Marine pelagic ecology BIO 4400 Phytoplankton and primary production-1 Literature (Pensum): Chap. 13, 14 in Garrison Chap. 5 in Skjoldal p. 3-50 in Paasche (or Chap 2 in Kaiser et al.) k a Bente Edvardsen 2009 Aims of learning - marine botany Give an understanding and knowledge on: • Ecological role of phytoplankton • Primary production, photosynthesis and growth • Effects of ecological factors: light, nutrients, temperature, salinity • Distribution in time and space • Ecological strategies • Phytoplankton diversity Content • • • • • Phytoplankton size groups Primary production Light Photosynthesis and effect of light Nutrients (C, N, P and Si) Phytoplankton (Planteplankton) Photo: Jahn Throndsen (JT) Most are microscopically small, drifting, single celled algae. They are small to float and to have an efficient nutrient uptake. Some live in colonies. Size variation of phytoplankton The size of phytoplankton: < 2 µm picoplankton 2-20 µm nanoplankton 20-200 µm microplankton 200-2000 µm mesoplankton Plankton and size-groups (Sieburt 1978) Microplankton (20-200 μm) dinoflagellates diatoms JT JT Dinophysis Ceratium Guinardia Nanoplankton (2-20 μm) Chrysochromulina haptophytes Emiliania huxleyi JT cryptophytes Identification in electron microscopy often needed Picoplankton (0.2-2 μm) Prokaryota Eukaryota Prochlorococcus Synechococcus Micromonas pusilla Phytoplankton as primary producers zooplankton Phytoplankton Half of the Earth’s primary productivity is by marine microbes protists bacteria From Paasche 2005 Nutrition in microalgae (trophy) • autotrophy: use CO2 as carbon source and light as energy • auxotrophy: autotrophy, but need some organic compounds e.g. vitamins • heterotrophy: use organic carbon as carbon source • phagotrophy: nutrition from organic particles • osmotrophy: nutrition from dissolved organic material (DOM) • mixotrophy: both autotrophy and heterotrophy Primary production - definition Formation of organic matter through assimilation of inorganic elements through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis Photosynthesis Garrison, Fig 13.2 light 6CO2 + 6H2O + -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 Chemosynthesis in chemolithotrophic bacteria e.g. in sediments Garrison, Fig 13.4 Chemolithotrophic bacteria Keiser et al. Fig 2.7 Beggiatoa is a sulfur-oxidizing bacteria Primary production in the sea • phytoplankton 90-96% • benthic algae 2-5% • chemolithotrophic bacteria 2-5% • c. 50 . 109 tonnes C per year in the sea • c. 60 . 109 tonnes C per year on land • biomass 1-2 . 109 tonnes in the sea • c. 800 109 tonnes on land Primary production: Carbon assimilation per area (or volume) and per time unit Absolute units: g C· m -2 · day-1 (or y-1) or g C· L-1 ·h-1 Specific units: Garrison, Fig 13.5 g C· C-1 · day-1 Effect of environmental factors on primary production • Light reaction in the photosynthesis: light, CO2 • Dark reaction (production of sugar, then lipids and proteins): nutrients and temperature Photosynthesis: Light reaction Calvin - Benson cycle RUBISCO dark reaction RUBISCO= Ribulose biphosphate carboxylase /oxygenase Radiation (stråling) – visible light Energy E, E= h f or E=hc/ λ where f is frequency h is Plancks constant, c is light speed and λ (lambda) is wavelength of irradiance Units for irradiance (innstråling) Paasche Fig. 1 Irradiance varies with latitude and through the year Paasche 2005, Fig. 2 og 3 Light in the sea Spectral distribution in water Skjoldal Light attenuation in water JT03 Attenuation (svekking) of light in various types of water Coastal water Pure sea water Paasche Fig. 6 Irradiance (Innstråling) Euphotic zone = the well lit zone with enough light for growth Approx. 1% light depth (the depth where 1% of surface light remains) Garrison, Fig 13.15 Pigments Algae can utilise irradiance of wave lengths 350-700 nm = PAR photosynthetically available radiation ≈ visible light (400-700 nm) PS I + II: chlorophyll a Accessory pigments: chlorophyll b, c • carotenoids (carotenes , fucoxanthin etc, xanthofylls) • Phycobiliproteins (phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, allophycocyanin) “Sunglass pigments”: • carotenoids (diatoxanthin, diadinoxanthin, zeaxanthin) WE Photo: Wenche Eikrem Absorption spectrum for chlorofyll a = the amount of absorbed light at various wave lenghts Absorption spectrum for some accessory pigments they fill inn some of the “optical window” Absorption spectra and action spectra Sea lattice dinoflagellate kelp diatom = photosynthesis (O2 development) at various wave lengths) Photosynthsis as a function of irradiance (P/E curve) P photosynthesis R respiration I (=E) irradiance Ik saturation irradiance Ic compensation irradiance Pmax light saturated photosynthesis N nett B gross P/E curve α shows how efficient P is PB max: Light saturated photosynthesis per biomasse (measured as chlorophyll a) Photoacclimation High light adapted Low light adapted Irradiance Photosynthesis vs. light and depth photoxidation DC = compensation depth photosynthesis=respiration average DC ≈ lower limit for euphotic zone Compensation and critical depth Euphotic zone Kaiser et al. Effect of environmental factors on primary production • Light reaction in the photosynthesis: light, CO2 • Dark reaction (production of sugar, then lipids and proteins): nutrients and temperature Elemental composition of algal cells 99% of the living biomass is made up of C, H, O and N Dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water Carbon dioxide • At 35 PSU and pH 8.2, 90% of inorganic carbon occurs as HCO3- • This is converted within the cell to CO2 • The supply of inorganic C for photosynthesis is rarely limiting in marine systems