Automated Generation of Metadata for Studying and Teaching about

Automated Generation of Metadata for Studying and Teaching about
Africa from an Africancentric Perspective: Opportunities,
Barriers and Signs of Hope
Abdul Karim Bangura
As ironical as it may seem, most of what I know today about African history I learned in the West,
and the opportunities availed to me to travel back and forth to conduct research in Africa were
made possible by living in the United States. Yet, as I have demonstrated in a relatively recent work
(Bangura, 2005), after almost three centuries of employing Western educational approaches, many
African societies are still characterized by low Western literacy rates, civil conflicts and
underdevelopment. It is obvious that these Western educational paradigms, which are not
indigenous to Africans, have done relatively little good for Africans. Thus, I argued in that work that
the salvation for Africans hinges upon employing indigenous African educational paradigms which
can be subsumed under the rubric of ubuntugogy, which I defined as the art and science of teaching
and learning undergirded by humanity towards others. Therefore, ubuntugogy transcends pedagogy (the
art and science of teaching), andragogy (the art and science of helping adults learn), ergonagy (the art
and science of helping people learn to work), and heutagogy (the study of self-determined learning).
As I also noted, many great African minds, realizing the debilitating effects of the Western
educational systems that have been forced upon Africans, have called for different approaches. One
of the biggest challenges for studying and teaching about Africa in Africa at the higher education
level, however, is the paucity of published material. Automated generation of metadata is one way of
mining massive datasets to compensate for this shortcoming. Thus, this essay raises and addresses
the following three major research questions: (1) What is automated generation of metadata and how
can the technique be employed from an Africancentric perspective? (2) What are the barriers for
employing this approach? (3) What signs are on the horizon that point to possibilities of overcoming
these barriers? After addressing these questions, conclusions and recommendations are offered.
Keywords: Metadata, Data Mining, Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
Africa, Africancentrism, Ubuntugogy
While a great deal of attention has been paid to the “digital divide” within developed countries and
between those countries and the developing ones, most Africans do not even have such luxury as
access to books, periodicals, radio and television channels, which is precisely why information and
communication technology (ICT) is so important to Africa. ICT has the potential to have a positive
impact on Africa’s development. So, how can Africans transform that potential into reality? And
how can Africans access that technology? Without access, that technology cannot do much for
Africans—thus, the essence of digital technology.
The digital often refers to the newest ICT, particularly the Internet. There are, of course, other
more widely available forms of ICT, such as radio and telephones. But there are many problems
concerning the generally abysmal state of networks of every kind on the continent that make it
difficult to fully utilize the development potential of even this technology. Africa’s electrical grid is
grossly inadequate, resulting in irregular or nonexistent electrical supplies. The biggest problem is
that in many countries, significant power distribution networks are non-existent in rural areas.
Africa’s phone systems are spotty and often rely on antiquated equipment, and progress is
hamstrung by bureaucracy and, in most instances, state-owned monopolies. But African
governments have the power to alter these circumstances and, gradually, some are doing so. The
signs of progress are unbelievable. A few years ago, a couple of countries had Internet access.
Today, all 54 countries and territories in Africa have permanent connections, and there is also
rapidly growing public access provided by phone shops, schools, police stations, clinics, and hotels.
Although Africa is becoming increasingly connected, access to the Internet, however, is
progressing at a limited pace. Of the 770 million people in Africa, only one in every 150, or
approximately 5.5 million people in total, now uses the Internet. There is roughly one Internet user
for every 200 people, compared to a world average of one user for every 15 people, and a North
American and European average of about one in every two people. An Internet or E-mail
connection in Africa usually supports a range of three to five users. The number of dial-up Internet
subscribers now stands at over 1.3 million, up from around one million at the end of 2000. Of these,
North Africa accounts for about 280,000 subscribers and South Africa accounts for 750,000 (Lusaka
Information Dispatch, 2003). Kenya now has more than 100,000 subscribers and some 250 cyber
cafes across the country (BBC, 2002). The widespread penetration of the Internet in Africa is still
largely confined to the major cities, where only a minority of the total population lives. Most of the
continent’s capital cities now have more than one internet service provider (ISP); and in early 2001,
there were about 575 public ISPs across the continent. Usage of the Internet in Africa is still
considered a privilege for a few individuals and most people have never used it (Lusaka Information
Dispatch, 2003).
In Zambia, for example, there are now about five ISPs, which include Zamnet, Microlink,
Coppernet, Uunet, and Sambia Telecommunication Service (ZAMTEL), which is government
owned. Most people in Lusaka go to Internet cafes to check for their E-mail unlike surfing the
Internet to conduct research (Lusaka Information Dispatch, 2003).
Indeed, ICT can play a substantial role to improve access to all forms of education (formal
schooling, adult literacy, and vocational educational training) and to strengthen the economic and
democratic institutions in African countries. It can also help to address the major issue of this essay:
i.e. one of the biggest challenges for studying and teaching about Africa in Africa at the higher
education level being the paucity of published material. I suggest in this paper that automated
generation of metadata is one way of mining massive datasets to compensate for this shortcoming.
Thus, this essay raises and addresses the following three major research questions: (1) What is
automated generation of metadata and how can the technique be employed from an Africancentric
perspective? (2) What are the barriers for employing this approach? (3) What signs are on the
horizon that point to possibilities of overcoming these barriers? After addressing these questions,
conclusions and recommendations are offered.
Automated Generation of Metadata
The capabilities of generating and collecting data, observed Alshameri (2006), have been increasing
rapidly. The computerization of many business and government transactions with the attendant
advances in data collection tools, he added, has provided huge amounts of data. Millions of
databases have been employed in business management, government administration, scientific and
engineering management, and many other applications. This explosive growth in data and databases
has generated an urgent need for new techniques and tools that can intelligently and automatically
transform the processed data into useful information and knowledge (Chen et al., 1996). This
chapter explores the nature of data mining and how it can be used in doing research on African
Data mining is the task of discovering interesting patterns from large amounts of data where the
data can be stored in databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories. It is a young
interdisciplinary field, drawing upon such areas as database systems, data warehousing, statistics,
machine learning, data visualization, information retrieval, and high-performance computing. Other
contributing areas include neural networks, pattern recognition, spatial data analysis, image
databases, signal processing, and many application fields, such as business, economics, and
Data mining denotes a process of nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and
potentially useful information (such as knowledge rules, constraints, regularities) from data in
databases. The information and knowledge gained can be used for applications ranging from
business management, production control, and market analysis to engineering design and scientific
There are also many other concepts, appearing in some literature, carrying a similar or slightly
different definitions, such as knowledge mining from databases, knowledge extraction, data
archaeology, data dredging, data analysis, etc. By knowledge discovery in databases, interesting
knowledge, regularities, or high-level information can be extracted from the relevant sets of data in
databases and be investigated from different angles, thereby serving as rich and reliable sources for
knowledge generation and verification. Mining information and knowledge from large databases has
been recognized by many researchers as a key research topic in database systems and machine
learning and by many industrial companies as an important area with an opportunity for major
revenue generation. The discovered knowledge can be applied to information management, query
processing, decision making, process control, and many other applications. Researchers in many
different fields, including database systems, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, machine
learning, knowledge acquisition, statistics, spatial databases, and data visualization have shown great
interest in data mining. Furthermore, several emerging applications in information providing
services, such as on-line services and the World Wide Web, also call for various data mining
techniques to better understand user behavior in order to ameliorate the service provided and to
increase business opportunities.
Mining Massive Data Sets
Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the amount of digitally-stored data, the rate at which
data is being generated, and the diversity of disciplines relying upon the availability of stored data.
Massive data sets are increasingly important in a wide range of applications, including observational
sciences, product marketing, and the monitoring and operations of large systems. Massive datasets
are collected routinely in a variety of settings in astrophysics, particle physics, genetic sequencing,
geographical information systems, weather prediction, medical applications, telecommunications,
sensors, government databases, and credit card transactions. The nature of these data is not limited
to a few esoteric fields, but, arguably, to the entire gamut of human intellectual pursuits, ranging
from images on Web pages to exabytes (~1018 bytes) of astronomical data from sky surveys
(Hambrusch et al., 2003).
There is a wide range of problems and application domains in science and engineering that can
benefit from data mining. In several of these fields, techniques similar to data mining have been used
for many years, albeit under different names (Kamath, 2001). For example, in the area of remote
sensing, rivers and boundaries of cities have been identified using image understanding methods.
Much of the use of data mining techniques in the past has been for data obtained from observations
of experiments, as one-dimensional signals or two-dimensional images. These techniques, however,
are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists involved in simulating complex phenomena on
massively parallel computers. They realize that, among other benefits, the semi-automated approach
of data mining can complement visualization in the analysis of massive datasets produced by the
There are different areas which provide for the use of data mining. The following are some
(a) Astronomy and Astrophysics have long used data mining techniques such as statistics that aid in
the careful interpretation of observations that are an integral part of astronomy. The data being
collected from astronomical surveys are now being measured in terabytes (~1012 bytes), because
of the new technology of the telescopes and detectors. These datasets can be easily stored and
analyzed by high performance computers. Astronomy data present several unique challenges. For
example, there is frequently noise in the data due to the sensors used for collecting data:
atmospheric disturbances, etc. The data may also be corrupted by missing values or invalid
measurements. In the case of images, identifying an object within an image may be non-trivial, as
natural objects are frequently complex and image processing techniques based on the
identification of edges or lines are inapplicable. Furthermore, the raw data, which are in highdimensional space, must be transformed into a lower-dimensional feature space, resulting in a
high pre-processing cost. The volumes of data are also large, further exacerbating the problem.
All these characteristics, in addition to the lack of ground truth, make astronomy a challenging
field for the practice of data mining (Grossman et al., 2001).
(b) Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine—informatics, chemical informatics and medicine are all areas
where data mining techniques have been used for a while and are increasingly gaining acceptance.
