CURRICULUM VITAE - IVAR SØNBØ KRISTIANSEN. Publications in peer-reviewed journals 91. Nexøe J, Kristiansen IS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Nielsen JB. Influence of number needed to treat, costs and outcome on preferences for a preventive drug. Family Practice 2005; 22: 126-31. 92. Lofthus CM, Cappelen I, Osnes EK, Falch JA, Kristiansen IS, Medhus AW, Nordsletten L, Meyer HE. Local and national electronic databases in Norway demonstrate a varying degree of validity. J Clin Epidemiol 2005; 58: 280-85. 93. Kristiansen IS, Olsen JA. Foreldreløse legemidler og helseløse pasienter. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2005; 125: 992. 94. Christensen PM, Brixen K, Kristiansen IS. Cost-effectiveness of alendronate in the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in Danish women. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2005; 96: 387-96. 95. Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Decisions on drug therapies by number needed to treat. A randomized trial. Archiv Int Med 2005; 165: 1140-46. 96. Kristiansen IS, Christensen PM, Gyrd-Hansen-D. Benign breast disease and breast cancer. New Engl J Med 2005; 353: 1856-7. 97. Kildemoes HW, Christiansen T, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kristiansen IS, Andersen M. The impact of population ageing on future Danish drug expenditure. Health Policy 2006; 75: 298-311. 98. Dybdahl T, Søndergaard J, Kragstrup J, Kristiansen IS, Andersen M. General practitioners' adoption of new drugs and previous prescribing of drugs belonging to the same therapeutic class: A pharmacoepidemiological study. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 60: 526-33. 99. Kildemoes HW, Kristiansen IS. Response to an optimistic viewpoint. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2005; 31: 414-22. 100. Selmer R, Halvorsen S, Myhre KI, Wisløff TF, Kristiansen IS. Cost-effectiveness of primary percutaneous coronary intervention versus thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Scand Cardiovasc J 2005; 39: 276-85. 101. Nexøe J, Kristiansen IS. Risikokommunikation i relation til sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse. Ugeskr Læger 2005; 167: 4673. 102. Kristiansen IS, Bjerrum L. Medikamentel behandling af raske. Lægemiddelkataloget 2005-2006. København: Dansk Lægemiddelinformation, 2005. 103. Kristiansen IS. Alkoholskadet statistikk? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2006; 126: 481. 104. Nexøe J, Kristiansen IS. Risikobegreber. Maanedsskr Praktisk Lægegerning 2006; 84:487-97. 105. Christensen PM, Kristiansen IS. Number-Needed-to-treat (NNT) – needs treatment with care. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2006; 99: 12-6. 106. Kristiansen IS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Nexoe J, Nielsen JB. Willingness-to-pay for a population program aimed at reducing dietary salt in Denmark. Preventive Medicine 2006; 43: 31-5. 107. Wisløff TF, Abrahamsen TG, Bergsaker MAR, Løvoll Ø, Møller P, Pedersen MK, Kristiansen IS. Cost effectiveness of adding 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate (PCV7) vaccine to the Norwegian childhood vaccination program. Vaccine 2006; 24: 569099. 108. Lofthus CM, Osnes EK, Meyer HE, Kristiansen IS, Nordsletten L, Falch JA. Young patients with hip fracture: A population-based study of bone mass and risk factors for osteoporosis. Osteop Int 2006; 17: 1666-72. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. Wisløff TF, Abrahamsen TG, Bergsaker MAR, Løvoll Ø, Kristiansen IS. Vaksinering – er det verdt pengene? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2006; 126: 2670-3. Levorsen A, Kristiansen IS, Aasland OG. Physicians’ attitudes to and experience with increased use of individual reimbursement versus general reimbursement of new important pharmaceuticals (abstract). Value in Health 2006; 9 (6): A218. Kristiansen IS, Gyrd-Hansen D. Communicating treatment effectiveness in the context of chronic disease processes. Expert Rev Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Res 2006; 6: 673-9. Johansen-K, Kristiansen-IS, Lønning-PE, Naume-B, Norum-J, Olsen-JA, Wist-E. Ny medikamentell behandling av brystkreft Adjuvant behandling med trastuzumab ved tidlig stadium av brystkreft - en helseøkonomisk analyse Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret Nr 18–2006. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 2006. ISBN 82-8121-112-1. 39 s. Metodevurdering Kristiansen IS, Gyrd-Hansen D. Prioritering og helse – bør det innføres en makspris på leveår? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2007; 127: 54-57. Killie MK, Kjeldsen-Kragh-J, Husebekk A, Skogen B, Olsen-JA, Kristiansen IS. Cost-effectiveness of antenatal screening for neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Brit J Gynecol 2007; 2007;114: 588-595 Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. Willingness-to-pay for a statistical life in the times of a pandemic. Health Econ 2007 Apr 3; [Epub ahead of print] Uhlig T, Loge JH, Kristiansen IS, Kvien TK. Quantification of reduced health-related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to the general population. J Reumatology 2007 (E-pub ahead of print) Kristiansen IS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Halvorsen PA. Influenza pandemic: Perception of risk and individual precautions in a general population. Cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2007 Apr 2; 7: 48.. Dahl-R, Gyrd-Hansen-D, Kristiansen-IS, Nexøe-J, Nielsen-JB. Can postponement of an adverse outcome be used to present risk reductions to a lay audience? A population survey. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2007, 7:8 Halvorsen-PA, Selmer-R, Kristiansen-IS. Different ways to describe the benefits of risk-reducing treatments: a randomized trial. Ann Int Med 2007; 146: 848-56. Nexøe J, Halvorsen PA, Kristiansen IS. GPs’ critique of the risk concept – valid or not? Scand J Publ Health 2007; Gyrd-Hansen D, Kristiansen IS. Preferences for ‘life-saving’ programmes: small for all or gambling for the prize? Health Economics 2007 (E-pub ahead of print) Zebis-LR, Christensen-TD, Kristiansen IS, Hjortdal VE. Amiodarone cost effectiveness in preventing atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Ann thorac surg 2008; 85: 28-32. Kristiansen IS. Prioritering er mer enn å ordne køen. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2007; 127: 2278. Romøren M, Hussein F, Steen TW, Velauthapillai M, Sundby J, Hjortdahl P, Kristiansen IS. Costs and health consequences of chlamydia management strategies among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Sexually Transmitted Infections 2007 (E-pub ahead of print). Aaserud M, Kristiansen, IS, Neilson A Norum J, Sørbye H, Aas E, Klemp Gjertsen M. Helseøkonomisk evaluering av bevacizumab ved metastatisk colorectal cancer. . Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten 2007. ISBN 978-82-8121-186-5. 74 s. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137 138 139. Kristiansen IS. To pasienter i sengen eller én i korridoren? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2008; 128: 16. Kristiansen IS. How up-to-date are Cochrane reviews? Lancet 2008; 371: 384. Isacson-D, Bingefors-K, Kristiansen-IS. Fluctuating functions related to quality of life in advanced Parkinson disease: effects of duodenal levodopa infusion. Acta Neurol Scand 2008; (E-publish ahead of print). Bergman-A, Hjelmgren-J, Ortqvist-A, Wisloff-T, Kristiansen-IS, Hogberg-LD, Persson-KM, Persson-U. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a universal vaccination programmeme with the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) in Sweden. Scand J Infect Dis 2008 (Epub ahead of print). Sørensen L, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kristiansen IS, Nexøe J, Nielsen JB. Laypersons' understanding of relative risk reductions: a randomised cross-sectional study. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2008 17 July; 8: 31. Levorsen-A, Kristiansen-IS, Aasland-OG. Legers erfaring med individuell refusjon av legemidler. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2008; 128: 1829-32. Støvring-H, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kristiansen-IS, Nielsen-JB. Communicating effectiveness of intervention for chronic diseases: what single format can replace comprehensive nformation? BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2008 Jun 19: 25. Fuglenes-D, Øyan-P, Kristiansen IS. Obstetricians’ choice of cesarean delivery in ambiguous cases: is it influenced by risk attitude or fear of complaints and litigation? Am J Gyn Obst 2008 (e-Pub ahead of print). Wisløff T, Nordheim OF, Halvorsen S, Selmer RM, Kristiansen IS. Kostnader og leveårsgevinster ved medikamentell primærforebygging av hjertekarsykdom. Rapport Nr 34-2008. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, 2008. ISBN 978-828121-237-4. Håheim LL, Fretheim A, Brørs O, Kjeldsen SE, Kristiansen IS, Madsen S, Njølstad I, Norheim OF, Ose L, Svilaas A, Flottorp S, Thürmer H. Primærforebygging av hjerteog karsykdom, med hovedvekt på medikamentelle tiltak. Rapport nr 20-2008. Oslo: Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter for helsetjenesten, 2008. ISBN 978-82-8121-143-8. Kristiansen-IS, Bingefors-C, Nyholm-D, Isacson-D. Short-term cost and health consequences of duodenal levodopa infusion in advanced Parkinson’s disease in Sweden: an exploratory study. Appl Health Econ Health Policy 2009 (accepted) Kristiansen IS, Elstein AS, Gyrd-Hansen D, Kildemoes HW, Nielsen JB. Radiation from mobile phone systems: is it perceived as a threat to people’s health? Bioelectromagnetics 2009: (accepted) Hamidi-V et al. Cost effectiveness of open versus laparoscopic living donor nephrectomy. Transplantation (accepted). Other publications 17. Romøren-M, Hussein-F, Steen-TW, Velauthapillai-M, Sundby-J, Hjortdahl-P, Kristiansen-IS. Costs and health consequences of chlamydia management strategies among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa (Techical Report). HERO working paper 2007: 10. Oslo: Health Economics Research Programme, University of Oslo, 2007. 18. Wisløff T, Halvorsen S, Selmer RS, Kristiansen. Norwegian Cardiovascular Disease Model (NorCad) – a simulation model for estimating health benefits and cost consequences of cardiovascular interventions. Oslo: Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services, 2008. ISBN 978-82-8121-220-6. 38. Kristiansen IS. Helseøkonomi. I Larsen, Alvik, Hagestad og Nylenna: Samfunnsmedisin. Oslo: Gyldendal, 2008. 36. Kristiansen IS. Evidence based medicine – time for asking critical questions? ISPOR Conncetions. The Official News & Technical Journal Of The International Society of Pharmacoeconomics And Outcomes Research. 2007; 13: 4-7 38. Kristiansen IS. Spare på skillingen? Dagens Medisin nr 24/2007, 1. november, side 17. 39. Kristiansen IS. EBM - en sikker kilde til sannhet? Dagens Medisin 25/2007, 8. november, s. 15. 40.. Kristiansen IS. Budsjettkutt eller overtrekksoppgjør? Dagens Medisin 13. mars 2008, side 18. Teaching Have supervised in the order of 30 master theses in Tromsø, Copenhagen, Odense and Oslo Have (co-)supervised 7 PhD candidates Is currently supervising 6 PhD candidates Teaching the following courses: HMM4401 – Health and Medicine (UiO) HMM4301 - Optimal allocation of health care resources and economic evaluation of health care technologies HMM4103 – Research Design and qualitative methods HØKON4102 – Økonomisk evaluering