Admission Control of VoIP calls in EDCA WLANs: Analysis and Experimentation Filippo Cacace, Giulio Iannello, Massimo Vellucci, and Luca Vollero Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Abstract— The Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) is a component of the new IEEE 802.11e standard [2], which introduces Quality of Service (QoS) support in Wireless LANs (WLANs). This paper proposes a model for the VoIP capacity of an EDCA WLAN. The proposed solution decouples the problem of estimating stations performance and that of evaluating channel congestion. Moreover, it models the dynamics of the sending queues. This translates in a model working under generic load conditions (i.e. VoIP traffic at different bit rates) that captures the impact of all the parameters introduced by EDCA. To validate the model, we derived a simple Admission Control algorithm for VoIP and generic real-time symmetric applications. Experimental analysis and simulations have been used to validate the model and to establish its limitations. A comparison of our proposal with other approaches is provided in Section III. To validate our model we used experimentation with a real testbed and simulations. Results are reported in Section VI. Specifically, we verified our model first with experiments and, when experiments were not possible for the limited number of stations in the testbed, we used simulations. We also used simulations to explain differences between experiments and analysis due to the physical characteristics of the Wireless Medium that the analysis does not consider. The results proves the ability of the model to capture the network behavior and suggest how to increase the number of admissible VoIP flows by adapting the packet size generated by VoIP applications. I. I NTRODUCTION Real time and multimedia communications with Quality of Service (QoS) support are increasingly important in wireless networks of any nature, due to the growing demand of services like VoIP, streaming and videoconferencing and to the network’s limited capacity. They are especially challenging for WLANs based on the IEEE 802.11b [1] protocol due to the distributed and contention-based nature of the channel access mechanism. The introduction in the IEEE 802.11e standard [2] of a new contention access scheme called Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) has provided mechanisms for QoS support which were previously unavailable with the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) used in the widely deployed 802.11 WLANs. The EDCA is however only a basic mechanism which should be used in the context of a comprehensive approach to implement QoS support. Such an approach should also include a method for allocating resources among distinct classes of traffic, like real time (RT), streaming, best effort, (BE), as well as algorithms for the admission control of higher priority flows and for EDCA parameters setting. In this paper we propose a new model to evaluate the VoIP capacity of an EDCA WLAN. We focus on this problem because VoIP call admission control (CAC) is of relevant practical interest in WLANs. Even if our model considers only VoIP traffic, admitted VoIP flows can be easily protected from interfering BE traffic by using the AIFS parameter [11], thus yielding an effective CAC method. From a theoretical point of view, our model provides the basis for an extension that includes BE traffic, even though it is questionable that an analytical approach is the best way to deal with the RT-BE traffic interaction. 978-1-4244-1845-9/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE 60 II. BACKGROUND Quality of Services support in WiFi network is provided by the IEEE 802.11e standard [2]. IEEE 802.11e defines the Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF), which includes the HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) and the HCF contentionbased channel access, also known as Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA). HCCA and EDCA are interoperable channel access mechanisms. HCCA is based on polling, while EDCA is based on a slotted and highly parametric CSMA/CA protocol. Both HCCA and EDCA distribute Transmission Opportunities (TXOPs), in which stations (STAs) are allowed to transmit one or more data frames. The EDCA mechanism defines the concept of Access Category (AC). Each STA may use up to four ACs, each AC implementing a slotted CSMA/CA algorithm with its own parameter. All the ACs compete independently to obtain TXOPs. The four ACs within a station represent four priority levels for data transmission. The standard names