Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets A J O I N T W H I T E PA P E R B Y TELENOR, LINUS, UBISAFE AND OSLO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Do van Thanh, Telenor Research & Innovation Paal Engelstad, Telenor Research & Innovation Dao van Tran, Telenor Research & Innovation Ivar Jørstad, Ubisafe Elias Bakken, Ubisafe Do van Thuan, Linus Tore Jønvik, Oslo University College Simone Lupetti, Telenor Research & Innovation Boning Feng, Oslo University College Sjur Millidahl, Linus Nicolay Bang, Linus Einar Edvardsen, Telenor Research & Innovation Håkon Kjuus, Telenor Research & Innovation 2 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets A JOINT WHITE PAPER BY TELENOR, LINUS, UBISAFE AND OSLO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Do van Thanh, Telenor Research & Innovation Paal Engelstad, Telenor Research & Innovation Dao van Tran, Telenor Research & Innovation Ivar Jørstad, Ubisafe Elias Bakken, Ubisafe Do van Thuan, Linus Tore Jønvik, Oslo University College Boning Feng, Oslo University College Simone Lupetti, Telenor Research & Innovation Sjur Millidahl, Linus Nicolay Bang, Linus Einar Edvardsen, Telenor Research & Innovation Håkon Kjuus, Telenor Research & Innovation Executive Summary With the advent of the Web 2.0 people are allowed to communicate, exchange information and collaborate across time and space in an unprecedented way. Indeed, a range of new mediated communication forms such as blogs, social communities, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, etc. has emerged allowing people to communicate easily and rapidly. The few existing IMS clients are still based on the telephone metaphor which – although popular and successful – is rather limited. The EUREKA Mobicome project proposes the Personalised Dynamic IMS client, a novel IMS client architecture which makes use of the widget concept. A widget is generally speaking a small application implemented using Web 2.0 technologies. By using widget technology, the Personalised Dynamic IMS client will be able to support more natural, intuitive and richer communication paradigms as follows: • Personalised communication services • Facilitated communications • Easy integration with other mediated communication forms On the technical side, IMS widgets have the advantages of being executable on heterogeneous devices, stationary or mobile, being agnostic of the network access, and supporting smooth handover between the mobile and the fixed broadband domains, and between usage of both 3GPP-SIP (IMS) and plain IETF-SIP. It is customizable, easily supports rich communication and provides a uniform user interface on multiple heterogeneous devices. Briefly, the Personalised Dynamic IMS client brings benefits to the users, the Telecom operators and the third party service providers and application developers. A prototype of the Personalised Dynamic IMS client has successfully been implemented and will be demonstrated at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, February 16–19, 2009. 3 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets 1 Introduction IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) [1][2] is intended to pave the way for the development and deployment of innovative and attractive services and applications. Unfortunately, until now one of the most crucial components, namely the IMS client has received very limited attention. In fact, there are only a few IMS clients which are regrettably built based on the plain-old telephone metaphor. With the advent of the Web 2.0 people are allowed to communicate, exchange information and collaborate across time and space in an unprecedented way. Indeed, through social communities people across the planet can connect and interact with each other. They can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves. The focus is on the human relations and not on the communication service nor the communication device. Indeed, in this case it is preferable that the communication device becomes transparent. Typically, the telephone is replaced by a headset with microphone which allows the user to talk while doing other things such as browsing. Although being software components, the existing IMS clients are constructed with a hardware apparatus notion in mind. This apparatus is very much present to the user who has to interact with it in order to communicate. This telephone metaphor has its strength in its familiarity for the users through many decades but turns out to be a hindrance for new applications where communication is encapsulated within other activities. The EUREKA Mobicome project with the participation of Telenor, Telefonica, Linus, Ubisafe, HyC, WIP, Hua Wei, Technical University of Madrid, Oslo University College and Blekinge Institute of Technology introduces the Personalised Dynamic IMS client, a novel IMS client architecture based on emerging Web 2.0 technologies which supports more innovative and richer communication models. 