In bioinformatics, which is a bridge between biology and information technology, the focus is on
the computational analysis of gene sequences (Cannataro et al., 2004). Here, the data can be gene
sequences, expressions, or protein information. Expressions mean information on how the
different parts of a sequence are activated, whereas protein data represent the biochemical and
biophysical structures of the molecules. Research in bioinformatics related to sequencing of the
human genome evolved from analyzing the effects of individual genes to a more integrated view
that examines whole ensembles of genes as they interact to form a living human being. In
medicine, image mining is used on the analysis of images from mammograms, MRI scans,
ultrasounds, DNA micro-arrays and X-rays for tasks such as identifying tumors, retrieving images
with similar characteristics, detecting changes, and genomics. In addition to these tasks, data
mining can be employed in the analysis of medical records.
In the chemical sciences, the information overload problem is becoming staggering as well,
with the chemical abstract service adding about 700,000 new compounds to its database each
year. Chemistry data are usually obtained either by experimentation or by computer simulation.
The need for effective and efficient data analysis techniques is also being driven by the relatively
new field of combinatorial chemistry, which essentially involves reactivating a set of starting
chemicals in all possible combinations, thereby producing large datasets. Data mining is being
used to analyze chemical datasets for molecular patterns and to identify systematic relationships
between various chemical compounds.
(c) Earth Sciences, Climate Modeling, and Remote Sensing are replete with data mining opportunities.
They cover a broad range of topics, including climate modeling and analysis, atmospheric
sciences, geographical information systems, and remote sensing. As in the case of astronomy, this
is another area in which the vast volumes of data have resulted in the use of semi-automated
techniques for data analysis. Earth science data can be particularly challenging from a practical
view point, and they come in many different formats, scales and resolutions. Extensive work is
required to pre-process the data, including image processing, feature extraction, and feature
selection. It suffices to say that the volumes of earth sciences data are typically enormous, with
the NASA Earth Observing System expected to generate over 11,000 terabytes of data upon
completion. Much of these data is stored in flat files, not databases.
(d) Computer Vision and Robotics are characterized by a substantial overlap. There are several ways
in which the two fields can benefit each other. For example, computer vision applications can
benefit from the accurate machine learning algorithms developed in data mining, while the
extensive work done in image analysis and fuzzy logic for computer vision and robotics can be
used in data mining as well, especially for applications involving images (Kamath, 2001). The
applications of data mining methodologies in computer vision and robotics are quite diverse.
They include automated inspection in industries for tasks such as detecting errors in
semiconductor masks and identifying faulty widgets in assembly line productions; face
recognition and tracking of eyes, gestures, and lip movements for problems such as lip-reading;
automated television studios, video conferencing and surveillance, medical imaging during
surgery as well as for diagnostic purposes, and vision for robot motion control. One of the key
characteristics of the problems in computer vision and robotics is that they must be done in real
time (Kamath 2001). In addition, the data collection and analysis can be tailored to the task being
performed as the objects of interest are likely to be similar to one another.
(e) Engineering—with sensors and computers becoming ubiquitous and powerful, and engineering
problems becoming more complex, there is a greater focus on gaining a better understanding of
these problems through experiments and simulations. As a result, large amounts of data are being
generated, providing an ideal opportunity for the use of data mining techniques in areas such as
structural mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, material science, and the semi-conductor
industry. Data from sensors are being used to address a variety of problems, including detection
of land mines, identification of damage in aerodynamic systems (e.g., helicopters) or physical
structures (e.g., bridges), and nondestructive evaluation in manufacturing quality control, to name
just a few. In computer simulation, which is increasingly seen as the third mode of science,
complementing theory and experiment, the techniques from data mining are yet to gain
widespread acceptance (Marusic et al., 2001). Data mining techniques are also employed in
studying the identification of coherent structures in turbulence.
(f) Financial Data Analysis—most banks and other financial institutions offer a wide variety of
banking services such as checking, savings, and business and individual customer transactions.
Added to that are credit services like business mortgages and investment services such as mutual
funds. Some also offer insurance and stock investment services. Financial data collected in the
banking and financial industries are often relatively complete, reliable and of high quality, which
facilitate systematic data analysis and data mining. Classification and clustering methods can be
used for customer group identification and targeted marketing. For example, customers with
similar behaviors regarding banking and loan payments may be grouped together by
multidimensional clustering techniques (Han et al., 2001). Effective clustering and collaborative
filtering methods such as decision trees and nearest neighbor classification can help in identifying
customer groups, associate new customers with an appropriate customer group, and facilitate
targeted marketing. Data mining can also be used to detect money laundering and other financial
crimes by integrating information from multiple databases, as long as they are potentially related
to the study.
(g) Security and Surveillance comprise another active area for data mining methodologies. They
include applications such as fingerprint and retinal identification, human face recognition, and
character recognition in order to identify people and their signatures for access, law enforcement
or surveillance purposes. Data mining techniques can also be used in tasks such as automated
target recognition.
The preceding areas have benefited from the scientific and engineering advances in data mining.
Added to these are various technological areas that produce enormous amounts of data, such as high
energy physics data from particle physics experiments that are likely to exceed a petabyte (~1015
bytes) per year and data from the instrumentation of computer programs run on massively parallel
machines that are too voluminous to be analyzed manually. What is becoming clear, however, is that
the data analysis problems in science and engineering are getting more complex and more pervasive,
giving rise to a great opportunity for the application of data mining methodologies. Some of these
opportunities are discussed in the following subsection.
Requirements and Challenges of Mining Massive Data Sets
In order to conduct effective data mining, one needs to first examine what kind of features an
applied knowledge discovery system is expected to have and what kind of challenges one may face at
the development of data mining techniques. The following are some of the challenges:
(a) Handling of different types of high-dimensional data. Since there are many kinds of data and databases
used in different applications, one may expect that a knowledge discovery system should be able
to perform effective data mining on different kinds of data. Massive databases contain complex
data types, such as structured data and complex data objects, hypertext and multimedia data,
spatial and temporal data, remote sequencing, transaction data, legacy data, etc. These data are
typically high-dimensional, with attributes numbering from a few hundreds to the thousands.
There is an urgent demand for new techniques for data retrieval and representation, new
probabilistic and statistical models for high-dimensional indexing, and database querying
methods. A powerful system should be able to perform effective data mining on such complex
types of data as well.
(b) Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms. With the increasing size of data, there is a
growing appreciation for algorithms that are scalable. To effectively extract information from a
huge amount of data in databases, the knowledge discovery algorithms must be efficient and
scalable to large databases. Scalability refers to the ability to use additional resources such as the
central processing unit (CPU) and memory in an efficient manner to solve increasingly larger
problems. It describes how the computational requirements of an algorithm grow with problem
(c) Usefulness, certainty and expressiveness of data mining results. Scientific data, especially data from
observations and experiments, are noisy. Removing the noise from data, without affecting the
signal, is a challenging problem in massive datasets. Noise, missing or invalid data, and
exceptional data should be handled elegantly in data mining systems. The discovered knowledge
should accurately portray the contents of the database and be useful for certain applications.
(d) Building reliable and accurate models and expressing the results. Different kinds of knowledge can be
discovered from a large amount of data. These discovered kinds of knowledge can be examined
from different views and presented in different forms. This requires the researcher to build a
model that reflects the characteristics of the observed data and to express both the data mining
requests and the discovered knowledge in high-level languages or graphical user interfaces, so
that the discovered knowledge can be understandable and directly usable.
(e) Mining distributed data. The widely available local and wide-area computer networks, including
the Internet, connect many sources of data and form huge distributed heterogeneous databases,
such as the text data that are distributed across various Web servers or astronomy data that are
distributed as part of a virtual observatory. On the one hand, mining knowledge from different
sources of formatted or unformatted data with diverse data semantics poses new challenges to
data mining. On the other hand, data mining may help disclose the high-level data regularities in
heterogeneous databases which can hardly be discovered by simple query systems. Moreover, the
huge size of the database, the wide distribution of data, and the computational complexity of
some data mining methods motivate the development of parallel and distributed data mining
(f) Protection of privacy and data security. When data can be viewed from many different angles and at
different abstraction levels, it can threaten the goal of ensuring data security and guarding against
the invasion of privacy (Chen et al., 1996). It is important to study when knowledge discovered
may lead to an invasion of privacy and what security measures can be developed to prevent the
disclosure of sensitive information.
(g) Size and type of data. Science datasets range from moderate to massive, with the largest being
measured in terabytes. As more complex simulations are performed and observations over long
periods at higher resolution are conducted, the data will grow to the petabyte range. Data mining
infrastructure should support the rapidly increasing data volume and the variety of data formats
that are used in the scientific domain.
(h) Data visualization. The complexity and noise of massive data affect data visualization. Scientific
data are collected from variant sources by using different sensors. Data visualization is needed to
use all available data to enhance an analysis. Unfortunately, a difficult problem may emerge when
data are collected on different resolutions, using different wavelengths, under different
conditions, with different sensors (Kamath, 2001). Collaborations between computer scientists
and statisticians are yielding statistical concepts and modeling strategies to facilitate data
exploration and visualization. For example, recent work in multivariate data analysis involves
ranking multidimensional observations based on their relative importance for information
extraction and modeling, thereby contributing to the visualization of high dimensional objects
such as cell gene expression, profile and image.
Mining Spatial Databases
The study and development of data mining algorithms for spatial databases are motivated by the
large amount of data collected through remote sensing, medical equipment, and other instruments.
Managing and analyzing spatial data became an important issue due to the growth of the
applications that deal with geo-reference data. A spatial database stores a large amount of spacerelated data, such as maps, pre-processed remote sensing or medical imaging data. Spatial databases
have many features distinguishing them from relational databases. They carry topological and/or
distance information, usually organized by sophisticated, multidimensional spatial indexing
structures that are accessed by spatial data access methods and often require spatial reasoning,
geometric computation, and spatial knowledge representation techniques. Another difference is the
query language that is employed to access spatial data. The complexity of the spatial data type is
another important feature (Palacio et al., 2003).
The explosive growth in data and databases used in business management, government
administration and scientific data analysis has created the need for tools that can automatically
transform the processed data into useful information and knowledge. Spatial data mining is a
subfield of data mining that deals with the extraction of implicit knowledge, spatial relationships, or
other interesting patterns not explicitly stored in spatial databases (Koperski et al., 1995). Such
mining demands an integration of data mining with spatial database technologies. It can be used for
understanding spatial data, discovering spatial relationships and relationships between spatial and
non-spatial data, constructing spatial knowledge databases, reorganizing spatial databases, and
optimizing spatial queries. It is expected to have wide applications in geographic imaging, navigation,
traffic control, environmental studies, and many other areas where spatial data are employed (Han et
al., 2001).
