Document 11458323

Bloomsburg University ASL/English Interpreting Major
Name: ___________________________________________________________ Student ID # ______________________________________ University Requirement-­‐ Minimum of 40 GEPs Goal 1: Communication (7 pts.)-­‐3 Disciplines Cr. Gr. Sem. GEP *ASLTERP 155-­‐ASL I 3 1 ENG 101-­‐Foundations of Writing 3 3 ENGLISH 212-­‐ Practical Grammar and Usage 3 3 COMMSTUD 103-­‐ Public Speaking 3 3 3 1 (-­‐) *ASLTERP 375-­‐ ASL Literature 3 3 3 3 1 Goal 8: Second Language (2 pts.)-­‐1 Discipline *ASLTERP 155-­‐ ASL I 3 (-­‐) 2 Goal 9: Healthy Living (2 pts.)-­‐1 Discipline ASLTERP 330-­‐ Deaf Culture Goal 5: Natural Sciences (5 pts.)-­‐ 2 Disciplines Goal 4: Cultures & Diversity (5 pts.)-­‐2 Disciplines Goal 7: Art & Humanities (5 pts.)-­‐2 Disciplines INSTUDY 204 -­‐ Intro to Research Writing INSTUDY 204 -­‐ Intro to Research Writing Goal 2: Information Literacy (2 pts.)-­‐1 Discipline Goal 3: Analytical & Qualitative Skills (5 pts.)-­‐2 Disciplines Choose one: 3 MATH 101, 111, 118, 123, 126, OR 141 Goal 6: Social Sciences (5 pts.)-­‐2 Disciplines Cr. Gr. Sem. GEP Goal 10: Citizenship (2 pts.)-­‐1 Discipline Note: Courses listed above are required. Bloomsburg University ASL/English Interpreting Major
Program of Study Requirements Credit Required Coursework Grade Semester INTSTUDY 100 -­‐ University Seminar – ASL majors section 1 Fr Fall DEAFHH 201 -­‐ History, Education and Guidance of the Deaf 3 any *PROFSTUD 312 – Internship in Education 6 Total 10 *Field experience is required for these courses. Required Interpreting Coursework Credit Grade Semester *ASLTERP 235-­‐ Introduction to Interpreting 3 Fr/So Fall Summer -­‐ any *ASLTERP 265-­‐ Pre-­‐Interpreting Skills 3 Fr/So Fall *ASLTERP 335-­‐ Translation 3 Jr Fall *ASLTERP 365-­‐ Consecutive Interpreting 3 Jr Spring *ASLTERP 328-­‐ Special Topics in Interpreting 3 Sr Fall Required ASL/English Major ASL Course Sequence */**ASLTERP 155-­‐ ASL I (-­‐) Fr Fall *ASLTERP 420-­‐ Simultaneous Interpreting 3 Sr Fall *ASLTERP 226-­‐ ASL II 3 Fr Spring *ASLTERP 450-­‐ Advanced Simultaneous Interpreting 3 Sr Spring ASLTERP 240-­‐ Visual Gestural Communication 3 So Fall/spring *ASLTERP 460-­‐ Practicum Seminar 3 Sr Spring *ASLTERP 257-­‐ ASL III 3 So Fall ASLTERP 480-­‐ Practicum 3-­‐6 Sr Summer ASLTERP 225-­‐ Linguistics of ASL 3 So Spring Total 27-­‐30 *ASLTERP 327-­‐ ASL IV 3 So Spring **ASLTERP 330-­‐ The Deaf Culture (-­‐) So spring/Jr Fall Electives for the major *ASLTERP 358-­‐ ALS V 3 Jr Fall *ASLTERP 370-­‐ Tactile Interpreting 3 Jr/Sr Spring *ASLTERP 359-­‐ ASL VI 3 Jr Spring *ASLTERP 430-­‐ Educational Interpreting 3 Sr Srping */**ASLTERP 375-­‐ ASL Lit (-­‐) Jr/Sr Fall Total 6 Total 21 Fr= freshman Jr = Junior So = Sophomore Sr = Senior **These listed courses are also listed on the front of this advisement worksheet relevant to GEPs.** Bloomsburg University ASL/English Interpreting Major
Up to 12 credits may be needed of Additional Electives Course Cr. Gr. Sem. Course Cr. Gr. Sem. Course Cr. Gr. Sem. Course Cr. Gr. Sem. Total Credits for Program Completion: Minimum 120 42 credits of all the credits taken must be at the 300 or 400 level in order to graduate Goal 2: Information (2 pts.)-1 Discipline
EGGS 105 – Environmental Issues and Choices
LAW 120 – Personal Legal Decisions
Goal 3: Analytical & Qualitative Skills (5 pts.)
COMMSTUD 106- Small Group Communication
FINANCE 120 – Personal Finance Decisions
INSTUDY 204 - Intro to Research Writing
Goal 6: Social Sciences (5 pts.)- 2 Disciplines
INSTUDY 204 – Intro to Research Writing
CRIMJUST 101 – Introduction to Criminal Justice
PSYCH 101 – General Psych
EGGS 105 – Environmental Issues and Choices
LAW 120 – Personal Legal Decisions
Goal 7: Art & Humanities (5 pts.)- 2 Disciplines
*Any course in this category will count*
Goal 4: Cultures & Diversity (5 pts.)-2 Disciplines
COMMSTUD 220-Intercultural Communication
SPECED 101- Intro to Individuals with Exceptionalities
Goal 9: Healthy Living (2 pts.)- 1 Discipline
*Any course in this category will count*
Goal 5: Natural Sciences (5 pts.)- 2 Disciplines
AUDSLP 152- Communication Disorders
BIO 101 – Human Biology or EGGS 107 or PHYSIC 103
EGGS 105- Environmental Issues and Choices
Goal 10: Citizenship (2 pts.)- 1 Discipline
FINANCE 120 – Personal Finance Decisions
LAW 120 – Personal Legal Decisions
SPECED 101 – Intro to Individuals with Exceptionalities