MAT-INF4300 - Mandatory Assignment Sindre Froyn Exercise 1 (a) We are working with the boundary conditions ∆u = 0 on U ∂u = g in ∂U. ∂ν (*) We assume that there is a function u ∈ C 2 (U) ∩ C(U ) that satisfies the boundary conditions in (*) and show that Z g(x)dS(x) = 0, ∂U proving it is a necessary condition. Since we know by (*) that g = ∂u on the boundary, we can exchange ∂ν them in the integral. Z Z ∂u (x)dS(x). (1) g(x)dS(x) = ∂U ∂U ∂ν Now we can apply Green’s first identity and use that u ∈ C 2 (U) which means the Laplacian exists: Z Z ∂u (x)dS(x) = ∆u(x)dx. (2) ∂U ∂ν U We integrate over the open set U and by (*) we know that the Laplacian ∆u is 0 in U, and integrating the zero function is zero. Hence, Z ∆u(x)dx = 0. (3) U Combining (1),(2) and (3), we have shown that Z g(x)dS(x) = 0 ∂U which proves that it is a necessary condition if (*) is true. 1 (b) We are going to show the equivalence between the solution u of (*) where we have u ∈ C 2 (U) ∩ C(U ) and u minimizing the energy given by Z Z 1 2 I[w] = |Dw| dx − wgdS(x). 2 U ∂U We begin by defining the set of admissible functions, i.e the set of all functions w that satisfy the boundary condition. A = w ∈ C 2 (U) w = g on ∂U . ⇒) We assume u solves (*). Using this assumption and choosing an arbitrary, admissible w ∈ A, we get, 0= Z ∆u(u − w)dx = U Z X n uxi xi (u − w)dx = U i=1 n Z X i=1 uxixi (u − w)dx U For each integral i = 1, . . . , n we apply the integration by parts formula. Z Z Z uxixi (u − w)dx = − uxi (u − w)xi dx + uxi (u − w)ν i dS U U ∂U We sum these from i = 1 to n. Z Z X n Z n X uxi xi (u − w)dx = − uxi (u − w)xi dx + i=1 U n X uxi (u − w)ν i dS ∂U i=1 U i=1 In the first integral on the right side, we see we have the dot product of the gradients Du and D(u − w), and in the second integral we have the 1 n dot product between Du and the vector ν = ν , . . . , ν , and by definition, Du · ν = ∂u which by the assumption (*) is equal to g on the boundary ∂U. ∂ν Exchanging this, we get: Z Z = − Du · D(u − w)dx + g(u − w)dS U =− Z ∂U |Du|2 − DuDwdx + U Z gu − gwdS ∂U So, we have established that Z Z Z 2 0 = − |Du| dx + DuDwdx + U U ∂U 2 gudS − Z ∂U gwdS Z 2 |Du| dx − U Z gudS = ∂U Z DuDwdx − U Z (4) gwdS ∂U Applying absolute values, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the Cauchy inequality yields, 1 1 Du · Dw ≤ |DuDw| ≤ |Du||Dw| ≤ |Du|2 + |Dw|2, 2 2 so we can write Z Z DuDwdx − U gwdS ≤ ∂U Z U 1 |Du|2dx + 2 Z U 1 |Dw|2dx − 2 Z gwdS ∂U and combining this with (4) gives: Z Z Z Z Z 1 1 2 2 2 |Du| dx − gudS ≤ |Du| dx + |Dw| dx − gwdS U ∂U U 2 U 2 ∂U Z Z Z Z 1 1 2 2 |Du| dx − gudS ≤ |Dw| dx − gwdS. ∂U U 2 ∂U U 2 This is true for u and since w was arbitrary, it is also true for all w ∈ A. We have verified (*) ⇒ I[u] = minw∈A I[w]. ⇐) We now assume u is the minimizer of the energy functionals I[w] and show that this u solves (*). We fix a test function v ∈ Cc∞ (U) and let ε ∈ R be an arbitrary, small number, then u + εv ∈ A, the admissible set of functions, and we define i(ε) = I[u + εv]. By assumption u is the minimizer of the functional I[·], so i(ε) is at its minimum when ε = 0, and this means ∂i(0) = i′ (0) = 0. This partial derivative ∂ε can be quite easily calculated. Z Z 1 2 |D(u + εv)| dx − (u + εv)gdS i(ε) = I[u + εv] = 2 U ∂U Z Z ε2 1 2 2 |Du| + εDuDv + |Dv| dx − ug + εvgdS =⇒ = 2 ∂U U 2 Z Z ′ 2 i (ε) = DuDv + ε|Dv| dx − vgdS U ∂U and setting ε = 0 we get ′ 0 = i (0) = Z DuDvdx − U Z ∂U 3 vgdS. (5) We can apply Green’s second identity on the integral over U: Z Z Z ∂u DuDvdx = − v∆udx + vdS. U U ∂U ∂ν Setting this into (5) yields, Z Z 0= v∆udx − Z ∂u vdS + vgdS U ∂U ∂ν ∂U Z Z ∂u 0= v∆udx + − g vdS ∂ν U ∂U Since v is compactly contained in U it is 0 on the boundary and the boundary integral vanishes. This leaves us with Z 0= v∆udx U which holds for all v ∈ Cc∞ (U), so ∆u = 0 in U, and the boundary condition is satisfied since u ∈ A. We have shown ⇐ and completed the proof of the equivalence. Exercise 2 (a) We have, u(x) = Z ∞ f (y)Φ(x − y)dy. −∞ We differentiate with respect to x under the integral sign. Z ∞ ′ u (x) = f (y)Φ′(x − y)dy −∞ u′′ (x) = ′′ Z ∞ f (y)Φ′′ (x − y)dy −∞ −u (x) = − Z ∞ f (y)Φ′′(x − y)dy −∞ Now we use the given condition that −Φ′′ = δ, the Dirac delta function, so we have Z ∞ ′′ −u (x) = δx f (y)dy = f (x), −∞ where we used that f is continuous and compact, and the integral of the Dirac delta function over R is 1. 