Spring 2016 E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2015-16 (Current Year) FY 2016-17 (Request Year) As of March 10, 2016 (University Action Plan/Interim BUDRPT Submission) BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE – MARCH 18,2016 PLANNING AND BUDGET – MARCH 31, 2016 UNIVERSITY FORUM – APRIL 20, 2016 1 E&G Interim Budget Report Submission Overview • Interim E&G budget report submitted to the State System on March 10, 2016 as part of the Bloomsburg University 2015-2016 Action Plan submission • Updates BUDRPT17 (original BUDRPT) submitted to the State System on September 2, 2015 FY 2015-16 Applies actuals as of January 31, 2016 and forecasts revenue and expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year. E&G special program (Fund 1012) and E&G self-supporting (Fund 1013) funds receive a corresponding adjustment to the expenditure/transfer line or use of carryforward line, as appropriate. Generally assumes 100% spend of carryforward fund balance as submitted by divisions to the Budget Office during July/August 2015 (adjustments are made for any plans revisions that the Budget Office receives from the divisional vice presidents). Assumes anticipated E&G general fund (1011) expenditures for services/supplies, capital, and transfers remain consistent with original budget, unless variances and/or reclassifications between line items are known. FY 2016-17 Updates/revises request year, FY 2016-17 2 E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2015-16 Educational and General Fund (General, Special Programs, Self-Supporting) E&G Revenue/Sources Tuition Fees Total Tuition and Fees State Appropriation All Other Revenue Use of Carryforward Fund Balance 1 Original BUDRPT Submission 9/2/15 dollars in millions $ 81.4 $ 17.1 98.5 $ 34.0 4.8 80.7 $ 17.0 97.7 $ 32.8 4.7 (0.7) (0.1) (0.8) (1.2) (0.1) 9.5 146.8 $ 8.2 143.4 $ (1.3) (3.4) $ 70.9 $ 37.3 108.2 $ 69.7 $ 35.5 105.2 $ (1.2) (1.8) (3.0) $ 31.3 2.4 4.9 146.8 $ 30.8 2.4 5.0 143.4 $ (0.5) 0.1 (3.4) $ Total Revenue/Sources $ E&G Expenditures and Transfers Compensation Summary: Salaries and Wages Benefits Subtotal, Compensation $ 2 Services and Supplies Capital Expenditures Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers Revenue/Sources less Expenditures/Transfers Interim (Revised) BUDRPT Submission Variance 3/11/16 dollars in millions dollars in millions - - (0.0) Balanced; all E&G funds 1 Original BUDRPT submission included use of $3.6MM of carryforward to balance the E&G General Fund budget. Interim (Revised) BUDRPT submission includes use of $2.4MM of carryforward to balance the E&G General Fund budget. 2 Includes student financial aid (non-employee waivers and institutional scholarships) and utilities. 3 Key Revenue/Source Variance Drivers-E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2015-16 Tuition revenue lower than originally projected (-$.7MM); Enrollment for fall/spring (primarily non-resident undergraduate); winter Fee revenue lower than originally projected (-$.1MM); enrollment related State appropriation (base and performance funding) lower than originally projected (-$1.2MM) based on the December 2015 enacted Commonwealth budget Adjustments to Planned Use of Carryforward Fund Balance-Source ($-1.3MM) primarily attributed to: ; summer (-$1.2MM) Reduction in use of institutional reserve projected to be needed to balance the E&G General Fund budget (based on actual activity to date plus projections for the remainder of the fiscal year) (-$.4MM) Use of carryforward fund balance originally planned to balance E&G self-supporting budgets that is no longer necessary based on revised salary and benefit projections ($-.1MM) Use of carryforward fund balance originally planned to fund BAS-TL coordinators that is no longer necessary-initiative moved to FY 2016-17 (+$.3MM) Additional use of carryforward fund balance not originally planned; Year 1 Ruffalo Noel Levitz SEM contract ($.2MM), increased marketing and recruitment efforts ($.1MM) 4 Key Expenditure/Transfer Variance Drivers-E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2015-16 Labor costs lower than originally projected. Increase in turnover/savings = $3.0MM ($2.6MM-E&G General Fund; $.4MM-E&G Designated). Original turnover/savings included in the original compensation projection of $108.2MM = $3.1MM. Revised turnover/savings projection = $6.1MM. Revised projection for net turnover/savings, $6.1MM, largely attributed to: (+$5.1MM) (+$ .5MM) (+$ .4MM) (+$ .1MM) (-$ .1MM) Savings attributed to retirements/vacant positions across all bargaining units Faculty pool savings Additional healthcare/annuitant savings Mid-year State System healthcare benefit changes (Non-represented, nurses, SPFPA) Mid-year non-represented salary increases Services and supplies decrease ($.5MM) largely attributed to lower than originally projected expenses ($.7MM) associated with; Financial aid ($.2MM) President’s discretionary ($.1MM) General institutional support ($.1MM) Mid-year AA E&G general fund operating budget reductions ($.1MM) Reductions associated with less than projected self-supporting revenue ($.1MM) Miscellaneous expenses ($.1MM) offset by: Expenditures not originally planned ($.3MM); Year 1 Ruffalo Noel Levitz SEM contract ($.2MM), enhanced marketing and recruitment efforts ($.1MM); both initiatives funded by institutional reserve) Transfer increase ($.1MM) attributed to an unbudgeted transfer to plant (source of funding: interest received on overpayment to United Water; funds transferred to the E&G portion of the Columbia Residence Hall Chiller Building Project) 5 FY 2015-16 E&G Interim Budget Update Summary Budget is balanced for all E&G funds (General, Special Programs, Self-Supporting) $2.4MM of institutional reserve is projected to be used to balance the E&G General fund budget Projected E&G General fund bottom line net improvement of $1.2MM (original projected deficit of $3.6MM vs. revised projected deficit of $2.4MM) is primarily attributed to the following: Revised Use of Carryforward Funds to Balance E&G General Fund (Deficit) $-2.4MM Lower than Projected Tuition Revenue Lower than Projected State Appropriation Original Use of Carryforward Funds to Balance E&G General Fund (Deficit) Projected E&G General Fund Bottom Line Net Improvement $-3.6MM Lower than Projected Labor Costs Lower than Projected Other Expenses 1 $1.2MM Projected E&G General Fund Bottom Line Net Improvement -$.7MM -$1.2MM $2.6MM $.5MM $1.2MM Financial Aid, President’s Discretionary, Institutional Support, Mid-Year AA E&G General Fund Operating Budget Reductions 1 6 Uncommitted Institutional Reserve (E&G General Fund) Rollforward 7/1/15-6/30/16 Projected (dolla rs in millions) Uncommitted Institutional Reserve Balance 7/1/15 Original Amount Projected to Balance FY 2015-16 E&G General Fund Budget Projected FY 2015-16 Carryforward to Institutional Reserve - E&G General Fund Bottom Line Net Improvement Use of Carryforward-Year 1 of Ruffalo Noel Levitz SEM Contract (Not Originally Budgeted) Use of Carryforward-Increased Marketing and Recruitment Efforts (Not Originally Budgeted) Uncommitted Institutional Reserve Balance 6/30/16-Projected $ 13.5 (3.6) 1.2 (0.2) (0.1) 10.8 $ Note: Additional FY 2015-16 state appropriation, as proposed by the Governor, results in additional revenue of $1.8MM. Impacts of this potential award are as follows: Enacted March 28, 2016 Use of Carryforward Funds to Balance E&G General Fund (Deficit) Projected E&G General Fund Bottom Line Net Improvement Uncommitted Institutional Reserve Balance 6/30/16 $ .6MM $ 3.0MM $12.6MM 7 E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2016-17 Educational and General Fund (General, Special Programs, Self-Supporting) E&G Revenue/Sources Tuition Fees Total Tuition and Fees State Appropriation All Other Revenue Use of Carryforward Fund Balance Original BUDRPT Submission 9/2/15 dollars in millions $ Interim (Revised) BUDRPT Submission 3/11/16 dollars in millions Variance dollars in millions 90.8 $ 17.1 107.9 $ 33.8 4.8 80.2 $ 22.0 102.2 $ 33.1 4.8 (10.6) 4.9 (5.7) (0.7) - 1.3 147.8 $ 1.3 141.4 $ (6.4) $ 71.4 $ 40.0 111.4 $ 71.6 $ 38.9 110.5 $ 0.2 (1.1) (0.9) Services and Supplies Capital Expenditures Transfers Total Expenditures and Transfers $ 33.0 1.9 3.9 150.2 $ 29.0 1.9 3.9 145.3 $ (4.0) (4.9) Revenue/Sources less Expenditures/Transfers $ (2.4) $ (3.9) $ (1.5) $ Total Revenue/Sources $ E&G Expenditures and Transfers Compensation Summary: Salaries and Wages Benefits Subtotal, Compensation $ 1 1 Includes student financial aid (non-employee waivers and institutional scholarships) and utilities. Unbalanced; Projected deficits are in the E&G General Fund; Special Programs/SelfSupporting funds are balanced. 8 Key Assumptions Used for FY 2016-17 E&G Interim Budget Update Tuition and Fees: FY 2016-17 Projected Deficit E&G General Fund (with implementation of a Student Success Fee) $(3,900,000) 1 As of March 10, 2016 (University Action Plan Submission Date) For every 1% increase in approved tuition rates, the projected deficit will be reduced by $754K (assuming no changes in enrollment). 1 The Governor proposed additional appropriation funding for 2015-16 (5% increase over the 2015-16 Commonwealth budget that was enacted in December 2015) which was enacted on March 28, 2016 and another 5% increase for 2016-17. If this proposal were to be fully enacted, the projected deficit would be reduced by $3.7MM. Any gains in revenue may be fully or partially offset by collective bargaining agreements finalization. No increase in tuition rates and no changes to the way tuition is charged (no per-credit tuition pricing for UG students) Inclusion of a $300/semester (FT UG) and a $25/credit (PT UG) Student Success fee No increase in Academic Enhancement and Technology Tuition fees Miscellaneous fees adjusted based on FY 2015-16 revised budget (projected FY 2015-16 actuals) State Appropriation: Level State System appropriation funding based on the enacted 2015-16 Commonwealth budget Base appropriation has been adjusted based on a preliminary run of the System’s allocation formula and full implementation of the allocation formula Performance funding projection is consistent with funding received in 2015-16 All Other Revenue: Generally consistent with FY 2015-16 revised budget (projected FY 2015-16 actuals) Use of Carryforward Fund Balance: Majority of balance ($1.3MM) reflects planned use of carryforward fund balance as submitted by divisions to the Budget Office during July/August 2015 Compensation: Assumes all authorized positions will be filled as of July 1, 2016 or August 29, 2016 (start of the fall semester) Salaries and benefits projected based on State System assumptions as of February 2016 Services/Supplies and Capital Expenditures: Continued reduction in base budgets (put into effect in 2013-14) CPI increases where appropriate Other known or anticipated adjustments included (i.e. BU Academic Excellence Scholarship program approved by the COT in November 2014, Ruffalo Noel-Levitz strategic enrollment management consulting engagement) Transfers: Full borrowing cost included for E&G share of steam plant upgrade ($318K) and new residence hall-University mailroom ($52K) 9 Key Revenue/Source Variance Drivers-E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2016-17 Tuition revenue lower than originally projected ($10.6MM): per-credit tuition pricing for UG students removed; projecting a .88% drop in annualized FTE enrollment over FY 2015-16 (projection as of interim budget update) Fee revenue higher than originally projected ($4.9MM): implementation of student success fee fall 2016 ($5.1MM) offset by a projected reduction in technology tuition, academic enhancement, other mandatory fees, and non-credit corporate and continuing education fees ($.2MM) related to projected enrollment declines Appropriation revenue lower than originally projected ($.7MM); figure provided by the State System (assumes level funding based on the December 2015 enacted Commonwealth budget (university base adjusted for a preliminary run of the System’s allocation formula and university performance funding is level with FY 2015-16 performance funding award)) 10 Key Expenditure Drivers-E&G Interim Budget Update FY 2016-17 Net labor cost savings ($.9MM) primarily attributed to: (-$1.2MM) Salary and associated benefit increases (based on State System assumptions) (+$ .9MM) Changes to State System healthcare benefits (Non-represented/SPFPA, known; Faculty assumed) (+$ .6MM) Positions frozen or eliminated (AFSCME/SCUPA) (+$ .4MM) Changes to vacant tenure positions (+$ .3MM) Adjustment to original turnover/savings calculation ($3.7MM) based on current trends; Revised turnover/savings = $4.0MM Services and supplies decrease primarily attributed to institutional aid associated with per-credit tuition pricing ($3.9MM) 11 FY 2016-17 Interim Budget Update Summary Original submission projected an $2.4MM shortfall/deficit in the E&G General Fund Interim budget update with removal of per-credit tuition pricing for undergraduate students and associated institutional aid, implementation of a student success fee in fall 2016, adjustments for current enrollment trends and updated salary/benefit information, and other assumptions as previously outlined results in a revised projected shortfall/deficit of $3.9MM in the E&G General fund Additional considerations: FY 2016-17 Additional Considerations Summary (dollars in millions) Projected E&G General Fund Deficit w/Given Assumptions State Appropriation Increase as Recommended by Governor Wolf 3.0% Tuition Increase 1 Potential Surplus 2 $ (3.9) 3.7 2.3 $ 2.1 1 For illustrative purposes only. Does not reflect action taken by the Board of Governors. 2 May be fully or partially offset by collective bargaining agreement/benefit finalization. 12 Key Unknowns Going into FY 2016-17 • Final results of collective bargaining negotiations (all collective bargaining agreement have expired or will expire during summer 2016) • Final state appropriation allocation and related impacts to tuition/technology tuition increases 13 Discussion 14