TECTONICS, VOL. 9, NO. 5, PAGES 1097-1111, OCTOBER 1990 UPLIFF OF DEEP CRUST DURING OROGENIC EXTENSIONAL COLLAPSE: A MODEL BASED ON FIELD STUDIES IN THE SOGN-SUNNFJORD REGION OF WESTERN NORWAY Torgeir B. Andersenand Bj0m Jamtveit Departmentof Geology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Abstract.The WesternGneissRegion (WGR) in Norway experiencedhigh-pressure metamorphismduring Silurian-Devonian continent-continent collision.The eclogitebearinglower crest is separatedfrom the middle and uppercrest by major detachment zonesformed during extensionalcollapseof the orogen;formationof the Devonianbasinsis related to the extension. The footwall of the detachmentzonescomprisesthree structuraland metamorphiczones.The upper zone, zone 1, is characterizedby penetrativehomogeneous down-to-the-westsimple sheardevelopedunder retrogradegreenschist-facies metamorphism. Zone 2 sufferedinhomogeneous simple shearof the samepolarity. Petrographyand mineral chemistrydata from the lower zone, zone 3, show a record of initial eclogitefacies metamorphismat 600øCand >16 kbar, which was decompressed almostisothermallyto amphibolite-facies conditionsat 550øCand 1012 kbar. Both the eclogite-and amphibolitefaciesmetamorphism developedin a regimeof pure shearwith vertical shortening.The rapid decompression recordsan approachof approximately20 km to the surface,related to Copyright 1990 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 90TC00731. 0278-7407/90/90TC-00731 $10.00 uplift that was probablythe result of the removal of a thickenedthermal boundarylayer in the mantle lithosphere.The pure shear regime, which developedinitially in the lower crest, was truncatedby zonesof simple shear as the lower crust was uplifted to middle and upper crustallevels. Extensionby simple shear in the upper crest was rooted in the lower crest where extensionoccurredby pure shear.The shearzonesin zones 1 and 2 did not penetrate the pure shearregime of the lower crest. A considerableamountof tectonicstrippingof the orogenicwelt predatesdepositionof the Devonian sedimentarybasins. INTRODUCTION Most tectonicmodelsfor the uplift of deeply buriedmetamorphicterrainsduring extensional collapseof orogensare basedon field studies in the middle and upper crest and interpretation of geophysicaldata from the deep rootsof the orogen [Dewey et al., 1988; England and Houseman, 1988]. Few models based on direct observations of the deep crest are available. The Western GneissRegion (WGR) of southwestNorway experiencedeclogite-facies metamorphismduring Caledoniancontinentcontinentcollisionin Late Silurian-Early Devonian times [Griffin and Bmeckner, 1980; Griffin et al., 1985]. The northwesternpans of 1098 the WGR Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway bear evidence of extreme crustal thicknesses.Jamtveit [1987] reported pressures of around 25 kbar from the Eiksundaleclogite, and coesite-bearingeclogitesindicating pressuresas high as 30 kbar have beenreported from the area north of the Homelen Basin sion in the detachment zones and discusses their geometry.The main object, however,is to presenta tectonicmodel for the structural patterndevelopedbetweenthe deep, eclogitebearingcrust and the middle to uppercrustal rocks that are juxtaposedacrossthe detachment (Figure 1) [Smith, 1988; Smith and Lappin, 1989]. The pressure(P) and temperature(T) increaseprogressivelyin a north westerly directionthroughthe gneissregion [Krogh, 1977]. Eclogites(P>18 kbar) also occurin the Bergen arcs, but their structuralrelationshipto thoseof the WGR is yet unknown [Austrheim KINEMATIC and Griffin, 1985; Austrheim, 1987, 1990]. The detachment zones between the lower, middle, WGR is stmcturallyoverlain by Caledonian thrust nappes,parts of which have experienced only low greenschist-facies metamorphism,and the low-gradesedimentarybasinsof Middle Devonian age [Kildal, 1970]. With the exceptionof the H•tsteinenBasin, the northern, eastern,and southernmarginsof the basinsare and upper crest along the westernmargin of the WGR from Sognefjordento Bremangerlandet (Figure 1). The uplifted deep crust comprises the Fjordaneand Jostedalcomplexesof the WGR and, probably,also the kyanite-bearing schistsin Hyllestadand partsof the Askvoll Group near At10y (Figure 1). Middle crustal rocks occur mainly in the units belongingto the Middle Allochthon,whereasthe uppercrust is representedby the Caledonianoutboard fault bounded, and their western contacts are unconformities[Bryhni, 1964]. Several authors have discussedrecentlythe contactrelationships among the Devonian basins,the Caledonian nappes,and the WGR [Hossack,1984; Norton, 1986; 1987; S6ranneand S6guret,1987]. The hangingwall characteristically contains semiductileto brittle fault rocks, although restricted zones of ductile deformation of the Devonian conglomerateshave been described [Norton, 1987; S6ranneand S6guret,1987]. In the footwall, mylonite zones,severalkilometers thick, are present(Figure 2a). Kinematic indicatorsin the mylonitesshow that they, and presumablythereforethe Devonianbasins, formed as a result of extension [Norton, 1986, 1987; S6ranneand S6guret, 1987]. This interpretationhas been disputedby some authorsarguingmainly from studiesof magneticfabric [Torsvik et al., 1987, 1988]; however,the widespreadpresenceand variety of kinematicindicatorsdescribedby previous