Surface Science 602 (2008) 2840–2844 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Surface Science journal homepage: Reversed surface segregation in palladium-silver alloys due to hydrogen adsorption O.M. Løvvik a,b,*, Susanne M. Opalka c a b c Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway Institute for Energy Technology, P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway United Technologies Research Center, 411 Silver Lane, East Hartford, CT 06108, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 May 2008 Accepted for publication 1 July 2008 Available online 26 July 2008 Keywords: Density-functional calculations Surface segregation Palladium Silver Hydrogen a b s t r a c t It is well known that silver segregates to the surface of pure and ideal Pd–Ag alloy surfaces. By first-principles band-structure calculations it is shown in this paper how this may be changed when hydrogen is adsorbed on a Pd–Ag(1 1 1) surface. Due to hydrogen binding more strongly to palladium than to silver, there is a clear energy gain from a reversal of the surface segregation. Hydrogen-induced segregation may provide a fundamental explanation for the hydrogen or reducing treatments that are required to activate hydrogen-selective membrane or catalyst performance. Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Palladium-silver alloy surfaces are important for a number of applications including heterogeneous catalysis and hydrogen separation membranes [1,2]. Dense metal membranes for hydrogen separation may be used to purify hydrogen or to enhance the outcome of e.g. a water gas shift reactor [3,4]. An understanding of the impact of segregation tendencies on local surface alloy composition is crucial to designing alloys for various applications. For instance, one of the alloying elements may be more catalytically active than the other(s), making the presence of that element in the surface layer important. For Pd–Ag alloys, the pure low-index surfaces are dominated by silver under vacuum; the (1 1 1) surface of Pd67Ag33 contains only between 5% and 11% palladium between 720 and 920 K, while the (1 0 0) surface has a very low equilibrium surface concentration of Pd at similar temperatures [5]. The same tendency has been described in a number of previous modeling papers [6–10]. The Ag segregation tendency may be rationalized as a combination of geometric and electronic effects; the slightly larger Ag atoms induce less strain at the surface than in the subsurface and the surface energy of Ag is significantly lower than that of Pd [7]. The situation may change when various adsorbates are present: adsorbate-induced segregation or desegregation of binary metal alloys are well known for a number of metallurgical and catalytic applications (e.g. Refs. [11–15] for recent examples). This is obvi* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. Tel.: +47 22840689. E-mail address: (O.M. Løvvik). 0039-6028/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2008.07.016 ously of high relevance to the Pd–Ag alloy applications; for example, Pd–Ag alloy surfaces are routinely exposed to hydrogen-rich atmospheres when used as hydrogen separation membranes or heterogeneous hydrogenation catalysts. Recent modeling and experimental papers studies have primarily focused on the effect of oxygen adsorption on metal alloy segregation (see, e.g. Refs. [16–18,12,19,13]), and not so many papers have investigated the effect of hydrogen adsorption on segregation. One early experimental paper reported no change in surface segregation after exposing a Mo/Re surface to hydrogen; this was attributed to the hydrogen desorption temperature (around room temperature) being lower than that required to achieve significant metallic diffusion (around 600 °C) [20]. Hydrogen-induced segregation is significant on Pd–Ag alloys, however, due to the stronger adsorption of hydrogen on Pd. Hydrogen adsorbing on Pd–Ag alloy surfaces is for this reason closely related to Pd atoms in the surface, and hydrogen may be ‘‘trapped” around single Pd atoms [21]. The difference in adsorption energy between Ag and Pd is approximately 0.25 eV per metal neighbor when hydrogen is adsorbed on a (1 1 1) surface fcc site with three nearest neighbors. This difference is apparently large enough to facilitate reversal of surface segregation, which has been demonstrated experimentally [22] and theoretically [23]. Also, a recent experimental study indicated that hydrogen adsorption on top of a multi-crystalline Pd–Ag film led to surface segregation of Pd [24]. The formation of a Pd-rich surface layer in Pd–Ag alloys can be used to support other explanations on why these alloys exhibit superior hydrogen flux over pure Pd membranes [1,2,25], even when the membranes are thin enough to make surface adsorption the rate-limiting step. Also, it can lead to enhanced catalytic O.M. Løvvik, S.M. Opalka / Surface Science 602 (2008) 2840–2844 2841 activity of Pd–Ag alloys, since Pd is more