these levels as background (BK), best effort (BE), video (VI) and voice (VO). In infrastructure configurations, APs announce the configuration of ACs in selected beacon frames. The EDCA access protocol extends the access mechanism of IEEE 802.11: the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). When an AC obtains a TXOP, it can transfer at least the first frame waiting in its queue. Moreover the AC can transmit more frames whether allowed by the AP. Specifically, each AC has a maximum channel occupancy time, called TXOPlimit . This limit is advertised by the AP with all the other QoS parameters. If its TXOPlimit is equal to zero, the AC is allowed to transmit only the first frame waiting in its queue for each TXOP it gains. When the TXOPlimit is greater than zero, the AC is IT-NEWS 2008 allowed to transmit as long as the total channel occupancy time is less or equal than the TXOPlimit . An idle AC starts competing for a TXOP upon the arrival of a new frame in its queue. If the frame arrives and no more ACs are active in the same STA, the AC senses the WM to assess if it is idle or busy. If the channel is idle, the AC ensures that it remains idle for a fixed interval of time: the Arbitration Inter-Frame Space (AIFS). The AIFS is another QoS parameter advertised by the AP and it can vary from AC to AC. After the AIFS has expired, the AC is allowed to transmit. The transmission can be successful or unsuccessful. If the transmission is successful, the receiving STA transmits back to the transmitting STA a special frame, the ACK frame, acknowledging for the success in the transmission. The AC that has obtained the TXOP handles the transmission of all the frames waiting in its queue until its TXOPlimit has been consumed. If the transmission is unsuccessful, the AC enters the Backoff process. The Backoff process is also used when the channel is sensed busy during the first AIFS, when another AC in the same STA is busy or the last TXOPlimit of the AC is too close in time. As soon as the Backoff process is started, the AC updates an internal variable, called Backoff Timer (BT). When updating, the value of the BT is extracted randomly in the AC AC AC − 1 . CWmin , 2k CWmin and set 0, 1, . . . , min CWmax AC are called minimum and the maximum Contention CWmax Window and are advertised by the AP in the set of QoS parameters. k is the number of collisions occurred to the current frame. An AC with BT equal to zero is allowed to attempt a transmission in the first slot time following an idle AIFS or an empty slot time. The BT is decremented in each slot time following an AIFS or an empty slot time. III. R ELATED W ORK EDCA provides less predictable performance than a reservation-based method and it also suffers form network congestion. When the traffic load increases, EDCA cannot provide any QoS guarantees. Low reliability of QoS guarantees, starvation of low priority traffic and unbalanced uplink/downlink access opportunities are the most serious issues to be tackled for the wide deployment of distributed access mechanisms like EDCA in realistic scenarios. For these reasons, it can be argued that support for service differentiation in WLANs cannot be achieved without solving the relevant issue of admission control [14]. The IEEE 802.11e standard itself suggests a distributed admission control algorithm in which the AP can control the traffic load from each AC as well as any STA by periodically announcing the available bandwidth for each AC. This algorithm, however, is rather complex, difficult to implement and it has received scarce attention from both the research and the industrial communities. An alternative to a rigid mechanism of admission control and bandwidth allocation among ACs is the adaptation at run-time of 802.11e parameters, with the aim of optimizing the channel performance depending on network load and applications. In 61 any case, admission control must be performed for traffic flows explicitely requesting QoS guarantees. Much work has already been devoted to characterize the real time applications support of IEEE 802.11b/g networks. The peculiarity of analytical models for the voice capacity is that the stations competing for the wireless channel are not necessarily saturated (with the possible exception of the AP). This feature makes necessary to extend classical models for saturated sources [6]. The voice quality and capacity of WLANs in the presence of background data traffic has been measured in [3] using a test bed consisting of commercially available components. Because experimental results cannot fully reveal the relationship between