4 (b) We are going to determine the value C such that Φ(x) = Φ(−x). First, for som x > 0 and using Φ(x) = −x+ − Cx − D, we get: Φ(x) = −x − Cx − D, Φ(−x) = Cx − D. Setting these equal each other, −x − Cx − D = Cx − D x(−1 − C) = Cx −1 − C = C 1 C=− . 2 This means we have the form 1 Φ(x) = x − x+ − D. 2 For some a ∈ R we have Φ(a) = a a −a−D = − −D 2 2 a a Φ(−a) = − − 0 − D = − − D, 2 2 so we can write |x| − D. 2 A function is homogenous if f (ax) = af (x), so obviously Φ(x) is only homogeneous for D = 0. Φ(x) = − (c) We are going to find Green’s function for the region U = (0, l) for some l ∈ R. Green’s function is defined as, G(x, y) := Φ(y − x) − φx (y), (x 6= y), (6) where Φ is the fundamental solution we found in b), and φx (y) is the corrector function, which is the solution to the boundary-value problem x ∆φ = 0 in (0, l) x φ = Φ(y − x) on ∂(0, l) = [0] ∪ [l]. 5 We know that the Laplacian ∆φx (y) = ∂φx (y) = A, ∂y ∂ 2 φx (y) ∂y 2 = 0 in (0, l), so φx (y) = Ay + B , the boundary condition for some constants A, B ∈ R. Since Φ(x) = − |x| 2 |y−x| x becomes φ (y) = Φ(y − x) = − 2 . We fix some x ∈ (0, l) and calculate the boundary conditions. φx (0) = Φ(0 − x) =⇒ A(0) + B = − | − x| x =⇒ B = − 2 2 |l − x| l>x (l − x) == − 2 2 We know l > x since x ∈ (0, l). We know what B is, and replace it. φx (l) = Φ(l − x) =⇒ A(l) + B = − Al − x l x l 1 x =− + =⇒ Al = − + x =⇒ A = − + 2 2 2 2 2 l We have found an expression for the corrector function. 1 x x y xy x y− = − + − φx (y) = − + 2 l 2 2 l 2 Using this and the known Φ(y − x) we have found Green’s function (6) for the region U = (0, l). G(x, y) = − |y − x| y xy x + − + 2 2 l 2 (d) By the Representation formula using Green’s function (Theorem 12 in Evans), the solution u for the boundary value problem −∆u = f on U u=g in ∂U. can be expressed with Green’s function. Z Z ∂G (x, y)dS(y) + f (y)G(x, y)dy u(x) = − g(y) ∂ν U ∂U (x ∈ U) In our case, g = 0 so the boundary integral is 0, and we are left with: Z Z l |y − x| y xy x u(x) = f (y)G(x, y)dy = f (y) − dy + − + 2 2 l 2 U 0 We have reduced the problem to an integral we can calculate once we have an explicit expression for f . 6 Exercise 3 We are going to find Green’s function for the positive half ball B+ , as illustrated by the following image. Setting U = B+ we are going to find Green’s function as specified in equation (6) where the corrector function satisfies the conditions x ∆φ = 0 in B+ φx = Φ(y − x) on ∂B+ = Γ1 ∪ Γ2 . We apply the hint, using Green’s function for the unit ball: G(x, y) = Φ(y − x) − Φ(|x|(y − x e)) and reflection across xn = 0 which we denote by: x′ = x1 , . . . , xn−1 , −xn . For y ∈ Γ2 we can apply the same idea as we did for Green’s function for the unit ball: we define φx (y) = Φ(y − x′ ), and φx (y) = Φ(y − x) for y ∈ Γ2 since x = x′ . From the expression for the normal unit ball, we already have the appropriate expression for y ∈ Γ1 : φx (y) = Φ(|x|(y − x e)) and to compensate for this when we have points on y ∈ Γ3 we introduce the canceling term −Φ(|x|(y − x e′ )). Collecting all these we get: φx (y) = Φ(y − x′ ) + Φ(|x|(y − x e)) − Φ(|x|(y − x e′ )) which leaves us with an expression, the reflection over xn = 0 of Green’s function over the unit ball, G(x, y) = Φ(y − x) − Φ(y − x′ ) − Φ(|x|(y − x e)) + Φ(|x|(y − x e′ )). 7 Exercise 4 In order for u ∈ W 1,p (B), B = B(0, 1), the underlying Lp norm must be finite for the function and its weak derivatives. First we write out the definition of the Sobolev norm. X kukW 1,p (B) = kD α ukLp (B) = kukLp (B) + kDukLp (B) ≤ CkDukLp (B) |α|≤1 where the last step follows by Poincare’s inequality. From here I outline my ideas and an attempted solution. With the function u given explicitly as u(x) = ln |x| we can define the gradient Du(x) = |x|−1 . Ignoring the constant C we arrived at, we are left with showing the following integral is finite. Z Z Z Z −p p −p |x|−p dx |x| dx + kDukLp (B) =⇒ |Du| dx = |x| dx = B B Bε B\Bε where Bε = B(0, ε). The function |x|−p blows up at at the point |x| = 0, so the second integral where we removed this is finite. With a test function φ ∈ Cc∞ and after applying one of Green’s identities, we should be able to show that the first integral, containing |x| = 0, is bounded for certain values. Using this we should find that the function is contained in values of p with some dependance on n, much like example 3, page 246 in Evans. End 8