workers and in the presentstudy show that the basinsformed above major extensional detachments. As such, the WGR is similar to a metamorphiccore complex [Davis, 1983]. The uniqueness of the area is that it exposesvery deep sectionsof the continentalcrust,the former root of a continent-continent collision zone. Almost all prior derailedstudiesin the WGR have focusedon eclogitepetrology;very few combinedstructuraland metamorphic studieshave been carried out that may clarify the mechanismof uplift. This paper summarizesevidencefor exten- zones. INDICATORS Thick mylonite zonescharacterizethe terrains and the Devonian basins. In order to illustrate the evidence for noncoaxial strain and senseof shearin the mylonitezonesof the detachmentsadjacentto the lower crest, a summaryof the kinematicindicatorscommonly observedat the scaleof outcropwill be presented.Detailed descriptionsof these features are discussedelsewhere [Swenssonand Andersen,1989, also manuscriptin preparation, 1990]. A penetrativestretchinglineationis developedin the mylonitesin the area, with an azimuth generallybetweenE-W and WNW-ESE with shallowplunges,dominantlyto the west. In the upperparts of the mylonite zones,late extensionalcrenulationcleavagesare common in mica-richmylonitesand phyllonites,also indicating a down-to-the-westmovementof the hangingwall (Figure 2b). Shearbandsare ubiquitousin the mylonitesand the asymmetry betweenS and C planesshowsconsistent westwardmovementof the hangingwall relative to the footwall (Figure 2c). Spectacular examplesof asymmetricalboudinageindicating the same sense of movement are common (Figure 2c). Asymmetrical,west vergentfolds are common,in many placesassociatedwith compressional structuressuchas foliation duplexes,indicatinga consistentrotationsense. Fold axes are parallel or subparallelwith the stretchinglineation, and sheathfolds are common.In the stmcturallylower part of the mylonite zones,extensionalveins showing Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway 1099 GEOLOGICAL MAP, SOGNEFJORDEN - NORDFJORD AREA. W. NORWAY lO KM BREMANGERLANDET o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o fz Ber.en I• Oslo f ORDE 61ø 25"N ,,,,,• LEGEND' KVAMSHESTEN !o øo 1 Devonian sediments, minor oL_•_.• j voicanites andintrusives in the Solund area • • G•sey gabbro (380 _+ 26Ma' Caledonian outboard terrane, Upper AIIochthon, Solund- StavfjordOphioliteComplex HYLLESTAD and associated rocks •........ Middle AIIochthon, OLUND continental basement & cover //SOGNEFJORDEN ••.l• ^^^ I Greenschists, probably Caledonian,in the Askvoll Group and in Hyllestad #////////// Boundary betweenZone1 & 2 I•,-..,.• Kyanite-bearing schists,Hyllestad area Boundarybetween Zone 2 & 3 • Fjordane Complex, Western Gneiss Region Jostedalen Complex, "-'•• Western Gneiss Region Detachmentsin Upper and Middlecrust & A DetachmentbetweenUpper/Middle crust andeclogite-bearing Lower crust ß ß Eclogites i Fig. 1. Simplifiedgeologicalmap of westernNorway betweenSognefjorden and Nordt•ord.The reinterpretation of the geologyin the northeastcornerof the map is basedon publishedmaps by Bryhni and coworkers. 1100 Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway -'-.-... :::. ::•:::: ..• ,,;•.•%'"':', ,•:, •!..... .-' ..... ß'..- • *• :.'•, .. Fig. 2. (a) View from $e noah, acrossF•rdefjorden of $e KvamshestenDevonian Basin •d •d $c underlyingdc•chmcnt zone. Line, dipping to the fight (west), mekcd by patchesof snow, is $c b•ttlc fault which •ncatc $c detachment fab•c. Mylonitcs of zones 1 •d 2 fo• $c hi•s between$c •ord •d the late fault. (b) Extension• crenula•oncleavage•d she• bandsdevelopedin mylonitic E•nschists of $c Askvoll 6•up in the detachmentzone sous of $c KvamshcstcnBasin. Displacementis to $c left (west). Wid$ of sectionis =1.20 m. (c) Asymmedc• boudins•om detachmentsouthof the KvamshcstcnBasin. Boudin necks•d extensionalveins a• filled with qu•zfcldspatic material. Displacementis to $c left (west). (d) Mylonitic augcngneiss•om zone 1 in the S•d•cn detachment.Shoe b•ds •d asymmc• of augcn showsdown-to-thewest (left) displacement. progressiverotationfrom the compressional to the extensionalfield of the strainellipsoid betweenthe S and C planescommonly is very occur. The sense of shear derived from the orientation and deformation of the veins is consistent with the other kinematic indicators. The evidence for rotational strains in the conservativeestimateof displacementbasedon uncertaindeterminationof shear strain suggests minimum displacementsof the order of 50-60 km in the detachmentmylonites. penetratively mylonitizeddetachmentzonesis ubiquitousand consistentwith a westward translationof the hangingwall. The zoneshave structuralthicknessesacrossthe mylonite foliationof 2-3 km and have evidenceof very high shearstrains.Althoughthe strainsare difficult to estimateprecisely,shearstrain>20 representsa minimum estimateas the angle small and difficult GEOMETRY ZONES to measure. Thus a OF THE DETACHMENT In discussionsof metamorphiccore complexesa terminologyincludingan upper Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway Norwegian Caledonides-Oslo-Sognefjord- and a lower plate separatedby a detachmentis commonlyused [e.g. Davis, 1983; Wernicke, 1985; Hamilton, 1987]; This has been adopted in models where the Devonian /•lesund, excursion guide,Uppsala Caledonide SymposiumA1, pp. 