voice capacity and system parameters when new wireless technologies or voice codecs are employed, the voice capacity of IEEE 802.11b WLANs has been theoretically estimated in [13], [17]. The voice capacity estimated in these works may be overly optimistic due to these simplified assumptions. A more precise analytical model is presented in [7] for 802.11a/b WLANs. [18] presents one of the first proposals of an admission control mechanism for 802.11e with RT and BE traffic. This proposal has limited applicability due to the use of saturated transmission probability and some simplified assumptions on the use of the TXOPlimit parameter. Measurement-based approaches (see [15], [20], [21]) use estimates of the available utilization time on the wireless channel to take decisions about the admission of new flows. A common limit of these approaches is that the increase in the collision time due to the admission of a new flow is not linear with the number of flows and it is difficult to estimate without an analytical model. Analyical models for EDCA in saturated conditions (see [4], [16], [19]) are not useful for VoIP CAC. EDCA models for non-saturated conditions have been recently proposed in [5], [9], [12]. The last two approaches are computationally heavy and do not model the sending queue dynamics, thus they cannot take into account the impact of the TXOPlimit parameter on the VoIP capacity of the EDCA network, that can be relevant. [5] considers both BE traffic and queue dynamics, thus it can be used for VoIP CAC; however, we present a simpler approach. Indeed, the proposed approach separates the problem of predicting the behavior of each station and the problem of evaluating the congestion of the wireless channel. This translates in a general model working under all load conditions and whose complexity grows linearly with the number of distinct real-time flows. IV. A M ODEL FOR THE A DMISSION C ONTROL OF VO IP CALLS In this section we present a model to predict the behavior of a WLAN and to establish whether or not a given configuration of VoIP calls can be admitted without quality degradation. An interesting aspect of the proposed model is that it decouples the problems of estimating the channel and stations status. This simplifies its applicability in realistic scenarios, where sources may differ completely in terms of offered load, packet rates and packet size characteristics. λout = λs 1 − Pdrop − pR+1 (1) λout = nt τ (1 − p) (2) and A. Model Description Consider a WLAN composed of Nsta VoIP stations, each station requesting a symmetric VoIP communication with nearly constant packet sizes at λt packets-per-second (pps). Let assume to know Tslot , the average duration of a Time Slot, and P e,the probability that a given Time Slot is empty. Knowing those parameters we can determine independently for each station its working point. From an user point of view, each transmitting station can be modeled using a time domain queue model, having its own TXOPs’ service rate, µt . Since the slot progressing nature of EDCA, we prefer to model the queue evolution in a different time scale: the Time Slot domain. In that time domain, λs = λt Tslot is the arrival rate expressed in packets per Time Slot, while 1/µs is the average number of Time Slots spent for each successful TXOP and for each frame discarded for too many retransmission attempts. The queue evolution can be easily determined using the model of Fig. 1, where l is the maximum number of frames sent in each successful TXOP. l can be computed as TXOPlimit /Tps , where Tps is the average time spent to send a single frame. Assuming to know the probability of collision that the queue experiences when attempting a transmission, the service delay can be approximated1 as Eq.s 1 and 2 can be used to express τ , the probability of attempting a transmission as a function of p: λs (1 − Pdrop ) − pR+1 nt (1 − p) Eventually, that value of τ can be used to compute back p using P e: Pe P e = (1 − p) (1 − τ ) → p = 1 − 1−τ Hence, fixed Tslot and P e we can solve for each station the above implicit system, determining p, τ and Pdrop . Moreover, from the values obtained for each station, we can compute back P e and Tslot , using the following relations: τ= P enew = and Tslot, new = P enew σ + N sta T ci P ci i=2 N sta (1 − τj ) j=1, j=i where w (k) is the average number of Time Slots spent in the Backoff process for serving a TXOP experiencing k collisions, while R is the maximum number of retransmission attempts. w (k) can be computed as k min 2j CWmin , CWmax − 1 w (k) = 2 j=0 Knowing λs and µs , the model of Fig. 1 can be