Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania THE DWELLER Off-Campus Information On Demand S PRING 2016 Welcome Back! OFFICE OF OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING We hope your semester is going well and you have a safe and positive experience living off campus this fall. Living in the town of Bloomsburg can be very rewarding and enjoyable, however, occurrences like getting utilities hooked up, paying bills, and dealing with landlords and neighbors, can be a D E A N O F S T U D E N T S : great source of stress. Having greater freedom to make decisions can also creDONALD YOUNG ate stress and anxiety. The Dean of Students Office is here to assist in alleviating such stressors by answering any questions or concerns regarding offcampus housing. We also strive to keep off-campus students up-to-date with COORDINATOR: both university and town information and news. This newsletter, The DWELLBRET LEPARD ER, is one of the services we provide to help students with problems they may S T U D E N T A S S I S T A N T encounter while living off campus. Students can also obtain information from our website. Our website is JOSEPH DECAPRIO continually updated and located at At our website you can search the listings, find landlord contact information, post CONTACT INFO openings for roommates, and find contact information for places like code en570-389-4734 forcement and various utility companies, plus much more. KUB 101 Much of your success as a town resident is dependent upon your knowledge of how to be a courteous neighbor and of local ordinances. We encourage you to contact us anytime with questions or concerns regarding these matters. You can reach our office at 570-389-4734. We also welcome students to come visit us at our location in KUB 101 (basement of the Kehr Union Building). We are always pleased to speak with students face-to-face and assist them any way we can. If you are confronted with roommate issues, please contact us to schedule a consultation . Again, we wish you all the best and hope you enjoy a positive off-campus housing experience. Best of Luck, Donald Young Dean of Students/Off Campus Housing COMMUNITY LIVING PAGE 2 While some are living off campus for the first time, others are veterans of town living. Either way, please remember that you are part of a community. As a member of the town of Bloomsburg, you are expected to be as courteous and civil as you would be in your own hometown. This means that you must abide by all town codes and ordinances. Your status as a student does not exempt you from law enforcement. Take the time to meet your neighbors and make an effort to peacefully co-exist. This may save you a lot of aggravation later in the semester. Here are some hints to follow. Meet your neighbors If your neighbor has a complaint, listen to them. Realize that some of your neighbors may get up early and go to sleep when you start to socialize. Out of respect for other residents, please watch your language. Random acts of kindness go a long way. The issue of disruptive conduct/noise complaints/disorderly gatherings has become a problem recognized by local authorities. Having respect for your neighbors means respecting their tolerance to the amount of disruptive behavLock your doors at all times ior created by you or your guests. If you receive more than two noise violations, and carry your keys there is the possibility that you may be evicted. If you would like a copy of the Never leave valuables unpro- Regulated Rental Unit Occupancy Ordinance No.766, feel free to stop by the tected. Office of Off-Campus Housing located on the Wilson House on Second Street. Do not leave large sums of This ordinance contains the owner’s duties, occupant’s duties, licensing and inspecting, as well as grounds for renewal, suspension or revocation of license, and money in your residence violations and penalties. Never let a stranger Safety Tips!!! enter your residence Report questionable strangers to the Bloomsburg Town Police at 911 When walking at night, use well-lit paths and take a friend Get A Copy of Your Lease!!! As long as you have a copy of your lease, you should be in good shape. If you do not have a copy of your lease, GET ONE NOW!! Essentially, a lease is a declaration of the decided terms of living. It is a legally binding agreement between the landlord and tenant. There are many reasons to have a copy of your lease. The first and most obvious reason is that it is the guideline either party needs to follow should a question, concern or problem occur. For example, if a conflict develops between you and a landlord, you will need the lease in order to know the terms of your agreement, get help and have proof. A less significant reason for having a copy of your lease is that sometimes the cable company will request to see a copy of the lease before installing or activating cable. These are two simple examples of situations when having a copy of your lease is a necessity. So, please get a copy of your lease and keep it in a safe place. NOTE!!! THE DWELLER We recommend that students insure all of their valuables. Further student insurance information can be found at Inventory Checklist The inventory checklist is a valuable tool to document the condition of the dwelling before you move into it. Make sure you thoroughly inspect your dwelling and record anything in need of repair. Also, be sure to note anything that is damaged or hazardous. Copies of a checklist are provided, for your use, at