Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42 – 55 www.elsevier.com/locate/coldregions Focused flow in the unsaturated zone after surface ponding of snowmelt Nils-Otto Kitterød ⁎ Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Norway Received 4 December 2006; accepted 28 September 2007 Abstract Surface ponding occurs if water flux from rain or snowmelt, increases the infiltration capacity of the soil. Such conditions are frequently observed during spring time in Nordic countries and may represent hazards to water resources if the area is exposed to pollution. During snowmelt water accumulates in local depressions due to frozen ground. At the end of the snowmelt period when the frozen soil thaws, the flux of water may be extremely high in the unsaturated zone because of the accumulated volume of water. In this study, flow velocities in the unsaturated zone were estimated by numerical flow simulations and cross validated by an independent tracer test. The observed transport velocities of conservative tracers were about ten times higher than the applied infiltration intensities and were explained by focusing of water flow in the vadose zone. The focusing effect was demonstrated by transient numerical simulations. Numerical simulations were run for infiltration velocities ranging from very low (5 mm/day) to extremely high (250 mm/day). Sensitivity analysis based on expected variation of the flow parameters illustrates the relative importance of the grain size distribution index, intrinsic permeability, air entry pressure, soil porosity, residual water saturation, and the ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability. The sensitivity analysis was performed for two different sedimentological architectures, first for horizontal layers and then for a gently dipping low pervious layer above the groundwater table. Opposite to what may be expected, the simulations indicate faster breakthrough in the presence of the low permeability layer because of the focusing effect. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Unsaturated flow; Focused flow; Ponding; Grain size distribution; Tracer test; Unsaturated flow parameters; Sensitivity analysis 1. Introduction The snowmelt period during spring is characterized by repeated cycles of melting and freezing governed by solar radiation and long wave energy out flux. In some years the repetitive melting and freezing of snow gives rise to a solid layer of ice below the snow cover, which reduces infiltration capacity. In the ground itself frost also reduces the ⁎ Fax: +47 63 00 94 10. E-mail address: nils-otto.kitterod@bioforsk.no. 0165-232X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2007.09.005 infiltration capacity (Stadler et al., 2000). The magnitude of the reduction depends on the soil water content, which is related to the spatial continuity of water in the vadose zone prior to freezing. Stoeckeler and Weitzman (1960) distinguish between granular, porous, and solid ice in the soil, and they found increasing resistance to the water flux with increasing continuity of ice. Another physical reason for reduced infiltration capacity is the suction gradient at the freezing front. The pressure gradient is due to the phase transition from liquid to solid water which transports water to the frozen soil (Hansson et al., 2004). By theoretical calculations the pressure at the solid water interface is N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 estimated to about 160 MPa (Schenk, 1968). Hence, the phase transition causes a significant suction gradient that makes the soil below the freezing front extremely dry. Because the unsaturated permeability of the soil is a function of the water content, the infiltration capacity in dry soil is very low. At the end of the snowmelt period when the frozen soil thaws, infiltration intensities may be extremely high because of the accumulated volume of water, and the infiltration capacity increases as a consequence of increased water saturation of the soil. French and Binley (2004) used time lapse electrical resistivity to investigate infiltration during snowmelt at the Gardermo aquifer. They concluded that the small scale spatial variability in infiltration was to a large extent related to micro topography. Infiltration starts in micro depressions with an increasingly active area of infiltration during the snowmelt period. It was also observed that infiltration started before the soil temperature was above 0 °C, which means that fluid water bypasses zones of frozen water. In another study related to infiltration after ponding, Tuttle (2001) estimated infiltration intensities of 80 to 200 mm/day during the melting period. Tuttle's (2001) calculations were based on volume calculations combined with observations of time duration from maximum extension to total disappearance of the surface ponds. At the same time the infiltration capacity in fine grained soil may be increased due to fissures caused by desiccation of fluid water at the freezing front. If the frost fissures have good spatial connectivity, the effective permeability of the soil increases significantly. Hence, frost fissures due to desiccation are an important physical mechanism that explains the high infiltration capacity after ponding in fine grained soil. Infiltration experiments on frozen soil in China support our observations (Zheng et al., 2001a,b). A large number of field tests have been reported on different types of unfrozen soils (Flury and Flühler, 1995; Hills et al., 1991; Kung, 1990a,b; 1993; Roth et al., 1991; Schulin et al., 1987; Walter et al., 2000). All of the