1-151, herein after referred to as Bryhni et al., 1981). The Caledonian metamorphicgrade of the Middle and Upper Allochthonin this area is greenschist/lower amphibolite-facies.Relics of Precambrian granuliteshave been describedfrom mangerite and anorthositein this area (Bryhni et al., 1981) and from similar rocks in the Daisfjord Suite below the KvamshestenBasin (Figures 1 and 3). Hence a major part of the middle crust that preservesCaledoniantectonostratigraphy has been preservedstructurallybelow the marginal fault of the Homelen Basin and along the Standalendetachmentwhere the eclogitebearinglower crust appearsto the south.The basins in westernNorway have been describedas a result of extensional tectonics. The detachment faults have been describedas parts of one continuous structurevariably termed the MtilCy fault [Hossack,1984], the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment [Norton, 1986, 1987] or the Basal Contact [S6ranneand S6guret, 1987]. The most importantcriterionfor identifyinglower plate rocks in westernNorway is the presenceof eclogites.These rocks are separatedfrom areas without eclogitesby shearzones,as shownin Figure 1; the boundaryof the lower crustal rocks does not always coincidewith the faults along the marginsof the Devonian basins. These relationshipsare particularly well displayedbetween the Standalenfault and the southmargin fault of the Hornelen Basin (Figure 1). This area, describedby Bryhni [1989, and referencestherein], comprisesrocks of the Eikefjord and Lykkjeb½groups, correlated with the Middle Allochthon middle crustal rocks in this area thus constitute a middle plate. The rocks in this structural positionare highly deformed,and severalshear zonesbranchingfrom major shearzoneslike the Eikefjorden fault (Bryhni et al., 1981) and the Standalendetachmenthave been mapped [Kildal, 1970]. Shear senseindicators from such zones clearly indicate down-to-the-west movement,partly by reactivationof earlier east directedcompressionalstructures. Mapping by Bryhni and coworkers[Bryhni and Grimstad, 1970] (Bryhni et al., 1981) showsthat the middle plate rocks continueeast and north of the Homelen Basin (Figure 1). In in the Caledoniantectonostratigraphy and parts of the FjordaneComplex within the WGR. To the west, rocks of the Upper Allochthonbelongto the cover sequenceof the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex [-Fumeset al., 1990] and are unconformablyoverlain by the Htisteinen Devonian basin (Bryhni et al., The southern N 1101 this area, however, the shear zones between the Kvamshesten Devonian Daisfjord Suite Daisfjord fault Main detachment ß \ o % o Western Gneiss Region 0 • • 0 o • 0 0 o --' 0 0 o • 0 • 0 0 / ß 1 km \ Hoyvik ed.inAskvoll Gp. • --- Greenschists in Askvoll Gp. DaisfjordSuite, affected by ductile extensional simple shear Fig. 3. N-S sectionof the KvamshestenBasin and substrate.Note that the the late Daisfjord fault truncatesthe detachmentfabric which is subparallelto the lithological contactsin the substrate. 1102 Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway upper, middle and lower crustalrocks gradually merge and apparentlybranchfrom one major detachmentnorth of Bremangerlandet(Figure 1). Rocks similar to thoseof the Eikefjord and Lykkjeb0 groupsalso occurin rocks of the lower crust where they form a heterogeneous superstructure, the Fjordane Complex, on the migmatiticgneissesof the JostedalenComplex [Bryhni, 1989]. The configurationof extensionalfaults RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE DETACHMENT ZONES AND ROCKS THE LOWER CRUST around the Homelen Standalen detachment zones are described. Basin shows that the OF As shown above, the detachment zones comprise2 to 3 km thick mylonite zones characterizedby very high rotationalstrains.In the presentstudy,tectonometamorphic relationshipsfrom the Kvamshestenand detachmentgeometrywas complex and probablyconsistedof anastomosing high-strain zoneswith variable orientation,cuttingup and down throughthe Caledoniannappepile. A similar geometrycan be demonstratedfrom the Adjacentto the Kvamshesten Basin [Bryhniand Skjerlie, 1975], the detachmentis truncated [Torsvik et al., 1987] by semiductileto brittle faults of the Daisfjord fault which mark the presentmargin of the basin(Figure3). To both Kvamshesten the north and the south of the basin, continuous detachment. On the south side of the basin (Figure 3), the Daisfjord Suite, correlatedwith the Jotunnappeof the Middle Allochthon[Brekke and Solberg, 1987], occurs in the hangingwall. In this area, the Daisfjord Suite is unaffectedby ductile strainsrelatedto the detachment. On the north side, however, penetrativemylonitizationof meta-anorthosite and mangeritesyenite(Figure 3) is related to shearingalong the detachment.These relationshipssuggestthat the detachments did not form low-angle structureseverywhereas suggestedby S6guretet al. [1989]. A consequence of this is that the Devonianbasins were depositedat variable distancesfrom the eclogite-bearing lower crust. The basal unconformityof the Homelen Basin is exposedalong the west and northwest parts of the basin (Figure 1). In this area, the unconformityoverstepsfrom little-deformed low-grade regional metamorphicrocks of the Upper Allochthon in the Kalv•g Melange [Bryhni and Lyse, 1985; Fumes et al., 1990] near Sm0rhavn,onto highly