2 The telephone metaphor and its limitations As old as the Homo sapiens species human communication is still subject to much discussion in the academic world and there are still non-reconcilable disagreements about what it is. Human communication may be defined as transmitting information from one person to another as depicted by Lasswell’s maxim1) “who says what to whom in what channel with what effect”. For other schools human communication is defined as the exchange of understanding. It is hence not sufficient to convey and deliver the information correctly but it is necessary to ensure that the recipient understands it. This puts requirements on how the information is formed, i.e. language, format, comprehensibility, etc and how it is presented, i.e. clarity, readability, sufficient time, etc. Another prerequisite for the understanding is context. This is a vast and vague concept which includes the pre-conditions of the information, i.e. what happened before, the state-of-mind and the cultural and social background of the recipient. However, the major factor making human communication difficult to understand is probably its constant evolution. Indeed, human communication encountered changes with the formation of language enabling a more formal way of formulating meaning. Next is the apparition of paper, the premium 1) Harold Dwight Lasswell (February 13, 1902 – December 18, 1978) was a leading American political scientist and communications theorist. He is well known for his comment on communications: “Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect” and on politics: “Politics is who gets what, when, and how”. 4 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Figure 1 A Plain Old Telephone information storage and writing languages which pave the way for asynchronous communications, i.e. the recipient can digest the meaning long after the formulation of the message. Since then, human communication does not stop evolving parallel with the development of mankind [3]. New technologies have been exploited to remove the limitations of the human apparatus time and space. Technology mediated communications [4] emerge in many variants like letter, telegraph, telefax, email, etc, but the most popular is definitely telephony. On February 14, 1876 Alexander Graham Bell filed an application with the US Patent Office for an “electric-speaking telephone”. “Tele” is an ancient Greek word meaning “far” and “phone” meaning “voice”. As shown in Figure 1 the telephone can be perceived as an apparatus consisting of • A microphone conveying speech of the communicating party to the other party, • A loudspeaker delivering speech of the other party to the communicating party, • A dial wheel allowing the selection of the other party’s telephone, • A dual-line connecting the telephone with other telephones. The plain old telephone is undoubtedly a success since it provides a simple distant communication paradigm where each communicating party is enabled to transfer and receive voice messages containing information to each other as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Simple distant communication model 5 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets The telephone communication paradigm has however severe limitations, such as: • Limitation in time: - The communicating parties must be available at the same time and be synchronised for the communication, e.g. one talks, the other listens. - The communication session disappears as it is progressing since the exchanged messages vanish after they reach the other party. • Limitation in space: - The communication is limited to a location with the presence of a telephone connected to the telephony network. • Limitation regarding user experience: - The communication paradigm does not allow much personalisation, i.e. adaptation to fit the user since it is based on the telephone, which is a physical device with pre-defined interaction rules. • Limitation in richness: - The communication is limited to a physical device which dictates all the interaction rules. It is also limited to voice and it is not easy to combine with other media like text, video, picture, etc. • Limitation in range: - The communication is limited to one or a limited number of participants. 3 Towards more natural, intuitive and richer communication paradigms With the current advances in technologies it is no longer acceptable to demand that the user adapts to a device, may this device be the telephone. Further, with the convergence of technologies it should be possible to combine different communication variants together to achieve richer communication paradigms. Keeping these requirements in mind, our Personalised Dynamic IMS client will support different mediated communication paradigms that will be successively described in the next sections. 3.1 Personalised communication services Due to the fact that people are different and have different preferences and needs, it is essential: • To offer different IMS clients for different individuals • To allow the users to tailor their IMS clients according to their preferences. As shown in Figure 3 an example of personalisation could be the selection and tailoring of the phone skin, i.e. the look and feel of the device. Personal family photos can be added as wished. The personalisation must of course be flexible and allow any change at any time with minimum effort. The personalisation may also aim to fit to the ability of the users. Figure 4 shows a sample of an IMS client for senior citizens which is very simple to use. It has fewer and bigger buttons. It has only two functions; namely receiving calls and making calls to five pre-defined telephone numbers. 