Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowships 2014 The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation congratulates the winners of the 2014 Sloan Research Fellowships. These 126 early-career scholars represent the most promising scientific researchers working today. Their achievements and potential place them among the next generation of scientific leaders in the U.S. and Canada. Since 1955, Sloan Research Fellows have gone on to win Nobel Prizes, Fields Medals, National Medals of Science, John Bates Clark Medals, and numerous other distinguished awards. CHEMISTRY Emily Balskus Harvard University Wesley H. Bernskoetter Brown University Matthew Bush University of Washington Rebecca A. Butcher University of Florida Mircea Dinc Massachusetts Institute of Technology Guangbin Dong University of Texas, Austin Gordana Dukovic University of Colorado, Boulder Prashant Jain Kirk E. Lohmueller Jonathan Hauenstein University of California, Los Angeles North Carolina State University Sushmita Roy Kai-Wen Lan University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Minnesota University of Minnesota Julia Salzman Lionel Levine Maureen L. Coleman Stanford University Cornell University The University of Chicago Justin B. Siegel Ivan Loseu Douglas Edmonds University of California, Davis Northeastern University Indiana University Maryanthe Malliaris Brian Hopkinson The University of Chicago University of Georgia Amir Mohammadi Kristopher B. Karnauskas University of California, Irvine University of Texas, Austin Maria-Florina Balcan Aaron Naber Massachusetts Institute of Technology/ WHOI Georgia Institute of Technology Northwestern University Martin Krkosek Jernej Barbi Deanna Needell University of Toronto Claremont McKenna College Malin Pinsky Michael J. Neilan Rutgers University University of Pittsburgh Alison Sweeney Benoit Pausader University of Pennsylvania COMPUTER SCIENCE Animashree Anandkumar University of Southern California Jeffrey Bigham University of Illinois Carnegie Mellon University Jeremiah A. Johnson Massachusetts Institute of Technology Svetlana Kilina North Dakota State University Robert Knowles Chris Callison-Burch University of Pennsylvania Stephen Chong Harvard University Philip Brighten Godfrey Princeton University University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Thomas Markland Stanford University Sharon Goldberg Boston University Tyrel McQueen Johns Hopkins University Jeetain Mittal Shan Lu University of Wisconsin, Madison Tapan Parikh Lehigh University University of California, Berkeley Princeton University Charles Smart Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jared Speck Massachusetts Institute of Technology Samuel Stechmann University of Wisconsin, Madison Song Sun Stony Brook University Benjamin Webster University of Virginia Jared Weinstein OCEAN SCIENCES Jake Bailey PHYSICS Dmitry Abanin University of Waterloo Waseem Bakr Princeton University Christoph Baranec University of Hawaii Phillip Barbeau Duke University Clifford Cheung Pavel Nagorny Pradeep Ravikumar University of Michigan University of Texas, Austin Bradley Olsen Alexander Sherstov Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of California, Los Angeles Gary Patti Elaine Shi Washington University in St. Louis University of Maryland, College Park Rodney Priestley David Steurer Princeton University Cornell University University of Pennsylvania Rice University Alexander Radosevich Patrick G. Traynor Gloria B. Choi Sergey Frolov The Pennsylvania State University Georgia Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Pittsburgh Joel Rosenthal Paul Valiant Marlene R. Cohen Ian Garrick-Bethell University of Delaware Ryan A. Shenvi Scripps Research Institute Brown University ECONOMICS Nathaniel Szymczak John N. Friedman University of Michigan Harvard University Junrong Zheng Zhiguo He Rice University The University of Chicago COMPUTATIONAL & EVOLUTIONARY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Richard Hornbeck Harvard University Jakub Kastl Stanford University Maria Barna Ilyana Kuziemko Stanford University Columbia University Clifford Brangwynne Emi Nakamura Princeton University Columbia University Lawrence David Brent Neiman Duke University The University of Chicago Raluca Gordân Eric Glen Weyl Duke University The University of Chicago Boston University California Institute of Technology Jun Yin John Paul Chou University of Wisconsin, Madison NEUROSCIENCE Danielle S. Bassett Rutgers University Daniel Fabrycky The University of Chicago Matthew Foster University of Pittsburgh University of California, Santa Cruz Benjamin de Bivort Emanuel Gull Harvard University University of Michigan Dion Dickman Christoph A. Haselwandter University of Southern California University of Southern California Adam Douglass Ryan C. Hickox University of Utah Dartmouth College Liang Feng Philip Hopkins Stanford University Jennifer Garrison University of Southern California/ Buck Institute Julie Golomb Ohio State University Court Hull Duke University Mehrdad Jazayeri Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jeremy Kay California Institute of Technology David Hsieh California Institute of Technology Daniel Jafferis Harvard University Jared Kaplan Johns Hopkins University M. Lisa Manning Syracuse University Reina Maruyama Duke University Yale University MATHEMATICS Roozbeh Kiani Brian Metzger New York University Columbia University Sebastian Klinge Nir Avni Karin I. Öberg Rockefeller University Zachary Knight Northwestern University University of California, San Francisco Harvard University Anshul Kundaje Nayantara Bhatnagar Nicholas Stavropoulos Shinsei Ryu Stanford University University of Delaware New York University University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Benjamin Langmead Maksym Fedorchuk Kay Tye Monika Schleier-Smith Johns Hopkins University Boston College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stanford University Simon Gravel McGill University Too often we fail to recognize and pay tribute to the creative spirit. It is that spirit that creates our jobs… There has to be this pioneer, the individual who has the courage, the ambition to overcome the obstacles that always develop when one tries to do something worthwhile, especially when it is new and different. (Alfred P. Sloan Jr., 1941) The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic, not-for-profit grantmaking institution that supports original research and broad-based education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economic performance. For more information visit