deformedgneisses and garnet amphibolitesof unknown tectonostratigraphic positionson the islands northwestof FlorO. On Bremangerlandet, the basal unconformityof the Homelen Basin overstepsamphibolite-faciesrocks of the Middle Allochthon and greenschist-facies rocks of the Upper Allochthon.Between these tectonostratigraphic units, steeplydipping semiductile to ductile extensional fabrics indicatingdown-to-the-westmovementare superimposed on east directedshortening structures.These relationshipssuggestthat the Devonian sedimentswere depositedon a basementof Caledonianrocks which already had undergoneconsiderableextensionaltectonic strippingand uplift. sectionsfrom the faulted top of the detachment to the eclogite-bearing lower crustare exposed as the entire region is folded in large-scaleEW trendingfolds. The detachmentmylonitesare more tightly folded than the brittle faults along the basins(Figure 3). Torsvik et al. [1987, 1988] proposedthat the folding was a resultof late PaleozoicN-S compression. The mechanismand timing for this folding will not be discussedhere. Its presence,however, providesa deep structuralsectionthroughthe moderatelyto steeplydipping detachmentzones into rocks of the lower crust. A cross section from the Kvamshesten detachmentinto the deepestpartsof the lower crust that are exposedalong FOrdefjordenis described as a basis for the discussion of deformationmechanismduring the extension (Figure 4). The sectionhas a slructural thicknessof approximately4-5 km acrossthe foliation which dips about 45ø north and south away from the axial trace of the F0rdefjorden antiform. The detachmentmylonitesare truncatedby semibrittleto brittle fault rocks at the contactwith the hanging wall, and these rocks will not be discussed further here. Within the mylonitesof the detachment, three structural zones with transitional contacts can be identified on the basis of variation in deformationintensity,strainpatternand degree of metamorphicretrogression. Zone 1 on the north side of the Kvamshesten basin has a structural thickness of approximately1.5 km (Figure 4). The entire zone is characterizedby very high strains developedduring rotationaldeformation.The rocks comprisegreen and grey phyllonites, ultramylonites,mylonites,and mylonitic gneisses.The phyllonitescommonlyhave large Andersenand Jamtveit:OrogenicExtensionalCollapse,WesternNorway 1103 E - W section along the Kvamshestendetachment zone Daisfjord SuiteHeyvik Gp. Brittle fault cutting main •I Melange detachmentfabricI • / 2 km Kvamshesten basin I .[ ,L•,,,/ Ophiolite sea level - •-.+2 km =4 km -- ß.•=_-_ _ _ • - • _, - _ _-- -- ----- •_-_-•:-z-:-•-I •.one 1 - In•homogenous •:_ ,----_•'--•-•-J..- !nhomogenous pure shear •-%--.-••--'runcared byan•,-,--' -?-•' '--••_....-•--•. ß +6 km 5 km 10 km 15 km Fig. 4. E-W section of theEvamsh½stcn basinarmsubstrate. In thehanging wall, theCaledonian compressional t½ctonostratigraphy hasbeenpreserved, although previousthrustshavebeenre-activatedas normalfaults.In the footwall,the zonal subdivision of the detachment is shown. Contacts between the zones are transitional. In zone3, therocksarecharacterized by earlyinhomogeneous irrotationalstrainfabricsdeveloped at eclogiteandamphibolite-facies metamorphism. Thisis cut by lower-grade zonesof simpleshear,whichdisplaces down-to-the-west. The 4- to 6-km structural thicknesscan be studied because of the foldingaroundE-W fold axes,seeFig 6. diaphtoretic whitemicasandhavebeenmapped cleavage.Garnetiferousrocks have not been previouslyas mica schists[Kildal, 1970]. Locally, characteristic lithologies,suchas white weatheringmeta-anorthosites and gabbroswith observed in zone 1 of the Kvamshesten relict igneoustexturesmay be recognizedas protolithsin the mylonites.Narrow zonesof grey quartz-feldspar-muscovite schistshave been interpretedas originalpsammites[Kildal, 1970]. Kinematicindicators(seepreviousdiscussion and Figure2) occurthroughout this zoneand showconsistentsimpleshear-typedeformation with down-to-the-west movement of the hanging wall. Quartz-poorlithologieswith grain-size reductionand retrogradesyntectonic crystallization of epidote, biotite, chlorite, muscovite, and albite are characteristic of the mylonitesin this zone.Quartzveinsand segregations with dynamicallyrecrystallized quartzare common. The chlorite-richphyllonites,particularly abundantin the structurallyhigherpartsof zone 1, developspectacularextensionalcrenulation detachment,and the syntectonicmineral assemblages indicate that the deformation occurredduringprogressive retrogression at greenschist-facies conditions. Zone 1 of the Standalen detachment has been studiedin sectionsat Steindalen(UTM 125 266) near the H•tsteinenBasin and at Standal(Figure 1). The zone is approximately1 km wide in theseareas,and the mylonites generallyhave steepdips between40ø and 70ø to the north. At Standal,a dark ultramylonite with an indistinguishable protolithoccursalong the contactto the brittly deformedhanging wall. Structurallybelow the ultramylonite, protolithsof meta-anorthosite,mica schist, quartzite,and a megacrysticaugengneiss with large porphyroclasts of K-feldsparcan be identifiedin the mylonite sequence.The mica schistin the lower part of the zone contains 1104 Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway partly to completelyretrogradedgarnetsup to a centimeterin