6 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Figure 3 Personalised IMS client For each task and context there are different requirements that call for different functions and interfaces. The Personalised Dynamic Client architecture will allow the dynamic selection and change of IMS client to fit the context. The user can simply go the IMS client portal and download the desired IMS client at any time and from anywhere. 3.2 Facilitated communications Figure 4 IMS client for senior citizens For a successful communication the two communicating parties must be willing to engage in communication and one of them must be willing to be the inviting party that initiates the session. Usually, it is the party “in needs” that makes the call. This can be turned around such that the party “in needs” invites the other party to call whenever it is suitable. To promote calls to her, Mona can distribute via email to friends and relatives a “Call Mona IMS client” which can be installed on the desktop of PCs or mobile phones by a few clicks. Calls to Mona can now be made by clicking on Mona’s photo. 3.3 Easy integration with other mediated communication forms With the arrival of Web 2.0 new forms of communication called social media have emerged. There is no formal definition of social media but it is commonly understood as ways of using the Internet to instantly collaborate, share information, or have a conversation on ideas or causes we care about. It is a world where anyone can be a publisher, a reporter, an artist, a filmmaker, a photographer or pundit, etc. [5]. 7 Call Mona Figure 5 Call Mona IMS client Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Figure 6 Some social media applications Social media can take many different forms such as Internet forums, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Examples of social media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), etc. The technologies used to realise social media include: blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing, and last but not least Voice over IP. In our solution Voice over IP is implemented as an IMS application and as a ubiquitous fixed mobile convergent service. In addition, the Personalised Dynamic IMS client architecture allows also the integration of IP telephony with other technologies such as blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-posting, etc. 4 The Personalised Dynamic IMS Client architecture To realise the committed richer communication paradigms the Personalised Dynamic IMS Client architecture combines the standard IMS technologies with the Web 2.0 technologies. For the IMS client, the Widget concept is adapted to provide the required flexibility and user-friendliness. 4.1 Briefly about widgets A widget is generally speaking a small application, a little bit of code, that does one simple thing but does it well [6]. Widgets can be combined together. It is fairly easy to develop a new widget compared to developing a full application. Some examples of widgets like clock, weather, MyNotes, blogs, etc. are shown in Figure 7. To be able to run a widget, a widget engine is required. It is the framework needed to run these micro applications. On the PC, the most popular is Konfabulator, and on Mac OS-X Dashboard. The widget engine can be delivered as standalone software or integrated in the browser. 8 Figure 7 Examples of widgets Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets download IMS Client Widget Widget Engine IMS Widget Server http Web Browser IP network IMS Client IMS Client1 a Widget IMS Client1 a Widget Widget 1 a IMS Client IMS Client Widget 2a IMS Client Widget 2a Widget 2 a IMS Figure 8 Flexible downloading of IMS client widgets Most Widget Engines typically support: • • • • HTTP, URIs, and Unicode ECMAScript, various DOM levels The ability to render Markup language, like HTML and/or CSS Multimedia resources such as images and sounds. 4.2 Flexible and dynamic selection of IMS client widgets The IMS Client Widget is hosted at a Web server and can be downloaded and used on any device, mobile or stationary as shown in Figure 8. There could be different versions of the IMS Client Widget which are tailored for particular devices. There could also be different IMS Client Widgets which have different functionalities offering different services to the user, e.g. VoIP IMS Client Widget, PoC Client Widget, IM (Instant Messaging) Widget, etc. There could also be Rich Communication Widget that makes use of several IMS service enablers, e.g. VoIP, PoC, IM, etc. 4.3 Interactions on the Web In order to offer IMS services to the user, e.g. VoIP, PoC, Presence, etc the IMS Client Widget makes use of the widget engine to send IMS commands to the IMS Widget server, which is a Web server accessible on the World Wide Web. The IMS Widget server is equipped with a software component, which interprets the commands and invokes appropriate IMS Web Service methods on the Convergence server. Mobicome Proxy Phone / PC IMS Widget Widget Web Server Widget Engine Web Service API IMS Client Framwork Converg r ence serve with IMS/SIP proxy OS APIs Hardware Core Network Figure 9 Interactions on the Web 9 IMS SIP Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets The Convergence Server is a Web Application server which exposes all the IMS core capabilities, e.g. call control, and IMS Service Enablers, e.g. PoC, Presence, IM, etc. as XML Web services. The IMS capabilities on the network will then communicate with the IMS client framework to execute the user’s commands, e.g make a call, send an IM etc. By disconnecting the IMS Client Widget with the IMS Client Framework, a source of incompatibilities and errors is removed. In fact, different IMS client frameworks offering different APIs have been pre-installed on mobile devices from different manufacturers. This means that an IMS client made for one device may not be working on another. With the Personalised Dynamic IMS Client architecture the IMS clients are always using the same API and will therefore work on any device. 