Co-benefits of options for cleaner energy use in China Wellcome Trust Meeting, London, May 27, 2008 Kristin Aunan, CICERO • China – an important country for future global warming • Top-down and bottom up assessment of cobenefits of climate policies 1 Why co-benefits? Climate-change and air-pollution links • Source link: CO2 and the main air pollutants to a large extent have the same sources • Air pollutants, especially tropospheric ozone and particles, play an important role in the climate system • Chemistry: Some air pollutants affect the lifetimes of GHGs (e.g. increased CO may increase the lifetime of CH4) 2 Coal use in China is rocketing • 4.5% growth in Coal consumption (Mtoe) 1400 1200 1000 OECD 800 China USA 600 India 400 200 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 global coal consumption last year • 72% of the global increase due to China Source: BP Amoco 2007 3 Probably large emissions in the pipe line Carbon content of proven fossil fuel reserves in 2005 World top 4 600000 Coal Oil Gas 500000 400000 MtCO2 300000 200000 100000 0 USA Russia India China 4 Urban air pollution - Chinese cities among the worst Delhi Mexico City Rio de Janeiro NO2 Los Angeles SO2 New York TSP Tokyo Shanghai Lanzhou Taiyuan Guangzhou Beijing 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 mg/m 3 5 Air pollution standards exceeded x times • 340 mill. people in cities where PM10> 100 mg/m3 (58% of urban population Class III and above) • 70 mill. people in cities where PM10> 150 mg/m3 00 • In addition: Indoor air pollution in rural areas is severe Source: World Bank/SEPA, 2007 6 Estimating short-term benefits from GHG reducing projects and policies – three examples 1. Top-down approach: Assessment of a CO2 tax in China using macroeconomic model (CGE), accounting for health and agricultural co-benefits 2a) Bottom-up study: Energy saving and clean coal technologies in Shanxi province. CO2 reductions and health co-benefits 7 2b) Bottom-up study: ‘Cleaner Production’ projects in Taiyuan. CO2 reductions and health co-benefits 3. Bottom-up studies: Health benefits from reducing exposure to indoor air pollution from solid fuel burning in peoples homes 8 Implementing a CO2 tax in China: Welfare analysis for 2010 including health benefits 1000 Health benefit 500 100 mill. Yuan 1. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Net benefit -500 Welfare cost -1000 -1500 CO2 reduction from 2010 baseline (%) 9 Welfare analysis including health benefits and avoided crop loss due to reduced surface ozone (NOx- ozone –crop link) 1000 Health benefit 100 mill. Yuan 500 ’No regrets’ CO2 abatement: 15% - 20% 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Net benefit -500 Welfare cost -1000 -1500 CO2 reduction from 2010 baseline (%) 10 Impacts of two levels of a CO2 tax, 2010 (percentage change relative to baseline) Reduction in CO2 emission 10% 20% NOx Emission National Guangdong Rest of China Productivity Guangdong Rice Wheat Other crops Productivity Rest of China Rice Wheat Corn Cotton Other crops -6.06 -7.78 -5.85 -12.33 -15.73 -11.93 0.19 0.48 0.39 0.38 0.97 0.78 0.17 0.17 0.14 0.51 0.19 0.34 0.35 0.29 1.03 0.39 11 2. Bottom-up studies in Taiyuan: Clean coal and energy efficiency projects • Detailed analysis of projects In Taiyuan: Energy efficiency improvements at Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company; District boiler house; Coal briquetting factory • Shanxi province: Co-generation; Industrial boilers; Coal washing; Briquetting 12 Health co-benefits of CO2 reductions often higher than costs 762 USD/ton CO 2 300 Health benefit/CO2 (USD/ton CO2) 250 Abatement cost (USD/ton CO2) USD/ton CO2 200 150 100 50 0 t t F P B B Q T en en ing ing EA CP TR m m CD yC eD sh ett r e e C s 4 a 1 u o % g c u t l l q 5 w a o la l3 fac ge -50 boile al tee Bri an tee 25 rh ee o rep t S g l S e m l Co C r i n e S d r d o tti d ile ied an an Ste tb oile ue an c n Bo dif n d b i q i r