diameter,which in outcropcan be seento contain inclusionfabrics indicating syntectonicgrowth prior to the retrogression. Zone 2 in the Kvamshesten detachment has a structuralthicknessof approximately1.5 km. Becauseof variable dips of the foliation, which are a result of the E-W folding, and its transitionalcontacts,it is difficult to give a preciseestimateof the structuralthickness.The dominantlithologieswithin zone 2 comprise bandedgrey-greenquartz-poor,biotiteplagioclasegneissespossiblyof a supracrustal origin, amphiboliticrocks, and granodioritic augengneisses.The structuralstyle of zone 2 is characterizedby anastomosing mylonitic and phyllonitic fabrics of variable intensity.Shear sense indicators characteristic of rotational strainsare developedin thesezonesand show consistent down-to-the-west movement of the structurallyhigher parts of the zone. Banded garnet amphibolites,locally, have a bright green color, characteristicof retrogradedeclogites. Relict eclogitesare found mainly in the lower part of zone 2 in both the Standalenand Kvamshesten sections. Near the Kvamshesten Basin, however, an eclogite body, not yet studiedby us, occursas close as 1.5 km from the upperplate, possiblywithin zone 1 (Figure 4), of the Kvamshestendetachment(W.L. Griffin and M.B.E. M0rk, Eclogitesand basal gneissesin westernNorway, excursionguide, UppsalaCaledonideSymposiumB1, pp. 1-88, 1981). The heterogeneityof the mylonitic lithologiesin zone 2 suggeststhat it is best correlatedwith similar rocksassignedto the FjordaneComplex elsewherein the WGR. The deformationpatternis characterized by variable strains,developedin an anastamosing pattern. Within the high-strainzones,however, unambiguousshear senseindicatorsshow a consistent,simple shear-typedeformation,which is syntheticwith the senseof shearfound within zone 1. Hence a structuralcontinuity, regardingdeformationin both a simpleshear regime and shear sense,betweenzones 1 and 2, can be suggested. Zone 3 constitutesthe deepestpart of the WGR that is exposedin the area.It comprises rocks assignedto the FjordaneComplexand the dominantlyquartz-feldspathic gneissesof the JostedalenComplex [Bryhni, 1989]. Both complexesare eclogite bearingbut in the studiedarea aroundF0rdefjorden(Figure 1), the eclogitesare mainly confinedto rocks of the FjordaneComplex.Becausethe eclogite-facies metamorphismis Caledonian[Griffin and Brueckner, 1980], the structural and metamorphicmodificationsof theserocks are taken to be of Late Silurian-EarlyDevonian age. A comprehensive studyof zone 3 has not yet been carried out. However, a number of observations from the coast and road section along F0rdefjordenclearly distinguishthe structuralpatternin this zone from that of zones 1 and 2. The graniticand migmatiticbandedgneisses of the Jostedalen Complex,comprisingmajor parts of zone 3 in the studiedarea, are heterogeneously deformed.Protomylonitic granitoidgneissesgradeinto fine-grained mylonites.The high-strainzonesanastomose between areas in which older structures and textures,presumablyof Precambrianage, are preserved.The structuralintensitywithin the complex apparentlyincreasestoward the illdefinedcontactwith the FjordaneComplexin which eclogitesare common.A numberof the high-strainzones have been examinedto determine their shear sense; no consistent indicators of noncoaxial deformation have been found in the zones(Figure 4). Within a single high-strainzone, kinematic indicators,which are ubiquitousand consistentwithin zones 1 and 2, may be absentor show inconsistentsenseof shear(Figure 5c). Later shearzones,which usually are narrow and have a more phyllonitic character,may show a down-to-the-westsense of sheardevelopedin a simpleshearregime. Both generations of high-strainzonesgenerally strike E-W. Structuraland metamorphicaspectsof highstrain zonesin and adjacentto the eclogites south of Naustdal (UTM 236 232), near the previously mappedcontactbetweenthe Fjordane and Jostedalencomplexes(Figure 1), have been studied in some detail. The mineralogicaland petrologicalcharacteristics of theseeclogitesare consistentwith Krogh's [1980] descriptionof the Sunnfjordeclogites. Electronmicroprobeanalysesin the present study show that the preservedeclogite-facies mineral assemblage(Figure 5a and 5b) consists of progradezoned(increasingMg/Fe ratio rimward) garnets,omphacite(Jd 50), phengite (X celadonite= 0.30-0.35), barroisitic amphibole,clinozoisite,quartz, and ruffle. Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway 1105 Fig. 5. (a) Cut and polishedspecimenof eclogiteboudinin amphibolite-facies matrix from zone 3 on the north side of FOrdefjorden.Width of photographis 15 cm. Note that conjugateshearbandsin both the eclogiteand the matrix displaces both to the left (west) and fight (east),indicatingan overall irrotational deformation.