Texas Tech University Staff Senate Meeting Minutes August 6, 2008

Texas Tech University Staff Senate
Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2008
Call To Order:
2008-2009 Staff Senate President, Ron Nail
3:00 PM, Senate Room, Student Union Building,
Officers Present:
Ron Nail, President
Chris Leisinger, President Elect
Tamara Ginter, Treasurer
Len Markham, Secretary
Chris Leisinger led the senate in the pledge
Len Markham:
Roll Call—present 36 of 60 Senators.
June and July Minutes, tabled as a quorum was not present.
Administrative EEO: Elizabeth Massengale
Professional EEO: Jessica Carrillo, Mary Elkins, Marlene Kenady,
Virginia Downs, David Naugher, Kathy Smith, Heather Medley,
Beverly Pinson, Kar Sata
Clerical EEO:Sammy Arguello, Linda Gregston, Maria Micaela Vega,
Becky Evans
Technical EEO: Amy Boren, Janie Ramirez, John Brocklehurst, Kerri
Crafts/Trade EEO: Steve Allsup, Ron Schulz
Service EEO: Brad Jury, Linda Champion, Alicia Marez, and Frances
Guests: Nathanael Haddox, Staff Ombudsman
Mary Jane Hurst, Special Assistant to the President
Chance Dragich, past Staff Senate president
Kay Rhodes, Associate Vice Chancellor
Dale Ganus, Academic Operations & Services
60% of the Senate Body is in attendance, a quorum was not present.
Michelle Kiser:
Treasurer’s Report approval tabled as a quorum was not present.
Explanations for how Senate Committees are organized were presented,
as per the by-laws. The Senate was asked to divide into EEO
classifications to elect EEO representatives to the Executive Board.
Admin EEO rep—Mac Cooper
Professional EEO rep—Carla Cavender
Clerical EEO rep—Sharon Yeates
Technical EEO rep—Larry Burks
Craft/Trade EEO rep—Ron Schulz
Service EEO rep—Mary Harris
Ron Nail identified each committee’s duties and sign up sheets were
provided for committee assignment. The sign up sheets will also be
available at the September meeting.
By-Laws - No report
Communications & Public Relations – No report
Elections – No report
Grievance- No report
Issues – No report
Nominations - No Report
Scholarship – No report
Technology – No report
Child Care Committee – No report
Salary Advisory Committee – No report
University Parking – No report.
Employee Recognition Committee – No report
Guest Speakers:
Kay Rhodes, Associate Vice Chancellor
Presented updates on the status of ConnecTech Project, Banner
conversion and timelines. Admissions went live June, 2008 and went
fairly smooth. Ms. Rhodes emphasized that “go live” dates will not be
100% smooth as change is hard and not 100% perfect. There will be a
learning curve and staff will be there for help. She also emphasized the
need to be in the classes offered and involved.
The finance full module, direct pay, and travel will go live in September,
2008. Other time lines are as follows:
Course Catalog & Course Schedule October ‘08
for Spring 2009 & beyond
Registration Spring 2009
November ‘08
Human Resources Full Module
January ‘09
Financial Aid
Award/Process for 2009-2010
January ‘09
Budget Development/
April ‘09
Salary planner
Final grading-end Spring term
May 2009
Connect Tech Current status:
 Implementation dates are on schedule
 Load Tests & Proof of concept for Banner, portal, and reporting
 Campus wide communication efforts are ongoing
 Training efforts are ongoing on all aspects for conversion.
Tutorials are available at AFISM website.
A newsletter will be forthcoming from Kay Rhodes office outlining
what is going on with ConnecTech.
Finance and HR update: from AFISM
-TechBuy training classes continue—contact kay.wall@ttu.edu for
additional information.
-Review current open encumbrances and attempt to close out as many as
possible prior to the close of FY08. All remaining encumbrances will be
carried forward into the Banner finance system.
-IVs—training in progress for Services Centers that enter more than 50
departmental IVs per year. If you have not been contacted for training,
please contact Crista McCune at Crista.mccune@ttu.edu.
-Human Resources: HR/Payroll testing continues
Web Time Entry implementation will begin October 1st
—Departments will be notified of their go live dates and trainings
will begin in late September
—Goal is to have non-exempt employees familiar with entering
their time using Web Time Entry before HR Banner goes live on
December 1st.
Mid October E-PAF and HR Processes trainings will begin
Dale Ganus, Academic Operations & Services
Student and Financial Aid Update
Final conversion’s target is 9/13/08 weekend
Mock registrations for students, faculty, and staff
Training Frequently Asked Questions can be located at
Registration for spring is schedule the 1st week of November
The office is conducting a naming contest for students to submit name
for the program.
A couple of Staff Senators are needed to work the New Employee
Orientation on August 14th and 28th until the Public Relations
Committee is formed.
Parking information for new senators—may park in band lot. Senators
who received tickets for parking where they were told to park should
contact President Nail, who has already made arrangements for those
tickets to be voided.
Thank you notes were received from Kathy Nordstrom, Janet Veal, and
Janie Ramirez.
President Nail passed around a shirt for the Senators to examine. He
also passed around a sheet for those Senators that needed a shirt to
indicate the size needed.
Adjourned at 4:18PM.