the Office of Off-Campus Housing and on our website. The checklist is a good outline and is intended to help you get started with documenting your dwelling’s conditions. Nevertheless, if you find something wrong with your dwelling and it is not on the checklist, transcribe a brief description of the problem on a separate sheet of paper and keep it with the checklist. Ideally, your landlord should be present when you inspect the premises. After the inspection is completed, both you and the landlord should sign the inventory checklist and any additional papers. If, however, your landlord is unable to attend, or refuses to be present during PAGE 3 the inspection, you should have two non-resident witnesses inspect the dwelling with you. The inventory checklist and additional papers should then be taken to a notary to be signed. In either case, copies of everything , including a cover letter, should be made and sent to the landlord via certified mail receipt requested. Your copies should be kept in a secure place for future reference. This whole process should then be repeated at the end of your lease term. These steps will help curtail any possible confusion and/or conflict when the lease comes to an end and the security deposit is due to be returned. IN A NUTSHELL Conduct and keep a thorough inventory of your apartment’s condition If the landlord is available, walk through the dwelling together Get a signed copy of the lease Know what bills you are responsible for and make timely payments of bills Take dated pictures of any damages in your house/apartment before you move in so you are not held responsible for repairs THE BURNING QUESTION There are over 1,000 home fires a day in the United States. How safe is your apartment or house? Don’t assume you are safe unless you have asked yourself the following questions: Do you make sure matches and smoking materials are completely extinguished before disposing of them? Are electrical outlets overloaded with multiple extension cords and attachment plugs? Are the stove, oven and broiler kept clean of grease? Have you worked out a plan of escape from every room, including the bathroom? Do you know how to use your fire extinguisher? (Do you have a fire extinguisher?) Do you know the number of the fire department? Do you have smoke alarms present in centrally located areas, especially the kitchen? If you have answered NO to any of these questions, take measures to correct the problems. Check batteries in the smoke detectors and make sure they are functional at all times (refer to Ordinance #787). Make sure your apartment has a fire extinguisher that is properly charged. A discharged fire extinguisher is a useless piece of equipment. Every rental unit must have smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher. IT IS THE LAW. Contact your landlord immediately if you do not have this equipment. THE LIFE YOU SAVE COULD BE YOUR OWN. AVOID SPACE HEATERS RECYCLING PAGE 4 Recycling Center Hours Monday 7am-5pm Tuesday 7am-5pm Wednesday 7am-5pm Thursday 7am-5pm Friday 7am-3pm 2nd & 4th Saturday 9am-1pm Directions to Recycling Center Bloomsburg is a mandatory recycling town. Please abide by the law and separate your trash. Here are some tips: Items accepted at the curb for recycling: Clear, Brown and Green glass separated by color Newspaper Steel cans Aluminum cans Plastic bottles #1 & #2 Items accepted for drop-off at the Recycling Center during open hours: Clear, brown & green glass- separate by color Steel cans & aluminum cans- separate by metal type Newspaper- including all ads and inserts (must keep dry) Plastic Bottles #1 & #2- This includes all soda, juice, milk and laundry bottles. Check for the number in the chasing arrows. Corrugated Cardboard- boxes that have a layer of ridges Magazines & Catalogs Office Paper- lined or unlined and shredded or whole Hardcover, Paperback and Phone Books Computers and all Peripherals Proper Preparation of Recyclables: Remove all lids. Labels may remain on the package Plastic lids are not made of the same material as the bottle Metal lids are recyclable. Place inside of can and flatten can to prevent the lid from sliding out. Rinse bottles, jars and cans. Separate materials and place at the curb in paper bags or open top containers. Leave all items at the curb by 7:30AM on your collection day. From Main Street, follow Rt. 11 and turn right onto East Street. Drive to the 3rd red light on East Street and turn left onto E. 7th Street. The Recycling Center is ½ mile ahead, on the right side of the road, behind Whitmoyer’s Car Detailer. COLLECTION DATES Refer to this link for collection dates: uploads/2014-Calendar.pdf *Be sure to have your trash on the curbside by 7:30am THE DWELLER RECYCLING ZONES For Specific Recycling Zones : KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!! PAGE 5 Your landlord is obligated under a doctrine known as Implied Warrants of Habitability to provide you with a safe and sanitary dwelling in exchange for the rent you pay. A breech of Implied Habitability occurs whenever a defect renders the premises uninhabitable. If you have problems, here is a list of contacts: LANDLORD OR LEASE PROBLEMS: LEGAL QUESTIONS? Anthony Beard Campus Lawyer Asst. Dean of Students/Off Campus Housing David Trathen Wilson House, 389-4984 Fridays 4pm-6pm KUB - 411 CODE ENFORCEMENT PROBLEMS: 570-784-2200 Ed Fegley or Ralph Magill ONLY FALL/SPRING Code Enforcement Officers Bloomsburg Town Hall, 784-7123 Mr. Fegley or Mr. Magill will inspect