A crucial challenge to spatial data mining is the exploration of efficient spatial data mining
techniques due to the huge amount of spatial data and the complexity of spatial data types and
spatial access methods. Challenges in spatial data mining arise from different issues. First classical
data mining is designed to process numbers and categories, whereas spatial data are more complex
and include extended objects such as points, lines, and polygons. Second, while classical data mining
works with explicit inputs, spatial predicates and attributes are often implicit. Third, classical data
mining treats each input independently of other inputs, while spatial patterns often exhibit
continuity and high autocorrelation among nearby features (Shekhar et al., 2002).
Related Work
Statistical spatial data analysis has been a popular approach used to analyze spatial data. This
approach handles numerical data well and usually suggests realistic models of spatial phenomena.
Different methods for knowledge discovery, algorithms and applications for spatial data mining are
created. Classification of spatial data has been analyzed by some researchers. A method for
classification of spatial objects has been proposed by Ester et al. (1997). Their proposed algorithm is
based on ID3 algorithm, and it uses the concept of neighborhood graphs. It considers not only nonspatial properties of the classified objects, but also non-spatial properties of neighboring objects:
objects are treated as neighbors if they satisfy the neighborhood relations. Ester et al. (2000) also
define topological relations as those which are invariant under topological transformations. If both
objects are rotated, translated, or scaled simultaneously, the relations are preserved. These scholars
present a definition of topological relations derived from the nine intersections model: i.e. the
topological relations between two objects are (1) disjoint, (2) meet, (3) overlap, (4) equal, (5) cover,
(6) covered-by, (7) contain, and (8) inside; the second type of relations refers to (9) distance
relations. These relations compare the distance between two objects with a given constant using
arithmetic operators like <, >, and =. The distance between objects is defined as the minimum
distance between them. The third type of relations they define are the direction relations. They
define a direction relation A R B of two spatial objects using one representative point of the object
A and all points of the destination object B. It is possible to define several possibilities of direction
relations depending on the points that are considered in the source and the destination objects. The
representative point of a source object may be the center of the object or a point on its boundary.
The representative point is used as the origin of a virtual coordinate system, and its quadrants define
the directions.
Fayyad et al. (1996) used decision tree methods to classify images of stellar objects to detect stars
and galaxies. About three terabytes of sky images were analyzed. Similar to the mining association
rules in transactional and relational databases, spatial association rules can be mined in spatial
databases. Spatial association describes the spatial and non-spatial properties which are typical for
the target objects but not for the whole database (Ester et al., 2000). Koperski et al. (1995)
introduced spatial association rules that describe associations between objects based on spatial
neighborhood relations. An example can be the following:
This rule states that 90% of African countries receiving Western aid are also highly corrupt, and
0.5% of the data belongs to such a case.
Spatial clustering identifies clusters or densely populated regions according to some distance
measurement in a large, multidimensional dataset. There are different methods for spatial clustering
such as the k-mediod clustering algorithms (Ng et al. 1994) and the Generalized Density Based
Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (GDBSCAN) that relies on a destiny-based notion of
clusters (Sander et al., 1998).
Visualizing large spatial datasets became an important issue due to the rapidly growing volume of
spatial datasets, which makes it difficult for a human to browse such datasets. Shekhar et al. (2002)
have constructed a Web-based visualization software package for observing the summarization of
spatial patterns and temporal trends. The visualization software will help users gain insight and
enhance their understanding of the large data.
Mining Text Databases
Text databases consist of large collections of documents from various sources, such as news articles,
research papers, books, digital libraries, E-mail messages, and Web pages. Text databases are rapidly
growing due to the increasing amount of information available in electronic forms, such as
electronic publications, E-mail, CD-ROMs, and the World Wide Web (which also can be considered
as a huge interconnected dynamic text and multimedia database).
Data stored in most text databases are semi-structured data in that they are neither completely
unstructured nor completely structured. For example, a document may contain a few structured
fields, such as a title, author’s name(s), publication date, length, category, etc., and also contain some
largely unstructured text components, such as an abstract and contents.
Traditional information retrieval techniques have become inadequate for the increasingly vast
amounts of text data (Han et al., 2001). Typically, only a small fraction of the many available
documents will be relevant to a given individual user. Without knowing what could be in the
documents, it is difficult to formulate effective queries for extracting and analyzing useful
information from the data. Users need tools to compare different documents, rank the importance
and relevance of the documents, or find patterns and trends across multiple documents. Thus, text
mining has become an increasingly popular and essential theme in data mining.
Text mining has also emerged as a new research area of text processing. It focuses on the
discovery of new facts and knowledge from large collections of texts that do not explicitly contain
the knowledge to be discovered (Gomez et al., 2001). The goals of text mining are similar to those
of data mining, since it attempts to find clusters, uncover trends, discover associations, and detect
deviations in a large set of texts. Text mining has also adopted techniques and methods of data
mining, such as statistical techniques and machine learning approaches. Text mining helps one to dig
out the hidden gold from textual information, and it leaps from old fashioned information retrieval
to information and knowledge discovery (Dorre et al., 1999).
Basic Measures for Text Retrieval
Information retrieval is a field that has been developing in parallel with database systems for many
years. Unlike the field of database systems, however, which has focused on query and transaction
processing of structured data, information retrieval is concerned with the organization and retrieval
of information from a large number of text based documents. A typical information retrieval
problem is to locate relevant documents based on user input, such as keywords or example
documents. This type of information retrieval system includes online library catalog systems and
online document management systems (Berry et al., 1999).
It is vital to know how accurate or correct a text retrieval system is in retrieving documents based
on a query. The set of documents relevant to a query can be called “{Relevant},” whereas the set of
documents retrieved is denoted as “{Retrieved}.” The set of documents that are both relevant and
retrieved is denoted as “{Relevant}∩{Retrieved}.” There are two basic measures for assessing the
quality of a retrieval system: (1) precision and (2) recall (Berry at al., 1999).
The precision of a system is the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved to the total
number of documents retrieved. In other words, it is the percentage of retrieved documents that are
in fact relevant to the query—i.e. the correct response. Precision can be represented as follows:
Precision =
The recall of a system is the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved to the total
number of relevant documents in the collection. Stated differently, it is the percentage of documents
that are relevant to the query and were retrieved. Recall can be represented the following way:
Recall =
Word Similarity
Information retrieval systems support keyword-based and/or similarity-based retrieval. In keywordbased information retrieval, a document is represented by a string, which can be identified by a set
of keywords. A good information retrieval system should consider synonyms when answering the
queries. For example, synonyms such as “automobile” and “vehicle” should be considered when
searching the keyword “car.” There are two major difficulties with a keyword-based system: (1)
synonymy and (2) polysemy. In a synonymy problem, keywords such as “software product” may not
appear anywhere in a document, even though the document is closely related to a software product.
In a polysemy problem, a keyword such as “regression” may mean different things in different
The similarity-based retrieval system finds similar documents based on a set of common
keywords. The output of such retrieval should be based on the degree of relevance, where relevance
is measured in terms of the closeness and relative frequency of the keywords.
A text retrieval system often associates a stop list with a set of documents. A stop list is a set of
words that are deemed “irrelevant.” For instance, “a,” “the,” “of,” “for,” “with,” etc. are stop words,
even though they may appear frequently. The stop list depends on the document itself: for example,
together, “artificial intelligence” could be an important keyword in a newspaper; it may, however, be
considered a stop word on research papers presented at an artificial intelligence conference.
A group of different words may share the same word stem. A text retrieval system needs to
identify groups of words in which the words in a group are small syntactic variants of one another,
and collect only the common word stem per group. For example, the group of words “drug,”
“drugged,” and “drugs” share a common word stem, “drug,” and can be viewed as different
occurrences of the same word.
Panel et al. (2002) computed the similarity among a set of documents or between two words, wi
and wj, using the cosine coefficient of their mutual information vectors:
Σmiwic X miwjc
sim(wi, wj )
Σmiwic2 x Σmiwjc2
where wic is the positive mutual information between context (c) and the word (w). Fc(w) be the
frequency count of the word, w, occurring in context c:
= Σ Fi(w) Σ Fc(J)
X j _____
where N = ΣΣ Fi(j), is the total frequency counts of all words and their context.
Related Work
Text mining and applications of data mining to structured data derived from texts have been the
subjects of many research projects in recent years. Most text mining has used natural language
processing to extract key terms and phrases directly from documents.
Pantel at al. (2002) have proposed a clustering algorithm, Clustering By Committee (CBC), in
which the centroid of a cluster is constructed by averaging the feature vectors of a subset of the
cluster members. The subset is viewed as a committee that determines which other elements belong
to the cluster. Pantel and his partners divided the algorithm into three phases. In the first phase, they
found top similar elements. To compute the top similar words of a word w, they sorted w’s features
according to their mutual information with w. They computed only the pairwise similarities between
w and the words that share high mutual information features with w. In the second phase, they
found committees—a set of recursively tight clusters in the similarity space—and other elements
that are not covered by any committee. An element is said to be covered by a committee if that
element’s similarity to the centroid of the committee exceeds some high similarity threshold.
Assigning elements to clusters is the last phase on the CBC algorithm. In this phase, every element is
assigned to the cluster containing the committee to which it is most similar.
Wong et al. (1999) designed a text association system based on ideas from information retrieval
and syntactic analysis. In their system, the corpus of narrative text is fed into a text engine for topic
extractions, and then the mining engine reads the topics from the text engine and generates topic
association rules which are sent to the visualization system for further analysis. There are two text
engines developed on this system. The first one is word-based and results in a list of content-bearing
words for the corpus. The second one is concept-based and results in concepts based on the corpus.
Dhillon et al. (2001) designed a vector space model to obtain a highly efficient process for
clustering very large collections exceeding 100,000 documents in a reasonable amount of time on a
single processor. They used efficient and scalable data structures such as local and global hash tables.
In addition, a highly efficient and effective spherical k-means algorithm was used, since both the
document and concept vectors lie on the surface of a high-dimensional sphere. The basic idea of the
vector space model is to represent each document as a vector of certain weighted word frequencies.
