China Energy Databook v. 7.0, October 2008

China Energy
v. 7.0, October 2008
Table of Contents
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Tables labeled “A” indicate pivot tables containing Access database extracts.
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Tables labeled “C” indicate tables with data that can no longer be updated.
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appropriate Users Guide for information about the content and features of the database.
The full Table of Contents is shown on the following pages.
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents: Tables and Figures
Chapter 1, Energy Reserves and Resources
Table 1B.1. Energy Resources for Selected Countries, 1999
Table 1B.2. Energy Reserves for Selected Countries, 2005
Table 1B.3. Coal Resources by Type of Coal, End of 1995
Table 1B.4. Sulfur Content and Distribution of Coal by Type and Region, 1995
Table 1B.5. Reserve Base of Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas by Province, 2006
Table 1B.6. Undiscovered Oil Resources and Recoverable Resources by Region and
Basin, 2006 (Gt)
Table 1B.7. Oil Resources and Proved Reserves by Basin, 1999
Table 1B.8. Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources by Region and Basin (billion m3), 2006
Table 1B.9. Natural Gas Resources and Proved Reserves by Basin, 1999
Table 1B.10. Exploitable Hydropower Resources by Province, 1980
Table 1C.1. Energy Reserves for Selected Countries, 1999
Table 1C.2. Estimated Coal Resources by Province and Type, 1995
Chapter 2, Energy Production
Table 2A.1.1. Primary Energy Production
Table 2A.1.2. Primary Energy Production (Mtce)
Table 2A.1.3. Primary Energy Production (Shares)
Table 2A.1.4. Primary Energy Production (Annual Growth)
Table 2A.1.5. Primary Energy Production (EJ)
Table 2A.2.1. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Coal)
Table 2A.2.2. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Crude
Table 2A.2.3. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Natural
Table 2A.2.4. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Primary
Table 2A.2.5. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Fossilfired Electricity)
Table 2A.2.6. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Total
Table 2A.2.7. Commercial Energy Production by Province and Energy Source (Total
Primary Energy)
Table 2A.3.1. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2000
Table 2A.3.2. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2001
Table 2A.3.3. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2002
Table 2A.3.4. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2003
Table 2A.3.5. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2004
Table 2A.3.6. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2005
Table 2A.3.7. Net Coal Usage by Province, 2006
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 2A.4.1. Gross Electricity Generation
Table 2A.4.2. Gross Electricity Generation (Shares)
Table 2B.1. Raw Coal Production by Producer, 1950-2006
Table 2B.2. Raw Coal Production by Type of Coal, 1952-2006
Table 2B.3. Major Coal Mining Enterprises
Table 2B.4. Coal Mine Safety: Mining Deaths, 1992-2006
Table 2B.5. Coal Mine Safety: Fatal Mining Accidents
Table 2B.6. Coke Production, 1949-2006
Table 2B.7. Coking Coal Used in Coke Production, 1980-2006
Table 2B.8. Production of Washed Coal, 1949-2006
Table 2B.9. China's Crude Oil Production by Oilfield, 1950-2006
Table 2B.10. Selected Technical Indicators of Crude Oil Production, 1970-2006
Table 2B.11. Petroleum Products Production
Table 2B.12. Natural Gas Production by Source, 1949-2006
Table 2B.13. Electricity Generation and Consumption, 1980-2006
Table 2B.14. Electricity Generation Capacity, 1949-2006
Table 2B.15. Installed Thermal Generation Capacity
Table 2B.16. Installed Generation Capacity by Region and Type of Turbine
Table 2B.17. National Average Capacity Factors for Electric Power Generation, 19782006
Table 2B.18. Installed Capacity and Performance of Large Power Networks
Table 2B.19. 50 Largest Thermal Power Plants, 2006
Table 2B.20. Large Hydropower Stations (>1GW) in Operation and Under Construction
Table 2B.21. Coverage of Rural Electric Grids by Region, 1998-2000
Table 2B.22. Rural Electricity Coverage and Consumption
Table 2B.23. Transportation of Coal and Oil, 1965-2006
Table 2B.24. Interprovincial Coal Transfers via Railway
Table 2B.25. Indices of Crude Oil Pipelines
Table 2B.26. Indices of Oil Product Pipelines
Table 2B.27. Indices of Gas Pipelines