easily solved assuming an exponential behavior of service times and assuming Poisson sources. From this model we can obtain, hence, the average number of frame sent in each successful TXOP as Pk T si P si + where P si = τi k=0 k=1 N sta i=1 R Nq (1 − τi ) i=1 1 = (1 − p)pk (1 + k + w (k)) + pR+1 (1 + k + w (k)) µs 1 nt = Nq N sta min {k, l} Pk and P ci = τi 1 − j<i (1 − τj ) (1 − τj ) j>i In the expression of Tslot we assume that the stations are ordered such that i > j if Tps, i ≥ Tps, j . The values of Ts, i , the average duration of a successful Time Slot of station i, and Tc, i , the average duration of a collision Time Slot involving station i and not involving station j with j < i, can be computed using the expressions defined in Table I. Tdata is the time needed to transmit the MAC payload over the wireless channel. Hence, starting from the parameters [Tslot , P e] we can compute back the same parameters, defining the function: [T snew , P enew ] = F ([Tslot , P e]) k=1 where, Pi is the probability of having i packets waiting for transmission in the queue. Moreover the model allows us to determine the probability that a packet is dropped for queue overflow as Pdrop = PN , where N is the maximum queue depth. Knowing Pdrop and nt we can write the following expressions for λout , the rate of successfully served frames: 1 We assume that the station always uses the post-Backoff. This is obviously a worst case approximation. 62 The working points of the system are all the pairs [Tslot , P e] that are solutions of the following equation: [Tslot , P e] − F ([Tslot , P e]) = 0 This equation may have one or multiple stable solutions. We have only one solution when each station has only a physically valid working point, i.e. each station is saturated or non-saturated. When the channel starts becoming congested for a subset or for all the stations, we have multi-stability, which translates into multiple solutions to the problem above. λs λs 0 1 λs 2 µs µs λs λs 3 l µs µs Fig. 1. λs l+1 µs Nq µs VO AC Queue Model. TABLE I C HANNEL PARAMETERS Parameter σ Tsif s Tc T sap Value 20µs 10µs Taif s + Tsif s + Tdata + Tsif s + TackT imeout Taif s + nt,ap Tsif s + Tdata + Tsif s + Tack T ssta Taif s Tdata Tack Taif s + nt,sta Tsif s + Tdata + Tsif s + Tack AIF S · σ Tplcp + ThdrM AC + TpayloadM AC Tplcp + TackM AC λs B. Admission Control The model defined above has been used to derive a simple admission control rule for deciding whether to admit or not a given number of VoIP sources in a network. Alg. 1 bases its choice on the status of the AP, which is the bottleneck of the system. If the AP is saturated or is not saturated but experiences high packet losses, the configuration is assumed overloading the network and the particular number of stations can not be admitted. Algorithm 1 Admission Control Check ap 1: decision AcceptNewConfiguration(λt , λsta t ) 2: compute [Tslot , P e] = F ([Tslot , P e]) 3: if AP([Tslot , P e]) is congested then 4: RETURN do not accept 5: else 6: RETURN accept 7: end if as a router between the wireless and wired portion of the testbed, to keep separate the two networks at the IP layer. Real time traffic that we consider is symmetric, i.e. is composed by two identical flows, one from the mobile station to a host on the wired portion of the network and the other one in the opposite direction. All the flows are generated through a traffic generator. We used mgen for higher bit rates. Since mgen has a packet size limit of 24 bytes at the application level, we wrote a simple RTP traffic generator for codec with smaller payload sizes. The admission limit for VoIP sessions is obtained by comparing the loss ratio and total end-to-end delay with some thresholds. The loss ratio can be easily deduced from the sequence number contained in the RTP header. A precise evaluation of the total delay is more difficult, as it requires a synchronization of the clocks between the two endpoints. To overcome this difficulty, we have devised a schema, where the endpoints of each real-time flow coincide. In the experimental set-up, each STA has two interfaces, one connected to the wired network and the other to the wireless network through the AP. A VoIP session is composed by two flows, one outgoing from the wireless interface to the AP, then on the wired link end eventually to the Ethernet card of the same STA. The second flow follows the reverse path. This setup eliminates the need for cumbersome synchronization procedures and makes it possible a very precise measurement of the total endto-end delay. The wired network is composed by 100 Mbit Ethernet links connected through switches. Its contribution to the total delay is negligible, thus we obtain a good estimate of the delay generated by the access network, both in the downlink direction (from the AP to the STA) and in uplink (from the STA to the AP). VI. M ODEL VALIDATION V. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP To validate our model we implemented an integrated wireless/wireline IP network, where the access network is a IEEE 802.11e infrastructure WLAN that serves wireless hosts (STAs). IEEE 802.11b is used at the physical layer. Both AP and STAs have been realized using laptops. The AP was a Compaq EvoN800v and the STAs were HP tc4200, both running Linux Ubuntu 2.6.15-26-386, equipped with NetGear WG511T wireless NICs and using the MadWifi v. driver. In the test-bed, each active STA sends its traffic through the IEEE 802.11e VO access category. The AP is configured 63 In this section we compare the admission boundaries generated by the analytical model described previously with simulation and experimental results. This comparison is not straightforward, for reasons that we explain below. Interestingly, there are discrepancies between simulation and experimental results, whose cause can be traced back to physical diversity issues. We have considered a few codecs and we report results about four, namely two VoIP codecs (ITU G.711 with a fixed bit rate of 64 kbps, and G.729 with a bit rate of 8 kbps), and two videoconferencing codecs at higher bit rates (200 and 300 kbps). For VoIP codecs we consider packetization intervals in TABLE II MAC PARAMETERS PHYSICAL AND Parameter CWmin CWmax AIF S TXOPlimit Value 8 16 2 3264µs Parameter R Tplcp ThdrM AC TackM AC Value 7 120µs 58.18µs 56µs the range of 10-50 ms (corresponding to 100-20 packets per second, pps). For videoconference the packetization range is restricted to 10-25 ms (100-40 pps) so that the MTU is not exceeded. Simulation has been restricted to the behavior of the wireless part of the access network. We used ns2 , with standard extensions for 802.11e 2 , and IEEE 802.11b link parameters set as in Table II. In ns2 we used sources with constant deterministic packet inter-departure intervals. Notice that the analytical model uses instead an exponential process for the arrival of the packets at the queues. The duration of each flow was set at 180 s, both in the simulations and in the experiments. The admission boundary was determined (again for both simulations and experiments) by requiring a loss rate less than 1% and an end-to-end delay of less than 50 ms. Notice that in our setting losses and delays are essentially due to the queue on the AP. The trade-off between losses and delay is controlled by the AP queue size. We used a queue size of 50 and with this value the admissibility is always decided by the loss rate, i.e. by packets discarded at the AP queue. The admission results shown in Fig. 2 were obtained by increasing the number of STAs for a given codec and pps value. Due to the limitation in the number of available machines we were not able to perform experiments with more than 16 STAs. Experiments were repeated 3 times when the number of STAs was non critical, and 5 times at the boundary of the admission region. There were four cases (one for G.729 and three for G.711) in which the admission conditions were met in about half of the experiments. In these cases we decided to classify these configurations as non admissible, thus the data in the plots met the admission criteria along all the repetitions. 1) Impact of the TXOPlimit parameter: The first remark is that 802.11e outperforms 802.11b with respect to the number of admissible STAs. A comparison with the admission limits of 802.11 VoIP traffic reported in [7] (obtained through simulations and analytical model), shows for G.711 an improvement of 4 and 10 STAs at, respectively, 100 and 20 pps. This marked improvement is essentially due to the TXOPlimit parameter, whose impact has been often underestimated in previous works about 802.11e performance. In the case of symmetric traffic, TXOPlimit has an intrinsic prioritization effect since a station with more packets in its sending queue (the AP in our case) can transmit for period longer than stations that have only one 2 [Online]. Available: ieee80211e-ns2/ 64 packet waiting. Therefore, although the number of accesses to the wireless channel is evenly distributed, the AP gains a larger goodput. Notice that this happens when the TXOPlimit is the same on the AP and the STAs. The first paper to propose the use of the TXOPlimit parameter to mitigate the AP bottleneck problem is, to our