referred studies documented focused flow in the unsaturated zone. For example Roth et al. (1991) reported that even though the tracer was uniformly applied, the plume was separated into several irregular flow channels with high flow velocities. Roth et al. (1991) argued that fast tracer pulses start if infiltration intensities exceed a certain threshold. Based on mass balance calculations, Roth et al. (1991) concluded that probably more than 50% of total applied tracer was transported to deeper regions by preferential flow. These findings correspond to what Kung (1990a, 1993) reported from field and laboratory tracer experiments. Kung's (1990a, 1993) observations of preferential flow was called “funneling” in order to distinguish it from other kinds of preferential flow, such as short-circuiting in macro-pores 43 and fingering (Fetter, 1992, p196). Flury et al. (1994) concluded from tracer tests in Switzerland that “preferential flow is the rule rather than the exception” in the unsaturated zone. At the Gardermo aquifer, several tracer tests indicate similar rapid transport in the unsaturated zone (French et al., 1995; Swensen, 1997). A well monitored tracer test at Moreppen (Fig. 1), was undertaken by Søvik and Alfnes et al. (2002), and the result from their tracer test was used for cross validation of the numerical simulations presented below. A major issue for water quality in cold climates is the application of deicing chemicals to roads and at airports. At the Oslo Airport Gardermoen, for example, the consumption during winter 2005/2006 was 1750 ton of glycol and 350 ton of formiat (OSL, 2007). As much as possible of these chemicals were recovered before they infiltrated into the ground, but still the accumulated load may be significant. Formiat and glycol are easily degradable in natural soil; French and Bakken et al. (2002) did experiments on glycol and formiat in Gardermo soil and observed half-life between 7 and 50 days. The variable degradation time depended on: soil temperature, initial concentration of contaminant, and previous contamination history. The previous contamination history was related to growth of the microbiological population that was able to utilize the contaminant as a nutrient. If conditions for degradation were constant, then pristine soil had, in general, lower remediation capacity than soil with previous experience of degradation of that specific contaminant. However, even though the natural degradation capacity is high, contaminants require a minimum of residence time in the unsaturated zone to be degraded by natural processes. Based on the experiments carried out by French and Bakken et al. (2002), more than 90% of the deicing chemicals were degraded after 20 to 200 days. The present study is based on observations from the Gardermo delta, which is a marine ice contact delta in Norway deposited during the last de-glaciation of the Scandinavian crust approx. 10 000 years ago. Today the delta structure is the largest precipitation fed aquifer of mainland Norway (Tuttle and Aagaard, 1996). It is located 40 km north of Oslo (Fig. 1), and the groundwater quality has been under pressure because of increasing urbanization of the area. In 1998 the main airport of Oslo was located at Gardermoen, which represents a new potential threat to the groundwater resource. The groundwater quality is monitored continuously and great efforts are implemented to protect the groundwater from contamination. A main concern for the aviation company has been surface ponding close to the runways. These ponds contain deicing chemicals as glycol and formiat, and therefore pose a potential threat to the groundwater quality. The purpose of this study was to estimate residence time of water in the unsaturated zone after ponding. Residence time was estimated by numerical flow simulations based on available information of the geological structure and core samples taken prior to the construction of the airport. 1875 soil samples were used to estimate mean and variance of soil physical parameters used in the flow model. The results from a tracer test undertaken at a location close to the airport (Søvik et al., 2002), were was used to cross validate the simulated flow velocities done in the present study. The sensitivity analysis of the residence time of water in the unsaturated zone shows the relative importance of: heterogeneity of the individual soil units (expressed by the grain size distribution index), intrinsic permeability, air entry pressure, soil porosity, residual water saturation, and ratio of horizontal to vertical permeability. 2. Geology and soil structure The Gardermo delta was deposited 9500 years ago and covers today an area of about 80 km2 (Andersen, 2001). It is classified as a Gilbert type delta, which consists of three main sedimentary units: fluvial topset beds, near shore N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 45 Fig. 2. Surface reflections from ground penetrating radar sampled at Moreppen (Fig. 1). The cross section indicate delta topset and delta foreset beds. The reflection from the groundwater table is indicated by dotted line. The glacio-fluvial topset beds are heterogeneous, and the foreset beds consists of fine homogeneous sand (green transparent reflectivity) with some silty laminas (red and blue). The profile direction is consistent to direction of delta progradation (west–east). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) sensitive areas along the railway line and at the main airport building (Fig. 1). Locally at Moreppen grain size disribution was analyzed for 139 soil samples. In addition 28 soil samples were analyzed with respect to saturated hydraulic conductivities, and 13 for water retention characteristics (Pedersen, 1994). The data set with grain size distribution covers most of the area of interest, and is therefore very suitable for estimation of soil physical parameters in the flow equation. and g is the gravitational acceleration. In this study the van Genuchten (1980) constitutive relation was used for relative permeability (kr) and saturation (S): o pffiffiffiffiffin 1 m 2 kr ¼ Se 1 1 Sem ð3aÞ 3. Method where Se is called effective saturation, Se =(S −Sr)/ (1 −Sr). From a mathematical point of view, the parameters Sr, 1/α, m, and nvG, should be considered as fitting parameters. The parameters however, can also be related to physical quantities, namely to: the residual liquid saturation (Sr), the air entry pressure (1/α), and, the pore size distribution index also referred to as van Genuchten's n (nvG). Eqs. (3a) and (3b) are coupled together by m = 1 − 1/nvG. Summed up, the unknown parameters in this flow problem are: The numerical flow simulator TOUGH2 (Pruess, 1991) was used for computation of unsaturated flow velocities. Unsaturated flow was modeled according to Richards' assumption (1931) where the gas-phase has infinite mobility, thus only the liquid phase is considered. Richards' equation consists of (1) a mass balance Eq. (2) a flux equation and (3) constitutive relations between permeability, pressure, and saturation. Written in terms of the integral finite difference, which is the numerical scheme used in TOUGH2, the mass balance equation for a volume Vn bounded by the surface Γn is: Z Z Z d Y MdV ¼ F ndC þ qdV ð1Þ dt Vn Cn Vn where t is the time, M is the mass per unit volume, Y n is the inward normal vector on surface Γn, and q is a local sink/ source term. Here, q is a source at the surface, corresponding to estimated infiltration rates below the surface ponds. The flux term F is given by Darcy's law: kr q ð jp qgÞ ð2Þ F ¼ kabs l where kabs is the absolute (or intrinsic) permeability, ρ is the density of water, μ is the dynamic viscosity of water and the Mualem (1976) constitutive relation for pressure and saturation: on 1 1 n 1 vG p ¼ Se m 1 ð3bÞ a (1) absolute permeability kabs (or hydraulic conductivity, Ks)1, (2) porosity, ϕ, (3) liquid saturation, Sr, (4) air entry pressure, 1/α, and, (5) pore size distribution index, nvG. These five flow parameters are unknown in each sedimentological unit, which implies that all together 15 parameters have to be estimated for the three unit cases 1 The relation between saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks [L/T] and absolute permeability kabs [L2] is Ks = ρgkabs/m, which inserted for the constants m, ρ, g is Ks [m/s] ≈ 0.55 × 10−7 × kabs [m2] for water temperature close to 0°C. 46 N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 (topset, foreset sand and foreset silt) and 10 parameters for the two unit cases (topset and forest sand). There are two ways to estimate unknown flow parameters, either by inverse modeling or by estimating parameters from measurements. Inverse modeling has been used in a previous study where the estimated flow parameters were conditioned on liquid saturation measurements from the Moreppen research area (Kitterød and Finsterle, 2004). In the present study, flow parameters are estimated directly from grain size distribution curves. This approach requires analytical and/or empirical relations between grain size distribution curves and the requested flow parameters. For this purpose the Gustafson's (1983, 1986) equations are used to estimate porosities (ϕ) and saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks). Gustafson's (1983, 1986) equations are more general than other empirically derived equations and are better adapted to glacio-fluvial deposits. For example are Hazen's and Kozeny–Carmen's equations (Smith and Wheatcraft, 1992) special cases of Gustafson's equations (Gustafson, 1983). Independent laboratory measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivities from soil samples taken at Gardermoen confirm the validity of Gustafson's equation for the Gardermo aquifer (Pedersen, 1994). Gustafson derived an analytical equation between the ratio u = d60/d10 and the porosity ϕ, where d10 and d60 are 0.1 and 0.6 quantiles of the cumulative grain size distribution curve: 1 u2h1 h1 h1 2lnðuÞ u2 1 þ 1 /¼ h1 2lnðuÞ ð4Þ and the saturated hydraulic conductivity is expressed by: 2 /3 logu 2 u1:8 2 d10 ð5Þ Ks ¼ h2 u2 1 ð1 /Þ2 1:3 Gustafson (1983) estimated the two stochastic parameters θ1 and θ2 by well pumping analysis in locations where grain size distribution curves were available. In this way he related (4) and (5) to measurements of Ks and ϕ. Gustafson's yield: θ1 = 0.8 and θ2 = 10.2, which can be considered as an optimal or global average of the stochastic variable Θ = (θ1,θ2). Goshu and Omre (2003) used a Bayesian framework to improve estimation of Θ by conditioning on local pumping tests done at the Gardermo aquifer, but the deviation from Gustafson's global estimates were not very significant, thus in the present study Gustafson's original estimates were applied. For estimation of parameters in the van Genuchten's (1980) and Mualem's (1976) constitutive Eqs. (3a) and (3b), results from Jonasson's (1991) study were employed. Jonasson (1991) used a database of 156 different Swedish soils to derive water retention characteristics and grain size distribution curves. Jonasson (1991) modified the Arya and Paris (1981) equation and used non-linear regression analysis to estimate parameters in the van