Military Construction and Family Housing Program Fiscal Year (FY) 2004lFY 2005 Biennial Budget Estimates Justification Data Submitted to Congress February 2003 CONTENTS Table Of Contents Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 Budget Submission Page Number General Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Program Summary .............................................................. 3 Military Construction State Summary (List of Projects) ....................................... 5 New Mission/Current Mission Exhibit .............................. 11 Installation Index ................................................................. 15 Special Program Considerations: Statements .......................................................................... 17 Congressional Reporting Requirements......................... 18 Research and Development .............................................. 20 Third Party Financing ...................................................... 21 Appropriation Language ..................................................... 23 Inside the United States Construction Projects.. ............... 25 Outside the United States Construction Projects .............. 217 Planning and Design ............................................................ 293 Unspecified Minor Construction ........................................ 295 February 2003 Page No. imf Table Of Contents Fiscal Year (FY) 2004 Budget Submission Family Housing Narrative Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Index ...................................................................................... 311 Summary ............................................................................... 315 Legislative Language ........................................................... 317 New Construction ................................................................. 321 Post Acquisition Construction ............................................ 415 Advanced Planning & Design ............................................. 453 0 & M Summary ................................................................. 455 Operations ............................................................................ 463 Utilities .................................................................................. 475 Maintenance ......................................................................... 477 Maintenance & Repair Over $20K .................................... 481 G&FOQ Over $35K ............................................................. 483 Reimbursable Program ....................................................... 485 Leasing .................................................................................. 487 Housing Privatization .......................................................... 495 Debt Payments ...................................................................... 501 Foreign Currency Exchange Data ...................................... 503 February 2003 Page No. 002 PROGRAM SUMMARY Department of the Air Force Military Construction and Military Family Housing Program Summary Fiscal Year 2004 Appropriation Authorization Request Request ($OOOs) J$OOOs) (Sec2301) (Sec2304) Military Construction Inside the United States Outside the United States Planning and Design (10 USC 2807) Unspecified Minor Construction (10 USC 2805) Total Military Construction 515,263 171,159 74,345 12,000 $ Military Family Housing * 772,767 524,263 171,159 74,645 12,000 $ (Sec2302/2303) (Sec2304) 417,136 244,998 33,488 New Construction Improvements * Planning and Design 782,067 417,136 244,998 33,488 * An additional S4.OM will be funded with FY02 Inflation Savings. Subtotal* $ $ 834,468 $ 2,302,857 695,622 669,987 119,908 44,536 37 $ 1,530,090 Total Military Family Housing Grand Total Air Force $ 669,987 119,908 44,536 37 Operations, Utilities and Maintenance Leasing Privatization Debt Payment Subtotal 695,622 834,468 1,530,090 $ 2,312,157 003 This Page Intentionally Left Blank MILITARY CONSTRUCTION STATE SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INDEX MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) INSIDE THE US STATE/COUNTRY ALABAMA APPROP AI:TH R E Q U E S T REQIJEST 13,400 13,400 INSTALLATION PROJECT Maxwell SOC Dormitory, Phase 3 Maxwell TOTAL: ALABAMA TOTAL: ALASKA Eielson Repair/Expand Enroute Ramp Dormitory (96 Rm) Eielson TOTAL: Elmendorf Maintenance Facility Elmendorf TOTAL: ALASKA TOTAL: ARIZONA Davis-Monthan CSAR HH-60 Squadron Operations/AMU CSAR Mission Ready Supply Parts Warehouse CSAR C-130 Apron/Shoulders Davis-Monthan TOTAL: ARIZONA TOTAL: ARKANSAS Little Rock C-130 Operations Training Facility C-13OJ Add/Alter Hangar 280 Little Rock TOTAL: ARKANSAS TOTAL: CALIFORNIA Beale Global Hawk Upgrade Docks Global Hawk Dormitory (96 RM) Beale TOTAL: Edwards Addition/Renovate JSF Complex, Phase I Edwards TOTAL: CALIFORNIA TOTAL: Upgrade Base Infrastructure, P H III COLORADO Buckley TOTAL: COLORADO TOTAL: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Boll@ AF Central Adjudication Facility Boll@ TOTAL: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TOTAL: FLORIDA Hurlburt Field Special Tactics Advance Skills Trng Facility Hurlburt Field TOTAL: Tyndall F-22 Parking Apron/Runway Extension Tyndall TOTAL: FLORIDA TOTAL: GEORGIA Robins J-Stars Flight Simulator Facility Corrosion Control Paint Facility Robins TOTAL: GEORGIA TOTAL: 13,400 13,400 13,400 13,400 19,060 13,914 19,143 14,118 32,914 33,261 2,000 2,000 2,000 34,974 35,261 6,004 1,906 1,954 6,042 1,945 2,075 9,864 9,864 10,062 10,062 2,478 1,144 2,528 1,167 3,622 3,622 3,695 3.695 8,958 13,342 9,139 13.61 I 22$00 22,758 19,060 19,444 19,060 41368 19,444 42,194 6,957 7,019 6,957 6,957 7,019 7,019 9?3@J 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 7,800 7,800 7,800 7,800 6,195 6,320 6,195 13,995 6,320 14,120 2,954 25,73 1 3,014 26,250 28,685 28,685 29,264 29,264 PAGE WJO 005 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INDEX MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) INSIDE THE US STATE/COUNTRY HiWAIl INSTALLATION Hickam PROJECT Expand Strategic Airlift Ramp C-17 Flight Simulator Facility C-17 Squadron Operations C-17 Corrosion Control/Maintenance Facility C-17 Support Utilities, Phase 1 C-17 Consolidated Maintenance Complex C-17 Kuntz Gate & Road Hickam TOTAL: HAWAII TOTAL: IDAHO Mountain Home Add to and Alter Fitness Center Mountain Home TOTAL: IDAHO TOTAL: ILLINOIS Scott Construct Shiloh Gate Scott TOTAL: ILLINOIS TOTAL: NEW JERSEY Me&ire C-17 Roads & Utilities C-17 Maintenance Training Device Facility McGuire TOTAL: NEW JERSEY TOTAL: NEW MEXICO Kirtland Arsenic Treatment Systems Kirtland TOTAL: Tularosa Upgrade Radar Test Facility Tularosa TOTAL: NEW MEXICO TOTAL: NORTH CAROLINA Pope C-13OJ-30 C-13OJ-30 C-13OJ-30 C-13OJ-30 Ramp Upgrade Tech Training Facility Upgrade Hangar 6 2-Bay Hangar Pope TOTAL: Seymour-Johnson Dormitories (144 Rm) Boundary Fence Seymour-Johnson TOTAL: NORTH CAROLINA TOTAL: NORTH DAKOTA Minot ADAL Missile Maintenance Vehicle Facility Minot TOTAL: NORTH DAKOTA TOTAL: OHIO Wright-Patterson Dormitory (144 RM) Wright-Patterson TOTAL: OH10 TOTAL: APPROP REQUEST 10,102 5,623 10,674 30,400 4,098 7,529 3,050 AUTH REQUEST 10,383 5,736 10,826 30,462 4,482 8,142 3,265 7 1,416 71,476 73,296 73,296 5$37 5,445 5337 5337 5,445 5,445 1,900 1,9ocl 1,900 1,900 1,908 1,900 4,165 6,862 4,903 6,958 11,627 11,627 11,861 11,861 6,957 7,097 6,957 7,097 3,600 3,600 3,600 10,557 3@J8 10,697 1,239 4,431 2,716 15,629 1,264 4,520 2,771 15,944 24,015 24,499 9,530 1,500 9,722 1300 11,030 35,045 11,222 35,721 3,050 3,190 3,050 3,050 3,190 3,190 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 IOJOO 10,500 PAGE 006 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INDEX MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) 1NSlDE THE US STATEICOUNTRY OKLAHOMA APPROP AllTH REQUEST REQUEST 1,144 1,167 INSTALLATION PROJECT C-17 Modify Simulator Bays Altus Altus TOTAL: Tinker 1,144 1,167 19,060 19,444 19,060 20,204 19,444 20,611 8,863 9,042 8,863 8,863 9,042 9.042 1,863 18,107 1,863 18,472 19,970 20,335 20,966 35,260 21,389 35,971 56,226 57,360 28,590 29,167 28,590 104,786 29,167 186,862 1,811 13,000 1,000 1,848 13,ooa l.ooO 15,811 15,811 15,848 15,848 20,013 2,573 2,383 20,418 2,625 2,431 24,969 24,969 25,414 25,474 25,731 3,250 26,251 3,258 VARIOUS STATESIDE CLASSIFIED TOTAL: 28,981 29,581 INSIDE THE US TOTAL: 515,263 524,263 Building 3001 Revitalization, Phase I Tinker TOTAL: OKLAHOMA TOTAL: SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Dormitory (144 Rm) Charleston TOTAL: SOUTH CAROLINA TOTAL: TEXAS Goodfellow Fire Training Classroom Facility Student Dormitory (200 Rm) Goodfellow TOTAL: Lackland Student Dormitory (200 Rm) Student Dormitory (300 Rm) Lackland TOTAL: Sheppard Student Dormitory (300 Rm) Sheppard TOTAL: TEXAS TOTAL: UTAH Hill Small Diameter Bomb Storage Igloos Replace Munitions Storage Igloos Munitions Maintenance Facility Hill TOTAL: UTAH TOTAL: VIRGlNlA Langley F-22 Squadron OperationslAMUlHangar F-22 Vertical Wing Tank Storage F-22 Clear Water Rinse Pad Langley TOTAL: VIRGINIA TOTAL: CLASSIFIED LOCATIONS Various Stateside Predator Squadron OperationslAMUlHangar Classified MILCON Project PAGE 00’1 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INDEX MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) OUTSIDE THE U.S. STATE/COUNTRY AZORES INSTALLATION Lajes Field APPROP AUTH REQUEST REQUEST 4,086 4,086 PROJECT Add to and Alter Fitness Center Lajes Field TOTAL: AZORES TOTAL: GERMANY Ramstein 4,086 4,086 4,086 4,086 19,713 15,903 19,713 15.903 35,616 35,616 3,865 1,546 17,117 2,800 3,865 1,546 17,117 2,800 25,328 60,944 25,328 60,944 5501 994 7,730 5501 994 7,730 14,025 14,025 14,025 14,025 7,059 7,059 7,059 7,059 16,638 16,638 16,638 23,697 16,638 23,697 3,262 3,262 3,262 3,262 3,262 3,262 5,878 8,436 2,667 13,606 5,878 8,436 2,667 13,606 30,587 30,587 3,320 3,592 3,646 3520 3,592 3,646 10,558 41,145 10,558 41,145 10,000 14,000 10,000 14,000 Wake Island TOTAL: WAKE ISLAND TOTAL: 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 OUTSIDE THE US TOTAL: 171,159 171,159 Consolidated 1st Combat Communication Squadron Complex, Ph 2 Fitness Center Annex Ramstein TOTAL: Spangdablem Fire Station Annex And Training Facility Passenger Terminal Fitness Center South Gate Spangdahlem TOTAL: GERMANY TOTAL: ITALY Aviano Munitions Admin Facility Zulu Arm/Dearm Pad Airfield Obstruction - South Ramp Aviano TOTAL: ITALY TOTAL: KOREA Kunsan Upgrade Hardened Aircraft Shelters Kunsan TOTAL: Osan Dormitory (156 Rm) Osan TOTAL: KOREA TOTAL: TURKEY lncirlik Consolidated Communications Facility lncirlik TOTAL: TURKEY TOTAL: UNITED KINGDOM Lakenheath Family Support Center Communications Facility Add/Alter Crash Fire Station Dormitory (120 Rm) Lakenheath TOTAL: Mildenhall Vehicle Maintenance Complex Post Offtce Child Development Center Annex Mildenhall TOTAL: UNITED KINGDOM TOTAL: WAKE ISLAND Wake Island Upgrade Island-Wide Infrastructure, Phase 1 Repair Airfield Pavement, Phase 3 PAGE 008 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INDEX MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) WORLDWIDE APPROP Al’TH REQUEST REQUEST STATE/COUNTRY INSTALLATION PROJECT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Various P&D Active P-341 Active VARIOUS TOTAL: INSIDE THE US TOTAL: OUTSIDE THE US TOTAL: FY 2004 TOTAL: 74,345 74245 12,000 12,000 86,345 515,263 86,345 524,263 171,159 171,159 772,767 781,767 PAGE 9 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 10 NEW MISSION/CURRENT MISSION DEFINITIONS OF NEW AND CURRENT MISSION NEW MISSION PROJECTS - New mission projects all support new and additional programs or initiatives that do not revitalize the existing physical plant. These projects support the deployment and beddown of new weapons systems; new or additional aircraft, missile, and space projects; and new equipment, i.e. radar, communication, computer satellite tracking and electronic security. Planning and design and unspecified minor construction (P-341) are also included in this category. CURRENT MISSION PROJECTS - These projects revitalize the existing facility plant by replacing or upgrading existing facilities and alleviating long standing deficiencies not generated by new missions or equipment. Included are projects to improve the quality of life, upgrade the workplace, enhance productivity, and achieve compliance with environmental, health and safety standards. AUTH FOR APPROP APPROP FYo4 [SOOO) I(%OOO~ NEW MISSION $271,344 $276,749 CURRENT MISSION $415,078 $418,673 $74,345 $74,345 MINOR CONSTRUCTION $12,000 $12,000 $772,767 $781,767 PLANNING & DESIGN TOTAL: 11 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) CURRENT MISSION/NEW MISSION BREAKOUT STATE/COUNTRY AiABAMA ALASKA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII ILLINOIS NEW MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OKLAHOMA TEXAS UTAH INSTALLATION Maxwell Eielson Boiling Hurlburt Field Robins Hickam SCM Tularosa Seymour-Johnson Minot Tinker Goodfellow Hill GERMANY ITALY ITALY ITALY KOREA TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM WAKE ISLAND WAKE ISLAND ALASKA OHIO TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS UNITED KINGDOM IDAHO NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA AZORES GERMANY GERMANY KOREA NEW MEXICO Ramstein Aviano Aviano Aviano Kunsan lncirlik Lakenheath Lakenheath Lakenheath Mildenhall Mildenhall Mildenhall Wake Island Wake Island Eielson Wright-Patterson Goodfellow Lackland Sheppard Lakenheath Mountain Home Seymour-Johnson Charleston Lajes Field Ramstein Spangdahlem Osan Kirtland ALASKA ARIZONA ARIZONA ARIZONA ARKANSAS ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA COLORADO FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY Elmendorf Davis-Monthan Davis-Monthan Davis-Monthan Little Rock Little Rock Beale Beale Edwards Buckley Tyndall Robins Hickam Hickam Hickam Hickam Hickam Hickam MrGuire McGuire PROJECT SOC Dormitory, Phase 3 Repair/Expand Enroute Ramp AF Central Adjudication Facility Special Tactics Advance Skills Trng Facility Corrosion Control Paint Facility Expand Strategic Airlift Ramp Construct Shiloh Gate Upgrade Radar Test Facility Boundary Fence ADAL Missile Maintenance Vehicle Facility Building 3001 Revitalization, Phase I Fire Training Classroom Facility Replace Munitions Storage Igloos Consolidated 1st Combat Communication Squadron Complex, Ph 2 Munitions Admin Facility Zulu ArmlDearm Pad Airfield Obstruction-South Ramp Upgrade Hardened Aircraft Shelters Consolidated Communications Facility Family Support Center Communications Facility Add/Alter Crash Fire Station Replace Special Purpose Vehicle Maintenance Complex Post Office Child Development Center Annex Upgrade Island-Wide Infrastructure, Phase 1 Repair Airfield Pavement, Phase 3 Dormitory (96 Rm) Dormitory (144 RM) Student Dormitory (200 Rm) Student Dormitory (200 Rm) Student Dormitory (300 Rm) Dormitory (120 Rm) Add to and Alter Fitness Center Dormitories (144 Rm) Dormitory (144 Rm) Add to and Alter Fitness Center Fitness Center Annex Fitness Center Dormitory (156 Rm) Arsenic Treatment Systems Current Mission Total: Maintenance Facility CSAR HH-60 Squadron Operations/AMU CSAR Mission Ready Supply Parts Warehouse CSAR C-130 Apron/Shoulders C-130 Operations Training Facility C-130J Add/Alter Hangar 280 Global Hawk Upgrade Docks Global Hawk Dormitory (96 RM) Addition/Renovate JSF Complex, Phase I Upgrade Base Infrastructure, PH III F-22 Parking Apron/Runway Extension J-Stars Flight Simulator Facility C-17 Flight Simulator Facility C-17 Squadron Operations c-17 Corrosion Control/Maintenance Facility C-17 Support Utilities, Phase 1 C-17 Consolidated Maintenance Complex C-17 Kuntz Gate & Raod C-17 Roads & Utilities C-17 Maintenance Training Device Facility APPROP AUTH REQUEST REQUEST TYPE 13,400 13,400 CM 19,060 19,143 CM 9JOO 9,300 CM 7,800 7,800 CM 25,731 26,250 CM 10,102 10,383 CM 1,900 1,900 CM 3,600 CM 3,600 1,500 1,500 CM 3,050 3,190 CM 19,060 19,444 CM 1,863 1,863 CM 13,000 13,000 CM 19,713 5301 994 7,730 7,059 3,262 5,878 8,436 2,667 3,320 3,592 3,646 10,000 14,000 13,914 10,500 18,107 20,966 28,590 13,606 5337 9,530 8,863 4,086 15,903 17,117 16,638 6,957 415,078 2,000 6,004 1,906 1,954 2,478 1,144 8,958 13,342 19,060 6,957 6,195 2,954 5,623 10,674 30,400 4,098 7,529 3,050 4,765 6,862 19,713 CM SJOI CM 994 CM 7,730 CM 7,059 CM 3,262 CM 5,878 CM 8,436 CM 2,667 CM 3,320 CM 3,592 CM 3,646 CM 10,000 CM 14,000 CM 14,118 CMD 10,500 CMD 18,472 CMD 21,389 CMD 29,167 CMD 13,606 CMD 5,445 CMQ 9,722 CMQ 9,042 CMQ 4,086 CMQ 15,903 CMQ 17,117 CMQ 16,638 CMQ 7,097 ENV 418,673 2,000 6,042 1,945 2,075 2,528 1,167 9,139 13,611 19,444 7,019 6,320 3,014 5,736 10,826 30,462 4,482 8,142 3,265 4,903 6,958 NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM NM 12 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 (DOLLARS IN THOUSANDS) CURRENT MISSION/NEW MISSION BREAKOUT STATE/COUNTRY NGRTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA NORTH CAROLINA OKLAHOMA TEXAS UTAH UTAH VIRGINLA VIRGINIA VIRGINIA CLASSIFIED LOCATIONS CLASSIFIED LOCATIONS GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY INSTALLATION pope pope pope pope Altus Lackiand Hill Hill Langley Langley Langley Various Stateside Various Stateside Spangdahlem Spangdahlem Spangdahlem PROJECT C-13OJ-30 Ramp Upgrade C-l3OJ-30 Tech Training Facility C-13OJ-30 Upgrade Hangar 6 C-13OJ-30 I-Bay Hangar C-17 Modify Simulator Bays Student Dormitory (300 Rm) Small Diameter Bomb Storage Igloos Munitions Maintenance Facility F-22 Squadron OperationslAMUIHangar F-22 Vertical Wing Tank Storage F-22 Clear Water Rinse Pad Predator Squadron OperationslAMUlHangar Classified MILCON Project Fire Station Annex And Training Facility Passenger Terminal South Gate New Mission Total: VARIOUS LOCATIONS VARIOUS LOCATIONS Various Various P-341 Active P&D Active Central Program Total: Total Active AF Program: APPROP AUTH REQUEST REQUEST TYPE 1,264 NM 1,239 4,431 4,520 NM 2,716 2,771 NiM 15,629 15,944 SM 1,144 1,167 NM 35,260 35,971 NM 1,811 1,848 NM 1,880 1,000 NM 20,013 20,418 NM 2,573 2,625 NM 2,383 2,431 NM 25,731 26,251 NM 3,250 3,258 NM 3,865 3,865 NM 1,546 1,546 NM 2,808 2,888 NM 271,344 276,749 12,880 7434s 86,345 772,767 12,ooo P34l 74345 PLN 86,345 781,767 13 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 14 INSTALLATIONS MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 PRESIDENT’S BUDGET INSTALLATION INDEX INSTALLATION COMMAND STATE/COUNTRY ALTUS AVIANO BEALE BOLLING BUCKLEY AMC USAFE ACC 11 WG AFSPC OKLAHOMA ITALY CALIFORNIA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COLORADO CHARLESTON DAVIS-MONTHAN EDWARDS EIELSON ELMENDORF GOODFELLOW HICKAM HILL HURLBURT FIELD INCHUIK KIRTLAND KUNSAN LACKLAND LAJES FIELD AMC ACC AFMC PACAF PACAF AETC PACAF AFMC AFSOC USAFE AFMC PACAF AETC USAFE USAFE ACC AMC AETC AMC USAFE AFSPC ACC PACAF SOUTH CAROLINA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA ALASKA ALASKA TEXAS HAWAII UTAH FLORIDA TURKEY NEW MEXICO KOREA TEXAS AZORES LAKENHEATH LANGLEY LITTLE ROCK MAXWELL MCGUIRE MILDENHALL MINOT MOUNTAIN HOME OSAN POPE RAMSTEIN ROBINS AMC USAFE AFMC SCOTT SEYMOUR-JOHNSON SHEPPARD AMC ACC AETC SPANGDAHLEM TINKER TULAROSA USAFE AFMC AFMC AETC TYNDALL PACAF WAKE ISLAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFMC PAGE UNITED KINGDOM VIRGINIA ARKANSAS ALABAMA NEW JERSEY UNITED KINGDOM NORTH DAKOTA IDAHO KOREA NORTH CAROLINA GERMANY GEORGIA ILLINOIS NORTH CAROLINA TEXAS GERMANY OKLAHOMA NEW MEXICO FLORIDA WAKE ISLAND OHIO 15 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 16 SPECIAL PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2004 ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS An economic evaluation has been accomplished for all projects costing over $2 million and the results are addressed in the individual DD Forms 1391. Life cycle economic analyses or justifications why an economic analysis was not warranted will be submitted directly to the OSD staff at their request. DESIGN FOR ACCESSIBILITY OF PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONNEL In accordance with Public Law, 90-480, provisions for physically handicapped personnel will be provided for, where appropriate, in the design of facilities included in this program. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT In accordance with Section 102(2) (c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL 91-190), the environmental impact analysis process (EIAP) has been completed or is actively underway for all projects in the Air Force FY 2004 Military Construction Program. EVALUATION OF FLOOD PLAINS AND WETLANDS All projects in the program have been evaluated for compliance with Executive Orders 11988, Flood Plain Management, and 11990, Protection of Wetlands, and the Flood Plain Management Guidelines of U.S. Water Resources Council. Projects have been sited to avoid or reduce the risk of flood loss, minimize the impact of floods on human safety, health and welfare, preserve and enhance the natural and beneficial values of wetlands and minimize the destruction, loss or degradation of wetlands. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE The FY04 MILCON request includes $6.957 million for requirements necessary to correct current environmental noncompliance situations and to prevent future noncompliance. The environmental compliance target area for this program is for Arsenic Treatment Systems. f7 N 2004 CONGRESSIONAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. STATEMENTS ON NATO ELIGIBILITY These are in response to the requirement in the N 1988 Senate Appropriations Committee Report, 100-200, page 13, and are included in the appropriate project justification. 2. STATEMENTS ON COMPLIANCE WITH CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 4210.1M These are in response to the requirement in the N 1988 Senate Appropriations Conference Report, 100-498, page 1003, and are included in each project justification. 3. NEW AND CURRENT MISSION ACTIVITIES The N 1989 Senate Appropriations Committee Report, 100-380, pages 10 and 11, identified a requirement to include an exhibit in the budget justification books that displayed required projects in two separate categories: New Mission and Current Mission. The CM (current mission) or NM (new mission) designation which follows the project on the listing at page 9 identifies each project as new or current mission. Additionally, each justification in Block 11 of the DD Form 1391 indicates whether the project supports a new or current mission. 4. RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION ASSETS The N 1991 Senate Armed Services Committee Report, 101-384, requested the Department to screen Resolution Trust Corporation assets to determine if proposed construction projects could be more economically met through the purchase of existing assets held by the Resolution Trust Corporation. The NO4 Military Construction program was compared to the current real estate asset inventory published by the Resolution Trust Corporation. It was determined, and the Department certified, that no assets exist that can be economically used in lieu of the NO4 projects requested. 5. REAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE The N 1997 House Appropriations Committee Report, 104-591, page 11, requested the Department to provide the real property maintenance backlog at all installations for which there is a requested construction project. Each DD Form 1390 reflects this information in block 12. In addition, the report requested all troop housing requests to show all real property maintenance conducted in the past two years and all future requirements for unaccompanied housing at that installation. Each DD Form 1391 for troop housing reflects this information in block 11. 18 6. METRIC CONVERSION The N 1999 House Appropriation Committee Report, 105578, page 11, requested the Department to ensure that any Form 13900391, which is presented as justification in metric measurement, shall include parenthetically the English measurement. Each DD Form 1391 reflects the metric and English equivalent in block 11. 19 N 2004 NON-MILCON FTJNDING Research and Development (RDT&E) NONE 20 N 2004 THIRD PARTY FINANCING Test of long-term facilities contracts NONE 21 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 22 APPROPRIATION LANGUAGE APPROPRIATIONS LANGUAGE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION, AIR FORCE For acquisition, construction, installation, and equipment of temporary or permanent public works, military installations, facilities, and real property of the Air Force as currently authorized by law $772,767,000 to remain available until September 30,2008: Provided that, of this amount, not to exceed $74,345,000 shall be available for study, planning, design, architect and engineer services, as authorized by law, unless the Secretary of Defense determines that additional obligations are necessary for such purposes and notifies the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress of his determination and the reasons therefore. 23 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 24 BUDGET DATA INSIDE THE UNITED STATES MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE c. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: d. Authorization Requested in this Program: e. Authorization included in the Following Program: f. Planned in Next Four Years Program: g. Remaining Deficiency: h. Grand Total: (FY 2005) 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE PROJECT TITLE 724-417 SOC Dormitory, Phase 3 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 34,600 15,000 1,164,345 (FY 2004) SCOPE 162 RM Total (FY2005) COST DESIGN STATUS $,OOO S T A R T C M P L 13,400 Apr-02 Sep-03 13,400 None 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 171-356 ADAL AU Library 724-417 SOC Lodging Facility, Phase 4 740-674 Gunter Fitness Center None 12,230 SM 7,700 SM 4,626 SM I 13,000 13,600 8,000 9c. Real Property Maintenance Backlog This Installation 36 IO. Mission or Major Functions: Home to Headquarters Air University including Air War Collage, air Command and Staff College, Squadron Officer School, College of Aerospace Doctrine research and Education, Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development, Air Force Officer Accession and Training School, and Community College of the Air Force; Headquarters Civil Air Patrol; Headquarters Air Force ROTC; an air base wing; an AMC airlift flight, and an Air Force Reserve airlift wing. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA) Deficiencies: a. Air pollution 25 b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental DD Form 1390,24 Jul 00 P-Y 2884 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1. coNPoNRr?r AIR FORCR 2. DATE (canputer generated) 3. INSTALLATIW AND L0IATION 4. PROJECT TITLE NAXWRLLAIRPORCR MS&W SQUADRON OWICRR COLLRGR DORMITORY, PH 3 5. PROGRAW - 6. CATEGORY CODR 7. PROJRCT NUE5RR 85796 724417 9. 8. PROJECT COST ($000) PNQSO33137 COST 13,400 ESTIMATES SQUADRONOWICRRCOLLRGRDORMITORY, PR 3 DORMITORY (162 RX) ( 6,655) ANTI-=ORISM FORCR PROTRCTION SUPPORTS FACILITIES UTILITIES PAWS SITE IMPROvRMRWTS COMJUNICATIONS cRNTRALcIiILLRRPLANT ELEVATOR a- suBToTAL xwrL’OTAL ( 5.0 %) CONPRACT COST 3UPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEm mTAL RICQUEST .O. Description of Proposed Construction: A five-story dormitory constructed with reinforced concrete foundation and floor slabs, structural steel frame, masonry walls md sloped roof. Project includes roan-bath mcdules, laundries, storage and lounge tress , site irq?rwements, installation of 800 ton chiller, extended utilities and all necessary support. Ccmply with DOD interim minimum force protection construction standards. tir Conditioning: 11. RRQUIRRMRNT: PROJECT: 22oKw. 7,852 SN Grade Mix: 03-010 ADEQUATS: 162 152SM SUBSTANDARD: 55OSlU Squadron Officer School dormitory, phase III. (Current Mission) USQUIRRMRNT: Adequate living quarters to accolploaate students (c-any grade officers =d civilians), that attend the S-week courses that are offered at the Squadron Officer Properly sized and configured quarters are required to support training :ollege (MC). >f students. A major Air Force objective provides housing conducive to their proper rest, relaxation and personal well-being while providing a suitable study enviromaent. ?roperly designed quarters prwiding EJ~ degree of individual privacy are essential fox The installation of successful training. This is the third of an eight-phase program. L new 800 ton chiller will provide enough support for the project through the next five phases. 7JRRRUT SITUATION: Existing dormitories were constructed in 1956. They have received mly minor upgrades over the years. In addition to SOC, waxprell has stood-up the new ierospace Basic Course (ARC). This course is designed to initiate new officers and :iviliau qloyees to the Air Force. The addition of ARC has increased the demand for ---- ---- --- -DD FORM 1.3Y1, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 26 1. coNPoNEt?r PY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 2. DATE (canputer generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE WAXWRLLAIRFORCR SQUADRON OFFICER CDLLROE DORWITDRY, PH 3 BASE, AwLaMdA 5. PROCZRAW RLRWRNT 85796 6. CATRgORY 724-417 CODR 7. PROJECT NUWRRR PNQso33137 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 13,400 adequate dormitory space on Wamvell campus, and adequate off-base quarters are not mailable. T h e l o c a l ccamamity cannot provide the numbem of roams required to lffectively operate the two courses. Additional space is required. There is currently ssufficient chilled Water capacity for the nBol doms. WPACTIFNOTPRDVIDRD: Waxwell AFR will he unable to meet the requirements for houein6 mc! and ABC students. This till adversely affect the overall educational mission and mgatively impact morale and retentiou. UJDITIONAL: An econanic analysis has been prepared ccmwaring alternatives of new :onstnxtion, revitalization, leasing aud status quo operation. Based on the present ralue and benefits of the respective alternatives, new construction Was fouud to be the Post-effective over the life of the project. This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force IIIurdbook 32-1084, Facility Reguirements.m 3ase Civil Rngineerr Lt Co1 William T. Caesidy (334) 953-6945. Squadron Officer School Iozmitory: 7,700 SN . 82,850 SF. JOINT USR CSRTIPI&TION: This facility can be used by other cwnents on an "as kvailablem basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirmmnts. DD PORW 1391, DFK! 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 27 1. CoWPoWRm FY 2004 MLITARY COWSTRUCTIOW PROJECT DATA AIR PORCE 2. DATE (cawuter generated) 3. IhWl’ALLATIOIy AlyD LOCATIOW 4. PROJECT TITLE -AIRPomm,- SQUADROWOFFICRRCOLI.EGE PR3 5. PRomAW m 8. PROJECT COST 6. CATRGOIlY CODE 7. PROJECT WUWBRR 65796 724-417 PWQso33137 DORWITORY, I ($000) 13,400 12. SDPP-AL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs Cc) Percent Camlete as of 01 mm 2003 l * Cd) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Ccaplete (f) -erW Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 02-m-02 YES 15% 15-SEP-02 20-m-03 YES (2‘1 Basis : No (a) Standard or Dedfinitive Design (b) where Design Was West Recently used (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Prod&&m of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 IIAN (6) Construction Cmletion 05 AUG 536 335 671 737 134 + Indicates cmletion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is cvrable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Rquipmnt associated with this project provided frun other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DRC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 28 I a. Total Acreage b. Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) c. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: d. Authorization Requested in this Program: e. Authorization Included in the Following Program: f. Planned in Next Four Years Program: g. Remaining Deficiency: h. Grand Total: (FY 2005) (FY 2004) 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE CODE Repair/Expand Enroute Ramp 113-321 Dormitory 721-312 SCOPE 207,700 SM 96 RM COST $,OOO S 19,060 13,914 DESIGN STATUS TART CMPL Apr-02 Aug-03 Apr-02 Sep-03 Total 32,974 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: (FY2005) None 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: Replace Explosive Ordnance Disposal Shop 141-165 F-16 Mission Training Center 171-212 Munitions Surveillance & Inspection Facility 215-582 Construct Aircraft Support Facility 218-712 Consolidate Security Forces Complex 61 O-835 Dormitory 721-312 Replace Chapel Center 736-771 Construct Loop Heat Plant 870-I 85 Repair Arctic Utilidors, Ph 4 870-I 85 Security Fence & Base Access Inspect. Fat, ATIFP 872-247 Relocate Main Gate & Intersection 901-835 I 345 SM 1,224 SM 558 SM 2,100 SM 3,400 SM 96 RM 1,450 SM 115 SM LS LS LS 6,000 3,600 4,700 8,200 14,900 13,800 7,000 12,000 9,900 5,000 7,800 92,900 98 9c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 10. Mission or Major Functions: The host fighter wing supports an F-l 6 squadron, an A/OA-10 squadron, and a training squadron which conducts COPE THUNDER exercises. The installation also hosts an Air National Guard air I refueling squadron (KC-135) and a training group which conducts arctic survival training. I 29 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1. COMPONENT 2. DATE AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST PACIFIC AIR FORCES EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE COST INDEX ALASKA 2.02 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA) Deficiencies: a. Air pollution 0 b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental 0 DD Form 1390.24 Jul 00 30 1. COWPONENT 2. DATE FY 2004 WILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer AIR FORCE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND MCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA REPAIR/EXPAND ENRODTE RAWP 5. PROGRAM ELEMEWT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT N[JMBER 9. Auth: Approp: FTQwo13007 113-321 27596 8. PROJECT COST ($000) COST 19,143 19,060 ESTIMATES COST UNIT ITm ZXPAND/REPAIR AIRCRAFT PARKING RAMP SP ASPHALT 207,700 65 171,500 58 ( 9,947) 16,621 CONCRETE HARDSTANDS 1 ::I 36,200 90 ( 3,258) TAXIWAY ECHO I SM I 56,000 61 ( 3,416) 300 175 PDPPORTING FACILITIES I 499 I DEMOLITION SY SECURITY LIGHTING LS ( ( SUBTOTAL 53) 446) 17,120 XINTINGKWCY ( 5.0 %) 856 roTAL CONTRACT cx$T 17,975 SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEFD ( 6.5 %) 1,168 I'OTAL REQUEST 19,144 POTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 19,143 LO. Description of Proposed Construction: Repair an aircraft parking apron expansion Install security lighting, taxiway aetween parking areas Golf/Hotel and Echo/Foxtrot. ldge lighting, stripe apron to match existing apron, and perform necessary repairs to :he existing apron. 11. R.EQUI REtaNT: 'ROJECT: LS ADEQUATE: LS SIJBSTAWDARD:LS Expand and repair aircraft parking ramp. (Current Miieeion) Expand and repair airfield parking pavement. Additional required pavement UIQUIREMBNT: vi.11 aleo support concurrent Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) FY04 MLCON project. DLA xoject will demolish 6, and construct 16 new aircraft hydrant outlets to support strategic mobility aircraft. A PACAF study conducted March 1997 determined that the number of QRREWT SITDATION: lydrant refueling outlets and associated pavement at Eielson AFB was insufficient to support strategic mobility aircraft. The existing apron is too small and in poor :ondition with deteriorated asphalt that is a major Foreign Object Damage (POD) risk. It is showing *isting pavement at Taxiway Echo is in a severely degraded condition. signs of surface and subsurface failure. This portion of pavement is a critical :onnection between the runway and the aircraft parking apron on the loop. CWPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Without this project's inclusion in the AF FY04 WILCON program, )LA will not have adequate ramp space to design and install mission critical refueling Eielson APB's ability to support the 168th Air Refueling Wing and other wideDutlets. >ody aircraft during contingencies will be severely degraded and Eielson will not meet Strategic mobility :he Air Force’s expectation of an 85% hydrant utilization rate. operations will also be hindered. U)DITIONAL: This project meets scope/criteria specified in Air Force Handbook 32-1084, "Facility Requirements." A preliminary analysis of options for satisfying this Therefore, a requirement indicates that only one option will meet mission needs. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 31 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 (computer 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 27596 generated) 4. PROJECT TITLE EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 2. DATE MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 6. CATEGORY CODE 113-321 REPAIR/EXPAND ENROTJTE 7. PROJECT EUMBER FTQW013007 RAMP 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 19,143 mmplete economic analysis was not performed. A certificate of exception has been arepared. New and repair pavement work will be done in conjunction with an associated B.A FY04 MILCON hydrant refueling system project. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Wyers (907) 377-5213. Requirement conversion 207,700 SM = 2,234,852 SF. TOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other components on "as available' oasis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 32 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE (computer 2. DATE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA REPAIR/EXPAND ENROUTE RAMP 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 27596 113-321 7. PROJECT NUMBER FTQW013007 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: I 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 19,143 a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Statue: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs l (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 15-APR-02 YES 15% 30-SEP-02 Ol-AUG-03 NO (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used - NO (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (0): (a) Production of Plane and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 1,167 583 1,750 1,550 200 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 05 DEC l Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 33 1. COMPONXNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLX XIXLSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA DORMITORY (96 RX) 5. PROGRAM XLXMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NDMSXR 27596 721-312 FTQWO33014 9. COST 8. PROJECT COST ($000) I Auth: Approp: 14.118 ’ 13,914 ESTIMATES UNIT COST 9,900 3ORMITORY (96 RX) DOPMITORY 3,340 2,950 AXTITXRRORISY FORCE PROTXCTION 3,340 14 XIPPORTING FACILITIES ( 9 , 8 5 3 ) ( 47) 2,726 UTILITIES ( 745 PAVEMENTS ( 759 SITE IXPROVEMXNTS ( 510 SOIL RXMXDIATION ( 212 COB0lDNICATIONS SUPPORT ( 355 PASSIVX FORCE PROTECTION BBASlJRXS I mBToTAL ZONTINGXNCY ( 145 12,626 ( 5.0 %I 631 I'OTAL CONTRACT COST 13,257 BUPXRVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERXXAD 862 ( 6.5 %) WItAL REQUEST 14,119 L-OTAL RXQUXST (ROUNDED) 14,118 .o. Description of Proposed Construction: Multi-story structure, reinforced concrete ioundation/floor elabe, masonry walls and roof. Includes room-bath/kitchen/room-bath rodules, laundries, storage and lounge areas and all supporting facilities. Lntiterrorism/force protection measures are baaed on a joint staff-directed .nstallation vulnerability asseesment. Ll. RXQUIRXMXNT: 'ROJXCT: 719 RM ADEQUATE: 522 RM Conetruct a dormitory. SUBSTANDARD: 197RM (Current Mission) A major Air Force objective provides unaccoqanied enlieted personnel with UZQUIRXMXNT: loueing conducive to their proper reet, relaxation, and personal well-being. Properly designed and furnished quarters providing some degree of individual privacy are aeeential to the eucceesful accomplishment of the increasingly complicated and important jobe these people must perform. The retention of these highly trained airmen ie ,eeential to our readineee posture and continuing world-wide presence. Lntiterrorism/force protection measures are based on a joint staff-directed installation rulnerability aesesement. WRRENT SITUATION: The baee hae insufficient on-base housing to accommodate the This project is in accordance with the Air Force rnaccompanied enlisted personnel. )onuitory Master Plan. CXPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Adequate living quarters which provide a level of privacy required for today's airmen will not be available, resulting in degradation of morale, xoductivity, and career satisfaction for unaccompanied enlisted personnel. This project meets the scope/criteria specified in OSD's new uniform DDITIONAL: Jarracks size standard. All known alternatives were considered during the development DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 34 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE (computer 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA DORMITORY (96 RM) 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 21596 6. CATEGORY CODE 721-312 2. DATE generated) I. PROJECT NUMBER FTQWO33014 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 14,118 No other option could meet mission requirements. Therefore, no conomic analysis was needed or performed. FYOO Unaccompanied Housing RPM conducted: 425K; FYOl Unaccompanied Housing RPM conducted: $362K; Future Unaccompanied Housing RPM ,equirements (estimated): FYO3: $2,6503; FYO4: $3,15OK; FYO5: $3,30OK. Base Civil hgineer: Lt Co1 Myere (907) 377-5213. Dormitory: 3,360 SM = 36,154 SF. If this project. rOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other components on an "as .equired" basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EIELSON AIR FORCE BASE, ALASKA DORMITORY (96 RW) 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 27596 721-312 2. DATE generated) 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FTQW033014 14,118 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Project to be accomplished by design-build procedures (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used (3) All Other Design Costs NO 365 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 05 SEP (7) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed YES b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 36 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE 2. DATE (computer generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EWENDORF AIR MMNTENANCE FACILITY 5. PROGRAM FORCE BASE, ALASKA 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER ELEMENT 27240 211-111 9. 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 2,000 FXSB053012 COST ESTIMATES UNIT 5aINTENANCE FACILITY LS COST 2,000 WPPORTING FACILITIES 0 XIBTOTAL 2,000 DTAL CONTRACT COST 2,000 ?OTAL REQUEST 2,000 DTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 2,000 .o. Description of Proposed Construction: .l. REQUIREMENT: 'ROJECT: SUBSTANDARD: LS As Required EQUIREMENT: URRENT ADEQUATE: LS LS Special access required Details under separate cover SITUATION: Special access required MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: FORM 1391, DEC 76 Special access required Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 37 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE 4. COMMAND: 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE,’ AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX 1.01 ARIZONA .._. ‘ERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED )FF j ENL j CfV OFF j ENL 1 CIV OFF j ENL j CIV TOTAL 50781 1138 611 1461 11 31 261 489 7.80 END FY 2007 I 8691 5c@lI 11231 611 1461 111 31 261 489) 7;80! 7. INVENTORY DATA ($OQQ) a. Total Acreage: 10,633 3. Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) l,Q62,14( :. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 33.58( d. Authorkatfon Requested in this Program: 9,86 B. Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 19,47f f. Planned in Next Four Years Program: 59,5Ol 9. Remaining Deficiency: 79,lQf h. Grand Total: 1.263,66: B. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: fFY \ 2004)I CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS PROJECT TfTLF $.ooO START CMPL CODE SCOPE 113-321 CSAR C-l 30 Apron/Shoulders 11,585 SM 1,954 May-02 Sep-6: 141-753 CSAR HH-W Squadron DperationdAMU 2,602 SM 6.004 May-02 Sep-0: 442-756 CSAR Mission Ready Supply Parts 1,858 SM 1,906 May-02 Sep-0: Total 9,864 9a. Future Projects: Included in the,Followfng Program: (p/2005) 116662 Afrffefd Gbstrur+n - Hazardous Cargo Pad 14,500 SM 4,243 141-454 CSAR C-1 36 Squadron Operations 2.500 SM 5,786 721-312 pormltdry (12O’RM) -120 RM 9,449 ,, ‘,,I ;,:.’ 19,476 Total 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 141-454 CSAR CR0 Led Rescue Squad Ops 4,647 SM 8,600 3,143 SM 141-753 EC-1 36 Squad Ops/AMU (41 ECS) 7,000 211-175 CSAR C-136 Maintenance Hangar 2,695 SM 7,500 610-127 Base Ciil Engineer Facility 33OOSM 6,600 721-312 Dormitory (120 RM) 9,166 120 RM 3,500 SM 731-142 Fire/Crash Rescue Station 10.200 735-441 Education Center 5,184 SM 10,500 55 9c. Real Propery Maintenance Baddog This Installation: 10. Mission or Maior Functions: Headquarters 12th Air Force; a wing with two fiohter training squadrons responsible for training all A/OA10 aircrews; one A/OA-10 fighter squadron, two EC-130 electronic combat squadrons, a tackai air control wing; an Air Force Reserve HH-60 rescue squadron; and Air Force Material Commands Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center. 11. Outstanding Pollution and Safety (OSHA) DefKiencies: a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution c. Occupational Safety and Health d. Other Environmental DD Form 1390,Q JulO2 0 38 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1. COMPONENT (computer generated) AIR F-ORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR RR-60 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 1 6. CATEGORY CODE 17. PROJECT NUMBER 141-753 27224 9. 1 8. PROJEm COST ($000) I FBNV043004 COST ESTIMATES Auth: Approp: 6,042 6,004 COST UNIT JfM XAR W-60 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU 4,090 LS SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU SM ANTITERRORISM FORCE PROTECTION LS 2,602 1,564 ( 4.070) ( 20) 1,356 lUPPORTING FACILITIES UTILITIES LS ( PAVEMENTS LS ( 295) SITE IMPROVEMENTS LS ( 135) DEMOLITION BLDG 1613 LS ( 123) COMMtJNICATIONS LS SUPPORT SM REPLACE BLDG 1613 NEW LOCATION 613 653 250) ( 153) ( 400) 5,446 XIBTOTAL !ONTINGENCY ( 5.0 %) 272 FOTAL CONTRACT COST 5,718 WPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD ( 5.7 %) 326 6,044 YOTAL REQUEST 6,042 TOTAL REQWST (ROUNDED) ( 749.0 ) CQUIPMENT FROM OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) .O. Description of Proposed Construction: Construction includes split-face block with ,einforced concrete foundation and floor slab, structural steel frame, and standing ieam metal roof. Fire detection/protection, utilities, site improvements, landscaping, ccess roads, parking and necessary support are included. Demolish one facility (613 IM) and replace in new location. Complies with minimum DOD force protection standards. 