Table 2B.28. Renewable Energy Production
Table 2B.29. Wind Farms: Units and Capacity
Table 2C.1. Sulfur Content of China's Commodity Coal by Region
Table 2C.2. Characteristics of Chinese Steam Coal
Table 2C.3. Generation by Self-Producers, 1980-2006
Table 2C.4. Indices of Five Major Pipelines, 1993
Table 2C.5. Thermal Power Generation and Capacity by Plant Size
Table 2C.6. Principal Thermal Power Plants 600 MW and Over
Table 2C.7. Hydropower Generation and Capacity by Plant Size
Table 2C.8. Principal Hydropower Plants 250 MW and over, 1991
Table 2C.9. Small Hydropower Plant Capacity by Size and Province, 1995-1997
Chapter 3, Energy Industry Investment
Table 3B.1. Total Investment by Ownership of Enterprise, 1983-2006
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 3B.2. Total Energy Industry Investment by Ownership and by Subsector, 19972005
Table 3B.3. Investment in State-Owned Units: Total and Capital Construction
Compared to Energy Industry Investment, 1953-2003
Table 3B.4. Total Energy Industry Investment in State-Owned Units by Subsector, 19812006
Table 3B.5. Energy Industry Capital Construction Investment in State-Owned Units by
Subsector, 1953-2006
Table 3B.6. Energy Industry Technical Updating & Transformation Investment by
Subsector and Purpose, 1981-2003
Table 3B.7. Total Technical Updating and Transformation Investment by Investment
Category, 1981-2005
Table 3B.8. Capital Construction Investment in Energy Conservation, 1981-2003
Table 3B.9. Newly Increased Production Capacity of State-Owned Enterprises, 19812006
Table 3B.10(a). Investment Goods Deflators, 1953-2003
Table 3B.10(b). Industry Investment Goods Deflators, 1978-2006
Table 3B.11. Investment in Energy Industry in Urban Area by Subsectors and Purpose,
Table 3B.12. Economic Indicators of Energy Industry, 2005-2006
Table 3B.13. Investment in Pollution Treatment, 2000-2006
Table 3C.1. Energy Conservation Investments, 1981-1995
Table 3C.2. Completed Energy Conservation Capital Construction Projects, 1981-1995
Table 3C.3. Investments in Energy Conservation Technical Updating and
Transformation Demonstration Projects, 1981-1995
Chapter 4, Energy Consumption
Table 4A.1.1. Primary Energy Consumption
Table 4A.1.2. Primary Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.1.3. Primary Energy Consumption (Mtoe)
Table 4A.1.4. Primary Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.1.5. Primary Energy Consumption (Annual Growth)
Table 4A.1.6. Primary Energy Consumption, per capita
Table 4A.2.1. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.2. Final Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source, 2000
Table 4A.2.3. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.4. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.5. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.6. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.7. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 4A.2.8. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.2.9. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2002 (Mtce)
Table 4A.2.10. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2003 (Mtce)
Table 4A.2.11. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2004 (Mtce)
Table 4A.2.12. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2005 (Mtce)
Table 4A.2.13. Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2006 (Mtce)
Table 4A.3.1. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2002
Table 4A.3.2. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2002
Table 4A.3.3. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2003
Table 4A.3.4. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2003
Table 4A.3.5. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2004
Table 4A.3.6. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2004
Table 4A.3.7. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2005
Table 4A.3.8. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2005
Table 4A.3.9. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2006
Table 4A.3.10. Per Capita Final Commercial Energy Consumption by Province and
Energy Type, 2006
Table 4A.4.1. End-Use Energy Consumption by Sector (Mtce)
Table 4A.4.2. End-Use Energy Consumption by Sector (Shares)
Table 4A.5.1. Industrial End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type (Mtce)
Table 4A.5.2. Industrial End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type (Shares)
Table 4A.6.1. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1995
Table 4A.6.2. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1996