Genuchten's equation. The method was validated on 18 different soil types not used in the calibration procedure. Jonasson (1991) used two parameters in the grain size distribution curve, namely d25 and d75 corresponding to the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles of the cumulative grain size distribution curve. In this way Jonasson's method is easy to employ. The grain size distribution index was estimated by: 1 nvG ¼ k1 þ k2 L þ k3 L2 þ k4 L3 ð6Þ where L is a pressure relation given by L =log(w), where w =h25/h75 = (d75/d25)γ, h25 and h75 are pressures corresponding to 25% and 75% saturation, and the empirical parameter γ = (3αAP − 1)/2, where αAP =exp[0.312log(d75/ d25)] is given by Arya and Paris (1981). Jonasson (1991) estimated the parameters in Eq. (6) (λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4) to (−0.0983, 1.0566, −0.5487, 0.1008). The air entry pressure (1/α) [m] was estimated for effective saturation Se = 0.75 (Jonasson, 1991): 0 1nvG 1 nvG 1 1 / 2 @ 1nvG ¼ k5 Se 1A ðd75 Þg ð7Þ a / where φ is the porosity and nvG is the grain size distribution index (6), and the empirical parameter γ is explained above. The parameter λ5 is estimated to 0.0614 (Jonasson, 1991). 4. Analysis of grain size distribution curves The main data source in this study was grain size distribution curves from 1875 soil samples. Gustafson's (1983) equations (eqs. 4 and 5) were employed for estimation of porosity (ϕ) and saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ks). For the following analysis Gustafson's global average of Θ = (0.8, 10.2) was employed. The scatter plots in Fig. 3 indicate the variability of estimated saturated hydraulic conductivities (1× 10− 11 b Ks b 3.5 ×10− 2 m/s) and porosity (0.06 b ϕ b 0.28). The pattern of estimated Ks values shows three distinctive clusters corresponding to the sedimentological architecture of the delta. There is one cluster centered around 200 m a.m.s.l., which has hydraulic conductivities ranging from about 1× 10− 7 m/s to about 1× 10− 3 m/s. The isostatic rebound at the Gardermoen area is about 200 m, hence this altitude is consistent with a fluvial environment corresponding to the delta topset beds. N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 47 Fig. 3. a) Estimated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and b) porosity plotted against the altitude of soil samples. Ks and porosity was derived from grain size distribution by Eqs. (4) and (5). Ks was grouped into three clusters: 1) heterogeneous topset with 1 × 10− 7 b Ks b 1 × 10− 3 m/s at ∼ 200 m a.m.s.l., 2) sandy foreset from with Ks ≈ 1 × 10− 4 m/s from ∼ 170 to ∼ 200 m a.m.s.l., 3) silty layer with Ks ≈ 5 × 10− 7 m/s from ∼170 to ∼ 200 m a.m.s.l. Because of significant discharge due to rapid melting of the glacier, the distribution channels eroded into sediments below sea level in proximal part of the delta (Tuttle, 1997). A minor part of the soil samples below the marine limit may therefore belong to the delta topset. Glacio-fluvial depositional environments comprise dynamic changes of water fluxes in time and space. Hence, topset beds in the Gardermo delta span everything from highly permeable, well sorted gravel from channel beds to slowly permeable, fine grained overbank deposits. Furthermore, the topset cluster has a clear bimodal probability density distribution, which supports the interpretation of channel deposits and Table 1 Summary of empirical parameter estimation Flow parameter a Geological unit Mean Std Quantiles 0.025 0.159 0.841 0.975 Ks (m/s) Topset Foreset sand Foreset silt Topset Foreset sand Foreset silt Topset Foreset sand Topset Foreset sand 5.5 × 10− 4 2.8 × 10− 4 2.4 × 10− 8 0.22 0.23 0.14 1.98 4.28 – 10.00 3.2 × 10− 4 3.5 × 10− 4 2.0 × 10− 8 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.63 0.56 – – 1.6 × 10−4 2.7 × 10− 5 4.5 × 10− 9 0.19 0.19 0.08 0.73 b 3.17 – 5.00 2.8 × 10−4 6.7 × 10− 5 8.9 × 10− 9 0.20 0.21 0.11 1.35 3.73 – – 8.2 × 10−4 4.7 × 10− 4 3.8 × 10− 8 0.23 0.24 0.17 2.60 4.84 – – 1.4 × 10−3 1.2 × 10− 3 7.6 × 10− 8 0.25 0.26 0.20 3.23 5.40 – 15.00 ϕ (−) nvG α− 1 (cm) Saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, was estimated by Eq. (5), porosity ϕ, by Eq. (4), grain size distribution index nvG, by Eq. (6), and air entry pressure α− 1, by Eq. (7). For nvG and α− 1 no samples were avaiable in the silty layer. For α− 1 it was not possible to estimate values in topset, or standard deviation and the quantiles 0.159 and 0.841 in the forset sand based on the available data. b Nonphysical value. a 48 N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 overbank deposits. Because channels in a glacio-fluvial environment are continuously migrating over the delta plain, the channel deposits are connected to each other both laterally and vertically. The most conductive part of the topset is of major interest for estimation of residence time after ponding, hence for this study only the coarse part of the topset is included in the numerical computations. The foreset is more homogeneous than the topset. Two separate clusters were identified in the foreset. Both clusters are located at altitudes between 170 and 200 m a.m.s.l., which is consistent with the foreset altitude. The main foreset unit, which consists of fine sand, corresponds to the cluster which is centered on a hydraulic conductivity of 1× 10− 4 m/s. The second cluster has hydraulic conductivities between 1× 10− 7 m/s and 1 ×10− 9 m/s corresponding to sandy silt. Some of the samples in the second foreset cluster may belong to the delta bottom set, but it is more likely that the majority of these