Each vector component reflects the importance of a particular term in representing the semantics or
meaning of that document. The vectors for all documents in a database are stored as the columns of
a single matrix (Berry et al., 1999).
A database containing a total of d documents described by t terms is represented as a t x d term-bydocument matrix A. The d vectors representing the d documents form the columns of the matrix.
Thus, the matrix element aij is the weighted frequency at which the term i occurs in document j. In
the vector space model, the columns of A are the document vectors, whereas the rows of A are the term
To create the vector space model, there are important parsing and extraction steps needed, such
as all unique words from the entire set of documents. Eliminate all “stop words” such as “a,” “and,”
“the,” etc. For each document, count the number of occurrences of each word. Eliminate “highfrequency” and “low-frequency” non-content-bearing words by using the heuristic or informationtheoretic criteria. Finally, for each word, w, assign a unique identifier between one to w to each
remaining word and unique identifier between one to d to each document. The geometric
relationship between document vectors and also the term vectors can help to identify the similarities
and differences between the document’s content and also in term usage.
In the vector space model, in order to find the relevant documents, the user queries the database
by using the vector space representation of those documents. Query matching is finding the
documents most similar to the query in use and weighting the terms. In the vector space model, the
documents selected are those geometrically closest to the query according to some measure.
Mining Remote Sensing Data
The data volumes of remote sensing are rapidly growing. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration’s (NASA) Earth Observing System (EOS) program alone produces massive data
products with total rates more than 1.5 terabytes per day (King et al., 1999). Application and
products of Earth observing and remote sensing technologies have been shown to be crucial to
global social, economic and environmental well being (Yang et al., 2001).
In order to help scientists search massive remotely sensed databases and find data of interest to
them, and then order the selected data sets or subsets, several information systems have been
developed for data ordering purposes to face the challenges of the rapidly growing volumes of data,
since the traditional method where a user downloads data and uses local tools to study the data
residing on a local storage system is no longer helpful. To find interesting data, scientists need an
effective and efficient way to search through the data. Metadata are provided in a database to
support data searching by commonly used criteria such as spatial coverage, temporal coverage,
spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. Since metadata search itself may still result in large
amounts of data, some textual restrictions, such as keyword searches, could be employed for
interdisciplinary researchers to select data of interest to them. The usual data selection procedure is
to specify a spatial/temporal range and to see what datasets are available under those conditions.
Yang and his colleagues (1998) developed a distributed information system, the Seasonal
International Earth Science Information Partner (SIESIP), which is a federated system that provides
services for data searching, browsing, analyzing and ordering. The system will provide not only data,
but also data visualization, analysis and user support capabilities.
The SIESIP system is a multi-tiered, client-server architecture, with three physical sites or nodes,
distributing tasks in the areas of user service, access to data and information products, archiving as
needed, ingest and interoperability options, and other aspects. This architecture can serve as a model
for many distributed Earth system science data. There are three phases of user interaction with the
data and information system; each phase can be followed by other phases or it can be conducted
Phase 1, Metadata Access: using the metadata and browse images provided by the SIESIP system,
the user browses the data holding. Metadata knowledge is incorporated into the system and a user
can issue queries to explore this knowledge.
Phase 2, Data Discovery/Online Data Analysis: the user gets a quick estimate of the type and quality
of data found in Phase 1. Analytical tools are then utilized as needed, such as statistical functions
and visualization algorithms.
Phase 3, Data Order: after the user locates the dataset of interest, s/he is now ready to order
datasets. If the data are available through SIESIP, the information system will handle the data
order; otherwise, an order will be issued to the appropriate data provider such as Earth Science
Distributed Active Archive Center (GES DAAC), on behalf of the user, or necessary information
will be forwarded to the user for this task for further action.
The database management system is used for the system to handle catalogue metadata and
statistical summary data. The database system supports two major kinds of queries. The first query is
used to find the right data files for analysis and ordering based on catalogue metadata only. The
second one queries data contents which are supported by the statistical summary data.
Data mining techniques help scientific data users not only in finding rules or relations among
different data but also in finding the right datasets. With the rapid growth of massive data volumes,
scientists need a fast way to search for the data in which they are interested. In this case, scientists
need to search data based not only on metadata but also actual data values. The main goal of the
data mining techniques in the SIESIP system is to find spatial regions and/or temporal ranges over
which parameter values fall into certain ranges. The main challenge is the speed and the accuracy,
because they affect each other inversely.
Different data mining techniques can be applied on remote sensing data. Classification of
remotely sensed data is used to assign corresponding levels with respect to groups with
homogeneous characteristics, with the aim of discriminating multiple objects from one another
within the image. Also, several methods exist for remote sensing image classification. Such methods
include both traditional statistical or supervised approaches and unsupervised approaches that
usually employ artificial neural networks.
Mining Astronomical Data
Astronomy has become and immensely data-rich field, with numerous digital sky surveys across a
range of wavelengths and many terabytes of pixels and billions of detected sources, often with tens
of measured parameters for each object. The problem with the astronomical database is not only the
very large size, but also the variable quality of the data and the nature of astronomical objects with
their very wide dynamic range in apparent luminosity and size present additional challenges. The
great changes in astronomical data enable scientists to map the universe systematically, and in a
panchromatic manner. Scientists can study the galaxy and the large scale structure in the universe
statistically and discover unusual or new types of astronomical objects and phenomena (Brunner et
al., 2002).
Astronomical data and their attendant analyses can be classified into the following five domains:
(1) Imaging data are the fundamental constituents of astronomical observations, capturing a twodimensional spatial picture of the universe within a narrow wavelength region at a particular
epoch or instance of time.
(2) Catalogs are generated by processing the imaging data. Each detected source can have a large
number of measured parameters, including coordinates, various flux quantities, morphological
information, and a real extant.
(3) Spectroscopy, polarization, and other follow-up measurements provide detailed physical quantification
of the target systems, including distance information, chemical composition, and measurements
of the physical fields present at the source.
(4) Studying the time domain provides important insights into the nature of the universe by
identifying moving objects, variable sources, or transient objects.
(5) Numerical simulations are theoretical tools which can be compared with observational data.
Handling and exploring these vast new data volumes, and actually making real scientific
discoveries, pose considerable technical challenges. Many of the necessary techniques and software
packages, including artificial intelligence techniques like neural networks and decision trees, have
been already successfully applied to astronomical problems such as pattern recognition and object
classification. Clustering and data association algorithms have also been developed.
As early as 1936, Edwin Hubble established a system to classify galaxies into three fundamental
types. First, elliptical galaxies had an elliptical shape with no other discernible structure. Second,
spiral galaxies had an elliptical nucleus surrounded by a flattened disk of stars and dust containing a
spiral pattern of brighter stars. And third, irregular galaxies have irregular shapes and did not fit into
the other two categories.
Humphrey and his partners (2001) created an automated classification system for astronomical
data. They visually classified 1,500 galaxy images obtained from the Automated Plate Scanner (APS)
database in the region of the north galactic pole. Given the size and brightness of galaxy images
taken into consideration, images that were difficult to classify were removed from this sample.
Grossman and company (2001) developed an application which simultaneously works with two
geographically distributed astronomical source catalogs: (1) the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)
and (2) the Digital Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (DPOSS). The 2MASS data are in the optical
wavelengths, whereas the DPOCC data are in the infrared range. These scientists created a virtual
observatory supporting the statistical analysis of many millions of stars and galaxies with data
coming from both surveys. By using the data space transfer protocol (DSTP), a platform
independent way to share data over a network, they built a query for finding all pairs from the
DPOSS and 2MASS. The query visualized by coloring the data as red, if they appear in 2MASS;
blue, if they appear in DPOSS; or magenta, if they appear in both surveys. The client DSTP
application formulates the fuzzy join and sends the resulting stars and galaxies back to the client
application. The DSTP protocol enables an application in one location to locate, access, and analyze
data from several other locations.
Mining Bioinformatics Data
Bioinformatics is described by Cannataro and his colleagues (2004) as a bridge between the life
sciences and computer science. It has also been described by Barker and his associates (2004) as a
cross-disciplinary field in which biologists, computer scientists, chemists, and mathematicians work
together, each bringing a unique point of view. The term bioinformatics has a range of interpretations,
but the core activities of bioinformatics are widely acknowledged: storage, organization, retrieval and
analysis of biological data obtained by experiments or by querying databases.
The increasing volume of biological data collected in recent years has prompted increasing
demand for bioinformatics tools for genomic and proteomic (the set of proteins encoded by the
genome to define models representing and analyzing the structure of the proteins contained in each
cell) data analysis. Bioinformatics applications’ design should represent the biological data and
databases efficiently; contain services for data transformation and manipulation such as searching in
protein databases, protein structure prediction, and biological data mining; describe the goals and
requirements of applications and expected results; and support querying and computing
optimization to deal with large datasets (Wong et al., 2001).
Bioinformatics applications are naturally distributed, due to the high number of datasets involved.
They require higher computing power, due to the large size of datasets and the complexity of basic
computations; they may access heterogeneous data; they require a secure software infrastructure
because they could access private data owned by different organizations.
Cannataro et al. (2004) show technologies that can fulfill bioinformatics requirements. The
following are some of these technologies:
(a) Ontologies to describe the semantics of data sources, software components and bioinformatics
tasks. An ontology is a shared understanding of well defined domains of interest, which is realized
as a set of classes or concepts, properties, functions and instances.
(b) Workflow Management Systems to specify in an abstract way complex (distributed) applications,
integrating and composing individual simple services. A workflow is a partial or total automation
of a business process in which a collection of activities must be executed by some entities
(humans or machines) according to certain procedural rules.
(c) Grid Infrastructure to show its security, distribution, service orientation, and computational
(d) Problem Solving Environment to define and execute complex applications, hiding software
development details.
These researchers developed two types of ontologies: (1) OnBrowser for browsing and querying
ontologies and (2) DAMON for the data mining domain describing resources and processes of
knowledge discovery in databases. The latter is used to describe data mining experimentations on
bioinformatics data.
Cannataro et al. (2004) designed PROTEUS, a Grid-based Problem Solving Environment
(GPSE), for composing and running bioinformatics applications on the Grid. They used ontologies
for modeling bioinformatics processes and Grid resources and workflow techniques for designing
and scheduling bioinformatics applications.