Table 4A.6.3. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1997
Table 4A.6.4. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1998
Table 4A.6.5. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 1999
Table 4A.6.6. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2000
Table 4A.6.7. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2001
Table 4A.6.8. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2002
Table 4A.6.9. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2003
Table 4A.6.10. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2004
Table 4A.6.11. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2005
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 4A.6.12. Industrial Sector End Use by Subsector and Energy Type, 2006
Table 4A.7.1. Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Province and Energy Source, 2002
Table 4A.7.2. Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Province and Energy Source, 2003
Table 4A.7.3. Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Province and Energy Source, 2004
Table 4A.7.4. Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Province and Energy Source, 2005
Table 4A.7.5. Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Province and Energy Source, 2006
Table 4A.8.1. Energy Used as Feedstock
Table 4A.8.2. Energy Used as Feedstock (Mtce)
Table 4A.9.1. Thermal Electric Utility Fuel Use
Table 4A.9.2. Thermal Electric Utility Fuel Use (Mtce)
Table 4A.10.1. Transportation Energy Consumption
Table 4A.10.2. Transportation Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.10.3. Transportation Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.11.1. Agricultural Energy Consumption
Table 4A.11.2. Agricultural Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.11.3. Agricultural Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.12.1. Residential Energy Consumption
Table 4A.12.2. Residential Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.12.3. Residential Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.13.1. Urban and Rural Residential Energy Consumption (Coal)
Table 4A.13.2. Urban and Rural Residential Energy Consumption (Electricity)
Table 4A.13.3. Urban and Rural Residential Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.14.1. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.14.2. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2002 per capita
Table 4A.14.3. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.14.4. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2003 per capita
Table 4A.14.5. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.14.6. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2004 per capita
Table 4A.14.7. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.14.8. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2005 per capita
Table 4A.14.9. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
Table 4A.14.10. Residential Sector Energy Consumption by Province and Energy Source,
2006 per capita
Table 4A.15.1. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption
Table 4A.15.2. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption (Mtce)
Table 4A.15.3. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.16.1. Construction Energy Consumption
Table 4A.16.2. Construction Energy Consumption (Mtce)
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 4A.16.3. Construction Energy Consumption (Shares)
Table 4A.17.1. End-Use Energy Consumption by Source (Mtce)
Table 4A.17.2. End-Use Energy Consumption by Source (Shares)
Table 4A.18.1. Coal End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.18.2. Coal End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.19.1. Coke Oven Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.19.2. Coke Oven Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.19.3. Town Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.19.4. Town Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.20.1. Total Petroleum and Inputs to Conversion by Sector
Table 4A.20.2. Total Petroleum and Inputs to Conversion by Sector (Mtce)
Table 4A.21.1. Total Petroleum Product and Inputs to Conversion (Excluding Refining)
by Product
Table 4A.21.2. Total Petroleum Product and Inputs to Conversion (Excluding Refining)
by Product (Mtce)
Table 4A.22.1. Crude Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.22.2. Crude Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.23.1. Diesel Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.23.2. Diesel Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.24.1. Fuel Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.24.2. Fuel Oil End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Mtce)