samples belong to the foreset. Layers of silt were observed in the foreset during excavation of a lysimeter trench, which supports the interpretation of two distinct clusters in the foreset. For each of the three clusters a statistical analysis was carried out. Firstly, the spatial structure was analyzed. The hypothesis was that distance to the glacier front would reveal a trend in the flow parameters. Close to the front we expected coarser sediments, and at distant parts finer sediments. However, it was not possible to identify any trend with the spatial resolution of the available soil samples. The channel geometry on the delta plain was probably changing frequently, which resulted in the complex sediment pattern we observe today. We consider therefore the probability of observing a specific hydraulic conductivity (high or low) as independent of the location within the airport area for this study. Based on this argument, the statistical analysis is straightforward, and statistical moments were derived for Fig. 4. Two alternative sedimentological geometry with delta topset and foreset layers. The interpretation was based on the ground penetrating radar image in Fig. 2. ‘S’ indicate dipping silty layer in homogeneous foreset sand, and ‘H’ indicates horizontal structure. each sedimentological unit: (i) the coarse part of the topset, (ii) foreset sand, and (iii) foreset silt (Table 1). Since the grain size parameters d25 and d75 were not available for the total data set, the pore size distribution index (nvG) and the air entry pressure (1/α) were not calculated at the same locations as porosity (ϕ) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). However, 247 grain size distributions curves were published by Pedersen (1994), but this data set was not significant enough to distinguish between two clusters in the foreset. Based on Pedersen's (1994) grain size distribution curves we employed Jonasson's (1991) empirical Eqs. (6) and (7). The pore size distribution index nvG revealed a bimodal structure, which again was interpreted to represent topset and foreset sediments. The air entry pressure had a most probable value about 10 cm, but it was not possible to find any difference between topset and foreset. Table 2 Flow parameters used for unsaturated flow computations in TOUGH2 based on empirical data analysis (Table 1) and Rawls et al. (1993) Kx Ky 2 (m ) Most likely 0.025 quantile 0.975 quantile Topset sand Foreset sand Foreset silt Topset sand Foreset sand Foreset silt Topset sand Foreset sand Foreset silt Kz 2 2 (m ) − 10 9.26 × 10 4.77 × 10− 10 4.02 × 10− 15 2.57 × 10− 10 2.25 × 10− 10 7.52 × 10− 16 2.13 × 10− 9 2.00 × 10− 9 1.27 × 10− 14 (m ) − 10 9.26 × 10 4.77 × 10− 10 4.02 × 10− 15 2.75 × 10− 10 2.25 × 10− 10 7.52 × 10− 16 2.13 × 10− 9 2.00 × 10− 9 1.27 × 10− 14 − 11 9.26 × 10 4.77 × 10− 11 1.08 × 10− 15 2.75 × 10− 11 2.25 × 10− 11 2.06 × 10− 16 2.13 × 10− 10 2.00 × 10− 10 3.37 × 10− 13 ϕ Sr nvG α− 1 (−) (−) (−) (Pa) 0.28 0.28 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.23 0.20 0.33 0.08 0.04 0.25 0.39 0.36 0.35 2.00 3.10 2.10 1.1 1.5 1.5 2.5 4.6 3.6 300 1000 2000 100 500 1000 500 2500 3000 Kx, Ky and Kz is saturated hydraulic conductivities in x, y, and z-direction, ϕ is porosity, Sr is residual water saturation, nvG is grain size distribution index and α− 1 is air entry pressure. All units are given in brackets. N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 5. Numerical simulations Most of the input parameters for flow simulations were taken directly from the empirical data analysis of grain size distribution curves from the Gardermo soil (Table 1). As explained above, local estimates of Sr, nvG, 49 and 1/α were not possible to deduce for all geological units due to lack of data. In these cases flow parameters were taken from Rawls et al. (1993). Input flow parameters are given in Table 2. Residence time of water in the vadose zone depends on boundary conditions and flow parameters. Boundary Fig. 5. Simulated breakthrough curves with groundwater table at 4 m below the surface for the geological geometries (S and H) given in Fig. 4. Infiltration velocities were 15 mm/day (upper), and 42 mm/day (lower). Only curves indicating min. and max. breakthrough time were included in this plot to indicate the sensitivities of the flow parameters in Table 2. Kh/Kv indicate horizontal to vertical anisotropy of hydraulic conductivity, α− 1 is air entry value, Ks is saturated hydraulic conductivity, ϕ is porosity, nvG is grain size distribution index, and Sr is residual water saturation. 50 N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 conditions are infiltration velocities and depth to the groundwater table. Depth to groundwater table and structure of flow parameters are given by the geometry of the flow domain. No quantitative observations of infiltration velocities I, were available, but qualitative observations indicate a maximum infiltration velocity of around 250 mm/day. I = 250 mm/day was therefore employed as an upper limit for infiltration velocity. Fig. 6. Simulated breakthrough curves with groundwater table at 4 m below the surface for the geological geometries (S and H) given in Fig. 4. Infiltration velocities were 100 mm/day (upper), and 250 mm/day (lower). Only curves indicating min. and max. breakthrough time were included in this plot to indicate the sensitivities of the flow parameters in Table 2. Kh/Kv indicate horizontal to vertical anisotropy of hydraulic conductivity, α− 1 is air entry value, Ks is saturated hydraulic conductivity, ϕ is porosity, nvG is grain size distribution index, and Sr is residual