1ooEw. ,ir Conditioning: .l. REQUIREEEET: 'ROJECT: 36,950 SM ADEQUATE: 22,486 SM SUBSTANDARD: 5,143SM Construct CSAR HE-60 squadron operations/AMU facility. (New Mission) The combat search and rescue (CSAR) RR-60 flight operations mission EQUIREbSENT: ,equires adequate space for planning, briefing, and supporting operations personnel. his mission also requires space to maintain life support and mobility equipment, crew '-# and locker space. Force protection will comply with the DOD antiterrorism tandards for buildings. URRENT SITUATION: Davis-Monthan does not have any excess or adequate facilities that CSAR RR-60 flight operations !an be converted to accommodate the new CSAR mission. lersonnel will be working in temporary, inadequate facilities. Adequate facilities will not be available to perform essential MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: W-60 flight operations and mission planning functions forcing inadequate and high risk The potential for significant degradation of mission performance and forkarounds. In addition, due to the inadequate work environment, mapabilities will be increased. orale of Air Force personnel will be lowered resulting in less productivity. DDITIONAL: DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are ollsolete. Page No. 39 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 4. PROJECT TITLE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA 5. PROGRAM E= 27224 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 6. CATEGORY CODE 141-753 CSAR BB-60 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU 7. PROJECT NUMBER FBNV043004 0. PROJECT COST ($000) 6,042 This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Eandbook 32All known alternative options were considered during the Development of this project. No other option could meet the requirements, therefore, no wzonomic analysis was needed or performed. A certificate of exception has been brepared. Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Karl S. Bosworth, (520) 228-3401. Squadron gerations/ABfU: 2,602 SM - 28,000 SF. .084, nFacility Requirements.. lOINT USE CERTIFICATION: Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location Lre incompatible with use by other components. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 40 1. COMPONENT Py 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-MONTBAN AIR FORCE BABE, ARIZONA CSAR RR-60 SQUADRON OPERATIONS/AMU 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 27224 141-753 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FBNV043004 6,042 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Bstimated Design Data: (1) Statue: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Eetimatee used to develop costs * (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 25-MAY-02 YES 15% 15-ATJQ-02 Ol-SEP-03 YES (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used - NO (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Production of Plane and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 368 184 552 491 61 (4) Construction Contract Award 04 JAN (5) Construction Start 04 FEE (6) Construction Completion 05 JUL * Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimete which is comparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: EQUIPMENT NOMENCLATURE COMMUNICATION EQUIP/WIRING DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 PROCURING APPROPRIATION FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED 3400 2004 Previous editions are obsolete. COST ($000) 749 Page No. 41 1. CONpONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-WONTBAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR MISSION READY SUPPLY PARTS WAREHOUSE 5. PROGRAM ELENENT 8. PROJECT COST f$OsO) 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUImER 27224 442-758 9. Auth: Approp: FBNV043006 COST 1,945 1,906 ESTIMATES UNIT COST Y CSAR MISSION READY SUPPLY PARTS WAREHOUSE 1,438 1,858 MRSP WAREHOUSE 1:: 1 ANTITERRORISM FORCE PROTECTION I LS I ( I 314 SUPPORTING FACILITIES 770 ( 1,431) I UTILITIES ( PAVEMENTS SITE IWPR0-S CO~CATIONS SUPPORT 124) ' 2 ~ ( Ls I LS ( ( SUBTOTAL 7) 48) 13) 130) 1,752 CONTINGENCY ('S.0 %) 88 TOTAL CONTRACI' COST 1,840 SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AWD OX!BREEAD ( 5.7 %) 105 TOTAL REQUEST 1,944 .- TOTAL REQWST (ROUNDED) 1,945 EQUIPWENT FROM OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) ( 148.0) LO. Description of Proposed Construction: Construction includes split-faced block, reinforced concrete foundation and floor slab, structural steel frame, and standing Fire detection/protection, utilities, site improvements, landscaping, 3eam metal roof. 3ccess roads, parking and necessary support are included. DOD antiterrorism :onstruction standards are required. 11. REQUIREMENT: ?ROJECT: 15,784SM ADEQUATE: 12,775 SM SUBSTANDARD: 2,973SM Construct CSAR mission ready spare parts warehouse. (New Mission) This project is in direct support of the combat search and rescue (CSAR) ~QUIREWEWT: aeddown at Davis Monthan AFB. The facility is a new mission requirement that will store Force protection will uar material and spare parts for the FIB-60 and C-130 squadrons. :oa+y with DoD antiterrorism construction standards for buildings. *VRRENT SITUATION: Davis-Wonthan does not have excess or adequate facilities that can >e converted to accommodate the new CSAR mission. CWPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Adequate facilities will not be available to perform this new The potential for significant degradation of mission performance and nission. lapabilities will be increased. In addition, due to the inadequate work environment, mrale of Air Force personnel will be lowered resulting in less productivity. UIDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 321084, .Facility Requirements". A preliminary analysis of reasonable options for accomplishing this project (status quo, renovation, upgrade/removal, new construction) It indicates there is only one option that will meet operational vas done. requirements. A certificate of exception has been prepared. Base Civil Engineer: Lt :ol Karl S. Bosworth, (520) 228-3401. NRSP Warehouse: 1,858 SM = 19,992 SF. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 42 I I :1. COMPONENT I FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) RIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-KNTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR MISSION READY SUPPLY PARTS WAREHOUSE 5 . PROGRAM ELRNENT 27224 6 . CATEGORY CODE 442-758 7. PROJECT NUMBER FBNV043006 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 1,945 rOINT USE CERTIFICATION: Nission requirements, operational considerations, and location Ire incompatible with use by other components. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 43 1. COMPONENT W 2004 NILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-NONTNAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR MISSION READY SUPPLY PARTS WAREHOUSE 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 27224 442-758 7. PROJECT NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FBNV043006 1,945 12. SUPP LEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used $0 develop costs l (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 25-MAY-02 YES 15% Ol-AUG-02 Ol-SEP-03 YES (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Nest Recently Used - NO (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e) : (a) Production of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 117 58 175 156 19 (4) Construction Contract Award 04 JAN (5) Construction Start 04 FEB (6) Construction Completion 05 JUL l Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriatione: EQUIPMENT NONENCLATURE COMMUNICATION EQUIP/WIRING 3 FORM 1391, DEC 76 PROCURING APPROPRIATION FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED 3400 2004 Previous editions art: obsolete. COST ($000) 148 Page No. 44 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR C-130 APRON/SHOULDERS 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT 113-321 27224 9. NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST ($000) Auth: Approp: FBNV043007 COST 2,075 1,954 ~- ESTIMATES UNIT COST U/M.-_ CSAR C-130 APRON/SHOULDERS LS 1,192 AIRCRAFT PARKING APRON PAVED SHOULDERS 1 :!I 1 SUPPORTING FACILITIES I 8,845 127 2.740 25 ( 1,123) ( 69) 639 I UTILITIES LS PAVEMENTS LS SITE IMPROVEMENTS LS DEMOLITION SM 915 115 ( 105) REPLACE BUILDING SM 200 1,428 ( 286) ( 38) ( 120) ( SUBTOTAL 90) 1,831 "ONTINGENCY ('5.0 %I 92 POTAL CONTRACT COST 1,922 SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERBEAD ( 5.7 %) 110 POTAL REQUEST 2,032 l?OTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 2,075 10. Description of Proposed Construction: Concrete apron with asphalt shoulders for Pedium aircraft loads, demolition of existing shoulder and access road, site mprovements, clearing and grubbing, and all necessary support. Includes the lemolition of one building (915 SM) in the way of construction and reconstruction (200 ~4) in a new location. Project will comply with minimum DOD antiterrorism construction Btandards. iir Conditioning: 11. REQUIREMENT: 'ROJRCT: 8EW. 999,999 SM ADEQUATE: 991,154 SM SUBSTANDARD: 0 SM Construct CSAR C-130 parking apron with asphalt shoulders. (New Mission) The apron is required to support the C-130 combat search and rescue (CSAR) LEQUIREMKNT: Adequate aircraft parking is required to ccnnplete fission beddown at Davis-Monthan APB. Bre-flight operations and minor aircraft maintenance. The apron supports a squadron of .O C-130 aircraft. QRRENT SITUATION: Adequate aircraft parking apron is not available on the installation ior this new mission beddown. The CSAR mission beddown will be jeopardized. Unacceptable work grounds would include sharing parking aprons with existing missions that are separated ,y a mile, placing aircrews and maintenance personnel at high risk. This will negatively -act the C-130 mission capabilities. :MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 32LDDITIONAL: A preliminary analysis of reasonable options was done -064, "Facility Requirementsm. md indicates only one option meets operational requirements. A certificate of zception has been prepared. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Karl S. Bosworth, (520) 2281401. Aircraft Parking Apron: 8,845 SM = 95,172 SF; Apron Shoulders: 2,740 SM = 29482 DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 45 1. COMPONXNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION AIR FORCE 3. 4. PROJECT INSTALLATION AND LOCATION DAVIS-MONT?IANAIR FORCEBASE, 5. PROGRAM ELKMENT 27224 PROJECT 2. DATE DATA (computer generated) CSAR C-130 APRON/SHOULDERS ARIZONA 6. CATEGORY 113-321 CODE TITLE 7. PROJECT NUMBER FBNVO43007 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 2,075 iF. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location me incompatible with use by other components. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 46 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA CSAR C-130 APRON/SHOULDERS 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 27224 113-321 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FBNVO43007 2,075 12. SUPP LENENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs l (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 * (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 25-MAY-02 YES 15% Ol-AUG-02 Ol-SEP-03 NO (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used - No (3) Total Cost (c) I (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs Cc) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 120 60 180 160 20 (4) Construction Contract Award 04 JAN (5) Construction Start 04 FEB (6) Construction Conqletion 05 JUN l Indicates cqletion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 47 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE AIR EDUCATION AND COST INDEX IARKANSAS TRAINING COMMAND 1 0.85 6. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED I I Strength OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV 1 OFF 1 ENL 1 CIV AS OF 30 SEP 02 642 3793 1166 END FY 2007 642 3824 1169 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) a. Total Acreage: 6,898 b. Inventory Total as of: (30 Sep 02) c. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: d. Authorization Requested in this Program: e. Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) f. Planned in Next Four Years Program: g. Remaining Deficiency: h. Grand Total: 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE PROJECT TITLE 171-627 C-l 30 Qperations Training Facility 211-179 C-l 305 ADAL Hangar 280 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: 171-212 C-l 30J ADAL Simulator Facility 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 722-351 Airman Dining Facility 724-417 Visiting Quarters Education Center Complex 730-441 737-884 Child Development Center TOTAL 5,601 5,635 831 ,013 39,790 3,622 5,031 33,950 35,000 948,406 -I (FY 2004) SCOPE 929 SM 293 SM Total (FY2005) 1 LS Total 1,805 6,492 9,023 1,644 SM SM SM SM COST $,OOO S 2,478 1,144 3,622 DESIGN STATUS TART CMPL Apr-02 Sep-03 Apr-02 Aug-03 5,031 5,031 5,600 9,400 15,500 3,450 9c. Real Property Maintenance Backlog This Installation 93 10. Mission or Major Functions: An Airlift wing with five C-l 30 squadrons conducting operations and training lthe only DOD C-l 30 training base; an Air Mobility Command airlift group with C-l 30 aircraft; an ANG C-l 30 1 airlift wing; and an AFRC aerial port squadron. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA Deficiencies: a. Air pollution 20 b. Water Pollution c. Occupational Safety and Health 815 0 d. Other Environmental 48 FY 2004 IULITARY CONSTRUCTIONPROJRCI DATA 1. - 2. DATR (computer generated) NR FORCR 3.IWSTALmTImAWDmCATICs? 4. PRDJRCT TITLR LITTLR ROCK NR FQRCR EASE, ARKANMS C-130 OPRRATIOWS TRAINIm FACILITY 5.pRoQRAHm 6. CATRQORY CODE 7. PRMEtX WDWRRR 41115 171-627 9. C-130 8. PROJECT ($000) Auth: COST ..