due to the smoother humidity and divergence fields. This again highlights the importance of the humidity and wind fields, as compared to the cloud water field, in controlling the spin-up. To some extent, of course, the exact values in Fig. 9a depend on the choice of "tuning" constants (c o and mr) in the microphysics, but those are tuned so as to give realistic amounts of cloud water, and it takes a fairly drastic change in their values to change the qualitative conclusion of this argument. The NOSTORE- and DUMP-experiments have been repeated with a different condensation scheme that also includes cloud water content as a prognostic variable, albeit with no advection. The result was almost exactly the same as in Fig. 9a. The small effect of the advection of cloud water should be seen in relation to the discussion on the lifetime of cloud water in the previous section. 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 .................................... 0 0 I I I t I 6 12 18 24 30 CONTROL --Y-- ~ NOADV -~- REM6H DUMP NOSTORE ',~ / 120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 - / ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " t/1-~-- . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . /- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... ooj ....................................... ...................................................................... 40 ...................................................................................................... 20 .... ....................................................................................................................... 0 0 ] i i i i i 5 10 15 20 25 30 30h simulation I 6h runs 35 b Fig. 9. (a) Precipitation rates from experiments CTRL, DUMP, NOSTORE, NOADV and REM6H. (b) Cloud water content in 10 .3 k g m -2 in AUG-case for respectively 30 h simulation and 6 h runs The fact that D U M P gives 50~ more precipitation than C O N T R O L during the first 2 hours means that the spin-up is partly related to the use of cloud water as a prognostic variable, since dumping it out is equivalent to an omission of that option. However, the enhancement is less than . . . . . . . . Initialization of Cloud Water in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model what was obtained by enhancing the humidity field; Fig. 3. In another run, the NOSTORE option was applied every 6 hours, rather than every time-step, REM6H. As we see, it only takes the model about 2 hours to reach again the precipitation rates that it had before the "dumping". This must be caused by the humidity and divergent wind fields being in better balance with the model physics than they were at time-step zero. Again this suggests that the spin-up problem has rather little to do with the cloud water field being zero at the analysis time. Figure 9b was created by restarting the model from analyses every 6 hours and shows the evolution of the cloud water content, as compared to a 30 h control run. A characteristic ladder-like pattern is obtained, displaying the "harmful" effect of the analysis and initialization procedures. According to this figure the spin-up time for cloud water in this model is somewhat greater than 6 hours. It should be mentioned that we have looked at the effect of vertical resolution by rerunning the AUG-case with 10 instead of 18 vertical levels. Small differences were found from the results presented here. Although the spin-up effect has been reduced by the method proposed in this study, it has clearly not been removed. The main reason is probably the suppression of divergent motions caused by the initialization of the mass and wind fields. If the analysis scheme did a perfect job in adjusting model fields to observations initialization should not be necessary and spin-up should not occur. One technique that seems to hold promise in that respect is 3-D variational analysis, e.g., Parrish and Derber (1992). Another promising technique is diabatic digital filtering, described by Huang and Lynch (1992). They show that the initial precipitation rates and cloud water content can be somewhat enhanced when all the fields, including the cloud water field are obtained in this way. More testing is needed, before it can be established to what extent the method can remove the spin-up effect. The disadvantage with this method is the computational cost, since the model has to be run backwards and forward for several hours around the initial state. 29 how to initialize this quantity. In this paper a method has been proposed, based on satellite information on cloud distribution and density and "first guess" fields of humidity and cloud water from the model. In the proposed procedure, cloud information is used as a basis for enhancing the humidity field. This is based on the assumption that insufficient humidity observations together with effects of analysis and initialization schemes lead to considerable lack of detail in the humidity fields. The effect of the method on the model's "spin-up time" has been investigated. The spin-up was found to be more related to the initial humidity distribution than to the lack of initial cloud water. It seems that a significant reduction in spin-up time can be accomplished with the proposed method. The method would appear to be particularly applicable in areas where observational data are sparse. The computational cost of the method is negligible. Investigations of the magnitude of the different terms in the cloud water tendency equation explain some of the above results. While the initial spin-up time for cloud water is of the order 6-9 hours, it only takes the model about 2 hours to recover when all the cloud water is artificially removed at a later stage in the simulation. The interpretation is that the cloud water itself explains about 2 hours of the 6:-9 hour spin-up time, the remainder being due to inaccurate humidity fields and lack of divergent motions in the initial fields. Further testing is needed to obtain optimal values of empirical constants in the proposed scheme. In particular, the method needs to be tried (and improved) in cases where the "first guess" fields are significantly out of phase with the satellite data. It seems likely that the method needs to be modified in convective areas. Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank Professor Hilding Sundqvist for helpful comments on the manuscript. Elmer Raustein kindly provided the AVHRR-analysis used in this study. Anstein Foss is thanked for programming assistance and Mary-Ann Olson for improving the figures. References 6. Summary and Conclusions The treatment of cloud water as a prognostic variable in N W P models raises questions about Berge, E., Kristjfinsson, J. E., 1992: Numerical weather simulations with different formulations for the advection of humidity and cloud water. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1583-1602. 30 J.E. 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