water saturation. N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 Three high infiltration rates and three moderate to low infiltration rates were used as input for transient simulations: I = [5, 10, 15, 42, 100, 250] mm/day. The infiltration rate of 42 mm/day was chosen to compare the simulated breakthrough curves with results from the field tracer test conducted by Søvik and Alfnes et al. (2002). The geometry of the flow domain is related to sedimentological structures and depth to the groundwater table. The real sedimentological structures, however, have to be simplified to make numerical computation feasible. The flow domain was therefore derived from the ground penetrating radar profile in Fig. 2 and simplified according to the image shown in Fig. 4. As argued above, the probability density function including the most permeable part of the topset layer was used to deduce flow parameters for numerical simulations. The bimodal probability density function of topset flow parameters was consequently simplified to an ordinary single modal probability density function. Given the context of the present study, this was a valid assumption for two reasons. Firstly, there is high lateral and vertical connectivity in fluvial deposits, and secondly, the high flow velocities are of the main interest in this study. The ground penetrating radar reveals areas with strong reflectors and other areas with transparent reflectors (Fig. 2). Two alternative foreset structures were therefore applied: The first alternative had a thin dipping silty unit present in the foreset, (labelled ‘S’ for silt, Fig. 4a). The second alternative was without the silty unit, and had therefore only one foreset layer (labelled ‘H’, Fig. 4b). The lower boundary of the flow domain is the groundwater table. Breakthrough curves for two different groundwater tables were calculated (4 and 11 m), but in this paper only simulation results with groundwater table at 4 m were included. Residence time of water in the unsaturated time were computed for six infiltration velocities (I= [5, 10, 15, 42, 100, 250] mm/day). For each infiltration velocity the following flow parameters were substituted successively: saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, porosity, ϕ, residual liquid saturation, Sr, grain size distribution index, nvG, and air entry pressure, 1/α. In addition the anisotropy Kh/Kv, was taken into account for the topset unit and the sandy forset unit: Kh/Kv = [1:1, 10:1, 100:1]. First, residence time was computed for the most likely flow parameters for each sedimentological unit. Then parameter values corresponding to 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles were stepwise permuted for each sedimentological unit for the six infiltration velocities. This procedure was repeated for different geological geometry and different depths to the groundwater table. This permutation can be considered as a simple sensitivity analysis of flow parameters for residence time. 51 All flow computations were initiated using a steady state infiltration velocity of 2.5 mm/day. After the steady state condition was achieved, transient simulations were run for the given range of infiltration intensities I= [5, 10, 15, 42, 100, 250] mm/day. Each transient simulation was run for 16 days, which corresponds to the expected duration of the surface ponds. After 16 days close to steady state flow was achieved and residence time was calculated by particle tracking from the surface to the groundwater table. Some cases gave extremely slow numerical convergence and were therefore discarded. Computed breakthrough curves for the four highest infiltration velocities are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 for groundwater table at 4 m below the ground surface. In Table 3, maximum and minimum median residence time for different infiltration intensities and different flow parameters were compared for the flow domain with Table 3 Maximum and minimum median residence time in number of days for water traveling from the surface to the groundwater table 4 m depth below surface Ks Kh/Kv ϕ Sr nvG α− 1 max min max min max min max min max min max min 88.4 59.3 47.5 31.5 33.2 21.9 12.5 9.2 6.0 4.5 2.3 2.0 67.8 64.5 36.9 36.1 107.4 24.9 158.1 10.2 126.4 4.7 95.5 2.1 81.6 54.4 44.7 30.5 30.9 21.0 13.2 9.3 6.8 4.7 2.6 1.8 106.5 51.8 101.9 29.7 82.2 20.7 71.7 9.4 45.9 4.9 27.2 1.9 117.9 61.0 99.0 35.7 96.8 23.2 108.0 10.1 87.4 5.2 36.7 2.0 110.0 61.7 96.3 33.2 84.4 22.9 86.6 9.2 82.7 4.3 2.1 1.9 max min max min max min max min max min max min 74.0 65.2 39.3 34.2 27.6 23.5 11.5 9.2 5.3 4.2 2.4 1.8 73.8 63.9 39.0 33.4 27.5 22.9 11.4 8.9 5.2 4.0 2.4 1.8 83.6 56.6 44.1 29.8 30.4 20.5 12.2 8.1 5.5 3.7 2.5 1.7 81.7 53.7 42.4 28.8 29.0 20.1 11.2 8.2 5.0 3.9 2.2 1.8 120.4 62.9 61.9 33.0 41.9 22.7 15.7 9.0 6.9 4.1 2.9 1.8 75.3 65.3 39.3 34.5 26.9 23.9 10.5 9.5 4.7 4.4 2.1 2.0 mm/day S 5 10 15 42 100 250 H 5 10 15 42 100 250 Residence time is computed for different: (i) geometries (S and H, Fig. 4), (ii) infiltration intensities (5, 10, 15, 42, 100, 250) mm/day, and, (iii) flow parameters (Ks, Kh/Kv, ϕ, Sr, nvG, α− 1)⁎. Boldfaced numbers shows absolute max. and min. median residence time for all parameter combinations. ⁎ Ks is saturated hydraulic conductivity, Kh/Kv is anisotropy (horizontal to vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity), ϕ is porosity, Sr is residual water saturation, nvG is grain size distribution index, and, α− 1 is air entry pressure. 