Table 4A.25.1. Natural Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion
Table 4A.25.2. Natural Gas End Use and Inputs to Conversion (Shares)
Table 4A.26.1. Electricity End Use by Sector
Table 4A.26.2. Electricity End Use by Sector (Shares)
Table 4A.27.1. Output of Major Petroleum Products
Table 4A.27.2. Output of Major Petroleum Products (Shares)
Table 4B.1. Primary Energy Consumption: Commercial and Biomass Energy
Table 4B.2. Actual Primary Energy Consumption and Projected Energy Consumption at
Frozen 1977 Intensity
Table 4B.3. Energy Intensity by Province (Primary Energy Consumption per Unit of
Table 4B.4.1. Fuel Use for Power Generation and Heat Supply by Province, 2002
Table 4B.4.2. Fuel Use for Power Generation and Heat Supply by Province, 2003
Table 4B.4.3. Fuel Use for Power Generation and Heat Supply by Province, 2004
Table 4B.4.4. Fuel Use for Power Generation and Heat Supply by Province, 2005
Table 4B.4.5. Fuel Use for Power Generation and Heat Supply by Province, 2006
Table 4B.5. Average Heat Rates of Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants
Table 4B.6. Power Sector In-Plant Electricity Consumption
Table 4B.7. Rural Energy: Available Energy Sources and Consumption
Table 4B.8. Urban Household Gas Access
Table 4B.9. Supply and Consumption of Coal Gas, LPG, and Natural Gas by Province
Table 4B.10. Efficiency of Energy Conversion
Table 4B.11. Energy Intensity per GDP Unit
Table 4B.12. Growth Rate of Energy Consumption in China
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Chapter 5, Equipment and Activities
Table 5B.1. Freight Movements by Mode
Table 5B.2. Passenger Travel by Mode
Table 5B.3. Stock of Civilian Motor Vehicles, 1970-2006
Table 5B.4. Stock of Private Motor Vehicles
Table 5B.5. Structure of Transportation-Enterprise Vehicle Stock
Table 5B.6. Motor Vehicle Production in China
Table 5B.7. Motor Vehicle Oil Consumption
Table 5B.8. Length of Highways
Table 5B.9. Stock of Railway Locomotives by Engine Type
Table 5B.10. Rail, Water, and Air Freight Transport Energy Intensities, 1980-2006
Table 5B.11. Major Appliances
Table 5B.12. Urban Household Survey Data
Table 5B.13. Urban Ownership of Energy-Using Durable Goods by Province, 2002-2006
Table 5B.14. Rural Household Survey Data
Table 5B.15. Stock of Agricultural Machinery
Table 5B.16. Rural Equipment and Capacity
Table 5B.17. Output of Major Energy-Intensive Industrial Raw Materials
Table 5B.18. Physical Energy Intensities of Selected Industrial Products, 1980-2002
Table 5B.19. Major Products Energy Intensities, 2002
Table 5B.20. Energy Consumption of Major Appliances
Table 5B.21. Energy Efficiency by Subsectors
Table 5C.1. Motor Vehicle Fuel Economy
Table 5C.2. Energy Efficiencies of Some Major Equipment Types
Table 5C.3. Total Stock of Electricity-Consuming Equipment by Subsector
Table 5C.4. Rail, Water, and Air Freight Transport Energy Intensities, 1980-1996
Chapter 6, Energy Prices
Table 6B.1. Ex-Factory Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector
Table 6B.2. Average Minemouth Sales Price of Raw and Washed Coal, Major StateOwned Mines
Table 6B.3. Average Prices for Coking Coal and Steam Coal
Table 6B.4. Ex-refinery Oil Products Prices, 1994-2003
Table 6B.5. Exchange Rate between US Dollar and Yuan, 1996-2006
Table 6B.6. Purchasing Price Indices of Raw Material, Fuel and Power, 1990-2006
Table 6B.7. Energy Price of Coal and Petroleum Products, 2004-2006
Table 6B.8.1. Wholesale Price for Fuels in Major Cities in April, 2007
Table 6B.8.2. Wholesale Price for Fuels in Major Cities in April, 2008
Table 6B.9. Retail Price for Gasoline in Selected Cities, 2004-2007
Table 6B.10. Average Coal Mine-Mouth Price of Main Coal Mines and Price of Steam
Coal, 1997-2006
Table 6B.11. Reference for Electricity Sales Price and Transmission & Distribution Price,
Table 6B.12. Southern Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.13. East China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.14. Northeast China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 6B.15. Central China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.16. North China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.17. West China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.18. Northwest China Power Grid On-Grid Price, 2005
Table 6B.19. Reference Price of Ex-Factory Natural Gas, 2005
