Oral Presentation Registered User PID: jhstagge OPTIMIZATION OF MULTI RESERVOIR OPERATING RULES USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS James H. Stagge*, Glenn E. Moglen* * Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech Continued urban expansion coupled with predictions of longer inter-rainfall (time between precipitation events) periods in the Mid-Atlantic States due to climate change points to a potential increase in the frequency and severity of drought conditions. In light of this evolving water supply situation, assessments of water resources management policies are necessary to ensure that water supply systems address current needs, while also being sufficiently robust to satisfy future requirements. The Washington DC metropolitan area (WMA) water supply is of particular interest because the region’s water is governed primarily by the Potomac River, which in turn is supplemented by a system of reservoirs located approximately 9-10 days travel time upstream of the city’s intakes (Figure 1). This design allows the Potomac watershed to remain largely uncontrolled, but increases the importance of effective water management decisions. In the face of hydrologic uncertainty brought about by long travel times and the region’s complex government and institutional landscape, a system is needed to quantitatively and objectively determine the optimum timing, magnitude and location of water supply releases. The objective of this study is to derive an optimal water management scheme for the WMA, based on advanced optimization methods. A realistic hydrologic model of the WMA system was developed using node-arc architecture, including reservoirs, reaches, inputs and withdrawals. Reservoir operating rules were optimized under current demand and climate conditions using long duration simulations of historic and synthetic streamflow time series. Optimization was performed using a genetic algorithm solver wrapped around OASIS, a water management linear program solver (Hydrologics, Inc.). Operating rules were solved via linear programming using a daily time step, mimicking the imperfect foresight of daily operational decision-making. Performance of the system under optimized rules was compared to simulations of the system using the existing reservoir release strategy. Additionally, rule curve parameters were compared to the existing policy to determine the nature of the difference (Figure 2). This research focuses on optimization of the current water management system, but is an important first step towards evaluation of the system under future conditions. Application of genetic algorithms to reservoir optimization remains a relatively new field [1,2,3] and its application to a system with a significant lag between release and benefit represents an interesting contribution. In addition to its significance to water management research, this study is important in potentially improving the efficiency of the WMA water supply system under drought conditions and supporting ongoing reliability studies by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB). Word Count: 411 REFERENCES: [1] Chen, L. (2003). “Real coded genetic algorithm optimization of long term reservoir operation.” J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc, 39(5). [2] Oliveira, R., and Loucks, D.P. (1997). “Operating rules for multireservoir systems.” Water Resour. Res., 33(4). [3] Momtahen, S. and Dariane, A.B. (2007). “Direct search approaches using genetic algorithms for optimization of water reservoir operating policies.” J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage,133 (3): 202-209. Figure 1. Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area (WMA) water supply system with the Potomac watershed boundary outlined in green. Reservoir volumes are presented in Million Cubic Meters (MCM). 450 Jennings-Randolph Elevation (m- MSL) 448 446 444 442 440 438 436 434 432 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month USACE Max USACE Avg USACE Min Max. Curve Ave. Curve Min. Curve Figure 2. Sample optimized rule curve showing monthly maximum, minimum and target storage elevations. Existing rule curves are presented as dashed lines, while optimized curves are shown as solid lines.