52 N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 Fig. 7. Breakthrough curves of bromide (Br−) and tritiated water (HTO) plotted together with simulations. Br− and HTO are plotted as relative accumulated concentrations for each sampling point. The simulations indicate breakthrough curves for two different geological geometries (S and H) and with two different sets of flow parameters (max and min). S is geometry with dipping silt layer in foreset, and H is geometry with two horizontal layers. Max and min indicate parameters sets giving max and min travel time. Longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion (αL) is included for H min and H max corresponding to αL = 0.2 and αL = 0.5 m respectively. The tracer experiment was conducted by Søvik and Alfnes et al. (2002). and without a dipping low permeability layer (labeled S and H in Table 3). The median breakthrough is the time duration from start of the tracer application at the surface until 50% of the applied tracer had reached the groundwater table. 5.1. Cross validation by independent tracer test Søvik and Alfnes et al. (2002) used tritiated water (HTO) and Bromide (Br−) as conservative tracers in a carefully monitored tracer experiment at Moreppen (Fig. 1). They extracted tracer from a 3.5 m deep trench with 25 suction cups installed horizontally into the ground. Horizontal suction cups were used to avoid vertical flow along the sampling tubes. The tracer test started with a background wetting of the field by constant irrigation of 30 mm/day in 7 days, which gave local saturation similar to infiltration after surface ponding or an extreme snowmelt. Then 1000 mg/liter of Br− was added in pulses of 25 l of water and repeated for every second hour for 3 days. The tracer was applied in a 3 m long drip-tube. At the time of tracer application, the background infiltration was increased to 48 mm/day. Estimated evaporation during the experiment was 5 to 6 mm/day, thus effective infiltration velocities was set to 42 mm/day. At the 3rd day of the experiment, a pulse of 18.5 MBq/ml in 25 l of water with HTO was applied. In Fig. 7 the breakthrough curves for Br− and HTO are plotted as a function of time together with simulated breakthrough curves. The accumulated amounts of tracers were plotted relative to the total amount of extracted tracer at each sampling position to make the comparison with simulated breakthrough curves easier. Two important results can be deduced from Fig. 7: First, the applied infiltration velocities (42 mm/day) gave pore flow velocities of tracers from 2–300 mm/day. This result indicates focusing of water flow due to soil structures. Secondly, the simulated breakthrough curves which include a dipping low permeability layer in the foreset (S min and S max), envelop HTO and to some extent Br−. The same is true if the low permeability layer in the foreset is omitted (H min and H max), but then dispersion has to be included in the simulations. This result demonstrates that the main features in the observed breakthrough curves were reproduced by the simulations. 6. Discussion and conclusions Residence time of water in the unsaturated zone controls the residual contaminant risk of deicing chemicals in unconfined aquifers. It is therefore important to understand infiltration and percolation processes of water in the unsaturated zone. In a polar or sub-polar climate where precipitation accumulates in the snow package during winter, the most important recharge period of groundwater takes place during snowmelt. Focusing effects as surface ponding and soil structures may increase infiltration velocities significantly and cause locally rapid water flow in the unsaturated zone. In such situations unconfined aquifers are vulnerable if the area is exposed to pollution. Søvik and Alfnes et al. (2002) performed a tracer test close to the airport area (Fig. 1) that to a large extent mimicked infiltration after ponding. They used two conservative tracers, bromide and tritiated water, which were compared to simulated flow velocities in this study. The observed breakthrough curves were not used for calibration of the numerical simulations. Our simulation result can therefore be considered as a crossvalidation of the flow parameters given the geological geometry of the tracer site. Such cross validation increases the reliability of breakthrough curves for higher and lower infiltration velocities, given the same kind of geological geometry. Differences between maximum and minimum median residence times (Table 3) indicate the sensitivity to infiltration velocities, geometry of the flow domain, and flow parameters. It should be emphasized that only one flow parameter was changed for each simulation while all other parameters were kept equal to the most likely value. All simulations should therefore be interpreted as an average N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 behavior of water. Simulations with mean parameters imply that one fraction of the water travels faster and another fraction of the water travels more slowly than the simulations indicate. The sensitivity analysis reveals the overruling importance of infiltration velocities (Table 3). For most of the parameter combinations median residence time of water was increasing exponentially as infiltration velocities decreased. For 5 mm/day the calculated residence time of water from the surface to the groundwater table at 4 m depth was between 50 and 120 days independent of geological geometry. For infiltration intensities equal to 250 mm/day, minimum mean residence time varies around 2 days for horizontal geometry and 6 days if a dipping silty layer is included. The numerical simulations demonstrated funneling of water flow in the unsaturated