Table 6B.20. Ex-Factory Price of Aviation Kerosene, 2005-2008
Table 6B.21. Reference Price of Ex-Refinery Oil Products, 2005-2008
Table 6B.22. North China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6B.23. Central China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6B.24. East China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6B.25. Northeast China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6B.26. South China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6B.27. Northwest China Electricity Price, July 2008
Table 6C.1. Cost Buildup for Datong Lump Coal Shipped to Shanghai and Guangzhou,
March 1992
Table 6C.2. Coal Prices, Local Markets
Table 6C.3. Average Price of Coal in Various Cities
Table 6C.4. Average Retail Prices of Coal and Oil Products in Major Cities, December
Table 6C.5. Average Wholesale Electricity Prices by Region
Table 6C.6. Average Market Prices for Fuels in 35 Major Cities
Table 6C.7. Retail Electricity Price by Sector, 1994
Table 6C.8. Electricity Supply Surcharges for Transmission and Distribution, 1993
Table 6C.9.1. Beijing Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.2. Tianjin Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.3. North Hebei Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.4. South Hebei Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.5. Shanxi Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.6. Northeast Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.7. Shanghai Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.8. Zhejiang Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.9. Anhui Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.10. Jiangsu Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.11. Hunan Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.12. Hubei Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.13. Henan Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.14. Shaanxi Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.15. Gansu Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.16. Ningxia Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.17. Qinghai Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.18. Xinjiang Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.19. Yunnan Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.20. Guizhou Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.21. Chongqing Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.22. Shandong Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.23. Fujian Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Table 6C.9.24. Guangxi Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.25. Sichuan Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.26. Inner Mongolia Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Table 6C.9.27. Jiangxi Grid Electricity Rate Schedules
Chapter 7, Imports and Exports
Table 7A.1.1. Energy Exports and Imports
Table 7A.1.2. Energy Exports and Imports
Table 7B.1. Energy Exports and Imports
Table 7B.2. Energy Exports and Imports by Destination and Origin
Table 7B.3. Gross Energy Exports Earnings and Total Export Earnings
Table 7B.4. Coal and Coke Imports and Exports
Table 7B.5. Crude Oil Imports and Exports
Table 7B.6. Oil Products Imports and Exports
Table 7B.7. Exports of Energy-Intensive Products
Table 7B.8. Imports of Energy-Intensive Products
Chapter 8, Energy and Environment
Table 8B.1. Carbon Dioxide Emissions by Source, 1950-2005
Table 8B.2. National Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Emissions, 1980-2005
Table 8B.3. Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Emissions by Province, 1993-2005
Table 8B.4. Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Emissions by Industrial Sector, 1991-2005
Table 8B.5. Ambient Air Quality in Chinese Cities, 1980-2005
Table 8B.6. Ambient Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) Levels, Selected Cities, 19862004
Table 8B.7. Ambient Sulfur Dioxide Levels, Selected Cities, 1986-2005
Table 8B.8. Ambient Nitrogen Oxide Levels, Selected Cities, 1986-2005
Table 8B.9. Ambient Particulate Deposition Velocity, Selected Cities, 1986-2004
Table 8B.10. Average pH of Precipitation in Cities within "Acid Rain Control Regions",
Table 8B.11. Ambient Air Pollution Standards, 1996
Table 8C.1. Ambient Carbon Monoxide Levels, Selected Cities, 1981-2004
Table 8C.2. Acidity of Precipitation, 1981-1997
Table 8C.3. Comparison of Severity of Acid Rain in Various Cities, 1994-1999