active than Ag for most reactions. This paper presents density-functional band-structure investigations of the influence of hydrogen adsorption on the uppermost layers of a (1 1 1) surface slab with an overall Pd3Ag stoichiometry. Several different models representing possible arrangements of the atoms in the slab are evaluated by relaxation of the internal forces and accurate calculation of the total energy of the final configurations. The present study is complementary to the recent modeling study on the same subject, which focused on varying hydrogen coverage and exchange of Ag positions between the subsurface and surface layers [23]. Here, rather, the focus is on the detailed overall distribution of Pd and Ag atoms with the adsorbed hydrogen concentration fixed at 0.25 monolayers (ML). Together with the previous study, this will give a comprehensive picture of the hydrogen-induced segregation of Pd–Ag alloys. 2. Computational method Density-functional calculations at the generalized gradient approximation level [26] were employed as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) [27,28]. The energy cutoff of the plane-wave expansion was 500 eV, and the nearest neighbour k-point distances within the slab were always less than 0.17 Å1. Only the C point was used perpendicular to the slab. The criterion for self-consistency was that the total energy difference between two consecutive cycles converged to less than 0.01 meV. A five-layer 20 atom 2 2 (1 1 1) surface unit cell was formed from the relaxed Pd3Ag Pm3m bulk phase. Varying Ag distributions were simulated by breaking the overall Pm3m symmetry with the exchange of Pd and Ag positions. The slabs were separated by a 1 nm vacuum layer; this was found sufficient to achieve converged adsorption energies. The unit cell was kept fixed at the bulk relaxed size during all relaxations, with the bottom layer frozen to mimick bulk continuation. Relaxation of the atomic positions was performed using the residual minimization method with direct inversion in iterative subspace; an implementation of the quasinewton method. The force convergence criterion was less than 0.03 eV/Å. Relaxation of the 0.25 ML hydrogen adsorption models were performed in two steps. First the height of the hydrogen atoms above the surface z was optimized by a harmonic fit of the calculated total energy of a number of z values. The optimized value of z was then used as input to a complete automatic relaxation including the metal atoms of the slab. This two-step procedure ensured that the relaxed position was not a local minimum with incorrect z. After relaxation of the atomic coordinates (except the frozen bottom layer), the total energy was calculated in a separate self-consistent calculation using high accuracy. The ground state energies in eV per unit cell were uncorrected for the zero-point energy. To keep track of the 15 different Pd–Ag alloy configuration models investigated in this paper, they are indexed by the number of Ag atoms within the 4 atomic positions of each unit cell layer. As an example, the Pd3Ag{2 0 1 1 1} model had two silver atoms in the first (top) layer, while the second layer contained four Pd atoms. One out of the four atoms in the remaining layers were Ag. Fig. 1 shows the unit cell of this model from the side. The periodic distribution of silver atoms was in all the models chosen to maximize the Pd–Ag mixing and the Ag–Ag distances, especially when expanded to a supercell respresentation. This is supported by experiments which have shown repulsive interactions between surface Pd atoms in Pd-doped Ag surfaces [5], and by recent modeling studies predicting ordered bulk phases maximizing the Ag–Ag distance [29,30]. Hydrogen adsorption was performed at a coverage of 0.25 ML, always selecting the fcc site with the largest number of Pd Fig. 1. The model Pd3Ag{2 0 1 1 1} with 0.25 ML adsorbed H, seen from the side. Each number in the index {2 0 1 1 1} denotes the number of Ag atoms out of four total atoms in each layer of the unit cell, starting from the first layer (top). Silver atoms are shown as dark grey balls, Pd atoms are shown as light yellow balls, while the H atom is shown as a small, red ball. The unit cell is outlined, as are the unit cell directions x, y, and z, which are in the h1 1 2i, h1 1 2i, and h1 1 1i directions, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) neighbors – this was shown to be the most stable configuration in a previous study [7]. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Pure slabs Previous modeling results on pure Pd–Ag alloy (1 1 1) surfaces [21,7,8] are reproduced and complemented here as shown in the ground state energy changes in Table 1 and in Fig. 2: the total energy is significantly lower when silver is located in the first (surface) or second (subsurface) layers, than in the middle layer (bulk). As an example, the Pd3Ag{2 1 0 1 1} and {1 2 0 1 1} models are more stable than the isotropic Pd3Ag{1 1 1 1 1} model by 0.15 eV, and 0.03 eV, respectively. The energy gained from moving a silver atom from the middle to the top layer ranges between 0.09 eV (from {3 0 1 0 1} to {4 0 0 0 1}) and 0.33 eV (from {0 1 2 1 1} to {1 1 1 1 1}). Likewise, the energy gained when moving a silver atom from the middle layer to the second layer varies from around 0.03 (energy lost when moving from {2 0 1 1 1} to {2 1 0 1 1}) to 0.17 eV (from {2 0 2 0 1} to {2 0 1 1 1}). To see the influence of the number of silver atoms in the first and second layer more clearly, we have created a simple linear model in which the difference in energy is calculated as DEslab-model ¼ 1 ðn1 1Þ þ 2 ðn2 1Þ: ð1Þ Here n1 and n2 are the number of silver atoms in the first (surface) and second (subsurface) layers, and 1 and 2 are fitted parameters. They correspond to the typical energy of bringing a silver atom from the bulk (mid-layer) to the first and second layers, when repulsive interactions between neighbor silver atoms are not taken into account. The fitted values are 1 = 0.25 eV and 2 = 0.10 eV. 2842 O.M. Løvvik, S.M. Opalka / Surface Science 602 (2008) 2840–2844 Table 1 The difference in total energy between the various models and the isotropic {1 1 1 1 1} model (DEslab) is listed, together with the difference in total energy between models with adsorbed hydrogen and the isotropic {1 1 1 1 1} model with adsorbed hydrogen (DEads) DEslab (eV) DEads (eV) {0 0 4 0 1} {0 1 2 1 1} {0 2 1 1 1} {0 3 0 1 1} {0 4 0 0 1} {1 1 1 1 1} {1 2 0 1 1} {2 0 1 1 1} {2 0 2 0 1} {2 1 0 1 1} {2 2 0 0 1} {3 0 0 1 1} {3 0 1 0 1} {3 1 0 0 1} {4 0 0 0 1} 0.48 0.33 0.22 0.12 0.16 0.00 0.03 0.17 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.50 0.32 0.24 0.16 0.17 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.17 0.13 0.49 A negative DEslab means that the model is more stable than the {1 1 1 1 1} model. The index numbers refer to the distribution of silver atoms in each layer of the slab, as explained in Fig. 1 and in the text. The energies are calculated from total electronic energies without zero-point energy corrections, and are measured in eV per unit cell (20 metal atoms). The hydrogen coverage was 0.25 ML. Slab with adsorbed H 0.3 0.1 0.0 -0.1 31001 40001 30101 21011 30011 22001 20111 12011 20201 11111 03011 02111 04001 -0.5 Surface unit cells 01211 -0.3 Pure slab 00401 Energy difference (eV) 0.5 Fig. 2. The difference in total energy between the various models and the isotropic {1 1 1 1 1} model (DEslab) is plotted, together with the difference in total energy between models with adsorbed hydrogen and the isotropic {1 1 1 1 1} model with adsorbed hydrogen (DEads). A negative DEslab means that the model is more stable than the {1 1 1 1 1} model. The index numbers refer to the distribution of silver atoms in each layer of the slab, as explained in Fig. 1 and in the text. The energies are calculated from total electronic energies without zero-point energy corrections), and are measured in eV per unit cell (20 metal atoms). The hydrogen coverage was 0.25 ML. The simple model is compared to the calculated data in Fig. 3. The fit is relatively good, taken into account the simplicity of the model. The most important failure of the model is the underestimation of the energy differences (and thus the total energy of the slab) when going to large (positive or negative) energy differences. This is probably due to repulsive interactions between silver atoms, which gives higher DFT calculated energies than expected from the simple model. This is consistent with the fact that the discrepancy increases as the number of silver atoms per layer increases. As an example, the {0 3 0 1 1} and {0 4 0 0 1} models both have a total of four silver atoms in the second and fourth subsurface layers, but the latter model is less stable than the former by 0.05 eV. Thus, there is an effective repulsive interaction between silver atoms in the same layer. There may be an additional asymmetry effect from freezing the bottom layer, but we do not expect this to be notable in the subsurface layer. 0.4 Linear model Model 0.6 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 DFT calculated Fig. 3. The simple linear model in Eq. (1) of the energy difference is plotted as a function of the DFT calculated values. The dotted line is where the model would correspond perfectly to the DFT calculated data. The fitted single atom segregation energies from the wide range of configurations, 1 = 0.25 eV and 2 = 0.10 eV, compare reasonably well to the equivalent energy differences arising from moving a single impurity Ag atom in a 20 atom Pd slab from the middle to the top (0.29 eV) or from the middle to the second layer (0.06 eV) in our previous study [7]. Similarly, Gonzalez et al. report a segregation energy for Ag from the second to the first layer as 0.16 eV [23]. The difference between this study and our former one [7] is most probably due to repulsive Ag–Ag interactions in the present slabs with 25% silver. This is