(b) Micrographof eclogitefacies shearbanddefinedby omphacite (with rim of dark symplectite),clinozoisite,phengite,and lenticularquartz. Shear bands,displacingin both directions(east and west), anastomose in the thin section. Width of the micrographis approximately3 mm. (c) Amphibolitefacies, highstrainzone in quartz-feldspar augengneissof the JostedalComplexwithin zone 3 in the FOrdefjordenarea. Note that no systematicsenseof shearcan be determined in this lithology. (d) Micrographshowingthe amphibolitefacies foliation defined by quartz,plagioclase,epidote,muscovite,and hornblendein a retrogradedeclogite from zone 3. Dark mineral aggregatesare symplectiteswith quartz, plagioclase, and hornblendeformedby retrogrademetamorphism of the eclogite.Width of micrographis approximately3 mm. Additional phasespresentas inclusionsin the garnetsare A1- and Fe-rich sodic-calcic amphibole,paragonite,and hematite.These phases,however,are not observedamongthe matrix minerals.The eclogite-faciesmineralogy is partly to completelyreplacedby an amphibolite-facies mineralogycharacterizedby the assemblage plagioclase,calcic amphibole, epidote,phlogopite,and sphene. The metamorphicconditionsduring eclogite formation,basedon the Fe-Mg exchange reactionbetweencoexistinggarnet and omphacite,calibratedby Ellis and Green [1979], and on the jadeite-contentof omphacite coexistingwith quartz [Holland, 1980], are T = 600 + 25øC, P=• = 16 kbar. The estimated pressurefor the eclogitesin Sunnfjord corresponds to a crustaldepthof approximately 1106 Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway 50 km. North of the Homelen Basin, however, the pressureestimatesindicatea crustaldepth of near 100 km [Smith and Lappin, 1989] and this suggeststhat areasthat have experienced major differentialuplifts exist within the WGR. The tectonometamorphic relationshipsof the LiabO eclogitesshow that the high-P assemblagecrystallizedsyntectonically(Figures 5a and 5b). A L > S fabric definedby omphacite,clinozoisite,phengite,barroisite,and lenticularquartz-segregations was developed. Textural analysisshowsthat the high-P fabric comprisesshearbands(C planes)as well as a foliation defined by crystal shapeand crystal lattice fabrics (S planes)(Figure 5b). At the scaleof a thin section,the compositefoliation showsan inconsistentrelationshipof the acute angle betweenthe S and C planes.Similarly, shearbandsobservedat outcropand in hand specimen(Figure 5a) show shearsensein oppositedirections.This implies that the deformationassociatedwith the high-P metamorphismwas characterizedby inhomogeneous coaxial strainsin a pure shearregime. The superimposed amphibolite-facies metamorphism characterized aboveapparently crystallizedas a resultof nearly isothermal uplift of the eclogites.Krogh [1980] suggested T = 550øC and P = 10 to 12 kbar for the amphibolite-facies assemblages superimposed on the eclogite-faciesparageneses in the area. The amphibolite-faciesfoliation, in which preservedrelics of eclogitesare found as boudins,has a pure sheardeformationpattern similar to the pattern describedabove for the eclogitefacies deformation(Figure 5d). This suggeststhat the lower crest in this area underwentcoaxialdeformationduringuplift from P > 16 kbar to P -- 10 kbar, corresponding to a crustalthinningof at least 15-20 km. L > S fabricswith E-W lineafionsuggest that the strains were constrictional with a subverticalprincipalaxis of shorteningand an intermediatestrainaxis producingN-S compression.In some localities,however, no obviousstretchinglineafion has been observed, and this suggestspure shearflatteningstrains; presentlywe have inadequatedata to evaluate the role of flatteningversusconstrictional strains. A general observation,however, is that the eclogite-faciesand the early amphibolite-facies anastomosinghigh-strainzoneswithin zone 3 (Figure 4) developed,apparently,during nonrotationaldeformationin a pure shear regime becauseshearbandsin theserocks define a conjugatepattern.The strainsare particularlyhigh in quartz-richsegregations where the rheology of quartz has controlledthe deformation(Figure 5a). Later greenschist facies shear zones in zone 3 have evidence of rotationaldeformationsimilarto that developed in zones 1 and 2 of the detachments. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Modeling of the strengthof continentalcrest suggests that extensionalcollapseof overthickened continentalcrestin orogens occursby lateral spreadingas a resultof body forcesin the thickenedorogenicwelt [England and Houseman,1988; Dewey, 1988]. The array of extensionalmylonite zonesin west Norway, which partly truncateearlier compressional structures and underlie the Devonian basins, representsevidenceof tectonicthinningof the Caledoniannappepile. The very deep sections of the continentalcrest exposedin the WGR in the footwall of the detachments providea uniqueopportunityto studythe geological processesthat have occurredduring crustal extensionand uplift. The configurationof Devonian basins, detachment zones, strain pattern,and E-W folding is shownin Figure 6. A popular model for post compressional extensionof orogensimpliesuniform simple shearof the continentallithospherefollowing Wemicke's [1985] model from the Basin and Range Provincein the westernUnited States. This model has been adoptedwith few modificationsto explain the extensionand Old Red basin formation in westernNorway [Norton, 1986, 1987; McClay et al., 1986; S6ranneand S6guret, 1987; S6guretet al., 1989]. From our work, mainly adjacentto the Kvamshestenand Standalendetachmentsit is clear that they preserveevidenceof a simple shearregime during their evolutionand that displacements in excess of 50 km were accommodated in these zones. In the Sunnfjord area of western Norway, the Middle Devonian basinsare juxtaposedacrossthe detachmentswith deep crustcontainingeclogitesthat crystallizedat pressurescorresponding to depthsof >50 km. The presentdistancebetweenthe Devonian supracrustal rocks and the eclogite-bearing complexesis less than 3 km in the area north Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway Pure shear fabric Kvamshesten basin '.