Table 8C.4. Indoor Air Pollution in Chinese Residences: Range of Pollutant Levels
Reported in Research Articles
Chapter 9, International Comparisons
Table 9B.1. Primary Energy Production and Trade by Energy Type
Table 9B.2. World Total Primary Energy Supply/Primary Commercial Energy
Consumption by Energy Type
Table 9B.3. World Primary Coal Consumption
Table 9B.4. Intensity Trends: Primary Commercial Energy Consumption per Unit GDP
Table 9B.5. End-Use Energy Consumption by Sector for Selected Countries
Table 9B.6. Industrial Energy Consumption by Energy Type
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Table 9B.7. Transportation Energy Consumption by Energy Type
Table 9B.8. Residential and Commercial Energy Consumption by Energy Type
Table 9B.9. End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type
Table 9B.10. Solid Fuel Consumption by Sector
Table 9B.11. Petroleum Products Consumption by Sector
Table 9B.12. End Use Electricity Consumption by Sector
Table 9B.13. Crude Steel Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.14. Cement Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.15. Primary Aluminum Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.16. Ethylene Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.17. Ammonia Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.18. Caustic Soda Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.19. Soda Ash Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.20. Sulfuric Acid Production, Selected Countries
Table 9B.21. Pulp for Paper, Selected Countries
Table 9B.22. Structure of Passenger Travel for Selected Countries
Table 9B.23. Structure of Freight Transportation for Selected Countries
Table 9B.24. Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion, Cement
Production and Gas Flaring
Table 9B.25. GDP Structure for Selected Countries
Table 9B.26. Demographic Data for Selected Countries
Chapter 10, Economic Indicators and Population
Table 10B.1. Gross National Product and Gross Domestic Product
Table 10B.2. Per Capita Gross Domestic Product
Table 10B.3. Gross Domestic Product by Province
Table 10B.4. Gross Output Value by Sectors
Table 10B.5. Population
Table 10B.6. Population and Area by Province
Table 10B.7. Socioeconomic Indicators of Urban Households
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1, Energy Reserves and Resources
Figure 1B.1. World Energy Reserves, 2005
Chapter 2, Energy Production
Figure 2A.1. Primary Energy Production by Energy Source in China, 1949-2006
Figure 2A.2. Primary Energy Production by Source, 1949-2006
Figure 2A.3 Gross Electricity Generation, 1949-2006
Figure 2B.1. Raw Coal Production by Ownership, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.2. Raw Coal Production Shares by Ownership, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.3. Raw Coal Production by Type of Coal, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.4. Washed Coal Output, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.5. Crude Oil Production by Region, 1950-2006
Figure 2B.6. Crude Oil Production Shares by Region, 1950-2006
Figure 2B.7. Petroleum Refinery Output, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.8. Natural Gas Production, 1949-2006
Figure 2B.9. Electricity Generation Capacity, 1949-2006
Figure 2B.10. Transportation of Coal and Oil, 1980-2006
Figure 2B.11. Wind Farm Installed Capacity by Province
Figure 2C.1. Coke Production, 1949-2001
Figure 2C.2. Washed Coal and Total Raw Coal Production, 1980-1998
Chapter 3, Energy Industry Investment
Figure 3B.1. Capital Construction Investment, 1953-2003
Figure 3B.2. Structure of Capital Construction Investment, 1953-2003
Figure 3B.3. Total Energy Industry Investment by Subsector, 1981-2005
Figure 3B.4. Shares of Total Energy Industry Investment, 1981-2005
Figure 3B.5. Capital Construction Investment in the Energy Industry by Subsector,
Figure 3B.6. Subsectoral Shares of Energy Industry Capital Construction Investment,
Figure 3B.7. Technical Updating and Transformation Investment in Energy Industries,
Chapter 4, Energy Consumption
Figure 4A.1. Primary Energy Consumption, by Fuel Source, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.2. Shares of Primary Energy Consumption, by Fuel Source, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.3. Energy End Use by Sector (Mtce)
Figure 4A.4. Energy End Use by Sector, Shares
Figure 4A.5. Industrial Energy End Use by Energy Type, 1980-2006 (Mtce)
Figure 4A.6. Industrial Energy End Use by Energy Type, 1980-2006 (Shares)