zone. In this case funneling was caused by a low permeability dipping layer (Fig. 4a). Compared to the horizontal layered flow geometry (Fig. 4b) the low permeability dipping layer gave a relative increase of water saturation above the layer and a relative decrease of water saturation underneath it (Fig. 8). Focusing and defocusing of water have significant impact on the flow velocities because unsaturated hydraulic conductivity varies non-linearly as a function of water saturation (Eq. (3a)). Hence, the variance of residence time increases with the presence of a low permeability dipping layer. The increased variance of residence time can be seen by comparing the simulated breakthrough curves (Figs. 5 and 6) for the two alternative flow geometries (Fig. 4) with each other. The effect of funneling increases if infiltration velocities approaches saturated hydraulic conductivity in the low permeability layer. As a consequence of the focusing effect, a shadow (or sheltered) zone with low water saturation, can be seen underneath the low permeability layer (Fig. 8). The shadow zone appears because water is funneled on top of the low permeability layer and only minor amount of Fig. 8. Simulated velocity field in unsaturated zone through delta topset and foreset with a dipping silty layer. Blue color indicates water saturation, green color is flow vectors, and the red lines is flow lines. The low permeable silty layer cause funnel flow in the high permeable foreset above, and a dry (shadow) zone below. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 53 water infiltrates into the shadow zone. Low water saturation implies low effective hydraulic conductivity which means that some portion of the water will travel more slowly to the groundwater compared to a situation without any low permeability layer. This explains why most of the breakthrough curves for the dipping geometry case sum up to less than 1 (Figs. 5 and 6). The impact of the low permeability layer on median residence time is related to infiltration intensities (Table 3). For high infiltration intensities (250 and 100 mm/day) mean residence time is generally higher if there is a dipping low permeability layer in the flow domain compared to a flow domain without the low permeability layer. The opposite was true for low infiltration intensities. This comparison is valid if median residence time is of main importance. On the other hand, if breakthrough time (first arrivals), is of primary interest, the pattern is different: For the same parameter combinations the first arrival of tracers is always faster if there is a dipping low permeability layer in the flow domain (Figs. 5 and 6). Given the empirical variance of flow parameters in this study, it can be seen from the simulated breakthrough curves (Figs. 5 and 6) that the most sensitive parameter was the grain size distribution index (nvG). Because nvG captures the heterogeneity within each sedimentological unit, this makes good sense when we take into account the variability that was documented in the coarse part of the topset beds (Fig. 3). The impact of porosity (ϕ) and residual liquid saturation (Sr) was correlated. This is to be expected because they are both related to the effective porosity ϕe, which describes the pore volume available for advective flow: ϕe = ϕ(1 − Sr). Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and the air entry pressure (1/α) tended to have a similar impact on the residence time. High Ks implies higher effective hydraulic conductivities, which results in fast unsaturated flow. 1/α has a similar effect. For example, a high 1/α in the foreset sand entails high water content in the sandy layer above the low permeability silt. Again, the result yields high effective hydraulic conductivity in the foreset sand. The most critical variable for the calculation of residence time in unsaturated zone is infiltration velocity. Unfortunately, infiltration velocity is difficult to estimate because the most important processes governing infiltration (viz precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, snowmelt, freezing ground) vary in time and space. Local infiltration velocities related to surface ponding require volume measurements of accumulated water and time duration of maximum extension to disappearance of the pond and should therefore, in principle, be easier to estimate. However, the physical conditions for ponding are 54 N.-O. Kitterød / Cold Regions Science and Technology 53 (2008) 42–55 quite complex: Some year ponding is frequent, while other years with apparently similar weather conditions, ponds are absent. Based on our experiences, ponding seems to be related to: soil moisture content before freezing, depth of frozen ground, snow cover, and number of temperature fluctuations above and below the freezing point during the snowmelt period. Due to principal uncertainties affecting infiltration velocities, a broad spectrum of velocities spanning from 5 to 250 mm/day, was used to simulate residence time of water in the unsaturated zone in this study. If more precise infiltration velocities were possible to quantify, the corresponding uncertainties in residence time of water in the unsaturated zone will also be reduced. Acknowledgements Thanks to the staff at Oslo Airport Gardermoen for providing data, and the colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for help in TOUGH2 simulations. I am grateful to Anne Kristine Søvik and Eli Alfnes for explaining the tracer experiment in detail and also for giving me access to all their observations. 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