properties on the request of a landlord or tenant. They will take any action necessary when the safety and health of a tenant is in question or jeopardy. Please keep in mind that your landlord deserves and has the right to make minor appropriate repairs to your property before you contact the Code Enforcement READ THE CODE Questions about whether something in or around your residence is up to code? Take a look at Bloomsburg’s online Code Ordinances listed at: THE TRASH ISSUE Tenants are being held responsible by their landlords for trash removal. According to the Bloomsburg Code Enforcement Officer, if students do not follow the proper procedures for trash removal, it can cause some major problems. Listed below are the proper procedures for trash removal: Contact your landlord or check your lease to see who’s responsible for trash removal If your landlord is responsible, he/she must ensure that bills are paid on time and that the services are being rendered properly. You, however, must inform the landlord if a problem exists with service so it can be remedied. If you are responsible, you must find and contract a disposal service. The yellow pages offer a variety of choices under the heading of rubbish. Simply call one of the haulers and tell them you need their service. You should ask: The cost What day pick up is You must: Pay the bill Set out the trash on pick up day Be sure no recyclable materials are included with the trash. Keep trash inside until pick up day in order to prevent animals from breaking bags and creating a smelly, unsightly mess. PAGE 6 ALCOHOL, DRUGS & UNIVERSITY POLICY Even though you live off campus, the University’s Alcoholic Beverage and Drug Policy does effect you. As a student at BU, you must abide by the Student Code of Conduct which you will find in the PILOT. It is available online here: AS A REMINDER... Students who are cited/arrested by law enforcement agencies or charged by the University with furnishing/providing/selling alcohol to minors will be immediately placed on Alcohol Probation Level II pending a formal judicial hearing. Students found responsible of the violation will be suspended for at least one semester. Hopefully, these sanctions will allow those students who illegally sell and furnish alcohol to others, to think about the severity and consequences in an effort to prevent selling and furnishing alcohol to underage individuals. REMEMBER ORDINANCE #787 It states that it is unlawful for residents to occupy an apartment or other premises with a fire or smoke detection system which has been purposely disabled. “Purposely disabled” means the following: 1. The battery has been removed or disconnected without the immediate replacement. 2. The device has been disconnected from it’s electrical power supply or the power supply to the detection device has been otherwise interrupted without good cause. 3. The smoke or fire protection device has been damaged, destroyed, or completely removed without the immediate replacement of same. 4. The proper functioning of the smoke or fire protection device has been obstructed, hindered or prevented by any other act. Therefore, you will be held responsible for a violation of the ordinance if you fail to comply with the above. Not only is your safety at stake, violators face a $1,000 maximum fine. Contact your landlord immediately if you are having problems with your fire detection system. REMINDER!!! The Couch Law prohibits any type of indoor furniture (couches, stuffed chairs, easy chairs, etc.) from being on porches. The only “safe” porch furniture is outdoor or patio furniture. The Open Container Law prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the THE DWELLER possession of open containers of alcohol on public property. Public property includes, but is not limited to: streets, sidewalks, parking lots, parks, and recreation areas within in the town of Bloomsburg. In addition to any University sanctions, a violation of this law can result in a fine up to $600 and/or imprisonment up to ten days. PAGE Campus Shuttle Schedule Downtown Loop Lower campus bus stop is next to McCormick Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-9:30pm Service is provided every half hour according to the following schedule: First bus leaves McCormick at 7:30am. The last bus leaves McCormick at 9:30pm. McCormick: depar ts on the hour and half hour Market Street Apartments: depar ts 5mins.-35mins. past the hour Old School House Apartments: depar ts 8mins.38mins. past the hour Maroon and Gold Apartments: depar ts 10mins.40mins. past the hour Warhurst Apartments: depar ts 12mins.-42mins. past the hour Glenn Avenue Apartments: depar ts 13mins.-43mins. past the hour Friday: 7:30am-4:30pm First bus leaves McCormick at 7:30am. The last bus leaves McCormick at 4:30pm. Honeysuckle Apartments Monday-Thursday: 7:30am-12:00pm Continuous service with buses arriving approximately every 10 mins. (NO service from 12:15pm-12:45pm) 12:50pm-9:15pm Continuous service with buses arriving approximately every 10mins. Friday: 7:30am-12:00pm Continuous service with buses arriving approximately every 10 mins. (NO service from 12:15pm-12:45pm) 12:50pm-4:45pm Continuous service with buses arriving approximately every 10 mins. There is NO service Saturday or Sunday Service for the Honeysuckle Apartments Walmart Run Will be included with the Campus Service Tuesday and Friday nights on the hour. Pick up at Centennial Hall Depart from Walmart 6:00pm 7:15pm 7:00pm 8:15pm 8:00pm 9:15pm Campus Loop Shuttle buses on the campus loop stop at: Centennial Hall Nelson Field House Jessica S. Kozloff Apartments Orange Lot Mount Olympus Apartments Montgomery Apartments Monday through Thursday: Continuous Service from 7:30am-Midnight 7:30am-3:30pm—Buses arrive approximately every 10 minutes 3:30pm-Midnight—Buses arrive approximately every 15 minutes Friday: Continuous Service from 730am– 10pm Saturday: Continuous Service from 12:00pm -5:00pm. Buses arrive approximately every 20 minutes Sunday: Continuous Service from 12:00pm (noon)-Midnight (NO service from 6:45pm7:30pm). Buses arrive approximately every 20 minutes. 