~__._~ NKAK043009 COST 2,528 2 , 4 7 8 ,- Approp: RSTINATRS OPERATIONS TPXIRINQ FACILITY OPRRATIONS TRAINIB FACILITT AT/FP SUPPORTING FACILITIES DTILITIBS PA-8 SITE IWPRO-8 -CATICMS PRRWIRING CoNr- d&s.0 %) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SuPRRvIs1m, INSPmTIoNANDmBRRRAD TOTAL REQUNST TOTAL RRQUEST (ROUNDED) LO. Description of Proposed Conetmction: Conetruct Operations Training Facility. Lncludee concrete foundation, elab on grade, steel structure, maeonry walls, sloping roof, fire protection, admin and office areaa, mech/elec, utilities, eitework, and all ieceeeary aupport for Det 3 and Det 4 AWCAOS contract and quality aaeurance oversight in maintaining/upgrading aircrew training eyetema (C-13OJ/C-130 WATS). iir Conditioning: 11. REQUIREWRWT: ?RWRCT: 88 Kw. 929SW ADEQUATE: 0 SM SUESTANDARD: 0 SM Construct C-130/C-130J Operations Training Facility. (New Wiseion) ZEQUIREWENT: An adequate facility, properly aired and configured for operations xaining administration of contract and quelity aaeurance oversight; eimulator, inetructor, and curriculum/coureeware developlnent certificationa; and maintaining/upgrading aircrew training eyeteme (C-13OJ/C-130 WATS). Required facility will include areaa to acconmodate Detachment 3 and Detachment 4 AWCAOS in support of new C-13OJ/C-130 aircrew and maintenance training mieeione. Force Protection measure8 will be incorporated IAW USAF Inetallation Force Protection Guide. New aircraft are due to start arriving at Little Rock in FYO4. CURRRNT SITUATION: Ae the USAF modernizes its cambat delivery fleet through the acquisition of the C-130J airframe and transforma all aircrew and maintenance personnel training to the C-130 Center of Excellence at Little Rock AFB, Detachment 3 and Detachment 4 AWCAOS, which ie relocating from Keeeler AFB, will be charged with performing contract and quality assurance oversight; provide simulator, instructor, and curriculum/coureeware development certifications; and maintaining/upgrading aircrew training eyetem (C-13OJ/C-130 WATS). Det 3 staff is currently housed in temporary and substandard trailers, which they have occupied since 1998, at a location that is distant DD FORM 1391, DEC 16 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 49 L. - FY 2004 MILITARY CDNSTRUCTION PRCXJBCT DATA UR FORCX 2. DATE (computer generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT LI!mLB ROCKAIR FDRCB BABE, ARXANSAS C-130 OPERATIONS TRAININQ FACILITY 5. PROGRAM 6. CATEGORY E- 171-627 41115 1 2 . SDPPLXWXNTAL CODX 7. PROJECT WDWBER TITLE 0. PROJECT COST ($000) 2,528 NRAlc043009 DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Statue: (a) Date Deeign Started (b) Parametric Cost Eetimatee wed to develop coats l (c) Percent Cqlete am of 01 JAN 2003 * (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Deeign Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analyeie wae/will be performed Ol-APB-02 YES lo-SEP-02 05-SBP-03 No (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Deeign Wae Most Recently Weed - No (3) Total Coet (c) - (a) + (b) or Cd) + (e): (a) Pro&action of Plane and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costa (c) Total ($000) 156 78 234 200 26 (d) Contract (e) In-home (4) Conetruction 03 DEC Contract Award ( 5 ) Conetruction start 04 JAN (6) Conetruction Completion 04 DEC l Indicatee cwletion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is colnparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, coat and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided frcm other appropriations: PROCDRIWG APPROPRIATION FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQDESTED coNPuTxRs/Txc!HNIcAL XQUIP 3400 2005 25 CONFEFtBNCRROOMFURNISHINGS 3400 2005 20 ADMINISTRATION FURNISNINGS 3400 2005 90 EQUIPMENT NOMEWCLATURE 1 FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous edition6 are obsolete. COST ($000) Page No. 50 L. COXPONENT 1UR FY 2004 WLITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) FORCE 8. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE 1 XWLRROCICAIRFORCRBASE, ARKANSAS C-130 OPERATIONS TRAINING FACILITY I5. PROGRAWELRWRWT 41115 6. CATRGORY CODE 7. PROJECT -RR 171-627 NxAK043009 0. PROJECT COST ($000) 2,528 nd disparate from the C-130 Center of Rxcelleuce. Currently, C-13OJ modernization rejects within the Central Campus Development Area have no space allocated to ccomnodate the missions of Det 3 and Det 4 AWCAOS. This situation negatively impacts heir mission performance, quality assurance, contract oversight, and other critical unctions and cannot be rectified and corrected until a facility, co-located with the C30 Center of Excellence, is provided in the Central Campus Development Area. . ImACT IPNOT PROVIDED: The Unit's mission to conduct operation6 training for all C1 3OJ/C-130 aircrews, by performing contract and quality assurance oversight; provide 6 imulator, instructor, and curriculum/courseware development certifications; and maintaining/upgrading aircrew training systems (C-13OJ/C-130 WATS) will be seriously dregraded. Adeguate space for contract oversight is unavailable. Workaround reguire C ontract oversight function to work in substandard facilitiee and maintenance training t.o be conducted in disparate locations, separating claserocm instruction frm %ands-on' dlemonstration and taek certification, resulting in a negative impact on ability to P serform the C-13OJ/C-130 maintenance and operations training miaeion. Th&&project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 32z! DDITIOWAL: All knowu alternative option6 were considered during 1,004, 'Facility Requireznents.m dlevelopment of this project. No other option6 could meet the mieeion requirements. T'herefore no econmnic analysis was required or performed. A certificate of exception is bleing prepared. Site selection and approval by FB is pending. BCR: Lt Co1 Robert E. M[oriarty, DSN 731-3322, Operations Training Facility, 929 SM = 10,000 SF. 4rOIWT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other component8 on au "as aIvailable" basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous edition6 are obsolete. Page No. 51 1 . FY 2004 MILITARY CDNSTRUCTION CaPoNmT AIR mRc8 PROJECY DATA 2. DATE (cc=puter generated) 3.nemAxJATIafAmmmcATI~ 4. PROJECI LIlTLBRDCKA.IRFoRCBBASE,ARKANBAR 5 . PROGRAU m 6. CATEgORY C-130J ADhL HAMW 280 CDDB 9. TITLE 7. PROJECT NUNBBR 0. PROJECT awT ($000, C O S T ESTINATES z-1305 ADAL EANgAR 200 ADDITION ALTERATIDNS ANTI-TERRDRIgH XIPPORTINO . . FQRCB PRDTECTION FACILITIES SITE IMPRD-s P A - S 3uBTmAL mm- ( 5.0 %) POTAL - @&ZT xJPERvI81DN, INBPECTIDNAND OVEREEW mu- Description of Proposed Conetruction: Construct addition and alter Hangar B280 Work includes concrete foundation6 and floor elab, steel b-ucture, masonry walle, sloping roof system, and all utilities and necessary support. fork includes partial demolition of existing structure, modification of tail doors, rodification of exhaust syeta and vapor trenches, RVAC. and electrical/alarm syntems. .o . ior the C-13OJ-30 aircraft. 28W. dr Conditioning: .l. REQUIREMENT: 'ROJECI: 1,724.W ADEQUATE: 0 SM C-13OJ ADAL Rangar 280. SUBSTANDARD: 1,431BM (New Mission) !EQUIRRMENT: An adequate facility, properly sized and configured for aircraft fuel ystems maintenance is required to support a new mission to house, maintain, and train ,n new C13OJ-30 aircraft. This facility provides au indoor and properly ventilated Ipace to conduct aircraft fuel cell maintenance. Force Protection measures will be .ncorporated IAW USAF Installation Force Protection guide. New aircraft are due to start rriving at Little Rock in Ott 04. URRENT SITUATICN: Properly sized hangar space for C-13OJ-30 aircraft fuel cell maintenance operations &es not exist on the installation. Bxisting facilities are lized and structured for the older C130E/H airframes. The C-13OJ-30 airframe is 15 feet .onger than current mission airframes and there is no available maintenance hangar space :o accmdate new mission aircraft. The existing tail doors, exhaust system, and vapor rench are not configured for the C-13OJ-30 aircraft. MISSION FAILURE - no covered fuel cell maintenance can be Aircraft will not be available to perform flying operations in a Iccomplished. rustainable -er. There is no viable work around that will meet mission needs and iuture mission requirements. New C-13OJ-30 aircraft cannot be supported due to the .ncreased fuselage length and will not be available to eupport the training mission. hngar space required to support new aircraft is not available for fuel cell maintenance MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: -- ----- _-__ ~-- -_ DD FORM 1391, DEC '76 Previous edition6 are obsolete. Page No. 52 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LDCATIDN 4. PROJECT TITLE LITTLE RDCKNRFORCE BASE, ARKANSAS C-13OJ ADAL HANGAR 280 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 41132 2. DATB (ccmputer generated) AIR PORCB 6. CATEGORY CODE 211-179 7. PRDJBCT NUNBXR NKAx053000 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 1,167 operations. Maintenance will have to be accanpliehed at other base locations, furthering &he negative mission impact at Little Rock. SDITIONW: Tbie project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 32,084, n Facilities Requirementern. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Robert E. Moriarty, (501) '31-3322. Addition: 293 SN = 3,153 SF. ronIT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be ueed by other componenta on an .a8 wailablem basis: however, the ecope of the project ie baaed on Air Force requirmts. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous edition6 are obsolete. Page No. 53 1. cm@oNmT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJRCI DATA 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PRGJRCI LITTLR RGCRNRFORCR WE, ARKANSAS C-13OJ ADAL HANGAR 200 5 . PRGGRAM BLRMRNT 2. DATE (ccmrputer generated) AIR FGRCR 6 . CATRGGRY CGDB 41132 211-179 7. PROJECT N'UMBRR TITLE 8 . PROJECT COST NKAKO53008 ($000) 1,167 12. SUPPLENRNTAL DATA: a. Estimated Deeigu Data: (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs l (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed lo-APB-02 YES 15% lo-AUG-02 lo-AUG-03 YES (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used - No (3) Total @at (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Production of Plane and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house (SOOO) (4) Construction Contract Award 0 3 DEC! (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 0 4 ocr 72 36 109 96 12 * Indicates ccarpletion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous edition6 are obsolete. Page No. 54 1. COMPONENT 1I FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE I AIR FORCE I 3I. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST ElEALE AIR FORCE BASE, AIR COMBAT COMMAND COST INDEX C:ALIFORNIA I 1.22 6i. Personnel PERMANENT STUDENTS SUPPORTED C strength OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV TOTAL ;G OF 30 SEP 02 345 2847 415 17 91 5 2 22 48 3,79; E.ND FY 2007 345 2865 415 17 91 5 2 22 48 3,811 7‘. INVENTORY DATA ($000) aI. Total Acreage: 22,944 I:1. Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 1,333,00, C:. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 36,02 aI. Authorization Requested in this Program: 22,301 !. Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 39,13’ ff, Planned in Next Four Years Program: 52,5or 81,89! 51. Remaining Deficiency: t I. Grand Total: 1,564,85 E I. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: (FY 2004) C:ATEGORY .COST DESIGN STATUS PROJECT TITLE SCOPE $.OOO S T A R T C M P L i:ODE 2!ll-179 Global Hawk Upgrade Dock 2,420 SM 8,958 May-02 Sep-0: 7‘21-312 Global Hawk Dormitory 96 RM 13,342 Design Built cTotal 22,300 E)a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: (FY2005) 1 41-753 Global Hawk Squad Operations-FOL 1,500 SM 7,062 2!ll-173 Global Hawk Add to AGE Facility 376 SM 1,548 2!ll-173 Global Hawk Upgrade Dock 2 2,420 SM 8,320 7‘21-312 Dormitory (144 RM) 144 RM 14,945 Global Hawk Visiting Quarters 7‘24-417 2,040 SM 7,256 Total 39,131 5lb. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 4!ll-111 Upgrade Dock 4 1,369 SM 4,200 Aircraft Corosion Control Facility 2!ll-159 5,386 SM 27,000 7‘21-312 Dormitory (60 RM) 60 RM 6,300 7‘37-884 Child Development Center 3,555 SM 15,000 Etc. Real Property Maintenance Backlog This Installation: 39 1IO. Mission or Major Functions: A reconnaissance wing which includes two U-2 reconnaissance squadrons, C )ne of which is responsible for training all U-2 aircrews; a Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System ( CARS); an Air Fore Space Command missile warning squadron which operates one of the Phased Array cwarning System (PAVE PAWS) radars; and an Air Force Reserve wing with KC-135 aircraft. Base will be flirst beddown location for Global Hawk UAV. 1Il. Outstanding Pollution and Safety (OSHA) Deficiencies: 0 a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental L I:ID Form 1390,9 Jul 00 0 55 FX 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJRCl' DATA I 4. PROJECT TITLB 3. INSTALLATION AND =TION )BEALBAIRFORCBRASB, 1 GLOBAL HANK UPGRADE DOCK CALIFORNIA 5. PROGW ELEMENT I I 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCB I I 35205 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NDMB= I 211-179 BAEY041017R1 9. COST 8. PROJ'Rm COST ($000) I Auth: APP~P: 9.139 8,958 EST11 UNIT COST GLOBAL HANK UPGRADS DOCK 3,983 UPGRADE DOCK ( 3,983) ( 3,151) SUPPORTING FACILITIES 4,261 UTILITIES SITE IMPROVEMRNTS P A - ( S 321) ( 448) ASBESMS/LBAD PAINT ABATEMENT 2,420 141 ( SUBTOTAL 341) 8,244 CONTINGEHCY ( 5.0 %) 412 TOTAL CONTRACT COST 8,656 SUPERVISION, IN&CTION AND OVMHBAD ( 5.7 %) 493 TOTAL RBQDBST 9,150 TOTAL REQDBST (ROUNDED) 9,139 EQUIPWENT PROM OTHER APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) ( 93.0) 10. Deecription of Proposed Construction: Renovate Dock 3 to include high-expansion foam fire euppreeeion system (BIEX). explosion-proof electrical dietribution end lighting, IiVAC, roof & aiding, aebeetoe abatement, exterior electric upgrade, fuel spill collection trench, and landscaping. 11. REQDIREMENT: PROJECT: 0 SM ADBQUATB: 0 SM SWSTANDARD: 0 SM Dpgrade Dock 3 for Global Hawk beddown. (New blieeion) REQUIRxMENr: Global Hawk maintenance personnel require covered dock space to perform required fuel cell maintenance on assigned aircraft. Dock 3 has been identified by the Global Hawk Site Activation Taek Force ae meeting part of this requirement. CURRENT SITUATION: Dock 3 wae constructed in 1958 and lacks a foam fire euppreeeion system required to extinguish aircraft fires. The dock is not equipped to conduct fuel cell maintenance activities due to the lack of fuel spill collection trenches end associated trench ventilation eyetem. The roof panels leak and have deteriorating The electrical system is in disrepair and requires complete removal and insulation. replacement with an explosion-proof system. The out&or switchgear ie deteriorated and ie no longer weather-proof. The HVAC system is antiquated end requires replacement. The dock currently has The dock doore require repairs to the rolling eyetem and locks. insufficient lighting. Abatement ie required for asbeetoe and lead. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Global Hawk would have insufficient apace to maintain ite aircraft. ~hie would severely impact the mission of Global Hawk. Thie project meets the criteria and scope specified in Air Force Handbook ADDITIONAL: 32-1084, "Facility Requirements". A preliminary analyeia of reasonable options for accompliehing this project (status quo, renovation, upgrade/removal, new construction) was done. It indicates there ie only one option that will meet operational A certificate of exception haae been prepared. requirements. Base Civil Engineer: Lt DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 56 1 . COMPONBNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTAUATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, GLOBAL HAWK UPGRADE DOCK 5. PROGRAR ELRMRNT 35205 2. DATE CALIFORNIA 6. CATEGORY CODE 211-179 7. PROJBCI NUMRRR RAEY041017Rl 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 9,139 '01 Gregory M. Perkinson, (530) 634-2942. 'OINT USE CERTIPICATION: Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location ire incompatible with use by other components. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 53 1. COMPONENT 2. DATE FY 2004 B¶ILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BRALE AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA GLOBAL HANK UPGRADE DOCK 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMEER 35205 211-179 8. PROJECT COST ($000) SAEY041017Rl 9,139 12. SUPP LEMXNTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Statue: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Betimatee used to develop costs l (c) Percent Complete ae of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analyeis was/will be performed 29-MAY-02 YES 15% OS-AUG-02 Ol-SEP-03 YES (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Deeign Wee Most Recently Ueed - NO (3) Total Coat (c) I (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Prod:‘ction of Plans end Specifications (b) All Other Design Coats (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 548 274 822 731 91 (4) Construction Contract Award 04 JAN (5) Construction Start 04 FEB (6) Construction Completion 05 AU0 l Indicates coqletion of Project Definition with Parametric Coet Estimate which ie camparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, coat and executability. b. Equivnt associated with this project provided from other appropriationa: EQDIPMENT NOMENCLATDRE COMMUNICATION EQUIP/WIRING DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 PROCURING APPROPRIATION FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED 3400 2004 Previous editions are obsolete. COST ($000) 93 Page No. 58 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BEALEAIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA GLOBAL HANK DORMITORY (96 RM) 5. PROGRAM Em 6. CATEGGRY CODE 7. PROJBCT NUMBER 35205 721-312 8. PROJECT COST ($000) Auth: APP~P: BABY051001 9. COST ESTIMATES UNIT SLOBAL HANK DORWITORY (96 RX) COST Ls DORMITORY SW ANTITERRORISM FORCE PROTECFION LS SUPPORTING 13,611 13,342 7,827 3,655 2,120 ( 7.749) ( 78) FACILITIES 4,497 UTILITIES LS SITE IMPROWS Ls PAVEMENTS LS DEMlLITION (EENNELI SN 279 150 ( 42) SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS SM 7,310 21 ( 154) COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT a*- LS 325 3,802 DOGEENNEL SE4 ( 981) ( ( 412) ( 109) SWTOTAL ( 1,236) 12,323 CONTINGENCY 616 ( 5.0 %I TOTAL CONTRTCI' COST 12,940 SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERBEAD 738 ( 5.7 %) TOTAL REQUEST 13,677 TOTAL REQUBST (ROUNDED) EQUIPMENT 1.564) FROM OTBER 13,611 APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) ( 765) LO. Description of Proposed Conetruction: Reinforced concrete foundation and floor llabl3, masonry walls, standing eeam metal roof, utilities, fire detection/protection, lite improvements, landscaping, access road, sidewalke, special foundatione, :onununication support and demolition of old kennel (279 SBf). Includes construction of mw kennel in the way of construction. Force protection standarda are included. Lir Conditioning: 11. REQUIRRMEWI: ?ROJ!Wl': 480 KW. 749 RM Grade Mix: El-X4 ADEQUATE: 449 RM Construct a dormitory (96 8X). 96 SUBSTANDARD: 0 RM (New Mission) The Global Hawk (GB) Site Activation Task Force (SATAF) validated a GE =QUIm: niseion-driven requirement for a new 96 pereon dormitory. A major Air Force objective ,rovidee unaccompanied enlisted personnel with housing conducive to their proper rest, :elaxation and personal well-being. Properly designed and furnished quarters providing some degree of individual privacy are essential to the successful accomplishment of the increasingly cwlicated and important jobs these people must perform. Force protection vi11 comply with minimum DOD interim etandarde. --URRRNT SITUATION: There ie no exceae dormitory space available on Beale AFB. Baeed on :he Air Force Dormitory Master Plan, Beale currently has a dormitory deficit of 300 rooms and the closest suitable off-base housing for unaccompanied personnel ie approximately 20 miles from the bane. The OH mission will increase this deficit. A new dormitory is neceeeary to help reduce this deficit. DD FORM 1391, DEC 16 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 53 1. COMPONRNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 4. PROJECT TITLE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION BRALE AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA 5. PROGRAM 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE ELEMENT 35205 6. CATEGORY 721-312 GLOBAL HAWK DORMITORY (96 RM) CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER BABY051001 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 13,611 tMPACI IF NOT PROVIDED: Adequate living quarters will continue to be unavailable resulting in degradation of morale, productivity, and career eatiefaction for reaccompanied enlisted personnel. mDITIONAL: This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 321084, "Facility Requirements". A preliminary analysis of reasonable optione for accompliehing this project (etatue quo, renovation, upgrade/removal, new construction) rrae done. It indicate8 there is only one option that will meet operational A certificate of exception has been prepared. ceguiremente. FYOl Unaccampauied Housing RPM Conducted: $143.83; FYO2 Unaccompanied Housing RPM Conducted: $76.8K. Future Unaccompanied Housing RPM requirement6 (estimated) : FYO3: $9,58OK; FYO4: $l,SOOK; FYOS: $84~. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Gregory Y. Perkineon, (530) 634-2942. Dormitory: 3,655 SM = 39,328 SF. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: Mission requirements, operational considerations, and location are incoqatible with use by other components. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous edition@ are obsolete. Page No. 1. col4PoNENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA GLOBAL HAWK DORMITORY (96 RW) 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 35205 721-312 8. PROJECT COST ($000) BAEYo51001 13,611 12. SUPP LEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Project to be accomplished by design-build procedures (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Wae Moat Recently Used - NO (3) All Other Design Coats 370 (4) Construction Contract Award 04 JAN (5) Construction Start 04 MAY (6) Construction Completion 06 JON (7) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed YES b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: PROCURING APPRO FISCAL YEAR APPROPRIATED OR REQUESTED 3400 2004 EQUIPWENT NOMENCLATURE FURNISHINGS DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. COST ($000) 765 Page No. 61 1. COMPONENT 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE AIR FORCE I I IINSTALLATION AND LOCATION COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST AIR FORCE MATERIEL EIDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE COST INDEX COMMAND: C:ALIFORNIA 1.29 I STUDENTS Ei. Personnel PERMANENT SUPPORTED Cstrength CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL OFF ENL TOTAL CIV ;4s OF 30 SEP 02 2607 2840 575 29 20 6,?5b 659 EEND FY 2007 2475 2904 565 29 20 6,65:2 659 7‘. INVENTORY DATA ($000) 1Total Acreage: 300,723 IInventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 3,294,92: 2 1 juthorization Not Yet in Inventory: 16,1115 1 iuthorization Requested in this Program: 19,061 0 1 iuthorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 9,96! 5 F‘Ianned in Next Four Years Program: 161,3115 Fqemaining Deficiency: 128,3010 (brand Total: 3,629,67; 6 E5. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: (FY 2004) (ZATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUI; PROJECT TITLE SCOPE !§,OOO S T A R T C M P L I ZODE , .311-115 Addition/Renovate Joint Strike Fighter 15,588 SM 19,060 Design Build @mplex, Ph 1 Total 19,060 c)a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: (FY2005) ,311-115 Addition/Renovate Joint Strike Fighter 6,878 SM 9,965 Complex, Ph 2 Total 9,965 z)b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 42 111-111 Runway HE 98,815 Replace Information Tech Operations 131-111 3,250 SM 15,500 Center Replace Base Operations Facility 1,950 141-453 SM 6,500 Propulsion Energetics Science 31 o-993 3,446 SM 14,100 Laboratory 96 721-312 Dormitory RM 12,400 5,051 SM 14,000 742-674 Fitness Center ! 3c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 10’8 10. Mission or Major Functions: Air Force Flight Test Center which is responsible for flight test activities for ialI USAF aircraft and related avionics, flight control, and weapons systems; a test wing; an air base wing; Air I-orce Test Pilot School; the Propulsion Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory; a space Isurveillance squadron; and a landing site for the space shuttle. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA Deficiencies: 1,820 a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution 7,772 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental 0 CID Form 1390,24 Jul 00 62 1. CONPONENT 2. DATE FY 2004 XILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE (computer generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA ADDITION/RENOVATE JSF COWPLRX, PHASE I 5. PROGRAM ELRWRNT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NDWBER 27142 311-115 9. FSPW043503 COST 8. PROJRCI COST ($000) Auth: Approp: 19,444 19,060 ESTIMATES RENOVATE JSF COMPLEX, PHASE I ALTER El820 ALTER B1807 WODIFY CONTROL RW AT RIDLRY COWTROL CENTER ( 1,118 1 NRW MDNITIONS WAINTRNANCR FACILITY NEW wARxN0lJSE SUPPORTING FACILITIES REPAIR APRON PAVENENT REPAIR AND RXTRND PARKING SUBTOTAL I CONTINGENCY ( 5.0 %) TOTAL CONTRACT COST SDPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD TOTAL REQUEST 10. Description of Proposed Construction: Renovate Development Test Facilities to include modern infrastructure, and properly configured offices, hangar and work areas. Construct new munitions maintenance facility and warehouse. 11. RRQUIRRWRm: PROJECT: 254,786SW ADEQUATE: 25 SN SUBSTANDARD: 251,786SM Addition/Renovate Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Complex, Phase I. (New Mission) The JSF program requires au adequately configured facility site to support RRQUIRRWRNT: To support DID the lO+ yr. Developmental Test (DT) program of the JSF aircraft. efforts, the facilities must have modern infrastructure capable of supporting administrative and shop personnel and 9 DT aircraft. To avoid delays, the MLCON must be completed 6 months prior to the arrival of the first aircraft in Ott 85 to allow No other facilities are available to installation and calibration of support equipment. support this effort. All 9 DT aircraft require hangar space to protect limited, preProduction assets, and to allow simultaneous work on all aircraft. Each aircraft requires space for test ops and equipment, conference rooms, ops counter, life support space, mission brief/da-brief rooms, COWSEC storage, and TS/SAR storage. CDRRRNT SITDATION: The current facilities are improperly configured to support the RWD phase of the JSF program, and the existing infrastructure is inadequate. The existing fire protection systems, lighting systm, electrical distribution systems and security systems are inadequate. The existing water system is almost 50 years old, and has failed 6 times in the past 3 months. qua to extensive interior rusting, several hundred feet of pipe must be removed to find adequate wall thickness to accomplish repairs. Each break dislocates personnel for an average of 3 days, and requires a shut down of the entire water system for at least 2 days. Two of these breaks occurred during the winter months, shutting down the water heating system. Roof leaks require test personnel DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 63 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA AIR FORCE (computer 2. DATE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA ADDITION/RENOVATE JSF COMPLEX, PHASE I 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 27142 6. CATEGORY CODE 311-115 I. PROJECT NUMBER FSPM043503 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 19,444 over desks, computers and chairs with plastic sheets to prevent water damage. The lriginal gypsum board ceiling system contains asbestos and was abandoned in place and This ceiling is now contaminated with asbestos, C ovared by a new suspended ceiling. w Qich ends up on desks, floors and offices when the roof leaks. Twice in the past year, 20 ft tall by 7 ft wide, have blown off into an adjacent S heat metal siding panels, larking lot missing cars and staff personnel. The paneling system is nearly 50 years P end requires significant repairs to ensure system integrity. 0ld, Cooling system parts a.ra pillaged to repair adjacent units; replacement parts are no longer readily a*vailable. Existing admin areas are lined with walled offices, which limit optimum 8ipace usage, and thwart reengineering efficiencies. The facilities do not have adequate 8iecura space for processing and storage of TS/SAR level data, classified discussions, Pbra and post flight briefings, flight planning, aircraft operation scheduling, and 8storage of parts and equipment to support aircraft operations. C 0 2:MPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: The JSF EMD/DT program will be implemented out of a "forced uma", 1950s vintage structure. Failure to upgrade this facility will impact testing of cur nation's next generation aircraft's development, resulting in milestones not mat, bigher cost to contractors overhead, daily operation and increasing taxpayer's burdens. Slignificant costs end schedule delays will be incurred if the government cannot provide The Air Force Flight Test t:ha facility required by this diverse Joint Test Force (JTF). Clentar's mission to operate as a world class facility will be impeded by a substandard wrorking environment. This project meets the criteria/scope specified in Air Force Handbook 321DDITIONAL: I.084, "Facility Requirements". An economic analysis has bean prepared comparing the revitalization and status quo operation. Based on the a Llternatives of new construction, rLet present values and benefits of the respective alternative renovation was found to be Base Civil Engineer: Co1 James t:he most cost efficient over the life of the project. Jrudkins, (805) 277-2918. Altar B1820: 12,613SM = 135,712SF; Alter B1807: 1,115SM = Munitions Maintenance Facility: I.2, OOOSF; Warehouse: 930SM = 10,OOOSF. 930 SM I.O,OOO SF. Design Build - Design Cost (4% of Subtotal Cost): $701,200. ilOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other components on en "as aavailable" basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 64 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer AIR FORCE 2. DATE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA ADDITION/RENOVATE JSF COMPLEX, PHASE I 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE I. PROJECT NUMBER 21142 311-115 8. PROJECT COST ($000) FSPM043503 19,444 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Project to be accomplished by design-build procedures (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Wae Most Recently Used (3) All Other Design Costs NO 526 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 05 JUN (7) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed YES b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 65 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2. DATE AIR FORCE COMMAND: INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 5. AREA CONST AIR FORCE SPACE BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE COST INDEX COLORADO COMMAND 1 1.02 STUDENTS 6. Personnel PERMANENT SUPPORTED I OFF ENL CIV Strength ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV TOTAL AS OF 30 SEP 02 2242 731 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,218 -..- FY ---. -.END 2007 1I 2421 2213--.