MarcStudy tool User guide Knut Hegna University of Oslo Library 4th January 2005 Contents 1 The program 1.1 The start window 1.1.1 Indicators 1.1.2 Examples 1.2 File actions menu 1.3 Record actions . 1.4 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 How to use the program 2.1 Record format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Some notes about what the program does . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 8 3 User interfaces 3.1 The card catalogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The tree structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 4 Added 2005: Handling MAB-records 9 and tag priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 1: The main window (Tag priorities) 1 The program 1.1 The start window and tag priorities The start panel contains three sections (see figure 1), one for each of the entities work, expression and manifestation. The information filled in in the fields decides what information to extract from the MARC records to generate entity identity information. The program starts with a default setting, but you may change this or load your own setting from file. If you want author to be the first sort criteria for works you enter ’100:ah’ in the first field. This means that the program will look for the subfields a and h in the record and concatenate the data separated with one blank. Added 2005: If you want to extract certain parts of a subfields you may add positional information to the subfield code. The subfield code should be followed by a vertical bar (|) and then start and end position separated by a minus (-). The character at the end position is not included in the string. The counting of positions starts with 0. If the end postion is larger than the length of the subfield, you get the rest of the subfield from start position. This logic only works for one subfield at the time. Here are some examples: 245:a|4:999 008:|34-37 1.1.1 from position 5 and out the three characters in positions 35-37 Indicators If you want to restrict the examination to fields with certain indicators, you use the relevant indicators directly after the tag (70011). When using indicators you must always give two. You may use an asterix to indicate that you’ll accept any value of the indicator (700*1 or 7001*). When an indicator should be blank or underscore, use underscore. See examples in table 1. 2 tag/indicator 70011 1001_ 2451* 245** Comment indicator 1 = 1 indicator 2 = 1 indicator 1 = 1 indicator 2 = blank or underscore indicator 1 = 1 indicator 2 = any Don’t use this, use just 245 instead Table 1: Indicators in tag priorities 1.1.2 Examples If you want title to be the second sort criteria, you have several choices: 241 $a (original); 500 $a (sometimes original title here in Norwegian and Finnish records); 248 $h; 240 $a (original/standard title); lastly of course 245 $a (manifestation title). You may enter them all (seperated with blanks) in one tag priorities field, like this 241:a 500:a 505:a 248:h 240:a 245:a If the program finds a 240 field, the others aren’t considered. If it’s not there, the program tries 241:a and so on. In the case of the tags 500 and 505, it is only considered if the $a-subfield contains with one of these texts: Orig.tit.:, Originaltittel: or Originaltitler:, or Alkuteokset: or Romaanin alkuteokset: (Finnish records from a certain period). The original titles usually follows one of these text. At the moment there are 10 tag priorities fields. You may use 099:a to get the language code. This is a special fix to combine information from the two sources (041$a in Fennica, pos. 35-37 in 008 in NBF, or 037 in MAB records). Every identification line will be postfixed with the record id, which indicates the source of the record. 1.2 File actions menu has a number of menu items: • New file set Select this to load several files, one at the time. You will be asked for a new file every time you push the Open-button. End loading by pushing the Cancel-button. If you already have loaded a set of files, this old set will be replaced by another set if you select the menu item again. 3 When you’ve finished loading record files a new window will appear: this contains a sorted list of all the records loaded. Every line represents one work. The information on each line is an extraction of information based on the information given in the Tag priorities-panel. See below to get information on what kind of Marc-files the program accepts. • Add file to set Adds a file of records to the current set. • Save record set You may save all the records currently loaded in MARC line format for printing and further study (use extension ’.lin’). • Save tag priorities Saves the information given in the Tag priorities-panel for later loading. Use whatever extension you find appropriate. • Load tag priorities Well, what do you expect? • Quit Quits the program 1.3 Record actions • Revise work list If you have just added another record set, use this action to revise the work list. • Generate statistics This action generate statistics showing the distribution of expression and manifestations over the works. You’re asked to save the statistics in a file (in LaTeX table format). If you choose not to save the statistics, it is shown in the console window only. First column is number of works, next is number of expressions, next is number of manifestations, then number of records and finally number of records accumulated. 