5 The IMS Client Widget in action Figure 10 Telenor IMS Widget Portal To demonstrate the attractiveness and usability of the Personalised Dynamic IMS Client architecture a scenario has been improvised as follows: 1 Alice starts Web browser and goes to or is directed to Telenor IMS Widget Portal as shown in Figure 10. 2 From the portal, Alice downloads an advanced, premium widget by a simple mouse-click. 10 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Figure 11 A premium IMS widget As shown in Figure 11 the premium widget acts as an IMS VoIP combined with IMS messenger with the following features: • • • • Contact list Presence notifications Call transfer Skinnable 3 Later, Alice wants to generate an “IMS business card widget” and send to her friends. She goes again to the Telenor IMS Widget portal and enters her personal details, as well as the email addresses of her targeted friends. 4 By a mouse-click her personalized “IMS business card widget” is generated (see Figure 12) and the installation link (or the Widget itself) is sent by email to Alice’s friends. Figure 12 Alice’s IMS business card widget 5 A copy of the personalized widget is sent to Alice, to allow her to distribute her business card to new friends and contacts on a later occasion. 6 Frank receives Alice’s email. He installs and starts her “IMS business card widget” by a mouse-click. Alice’s personalized widget is then shown on the desktop of Frank’s PC. Since Alice has her premium IMS widget running, she is available. This status is indicated by the grey frame surrounding Alice’s business card widget on Frank’s desktop. Unavailability is indicated by a red frame. Thus, presence 11 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets service is implemented into the business card widgets. However, it is a oneway presence service, meaning that Alice cannot see the availability of Frank. The reason is that the business card widget of Alice at Frank’s desktop only allows for Frank to initiate calls to Alice, and not the other way round. Alice will see the availability of Frank only if Alice receives a business card widget from Frank or if Frank installs the premium IMS widget. 7 Frank calls up Alice by a mouse-click on her business card widget shown at the desktop of Frank. In the background, the widget sends a command to the Widget Web Server in Figure 9, which again invokes a function in the IMS CSCF. 8 The CSCF sends an SIP/IMS Invite message to both Frank and Alice. An Invite message is received by the client framework of Frank that preferably runs in the background, and the call is preferably auto-received. The latter is not a necessity but results in a smoother experience for Frank, as the call is set up without hassle from the time he clicks on the Call button in his widget. Similarly, the Invite message is handled by the client framework of Alice. In summary, the Mobicome CSCF works as a back-to-back proxy, setting up calls in two directions for both the caller and the callee. As Frank calls Alice, a “Hang up” option appears for the business card widget on Frank’s desktop. Furthermore, at the start of the conversation, a new “Hang up” button appears in the display of the premium widget of Alice. Moreover, the “Call” button in Figure 11 will be transformed into a “Transfer” button. Frank asks Alice if she knows the whereabouts of their common friend, Charles. Alice tells Bob that Charles is online, and she offers to transfer the call to Charles. 9 She does so by using “Select a contact” button to select Charles, and then by clicking on the “Transfer” button. 10 She hangs up. Frank is now connected to Charles and can continue the conversation. 6 Introduction of enhanced security Since the IMS client is now no longer a regular IMS client but a widget, it can no be longer authenticated by the S-CSCF and HSS, and other sufficient authentication schemes are required for different devices running IMS widgets. To keep the costs as low as possible it is necessary to re-use as much as possible of the existing security infrastructure. Since both the SIM/USIM card are considered as sufficiently strong authentication tokens, the Mobicome project has adopted them in the authentication of IMS client widgets. Three authentication schemes are proposed as follows: • For IMS client widgets running on PCs equipped with a USIM installed in the SIM slot or a USB dongle the authentication is done according to the Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) [7]. • For IMS client widgets running on PCs equipped with SIM installed in the SIM slot or a USB dongle the authentication is done using the SIM Strong Authentication [8]. • For IMS client widgets running on cellular phones with HTML the authentication is done using SIM Strong Authentication via SMS [8]. 