o o n o n t Ir Ir M Br ed Iro na Dis rov Iro p -100 Im ion rat ne ign es rd 13 Avoided deaths/mtCO 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Steel w ork -1 (T) Steel w ork -2 (T) 968 Steel w ork -3 (T) District boiler house (T) Coal briquette factory (T) Co-gen (S) Modified boiler design (S) Boiler replacement (S) Improved boiler management (S) Coal w ashing (S) Briquetting (S) Hungary (Aunan et al., 1998) China (O'Connor et al., 2003) China (Garbaccio et al, 2000) India (Bussolo and O'Connor, 2001) Chile (Dessus and O'Connor, 2003) Chile (Cifuentes et al., 1999) 14 Co-benefits from targeting rural energy urban rural 700 46 % 600 500 Mill people 3. 400 27% 27% gas coal 300 200 100 0 biomass • Nearly 3/4 of the Chinese population use biomass and coal for cooking and heating • WHO: 420 000 premature deaths annually due to indoor air pollution from solid fuel use in China 15 Very large reductions in exposure to PM10 can be obtained from targeted interventions in the household sector ΔPWE (μg/m3 PM10) for three abatement scenarios in mainland China: 1) Clean fuels in urban residences, 2) partial fuel switch in rural residences, and 3) IAQ standard (150 μg/m3) met in all households 16 • Most likely very large health benefits from interventions • Current methodologies for health impact assessment not adequate • Research needed! 17 Solid fuel burning affects global and regional climate Global integrated radiative forcing for a 1 y pulse of emissions from Asian households in 2000 (100 y time horizon) 100 80 60 CH4 CH4 (NOX) 40 O3 mW/m2 20 OC BC 0 Sulfate Domestic biomass -20 Domestic fossil fuels CO2 -40 -60 From Aunan et al., in progress 18 ’Cutting the curve’ – avoiding the coal rung on the energy ladder good for the climate But: As income increases in rural areas people tend to switch to coal Source: NRCSTD and Fafo A/S, 2006, "Life in Western China: Tabulation Report of Monitoring Social and Economic Development in Western China", Beijing: China Statistics Press (Figure: Kristin Dalen (Fafo)) 19 A positive trend in reverse: 11% increase in residential coal consumption 2000-2005 Residential coal consumption (10,000 ton) 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 China Energy Statistical Yearbook 2006 20 Current emission – integrated radiative forcing (100 y time horizon) 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 Total integrated RF Domestic fossil fuels Domestic biomass 50.0 0.0 CO2 CH4 Sulfate BC OC O3 CH4 (NOX) Total integrated RF -50.0 -100.0 21 30% of biomass is replaced by coal, no sulfur removal in coal 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 Total integrated RF Domestic fossil fuels Domestic biomass 50.0 0.0 CO2 CH4 Sulfate BC OC O3 CH4 (NOX) Total integrated RF -50.0 -100.0 22 30% of biomass is replaced by coal, full sulfur removal in coal 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 Total integrated RF Domestic fossil fuels Domestic biomass 50.0 0.0 CO2 CH4 Sulfate BC OC O3 CH4 (NOX) Total integrated RF -50.0 -100.0 23 BC may also enhance melting of snow and ice in the Arctic Barrow, Alaska, 71°N Contribution to BC in snow, Barrow, April 15, 2005 24 Summary • Clean coal technologies and energy efficiency improvements are cost-efficient options for cocontrol of air pollution and CO2 emissions • Policies promoting clean household fuels in China may substantially reduce population exposure to particulate air pollution and may also be beneficial for regional and global climate 25 Research needs • Clean biomass technologies probably part of the solution. What are the viable options and what are their benefits for public health, climate, and development? • Impacts of air pollutants on crops in Asia may be large – little knowledge (ozone, regional haze) • Excellent research communities exist. Strong tradition for using these as policy advisors among Chinese policy makers Associate Professor Shuxiao Wang at Tsinghua University 26