knowledge, [10]. Unfortunately, their analytical model does not capture the dynamic of the sending queue, which ultimately decides how many packets can be actually sent during the TXOPlimit . More work is however needed to determine whether setting a TXOPlimit on the AP larger than that of STAs can improve the voice capacity of a 802.11e cell. 2) Impact of physical diversity: Experimental results reported in Fig. 2 show that actual voice capacity of the 802.11e wireless cell is sometimes higher than predicted by both simulation and model. Predictions based on theory and simulation understimate by one or even 2 STAs the actual admission limit. Our conclusion is that this effect is due to physical layer diversity, that, as highlighted in [8], plays a significant role in mitigating EDCA thhroughput degradation under heavy contention. EDCA exploits this physical layer channel diversity when the collision between two frames of different strength results in a successful decoding of the dominant frame due to signal strength differential. This has two effects, namely: (i) the actual collision probability is lower than expected, and (ii) stations with the weaker signal attemp to transmit less frequently due to exponential backoff. When the wireless channel is in the critical boundary zone, even a slight improvement in the collision probability can affect the performance of the cell. 3) Validity of the model: Since it is difficult to eliminate physical diversity, experimental results must be interpreted with caution. Fig. 2 shows that the simulation limit on STAs does not exceed the boundary determined experimentally. The model slightly understimates the admission limit at higher pps, whereas for lower pps and low bit rates the model admission limit is one or two STAs more than simulations. In only one case the model exceeds the experimental limit (300 kbps, 40 pps). This allows us to conclude that the model capture the essence of the cell behavior for non saturated symmetric traffic, and it is therefore useful for practical purposes. However, the model accuracy can be improved in two respects: (i) introducing a post-Backoff probability for packets that arrive when the sending queue is empty (the current model approximation is that this probability is 1); (ii) using non Poisson sources. For example, deterministic sources are more appropriate in the test bed setting, due to the low jitter on the wired part of the path. 4) Increasing the number of VoIP flows: The admission region for VoIP flows shows a strong dependence on the number of the packets per second generated by the source. For codecs with low bit rate the number of VoIP flows that can be admitted is more than doubled when the packetization interval is doubled (halving the pps number). Since the additional VoIP capacity is relevant, this property can be exploited in practice by using adaptive approaches on the packetization Fig. 2. Admission boundaries for VoIP and videconferencing interval or on the packet size that can be implemented both at the application or at the network layer. Additional studies are required to characterize the increase in the end-to-end delay generated in this case, but the reduction in the channel contention would probably have a positive impact on the overall performance of the WLAN. VII. C ONCLUSION In this paper we propose an analytical model for EDCA WLANs. The proposed analysis models the main characteristics of VoIP scenarios, including both parameters configuration and unbalanced uplink/downlink traffic flows. Moreover, while other models make simplistic assumptions on the use of the TXOPlimit parameter, our analysis models its real dynamic impact. Another advantage of our analysis is the decoupling of channel and stations analysis, leading to a more modular and tractable analysis in the case of complex configurations. Using the model we defined a simple Admission Control algorithm that has been used to validate our model contrasting the results it provides with those obtained using simulations and experiments. In this comparison, the model shows its ability to provide meaningful results, defining a lower bound for the Admission Control. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is partly funded by the 6th Framework Program, Information Society Technologies, under Contracts no. FP6IST-038423 (CONTENT), no. FP6-IST-034819 (ONELAB) and no. FP6-IST-033516 (NETQOS). R EFERENCES [1] I. S. 802.11b 1999. IEEE 802.11 WG Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, pages i–90. IEEE, 1999. [2] I. S. 802.11e 2005. 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