1.4 Other • Change font size The font size of the WEMI and record windows may be adjusted (from 10 to 18 points). • Card interface Presents the works as in a card catalogue (see figure 6). 4 Figure 2: Work identifiers • Tree interface Presents the works as tree structure (see figure 8). • Added 2005: Manifestation format Opens a window with the default presentation format for manifestations. This may be changed to fit your needs. 2 How to use the program To get acquainted with the program, use the default tag priorities. You may make your own later. Remember that you may always resize a window by dragging one of its corners. 1. Extract some records from one of the accepted sources in one of the accepted formats (see below). Save the records in a file with a legal file name extension. 2. Start the program. The main window will appear, see figure 1. 3. Load the file by selecting New file set from tile File actions-menu. Select your file and click Open. When the program asks for another file, just click Cancel. 4. A new window will now appear, see figure 2. In the upper part, the records is represented by a line containing data from the fields in the work profile. The list is sorted. If you select a line, you may click one of the buttons in the lower part of the work window: • Show MARC will show the whole record in a separate window, see figure 3. 5 Figure 3: MARC window 6 Figure 4: Expression identifiers Figure 5: Manifestation identifiers • Show expressions will extract a set of records that all start with the same work information (as the selected line). This record set is now shown in a new window. This time the lines contain data from the fields specified by the expression profile, see figure 4. 5. By selecting a line in the expression window you may get a window showing records by the manifestation profile, in the same fashion as above. 6. If you want to try a new work profile, just change the existing one and select revise work list from the Record action-menu. 7. If you want to try a new expression profile, just change it and press Show expressions in the work window. 8. New manifestation profile? Sorry, no help here :-), you’ll have to guess. 2.1 Record format You may load records from different sources. Please note that the source (origin) of the records must be indicated by the extension of the file name 7 Extension ISO FNB NNB BSY LIN MAB Comments Records exported from the Fennica CD in Marc communications format ISO2709. Example: jansson.iso Records exported in the Marc line format from Fennica or other Finnish sources. Example: jansson.fnb Records exported from NB:BOK in the 0-format. Example: ibsen.nnb Records from BIBSYS gensøk with type format f6. Use the gensøk command to send a hitlist to yourself by email: skriv r=1-1000 p=mail f=f6. Example: ibsen.bsy This extension is used for saving records from the program and then loading them later on. Origin (source) is put in field 000 Added 2005: Records in the German MAB floppy disk format. Table 2: Legal file extensions. (lower or uppercase letters). This is important because it is the only way the program can tell one MARC format from another. Table 2 shows which extensions are accepted. You may merge files of different formats in the same record set. But please note that the program does not accept record files with other extensions than those mentioned in the table. 2.2 Some notes about what the program does • language code is collected from field 008 pos 35-37 in Norwegian records, fom field 008 pos 37-39 in BIBSYS records, from field 041$a in Finnish records. The result is put in the field 011$a • if the program manages to identify one or more translators they are put in the subfield 011$b. • the program removes the comma from 100$a in the Norwegian records. • the program removes the characters [, ], (, ) and . from all data when generating entries. 8 3 User interfaces 3.1 The card catalogue This interface presents a number of cards on the screen with work title as header, see figure 6. You may change the number of cards shown by selecting the Number of cards action in the Options menu. On each card the different expressions are listed with the language code opened and the translator(s) as identified by the program. If the work is manifested in less than 5 manifestations, these are presented directly on the card. You may change this record limit via the Number of records action in the Options menu. If you click on an expression on a acrd a new window will appear. This window contains all the underlying manifestations, see figure 7. The manifesattions window contains a number of buttons of which the following are implemented: • MARC Shows all the records of the manifestations in MARC line format, in a separate window. • Print [not implemented] Prints all the records. • Save [not implemented] Savess all the records to file. • Order [a fake implementation] Fakes an order function, you are asked to select which record you want to order. Nothing else happens. • Close Closes the manifestations window. 3.2 The tree structure This menu item generates a tree structure with the work titles. Opening a branch (a work) will list the expressions as mentioned under the card interface. Clicking an expression opens the same manifestations window mentioned above. 4 Added 2005: Handling MAB-records The MAB records have no subfields and only one indicator. The program puts everything in a subfield with code a and adds a blank second indicator. The characters MAB prefix the 000-field. 9 Figure 6: Card catalogue Figure 7: The manifestations 10 Figure 8: Tree structure catalogue 11