PROTEUS assists users in formulating bioinformatics solutions by choosing among different
available bioinformatics applications or by composing a new one as collections on the Grid. It is
used to present and analyze results and then compare them with past results to form the PROTEUS
knowledge base. PROTEUS combines existing open source bioinformatics software and publicavailable biological databases by adding metadata to software, modeling applications through
ontology and workflows, and offering pre-packaged Grid-aware bioinformatics applications.
Web-based bioinformatics application platforms are popular tools for biological data analysis
within the bioscience community. Wong et al. (2001) developed a prototype based on integrating
different biological databanks into a unified XML framework. The prototype simplifies the software
development process of bioinformatics application platforms. The XML-based wrapper of the
prototype demonstrated a way to convert data from different databanks into XML format and be
stored in XML database management systems.
DNA data analysis is an important topic in biomedical research. Recent research in the area has
led to the discovery of genetic causes for many diseases and disabilities, as well as the discovery of
new medicines and approaches for disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. Data mining has
become a powerful tool and contributes substantially to DNA analysis in the following ways,
according to Han et al. (2001):
(a) Semantic integration of heterogeneous, distributed genome database: due to the highly distributed,
uncontrolled generation and use of a wide variety of DNA data, the semantic integration of such
heterogeneous and widely distributed genome databases becomes a pivotal task for systematic
and coordinated analysis of DNA databases.
(b) Similarity search and comparison among DNA sequences: one of the most important search
problems in genetic analysis is similarity search and comparison among DNA sequences. Gene
sequences isolated from diseased and healthy species can be compared to identify critical
differences between the two classes of genes. This can be done by first retrieving the gene
sequences from the two tissue classes and then finding and comparing the frequently occurring
patterns of each class.
(c) Association analysis and identification of co-occurring gene sequences: association analysis methods can
be used to help determine the kinds of genes that are likely to co-occur in target samples. Such
analysis would facilitate the discovery of groups of genes and the study of interactions and
relationships between them.
(d) Visualization tools and genetic data analysis: complex structures and sequencing patterns of genes
are most effectively presented in graphs, trees, cuboids, and chains by various kinds of
visualization tools. Visualization, thus, plays an important role in biomedical data mining.
Research Methodology
The following is a discussion of the proposed approach for mining massive datasets for studying
Africa from an Africancentric perspective. It depends on the METANET concept: a heterogeneous
collection of scientific databases envisioned as a national and international digital data library which
would be available via the Internet. I consider a heterogeneous collection of massive databases such
as remote sensing data and text data. The discussion is divided into two separate, but interrelated,
sections: (1) the automated generation of metadata and (2) the query and search of the metadata.
Automated Generation of Metadata
Metadata simply means data about data. They can be characterized as any information required to
makeg other data useful in information systems. Metadata are a general notion that captures all kinds
of information necessary to support the management, query, consistent use and understanding of
data. Metadata help users to discover, understand and evaluate data, and help data administrators to
manage data and control their access and use. Metadata describe how, when and by whom a
particular set of data was collected, and how the data are formatted. Metadata are essential for
understanding information stored in data warehouses.
In general, there exist metadata to describe file and variable types and organization, but they have
minimal scientific content data. In raw form, a dataset and its metadata have minimal usability. For
example, not all the image datasets in the same file form that are produced by the satellite-based
remote sensing platform are important to scientists. In fact, only the image datasets that contain
certain patterns will be of interest to a scientist. Scientists need metadata about the image datasets’
content to enable scientists to narrow their search time, taking into consideration the size of the
datasets: i.e. terabyte datasets (Wegman, 1997).
Creating a digital object and linking it to the dataset will make the data usable, and at the same
time the search operation for a particular structure in a dataset will be a simple indexing operation
on the digital objects linked to the data. The objective of this process it to link digital objects with
scientific meaning to the dataset at hand and make the digital objects part of the searchable metadata
associated with the dataset. Digital objects will help scientists to narrow the scope of the datasets
that the scientists must consider. In fact, digital objects reflect the scientific content of the data, but
they do not replace the judgment of the scientists.
The digital objects will essentially be named for patterns to be found in the datasets. The goal is
to have a background process, launched either by the database owner or, more likely, via an applet
created by a virtual data center, examining databases available on the data-Web and searching within
datasets for recognizable patterns. Once a pattern is found in a particular dataset, the digital object
corresponding to that pattern is made part of the metadata associated with that set. If the same
pattern is contained in other distributed databases, pointers would be added to that metadata
pointing to metadata associated with the distributed databases. The distributed databases will then
be linked through the metadata in the virtual data center.
At least one of the following three different methods is to be used to generate the patterns for
which a researcher can search. The first method is to delineate empirical or statistical patterns that
have been observed over a long period of time and may be thought to have some underlying
statistical structure. An example of an empirical or statistical pattern is a certain pattern in DNA
sequencing. The second method is to generate the model-based patterns. This method is predictive
if verified on real data. The third method is to tease out patterns found by clustering algorithms.
With this method, patterns are delineated by purely automated techniques that may or may not have
scientific significance (Wegman, 1997).
Query and Search
The notion of the automated creation of metadata is to develop metadata that reflect the scientific
content of the datasets within the database rather than just data structure information. The locus of
the metadata is the virtual data center where it is reproduced. The general desideratum for the scientist
is to have a comparatively vague question that can be sharpened as s/he interacts with the system.
Scientists can create a query, and this query may be sharpened to another vague one, but the data
may be accessible from several distributed databases for the later query. The main issues of the
retrieval process are the browser mechanism for requesting data when the user has a precise query
and an expert system query capability that would help the scientist reformulate a vague question into
a form that may be submitted more precisely.
Query and search would comprise four major elements: (1) a client browser, (2) an expert system
for query refinement, (3) a search engine, and (4) a reporting mechanism. These four elements are
described in the following subsections.
Client Browser
The client browser would be a piece of software running on a scientist’s client machine, which is
likely to be a personal computer (PC) or a workstation. The main idea is to have a graphical user
interface (GUI) that would allow the user to interact with a more powerful server in the virtual data
center. The client software is essentially analogous to the myriad of browsers available for the World
Wide Web (WWW).
Expert Systems for Query Refinement
A scientist interacts with a server via two different scenarios. In the first scenario, the scientist
knows precisely the location and type of data s/he desires. In the second scenario, the scientist
knows generally the type of questions s/he would like to ask, but has little information about the
nature of the databases with which s/he hopes to interact. The first scenario is relatively
straightforward, but the expert system would sill be employed to keep a record of the nature of the
query. The idea is to use the query as a tool in the refinement of the search process. The second
scenario is more complex. The approach is to match a vague query formulated by the scientist to
one or more of the digital objects discovered in the automated generation of metadata phase.
Disciplined experts give rules to the expert system to perform this match. The expert system would
attempt to match the query to one or more digital objects. The scientist has the opportunity to
confirm the match when s/he is satisfied with the proposed match or to refine the query. The expert
system would then engage the search engine in order to synthesize the appropriate datasets. The
expert system would also take advantage of the interaction to form a new rule for matching the
original query to the digital objects developed in the refinement process. Thus, two aspects emerge:
(1) the refinement of the precision of an individual search and (2) the refinement of the search
process. Both aspects share tactical and strategic goals. The refinement would be greatly aided by the
active involvement of the scientist. S/he would be informed about how his/her particular query was
resolved, allowing him/her to reformulate the query efficiently. The log files of these iterative
queries would be processed automatically to inspect the query trees and, possibly, improve their
Also, two other considerations of interest emerge. First, other experts not necessarily associated
with the data repository itself may have examined certain datasets and have commentary in either
informal annotations or in the refereed scientific literature. These commentaries should form part of
the metadata associated with the dataset. Part of the expert system should provide an annotation
mechanism that would allow users to attach commentary or library references (particularly digital
library references) as metadata. Obviously, such annotations may be self-serving and potentially
unreliable. Nonetheless, the idea is to alert the scientist to information that may be useful. User
derived metadata would be considered secondary metadata.
The other consideration is to provide a mechanism for indicating data reliability. This would be
attached to a dataset as metadata, but it may in fact be derived from the original metadata. For
example, a particular data collection instrument may be known to have a high variability. Thus, any
set of data that is collected by this instrument, no matter where in the data it occurred, should have
as part of the attached metadata an appropriate caveat. Hence, an automated metadata collection
technique should be capable of not only examining the basic data for patterns, but also examining
the metadata themselves; and, based on collateral information such as just mentioned, it should be
able to generate additional metadata.
Search Engine
As noted earlier, large scale scientific information systems will likely be distributed in nature and
contain not only the basic data, but also structured metadata: for example, sensor type, sensor
number, measurement data, and unstructured metadata such as a text-based description of the data.
These systems will typically have multiple main repository sites that together will house a major
portion of the data as well as some smaller sites and virtual data centers containing the remainder of
the data. Clearly, given the volume of the data, particularly within the main servers, high
performance engines that integrate the processing of the structured and unstructured data are
necessary to support desired response rates for user requests.
Both database management systems (DBMS) and information retrieval systems provide some
functionality to maintain data. DBMS allow users to store unstructured data as binary large objects
(BLOB), and information retrieval systems allow users to enter structured data in zoned fields.
DBMS, however, offer only a limited query language for values that occur in BLOB attributes.
Similarly, information retrieval systems lack robust functionality for zoned fields. Additionally,
information retrieval systems traditionally lack efficient parallel algorithms. Using a relational
database approach for information retrieval allows for parallel processing, since almost all
commercially available parallel engines support some relational DBMS. An inverted index may be
modeled as a relation. This treats information retrieval as an application of a DBMS. Using this
approach, it is possible to implement a variety of information retrieval functionality and achieve
good run-time performance. Users can issue complex queries including both structured data and
The key hypothesis is that the use of a relational DBMS to model an inverted index will (a)
permit users to query both structured data and text via standard Structured Query Language
(SQL)—in this regard, users may use any relational DBMS that support standard SQL; (b) permit
the implementation of traditional information retrieval functionality such as Boolean retrieval,
proximity searches, and relevance ranking, as well as non-traditional approaches based on data
fusion and machine learning techniques; and (c) take advantage of current parallel DBMS
implementations, so that acceptable run-time performance can be obtained by increasing the
number of processors applied to the problem.
Reporting Mechanism
The most important issue for a reporting mechanism is not only to retrieve datasets appropriate to
the needs of the scientist, but scaling down the potentially large databases the scientist must
consider. Put differently, the scientist would consider megabytes (~106 bytes) instead of terabytes
(~1012 bytes) of data. The search and retrieval process may still result in a massive amount of data.
The reporting mechanism would, therefore, initially report the nature and magnitude of the datasets
to be retrieved. If the scientist agrees that the scale is appropriate for his/her needs, then the data
will be delivered by a file transfer protocol (FTP) or a similar mechanism to his/her local client
machine or to another server where s/he wants the synthesized data to be stored.
To help scientists search for massive databases and find data of interest to them, a good information
system should be developed for data ordering purposes. The system should be performing well
based on the descriptive information of the scientific datasets or metadata, such as the main purpose
of the datasets, the spatial and temporal coverage, the production time, the quality of the datasets,
and the main features of the datasets.
Scientists want to have an idea of what the data look like before ordering them, since metadata
searching alone cannot meet all scientific queries. Thus, content-based searching or browsing and
preliminary analysis of data based on their actual values will be inevitable in these application
contexts. One of the most common content-based queries is to find large enough spatial regions
over which the geophysical parameter values fall into certain intervals given a specific observation
time. The query result could be used for ordering data as well as for defining features associated with
scientific concepts.
For researchers of African topics to be able to maximize the utility of this content-based query
technique, there must exist a Web-based prototype through which they can demonstrate the idea of
interest. The prototype must deal with different types of massive databases, with special attention
being given to the following and other aspects that are unique to Africa:
(a) African languages with words encompassing diacritical marks (dead and alive)
(b) Western colonial languages (dead and alive)
(c) Other languages such as Arabic, Russian, Hebrew, Chinese, etc.
(d) Use of desktop software such as Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect to type words with
diacritical marks and then copy and paste them into Internet search lines
(e) Copying text in online translation sites and translating them into the target language
The underlying approach must be pluridiscipinary, which involves the use of open and resourcebased techniques available in the actual situation. It has, therefore, to draw upon the indigenous
knowledge materials available in the locality and make maximum use of them. Indigenous languages
are, therefore, at the center of the effective use of this methodology.
What all this suggests is that the researcher must revisit the indigenous techniques that take into
consideration the epistemological, cosmological and methodological challenges. Hence, the
researcher must be culture-specific and knowledge-source-specific in his/her orientation. Thus, the
process of redefining the boundaries between the different disciplines in our thought process is the
same as that of reclaiming, reordering and, in some cases, reconnecting those ways of knowing,
which were submerged, subverted, hidden or driven underground by colonialism and slavery. The
research should, therefore, reflect the daily dealings of society and the challenges of the daily lives of
the people. Towards this end, at least the following six questions should guide pluridisciplinary
(1) How can the research increase indigenous knowledge in the general body of global human
(2) How can the research create linkages between the sources of indigenous knowledge and the
centers of learning on the continent and the Diaspora?
(3) How can centers of research in the communities ensure that these communities become
“research societies”?
(4) How can the research be linked to the production needs of the communities?
(5) How can the research help to ensure that science and technology are generated in relevant
ways to address problems of the rural communities where the majority of the people live and that
this is done in indigenous languages?
(6) How can the research help to reduce the gap between the elite and the communities from
which they come by ensuring that the research results are available to everyone and that such
knowledge is drawn from the communities? (For more on this approach, see Bangura 2005.)
In the collection of remote sensing and text databases, one must implement a prototype system
that contains at least a four-terabyte storage capability with high performance computing. Remote
sensing data are available through NASA JPL, NASA Goddard, and NASA Langley Research
The prototype system will allow scientists to make queries against disparate types of databases.
For instance, queries on remote sensing data can focus on the features observed in images. Those
features may be environmental or artificial features which consist of points, lines, or areas.
Recognizing features is the key to interpretation and information extraction. Images differ in their
features, such as tone, shape, size, pattern, texture, shadow, association, etc.
Tone refers to the relative brightness or color objects in the image. It is the fundamental element
for distinguishing between different targets or features. Shape refers to the general form, structure,
or outline of an object. Shape can be a very distinctive clue for interpretation. Size of objects in an
image is a function of scale. It is important to assess the size of a target relative to other objects in a
scene, as well as the absolute size, to aid in the interpretation of that target. Pattern refers to the
spatial arrangement of visibly discernible objects. Texture refers to the arrangement and frequency
of tonal variation in a particular area of an image. Shadow will help in the interpretation by
providing an idea of the profile and relative height of a target or targets which may make
identification easier. Association takes into account the relationship among other recognizable
objects or features in proximity to the target of interest.
Other features of the images that also should be taken into consideration include percentage of
water, green land, cloud forms, snow, and so on. The prototype system will help scientists to retrieve
images that contain different features; the system should be able to handle complex queries. This
calls for some knowledge of African fractals, which I have defined as a self-similar pattern—i.e. a
pattern that repeats itself on an ever diminishing scale (Bangura, 2000:7).
As Ron Eglash (1999) has demonstrated, first, traditional African settlements typically show
repetition of similar patterns at ever-diminishing scales: circles of circles of circular dwellings,
rectangular walls enclosing ever-smaller rectangles, and streets in which broad avenues branch down
to tiny footpaths with striking geometric repetition. He easily identified the fractal structure when he
compared aerial views of African villages and cities with corresponding fractal graphics simulations.
To estimate the fractal dimension of a spatial pattern, Eglash used several different approaches. In
the case of Mokoulek, for instance, which is a black-and-white architectural diagram, a twodimensional version of the ruler size versus length plots were employed. For the aerial photo of
Labbazanga, however, an image in shades of gray, a Fourier transform was used. Nonetheless,
according to Eglash, we cannot just assume that African fractals show an understanding of fractal
geometry, nor can we dismiss that possibility. Thus, he insisted that we listen to what the designers
and users of these structures have to say about it. This is because what may appear to be an
unconscious or accidental pattern might actually have an intentional mathematical component.
Second, as Eglash examined African designs and knowledge systems, five essential components
(recursion, scaling, self-similarity, infinity, and fractional dimension) kept him on track of what does
or does not match fractal geometry. Since scaling and self-similarity are descriptive characteristics,
his first step was to look for the properties in African designs. Once he established that theme, he
then asked whether or not these concepts had been intentionally applied, and started to look for the
other three essential components. He found the clearest illustrations of indigenous self-similar
designs in African architecture.
The examples of scaling designs Eglash provided vary greatly in purpose, pattern, and method.
As he explained, while it is not difficult to invent explanations based on unconscious social forces—
for example, the flexibility in conforming designs to material surfaces as expressions of social
flexibility—he did not believe that any such explanation can account for its diversity. He found that
from optimization engineering, to modeling organic life, to mapping between different spatial
structures, African artisans had developed a wide range of tools, techniques, and design practices
based on the conscious application of scaling geometry. Thus, for example, instead of using the
Koch curve to generate the branching fractals used to model the lungs and acacia tree, Eglash used
passive lines that are just carried through the iterations without change, in addition to active lines
that create a growing tip by the usual recursive replacement.
For the text database, the prototype system must consider polysymy and synonymy problems in
the queries. Polysymy means words having multiple meanings: e.g. “order,” “loyalty,” and “ally.”
Synonymy means multiple words having the same meaning: e.g., “jungle” and “forest,” “tribe” and
“ethnic-group,” “language” and “dialect,” “tradition” and “primitive,” “corruption” and “lobbying.”
The collected documents will be placed into categories depending on the documents’ subjects.
Scientists can search into those documents and retrieve only the ones related to queries of interest.
Scientists can search via words or terms, and then retrieve documents on the same category or from
different categories as long as they are related to the words or terms in which the scientists are
Many barriers to gain access to the Internet can hamper the automated generation of metadata for
studying and teaching about Africa in the continent. These barriers include bandwith, copyright
laws, costs, politics and bureaucracy, training and personnel, and unreliability or system glitches.
These obstacles are discussed sequentially in the following subsections.
Bandwith is broadly defined as the rate of data transfer: i.e. the capacity of the Internet connection
being used. The greater the bandwith, the greater the capacity for faster downloads from the
Internet. It is among the biggest problems African universities face in accessing the Internet. The
universities have been forced to buy bandwith from much more expensive satellite companies. What
is worse is that the purchases have been made through middlemen, increasing the costs even more.
Nonetheless, the evolving technology and steadily falling satellite prices could help to ameliorate this
barrier. In fact, various organizations in Africa are getting together to buy bandwith as a “bridging”
strategy to obtain Internet access via satellite until terrestrial fiber-optic cable becomes available.
With new technology, along with the continued growth of satellite companies, this could be a leapfrog technology that will enable Africa to avoid laying much of the terrestrial cable that was essential
in the developed world (Walker, 2005).
Universities involved in the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa (PHEA)—a collaborative
effort involving Carnegie Corporation of New York, along with the MacArthur, Ford, and
Rockefeller foundations, which have pledged $100 million over a five-year period to help strengthen
African universities—tend to be among the leaders in adapting ICT. But even among them, there
are considerable differences, as the pace of change can be dizzying. The University of Jos in Nigeria,
for example, has blazed a trail in ICT among West African universities, generally regarded as the
region that has the most problems. At Jos, one could get a broadband connection from several labs
on campus and download large research files. About 12 years ago, a group of individuals at the
university who were dedicated to making ICT flourish took on the challenge to make the institution
gain a high level of connectivity. They did not have much money, but they had strong institutional
support, going over the tenure of three vice chancellors. In 1979, Jos had a student and staff
population of 15,000, but it had no ICT staff. There were less than 10 computers and fewer than 10
people who had any computer skills. But today, Jos has over 3,000 E-mail users, over 400 networked
computers, all three of the campuses are linked by 15 local area networks (LANs) utilizing fiber
optics and Cisco switches, and an established tradition of training (Walker, 2005).
At Makerere University in Uganda, there exists a notable program of ICT advances. Nonetheless,
the university is still coping with a bandwith problem. The fundamental challenge is that satellite
access is quite expensive. For every $500 an American institution pays for access per month,
Makerere pays $28,000 (Walker, 2005).
Most African universities do not have enough bandwiths to access the millions of digitized
images of the pages of the most prestigious journals. Organizations which offer such resources such
as JSTOR have explored putting much of their material on local servers for African universities, but
publishers object to the suggestion arguing that the kind of security controls and abuse monitoring
they have on the Internet would not be maintained on local servers (Walker, 2005).
Copyright Laws
A strenuous challenge that has emerged in managing and accessing the Internet in Africa has to do
with copyright laws. African scientists and scholars are being denied access to World Wide Web
(WWW) resources because of increasingly contentious intellectual property rights debates. Among
the groups involved in the debates is the PHEA, whose goal on this issue is to improve African
universities’ capacity to utilize technology. Currently, as I mentioned earlier, the PHEA is in the
midst of an effort to help the universities gain control of the cost and training issues surrounding
online access. Its initial focus has been to facilitate the formation of a coalition of African
universities that will be better positioned to negotiate lower bandwith prices (Walker, 2005).
The development of limited “virtual libraries” highlights what has become the largest obstacle to
African scholars’ access to WWW resources. In the developed countries, there is a tradition of each
student having his/her own textbooks, copies of journals, etc. The tradition just does not exist in
Africa. The reality is that people in the continent copy books for 3,000 students who cannot afford
to buy them. This is certainly what publishers do not want, since it violates their copyright to
photocopy books and journals. The situation might be different if these publishers were to provide
their products to African students, teachers and scholars at lower costs. Publishers must ask
themselves just how much potential income they lose in poor African countries. Copyrights on
Western business and computer science books, for example, are exorbitantly expensive for African
institutions. The publishers are charging $800 for the books compared to $1,000 the universities
charge for tuition. The idea of textbooks cost as much as tuition is staggering for many people. Part
of the solution may hinge upon a collective bargaining process similar to the universities’ bandwith
consortium that would negotiate lower fees from publishers (Walker, 2005).
Publishers and database vendors are requiring African institutions to guarantee that they will
know exactly who is accessing the information at all times at all the universities so that appropriate
fees can be charged. African institutions are asking why vendors should care about how many
students will have access to the information. They rhetorically ask how vendors can be sure that if
they bought a hard copy book half the village will not just copy it. African institutions also perceive
copyright-related problems as a true barrier to development. They believe that people in developing
countries cannot afford to get caught up in the trap of the global intellectual property regime, which
strongly favors the West, where most of the laws are made and enforced. They believe that for
Africa, ICT has become a tool for survival. Anything that stands in the way is unacceptable,
especially when African states are confronted with so many other challenges. They also believe that
the worst thing that could happen to African nations is to become the total consumers of
information, as the property rights issues are becoming barriers that prevent Africans from placing
their knowledge in the global stream. Africans have unique cultures, languages, histories,
environments, fauna, flora, archaeology and increasingly valuable information in the hard sciences,
and they must figure out a way to barter African intellectual property for access to others.
Meanwhile, many African scholars are voicing growing concern about their inability to access
Internet resources because of copyright issues. Professor I. S. Diso, vice chancellor of Nigeria’s
Kano University of Technology, is heading a French-funded investigation into the alleged harmful
restrictions copyrights are placing on African scholars, scientists, and researchers (Walker, 2005).
In Africa, concern about copyright as a barrier is reflected in the growing realization of the role it
can play in preserving unique African knowledge and protecting its ownership. Out of fear that the
works of African scientists and scholars might be stolen in developed countries, university officials
across the continent are reluctant to have those works placed on the WWW (Walker, 2005).
In Africa, the average total cost of using a local dial-up Internet account for 20 hours a month is
about $68 per month. This includes usage fees and local telephone time, but not telephone line
rental. ISP subscription rates vary between $10 and $100 per month. The prevailing high level of
poverty in most of Africa is among the factors hindering people to use the Internet for sustainable
development. Most Africans prefer to spend their hard earned money on buying food to fill their
stomachs as opposed to surfing the Internet. The cost of computers is another factor that is still
plaguing access to the Internet in Africa because governments have not reduced duty on computers
(Lusaka Information Dispatch, 2003).
When they gained independence, many African countries embarked upon serious efforts to build
telephone lines, but the attempts have been stymied by inefficient state-owned monopolies and high
rates of theft of the copper wire used in telephone installations. Consequently, universities interested
in gaining access to the Internet almost all had to do so by buying bandwith from satellite
companies, often at more than 100 times the cost in developed countries. The bandwith price has
started to come down, with the average African university paying $4 less per kilobit per second. And
now that African universities have formed a “bandwith club,” they are expecting the prices to come
down even more. In the new tender they are floating, they are looking at a target price of no more
than $2.50 per kilobit per second. This will help some universities to get up to six times more
bandwith for what they are currently paying (Walker, 2005).
Access to the Internet in Africa is hampered by unfair costs. The continent is being ripped off to
the tune of some $500 million a year for hooking up to the WWW. This extra cost is partly to blame
for slowing the spread of the Internet in Africa and helping to sustain the “digital divide.” The
continent is being forced by Western companies to pay the full cost of connecting to worldwide
networks, leading to the exploitation of the continent’s young Internet industry. The problem is that
International Telecommunications Union regulations, which should ensure the costs of telephone
calls between Africa and the West are split 50:50, are not being enforced with regard to the Internet.
British Telecom or American Online does not pay a single cent to send E-mail to Africa. The total
cost of any E-mail sent to or received by an Internet user in Africa is paid entirely by African ISPs.
Consequently, the current and latent demand for bandwith in Africa cost about $1 billion a year
(BBC, 2002).
No matter how well it is managed, however, many critics argue that the amount of money
universities are spending on bandwith is inappropriate. They say that universities are worshipping at
the altar of the Internet when the money could be better spent to remedy grossly overcrowded
classes, dilapidated infrastructure, and water and sewer systems that sometimes do not work.
Supporters of spending on bandwith counter by stating that with proper bandwith, an instructor
might be able to teach 10,000 more students through distance learning, as opposed to hiring 24
more professors. They add that bandwith allows, for example, all the courses at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) and other Internet learning resources to be online and adapted to
meet the needs of universities in Africa. It should be mentioned, however, that in addition to its
monetary cost, Internet use has another major cost: i.e. someone in Europe or in the United States
can download 1,000 abstracts in a brief period of time; in Africa, it will take the person two days.
That slows down the process of research and discourages users from relying on the system
(Walker, 2005).
Politics and Bureaucracy
There exist principled objections and bureaucratic pathologies towards the ICT focus within African
educational and political institutions. Some professors just do not believe that distance learning is an
effective educational strategy. Many people do not believe that those who push the ICT focus make
a lot of sense, and others are scared that the technology might take away their jobs (Walker, 2005).
Another major reason why African universities have lagged so far behind in accessing the
Internet has to do with the history of authoritarian and repressive governments on the continent.
Many in the last generation of African leaders viewed mass communications as a security risk. Some
current leaders hold this same view as well, believing that it could be dangerous to allow many
people access to a communications tool like the WWW that is not easily monitored or controlled.
They see them like private radio stations which opposition parties have used as tools to overthrow
governments. As a consequence, many African governments have been very slow to provide the
kind of regulatory and funding assistance taken for granted by universities in developed countries
(Walker, 2005). Endless red tape, lack of clear policy, unreliable power supplies and monopoly by
banks hold back the IT sector. Adding to this is inter-country rivalry for the best contender of an
African Internet hub: it is argued that Nigeria has too much corruption, Senegal is francophone, and
Ghana is not ready yet (Hale, 2003).
Also, wars and military incursions sabotage African universities, which are supposed to be the
places of open inquiry, as they become completely muzzled. In Sierra Leone, for example, the
educational institutions became targets for destruction during its 11-year civil war (Kargbo, 2002). In
Nigeria, the universities came to have the same kind of ethnic and religious intolerance and
corruption that the military bred into the larger society. The result has been people not trusting one
another and being afraid to cooperate on projects or even ask questions. Even with the restoration
of democracy in Nigeria, there has been no concerted and coordinated approach to provide
universities with the necessary technological infrastructure needed for advancement. While in South
Africa, for instance, there are special rates on all kinds of things for educational institutions, in
Nigeria, universities are charged the full commercial rate for telephone and electric services, on
which the government has monopolies. Nigeria has two national telecommunications carries owned
by the government. While both of them have a fiber-optic backbone, none has connected any
university or even asked (Walker, 2005).
Another example of how outdated and uncoordinated Nigerian government regulations continue
to hamper ICT development has to do with bureaucratic pathologies. For example, when computers
and other ICT equipment are sent by overseas donors, they will sit at customs for ten or more
months while the tax on them accumulates with time. Once all that is added together, the donations
tend to make no sense, for they become just as expensive as buying new ones. Even vendors of
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) services who have been quite successful in gaining numerous
customers are worried that eventually the Nigerian government will try to stifle VOIP because it
means the end of the state-owned telecommunications service (Walker, 2005).
In Zambia, where the government has no policy on the use of ICT, the opinion leaders see no
need to entice and educate people on the need to use the Internet and to make the full use of
computers. Some people who have computers just keep them for prestige rather than enhancing
them for the benefit of improving their economic aspect or business. Most politicians are
concentrating on improving agriculture, fighting corruption, diversifying the economy but forgetting
that ICT usage could help to double the effort of achieving economic development that most people
require. A challenge Zambians are facing is that most politicians who speak on their behalf are
ignorant about Internet usage; if they are aware of it, they just know it by virtue of being elected as
members of parliament (Lusaka Information Dispatch, 2003).
Despite the political and bureaucratic malaise, progress is being made. For example, in Uganda,
after much lobbying by universities and other members of the ICT community, the government has
agreed, in principle, to lay fiber-optic cables whenever it builds new roads. Building a road costs $3
million per kilometer, and adding fiber optics would only be an additional $100,000 per kilometer
(Walker, 2005).
Insufficient Training and Personnel
Most people in Africa say they have heard about the Internet, while others say they are ignorant
about its usage (Lusaka Information Dispatch, 2003). Training a new generation in managing and
accessing the Internet is a major issue in Africa. Managing bandwith involves training and cultural
transformations at nearly all universities. Much of the bandwith universities are buying is being
wasted, as it is difficult to prevent students from doing selfish things like downloading videos and
music. Building firewalls and monitoring use on a per-student basis is also required. Universities
must also establish local area networks (LAN) that can be used instead of the more expensive
Internet connections for many activities. For instance, a great deal of the research and materials
which individuals need can be placed on a LAN and shared through it. Better management of LANS
can substantially reduce Internet costs (Walker, 2005).
Unreliability or System Glitches
Many of the ICT systems in African universities are unreliable, either because of power outages, a
modem is broken, or someone did not pay the bill. Hardware systems are “pinged” at African
universities all the time, and many of them run for only four hours a day. Researchers have been
known to wait two days to download a large file and only find out later that the file was corrupted
because online access was interrupted. When this happens several times, some researchers simply
give up (Walker, 2005). Irregular or non-existent electricity supply, high intensity lighting strikes
during the rainy season, and creaking infrastructure are other major barriers to Internet usage,
especially outside the big cities and towns (Lusaka Information Dispatch, 2003; Kargbo, 2002; Hale,
Hopeful Sings on the Horizon
Despite all of the preceding barriers to gaining access to the Internet in Africa, there are hopeful
signs on the horizon. To begin with, there is the “leap-frog” potential of evolving technology, as
ICT is becoming more reliable and easier to use every day. Africa can be one case where the last can
become the first. The technology is changing so rapidly that having had it for a long time is no
longer a significant advantage. One money-saving potential for African users is VOIP, which could
greatly reduce many universities’ telephone bills (Walker, 2005).
Universities are also exploring alternatives such as placing as much information as possible on
virtual libraries. These media have opened university libraries to large populations, making libraries
renewed places in the universities’ lives (Kargbo, 2002; Walker, 2005). Virtual libraries offer one
way of allowing the dissemination of knowledge while still maintaining some measure of control
over its distribution. One virtual library already being used by some African universities is a project
run out of the University of Iowa in the United States called eGranary, which is described as an
“Internet substitute.” Project participants use very large hard drives to store nearly two million
documents that publishers and authors are willing to share. Once the hard drives are installed locally,
users can access the material much faster than trying to use the Internet. These media have
everything from a virtual hospital with thousands of pieces of patient literature to full textbooks.
There are nearly 50 eGranaries installed in sub-Saharan Africa (Walker, 2005).
JSTOR, as I stated earlier, was originally developed and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation and now receives support from Carnegie Corporation, is another organization working
to provide copyrighted scholarly material to African universities. JSTOR started as a way to
electronically store back issues of many scholarly journals so that American university libraries could
free up some shelf space. Eventually, it realized that it had a valuable resource for developing
countries. It has digitized 17 million images of the pages of 400 of the most prestigious journals in
45 different disciplines. Scholars around the world use JSTOR for research. When it comes to
African universities, most of them just do not have enough bandwith to effectively access JSTOR’s
resources (Walker, 2005).
The debate about how to make copyrighted Internet resources available to African scholars has
become prominent in the international controversy over access to information. The Open Access
Movement, a growing collection of intellectuals, academics, personnel at nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) and government officials who believe that knowledge should be free, is
advancing Africa’s case. The movement is calling for owners of copyrights to be more generous in
making information available to African institutions. Universities in developed and developing
countries are battling academic and scientific journal publishers for their regular, substantial
subscription price increases, and their use of bundling, which forces libraries to subscribe to journals
they do not want in order to get the ones they do. Committees in both the British and American
legislatures have passed resolutions demanding that government-sponsored research be available for
free. Responding to the growing pressure, Reed Elsevier, the world’s largest publisher of scientific
journals, for example, announced that authors publishing in its journals would be allowed to post
articles in institutional repositories. Another development favoring the Open Access Movement is
the announcement of Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, that it has reached
an agreement with some of America’s leading university research libraries to begin converting their
holdings into digital files that would be freely searchable over the Internet. In addition, Google’s
competitor, Yahoo, as well as others such as, is in a mad rush to get their shares of the
$12 billion scholarly journal business. Google has developed a separate site called Google Scholar
for academic researchers. These rapid developments may ultimately work to the advantage of
developing nations like those in Africa (Walker, 2005).
An initiative called the Halfway Proposition urges fellow African countries to develop national
exchanges and then interconnect regional ones, as has been done in other parts of the developing
world. This would at least mean that revenues generated from intra-African E-mail will stay in the
continent as opposed to going to Western nations. While no one really know just how much intra-
African traffic exists, it will certainly grow and become significant. And if even only five percent of
the traffic is intra-regional, it would add up to a sizeable amount (BBC, 2002).
The most hopeful sign on the ICT horizon in Africa is the exuberant optimism. Every study or
report that has been done on the continent shows that everyone who works on ICT issues is
optimistic. African universities feel that they have been shut off for so long from the global
knowledge community that they are now hungry and thirsty, and are just full speed ahead (Walker,
2005). Despite the many woes of ICT on the continent, there is the steadfast belief in the potential
of Africa to become a Silicon Valleyesque hi-tech hub. It wants to take a slice of the outsourcing
that has been won by India’s Bangalore and win the foreign investors that have shunned Africa for
so long. And there is certainty that technology must be the way to improved economic prosperity.
When computer fairs are held in Africa, long queues form at the stands. Would-be students wait
patiently to fill out registration forms for computer courses in anything from basic word processing
to diplomas in programming. Some potential students admit afterwards that they have no idea how
or whether they will be able to pay the fees to attend such course, but they, like Africa, are
determined to find a way of using technology to enter the arena of the global economy (Hale, 2003).
Conclusions and Recommendations
Data mining techniques and visualization must play a pivotal role in retrieving substantive electronic
data to study and teach about African phenomena in order to discover unexpected correlations and
causal relationships, and understand structures and patterns in massive data. Data mining is a
process for extracting implicit, nontrivial, previously unknown and potentially useful information
such as knowledge rules, constraints, and regularities from data in massive databases. The goals of
data mining are (a) explanatory—to analyze some observed events, (b) confirmatory—to confirm a
hypothesis, and (c) exploratory—to analyze data for new or unexpected relationships. Typical tasks
for which data mining techniques are often used include clustering, classification, generalization, and
prediction. The most popular methods include decision trees, value prediction, and association rules
often used for classification. Artificial Neural Networks are particularly useful for exploratory
analysis as non-linear clustering and classification techniques. The algorithms used in data mining are
often integrated into Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)—a larger framework that aims at
finding new knowledge from large databases. While data mining deals with transforming data into
information or facts, KDD is a higher-level process using information derived from a data mining
process to turn it into knowledge or integrate it into prior knowledge. In general, KDD stands for
discovering and visualizing the regularities, structures and rules from data, discovering useful
knowledge from data, and for finding new knowledge.
Visualization is a key process in Visual Data Mining (VDM). Visualization techniques can provide
a clearer and more detailed view on different aspects of the data as well as results of automated
mining algorithms. The exploration of relationships between several information objects, which
represent a selection of the information content, is an important task in VDM. Such relations can
either be given explicitly, when being specified in the data, or they can be given implicitly, when the
relationships are the result of an automated mining process: for example, when relationships are
based on the similarity of information objects derived by hierarchical clustering.
Understanding and trust are two major aspects of data visualization. Understanding is
undoubtedly the most fundamental motivation behind visualizing massive data. If scientists
understand what has been discovered from data, then they can trust the data. To help scientists
understand and trust the implicit data discovered and useful knowledge from massive datasets
concerning Africa, it is imperative to present the data in various forms, such as boxplots, scatter
plots, 3-D cubes, data distribution charts, as well as decision trees, association rules, clusters,
outliers, generalized rules, etc.
The software called Crystal Vision is a good tool for visualizing data. It is an easy to use, selfcontained Windows application designed as a platform for multivariate data visualization and
exploration. It is intended to be robust and intuitive. Its features include scatter plot matrix views,
parallel coordinate views, rotating 3-D scatter plot views, density plots, multidimensional grand tours
implemented in all views, stereoscopic capability, saturation brushing, and data editing tools. It has
been used successfully with datasets as high as 20 dimensions and with as many as 500,000
observations (Wegman 2003). Crystal Vision is available at the following Internet site:
In light of all these possibilities, it is imperative that there be on-the-ground commitment on the
part of implementers, as well as university and government authorities, in order to achieve
sustainable ICT in Africa. Only through their participation will the Internet transform the classroom,
change the nature of learning and teaching, and change information seeking, organizing and using
Finally, as I have suggested elsewhere (Bangura, 2005), the provision of education in Africa must
employ ubuntugogy (which I define as the art and science of teaching and learning undergirded by
humanity toward others) to serve as both a given and a task or desideratum for educating students.
Ubuntugogy is undoubtedly part and parcel of the cultural heritage of Africans. Nonetheless, it clearly
needs to be revitalized in the hearts and minds of some Africans. Although compassion, warmth,
understanding, caring, sharing, humanness, etc. are underscored by all the major world orientations,
ubuntu serves as a distinctly African rationale for these ways of relating to others. The concept of ubuntu
gives a distinctly African meaning to, and a reason of motivation for, a positive attitude towards the
other. In light of the calls for an African Renaissance, ubuntugogy urges Africans to be true to their
promotion of peaceful relations and conflict resolution, educational and other developmental
aspirations. We ought never to falsify the cultural reality (life, art, literature) which is the goal of the
student’s study. Thus, we would have to oppose all sorts of simplified or supposedly simplified
approaches and stress instead the methods which will achieve the best possible access to real life,
language and philosophy
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This essay benefitted greatly from the insights of my colleague, Professor Faleh J. Alshameri, albeit
all shortcomings herein lie with me.
About the Author
Abdul Karim Bangura is Professor of Research Methodology and Political Science at Howard
University in Washington, DC, USA. He holds a PhD in Political Science, a PhD in Development
Economics, a PhD in Linguistics, and a PhD in Computer Science. He is the author and
editor/contributor of 57 books and more than 450 scholarly articles. He has served as President,
United Nations Ambassador, and member of many scholarly organizations. He is the winner of
numerous teaching and other scholarly and community awards. He also is fluent in about a dozen
African and six European languages and studying to strengthen his proficiency in Arabic and