-746 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,201 7. INVENTORY DATA ($090) Total Acreage: 3,832 Inventory Total as of: (30 Sep 02) 406,499 Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 57,700 Authorization Requested in this Program: 6,957 Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 10,318 Planned in Next Four Years Program: 88,500 Remaining Deficiency: 0 Grand Total: 569,974 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: (FY 2004) CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATUS CODE PROJECT TITLE SCOPE S.000 S T A R T C M P L 851-147 Upgrade Base Infrastructure, Ph 3 LS 6,957 Apr-03 Sep-03 Total 6,957 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: (FY2005) 730-773 Chapel Center 2,423 SM 5,111 740-884 Child Development Center 2,248 SM 5.207 Total 101318 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: 131-111 ADAL Communications Facility 3,347 SM 10,900 124-l 35 Consolidated Fuels Center 7,600 420K GL 740-873 Leadership Development Ctr 2100 SM 5,400 442-758 Logistics Complex 1900 SM 4,000 61 O-243 Consolidated Services Facility 3,171 SM 6,200 171-478 Outdoor Arms Range 3,100 605 SM 730-835 Security Forces Operations Facility 2,390 SM 7,200 730-441 Education Center 2,045 SM 4,000 214-425 Vehicle Maintenance Facility 1,812 SM 4,200 179-511 Fire Training Facility IEA 3,500 721-312 Dormitory, 132 RM 132 RM 8,300 851-147 Widen 6th Avenue 1524 M 3,500 742-674 Add/Alter Fitness Center 687 SM 3,500 442-758 Consolidated Base Warehouse 9,100 9,293 SM IEA Upgrade Base Infrastructure PH IV 8,000 851-147 9c. Real Propery Maintenance Backlog This Installation 24 10. Mission or Major Functions: A space group; a space warning squadron; an operations support squadron; Aerospace Data Facility; an Air Force Reserve Command space warning squadron; and an Air National Guard wing with F-16 aircraft. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA) Deficiencies: 2.32 a. Air pollution 6.4 b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 12.3 d. Other Environmental 66 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1. CONPONENT 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BUCELBY AIR FORCE BASE, COLORADO UPGRADE BASE INFRASTRUCTURE, PBASE III 5. PROGRAM ELEMEWT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 851-147 35996 8. PROJECT COST ($000) COST 9. ESTIMATES COST UNIT LS IPGRADE BASE INFRASTRUCTURE, PH III 5,044 LN 18,379 106 LN 1,770 146 WEWROADS 2,885 257 ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION/COI'E4 DUCT BANE 6,336 289 2,103 271 EXISTING RO AD ( REBUILDIN G) EXISTING ROADS (WEDIMI/CURB/GUTTER) :I LN STORMDRAINAGE IAt4 1,200 95 SANITARY SEWER NAINS Ial 2,438 134 GAS DISTRIBUTION MAINS IAl 1,200 45 WATER DISTRIBUTION 7,019 6,957 Auth: Approp: CRWUO53003 WINS IUPPORTING FACILITIES I OTBER SUPPORTING FACILITIES ( 1,948) ( 258) ( ( 741) 1,831) ( 570) ( 114 1 ( 327) ( 54) 575 LS ( XTBTOTAL 575 6,419 ZOWTINGENCY ( 5.0 %) 321 POTAL CONTRACT COST 6,740 ( 5.7 %) UJPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERBEAD 384 NTAL REQUEST 7,124 POTAL REQUEST (ROUNDED) 7,019 .o. Description of Proposed Construction: Upgrade primary base infrastructure systems :o include electrical, potable water, gas, fire suppression water system, sanitary lewers, storm drainage, street lighting, traffic signal, roadways, median strip, curb md gutter, ccmmnmications duct bank and supporting systems. ADEQUATE: LS .l. REQUI RENENT: LS Upgrade 'ROJECT: infrastructure, base phase SUBSTANDARD:LS III. (New Mission) Buckley Air Force Base requires an infrastructure system upgrade to bring lEQUIREMENT: lrimary roadways and utilities to current standards. These improvements are needed to ccormzodate increased numbers of personnel and facilities at Buckley AFB concurrent with he establishment of the 460th Air Base Wing (ABW). The SECAF and CSAF established Air orce Space Cozzzan d (AFSPC) as the installation host effective 1 October 2000. Reliable tilities and serviceable roadways are required to support the existing and future new acilities at the base. The new mission buildup for the ABW requires supporting xpansion of utilities, comm duct bank and roads. URPEWT SITUATION: The existing water supply is undersized in most areas. Future ddition of new facilities cannot be supported by the existing water distribution Sanitary and storm sewer lines are inadequate to handle the additional demand ystezl. Future reated by new facilities. The existing gas supply is undersized in most areas. ddition of new facilities cannot be supported by the existing gas distribution system. oads around the perimeter fence of the entire base are severely deteriorated and Improved and additional secondary streets are needed to connect equire resurfacing. xisting facilities together and some existing streets will require medians to safely . -. Previous editions are obsolete. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Page No. 67 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer AIR FORCE 2. DATE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, COLORADO UPGRADE BASE INFRASTRUCTURE, PHASE III 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 35996 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NUMBER 851-147 CRWUO53003 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 7,019 ccormaodate increased traffic volume. Two existing roads need to be re-routed to avoid :he runway's clear zone areas. The existing electrical service is 600 Amps, which will le inadequate to supply the base after the build-up. Cables in the south east quadrant Overhead cables must be re-routed underground. If the base require re-routing. :X-PACT IF NOT PROVIDED: Failure to upgrade and extend essential utility systems will lake it impossible to properly and safely operate new facilities being added to Buckley LFB. Existing utility systams and roads are currently either at their maximum capacity jr are deteriorated. Failure to resurface principal traffic arteries in conjunction rith the activation of the new Air Base Wing will accelerate their deterioration and .esult in escalated repair costs at a later date along with potential safety hazards. Failure to extend and improve water distribution, gas distribution, sewer systems, electrical distribution and conrmunications trunks will make services to existing iacilities unreliable, overloaded and subject to outages. SDITIONAL: There is no criteria/scope for this project in Part II of Military Handbook .190, "Facility Planning and Design Guide". A preliminary analysis of the reasonable Bptions for accomplishing this project (status quo, renovation, upgrade/removal, new It indicates that only two of the options, new :onstruction and/or leasing) was done. :onstruction and upgrade/removal, will meet operational requirements. A Certificate of brception has been prepared. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 Alfred C. Scharff, (303) 677i501. lOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This is an installation utility/infrastructure project, and loes not qualify for joint use at this location. However, all tenants on this .nstallation are benifited by this project. DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 68 1. COMPONENT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer AIR FORCE 2. DATE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, COLORADO UPGRADE BASE INFRASTRUCTURE, PHASE III 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 35996 851-147 7. PROJECT NUMBER 8. PROJECT COST ($000) CRWUO53003 1,019 12. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs * (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 02-APR-02 YES 15% lo-AUG-02 Ol-SEP-03 YES (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was Most Recently Used - NO (3) Total Cost (c) - (a) + (b) or (d) + (e) t (a) Production of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 426 213 639 539 100 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 05 FEB * Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% deeign to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 69 Inventory Total as of: (30 Sep 02) Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: ;Authorization Requested in this Program: ,Authorization Included in the Following Program: IPlanned in Next Four Years Program: Remaining Deficiency: ~Grand Total: (FY 2005) 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY CODE PROJECT TITLE AF Central Adjudication Facility 610-287 ‘9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: None 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: CE Maintenance and Readiness Fat 219944 Wrng Administrative Facility 610-128 Upgrade Cheshire Dormitory 721-315 Upgrade Matihs Dormitory 724-417 Visiting Quarters 724-417 Add/Alter Main Library 738-675 Repair Fence Main Gate 906-174 9c. Real Prooerv Maintenance Backloa This Installation I 551,780 3,473 9,300 cl 36,750 15,000 616,303 (FY 2004) COST DESIGN STATI SCOPE S.000 S T A R T CMPI 4989 SM 9,300 Apr-02 Sep Total 9,300 (FY2005) 1,473 4,645 1,823 5,490 5,880 1,207 250 SM SM SM SM SM SM LM 3,750 8,100 2,000 6,000 12,600 3,000 1,300 10. Mission or Major Functions: A support wing for Air Force Personnel in the National Capital Region; Headquarters USAF functions includng Chief of Chaplains; Surgen General, and Historian; Headquarters Air Force Office of Special Investigation; Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Air Force Legal Services Agency; Air Force Medical Operations Agency; USAF Band; and USAF Honor Guard. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA Deficiencies: 0 a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental 0 I DD Form 1390,24 Jul 00 70 l.c0WP0WRWT P'Y 2004 MILITARY C0WSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 3. IWSTNJATI~ NUD L0CATI0W BOLLIM;IAIR FORCE BAW, DIBTRICTOF COLUWRIA 5. PR0GRAW m 6. cn'rEGoRY CODE AF CRbWRAL ADXJDICATIOW FACILITY 7. PROJECT NUMBKR 8. PR~IIRCT COST ($000) RRURO20003 610-287 91212 2. DATE (canputer generated) I 4. PROdECT TITLE AIRFORCS 9,300 UNIT COST Lp m AlXJUDICATION FACILITY CRWIRAL 5,200 3,674 ADJUDICATION FACILITY 1,375 ( ANTITRRRORISWFORCE PR0TRCTION RlPpORT3dlo 5,052) ( FACILITIES 148) 3,128 UTILITIRS ( 650) PA-S ( 350) SITR IWPR0wmmNTs ( 250) - ( 350) ( 250) - C~WW~WICATIONS SCIF 1,966 IuBmTAL 650 ( .' :omm 8,328 ( 5.0 %) 416 !oTAL COlymucT COST uJPRRvISIOW, 1,278) 8,744 IWSPRCTION AND B ( 6.0 %) 525 FOTAL REQUEST 9,269 lOTALREQUl!tST (R0UWDRD) 9,300 0. Description of Proposed Ccnstruction: Three-story steel structure with concrete Dread foundatiou/slab, exteriorbrick walls, sud metal roof. Iucludes Heating, 'entilatiug, Air Couditiouiug, aud Electrical systems, Sensitive CaaDartmemted nfomaution Facility (SCIF), aud all other supports. Cmly with DoD interim minimum orce protection construction staudards. ir Conditioning: l.RRQUIRmIRtuT: ROJECT: liesion) 38ORW. 3,674SW ADEQUATE: aN SUBSTANMRD: 1,700SW Construct au Air Force Central Adjudication Facility (APCAP). (current EQuIBmmwT : An adequate facility is required to consolidate the AFCAF functions at lolliug AFR. The facility to be in cmliance with the Director of Central Iutelligeucc Directive (DCID) for SCIF. Ccaply with DOD interim minimum force protection :onstNction standards. 7lRRRWT SITUATIOW: AFCAF persouuel are currently occuwing a poorly configured and leteriorated space in a converted aircraft hangar aud a semi-Dexmenent facility. dditioually special Access Programs (SAP), located at Wright Pattersou AFR and 'antagon, is being consolidated under AFCAF. Facility constraints, burgeoning workload, md increasing manpower reguiremeuts hsmper organizational effectiveness. There is no acm on Rolling AFR to accamoda te ApcAIr in existing buildings. Leasing space would rost approximately $SOOK per year and ex&xme a critical Air Force aperation to possible errorist activities. The curreut facility is not configured to receive, sort, store, nd destroy the 75 tous of mail it receives auuually. Critical space shortages have, at i.ZM, required personnel work both day and night shifts. The physical separation of DD FORM 1391, DRC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 71 1. comoNEwr AIRFORCE 3. INSTALLATIUiU 2. DATE FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA (computer generated) 4. PROJZCT TITLE AND LOCATION BOLLIM;IAIRFORCSBAw,DISTRICTO~COLUHBIA 5. PR-91212 6 . CATBQORYCO~ AFCENTRAL ADJUDICATION 8 . PROJXCT COST ($000, 7.PR0JIsCTNUMBER 610-287 FACILITY BXQRO20003 9,300 WCAF personnel creates significant ccmnand and cantrolproblwM and inhibits A recent W/AA d.heCtiVe t0 CCUItraliZe Air FOrCe SAP under the AFCAF, NLT Bffidency. 11 %ay 02, will increase maqmwer 13% so that adjudicative personuel can work Tier 1 k 2 The new SAP workload neceseitatee enhanced security 3hP eligibility determinationa. neasures in an accredited SCII anticipated to be 150% larger thaa the CulTent SCIF. bticipated pereonuel increaeee coupled with a FYO2 30% increase in the civilian mrkforce neceeeaxy to adjudicate 160,000 security investigations per year only In 1996, the Air Force was appointed the lxacerhates this untenable eituation. sxecutive Agent and program mmagement Office for the Joint Personnel Mjudication zyystcnn. Nore space is not only needed for 20 SPAS contractore hut also a $2.4r network ryetclrm consisting of a central SPAS Production dab&me server, backup server, and 8 rier II support transmission and report ccamum icationa racka. LNPACT II BRX PROVIDED: Increasing staff levels may require use of coetly rental epace, Eurther s e p a r a t e A?CW ~rsonnel, and potentially place remurcem in areata more mceamible to ho8tile entities. Span of control and the efficiencies of collocation rill increaeinglypaffer in proportion to the growing fragmentation of McAf as a whole. This will diminish the ability of A?CAF to process personnel security inveetigationm, representing a contractual investment of $lOOY/year. Quality of life, safety, and security issues will continue to degrade mission effectiveness and impact worldwide In addition, HIV leadership will have nc alternate workspace in the NCR if orations. lieplaced frcm the Pentagon short of a wartime acemario. An econanic analysis has been prepared ccaqxaring alternatives of new UlDITIOm: :onstruction, leaning, and statue quo aperation. Base on the present value and benifitrr ,f the respective alternatives , new construction was found to be the meet cost effective aver the life of the project. This project meets the criteria/scope specified in the tir Force Nadhook 32-1084, q Facility Requirements.m Base Civil Engineer: Co1 Cynthia 3nyder, (202) 767-5566. Central Adjudication Facility: 3,674 s# = 39,532 ST. TOIIW UBE cERTIFICATION: Mit38ion remirements, oDerational coneideratione, and locationa ue incanDatable with use by other campments. DD FORM 1391, DRC! 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1. COMPONRNT 2. MTE (ccarputer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INBTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROiJ’ECT TITLE BOLLIEWAXRFORCERA8E,DI8TRICTOICOLDl5IA ATCENTRAL ADJUDICATION 5.PRoGRAHELlmlmT 6. CATEQORY CODE 7. PROJECT MJILBW 610-287 91212 FACILITY 8. PROJECT COST ($000) RXDRO20003 9,300 12. SUPP-AL MTA: a. Eathated Design Data: (1) Statue: (a) Date De&m Started (b) Parametric Cost EMA.matee used to develop comte * (c) Percent Canplete ao of 01 Jlllo 2003 l (d) Date 35% Dedgned (e) Date Deeign Canplete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analyeis was/will be performed 02-APR-02 YE8 15% lo-AVG-02 lo-SEP-03 YE8 (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design was noat Recently Deed - No (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e)r (a) Production of Plans and specifications (b) All Qther Design Costa (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 558 279 837 720 117 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Btart 04 JAN (6) Construction Cwletion 05 NAY l Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Coat Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% deeign to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided fran other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 73 AIR FORCE I I COMMAND: 5. AREA CONST INSTALLATION AND LOCATION AIR FORCE SPECIAL COST INDEX HURLBURT FIELD, OPERATIONS COMMAND 0.82 FLORIDA STUDENTS SUPPORTED PERMANENT 6. Personnel CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF ENL OFF ENL CIV TOTAL Strength AS OF 30 SEP 02 622 4460 324 8 8 0 555 1307 260 7,544 END FY 2007 930 4673 497 0 0 0 227 752 47 7,128 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) Total Acreage: 6,634 Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 728,158 Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: 35,776 Authorization Requested in this Program: 7,808 Authorization Included in the Following Program: (FY 2005) 8,967 Planned in Next Four Years Program: 78,650 Remaining Deficiency: 25000 Grand Total: 884,352 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: (FY 2004) CATEGORY COST DESIGN STATU SCOPE PROJECT TITLE CODE $.OOO S T A R T C M P L 171-454 Special Tactics Advance Skills 4,989 S M 7,800 Apr-02 Aug-t Training Facility Total 7,800 9a. Future Projects: lncludeddn the Following Program: (FY2005) 721-312 Dormitory 144 RM 8,967 Total 8,967 9b. Future Projects: Typica! Pl,anned Next Foure Years: 171-621 Mobility and Training Facility (823RHS) 1,000 S M 2,100 214-425 Vehicle Maintenance Facility (823RHS) 3,000 S M 5,900 214425 AFCZTIG Systems/Warrior School 8,065 S M 19,400 214425 Refueling Vehicle Maintenance Facility 400 SM 2,000 171-621 Airmen Leadership School 950 SM 1,600 442-758 Mobility Warehouse (823RHS) 1,200 S M 2,200 610-121 Vehicle Operations Admin Facility 966 SM 3,650 610-284 Conference Center 1,394 S M 6,000 721-312 Dormitory (144 RM) 144 RM 9,000 724417 Add to VOQ 90502 12 RM 1,350 737-884 Child Development Center 2,000 S M 8,000 742-674 East Side Fitness Center 2,750 S M 4,800 842-245 Improve Water System LS 3,550 901-147 Realign Roads LS 2,700 Entrance Gate and Shoreline ATFP LS 730-839 1,800 61 O-243 Convert 90327 to SVS HQ SQ OPS Fat 800 SM 1,500 901-147 Munitions Delivery Road LS 3,100 9c. Real Propety Maintenance Backlog This Installation 3! 