supported by another modeling study by Ropo et al. using the concentration of silver in each layer as free variables [8]. Here it was found that the segregation energy of Ag from the bulk to the surface changed from 0.08 to 0.20 eV when the surface concentration of silver varied from 1.0 to 0.7 [8]. Similarly, the segregation energy from the bulk to the subsurface changed from 0.03 to 0.04 eV when the second layer concentration of Ag varied from 0.0 to 0.30 [8]. The latter study had a rather high concentration of Ag (50% in the bulk), which is the most likely explanation of their lower segregation energies compared to what we have found. The silver concentration is also important for the local relaxation of the slabs. Silver in this work was found to be between 12 and 24 pm higher than palladium after relaxation, while our previous modeling study with 5% silver concluded that Ag was 28 pm higher than Pd in the surface [7]. The same trend is found by Gonzalez et al., who found the Ag atoms to be located around 10 pm above the surface Pd atoms on average. The differences between the modeling studies are probably due to different unit cell sizes and different concentration of Ag in the upper layers. Apart from this, the modeling results are consistent. Experiments, however, have shown the opposite effect, with Pd being 25 pm higher than Ag in the Pd67Ag33 (1 1 1) surface [5]. To check if our results were artifacts due to local minima, we tried to restart the relaxation from a configuration with Pd placed higher than Ag in the surface layer. This model relaxed directly back to the same situation as before, with Pd being lower than Ag. The most probable explanation to this discrepancy is the difference in Pd concentration in the surface layer between the experiments (5–11%) and our modeling studies (25–75%). Another possible explanation is temperature; our calculations are performed at 0 K, while the experiments were done at 720–920 K. 2843 O.M. Løvvik, S.M. Opalka / Surface Science 602 (2008) 2840–2844 We have previously investigated the various high-symmetry adsorption sites of hydrogen on a Pd3Ag(1 1 1) surface [21]. It was there found that hydrogen binding was always stronger at fcc surface sites, and that the adsorption was stabilized with increasing number of (up to three) nearest neighbour (NN) Pd atoms. We have therefore in this study only investigated adsorption on the fcc sites with the highest number of NN Pd on each surface. The relaxed H position depended on the NN surface atoms. The optimized Pd–H distance was 180–181 pm when H had three NN Pd atoms; this decreased to 174–175 pm and 167–169 pm when the number of NN Pd atoms decreased to two and one, respectively. The decreasing Pd–H distance can be understood from the higher affinity between Pd and H relative to that between Ag and H; when the number of NN Pd atoms decreases, the bonding between the remaining NN Pd atom(s) and the adsorbed hydrogen gets stronger, and the Pd–H distance is reduced. Consistent with this picture is the variation in Ag–H distance as the number of NN Ag atoms changes: it exhibits the opposite behaviour. The Ag–H distance is thus largest for the models where H had only one NN Ag atom, 210–223 pm. When H had two NN Ag atoms, the Ag–H distance was 203–204 pm, and in the model where H had three NN Ag atoms {4 0 0 0 1}, the Ag–H distance was 192 pm. The relatively large variation in Ag–H distance for the one NN Ag models is because of different numbers of Ag atoms in the subsurface layer; the Ag atoms in the subsurface layer act as a repulsive force in the {2 2 0 0 1} model. The present results compare very well with previously published values for hydrogen adsorption on pure (1 1 1) metal surfaces, where the Pd–H distance is 181 pm [31] and the Ag–H distance is 189 pm [32]. In order to compare the segregation tendency of the different surfaces directly, we have found it most instructive to study the total energy of the slab with 0.25 ML H at the equilibrium position relative to the same energy of the isotropic {1 1 1 1 1} model. This may be viewed as a ‘‘hydrogen corrected” segregation energy, that is: how much energy is gained (or lost) from moving silver atoms between the bulk, surface, and subsurface layers? The resulting energies have been shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2. It is seen that, while the energy of the pure slabs decreases monotonically when going from Pd-rich to Ag-rich surfaces (when only regarding the most stable model for each surface concentration), there is a minimum in the energy of the slabs with 0.25 ML adsorbed H at 50% silver, that is two out of the four atoms in the surface unit cell. This is a strong indication that the presence of hydrogen can indeed reverse the surface segregation in this alloy. Our results are consistent with those of Gonzalez et al. [23]. They compared three different slab models with four different hydrogen coverages, and found that a hydrogen coverage of approximately 