%.'o;,.,,, •. •...•.• •. •',',',,;,•.'--.-• \, • , %-- • •-.-.•. •--,•-• ...• • '.•:,,•;,_,.';,j\'-,' \ 1107 ,\ • - .":•."-'.,.-."• •'• .. • • Middle Upper AIIochthon Standalen -,;:--.',,. -'.'-•.....•.- ,'.•., '• • ß'/ ,,•;,-,-.-'_',.• ..... _....:,•.-'-','-c X detachment Fordefjorden antiform •- - • • • >' //' FjordaneComplex 'U-, ,-.-.•-,_- '•,.,.,•r.: c,- %.,•, -'.:,,,,,-•.-.-,.-'."..•.•,.-:, .•,'.-•", Jostedal Complex Fig. 6. Block diagramwith N-S and E-W sectionsof the centralSunnfjordarea showingthe relationships betweenthe lower, middle,and uppercrustalplatesof the area. Note that the simplesheardomainis developedin the upperpart of the lower crustandthatpurethe shearregimeoccursin the deepestpartsof the area. The E-W, nearlyverticalfoldsprovidethe deepsectioninto the lower crustalplate of the WGR. of the Kvamshesten Basin. This shows that a minimum of 40-50 km of crustal thickness has been excisedalong the detachments.If this occurredon a uniformly inclined (30ø) extensionalshearzone penetratingthe entire continentallithosphere,it would imply a displacementof the order of 105 km on the detachment. However, if the extension were accompanied by uplift, which is suggested by the progressiveretrogrademetamorphismand which is inherent in the Wernicke model, the detachmentsurfacewould graduallyattain very low dips and become subhorizontal.In this case,the crustalthinningby uniform simple shearwould be inefficient. Consequently,the displacementwould have to be increasedby a factor of 10, dependingon the orientationof the shear zone in the framework of time and amountof extension.This is incompatiblewith the regionalgeologyin southernNorway and unacceptablein the presentcase.It seemsclear that the uplift of the WGR cannotbe explained fully by Wernicke's [1985] model. However, the presenceof the major detachments characterizedby a simple shearregime in zones 1 and 2 of the detachmentclearly showsthat uniform simple sheardeformationwas important.A commonfeature of the rotational deformation fabric is that it records deformation mainly at greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions.Hence the simple shearmodel appearsto explain the structuraland metamorphicrelationshipsrecordedin zones 1 and 2 in the upper and middle crust. As suggestedabove,the eclogite-bearing rocks in zone 3 underwentinhomogeneous deformationin a pure shearregime during eclogite-faciesconditions(P > 16 kbar) and in the time interval during which they were isothermallyuplifted to amphibolite-facies conditions(P = 10-12 kbar). Radiometricage determinations from WGR are numerous and have been summarizedby Kullerud et al. [1986]. These data indicate that rocks in the WGR experiencedeclogite-faciesmetamorphism at around420 Ma, althoughother workershave suggestedthat the maximum crustalthickness was reached at around 450 Ma [Cuthbert et al., 1983]. From studiesin the hangingwall of the detachment,it is clear that crustalthickening went on in Middle Silurian times (= 425 Ma), as the Solund-StavfjordOphiolite Complexof Middle-Late Ordovicianage [Dunningand Pedersen, 1988] was obducted at this time [Andersenet al., 1990]. The widespread amphibolite-facies metamorphismin the WGR 1108 Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway occurred at around 400 Ma [Bmeckner, 1972; Kullemd et al., 1986]. This suggeststhat the nearly isothermaldecompression occurredover a period of approximately20 m.y. Basedon PT estimatesfrom the WGR of the $unnfjord area, this suggestsa denudationrate of approximately 1 mm yr'•. This estimateis very close to the highestrates suggestedfrom the Himalayaswithin the periodof the last 5 m.y. [Zeitler, 1985]. Carefully designedcombined smactural,metamorphic,and geochronological studiesare necessaryto milne estimatesof uplift in WGR. Englandand Houseman[1988] suggestthat catastrophic removal of a major part of a thickenedthermal boundarylayer (TBC) in the lithosphericmantle will causerapid uplift of the orogenicwelt [Dewey, 1988; Plan and Vissers, 1989]. The increasedpotentionalenergyof the welt duringuplift providesbody forcesresulting in deviatoric extensional stresses which result in spreadingof the welt [Dewey, 1988; Dewey et al., 1988]. This model is very appealingin the presentcaseas it explainssatisfatorily decompression from eclogite-faciesto amphibolite-facies, which occurredisothermally and rapidly. Dewey [1988] arguesthat the replacementof the TBL by hot mantle material will causea higher geothermalgradient accompaniedby late to posttectonicmagmatism in the extendinglithosphere.In western Norway, the presenceof late Caledonian magmaticrocks has been documented.They have, however, not yet been systematically studied and have received little attention in geotectonicmodeling. Devonian intermediateto acid alkaline lavas [Fumesand Lippard, 1983] occur in the Solundarea and a suite of gabbros and granitic rocks from the same area is probablyalso of Devonian age. Late dolerites of continentaltholeitic affinity occur at several localities,particularlyin the FlorOarea (Figure 1) [Skjerlie and Tysseland,1981]. A major