10. Mission or Major Functions: Headquarters Air Force Special Operations Command; a special operations wing with AC-130/MC-130/MH-53/MH-60/UH-1 special operations squadrons; Air Force Special Operations School; a special tactics group; Air Force Command and Control Training & Innovation Group; a RED HORSE squadron; and the Air Force Combat Weather Center. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA Deficiencies: 0 a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution 0 c. Occupational Safety and Health 0 d. Other Environmental DD Form 1390,24 Jul 00 0 74 1. COMPONRNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROaIRCT DATA AIRFORCE 2. MTE (cwter generated) 3. INBTNaLATICW AND LOCATION 4. PR- TITLE HURLBURT l'IRLD, FLORIM SPECIAL TACTIC8 ADvAmxDsKILLs TRAmIIm FACILITY 5. PROGRAM - 6. CATEOORY CoDR 27596 7. PROJECT NrJBmRR 171-617 9. 8. PRDJRCT COST ($000) FrRv013019 COST 7,800 ESTII UNIT 3PRCIAL TACTICS SRIL8 w FACILITY Ls SPRCIAL 8RILL8 TRAmINgARRA swIMTRAINnmARM ID?IRRIORCovERH) 5,584 4,703 1,111 1 250,000 286 290 M STORAOE AI!?IITRRROFU8MFC)RCR COST ( 5,225) ( L s PROTRCTION 3UPPORT~ PACILITIRS 250) ( 83) ( 26) 1,410 UTILITIRB L s ( 450) PAW8 L s ( 620) SITR -8 L s ( -CATION8 L s I- 220) ( 120) RIBTOTAL 6,994 :0NT- ( 5.0 %) 350 roTAL cor?rRAcT COBT 7,344 lUPRRVI8ION, INBPECTION AND OVERHEAD ( 5.7 %) 419 !oTALRRQURST 7,762 !OTALRRQURST (RCRJNDRD) 7,800 LQUIPMRNT PROW m APPROPRIATIONS (NON-ADD) ( - 675.0) 0. Description of Propoeed Construction: Two story reinforced masonry structure with oncrete foundation, split-face CMU exterior, aud a standing seam metal roof. unctional areas include admin., academics, auditorium, claeeroolne , medical and ogistics spaces, swim training area, and a rappel/fast rope tower. Force protection ncludes structural reinforcement of exterior walls and fully tempered insulated glass rlndcws. ir Conditioninc: l.RRQUIRmmm: RDJRCT: 102RW. 16,3838M ADEQUATE: 11,394 8M Construct Special Tactics Advauced SUBSTANDARD: skills Training Facility. OS34 (New MiSSion) m : A Special Tactics Advanced skills Training Facility is required to provide rofeesional development training for Special Tactics Caabat Control, Combat Weather and ararescue personnel. space is required for faculty, seminars, aud classroams, study reas, library, academic offices and support areas. Force protection measures will be ncorpxated IAW USAP Installation Force Protection guide. URRRNT SITUATION: RQ ARTC has relinquished respmsibility to HQ AFSOC to accanplish dvanced skill training for canbat control techniciana and correct long-standing hroughput ehortfalle for this mcialty. At the present time, this training is rovided in part by HQ ARTC and in Dart via successive student TDY assignments at arious inetallatione. Student recruitment, throughput and the time required to ccaaDlish this type of training cannot produce sufficient numbers of mission-ready cntrollere to meet Air Force needs. The current training program was initiated at DD FORM 1391, DRC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 75 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJRCT MTA l.coMPDNRNT AIRFoRm 4. PROJECT TITLE 3. INBTALLATIM AND LoCATION HORLBURT 2. DATE (ccqtuter generated) FIELD, M R I D A 5. PROCJRAM W 27596 SPECIAL TACTIC8 ADVAMXD SKILLS D FACILITY 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJXCT 171-617 NUMBER FTRv013019 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 7,800 ~urlburt Field in April 2001 with a class of four students, utilizing space and rguipaent made available frcs an -ratiOnS Squadron based at Iiurlburt Field. The duration of the training is approximately 52 weeks. Studemt throughput will increase tc approximately 120 student per year by FYO4, requiring a full-time dedicated instructional and support staff and facility. There are no existing facilities at hlrlburt Field that can be adapted for this purpose. RAOl appropriation is required since this is still a non-Special Ops particular reguireoent, per US-Soco# Memo Of 4greement, Anneut A. iMPAc!TIFNoTPRovI~: As the annual output requirement increases, students faculty and staff will be forced to continue to operate out of inadequate facilities, affecting aorale, efficiency and mission capability. Failure to construct the facility will seriously jeopardize U8AF capability to perform essential advanced tactical enabling prations for nir Rspeditionary Forces snd Lead Mobility Wings during contingencies a& war. WITIONALr Thisrproject meets the criteria/scope 8Decified in Air Force Handbook, 32A preliminary analysis of reasonable options indicates 1024, q Facility Requirementem. A certificate of exception has been mly one-aption meets operational reguireznents. Base Civil Qgineer: Lt Co1 Michael R. Dejaznette, 850-884-7701. Special ws=-ed. Ikills Training Area: 4,703 SM = 50,604 SF; Exterior Covered Storage: 286 SM = 3,078 3y. JOINT USE CRRTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other colqponents on an "as wailable" basis; however, the scope of the project is based of Air Force requirements. DD FORM 1391, DRC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 76 l.cOMPoNENT FY 2004 WILITARY CON8TRUCTION AIRFORCE (canpater PROJECT DATA 2. MTE generated) 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE HURLEURT SPRCIAL TACTIC8 ADvANaDsKILLs D FACILITY FIRLD, FLORIDA 5. PROGRAW ELEMENT 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJXCT NUWBER 171-617 FTRv013019 27596 12. 8UPPLEMENTAL 8. PmJ'BX' COST ($000) 7,800 MTA: a. Estimated Design Data: (1) Btatue: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs (c) Percent Cakplete as of 01 JAN 2003 l * (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Cmlete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 15-APR-02 YE8 15% Ol-8WP-02 15-AUQ-03 YE8 (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design - No (b) Where Design Was Bloat Recently Used (3) Total Cost (c) = (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Prod&&m of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total ($000) 468 234 702 584 (d) C o n t r a c t (e) In-house 118 (4) Construction Contract Award 03 DEC (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 05 APR l Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Rstixnate which is canparable to traditional 35% design to ensure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Rquipnent associated with this project provided frcan other appropriations: FI8cAL YEAR PR- COST ($000) APPROPRIATION APPROPRI&TED ORREQUMTED INTRRIORFURNIstIINGB 3400 2004 600 CODQdUNICATION8 EQUI- 3400 2004 75 EQUIPWENT NOWENCLATURE DD FORM 1391, DRC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 77 1 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 12. DATE II. COMPONENT AIR FORCE I I 15. AREA CONST 14. COMMAND: 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION AIR EDUCATION AND COST INDEX TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE 0.8 I I TRAINING COMMAND FLORIDA SUPPORTED PERMANENT STUDENTS 6. Personnel ENL CIV OFF ENL CIV OFF CIV TOTAL OFF ENL Strength 84 20 0 5,211 587 2788 1695 37 0 0 AS OF 30 SEP 02 84 20 0 5,235 585 2805 1704 37 0 0 END FY 2007 7. INVENTORY DATA ($000) 28,824 a. Total Acreage: 1643,644 b. Inventory Total as of : (30 Sep 02) 51,620 c. Authorization Not Yet in Inventory: d. Authorization Requested in this Program: 6,195 (FY 2005) e. Authorization Included in the Following Program: 18,962 f. Planned in Next Four Years Program: 59,400 g. Remaining Deficiency: 0 h. Grand Total: 1,179,821 I 8. PROJECTS REQUESTED IN THIS PROGRAM: CATEGORY PROJECT TITLE CODE F-X? Parking Apron/Runway Extension 113-321 9a. Future Projects: Included in the Following Program: F-22 Add to Operations Facility 171-211 F-22 Squadron OperationsIAMU 211-177 9b. Future Projects: Typical Planned Next Four Years: Repair Airfield Pavements 111-111 1 st AF Operations Support Center 141-454 Base Civil Engineering Complex 219-944 Consolidated Wing Center 61 O-243 Dormitory 721-312 Fitness Center 742-647 (FY 2004) COST DESIGN STATI SCOPE $.OOO S T A R T CMPI LS 6,195 Apr-02 Sep-03 6,195 Total (FY2005) 750 SM 1,548 6,972 SM 17,414 18,962 Total 30,000 SM 6,040 SM 7,435 SM 3,252 SM 120 RM 5,051 SM 4,800 24,000 9,400 5,800 7,600 7,800 9c. Real Property Maintenance Backlog This Installation 10. Mission or Major Functions: A fighter training wing with three F-l 5 squadrons responsible for training F-15 aircrews; Air Combat Command’s Headquarters First Air Force, a weapons evaluation group, Southeast Air Defense Sector; and the Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency. 11. Outstanding pollution and Safety (OSHA) Deficiencies: 20 a. Air pollution b. Water Pollution c. Occupational Safety and Health d. Other Environmental DD Form 1390,24 Jul 00 78 FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJ'ECT DATA l.coWPoWRWT 2. DATE (ccmputer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION = LOCATION 4. PROJRCT TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, MRIDA F-22 PARRINQ APRON/RUNWAY EXTENSION 5. PRODRAW 6. CATSGORY RLRWRRT CODR 7. PRGJRCT NDNRRR 113-321 27138 xLWG043001 9. F-22 PARRING APRON/RDNWAY TITLR COST 8. PROJXCT CD8T Auth: Approp: ($000) 6,320 6,195 EBTIMATES RITRNSION AIRCRAFTPARRINGAPRON RDRWAYRITRNSION RDNWAYOVRRRDN SUPPORTING FACILITIEl TRRRSIXOLD, RDRWAY, &ARRA LIQPTING DRAIN8SCDLVRRTS SUBTOTAL coNT-CY ( 5.0 %I TOTAL CONTIUCf Ct$$jT SUPERVISION, INSPECTION AND OVERHEAD LO. Description of Proposed Construction: Demo overus on the south end of iuside runway. excavate, lay base, ccaupact and pour 1000 FT of concrete nmway ahd 1,000 FT of asphalt overrun. Excavate, lay base, canpact and pour concrete apron extension south >f existing parking apron. Relocate threshold lights, install runway lights, and apron area lights. 11. RRQlJIRRbmST: LS ?ROJRCl': ADEQUATE: Ls F-22 parking apron/nuxway 8W8TAWDARD:LS extension. (New Mission) ZRQUIRRWRWT: Aircraft parking apron are designed to afford maximum operational efficiency for specific aircraft and missions at specific intallations. Tyudall APB'S Barking apron is sized to accoemoda te 68 F-15’s for pilot training, 22 transient Lircraf t, 12 QF-4 drones, with the remainder of the apron, approximately 43 fighter Ipaces (WRSP ramp), being reserved for TDY fighters and accompanying heavy aircraft mming in to support the 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group (WEO) mission. Additional six leavy aircraft parking spaces are required to haudle scheduled and unscheduled arrival If heavy aircraft. 'URRRNT SITGATION: Presently, scheduled heavy aircraft that arrive in support of the iRG'8 mission and Dissimilar Aircraft Canbat Training (DACT)for the 325th Fighter Wing tre being parked on the Weapons System Evaluation Program (WESP) ramp with overflow larking on unused taxiways. With the ramp-up of the F-22 beginning in FY03 there will tm a surge in aircraft nuwbers that will require parking. With a total of 25 F-22's due in PYO5, aircraft parking will spill over on to the WRSP ramp. There will barely be enough parking space to accomaoda te the TDY units and no parking space for three heavy aircraft usually acccmmodated on the WRSP ramp. In order to extend thie parking apron, the inside runway and overuu need to be extended 1,000 FT southward to shift the runway 3lear Zone beyond the proposed apron extension. IMPACT IF NOT PROVIDED: --- -_ -- ----_ _^__ uu *'UK&l UYl, DEC 76 If additional aircraft parking space is not provided, the 53 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 79 1. COMPONBNT FY 2004 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE TYBDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA F-22 PARKING APRON/RUNWAY RXTRNSION 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 27138 6. CATEGORY CODE 7. PROJECT NmBRR 113-321 ELwDo43001 8. PROJECT COST ($000) 6,320 YEG will curtail the size and number of their missions or the numbers of F-15's used fox ailot training will have to be reduced sooner than planned. This project meets the criteria/scope outlined in the Air Force Handbook KIDITIONAL: 32-1084, "Facility Requirements". A preliminary analysis of reasonable options for rccomplishing this project (status quo, renovation, upgrade/removal, new construction) vas done. It indicates there is only one option that will meet operational cequirements. Therefore, a full economic analysis was not performed. A certificate of exception has been prepared. Base Civil Engineer: Lt Co1 John K. Borland (850) 2833283. JOINT USE CERTIFICATION: This facility can be used by other components on an .as available" basis, however, the scope of the project is based on Air Force requirements. .‘ DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. SO FY 2004 WILITARY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DATA 1. coWPoNRNT 2. DATE (computer generated) AIR FORCE I- 3. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION 4. PROJECT TITLE TYWDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA F-22 PARKING APRON/RUNWAY RXTRWSION 6. CATRGORY 5. PROGRAM ELEMENT 113-321 27138 CODE 7. PROJRCT N[JMBER 8. PROJECT xLWUo43001 COST ($000) 6,320 1 2 . SUPPLRWRNTAL DATA: a. Estimated Design Data: I (1) Status: (a) Date Design Started (b) Parametric Cost Estimates used to develop costs l (c) Percent Complete as of 01 JAN 2003 l (d) Date 35% Designed (e) Date Design Complete (f) Energy Study/Life-Cycle analysis was/will be performed 02-APR-02 YES 15% lo-AUG-02 lo-SEP-03 NO (2) Basis: (a) Standard or Definitive Design (b) Where Design Was West Recently Used - NO (3) Total Cost (c) - (a) + (b) or (d) + (e): (a) Production of Plans and Specifications (b) All Other Design Costs (c) Total (d) Contract (e) In-house ($000) 379 190 569 (4) Construction 03 DEC Contract Award 506 63 (5) Construction Start 04 JAN (6) Construction Completion 04 DEC * Indicates completion of Project Definition with Parametric Cost Estimate which is comparable to traditional 35% design to eusure valid scope, cost and executability. b. Equipment associated with this project provided from other appropriations: N/A DD FORM 1391, DEC 76 Previous editions are obsolete. Page No. 81