0.25 ML was sufficient to obtain a segregation reversal. Since our slab models are quite different from theirs, and the hydrogen coverage is not the same, the numbers are not directly comparable. We have in this study only investigated 0.25 ML hydrogen, but an increased coverage would of course mean an even stronger promotion of the reversal effect. This would have to compete with the repulsive interaction between the hydrogen atoms at higher coverage, which is in the order of 0.1 eV up to a coverage of 1.0 on a pure Pd (1 1 1) surface [31]. On the other hand, since the interaction between Pd and H is so much stronger than that between Ag and H, we can expect clustering of Pd in the surface at low H coverage. We have created a linear model of the hydrogen adsorption, using the number of palladium atoms among the adsorbed hydrogen nearest neighbours(nPd) as the variable: DEads-model ¼ DEslab nPd Pd : ð2Þ The parameter Pd is the effective energy difference between having a silver atom and a palladium atom as a nearest neighbour for a hydrogen atom. The best fit is shown in Fig. 4, with Pd = 0.20 eV. It includes the cost of moving the Pd out to the surface, and is thus a direct measure of the strength of the effect. The previously cited experimental study of hydrogen on Mo/Re bimetallic surfaces showed no change in surface segregation after hydrogen exposure, rationalized by hydrogen desorption taking place at temperatures lower than that required for metallic diffusion [20]. Will this be the case for the surfaces in study here as well, reducing the relevance for real systems? We believe that this is not the case, due to the very strong affinity of hydrogen to palladium. The energy gained by moving from the most stable pure slab model {4 0 0 0 1} to the most stable adsorption model with 25% Pd in the surface layer {3 0 0 1 1} is more than 0.43 eV, which is significant. Kinetic barriers would certainly hinder diffusion needed to achieve the reversed segregation at perfect (1 1 1) surfaces. In real systems, however, there is an abundance of different surface terminations, faults, impurities, etc. We expect that there will be many stable adsorption sites for hydrogen in the vicinity of Pd atoms in the ‘‘bulk” (subsurface and beyond) that can reach the surface through relatively low barriers. Also, even though H can be desorbed, there can be a relatively high turnover of H, so that the surface may be continually covered with H. Thus, our results are in good correspondence with the reported experimental reversal of segregation in this system [22]. We lend further support to the supposed segregation reversal in real systems from the fact that Pd–Ag membranes improve their performance significantly by activation [2]. This is a procedure in which the membrane is exposed to hydrogen gas or air at elevated temperature for several hours or even days. The mechanism behind this effect is not fully understood. We believe that our results indicate that one likely explanation of this effect is hydrogen-induced reversed surface segregation of Pd to the surface layer. Our results may also have relevance for catalysis. Bimetallic surfaces may have very high theoretical catalytic activity, but surface segregation can be detrimental on their performance [33]. Hydrogen activation may be a new way to reverse such segregation to significantly improve catalysts that otherwise would be of no interest. 0.6 0.4 Linear model 3.2. Hydrogen covered slabs 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 DFT calculated Fig. 4. A simple linear model of the difference energy of the slabs with adsorbed hydrogen compare to the bare slab surfaces. The dotted line is a linear fit to the DFT calculated data, according to Eq. (2). This relationship takes into account the influence of the number of Pd nearest neighbors bonded to H on slab energy. 2844 O.M. Løvvik, S.M. Opalka / Surface Science 602 (2008) 2840–2844 4. Conclusions In conclusion, we have studied the effect of hydrogen adsorption on the surface segregation of Pd–Ag bimetallic (1 1 1) surfaces, using density-functional calculations. This showed that there is a significant energy gain from moving a palladium atom from the bulk to the surface when hydrogen adsorbs on the surface. This may explain the mechanism behind hydrogen activation of Pd– Ag membranes. Also, such an activation may have relevance for heterogeneous catalysis. Acknowledgements Economic support from the Norwegian Research Council through the NANOMAT program and a grant of computational resources via the NOTUR project are acknowledged by OML. SMO acknowledges financial support through US Department of Energy, Contract No: DE-FG26-05NT42453. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] S. Uemiya, Sep. Purif. Meth. 28 (1999) 51. S.N. Paglieri, J.D. Way, Sep. Purif. Meth. 31 (2002) 1. R. Bredesen, K. Jordal, O. Bolland, Chem. Eng. Proc. 43 (2004) 1129. P.A. Sheth, M. 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