12 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets 7 Implementation of the Personalised Dynamic IMS Client Figure 13 The Prototype Architecture As shown in Figure 13 the Personalised Dynamic IMS Client architecture relies on the IMS Core Network comprising of a CSCF and a HSS. In addition there are the following entities: • An IMS Widget Server: A Web 2.0 server hosting IMS widget and acting as widget server. • A Convergence server: A Web server offering IMS Web service APIs. It is combined with MCU (Multiparty Conference Unit) supporting conference call and call continuity. The Convergence server is connected to the PSTN via MGCF combined with MGW. • An IDP: A Liberty Alliance compliant Identity Provider in charge of the SIM strong authentication when the user is accessing from a regular mobile phone or a PC with SIM Smartdongle. The IDP communicates with the VitalAAA server which again interacts with the HLR via the Ulticom Signalware MAP Authentication Gateway. • A BSF: The Bootstrapping Server Function is hosted in a network element under the control of a Mobile Network Operator. The BSF is used to mutually authenticate and share keys between the UE and the NAF to provide for secure yet easy access to services like VOD applications and the Family Portal. 13 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets On the client side three devices are defined: • A regular 2G/3G mobile phone with an xHTML browser. It also hosts a Gemalto SIM with an EAP-SIM applet • A PC with a SIM Smartdongle • A PC with a USIM GBA Smartdongle. 8 Value proposition A. End users The Personalised Dynamic IMS Client will deliver value to end users in the following ways: • Easy to install and run • Richness of suitable applications will be available • Ability to use IMS clients with a uniform interface on any device and over any access network • Availability of fully personalized IMS clients • Simplification, since the user does not need separate clients for SIP and IMS, when the service is otherwise the same. B. Telecom operators The Personalised Dynamic IMS Client will deliver value to Telecom operators in the following ways: • Customizable clients • The value chain is opened for the operators • Implementation of the “cloud computing” concept is possible in the context of IMS and IMS clients. • The richness of suitable applications will increase usage and improve the possibilities for revenue. C. Third party service providers and application developers The Personalised Dynamic IMS Client will deliver value to third party service providers and application developers in the following ways: • Open access to parts of the IMS value chain and to the usage of IMS clients • Possibility for easy and low-cost application development. 14 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets 9 Conclusion The existing IMS clients are based on the telephone metaphor which – although popular and successful – is quite limited. With the emergence of the Web 2.0 other forms of mediated communication called social media have arisen and are allowing unprecedented human communication over time and space. By contemplating the limitations of the telephone metaphor and the possibilities of the Web 2.0 technologies the Mobicome project has proposed a novel implementation of IMS client using widgets called Personalised Dynamic IMS client. The IMS widgets have the advantages of being executable on heterogeneous devices, stationary or mobile, being agnostic of the network access, and of supporting smooth handover between the mobile and the fixed broadband domains, and between usage of both 3GPP-SIP (IMS) and plain IETF-SIP. It is customizable, supports easily rich communication and provides a uniform user interface on multiple heterogeneous devices. A prototype of the Personalised Dynamic IMS client has successfully been implemented and will be demonstrated at the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, February 16–19, 2009. 15 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets References [1] 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2 (Release 8) – 3GPP TS 23.228 V8.3.0 (2007-12) [2] 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Architectural requirements (Release 7) - 3GPP TS 23.221 V7.2.0 (2007-12) [3] d'Ettorre, Patrizia & Hughes, David P.: Sociobiology of Communication – An interdisciplinary perspective – CHAPTER 14. The evolution of human communication and language – Author: Hurford, James R. – Print publication date: 2008 – Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2008 – Print ISBN-13: 978-0-19-921684-0 [4] Whittaker, S.:Theories and Methods in Mediated Communication. In Graesser, A., Gernsbacher, M., and Goldman, S. (Ed.) The Handbook of Discourse Processes. Publisher: Taylor & Francis(Routledge) 2003 – ISBN: 978-0-8058-3555-7 [5] SocialMedia – [6] W3C: Widgets 1.0 Requirements - W3C Working Draft 05 July 2007 [7] ETSI/3GPP (2008), “Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);SIM card based Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA);Early implementation feature (3GPP TR 33.920 version 7.5.0 Release 7)” [8] Do, T.v. et. al. (2006), “Offering SIM Strong