7 PAGE 8 Permit Parking Emergency Snow Removal Parking Lot Procedures During significant snowfall, the police department may post meters and lots with “No Parking” signs. A notice is placed on local radio stations (930 AM or 106.5FM), in area newspapers and on BU’s “Today Page.” Vehicles not moved from the parking lots prior to plowing are subject to a $50 fine and towing at the owners expense. Call the police station for more information at 570-784-6779. Permits are enforced from 7am7pm Monday through Friday, as per signs on the streets. Permits are available for purchase at the police station at $10 per permit and must be hanging from your rear-view mirror. Park only on the street where your permit is valid. Vehicle Registration and a copy of current lease are required. Vehicles must be removed for the street sweeping days in your block. You will get a ticket with your permit. There are two signs on every block with the street sweeping schedule that is in effect April to November. Tickets Parking meters are enforced 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. On Main Street from East Street to West Street, you may not exceed parking at the meter for 2 hours. Tickets for this offense are $10. Courte- sy reminder letters are mailed after 10 days if the ticket is unpaid. If a ticket is not paid within 20 days from issue date of ticket, a citation will be issued. You must have your ticket number or vehicle registration in order to pay your ticket at the station. Payments can also be paid online via a credit card at tickets.html Downtown Parking Permits Permits are available for purchase for persons living or working in the downtown area. They can be purchased at the station for $75-160 for 6 months, for parking in municipal lots. Students must be present to get their permits and only one permit is issued per person. Everyone must bring in proof of residency (lease or current utility bill), vehicle registration & photo ID. . (Only a parent can obtain a permit for their son/daughter if the student cannot be present). Preferred methods of payment are checks, credit cards or money orders. For More Up to Date Parking Information visit: THE DWELLER CAMPUS FACILITIES ANDRUSS LIBRARY Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:30am-Midnight 7:30am-4:30pm 9:00am-5:00pm Noon-Midnight KEHR UNION Monday-Friday Saturday and Sunday 8:00am-Midnight 10:00am-Midnight STUDENT REC CENTER Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday 6:00am-11:00pm 6:00am-10:00pm 11:00am-10:00pm STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-6:00pm Closed UNIVERSITY STORE Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:45am-8:00pm 7:45am-4:30pm 10:00am-5:00pm Noon-4:30pm COMMONS Monday-Friday Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sat & Sun Brunch Dinner 7:00am-9:30am 10:30am-2:00pm 4:00pm-8:00pm PHONE LIST Campus Numbers Business Office BU Police Card Center Career Development CGA Community Activities Counseling Center Financial Aid Games Room Health Center Intramural Office KUB Main Desk Library Nelson Field House Rec Center Registrar Residence Life Scranton Commons Student Activities Student Life Student Standards University Info University Store 389-4013 389-4168 389-5410 389-4070 389-4467 389-4462 389-4255 389-4279 389-4345 389-4451 389-4885 389-5212 389-4205 389-4049 389-4772 389-4263 389-4089 389-4482 389-4346 389-4063 389-4734 389-4000 389-4175 10:00am-2:00pm 4:30pm-7:00pm ROONGO’S Monday- Thursday Friday 8:00am-6:00pm 8:00am-3:30pm EXPRESSO CART Monday-Friday HUSKY LOUNGE Monday-Friday Sat & Sun ITALIAN KITCHEN Everyday 7:30am-2:30pm Residence Halls Columbia Elwell Luzerne Lycoming Montour Northumberland Schuylkill MOA/MPA 389-4299 389-4315 389-4305 389-4320 389-4330 389-4301 389-4327 389-2900 Town Numbers Code Enforcement Bloomsburg Recycling BTE Box Office Family Planning Bloomsburg Hospital Bloomsburg YMCA Geisinger Medical Info Bloom Poison Center 784-7123 784-4532 784-8181 387-0236 387-2100 784-0188 271-6211 784-4241 ATTENTION!!! The Dweller is a publication from the Dean of Students Office. The next edition will be in August of 2013. All future editions, will be available on 7:00am-Midnight our website at If you have any 11:00am-Midnight ideas or suggestions for articles/information you feel should be communicated to our off-campus students, please feel free to let us know. 10:30am-8:30pm Thanks! MONTY’S Monday-Friday Sat & Sun 8:00am-9:00pm 11:00am-8:00pm SECOND STREET CAFE Monday-Friday Sat & Sun 7:30am-8:30pm 11:00am-8:30pm offcampushousing STARBUCKS Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:30am-Midnight 7:30am-4:30pm Closed Noon-Midnight Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania is committed to equal educational and employment opportunities for all persons without regard to race, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status.