RESUME PERSONAL DATA: Research Assistant Professor

RESUME - Tullaya Boonsaeng
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Texas Tech University
Lubbock TX, 79409
Ph.D. North Carolina State University, 2006, Economics
M.A. University of Colorado at Denver, 2000, Economics
B.S. Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996, Agricultural Economics
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Consumer Demand, Agricultural Policy
Refereed Journal Publications
-Castellon, C., T., Boonsaeng, and C.E. Carpio: “Demand System Estimation in the Absence of
Price Data.” Applied Economics 47,(6) (2015):553-568.
-Carpio, C.E., O.A. Ramirez, and T. Boonsaeng: “Potential for Tradable Water Allocation and
Rights in Jordan.” Land Economics 87,4(2011):595-609.
-Boonsaeng T. and S.M. Fletcher: “The Impacts of U.S. Nonprice Export Promotion Program on
Export Demand for Peanuts in North America.” Peanut Science 37(2010): 70-77.
-Carpio, C.E., S. Zapata, and T. Boonsaeng. “Existing and Potential Market Conditions for Farm
to School Programs in Western North Carolina” Research Report. Journal of Food
Distribution Research, 41,1 (2010):14-19.
-Boonsaeng T. and M.K. Wohlgenant: “A Dynamic Approach to Estimating and Testing
Separability in U.S. Demand for Imported and Domestic Meats.” Canadian Journal of
Agricultural Economics 51(March 2009): 139-157.
-Boonsaeng, T., S.M., Fletcher, and C.E. Carpio: “European Union Import Demand for In-Shell
Peanuts” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 40(December, 2008): 941-951.
-Carpio, C.E., M.K., Wohlgenant and T. Boonsaeng: “The Demand for Agritourism in the
United States.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 33(August 2008):
Presented and Published in Proceedings or Abstracts of Scientific Conferences
-Boonsaeng, T., and C.E. Carpio. “A Comparison of Food Demand Estimation from Homescan
and Consumer Expenditure Survey Data” Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural
and Applied Economics Association, Minneapolis, MN July 2014.
-Carpio, C.E., Boonsaeng, T., C. Zhen, and A. Okrent. “The Effect of Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program on Food and Nonfood Spending among Low-Income Households.”
Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association,
Minneapolis, MN July 2014.
-Mathews, L.G., C.E. Carpio, T. Boonsaeng, C. Jackson, A. Perrett, and K. Descieux. Do
Consumer Know What their Local Logo Means? 2014 Annual Meetings & Conference of
the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society, Burlington, VT, June 19, 2014.
-Boonsaeng, T., C.E., Carpio, C., Zhen and A. Okrent: “The Effect of Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program on Food Spending Among Low-Income Households”: Refereed
paper accepted for presentation at the annual meetings of the American Agricultural and
Applied Economics Association, Seattle, Washington, August 12-14, 2012.
-Brady, K., C.E., Carpio and T. Boonsaeng: “Temporal Aggregation in the Estimation of Food
Demand using Cross Sectional Data”: Refereed paper accepted for presentation at the
annual meetings of the American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association,
Seattle, Washington, August 12-14, 2012.
-Castellon, C., T., Boonsaeng and C.E. Carpio: “Demand System Estimation in the Absence of
Price Data”: Refereed paper accepted for presentation at the annual meetings of the
American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Seattle, Washington, August
12-14, 2012.
-Carpio, C.E., O.A., Ramirez and T. Boonsaeng: “Potential for Tradable Water Allocation and
Rights in Jordan”: Refereed paper presented at the annual meetings of the Southern
Agricultural Economics Association, Orlando, Florida, February 6-9, 2010.
-Fletcher, S.M. and T. Boonsaeng: “Generic and Brand Advertising: Is There an Economic
Impact on U.S. Demand for Peanut Butter?”: Refereed paper presented at the annual
meetings of the Western Agricultural Economics Association, Kauai, Hawaii, June 24-26,
Works in Progress
- The Effect of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Food Spending Among LowIncome Households
- Data Collection Period and Food Demand System Estimation using Cross Sectional Data
- US Household Demand for Healthy and Unhealthy Snacks
- A Comparison of Food Demand Estimation from Homescan and Consumer Expenditure Survey
- The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Household Spending: A Flexible Demand
System Approach
“Do SNAP Recipients Get the Best Prices?” Sponsored by USDA – Economic Research
Service, FoodAPS Research Initiative. Co-Principal Investigator with Conrad Lyford,
Carlos Carpio and Tullaya Boonsaeng from 06/01/2014-12/31/2015 ($39,776).
-“Developing a Regional Branding Model for Small and Medium Sized Farms” Sponsored by
U.S. Department of Agriculture AFRI-Foundational Program. Co-Investigator with Leah
Mathews, Charlie Jackson, Allison Perrett, and Carlos Carpio $498,913, 01/01/2012 to
-“The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Household Spending: A Flexible Demand
System Approach.” Sponsored by Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program. Principle Investigator with Carlos E. Carpio
and Chen Zhen $105,000, 01/10/2011 to 30/9/2014.
-“Data Sources and Food Demand Estimation: A Comparison of Homescan and Consumer
Expenditure Survey Data.” Sponsored by U.S. Department of Agriculture AFRI-Foundational
Program. Co-Investigator with Carlos E. Carpio $225,882, 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2014.