Authentication to Internet Services - A joint white paper by Telenor, Gemalto, Lucent Technologies, Ulticom, Linus, Oslo University College and Sun Microsystems”, online: 16 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Glossary 3GPP The 3rd Generation Partnership Project Access manager Sun Java System Access Manager delivers open, standards-based access control across intranets and extranets. It is a security foundation that helps organizations manage secure access to an enterprise’s Web applications both within the enterprise and across business-to-business (B2B) value chains. It provides open, standards-based authentication and policy-based authorization with a single, unified framework. It secures the delivery of essential identity and application information to meet today’s needs and to scale with growing business needs, by offering single sign-on (SSO) as well as enabling federation across trusted networks of partners, suppliers, and customers. AAA server These three terms are used interchangeably in this note. AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. A backend authentication server is an entity that provides an authentication service to an authenticator. RADIUS is an AAA server. AuC Authentication Centre. It is the GSM network element that provides the authentication triplets for authenticating the subscriber. Authenticator The component that initiates the EAP authentication. In this document the authenticator runs in IDP. BSF Bootstrapping Server Function EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol EAP-AKA An extension to the EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) proposed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) enabling authentication and session key distribution using the UMTS AKA (Authentication and Key Agreement) mechanism. UMTS AKA is based upon symmetric keys and runs typically on a USIM (UMTS Subscriber Identity Module). EAP/AKA Authentication includes optional user anonymity and re-authentication procedures. EAP-SIM An Extension of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) using the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). EAP-SIM is described in internet-draft for EAP-SIM. GBA 3GPP Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA) is part of the Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA) and is used to bootstrap a short term security association based upon short term credentials between an HTTP client and server. 17 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets GSM Global System for Mobile Communications GSMA The GSM Association (GSMA) is the global trade association representing over 850 GSM mobile phone operators across 218 countries of the world. HLR Home Location Register. It is a central database containing the subscriber profiles and the associated keys. IDP According to the Liberty Alliance specifications an Identity Provider creates and manages the identity of the users, and authenticates them to the service providers. IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity LAN Local Area Network SIM Subscriber Identity Module SIP The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signalling protocol specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) used for establishing sessions in an IP network. Widget Widgets or gadgets are usually small client-side Web applications for displaying and updating remote data, packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation on a client machine. 18 Personalised Dynamic IMS client using Widgets Partners This white paper has been written by the partners in the Mobicome project. Telenor is emerging as one of the fastest growing providers of mobile communications services worldwide. Telenor is also the largest provider of TV services in the Nordic region. Telenor is organised into three business areas; Mobile operations covering 12 countries, and Fixed-line and Broadcast services covering the Nordic region. The Telenor Group has more than 129 million mobile subscriptions worldwide and has a workforce of 33,500 man-years. Its revenues in 2006 were NOK 91.1 billion. Telenor is listed at the Oslo Stock Exchange and headquarted in Norway. Linus, a small consultant and system house located in Oslo, Norway. The company provides SW development services to major players in the Norwegian Oil & Gas and Telecommunication business segments. Ubisafe, a Norwegian SME based in Lillehammer and specializing in Internet security solutions based on the mobile phone and the SIM card. For more information, visit Oslo University College is the biggest governmental university college in Norway with approximately 8,700 students and more than 1,000 staff members. They offer twenty-two professional study programs and a large number of credit courses at bachelor, master and higher level and within a broad range of fields. Oslo University College prepares students for professional careers in public institutions – within health and social services, education and management, libraries and archives, in media and fine arts, and for technical, economic and administrative occupations in trade and industry. The Faculty of Engineering focuses on civil engineering, computer and information technology, including informatics and network and system administration. 19 Contact: Dr. Do van Thanh, Telenor R&I email: