Red books IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation

Redbooks Paper
Juan R. Rodriguez
Luo Yuan Zhi (Anna)
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access
V4.1.1 Installation
This Redpaper provides guidelines for installing IBM WebSphere Everyplace
V4.1.1 using IBM SecureWay Directory Server in a Windows environment. A
step-by-step sample installation is included to show you how to install this
product to support connections using a Pocket PC. Hints and tips are also
A basic knowledge of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), IBM
SecureWay Directory Server, DB2, IBM HTTP Server, IBM WebSphere
Application Server and IBM WebSphere Portal is assumed.
The Redpaper has the following objectives:
򐂰 To show details about IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access installation
򐂰 To show connectivity using a Pocket PC
򐂰 To provide installation hints and tips
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All rights reserved.
Operating system requirements
򐂰 Windows 2000 Server with Service Pack 2.
򐂰 Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2.
Hardware requirements
The following are recommended hardware requirements:
򐂰 Windows processor:
– An Intel Pentium III 1 GHz processor or better
򐂰 Memory (in addition to operating system requirements):
– 1 GB is recommended.
򐂰 Hard drive:
– 1 GB or more for application installation. More may be needed as the
application operates.
– 1 GB or more for application data storage. Storage space depends on the
amount of data you have.
򐂰 CD-ROM drive on network mouse or pointing device and keyboard.
򐂰 Support for a communications adapter.
򐂰 Network Software: TCP/IP network software installed.
򐂰 SVGA or better display resolution.
Disk space requirements
Each component may require a different amount of disk space. The amount of
disk space required is dependent on the amount of user and application data that
you anticipate having on your system.
Server installation
The following information describes how to install IBM WebSphere Everyplace
Access on a machine using Windows 2000 Server.
Important: You must log on to the machine as a user with administrative
rights to perform the installation, otherwise the installation will fail.
Make sure you have given your machine a domain suffix (see Figure 1).
Close all applications that are running.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 1 Setting a DNS suffix on Windows 2000 Server
1. Insert CD 1 into the CD-ROM drive; if Java Run Time Environment is not
already installed on the machine, IBM JRE Version 1.3.0 is installed
Figure 2 Installing Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.0
2. The Setup Manager will automatically launch. Select language for the
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 3 Select language for installation
3. The welcome screen of the Setup Manager will appear. Click Next.
Figure 4 Setup Manager welcome screen
4. Answer Yes to the license agreement.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 5 License agreement
5. Choose the destination folder to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Figure 6 Choose installation folder for JRE
6. Select desired components to install.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 7 Choose components to install
7. Answer Yes if this JRE is to be used as the system Java Virtual Machine
Figure 8 Set this JRE to be the system JVM
8. The summary window is shown before copying of files begins.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 9 Summary window
9. Upon completion, click Finish.
Figure 10 JRE setup complete
10.The WebSphere Everyplace Access Setup Manager will automatically
launch. View the prerequisites if you are not sure of what they are. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 11 View Information window
11.Read the license agreement and click Yes. Then click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 12 License agreement
12.Choose the installation type. For this sample, we chose Standard Install.
Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 13 Choose installation type
13.In this sample installation, we are not installing from a response file, so leave
the field blank. Click Next.
Tip: You may also use a response file for silent installs.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 14 Loading the response file
14.Select the desired components to install. For this sample, we install all the
components. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 15 Select components to install
15.The Setup Manager now collects the information required to install the IBM
HTTP Server. Enter the directory where you wish the HTTP Server to be
installed. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 16 Define the directory where IBM HTTP Server will be installed
16.Enter the name and password of the user who can administer the IBM HTTP
Server. If the user does not exist on the machine, it will be created. Click
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 17 Enter administrator’s user name and password
17.The Setup Manager now collects the information required to install DB2.
Enter the directory to install DB2 Universal Database. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 18 Enter directory to install DB2
18.Enter the administrator’s user name and password which can be used to log
on to the Control Center. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 19 Enter administrator’s user name and password for DB2
19.Now, the Setup Manager proceeds to collect information needed to install
LDAP. Enter the installation directory for LDAP. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 20 Enter installation directory for LDAP
20.Define the desired suffix used in LDAP as well as the administrator’s user
name and password. The suffix determines how users are stored in LDAP.
Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 21 Define the suffix and administrator’s user name and password
21.Define the administrator’s user name and password. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 22 Administrator’s user name and password for WebSphere Application Server
22.Enter the installation directory. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 23 Installation directory for WebSphere Application Server
23.WebSphere Application Server needs a database (DB2 in this case) to store
its configuration data; enter the user name and password to access DB2.
Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 24 User ID and password used by WebSphere Application Server to access DB2
24.Enter the relevant database information used by WebSphere Application
Server. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 25 Database information for WebSphere Application Server
25.The Setup Manager now collects information required to install WebSphere
Portal Server. Read the information provided in the window and configure
security. For this sample installation, we chose Now. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 26 Configure security
26.Enter the LTPA password. Click Next.
Note: The Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LPTA) mechanism
employed here allows WebSphere Everyplace Access to enable single
sign-on if other servers in the environment support LPTA cookies.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 27 LTPA password
27.Enter the relevant information for Portal Server. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 28 Relevant install information for Portal Server
28.Portal Server relies on LDAP to store its users’ credentials. In this window,
select the LDAP server type and provide its settings. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 29 Define the LDAP server used by Portal Server
29.Define the LDAP configuration. Click Next.
Note: You may have to use a different user name and password depending on
the directory solution you employ.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 30 Define LDAP configuration
30.Select additional database configuration to install and enter the database
administrator information defined earlier. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 31 Additional database configuration
31.Select the portlets to be installed, and click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 32 Selecting the portlets to be installed
32.The next step is to provide information for installing Everyplace
Synchronization Server. Enter the database connection information for
creating the local Everyplace Synchronization Server databases. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 33 Configure database server for ESS
33.Choose the Everyplace Synchronization Adapters that you need. For this
sample installation, we chose the database adapter only. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 34 Select Everyplace Synchronization Adapters
34.Enter WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal Server
information. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 35 Enter WebSphere Application Server and Portal Server information
35.By now, the Setup Manager has collected enough information to perform the
installation. This screen shows a summary of what you entered along the
way. Review this and click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 36 Summary
36.Installation starts. The Setup Manager displays the status of the installation
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 37 Installation status
37.During the installation process, you will be asked to change the disk and
reboot the machine; do so according to the instructions.
38.As part of the Portal Server installation, the Setup Manager displays a
Configuring for Admin Role message.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 38 Configuring for Admin Role screen
Tip: Do not click OK until you have gone through step p, “Open the
Administrator’s Console again to verify that the application server named
WebSphere Portal has been started.” on page 40.
The next two steps must be performed to configure the admin roles before you
click OK.
39.Use the Services panel to stop and start the IBM HTTP Server. This is
required for the WebSphere Application Server to pick up the plug-in changes
for the Portal Server.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 39 Services panel
40.As part of the Portal Server installation, Portal makes some configuration
changes to the WebSphere Application Server. To complete this
configuration, at the minimum the default Portal user, wpsadmin, must have
administrative authority. The following steps explain how to give the default
Portal user, wpsadmin, administrative authority. These steps must be
completed before clicking OK in the Configuring for Admin Role window.
a. Use the Services panel to start the WebSphere Application Server if not
already started.
Look for IBM WS AdminServer 4.0.
b. Open the Administration Console for WebSphere Application Server by
clicking Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere -> Application Server
V4.0 -> Administrator’s Console.
c. You may be required to log in. Enter the administrator’s user name and
password as defined earlier in the Setup Manager, then click OK.
d. On the menu bar, click Console -> Security Center....
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 40 Open Security Center
e. The Security Center opens.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 41 WebSphere Application Server Security Center
f. Under the General tab, verify that Enable Security is selected.
g. Click the Administrative Role tab.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 42 Security Center
h. Select AdminRole and click Select. The Select User/Group - AdminRole
dialog window is shown.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 43 Security Center
i. Select Select users/groups and type * in the search field, then click
Search to display a list of users and groups.
j. Add the wpsadmin user to AdminRole.
In the Available Users/Groups list, under Users, select
cn=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com(wpsadmin) and click
Add >> to add this user.
k. Add the wpsadmins group to AdminRole.
In the Available Users/Groups list, under Groups, select
cn=wpsadmin,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com(wpsadmins) and click
Add >> to add this group.
l. Click OK to close the Select Users/Groups - AdminRole window.
m. Click OK to close the Security Center.
n. Exit the Administrator’s Console.
o. Use the Services panel to stop and restart the IBM WS AdminServer4.0.
p. Open the Administrator’s Console again to verify that the application
server named WebSphere Portal has been started.
q. Exit the Administrator’s Console when done and click OK to close the
installation message for Configuring for Admin Role.
Tip: Note that this operation may take over an hour to complete.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
41.When installation is complete, we recommend that you review the logs and
reboot the machine as instructed.
Server installation verification
Following is a checklist to verify whether your WebSphere Everyplace Access
installation is working properly.
Tip: Check Services to make sure IBM WebSphere AdminServer and IBM
Secureway Directory are running. Also, the hostname for your URL should be
the fully qualified hostname of your server.
1. Go to the following URL:
2. Log in to WebSphere Everyplace Access as administrator, for example
3. Select Portal Administration from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the Users and Groups page.
5. Select the Manage Users portlet.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 44 WebSphere Portal Manage User Page
6. Create a new WebSphere Everyplace Access user. Search for the user in the
admin portlet or check in LDAP to see whether the user has indeed been
7. Log out of WebSphere Everyplace Access.
8. Log in to WebSphere Everyplace Access using the new user.
9. Log out of WebSphere Everyplace Access.
10.Log in to WebSphere Everyplace Access as administrator.
11.Select the Portal Administration Page group.
12.Select the Users and Groups page.
13.Select the Manage Users Groups portlet.
14.Create a group and verify that it has indeed been created.
15.Check the WebSphere Everyplace Access HOME page group.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
16.Check WebSphere Everyplace Access pages: welcome, offline, configure,
administration, productivity, notes, and exchange.
Figure 45 WebSphere Everyplace Access Home Page
17.Check WebSphere Everyplace Access portlets present on WebSphere
Everyplace Access pages.
– Internal Mail Box
– Reminder, World Clock
– QuickLinks
– Image Viewer
– Offline Browsing Configuration
– Offline Browsing Administration
– Banner Ad
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
– News
– LDAP Search
You may need to add configuration information in order to search. The
LDAP Directory is your Suffix, that is: dc=ibm,dc=com
– Lotus Notes (mail, contacts, notebook, calendar, to-do list)
– Microsoft Exchange (mail, contacts, notes, calendar, tasks)
18.Check that ESS page group and pages are installed.
19.Check ESS pages (Manage Servers, Server Setttings, User Management,
Domino Adapter, Exchange Adapter).
20.Check that ESS portlets are present on ESS pages.
Figure 46 ESS page group and pages
21.Check the WebSphere Application Server administration console for
application servers and enterprise applications.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
22.Check application servers (WebSphere Portal, Everyplace Synchronization
23.Check Enterprise Applications (WebSphere Portal Enterprise Application,
24.Check the file system to see if the following CDS files exist:
– C:\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\app\cds-server.jar
– C:\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\app\cds-server-sync.jar
– C:\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\app\com\ibm\pvc\ent\cds\
25.Check the file system to see if the following directories exist:
– C:\WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\skins\html\ppcie
– C:\WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\screens\html\ppcie
– C:\WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\ppcie
– C:\WebSphere\PortalServer\app\wps.ear\wps.war\themes\html\WEA\ppcie
26.Click WebSphere Everyplace Access, Portal Administration -> Portal
Settings -> Manage Clients to see if it contains Windows CE.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 47
WebSphere Portal Manage Clients page
Client installation
Important: Make sure Microsoft ActiveSync has been installed before you
continue with the client installation.
1. Insert CD 5 into the CD-ROM drive. The InstallShield Wizard will
automatically launch. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 48 IBM Everyplace Client InstallShield welcome window
2. Answer Yes to the license agreement.
Figure 49 License agreement
3. Choose a folder to install the client. Click Next.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 50 Choose install folder
4. Select the components to install. Click Next.
Figure 51 Select components
5. Review the settings. Click Next if you are satisfied.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 52 Review settings
6. The InstallShield Wizard starts copying files.
Figure 53 Copying files
7. Upon completion, click Finish.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 54 Completion
8. Connect your Pocket PC to your machine using ActiveSync. Upon successful
connection, the installation of applications starts automatically. Select Yes.
Figure 55 Install on Pocket PC
9. The installation starts for Sync Client.
Figure 56 Installing Sync Client
10.Upon completion, the Sync Client should be present on Pocket PC.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
Figure 57 Installation complete
Figure 58 Pocket PC
Hints and tips
1. If, for any reason, the WebSphere Application Server control database is not
properly created, and WebSphere Application Server cannot start as a result,
do the following:
a. Drop the control database named WASDBL in the DB2 Control Center if
b. Recreate the database in the DB2 Control Center using the wizard.
Alternatively, in a DB2 Command Window, you can use the following
db2 create database WASDBL
c. Open the file admin.config in WebSphere_Install_Dir\AppServer\bin.
d. In this file, set the value of to
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
e. Save and close admin.config.
f. Restart WebSphere Application Server.
2. When stopping WebSphere Application Server in the Services panel, the
Services panel may report that it has been stopped, but that the Java
processes may not have been fully ended. Open up the Windows Task
Manager and check that the java.exe processes have been completely
terminated. Then try to restart the server. Otherwise, you may get an error
message stating that WebSphere Application Server cannot be started.
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation
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IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access V4.1.1 Installation