calc-alkalinegabbrodated at 380 + 26 Ma by the SmoNdmethod occursnear Fr0ya. [Fumes et al., 1989). Also a number of late Caledonian granodiorificdykes and bodiesoccurin the area betweenHyllestad and Flor0. Most of the intmsivesoccurin rocksin middle and upper crustalposition.Some of the continental tholeiitedykes,however,intruderocksof both the uppermiddle and lower crest in the Floro area (Figure 1). Farther to the north in the WGR, a numberof minor graniticrocks of Devonianage have been recognized[Kullemd et al., 1986, and referencestherein]. It is suggestedthat the formation of the Devonian magmaticrocks may be relatedto introduction of hot mantlematerialto the lower part of the lithosphere,as proposedby Dewey [1988]. Their very heterogeneous geochemical signatures may be relatedto partial meltingof a highly variable source,includingcrest and mantlelithosphereand possiblyalso sublithosphericmantle.The apparentscarcityof Devonianmagmaticrocks in the lower crustal rocksof the WGR is enigmaticwith respectto this model. A schematicmodel for crustaluplift and extensionis shownin Figure 7. In stage1, the compressional consreaction of the orogenicwelt is completed,and the orogencontainsa smacmralanisotropydefinedby the compressional thrust.Stage2 of the model (Figure 7) representsthe main uplift stage, causedby TBC removal; this is where vertical • •:":"::"::••••• ......................... • Removal of thickened TBL :: ,-,..-... -,__e_e__e•-'•...i __','.',; ,; •',... .'.• ......................... .:•: •... .:• :•i!: ..?TBL thinnea andmain .............................. ,. .............................. .,•.........:....._..,-,.,......_.,r,• ß .................... :..•::::_.'_:.'..:.:..'.::.r..•r-.•:' "'base of uplift initiated '• 3 • T '• • T Vertical pure shear in lower crust at eclogite facies metamorphism ......'•;;t'i'•';i""l•'•';;' sh;arin uplifted lower crust at 4 amphibolite facies Reworkingby simpleshear Penetrative simple shear fabric at greenschistfacies Fig. 7. Model, discussedin the text, for Devonianuplift and extensionin the Norwegian Caledonides. Andersen and Jamtveit: Orogenic Extensional Collapse, Western Norway (•) compressional stresses causepure shear eclogite-faciesdeformationin the lower crest. The isothermaldecompression resultsin amphibolite-facies overprintingof the eclogitefacies fabric. The observed structures described above suggestthat a deformationregime of inhomogeneous pure shearcharacterizesthe deepestparts of the crest during the uplift. The northwestpart of the WGR, in which the deepestpart of the region is exposed,has not yet been studied.Observationsfrom Molde area by Kullemd [1987] show that the gneisseswere thoroughlyreworkedin amphibolite-facies shear zones(T = 650øC,P = 10 kbar) which post dated the eclogite-faciesmetamorphism.A characteristic feature of these zones, which are steeplydipping and have subhorizontal stretchinglineations,is that they lack consistent shear senseindicators [Kullemd, 1987], and this is consistentwith our observations. Apparently, they constitutea systemof anastomosing highstrain zonesup to 1 km wide, which formed under inhomogeneous pure shearconstrictional strains.Stage 3 of the model representsthe main spreadingevent and showsreworking of structuresformed in the pure shearregime by simple shear,also in accordancewith the observations described above. The model that we suggestfor the extensionalcollapseof the Caledonianorogenic welt in southernNorway is a combinedpure and simpleshearmodel. It corresponds closely with the model suggestedfor the Tibetan plateauwhich is basedon lithosphericmodeling [Englandand Houseman,1988], observationsof seismicactivity, and surfacegeologyin upper and middle crustalrocks [Dewey et al., 1988, and referencestherein].The simple shear domain in the upper and middle crest was apparentlyrooted and progressivelycut into the pure sheardomain of the lower crest as the uplifted deep crest was cooled from an amphibolite-facies to a greenschist-facies metamorphiccondition.The rapid uplift recordedby the presenceof eclogitesformed at extremedepthsin the continentallithosphere was probablya result of removal by the TBC layer of the lithosphericmantle.Introductionof juvenile hot mantle material to the base of the lithospheremay explain the Devonianmagmatic rocksin the area. Extensioncontinuedby deformation in localized extensional shear zones in an alreadythinnedcrest and resultedin formationof the Middle Devoniansedimentary basins. 1109 Acknowledgments.The manuscripthas benefited from discussionswith Arild Andresen, Harald Fumes, Eivind Swensson, Hlikon Austrheim,Henry Berry, Olav Eldholm, and JohnDewey, who also correctedthe English. Financial supporthas been receivedfrom NAVF. Norwegian ILP contribution95. REFERENCES Andersen,T.B., K.P. Skjerlie, and H. Fumes, The SunnfjordMelange, evidenceof Silurian ophiolite accretionin the West Norwegian Caledonides,J. Geol. Soc. London, 147, 5968, 1990. Austrheim,H., Eclogitizationof lower crustal granulitesby fluid migrationthroughshear zones, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 81, 221-232, 1987. Austrheim,H., The granulite- eclogite facies transition:A comparisonof experimental work and a naturaloccurrencein the Bergen Arcs, W-Norway, Lithos, in press,1990. Austrheim, H., and W.L. 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