Figure 4A.7. Subsectoral Shares of Industrial Sector End-Use Energy Consumption
Figure 4A.8. Fossil Fuel Use in Electricity Generation, 1980-2006
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Figure 4A.9. Transportation Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel, Mtce, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.10. Transportation Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel, Shares, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.11. Agricultural Energy Consumption by Fuel, Mtce, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.12. Agricultural Energy Consumption by Fuel, Shares, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.13. Residential Energy Consumption by Fuel, Mtce, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.14. Residential Energy Consumption by Fuel, Shares, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.15. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.16. Commercial Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel (Shares), 1980-2006
Figure 4A.17. Construction Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel, Mtce, 1980-2006
Figure 4A.18. Construction Sector Energy Consumption by Fuel, Shares, 1980-2006
Figure 4B.1. Primary Energy Consumption: Commercial and Biomass Energy
Figure 4B.2. Energy Intensity of the Chinese Economy, 1952-2006
Figure 4B.3. Primary Commercial Energy Consumption: Actual Use and Use Predicted
by 1977 Energy Intensity, 1952-2006
Figure 4B.4. Map of Energy Intensity by Province, 2006
Chapter 5, Equipment and Activities
Figure 5B.1. Freight Movements by Mode, 1950-2006
Figure 5B.2. Passenger Travel by Mode, 1949-2006
Figure 5B.3. Stock of Civilian Motor Vehicles[1], 1970-2005
Figure 5B.4. Central Railway Locomotive Stock, 1952-2006
Figure 5B.5. Annual Appliance Output, 1978-2006
Figure 5B.6. Urban Appliance Ownership, 1980-2005
Figure 5B.7. Rural Appliance Ownership, 1980-2006
Figure 5B.8. Terminal Energy Efficiency by Subsector
Figure 5C.1. Capacity of Electricity-Consuming Equipment, 1986-88
Chapter 6, Energy Prices
Figure 6-1. Ex-Factory Price Indices for Industrial Products by Sector
Chapter 7, Imports and Exports
Figure 7B.1. Net Energy Trade
Figure 7B.2. Gross Energy Export Earnings
Figure 7B.3. Coal Imports and Exports by Country
Figure 7B.4. Crude Oil Imports and Exports by Country
Figure 7B.5. Oil Products Imports and Exports by Country
Chapter 8, Energy and Environment
Figure 8B.1. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1950-2005
Figure 8B.2. Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate Emissions, 1997-2005
Figure 8B.3. Industrial Pollutant Emissions by Sector, 2005
Figure 8B.4. Ambient Air Pollutant Levels in China's Major Cities (Annual Averages)
Compared to Chinese Class II Air Quality Standards, 1980-2004
Chapter 9, International Comparisons
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents
Figure 9B.1. Shares of Primary Energy Production by Energy Type, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.2. Shares of World Primary Energy Type Production by Country
Figure 9B.3. Shares of Primary Energy Consumption by Energy Type
Figure 9B.4. Shares of World Primary Energy Consumption by Country
Figure 9B.5. Per Capita Primary Energy Consumption
Figure 9B.6. Coal Consumption Shares, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.7. Energy Intensity Trends, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.8. Sectoral Shares of Energy End Use, Commercial Energy Only
Figure 9B.9. Sectoral Shares of Energy End Use, Commercial and Biomass Energy
Figure 9B.10. Shares of Total Industrial Sector Energy End Use by Energy Type
Figure 9B.11. Energy Use in Transportation, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.12. Residential and Commercial Energy Use, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.13. Shares of End-Use Energy Consumption by Energy Type, Selected
Figure 9B.14. Sectoral Shares of Coal Consumption, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.15. Sectoral Shares of Petroleum Consumption, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.16. Sectoral Shares of Electricity Consumption, Selected Countries
Figure 9B.17. Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Selected Countries
Chapter 10, Economic Indicators and Population
Figure 10B.1. Gross Domestic Product by Sector
Figure 10B.2. Sectoral Shares of GDP
Figure 10B.3. Population
Figure 10C.1. Gross Output Value
Figure 10C.2. Sectoral Shares of Gross Output Value
China Energy Databook v. 7.0
Table of Contents